Thanks you forgotten nobody

Thanks you forgotten nobody.

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Pac-Man was just the phone game of its era.

Show some respect zoomer.

Make Pac-Man World remastered you fucking cowards

Is Pac-Man the nicest guy in gaming?

This is something I never thought I'd hear in my lifetime ever. Are you fucking 10? God this generation is dead.

I want a new pacman so badly bros...;_;

Mindless game just like a Candy Crush or whatever. Cope harder.

>meanwhile, in the games

That's literally all games were at the time, you fucking retard. Your options were this or Space Invaders.

this, World 1 is the best game outside of the arcade games and Championship Edition

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I know this. I mean to say arcades in general, not exclusively Pac-Man. Biggest meme era.

wrong its 2

2 is mediocre

I wish smash gave him his butt bounce from world

Jesus wept.

based worldfag

deepest lore

So did they drop the Ghostly Adventures design?

2 is fine faggot, but I would say that 1 has a more distinct identity. The locales in 2 are generic as hell.

Who is they?

The 70s was just the most reddit decade. Everybody on the planet patting themselves on the back.


The Jews

I'm pretty sure the 80s would be the reddit meme decade

Commit suicide at your earliest convenience

wtf Pacman is gay for Clyde

the water levels decreases the game's overall quality immensely

They have a fucking hate boner for American Pac-Man

Seething boomer

Kill yourself

Kid easy with the buzzwords, if you surpass the daily quota your personality will become a caricature


I love that Pac-Man still triggers underage.

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>nicest guy
>vores the small ghosts over and over for his amusement

Reminder that Pac-Man is a bullshit, ugly character and the game was never fun.

t. CoDkiddie

even as a kid I hated it. galaga was way better

Maybe they're into it.

PAC-MAN is still a great game. Very simple to pick up but stupidly addicting. Galaga is better tho

Based beyond what any mortal should be able to be

Galaga is objectively one of the greatest games ever made.

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Pride week is over, corporate brand

Pac-Man would never do this. He straight up murders the final boss of Pac-Man World when he's begging for mercy.

Im so glad that Pac-Man, the fictional sphere who collects pellets and eats ghosts, officially supports the right for men to fuck eachother in the ass. My identity has been affirmed.

Imagine being so obsessed with gay people that any rainbow = homosex to you. Fucking nature and it's gay agenda.

Rainbows don't belong to you, gays.

One of my favorite "Sakurai facts" was him saying if they demanded he use Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man he would have just not added him to the game

life was fun in the 70s, most STD strains had not developed yet and good drugs were at their most potent and accessible

>why has pacman forgotten about me

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>if you fight against your enemy, your enemy wins!

>dude weed lmao XD
kys pl*bbit

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weed was the least potent

my dad constantly tells me how the weed we have now vastly outperforms what he had in his day. i was talking about LSD and mushrooms

No, that's Ky Kiske. He took in a poor orphan girl and then made her a mommy. He's so generous.

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