valve pls stop being a jewish cunt
Valve pls stop being a jewish cunt
Just buy more games, goy.
>only remember this shit when Yea Forums posts about it
there's nothing to spend the coins on except bad badge levels if for whatever reason you you're into that stuff. would have been nice to get some in-game stuff but oh well.
afaik i'll never have an even number anyways if 1EUR equals a dumb cipher like 121 pts, or maybe I just have to spend a shitton just to bring everything to zero (points, tokens, capacity). correct my shitfaced brain if i'm wrong. also general summer sale thread.
this is the first time i browse Yea Forums in at least five years, gimme some slack will you
just get money lol
First time doing this race shit, started late. When do my points reset and I can boost again? IIRC another boosting period should have started but my points didn't reset.
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.
They don't reset. Buy more games to up your point total, goy.
>When do my points reset
oh no he doesnt know
nothing resets. you get 100 capacity every day or more from spending money.
get good faggot
It is more then that, it also counts "partial" dollars and since shit basically always ends its price with .99 you can probably do the math yourself.
The .99 price setting method itself is also trick to both make things look cheaper, but also attempt to make people act "Dumb-Cheap" with trying to evening out the number when making many purchases.
It is why you can legit be better off "wasting money" by ignoring offers and promotional shit, No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
If you got cucked by the initial gift then just do your daily boost for raffle and then ignore the event outside of games you actually want to buy to play them, this isn't rocket science.
>tfw team cock
please let me switch
Goddammit. Then's whats the fucking point of doing this shit if it doesn't reset? I'm not buying shit just to get more $5 discounts.
they reset my exploited level 20k and the csgo key market crashed because of the buy/sell method for nearly free boost/tokens
theres nothing left for me in this event
Fuck off reddit
They don't reset but you get 100 "new" points every day, which is enough for a boost, so you can still participate in the race enough to apply for the raffle, but those Team placements? That is all up to the whales unless it is FUCKING RIGGED like a different team yells every day.
It literally is rigged by reddit from day one
I got autobalanced to Team Pig. Going from 2nd to last team to actual last team is real fuckin shit
And Day 4 Reddit yelled it was rigged against them. As said, different team yells it every day, the Cocks yelled it was rigged against THEM because their leaked Modifier was as low as that of Corgi, Early on i also recall Hares yelling that the race would be rigged against them by Valve because of the fable and that is going into the fun fun little "Inversion".
I guess the raffle isn't that bad, but the 100 new points didn't even show up for me yet. WTF is this event?
Sorry bro, you said you wanted the Cock, so now you gotta be the bottom, if you wanna be a Switch you need to prove to Gabe you are willing to give It, with the It being your money.
It varies how long until you get it, a few days ago it got it within a hour of the race start, today it took like 3 hours after race start.
Consistent this Event is not.
Why the fuck do you care about getting one more 4 cent steam emoticon?
Anyone else still not gotten their 100 points for today?
damn it's really thought to be as jewish as possible isn't it my fellow reddit spacer
Ridiculous how many people care about some bullshit event that has a minuscule chance to net you a free game just because it is competitive.
All those "journalists" screeching about it have even less of an excuse.
>get good at giving jews money
the absolute state of 4reddit
I haven't even gotten my daily capacity increase for today. Team cockatiel by the way.
Yeah. What team are you on?
hahahahahah what? how do you get autobalanced?
Reminder to slow down cock gobblers whenever you get the slow bonus
i only got the slow attack once in the entire sale.
Hare. Didn't get yours?
Did one just for you, user.
>i'll never have an even number anyways if 1EUR equals a dumb cipher like 121 pts
would you be happier if they valued the € equal to $, like most AAA publishers do, greed cunts that they are?
based weeb
steam is breaking again with everyone back to level 0 lol
good goy, make sure you spend more money so you can get an even 15000 coins for that special $5 coupon
Good times, 1 year before MGSV releasing, the daily STANDING threads...
damn what a sexy looking thicc boi
2014 was still shit, nothing has changed. god why am i still here
I guess it's not really "auto", but I gave into the the "switch teams" option after a few days of not wanting to, since I wanted to get my cap up. Turns out it was exactly as much of a trap option as I figured.
How many tokens do you get per dollar spent?
I have spent a total of $25 so far.
It's written on the grand prix page, I have in in eur so i don't know if it's balanced the same way for your currency
I haven't bought anything yet, but I don't believe you gain any tokens per dollar spent. Going off USD, for every $1 you spend, you increase your max point cap by 100. As far as I know, you only gain tokens by redeeming those points through boosts (or carrying over from the Lunar event), and I'm not sure what the rate is for points:tokens. My best guess is 1:1, but I keep forgetting to keep track.
I've boosted 2,5k points
can I boost again tomorrow? still not sure how it works. I thought boosting drains 1000 points but some people say it drains 100. Is 100 just the minimum then? Have I just done 2 big 1k boosts and 1 boost for 500?
I also did the game achievement thing. I picked a game with only 25 achievements unlocked because I didn't want to waste points. Do I idle another game tomorrow?
You could get that discount easily on day 1 of this shit game before they nerfed it
It feels nice to not be part of Steam's ecosystem.
Each boost is 1000 points max. You get 100 points for free each day. Spending money lets you get more points.