Smash Bros' community of grown men

bully a 15 year old for winning a baby game. Grown men who still haven't figured out general hygiene. eSports (lol) literally exist to get small children to interact with one another, not to give grown men a place to behave like they are the alpha male they wish they were.

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They will never pass lmao


Based as fuck.

>My personality is an anime character and a dog

>scared of showers
>beaten by little girls

kek, what a community

Girl can pass if she changes her voice.

Didnt read. Is it an actual girl or a fake one?

It is masquerading(poorly) as the female sex.

Dont care so. I would have felt bad for them if it was a real girl.


A guy would have gotten the same abuse but had a backbone.

Women and girls have a constant victim mentality. And modern media embraces and enforces this on them so they see themselves as victims if anyone so much as sneers in their direction.

Putting up with bullshit instead of being upset about bullshit makes you weak and only empowers the bullshitters. I have far more respect for entitled people than for enduring people.

in the future they'll invent artificially made vaginas and voice modulators

sooner or later they'll pass, just not for the next 50 years or so


Remember the old rule "there are no girls on the internet"? It's now more relevant than ever. It's more likely that any self-proclaimed "girl" will be a man in a dress unless proven otherwise.

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No matter how good they look the voice is always disturbing

I'd hit it

would you Yea Forums?

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>31.4k Tweets
And I thought I had no life.

>everything about this twitter

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Why is it always Trannies that post every little thing on twitter? It's always Trannies/Other LGBT People that spend their days in the White Void, I've noticed it for a while and it's always there every time I see one of them.

lol fuck off bocchi

>man wins tournament
>use to push grrrl power
Do you do the same when a queer wins a female triathlon? No, and you won't do that here.


If your gonna play a video game at a competitive level, be 15, main a low tier, be successful at it while being a trans there is no way in hell your not asking for attention.

Its just once you get it it can be kinda scary. I don't really want the community to change but I would like people of this nature to grow a thicker skin. I hate him and he is a piece of shit but look at sonicfox, he is a degenerate gay nigga and he does is bring in success and money.

If your gonna be mentally ill at least turn it into tournament dollars and a upbeat attitude. Trannies are only capable of playing the victim card and need to man the fuck up if they wanna continue being fucking gross.

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>autistic smash players REEE at 15 y/o girl beating a top player
>tekken players cheer and give positive support when 16 y/o girl wins a tournament and gets a trip to CEO
Nice scene you have there.

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