ITT: Vidya characters who literally did nothing wrong.
ITT: Vidya characters who literally did nothing wrong
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supah mario baby
Genuinely did nothing wrong
Now i will buy your game
who is this and what are the horrible horrible things that she totally didn't do?
god damn faggot murderer did everything wrong and has the worst most fedora song
not were near enough scenes with this version of her
>the horde discovers azerite
>the alliance notices and tries to take the source for weaponry before the horde does
>sylvanas burns Teldrassil in response for the azerite in darkshore
>the alliance gets mad
>le morally incorrect
>the alliance tries to take back Lordaeron by force
>sylvanas floods it with blight weaponry after apparent victory
>more alliance screeching
>alliance directly attacks zuldazar
>sylvanas turns derek proudmoore forsaken as retaliation
>all of her atrocities have been in response to the alliances attacks, and the horde would be gutted if it weren't for her, but everyone sides with Saurfang because le honor and moral high ground
he killed his dead girlfriends mom for no reason
she wanted to escape for the most selfish reason of anyone in the game, even incest man had a better motive
How was her motive selfish? She saw how fucked the outside world was and knew her inventions could help them.
she just wanted to show off her shit, she didn't even know the world was completely fucked at that point that happens after trial 4.
>Horde discovers Azerite
>Sylvanas reasons that once the Alliance discovers the potential of Azerite war will be inevitable and strikes first
>Sieges Teldrassil under the pre-tense that holding the city hostage will prevent total war while they harvest Azerite
>Burns the entire city, killing mostly civilians
>Ensures that total war is the only possible outcome
>Horde surrenders its advantage, Alliance not only harvesting Azerite but now filled with vengeance
>Creates schism in Horde leadership through repeated tactics which offends Orcish and Tauren sense of honor, which make up the majority of the Horde's forces
>Be annoying magical girl mascot
>Need someone to come to homeworld and fight on my behalf, which is essentially the same as dying
>Need to find someone who nobody will miss
>Locate smelly fugly girl who sucks at school, has no talents, and is a neet in the making, but she emanates ridiculously strong emotions
>Get her to agree to become a magical girl
>Haha, sucker
>Give her the powers of a literal god
>Wait, what, no, what are you doing, stahp
>She kills everyone
>Turns out those emotions are hatred toward literally everyone and everything in this world
>Fuck, need to make another magical girl to stop her
>Locate a classmate of hers who is surprisingly not dead
>She's the neet's polar opposite: popular, smart, attractive, well-endowed, and good at everything
>She's also secretly gay for the neet girl
>How can this possibly go wrong
I love how Japan's idea of making an ugly girl is taking someone who is easily a 9/10, and giving them messy hair.
Being an olympic champ does not give you grounds to physically abuse your players and sexually abuse female students, let alone drive one to suicide by probably rape.
Nyarlathotep was cheating his bet big time.
Godot could have done a million things, but he chose the most petty and revenge-filled one.
She wanted to kill everyone just so she could escape by virtue of being the only one left. Is also worst girl and even Tulpaman and Tsumugi could be considered better human beings than her.
Wanting to kill people who ruined your life is still wrong, wasn't even killed by a person to justify it.
Killed a bunch of innocent people just to suck up to daddy, didn't have the brain cells to put one and one together and realize he's disposable to Shido too
She did everything wrong, though.
I want to brush her shark teeth
There is literally nothing wrong with murdering the people who scapegoated you and falsely imprisoned you in order to get you wrongfully convicted and deprived of most of your life.
>Leaving her allies to die because she was too much of a pussy to fight Armstrong
Seems pretty wrong to me.
so you're saying her plan all along was to get Thrall to stop being a faggot and back into a leadership position by committing enough atrocities that even green jesus's lazy ass couldn't ignore them any longer?
user, this thread is for people who did nothing wrong, not people who did everything wrong. Marche literally destroyed all of his friends happiness for selfish reasons.
She got cheated.
She's just mentally challenged
>he killed his dead girlfriends mom for no reason
self defense
bitch tried to kill his dead girlfriend sister
which wouldn't have happened if he had revealed the plot which he knew about for fucking months
>Two futa scenes
>Both give Rinne the dick instead of having the other girl grow a dick and fuck Rinne
At least it was something, but come on.
I didn't see the count of Monte Cristo there.
he didnt knew shit about ghosts
she killed two people because she wanted to be a millionare vampire princess are you fucking kidding me
Probably the most debatable of them, but he still could have chosen not to fight the nation who just lost their leader, especially when they were commanded by her younger siblings. Still the one good story moment in Awakening.
She encouraged someone to kill for absurdly selfish and petty reasons and then immediately proceeded to kill him back, and attempted to pin it all on an innocent third party.
But he let it get to that point and even admits the moment he realized it was Dahlia he wanted to kill purely out of revenge, self defense just happened to be a coincidence.
In Azura's case it's less about what she did wrong and more about what Fire Emblem Fates as a whole did wrong, because that game did a fuckton wrong.
>he still could have chosen not to fight
I think he outright says he has to fight or he risks an extremely high chance of him and his family being executed.
one of the biggest brainlets in the entire series, she killed 2 fucking people because she wanted to live in a european mansion with man servants dressed like vampires.
Don't act like the detectives weren't holding him in that interrogation room unlawfully. They were trying to coerce yomiel into a confession when he didn't do jack shit.
It's been a while since I've played Awakening. Mustafa has still done the least wrong out of anyone posted in this thread.
>unlawfully forced into an interrogation
>stuck hanging around Earth for years with no company
>betrayed by the only people you thought you could trust and thought would help you
If I were him I'd be pissed too.
Should've kept reading.
Here's the screenshot.
He is made even better by the fact that in Ricken and Henry's B-Support, Henry says how nice of a guy Mustafa was when he was alive.