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Other urls found in this thread:


>expansion comes out less than a week ago
>jannies think that is enough time to shelv the game to /vg/

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>you use his axe
>then you watch it disappear
I'm cry

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>Azim Steppe

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Will there ever be a piece of in game music greater than this beast?


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Watch as Classic is allowed to have 10 threads up simultaneously with 9/10 only talking about twitch streamers

Do you think he gives a shit? It's an MMO that's not WoW, it can't be allowed to be discussed, ever

No it doesnt KH turd, you literally hold to attack in 7r the same as in XV or you can tap instead, also XV had far more KH2 devs on it than 7r does and XV also had the actual battle director and planning director from KH1 and KH2 on it for its enemy combat

>Replying to Barry.

I will say that despite how much of a letdown The Lochs and Ala Mhigo were, their music was good.

Miner to 80 today and then starts crafting hell.

>Is it better than Chains of Promathia?
I've seen a lot of former XI players say definitely yes. Dunno if it's true though. Didn't play XI.

I like The Lochs OST too

He's inside us, that's why our soul was repaired.

Barry is based

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>I got Ardbert inside of me before Lamimi did

Do you think the other staff are mad at her because they don't know how they'll top Kinobringers in 2 years time?

>we wont see him again on cinematic trailers

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I'm in the crafting hell and honestly it ain't that bad. Feels like the shb leves and collectables give a shit ton of exp. I'm not looking forward to melding the 80 gear or leveling fisher.

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The cinematic WoL represents us the player, it's not Ardbert.

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Every zone in Shadowbringers. Tempest blows it away and that's my favorite SB song.

He was never in the trailers.

>alchemist questline
Huh, I recognized everything else as having a similar style of writing, but I can't even remember the alch questline and that's the only crafter I leveled in ARR.

I feel sorry for him on so many levels

>fanta to a bun
>im over twice as tall as alphinaud

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Yeah, I noticed it with deliveries where it gives you around 80% of level.

It's the one where your alchemist mentor is trying to resurrect his dead wife/girlfriend(?) I forgot.

>That's him. That's janny.

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>the entire expansion is better than stormblood in every single way
Why couldn't we have had this quality in SB?

I'm sure that applies if it is the only way around

did anyone get a screengrab at the end of the Amaurot dungeon of Emet-Selch crossing his arms and saying something along the lines of "you are a disappointment"

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Has the Wardens' Light won free!?

Different writers

>too soon
It's been a century, user.

There already is. Both versions of the Tempest.

Gathering was piss easy. Collectibles are the only thing needed and you can easily get to 80 in 1-2 days tops.

Crafting though. Is collectibles leveling easy? Or will it be a supplement and leves are the primary way?

Early expansion Market Board PVP is great fun.

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what are your expectations for the nier raid?

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Different writer. I'm not jealous of that person at all right now really.

Classic is different. Classic is home.


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Did you just create another ff14 thread?

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Collectibles are kinda meh. Leves are the way to go for crafting

So Eden is going to be something Emet conjured by accident on accident and probably wasn't even aware of, and by investigating it, the WoL is going to create their own fights using the same method as the ascians created everything?

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Okabe and Soken causing the Flood of Light to happen in the real world.

collectables for crafting are more for tomes than exp. unless you have literally zero leves, levegquests are the best way to level any craft at any level

Shit because they won't allow yoko taro to do his typical fucked up shit

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No. Why? They're not Yea Forums. We probably see more of her. Or maybe others will try to step up their game

Pretty much. They said in the live letter that Eden would involve WoL's 'imagination'.

this one?

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Given how fucking grim ShB was I expect Taro to be off the fucking leash here. Take that as you will. What I'm taking are bets on who survives and "fucking nobody" is a valid bet.

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cute robots and more suffering

Ah fuck. Well I've been doing the dailies anyway so I at least have almost all crafts at 72-73. If leves, how many can be used per crafter up til 80? Please don't tell me all 100 for 1 crafter.

is there an aetherflow dump at 80? This excess stack situation feels so counterintuitive

You seem tired, user. Pray return to the pendants and have a rest!

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Wasn't that the main writer? It's always been a bit confusing to me what he actually does besides cook up backstory. Is it any main story that isn't specifically handled by someone else?

I can tell you haven't played this game.

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I wonder how it will unfold, though? Will we get more references like in Alphascape or will the WoL conjur up more powerful memories of foes they've already slain?

>just when you thought that Journey's Head storyline would be the peak of depression

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Well all we know that Eden is MSQ story-based. And that in itself is good.

Not anymore. Hope they fix it in 5.1.

She supervised SB tho. But honestly ShB setting is just interesting. Pure fantasy. I hope they will add more "fantasy" in Eorzea too.

>trying to spam sirensong on GNB to get this shit to 80 already
>no one else is spamming it
bros i dont want to go back to hoh

No, but it's in that scene. I remember him crossing his arms and smugly turning his head with closed eyes.

Banri Oda took the lead for Stormblood. He's the main lore writer but became main scenario writer because the HW writer went to work on the secret other project in Yoshida's division. ShB's writer is Natsuko Ishikawa who did the DRK and Coil storylines.

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Yes, mother.

You must suffer as I have suffered

>Story keeps getting darker and darker with every quest without seeming overly edgy or grimdark
How did Ishikawa do it?

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>Krile outfit is going to be added to mog station

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>crossing his arms and smugly turning his head with closed eyes
But user that's him in every scene.

>She supervised SB tho.
Miyazaki supervised Dark Souls II and still it was shit. SB is good. Just not great. Now that Ishikawa actually is the one writing for ShB, just look at the difference.

When Lyna's voice cracks, I almost cried

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>main story roulettes are part of duty finder society, but they must be fed with cutscenes. cid's cutscenes.

>hug alphiinaud
>his face is in your buni cuni
>have to pick him up or sit down to be face to face
its perfect

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I'm expecting a fucked up rhythm game as the last boss, and if a single person fucks up once it's an instant wipe

>25 players in queue
>must be a fake queue, hit cancel and try again
>no retard, there are actually 25 players in queue
what the fuggg

i'm not sure the exact number, but I got all my interested crafters to 72 with 10 or less leves. i used the crystarium quests to boost the ones i don't like.

mind you, this is just with the level 71 set of nq gear including weapons, and some accessories i bought on the MB, with minimal materia i had laying around, and i had no issue hqing with nq mats, and i hadn't crafted seriously since HW

>look at party finder for EX trials
>they all say you have to have watched a video and know what you're doing
The expansion JUST came out come on now. I finally hit the level cap in this game and I want to do stuff ;_;

Bro, what do you mean you didn't get your clear before EA ended?

What's his endgame?

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So we can blame him for that war crime. They should just put her in charge of story.

Create a practice party and find like minded people.

>Okabe and Soken together
>Taro MAYBE unsupervised
Can you fucking imagine that shit? Holy fuck.



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>males still crying they can't crossdress

Take a guess.

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Why is ishikawa such a good fucking writer? What has she done beside xiv?

hi is the last competent ascian

Create one yourself and say fresh learning

I see. Well I'm taking a small break anyway after the MSQ. Still reeling over the excitement of it.

Here's a gift for you.



Don't forget there's this stuff in the zone files for that CS.

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>ea see fate parties and people going around doing them
>after EA fates are dead again

I curious about next expansion. Since best stories have "roller-coaster" pattern next expac probably will be more "grounded". But who knows.

Then watch a video or create your own blind prog party. The party finder is free, you know.

Lots of things are better than COP.
COP was a SHIT expansion for like a full year before they fixed it.

1) No new jobs.
2) New areas were locked behind insanely difficult level 30 locked content, with NO OPTION TO SYNC. You went in at 30, higher level jobs were not allowed. Didn't have a set of Level 30 equipment? Fuck you.

3) Required 4 boss fights that required 1 week waits between them to craft items that made the bosses possible for any job that wasn't a full party of Summoners or Ninjas.
Summoners enter the fight, all pop 2HR and blast the boss to shit in 15 seconds.
Ninjas all chug reraisers, attack the boss, then cast their 2Hr when they get low on HP, then reraise without weakness and go back to attacking. They took a little longer, but it was foolproof. If the boss uses his 2hr, everyone with a reraise uses theirs first so it whiffs.

It's an outfit that is totally unisex. give me a cat hood.

Who...what are you?

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Probably nothing. Just like Soken and Yoshida, a lot of XIV's team are literal whos that ended up being the saviors of SE. Yoshida specifically was put on XIV because they expected it to fail again and didn't want to lose anyone important.

>sent out to die by the head execs
>end up saving the entire fucking company
How much sway and pull does Yoshi have over the big wigs after this chaos?

He's on the board of directors now.

>Everyone joking about about mystery niggas before the expansion release.
>We actually got mystery niggas

Wasn't she an artist at SE and did some small writing at first for XIV?

What is that shit? Kinda remind me of secret boss in older FF

IIRC they put him on the board of directors after his success

I just got the Innocence card for triple triad. How does that make (You) feel?

Eden from FF8

Probably as much as Itsuno has at Capcom.

We really are Shadowbringers: Mystery Niggas

Stand tall, my friend
May all of the dark lost inside you find light again
In time, tumbling, turning, we seek amends
Eternal Winds to the land, we send
Our journey will never end

From those who've fallen, to those who rise
A prayer to keep us ever by your side
An undying promise that we just might
Carry on, in a song

Pray don't forget us, your bygone kin
With one world's end as a new begin
And should our souls scatter unto the wind
Still we shall live on

Stand tall, my friend
May all of the dark deep inside you find light again
This time, tumbling, turning, we make amends
Eternal Winds from the land, ascend
Here to lift us that we won't end

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The flying thing is the titular Eden.

Attached: Eden-FFVIII.png (300x300, 72K)

Pretty much all of the memes ended up coming true in some way

>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>F tier


>tfw no Emet-Selch card

i must be a fucking prophet for spending months posting this

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the first dungeon is a literal pirate rape cave. and lets not forget the rappe catte in the arcanist questline

I'm fucking glad, while it might look hilarious on lionmans and male roes, it would look horrible on catboys and probably every other male race
Playing other MMO where they made most outfits unisex, sickens me out to see male characters trying to play as "traps" but they don't seem to accept male models make them look hideous while trying to pass as "feminine chracters"
Like come the fuck on, player models on that game have broad shoulders

>Hate Lalafells since ARR
>Ended up liking the Dwarves after doing their quests
How did they do it?

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>Everyone joking about Vauthry being a NTR doujin character
>He actually has mindbreak powers

He's literally in charge of final fantasy as a franchise now


DRG or SAM bros

Needs to be edited with Amaurotines now.

There's gotta be a better way

I wasn't even shitposting when I was shilling G'raha, but it was still funny as hell.

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>SMN not even on the list

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WAR because it's WAR


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>A tier

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Did Cylva die or did she take up a fake name and became a waitress?

>my boy emet selch is dead
>my boy zenos is back
i don't know how to feel about this turn of events

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Dont worry whm main you might be viable this time if they make a fight that is literally impossible for sch/ast to heal.

Lalafells are pedobaits

Dwarves are classic FF from the first game


I see, never played FFVIII. Give me some redpill.

Bro you realize they put him on the Board of Directors and is now the head of Final Fantasy as a franchise

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Pld as always. Hallowed ground for speedrun maximus

Go back to Source fag.

top 10 kino moments in vidya

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The mercenary schools in FF8 are called Gardens, and they're futuristic flying fortresses. The ultimate summon is Eden, a Garden that comes from future and warps spacetime to blow things up.

other 9 all from the same game


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>final quest reward is wind up graha tia so you can walk around spoiling the exarchs identity for people

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>Shoot him
>he just stares at me
So did they have this all planned from HW you think, or did they come up with the idea afterwards?

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I finally healed a level 80 gnb for the first time and it felt like absolute shit compared to the other tanks. Not sure how much of that had to do with him being retarded since he clearly was after seeing him with every single tomestone accessory but none of the armor.

You might be into something.
Most lala npcs act like children while dwarves drink booze and offend everyone every time they open their mouthes.

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>reach 80
>do the dungeons and EX trials
i love the game but i hate how they pad expansion content super thin throughout the expansion


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Papalymo's Final Witness

Anyone who isn't retarded already knew who he was. Emet-Selch even gives the same fucking reasoning everyone else called it months ago with. To control the Crystal Tower you need the Allagan blood and there's only one individual with it.

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>Excited for SB to come out, can't wait to see what Ala Mhigo looks like and to fuck up some Garlean fags
>Just kidding here's weeb trash for the majority of the story, also weeb city your hub instead of ala mhigo, have fun :^)

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Wtf was the final boss of that final dungeon?

Is Cthlulu going to be the next big bad after the Ascians?

Damn can't decide between MNK and NIN. NIN opener is great but I like sustain dps classic MNK too. SSS animation (pvp) looks great

I see, looking forward to it.

>Most lala npcs act like children
Have you never been to Ul'dah or Costa del Sol?

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yeah but theres still retards who vehemently said it wasn't him

also what was the point of you being able to ask him if he was graha tia when you met him at the start and him say no?
that just seemed retarded when he then comes out and says he is later as if its a shock

>When WoL figures it out themself 5 minutes into the game

Pretty much. I'll try the normal raids then I'll probably quit for a year or so

Those who were tempered by Zodiark became abominations after him.

There are somehow still people that haven't done the Crystal Tower quests, so it is a spoiler for them

I said most not every.

delet this

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Admit it Yea Forums. You didn't expect her to be a good character didn't you.

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Swap AST and SCH and this works. AST is so bad. Less damage, more mp issues, worse healing than SCH

It's not a spoiler for them if they have no idea who the guy is.

That option only pops up if you did crystal tower.

I want to commit a crime

>returning the night sky for the first time
>"His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend."
>"Please let this work, just this once!"
>"I could've sworn the end was in sight, an now...now they will never live to see it"
>'To my beloved Magnus and Skuli'
>The whole Thancred instance
>The reveal that Vauthry had his chance of a normal life taken from him before he was even born
>Call him by His name
>Your actions on the source being a huge inspiration to Graha, and everyone in general, that he would sacrifice himself to save you
>Everything involving the final arc of the game
>"Remeber...that we once lived"
>Tis good to see you awake, Graha
More like tearbringers

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absolutely based

every shadowbringers track that isn't the battle theme

trying going to talk to the Exarch with the minion in tow

>took 3 tries to remake ff14
>its still shit

The Amaurotites were creating shit straight out of their nightmares. That was just one of the most horrific things someone spawned.

I'm sure it was planned
If you already beat 5.0 then .. remember the mask? did you know that if you start on gridania, the item they give you is a mask?

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Shouldn't you be grinding to unlock a new race right now?

This really was the peak of XIV and I don't see how they can top it next expansion. It was perfect.

>in-game grinding event for a month and a half that is most easily ground out by running Syrcus Tower over and over
>multiple patch updates reminding players to just talk to Quattro Nero in Mor Dhona and update the quest if they somehow didn't get it done before 4.1
>people still fucking losing their shit when I say the Exarch pretty obviously has a male cat body in FC chat

yoshida was on DQ10 you idiot that's why he was put to fix ff14 but he just reskinned wow instead

i thought women were stupid and shallow, wtf bros

DRG or NIN, which one is more fun bros

why yes i cried at the end of the thancred instance and when emet told me to remember the ascians, how did you know?

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Still too soon for us.

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You're forgetting:
>the people from G'raha's timeline all retelling tales of your adventures to bring them warmth as they suffer through the calamity
>everyone in that future refers to you as a hero
>G'raha crying because he was still remembered by his hero
>Ardbert telling you that if he could see his friends one more time he wouldn't stop talking
>"For my partner in crime"

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>Elidibus rescues Unukulhai from 13th before it's flooded by dark
>He gives him white robe and a mask becuase that's something an ascian child would wear

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Has anyone uploaded the new cutscene feels music?

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A lot of this has been planned since 1.0 according to Yoshi. He said it's finally time to finish the story they began back then.

King's honor, friend.

They have one chance to turn Elidibus from a retarded jobber to top tier schemer and I hope they don't fucking blow it.

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What do I level next bros? Going to go for GNB first then I have no idea after that.

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>Doesn't even have the best job this expansion unlocked
Nigger u srs

DNC or BRD, since you'll already have some gear for them

They're even gonna let him influence mechanics.


More sadness and suffering.

>Glad to see you awake
im tearing up now thinking about it, fucking amazing story

That fucking bullshit doesn't matter this expansion is fucking garbage cause of Y'shtola's scenes with Urianger and Runar it's fucking shit. Y'shtola needs more scenes with WoL. Fucking piece of shit expansion.

Is it worth doubling up on roles like that?

Even then, the battle theme is quite good, if a little intrusive at times. I'm thankful it's possible to turn it off.

What do you mean? He has DRG unlocked.

DRG is still a pretty static 8 button rotation with oGCDs and oGCD procs, but they have flanking positionals and jumps so you have extra shit to do
NIN is a typewriter class

It's definitely Ascian based seeing as Quetzacoatl is a boss in the Akademia.


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It's fucking shit. WoL needs more fucking scenes with Y'shtola. Hated this fucking expac.

Trying too hard.

>thinking yashtola was ever for you
Baited waifucuck

Considering the threat that necessitated the summoning of Zodiark was described as a screeching noise that drove the world to madness, it's sounding a lot like the Watchers from Drakengard or U-DO

alphinaud/alisaie are the designated love interests, sorry cuck


What the fuck are you talking bout why shouldn't she be. They had the fucking Valentine's day shit now they fucking pull this shit. Trash.

>WAR bellow DRK

How do you dodge the floor trap not!Alexander lays down when tanking? He kept setting it directly under me, how do I avoid that?

>Let Taro influence mechanics
We are so fucked aren't we.

so what was the shit about the book of heavensward? Setups for further time travelling hijinx?

>this is the 14th member of the council, the most powerful Ascian to ever exist, and Hydaeyn's summoner
What do?

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my man

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Just beat it

Excellent excellent expansion, XIV is something quite special now to me

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Don't be in front of him while he's casting.

You say that but there's nothing stopping fucking cuck writers from giving alisaie some new npc shitter boyfriend next expac. Admit it.

Are you guys ready for HACKING MINIGAMES?

she took the knot, sucks to be a literal cuck doesnt it

It's just the future where the 8th calamity happened nigga.

All the story Rothgar characters were fucking great, Magnus and Runar especially.

Not even 1 week and the game is already finished with EX on farm, pffhahaha

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DRK or GNB, i can't decide which to level first.

Specifically to be a misdirection for people who already did the tower story. There are a few others scattered around: on a number of occasions characters say things that cast him in a more negative light or seem designed to encourage you to question his honesty, which it turns out was partly valid. G'raha himself was committed to lying about his real motive and plan to the point of death.

Actually thank you for bringing that up, because Y'shtola giggling to herself, saying she was reckless again is the best characterization she has had in 6 years

Runar is a fucking piece of shit he better fucking die next patch. Fucking trash character.

>most powerful ascian
no? There wasn't anything special about the 14th member

Fuck you stupid cat

Attached: file.png (200x205, 71K)

basically everyone had a valentines event
Lyse got one but she's getting BLACKED by raubahn while he thinks about how much he'd rather be cuddling nanamo, yugiri got one while she's autistically trying to get hien to notice her, the rest i cant remember but w/e

Someone shop this as an album cover already. Put in a tracklist as well.

Which cast is it? I saw Defensive was the one that sets them at the arena edges, but didn't see which the other was.

I just finished as well. That concept art in the credits made me regret not going through the story on DRK.
I just couldn't stomach the changes.

She should've fucking done that with WoL not some npc shitters. It's fucking stupid.

Get fucked you faggot fuck.

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>pull slutcat out of lifestream again
>don't fix her eyes

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Considering you took down another, complete, council member with only 9/14ths of your soul: You're by far the strongest.

Anyone know DRK's opener?

Y'shtola literally never had any romantic subtext with (You)
every line alisaie says she's desparately trying to stop herself from ripping (You)r clothes off and making (You) nut inside her
learn to read subtext you fucking autistic nigger

>Unexplained threat that came out of nowhere
>Caused the Ascian downfall by inflicting despair upon them which made them go mad and create horrible monsters
>Elidibus is probably connected to it
>At some point we'll have to discover whatever caused it
>Loads of FFIX references in Shadowbringers AKA the Ascian expansion
>Emet's real name is Hades
>In FFIX Hades was planned to be the final boss
>YFW Necron is the ultimate threat and final boss of Final Fantasy XIV

Attached: Necron.png (837x576, 776K)

Is he...dare I say... Redpilled?

Attached: unknown.png (399x400, 237K)

>I just couldn't stomach the changes.
You're a fucking retard. Coming from someone who changed the second heavenward was available and never stopped.

5 bloodspillers

Man I can't believe yoshi lined up all the shtolafags and just executed them right there, what a crazy motherfucker

We were jacked up on light and had 8 other WoL's helping us

Bullshit Y'shtola did in the fucking Valentine's day video dumbass. Squeenix fucking hack trash cuck writers pulling this shit now it's fucking shit. What makes you think they won't fucking do the same thing to Alisaie later.

Y'shtola is getting BARBED and there's nothing you can do about it

>clear for friend who knows all mechanics then farm

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Don't worry, we're Dalmud Tier.
They won't see us until the next Umbral Catastrophy.

Edge of Shadow -> Delirium -> Bloodsplitters?
I'm a retard and thought Fray does more damage the more you do. So I was keeping delirium open for fray lol.

He had the fragments of 58 other ascians in phase 2, user.

Not retard enough to enjoy hitting bloodspiller 12 times in a row, sorry bro.

Please stop trying to hard.

>humanoid being with tapered legs, two wings and a ring that floats between them
>both zodiark and hydelyn are depicted as such beings
>and so is necron
wait no

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At least Feo and Alisaie are for WoL

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So are these events or they just a raid?

Lyse did and she barely cares about you beyond being the muscle, Yugiri did and she's desparately lusting after hien's tiananmen square dong. Stop being a fucking nigger

I made an alt an Balmung a while back to play with friends and this is literally going to be me doing endgame content after I do it first on my Primal main

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I wouldn't be mad if I didn't care about the fucking game. What do you mean trying too hard.

Game came out officially yesterday and already a slew of "must have watched vid". Did people just stop trying at all and expect to be spoon fed in every fucking way?

So WoL will need to die together with Elidibus so that the taint of the Ascians will be gone for good, right?

Why not just join a clear party on your alt like a normal person?

Convergence between the "real world" and Hydaelyn, where Red Eye tries to invade Eorzea with Legion, and Accord brings YoRHa androids from the future to help repel them

alliance raid like crystal tower, void arc, ect

Ok and? That still doesn't make us the strongest when we need all these steroids and help to take down the man of many masks

I'm fucking saying you should prepare for this shit cause the writer is a fucking retarded cuck fetishist. It's fucking shit. You think Alisaie and Feo Ul like WoL now but the fucking piece of shit writer cucks can change that whenever they want.

>The story is better than any single player FF

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You don't care about the game.
You care about powering your JO stone by whacking it to one of the biggest sluts in the franchise.
And now you're getting mad because you no longer can harness JO power because your waifu (who didn't even show that she's your waifu) is getting railed by lion cock.
Pathetic, familia.

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How hard are the ex primals? Still grinding for full 440 gear before I walk in.

>being a waifufag in Husbando Fantasy XIV

Provide one example of Y'shtola having romantic subtext with (You) beyond the valentines video where every major character did.
Literally just one. If you're so mad, it's obviously because they just ignored all the previous romantic subtext to make her get knotted right? Not because she never had any in the fucking first place right? So post it.

5 times, 4 if you suck, 7 if you control you blood perfectly.
Protecting shitters with dark missionary and blackest night is a favored tactic of mine now.
And you're an actual retard if you don't like weaving and perfectly controlling you Mana to so, single target, and protect your teammates as much as you can.

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It's most basic videos for views. Views = money.

People always do that. Most of them are bad and will never clear, and are looking for people to carry them. Just join a normal learning party.

SEETHING that your catslut waifu got BARBED

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I like how you can keep trolling Alphinaud.
>Who are you?
>Where are just Alphinaud's helpers :)
>Alphinaud gets nervous and starts looking around like a retard.

>provide one example
>but not that example
What the fuck is wrong with you.

Repeating the same. Fucking. Shit. Over. And. Over. A. Fucking. Gain.
Get some new material nigger. Post ONE line that proves shtola had ANY interest in (You). DO IT NIGGER.

It's up there with the greats.

How do you get all these glowy weapons/skins people are using? Golden, read, blue etc

triggered cutscene skipper that just wants a 5 hour long game

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Go whine about your GE3 waifu some more.


this one?

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Because that example has no relevance to any character's actual characterisation as everybody acts totally OOC in that video. It's absolutely noncanon. Stop being a fucking nigger. Catgirls are for faggots. Go and breathe saltwater you nigger.

>Mr. Yoshida, what should we do for the Nier crossover event?

I can't believe the madman got away with it

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>The artist Alphinaud and his assistants
>everyone standing stoic except Alphinaud who's in shock
hearty kek was had


You won't even fucking admit the possibility these cuck writers can turn your waifu Alisaie. Address that dumbass. Christmas event when Y'shtola visits you btw.

1 single 9/14 council member and 7 1/14ths
1 complete and 58 1/14ths

Monoa Mask - A wooden mask used in Padjali ceremonies. A rough translation of the word monoa is “to sit silently on the land and speak.”
I don't understand.

I say we stay here indefinitely and force these niggers to deal with the issue that is /vg/ being unusable for actual game discussion. If they double the allowed number of threads and have one for erp trannies and one for actual game discussion. If there was a proper general I'd actually use it.

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Most of them are relics (crazy autistic grinds for shinies), some of them are from Ultimate fights (madlad dances of perfecting mechanics for 10 minutes straight)

what are the fucking stat weights

They're not hard. They just require some level of group coordination. They're entirely easy enough that even the shittiest of shitters can get a carry through them if they bash their head against it long enough.

>protecting teammate
the goal is to mitigate damage and get a free ogcd, dont fucking put that shit on some retarded dps who cant position

Then the fucking Christmas event asshole.

>adventures with Alphinaud in Eulmore

>future history books will have the Scions remembered as a traveling group of artists headed by Alphinaud due to WoL being a cheeky cunt

This one?

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how am i supposed t play this on cntrol?

My spells exceed core two bars..

don't seem to have changed much

>tall fuath

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I would like to know if its worth it to stack pie for SCH and AST

>hurr events
I won't accept the possibility because yshtola never gave a shit about (You) and everything she says proves it. Everything alisaie and alphinaud says proves they're lusting after you.

You take what you can get.

You rang?

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>Expect rak'tika
>Get trash instead
Based retard

So how does that make us stronger....

this is why i wish i had friends. just a bunch of people going in blind and figuring it out as we go

Til the cuck writers decide to change that. It'll happen to you Alisaie bro so fuck you for justifying this shit against Y'shtola bros.

>Thancred finally had his subplot on losing Minfilia resolved
The patches better have one on F'lhaminn having to deal with it, and the weird red haired clone of her daughter too, or I swear to god

I never said I hated all of DRK, just most of the changes. TBN and controlling mana was always a part of DRK.
Controlling mana was the most fun in HW where fucking up actually punished you and controlling blood was more fun in stormblood.
Current drk just made my eyes glaze over.

We won with only 9/14ths and FAR less help.

>lalafelss are comedy race
>this scene

I got teary eyed way more playing this than last year games combined.

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dare i say cat-Sid is a true architect

>can't continue the MSQ until I finish the role quests which requires level 80
this is so stupid

What does Healer and Tank North, DPS South mean for the Dancing Plague? I don't remember ever having to move to those direction specifically when I joined a learning party. What phase are they talking about?

>meet Gwyndolt
>WoL is basically a sin eater at this point
>"has it truly come to this?"
what a cheeky cunt

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Fatcat is the best First girl

damn that sounds annoying to get

>when your cuck friend Thancred raises cunny and your future waif for you

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Yeah, I started laughing when I did Innocence and Titania Ex as an AST. The damage is so ridiculously low. I highly doubt Savage will be any harder than it was in Stormblood, so, uh, good luck to the WHMs out there.

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relics are just a grind, it'll take you a week of solid no lifing it to get it, otherwise a month of casually doing it.

There are 2 reasons behind that
1.- lore (you will understand once you hand him what he asks)
2.- to stop shitters from bringing level 60 gear to level 80 dungeons/trials (except for those retards who DONT KNOW HOW TO READ or skip text)

the vine mechanic. since it always pairs a tank or healer with a dps, dps goes south, others north

how is thancred a cuck

s-sauce pls?

vine wall knockback will break the tether and attempts to lessen the chance of dumbs

Is it the healer quest?

>1.- lore (you will understand once you hand him what he asks)
don't give a fuck I've skipped every cutscene

Why the pic? At least show it after you won it. Assuming you did win.

the fuck is a gwiber

Hades is about to get Hroth'd if this fucking queue ever pops.

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>that one Dwarf who had a crush on a plain midlander girl who was lusting after your cock instead

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Mmm still don't think we're the strongest since we have 7 equally as strong friends to help out, if anything emet was outnumbered is all

>racing through a story to get to an endgame that won't exist for another month
Great job retard

I'm a retard. I was doing Dying Gasp ex and I was thinking wtf are they talking about?

how do i quickly grind goetia tomes

The metacritic user score was a perfect 10, but now some trolls are giving it 1's. How and why?

There is a lot 80lvl skippers who still wearing their shitty pre 80 lvl gear. Ridiculous.

Check the filename. I lost the roll badly.

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HoH. no really.

Lore wise those other champions are all 1/14th shards.

>not interested in savage anymore
>only mildly interested in ex primals
>just want to do 4 mans, 24 man's, 8man normal mode, crafting
Who here /shitter/?

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Better question, why do you give a single fuck about metacritic?

Why would you spam that dungeon ? That’s the worlds most boring dungeons in the game.


wowcucks seething

You do know Thancred regularly gets his dick wet and has girls fighting over him, right?

I'm sorry, friend.

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It really depends on how much raid damage you got on that fight. Having low personal dps doesn't necessarily mean you're doing low dps since people are being buffed by you.

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Please no.

Sorry healers looks like your bitching and threats to leave didn't work. INSTA QUEUES

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Only western women writers. WoW got a bunch of female writers and BfA's story is in the toilet.

SCH will be able to solo heal every fight in the game while still maintaining decent DPS. It is still unarguably the strongest healing job overall due to its ridiculous oGCDs and the relatively limited impact they have on their ability to DPS.

The 2nd healer slot will depend who provides the most DPS between WHM nukes and AST cards. I'm pretty sure it's going to be WHM stone/glarebotting that comes out on top.

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A dragon. Innocence's looks like this.

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It hurts...

>sprout does remember womanizer Thancred

That was me in HW and SB. Looking to change that now.

Game is fun, but
>20 minutes average queue time as a tank
this is borderline unplayable. Think I'm gonna put my account on ice now that I'm done with the MSQ, even though I would like to continue, the game won't let me.

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They're probably not equally strong. He would have just pulled additional wols from the remaining worlds, and at least a couple of them wouldn't be part of the original soul but other people given the blessing. There's no indication he can access parallel universes.

mildly chuckle

>when janny sees a xiv thread

Is that in the encyclopedias? One of these days I gotta find the pdf of the first one

are you shitting me nigger

I had completely forgotten this was going to even happen. CHADowbringers is going to kick it into kino overdrive.

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That's a different guy, his name is Meteor

can u fugg ur retainers?

You have friends? Right user?
Just have no shame and ask for a queue in shout.

Befriend a healer

Most people say it looks like shit but I'd use it.

I started playing in February. Cleared only EXs.
>Savage virginity
Anons said clearing savages at start of new expansion is best experience.

>Dulia-Chai is the best side npc in the expansion,
>Ran'jit is my spiritual grandpappy
>Thancred was a petulant little shit until the duty vs Ran'jit

hey 1777 gil is 1777 gil

I meant the incoming damage. My ACT refuses to work so I don't know what's going on with my damage and my buffs, but it's fun to play.

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only if you pick cunny aliapoh as your retainer

Stormblood: Haha eat shit faggots. My queue is only 5 seconds. Maybe stop playing the fotm classes?
Shadowbringers: Oh this is too much I'm quitting.

I love seeing faggots like you get what you deserve.

He lied but he would never do anything that hurt them.

is that a yes

He summons them from other shards since Hydaelyn only has one champion per shard, and ONLY the source has been rejoined.
Thus all other players in that fight are 1/14th shards.

Stupid question but I have to ask cause I capped my poetics. Can I use them to get 70 gear and do I have to finish SB first? Just reached Castrum Abania and was thinking of gearing up first (even though I need 1 more level).

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update act

Why are they so bloody tall?

Urianger does it for the greater good you stupid bitch

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This is your tank for this night

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I want the Titania one. It's blue and pink. (This isn't my pic.)

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They are big guys.

60 tomes per 21-30. its instant queue and more tomes per hour than any other method

They also said numerous times that he always has their best interest at hand, so if he lies it's for a good reason.

>waiting in pf for 20 minutes
>group is full
>about to run in
>one of the guys who have been there since the beginning: oops I gotta grab food
Why are people this retarded?

No, I'm new to the server and I don't know anyone.
I have never said such a thing. I have been playing DPS through Stormblood, and I've been dealing with 12 minute average queue times, which seem humane compared to this.

Robot ass

Nobody REALLY understands what Urianger is saying. They just go along with what he does because hes probably really smart or whatever.

Each time he lied he did it to protect us.

I think I need to reinstall it totally. It's just broken. I'll do that before I start grinding totems again.

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post her wearing thancred's gear

What DC and content are you trying to run? Probably you can find someone here. Sometimes I've asked other anons to make up a party finder to join their queue.

The scion death for this expansion should have been Urianger drowning for real at the end while everyone is joking about how he will be fine.

Need to finish. Vendors are phased. But it's the end basically.

>RDM AF weapon is called Aeneas

Why would they do us like that, what's next when relic comes out, Sfynctear?

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user they have a whole roadmap to 10.0 story wise.

dyable 2b dress.

let me explain some things for you

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I would sooner trust Tataru with my life

Any pics of the legendary yet one yet?
I know you can't get it yet, but it must be in the files right?

So what's the next cameo for Tataru?
>she's yakuza in SB

I don't think that's exactly right. She can have more than one champion per shard. The First had a party of them sharing crystals. There also aren't seven remaining worlds besides Source and First, and 13th might be the little boy back at base. But he's definitely summoning assorted warriors of light from the fragments.

Can I get a picture of all the Ascians we know and have seen?

The queue restriction in place is so bad that I’m actually doing the later floors of HoH for tomes. 60 times every 20 minutes isn’t so bad

saw it coming a mile away

i fucking called it right when the media tour info broke and you fags didn't believe me and called summoners whiny. Well I hope you guys enjoy this cucked version of summoner for the next 2 years.

To give SE credit they even exceeded my expectations in how shitty they could make the job play. I certainly didn't foresee weakass egi assault busywork spam that doesn't even hit as hard as a single ruin2

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Do we have a CWL on Light, bros?

The item list has been datamined and it's nowhere in sight. It probably won't show up until they're patching it in, at the end of ShB.

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So we're getting scythe-wielding Beastmaster next expac, right?
What else was hinted? Green mage with the hammer from the alliance raids?

I know for a fact that they're going to reuse Byakko's ball dodging mechanic

I still feel like the Scions could use one or two new members other than just Ryne with this new story.

They badly need to get Krile in on some of these group shots for example and maybe FINALLY make super chad elf Estinien part of the group.

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Trash can/Gloryhole slut

What? New SMN is great.

There were 14 seats to the Ascians since ARR, user
I also could have sworn J heard something echo users in 1.0 being prone to depression due to learning about some kind of horriblw truth

>trying to play ninja

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user, I appreciate the concern but if I weren't too autistic I would have asked already.
I just wanted to play the game, and have a good time, without having to jump through flaming hoops just to get to the fun part, but apparently that's too much to ask, and I guess I'll rather play another game instead of trying to force something that's not gonna happen.

If this post ends in an even number I'll level a Dragoon.

And lo, vile beasts did rise,
Leaving naught in their wake but blood and ash.
Thus did the first doom befall us.
It would not, however, prove the last.
For soon did the the sun bend low, scorching earth and boiling seas.
Thus did the second doom break us.
Yet it was neither claw nor flame, but our very sins-
Stacked to the heavens where they took root, corrupting its halls-
Thus did the third doom undo us.

>Green Mage with hammer

Cudgels/Scepters are still unused, they'll probably repurpose them like they did with daggers for ninja

more like trying to play machinist when you hit level 50

When do we get a hush emote? I love that part it gave your character so much more life to them than HW ever did.

Did you play ShB? I'll admit it's not quite on the extremes of Drakengard 1, but there's some real Taro-ish stuff here.

making arms length part of your tank cooldown rotation seems like a weird decision, why remove awareness and anticipation for it? Was it even meant for mitigation, and if it was why only 6 seconds? Why even tie the slow effect to the push/pull ability?

Shoha rework when?

If I went back a month and told myself I'd be doing HoH to level a tank I wouldn't have believed it.

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i don't get this can you explain pls

meme magic is real

I don't have pictures of all of them but we've seen
And we've heard of

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t. shitter
MCH is fucking easy now

Ah crap. Oh well, guess I'll go buy some ironworks for another job or something, thanks.

Shitty meme.

It's been planned since ARR.

Count the chairs.

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>that final zone
is this how manlets feel all the time?

you severely overestimate how much DPS AST contributes now after how hard it got fucked, it'll likely get buffed for savage though.


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in summary?

just swap shoha and senei animation

You do realize that you can be a cuckold by fucking definition regardless of how popular you are with women, right?


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None of them are from the source though, and that means they're all 1/14th by default since by definition only the source can be rejoined.

Just what are they going to use as WoL's Ascian name, Ultima would've been kino but Altima is already there unfortunately


so thancred not a cuck right?

Well Yea Forums?

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yes! thank you

WHM does like 2k more DPS than AST right now. Depends whether the new cards can reach that level when all buffs are lined up.

So what actually happened to them?

The gear is dirt cheap now. Something like 100 per piece. And you get coffers in ShB instead of gear choice for quest reward. Coffer with 385IL.

>leave the order and probably summoned Hydaelyn while we were at it too
>they still leave us a seat all these years after

is monk really that bad?

easy doesnt mean you arent slapping the shit out of your keyboard.
>heat blast has a 1.5s base cd
>you have to weave between each one
>sometimes you have to try and fail to double weave between it
>youre in overheat like 40% of the fight if not more

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First Pokemon with Dynamax and now Ascians being Giants. What is with 2019 focusing on my macro/microphilia fetish.

But if Savage isn't any harder than Stormblood... like I said, I doubt it's going to matter. If it does matter, it'll get buffed. (I should note that Ultimates are a completely different story. If WHM isn't king there again for prog, I'll eat my shoe.)

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>calls us his new old friend

We don't know yet. A sound came from inside the earth and the elements stopped working. And then their fears created a death spiral of more and more horrifying creations.

Only alive because they needed a tank for Trusts.

>Completely ruins a cool moment
What did Ishikawa mean by this?

I don't think it's nearly as bad as people originally anticipated, but I have heard that some people still aren't happy with how it feels to play.

AST did 1k more dps than WHM back on SB and look how that turned out.

We don't know how much AST contributes on raid dps until fflogs gets their shit together.

I want the WoL to go full heel turn and take over Solus' place among the ascians just so they and Zenos can body hop and hunt each other for eternity, everyone else be damned.


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I was, thancred dying in the way he almost did would have been pretty cool

HE'S IN BROS. How do you feel?

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I want to pinch Yuuki Aoi's cheeks.

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0 is neither odd nor even

Play on gamepad.

He cute

the only people that like new smn are shitters who have no idea how to play the game

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Is there a single garlean besides sid, bringer of cutscenes, that isn't based beyond belief?

The beancounters came in and told her she can't kill Thancred because of the otomebux especially now that he's Papa Thancred.

That's a common feeling across many people

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Tell me your datacenter

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It shits damage but yes in terms of fun factor the job has still been severely downgraded. 120s PB is extremely painful in dungeons and soloing where you lose GL all the time. Getting synced is an absolute nightmare. I got put into Sohm Al for leveling roulette and my only oGCDs were Shoulder Tackle (1 charge) and Forbidden Chakra (with no chakra generation on crits). It feels like the job has had its balls chopped off.


Beancounters should fucking tell her to stop writing Y'shtola scenes without WoL.

Stay seething, Balance tranny

under different circumstances, we could have been the best of friends...

and thus the universal constant of SMN's being buttblasted about something continues.

Siddown kid

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Good night, sweet prince

Press "F" for Emet

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Right. I'm just saying they're not all the exclusive WoL of their world (and also can't be the remaining fragments of the Source's WoL) because the math is wrong. There must be at least one other world with multiple viable warriors with the blessing. The Source used to have at least two, but Ysayle obviously can't join for the fight.

>urianger keeps having to endure the suffering of his own guilt for keeping secrets for the sake of keeping his friends safe

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SCH will be able to handle all the healing by itself. I think the choice between WHM and AST for meta comps will strictly come down to DPS contribution and nothing else.

I feel like they've backed themselves into a corner in terms of balance by nerfing everything about SCH but the things that actually made it so strong. It wasn't their DPS abilities that were the problem.

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>lol mch is so easy now shitter just use an entirely different input method


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What? SB SMN was press sic for garuda blowjob simulator. I hope you don't think tri disaster in contagion window was some 999IQ skill play right?

Stop giving him scenes with Y'shtola.

I am fine with MCH at 80 and I used keyboard. Either get gud or play something else. There is literally nothing we can do to make you better.

I really don't see what the big fucking deal was this time though.
If the Exarch wanted to commit sudoku to get rid of the light, so be it.

If sqaure posthumously adder a healer job it went back and buffs the current ones would tank queues improve? It really is a serious problem

>every autist on the OF calling blood lily a shit mechanic when they don't realize they reduce the dps loss for healing from 300 potency to 75.

Attached: 1549903211580.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

I legit didn't think it was possible for Trusts to even die.

Will hilde be better than it ever was before?

Can you stop or at least get a tripcode?

>Every summoner has that fucking large dragon so I can't see shit
Fuck this class

>Tanks having a queue is a serious problem
>Not the fact 2/3 healers are boring and/or trash.

Alph died on Amu run for me on the first boss.

>He can root around in your cabbage patch without any difficulty

it'd help but wouldn't fully solve the problem

they nuked one of the jobs and utterly brainletified the other

My greatest hope for SHB being so damn good is it inspires the japs to actually make more doujins of this series, it’s fucking criminal how little good porn it has.

aha i hope you're not saying that like 5.0 smn is any better. It's even more braindead so if you thought contagion was a joke, that should tell you something.

That still doesn't alter the math.
It's 1(9/14) + 7(1/14) vs 1(14/14) + 58(1/14)
The balance of power here obviously sits with that 9/14 being weighted FAR higher than the others.

I'm fucking mad.

Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking there. Maybe lower their offensive potencies a bit and give them back some attack moves to compensate so they have more to do, but they currently have way too much cost-free healing for no clear reason. It's completely unbalanced.

write " /bahamutsize small " in your chat.
Now the dragon is smol

Yeah, I don't know how much the cards are contributing or not. Like someone else said, FFlogs needs to get its shit together. It **feels** cool when I can play Divination and a bunch of Minor Arcana during periods of pure burn.

The opener is dogshit, but maybe it'll get better once the Play bug is fixed.

Attached: shieldsfordays.png (427x253, 115K)

Don't know man. It's 2019. Everyone have gamepad. If you have troubles you should try different methods or keep trying.

You will take your futa self insert and you will like it

Because if they knew prior to innocence, they would have done everything they could have to stop him

Runar and y'shtola when!?

Because he and the exarch knew you would try to save him if you learned of the plan, and it turns out there really was no way to save you other than something none of them were aware of.

Fuck you

FFLogs should update to remove the separate category for non-standard comps.

I want solo SCH, 5 DPS to become a thing so I can watch Yoshi seethe.

Attached: 1519274794618.png (1048x633, 399K)

While the brown futa cat cries in the background watching.

HOW? They're fucking invincible? Do they get nerfed into the ground post MSQ or something? I've seen Alphinaud stand in all the aoes in the mine light warden boss fight and Survive

You are kidding, right?

>Tell him he shouldn't go because you are a hours away from turning into a deadly monster
>He still wants to go with you no matter what
Urianger is the biggest bro among scions.

>y'shtola comments on you looking at her ass
>also threatens to bend you over her knee and spank you when you call her mom
why do i want to FUCK her so bad

>Tis good to see you awake, Graha
I didn't understand this part.

I don't complain. More busy. More faster. Interesting to play. And you can't just spam ruin 2 for weaving now.

You could make a top 50 of kino moments that happen in the Tempest part of the MSQ alone lol.

Glad more people are seeing the light.

You probably have a learning disability.

Go do crystal tower storyline.


no, i am genuinely helping you

>any time i have to go back to eorzea for any reason i can only think about wanting to go back to the first

I didn't say it altered the math. I said they're not the exclusive champions. There aren't enough other worlds to make a full party with just one each.

In the Source, in "present day," he's still asleep in in the Tower. The Exarch is imploring him to wake up and meet the WoL before all the trauma happens.

Attached: 1561950668304.png (1920x1080, 3.12M)


comfiest moment?

Attached: ffxiv_03072019_203257_620.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

>5'11 versus 6'0