Patch 4.2.11

Patch 4.2.11

>Improved performance for the MACOS port
>Improved stability for the EU servers
>Removed the "Jawbreaker duplication" exploit
>Removed the "Jimmy's outline" bug
>Edd's inventions now cost 10% less materials
>Increased Edd's movement speed from 10 to 16
>Added Plank's Parachute as a crafting option
>Kevin can now find pebbles in his bike tire

It's a good day Eddbros

Attached: Updates.png (640x480, 171K)

>still no nazz nerf
she hard counters the entire cast and they have done fucking nothing to fix it

>still didn't fix newspaper physics
one day, one day

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Looks like a good day for Edd but Rolf got enough this patch to still be top tier. It is closer than it was though.

>Maining plank
>In 2019

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Fuck you mean? Plank is still viable in the meta and some professional players still main him

Eddbros unite

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truly is a good day for edd

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im fucking sick of grinding for quarters. when are they balancing the scam rewards?

Did they really have to add Cow and Chicken cosmetics to the game? That show sucked.

>he didn't dupe jawbreakers while he still could

Any of of the Kanker Sisters or a decently good Sarah stomps Nazz. Sure she's obnoxious, but there are counters.

anyone try coop mode yet?

Attached: coop.jpg (1600x900, 139K)

It's macOS, not MACOS.

How do I beat Rolf's second phase? When he pulls out the third shoe it's practically a one hit kill.

>spent the entirety of yesterday duping
>dodged the banwave

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At least the Courage the Cowardly Dog DLC was nice. Didn't sleep for a week.

call me when that's my horse Rolf gets returned to its former glory, maybe I'll give a fuck about this game again

MMOs are shit bring back the GC style gameplay

Attached: gc.jpg (800x1119, 209K)

It’s called a wave for a reason retard, they ban in waves
You’re next

>playing at 3AM in a PVP world
>filling up Canadian Squirt Guns for good ol Cowboy Eddy
>"need a light?"
>turn around and see a level 75 Rolf with the Man in Gauze costume

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Why would you main anyone else?

Attached: best main'.jpg (780x586, 90K)

Unrelated but did anyone play Dave the Barbarian game? I really liked the TF2 crossover.
Underrated show.

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enjoy your ban faggot

>liking a reddit game

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plk2x here.
You were faggots then, you are faggots now. Pretty sure Dorkhunter was arrested for cp.

where do i go to download this game i can't find it anywhere

>kevin mains

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They actually banned me for that a few days ago, my lvl 45 Double D' character got deleted. So much time wasted. Enjoy it while it lasts user.

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Don't give a fuck. Already sold my account and started a Mojojojo in PPGO and it's so good damn refreshing. You're all fucking stupid or are either a Great Nano's Undershirt abusing Rolf or a run buying Kevin to be still enjoying this dog shit game.
>every servers economy fucked
>battlegrounds flooded with Kevin's
>no reason to run endgame content in parties because buying solo runs from GNU Rolfs is faster and easier and more profitable
>no word on Jimmy rework in over six months
Done with this.

>starting the beach instance without at least 5 sunscreens in your inventory
why do all these newfriends do this? come prepared for the raid or dont come at all

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Holy shit do none of you realize that reading this thread is like reading a parody.

You feeling OK, newfriend?

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It really is sad that newfriends dont know. One day all will know this fun.

any marie mains ITT?
>inb4 waifu fag

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Do you mean the parody that Powerpuff Girls did about this game? That was pretty ballsy of them. Having HIM suddenly burn Plank was too violent for my taste.

I'm amazed that after all these years and the know autism on Yea Forums that nobody has actually made this.

Not my fault when I spend three hours in the queue for my swimming hole spot only for it to be taken right when I enter.

The Yea Forums autism for OC is long dead.

You best start believing in parody threads, user.

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