Besides the combat that while is great...

Besides the combat that while is great, is often riddled with stupid mechanics like shake L stick to break free from grabs, was this game really THAT good?

Attached: metalgear.jpg (203x249, 12K)

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>game defined by its combat
>Ok but besides that, is it good?
Who cares, faggot?


idk faggot I thought it was too short. I wish it was longer cuz i love whats there and wanted more bosses to fight and keep playing. The levels are kinda shit too.

Yes. Half the charm is the god tier buttrock and shamelessly cheesy dialogue.
I finally played it for the first time earlier this year and its one of my favorite games of all time.

Boss fights carry this game, mgr2 should be a boss rush

The storyline was unironically kino. Better story than most mgs games and as good as the originals while redeeming raiden.

Doesnt help that the combat in the game is barebones and all the stages are a chore to get through.
It's all about the boss battle buttrock progression in the fight.

the OST IS truly god tier.

It wasn't, short and forgettable and the combat sucks. Notice how no one actually talks about the mechanics for the game, it's always DUDE THE MUSIC IS HYPE or they same the gameplay is "fun" but never explain why it's fun.