Are PC Gamers just inherently racist?
Are PC Gamers just inherently racist?
yes (and that's a good thing!)
They're inherently superior which I guess is the same thing.
What's the point of making false flag threads?
This, console players are legit all niggers that can't make enough money to buy or if they do are too dumb to build a PC.
people are inherently racist
Are we going to be quoted in your shitty article "journalist"?
i sure hope so
Some people are racist for whatever reasons.
Some people are gamers.
Some people are occasionally outspoken assholes who want to troll or say whatever but may or may not deserve banning, and the resources may not exist to properly judge them with the Team Lefty World Speech and Micro-aggression Police. And really, are we sure we trust others to do that perfectly? Many people are stupid and biased and don't deserve authority or trust.
Some OPs are stupid.
>PC Gamers
I don't even play this shit game fuck off
No. They just want to play good games and not early access trash and 10year old games
Think about it though, PC Gamers identify themselves with Nazi ideology. They think they are the "master race".
Race is a social construct just like gender. No such thing as genderists so clearly no such thing as racists :^)
This place is so fucking toxic. Glad I turn off chat in every video game.
Why are you even here then? Leave and dilate if you don't like it.
yes, the higher iq and lighter complexion provides us a superior insight of reality.
Grow up, you petulant child.
Have sex.
Why do you pretend to fall for obvious bait? Is it really that fun to look like a retard?
>Are gaymers inherently racist?
Fixed and yes
nah Journalists are just hypervigilant to topics mainly race so they create fake situations to create outrage and clicks. meanwhile nothing happened.
There isnt many non white pc gamers outside of asians and fuckikg brazillians (how do they even afford a pc?) I dont believe. I've only ever come across a handful of blacks in all the years I've gamed on PC. Also most of the racism is just people calling people niggers and jews, not like people are going on rants about ethnic cleansing and shit it's just bantz.
Prove the person who said that didn't mean what they said.
>Is it really that fun to look like a retard?
Do you know where you are?
Not me. I am a saint and see all races as equal.
fuck niggers, kikes and consoletards
Same thing as fags creating falseflag threads to fish delicious (you)'s. Except journos gain money in the process.
Then why are there so many 3rd worlders on pc? See tf2 for example.
Not that many really. Just a bunch of keyboard psychopaths who act like they just wanna watch the world burn but in reality they're too scared to tell the Wendy's cashier they forgot the pickles.
I think people just say nigger because of how little effort it takes to upset someone.
>we want people to be able to choose different races and genders in this historically-focused game about medieval combat
>lol okay, but other people get to choose an option client-side to only see everyone as white men fighting to satisfy the people who value historical accuracy
the absolute state of the vidya "journalism" kikes
He's just talking about his small neighborhood, most slavs and south Americans play on PC for the sole reason console games are too expensive over there, while you can easily pirate PC games.
Not sure if blacks outside of the US play on PC though.
lmao the developers cucked already!
There will be no toggle, you have to see the females now
They have started banning players form the steam forums and are going to tackle the toxic players in the game haha
What if I don’t want to see wh*Tes or cis males?
>>lol okay, but other people get to choose an option client-side to only see everyone as white men fighting to satisfy the people who value historical accuracy
That's literally fake news. Devs made a statement that they never said or had plans to implement something like that
Not sure about outside the US, but I've literally never see a black person play PC games.
Damn shame, I wish people would learn to stand up for themselves and brush off the screeching harpies at places like kotaku who hold no actual sway. The fact that places like that were bitching honestly probably would've driving their sales HIGHER had they stood their ground on this.
their plan literally would've let you set whatever parameters you want. If you want only strong independent black womyn visible, that would've been possible too.
Why do white people get outraged for minorities. I literally don't believe they're sincere. Everyone has racial bias. If whites were minorities, video game representation of us would be the least of our worries.
aaaaaaaaand refunded
fuck now i cant refund
It's not white people, it's just white liberals.
They hate everything about themselves, including their skin color. when they see white people in a game it disgusts them.
I was waiting for the game to go final, I win and all the people who bought it got played.
Every single human being on the planet is. What's your fucking problem? Get over it already.
Shame about the devs though, their game will see a drop because of their weak stance. If you ignore a few whiny dumb journos, you retain your customer/playerbase faith. If you cowtow to them, you lose that and in return you gain literally nothing, because those whiny retards won't play your game anyway and were never going to. They just don't like the fact that people they don't like get spaces to themselves and get to have fun without them breathing down their neck and having control over them.
PC gamer and Kotaku win again, gj faggots.
You faggots didn't even read. It was basically never part if their plan to have a gender toggle because it takes away from someone's customization of their character. That's totally reasonable. Christ can't you see how reactionary you are? You are as bad as them.
They said they won't add a toggle because players customized and they won't add it
In reality it was just because the journalists complained, no other reason.
heres 10 reasons why
Luckily it was gifted. Fun while it lasted.
White people have woken up.
It’s just anglos and germanics who are spazzing out because no one likes them anymore
number one: luke racemaster was right about the wookies
they were always cucked but the game was good
after they fuck it up i think i will quit, there is no way that wont look fucking ridiculous
it's called "ethnocentrism," nigger
Are they going woke?
Everyone is, some just pretend not to be for social points.
Reminder to team kill all niggers and women and play only on *historically accurate only* servers.
If you're gonna quit, quit now. If not, there will be no downside for doing what they just did.
Cause they already have given up on everything.
>hurr durr muh toxicity we will get better i promise pls don't write bad articles about us ;_;
faggots. nobody cares about a gender toggle, whether they added it or not is completely irrelevant ultimately. but the fact they felt they had to make a statement in response to this at all instead of just laughing at whiny journalists and moving on is the big issue
any dev who cries about toxicity in any way is a shitty dev and shouldn't be supported, they do not deserve your money or loyalty, they aren't trying to make the game better for you they're playing pr games with failed journalists who resent the medium for getting them laughed at when they tell their hipster friends what they do
People on the forums saying don't give up, we support you.
They already waved the white flag and bent over with their pants down lol
Man you guys are just as bad as these journalists.
>duurrr they surrendered and bent over
They gave the most generic pr response possible and basically added a fuck you at the end by saying they're too busy to worry about this shit.
Besides, what's the problem with female characters? 90% of players don't bother to customize their characters anyway and people who care about historical accuracy won't make female characters either. They'll probably be wearing the same armor, have the same rig and animations. This whole shit is being blown out of proportion on all sides and I wish you'd all just shut the fuck up with your incel shit, and the journalist cucks with their identity politics and racism bullshit.
This is a game where you fight people in fast paced melee combat. Some people will get mad and call someone a nigger. Makes them racist as much as barking makes me a dog. Fucking stupid shit.
>Historical accuracy
>You can run around naked placing bear traps
There is zero valid argument against a toggle, it takes less than an hour to add and everyone gets what they want.
The only reason they refuse to is because feminists demand everyone see it, it's about pushing propaganda and they know it.
Honestly from the interviews it sounds like they were planning on adding women before the "controversy" even started.
This, they want all these toxic men to be beaten by women in the game. It has an impact on them mentally and that's what they want, they want all these guys to get dominated by female avatars.
They don't want to let them turn it off, they want to make sure you have to put up with it because it's about changing how men think.
A toggle actually seems pretty complicated imo. If someone toggled females off, what would he see instead? A generic male model with the same loadout? A randomized male model? If the player playing a female switched to a different female character, would the game have to generate a new replacement?
Nothing in game design is 'just a toggle'.
And the devs posted a pretty valid argument about customisation.
and that's a good thing caveman, this is why we need more diversity in gaming
Bruh people have been asking for games to have male and female character creation options since before social justice was a term. Some people just wanna play a chick.
These particular twittershits, no.
>Implying nobody did that for shit and giggles back then
My ancestor Sir Bareass of House Trap
niggers are ugly creatures
saying nigger doesn't make you a racist it's just an offensive word
I think most PC gamers are white, so yes.
This is why journalists were outraged and forced them to refuse to now add it. irl a woman cannot compete with a man so men feel dominant over women, the only way to try change that is in the virtual world.
Since thse kinds of games attract masculine, angry men it's the perfect way to re-program them.
I'm racist and say nigger all the time though
Literally what all it took was two clickbait articles.
I play exclusively on the Atari Lynx and you're a fucking nigger for even asking me this.
I'm glad that even normies acknowledge games journalists as clowns now