What's the last game that truly terrified you?

What's the last game that truly terrified you?

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real life

Stop posting your dolls you fucking queer

real life

Time to mastrubate to this doll again.

Spiderman (PS1) during the cargange octopus scene.

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probally some old ps1 game
low res/polygon/fps makes things creepier for some reason

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god, I want to cum on this doll's face
also stalker cop, fuck that lab in pripyat

That one was good.
Also Ravenholm, when I played it first many years ago as an underagefag.
And Amnesia too.

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Lads, why is she so beautiful? I can't stop looking at her.

Have some more

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as a kid i was terrified of the lanky vedic-esque monsters in Diablo 2

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life

You're coming with me

Through the aging, the fearing, the strife

its the smiling on the package

Hot glue?


>tfw no creepy miku doll to watch me sleep

But to answer your question I don't think a game has actually terrified me in a long time but goddamn I wouldn't be lying if Sanguine Sanctum had some seriously creepy vibes in it.

Turn on the bright lights is shit.

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I dropped harry potter and the chamber of secrets on ps1 because at some point you'd be walking around the castle and hear voldemort whisper "let me kill you"

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Same, she's really entrancing

Conker’s Bad Fur Day, that zombie part in the mansion scared the shit out of me when I was young.
Since then I grew some balls and no game scares me anymore.

>Taste this bad

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stalker, the fucking underground labs

>Literally every time any pic of this doll is posted I feel the need to save it, even if I already have that pic
What the fuck is with this doll? It's unironically fucking qt.

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Probably Outlast 2, I got roped in by some buds to play it moments before one of the chase scenes and I'd never played Outlast before so I went in blind.

This, but it was Star Wars droidworks. Assassin droid jumped out of nowhere and screamed murder at me. I ran away from the computer and hid in my room. I never played or watched any horror for like fifteen years after that. Now that I’m in my 20s I’m finally getting back into the genre.

>tfw for the first time in the X-8 lab
>tfw hear the child crying

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ignore this cunt. post more!

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Is there any hotglue done on this wonderfully sexy doll?

I never got the lion thing

She will soon invade your dreams.

To me, personally, Super Mario Sunshine is the absolute scariest game I've ever played, especially the ending where you're forced to jump through some sort of hole in the earth. I can't believe the developers would want to make this kind of game.

>£500 for this doll
How large is it? is it fuckable?

Recently? Vangers.

Don't ask, shit gives me crawls in my skin. I usually avoid horror like games and only consider them if they don't have jump scares.

I love interpol so much bros

In Vivo. but mostly because it was the only horror game i played this year. I frighten easy.

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nice neck lol

*Lost In Vivo

Why do I have such a strong urge to beat up this doll? I just wanna throw it around and whack it against a wall.

because you are gay

>first stage of Ju-On the Grudge on Wii
>lurking in abandoned factory using shitty wii-mote flashlight
>turn to see little asian shota staring at me before ducking out of the way and into the darkness with a pitter patter
>turn to look, see nothing but darkness
>no creepy music, no haunted house gimmicks, no big "BOO"
>super paranoid, they're just out of sight, I feel like prey, they're watching me and waiting for the moment to strike I know it
>realize they're not going to kill me until I fail a qte or finish the level
Ruined it.

Dafuq is that thing?

Honestly don’t remember. I think Alien: Isolation came kinda close, but I would define a game as being truly terrifying if I’m still thinking about it after I stop playing the game. I haven’t experienced that in a very long time.

Does she have tits?

I wanna fuck her so bad

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wasn't this game a bunch of different scenarios where your character always died at the end?

My haunted onahole

To the point I quit the game? Silent Hill 2, years ago.
To the point of serious spoops? Darkwood within the last year.

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>tfw no creepy miku doll to molest you while you're sleeping
feels absolutely awful, lads

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I can't wait

Fatal Frame 3, which is pretty fucking old by now.

>some fat nip gets to cum on his miku doll every night
>cant even afford a dollfie, let alone clothes for one

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Clocktower which came out in 1996 so I was 10 scared the shit outta me goddamn

>a jumpscare fucked me up for 15 years
holy onions batman

Is that Tsubomi?

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The nightmares in Max Payne. Haven't seen anything like that since.

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wtf it's really that small?

People say that Miku doll is creepy but I find her really pretty and alluring

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Yeah. You survived all the way to the end of the scenario so you could die and unlock the next one. It was shit. Going in blind is what did it, after I knew the formula it lost it's luster.

>While you're at work come to life and goes on the internet
>googled herself and doujin sites popped up first
>spends hours reading her own doujins
>get home from work and she's back in her original spot
>desktop background is now a picture of Miku with a aheago face
>go to sleep
>Feel tiny plastic hands grabbing and pulling your penis
>Get up and turn lights on
>She's in the bed you made for her, where you last put her
>Every time you try to go back to sleep it happens again
>Days go by.
>Haven't slept in days
>Every day theres a different miku porn picture on your computer.
>Finally fall asleep on night
>loud Sex noises start blasting from your computer in the living room
>110 different firefox windows open
>55 of them random miku hentai videos
>55 of them a spread asshole with electric blue nailpolish on the person's fingers

SHE'S SO FUCKING CUTE, my heart can't take it

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God I want this doll to pin me down and rape me

Dying Light at night. I refused to do anything at night because it was genuinely pitch black and fucking terrifying sprinting at full speed only to hear screams in your ears knowing they're right behind you and if you slow down at all they'll get you, then praying they don't grab your legs when you jump up to climb something.
Then I got the grappling hook and it ruined the whole game.

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