have you bought games you hate or never had an interest to begin with but in an ironic way?
Have you bought games you hate or never had an interest to begin with but in an ironic way?
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Have you ever made a thread with clear intentions?
his intent is to have an incel thread
I fucking hate this planet
is it me or is he getting fatter?
are we ready for hitler yet
I didnt think i was going to like the sims as much as i did but damn did i actually put 1478 hours on it while i was in highschool.
That... Is incredibly pathetic.
>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power
he's being ironic, you don't get it. HAVE SEX!
God that's pathetic
I don't even know who the OP guy is but I already hate him. Belle isn't even that attractive, she's a total narcissistic moron. The whole thing is literally that rat experiment.
I bought Dragon's Dogma like 4 times but never managed progress far
It's not a long game
Before I judge, is this tweet satire?
Don't worry user, it won't be here much longer .
you know the answer, user
I wish I could thanos snap every dude who ever gave money to a E thot or cam girl
depends and what you define as satire. is ironic shitposting still shitposting? does a movie company still receives your money even if you went to watch their movie ironically?
it's gamer girl bath water, retard
i repeat: this is a prisonplanet
Look at him. What the fuck do you think?
Dude I love grotesque men who are like, self-aware of their own freakishness lol. There's so little of them to go around, you kno
Can somone please kill him?
She's a fucking Genius, god fucking dammit.
There are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of fucking idiots who are going to """""IRONICALLY""""" buy this shit for 30 dollars to make their fucking videos and Instagram posts.
I'm so fucking jealous.
>Yea Forums consider him based
nah she's kinda retarded
she coulda charged 50 bucks and people would have still bought it
Funny how you never post this in Giant Bomb threads.
there is nothing genius about it
it is just plain old opportunism
do you need help to find the point or do i give you some time until you find it?
pretty sure it's ironic, it's the guy who made the battle of Berkeley video
Irony is a disease
You are wrong, there is genius in creating a product no one (sane) on Earth would want, but would be purchased in the thousands by people who are buying it ironically to talk about it.
But the thing is lads... is that $30 spent ironically or unironically is still $30 in her pocket.
>pretty sure it's ironic
yeah, im sure that money he spent will not worth a cent to er because it was an ironic purchase, right?