Its been five years since the last good games journalist has died

Its been five years since the last good games journalist has died.

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let's hope more follow suit


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Did he die of heart problems?

Reminder that Giant Bomb actually died when they hired Brad and it was a million times better when it was just Jeff and Ryan shitting around in Jeff's house

Giant Bomb is such fucking garbage now. Been a fan for over a decade and I just cannot stand the site anymore. It honestly bums me out more than you'd think.

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Vinny was good too. Brad was always a shit wet blanket though.

I have an account from the day the website was set up and I never watch their videos anymore. I only use the site for making lists of upcoming games that I'm interested in.

interesting how 2 of these people have died, both of them from Yea Forums's approved list. Meanwhile it's just scandal after scandal with the rest of them

Vinny came with Brad though, thus GB died when they hired Brad. Loved Vinny before he got cast away to NY

I got banned for sharing a Zizek video in their chat. What a joke

but there are no more

holy based

he had sleep apnea and fell asleep without his sleeping aid after drinking and being sleep depraved

Eric Mylonas blew his brains out a year and a half ago. Gaming journalism died when GameFan/GameGO died.

Fuck Ryan Davis

In an alternative dimension Ryan never died, Vinny never moved, Dave never left, and Drew never left for his stupid travel nonsense. Giant Bomb has fallen from grace so hard over the years, Jeff is so incredibly lucky he cultivated a cult like fanbase that thinks the site can do no wrong and will sub for the worst content.

why would you post that garbage here?

>sleep depraved

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Bruh he aint dead, he got a 10/10 game bruh

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i miss ryan. gb isnt what it used to be but jeff is the only reason i still listen to the main podcast and i dropped the beastcast years ago when dan and abby ruined it.

ALYANAB? The day he dies all the other miserable, pathetic people in the world will suffer a great loss.

She got a penitentiary body.

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JewWario is also dead, user.

oh so that's the joke, didn't know who that literal who was

Wow, Sargon really let himself go after he destroyed ukip.....

at least he died painlessly, in his sleep I guess :^(

Abby is the worst, but I'm no fan of alex either.

i would put james rolfe up top, not gonna lie though ive never heard of any of those bottom ones except for vinesauce and game grumps though

Reminder there are people ITT who continued using the site after YEARS of it going to shit

So he literally suffocated on his own fat?
suffocating isn't painless

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>tfw the only vidya-related internet personalities I ever actually liked was TBFP, Matthewmatosis, CGR, and early, EARLY GameGrumps (I stopped giving a shit when they stopped talking about game design, because they just became a less funny TBFP to me)
DSP can be entertaining every now and then though. And AVGN is alright too.

I've started listening to the podcast again and Ben isn't nearly as bad on the bombcast as people made him seem. Jason still comes off as an extremely disingenuous asshole. I feel like the guy hardly plays video games and his entire persona and opinions are just shit he regurgitates. Like a worse Brad that plays even less video games.

Jan seems okay?

Just imagine what his body must look like now if his casket would be opened.

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I only watch GB's nightly shows at E3 out of habit now, the site took a nosedive in quality after GG happened and it's just not worth it

Honestly I don't think I've used ANY gaming news site since, Yea Forums and Discord/Twitter/etc. are plenty enough news without having to rely on "professional games journalists" to tell you what to play

The true list of Yea Forums approved channels:

Jan is freaking awesome. Such a humble and chill dude. I wish he was more involved. I don't even like Pokemon but I love watching his monday night combat segments, and when he's on unprofessional fridays it's always funny.

Agreed on Jason, I know he has a lot of health issues that prevent him from playing his favorite stuff these days so he's maybe jaded but I've never been a huge fan.

Ben is an tough one. I hated him like most people when he first showed up, but he started to fit into the group well and wasn't afraid to argue with Jeff and Brad like everyone else was on some things. BUT like a typical millennial, now that he's "Giant bomb" famous, he's become more and more of a elitist ass lately and his latest video quick looks have him basically play games that he doensn't give a shit about or hasn't even spent 5 minutes researching.

I know they aren't trying to be proper journalists which is why I still like them but it just sucks how much things have changed.

Slightly off-topic: How do you guys conduct Abby worship?

I'm asking because in my opinion it's crucial to internalize the fact that Abby is a goddess and we are worthless little worms. She would say that to your face if she were aware of your existence. You know that.

Deriving sexual pleasure from her image should be therefore out of question. However, since all other women are way beneath her, she's really the only one deserving of our attention, our manhood and ultimately our seed. So, how to get out of this predicament?

I arrived at this solution: In order to uphold her divinity I masturbate while kneeling, always give myself a ruined orgasm and then eat the evidence as fast as I can. The masturbation is straightforward and without flourishes. No lube, no ball massage, etc. My mindset towards Abby during this is that of gratitude, not lust. Also, since Abby is obviously unhappy with the attention her footwear is getting I try to limit my consumption of feet pics to once a week.

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Abby is an insufferable, entitled twat.

who is that guy

Fuck I miss old CGR. First YouTube channel I sub'd and watched religiously back in '09.

Go look at Ben's twitter.

I try my hardest not to bother with anything with Abby in it. She's worse than Alex and Austin combined. Not as bad as Patrick though it's close. She's a dumb cunt.

>suffocating isn't painless
yeah but he was asleep, he probably wasn't self-aware etc.

AVGN has literally never been funny.
>le epic shit pickle XDDD
Fuck off

What am I looking for on his twitter?

How much of a commie fuck he is

Well he is a flaming homo so I guess I'm not surprised

China don't care.

>tfw Jeff, Brad, and Vinny will probably retire in the next 3 years
It's over lads, the old gaurd will be finished with them.

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>Fuck I miss old CGR. First YouTube channel I sub'd and watched religiously back in '09.
Them and Undertow were really good. You weren't exactly getting Matthewmatosis-level of depth in their reviews but you knew it was their honest opinion and they were good at presenting said opinions.

I like the person more than I like the persona. He always seems like such a great guy. Sometimes he can be pretty funny though. His recent Superman 64 video was actually really damn good and I respect that he actually played through the whole game to form an opinion and looked at it objectively.

>Go look at Ben's twitter
No. I just care about the giant bomb stuff. No need for any superfluous info.

If he's so great then why is he balding?

ben isn't gonna live past 40, MUH PARTNUH
hope abby gets the trendyke non con fucked out of her

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Is he older than 30? If so that's unfortunate, I was hoping he'd bite the bullet by then

Mock Ben all you want, at least he made it in a career about playing vidya games.

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at the last E3 jeff said that he wouldn't quit until Dan wasnt in vidya no more

I miss Drew as well as Ryan. I wish he didn't leave.

And he'll die very young because of his freak condition LOL

I feel like Jeff is going to be well into his 60's before he retires. Even then he'll still probably have some sort of online presence.

I miss Ryan, Jeff was never the same since. I still enjoy Jeff's home videos now. I used to watch every quicklook back in the day, now Abby and Ben make them beyond shitty. Ranking of fighters is alright, just have to try and ignore Bens attempts at being quirky or funny

I could see Dan getting involved in some other venture in entertainment like wrestling as he has been hinting at. He certainly has the charisma and personality for it.

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He already works from home, and only comes in for the bombcast and a couple of other streams. His semi/full retirement is going to be soon. And on that day, the site will die.

It blows me away how many famous people Dan knows, I agree, it won't be long before he departs for some other entertainment sector.

I miss the basement days

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A fat piece of shit died due to being a fat piece of shit?

>even back then Brad was a no-fun allowed cringe faggot
When he refused to do the energy drink taste test with the boys on one of his first podcasts, i knew Giant Bomb was on it's way to death.

>Turn your hobby into a corporate grind with a bleak outlook.

1000x guarantee I have better quality of life, lower stress, and have just as much fun in a ~1mil pop midwestern tech hub. I can even afford to own a car and live without roommates!

who is this guy and why does his arms look so small compared to the rest of his body

He is American man. He loves food more than breathing.

Idk if it was getting married or what, but it feels' like his unique personality is fading fast recenlty. He still plays up the idiot facade, but it feels so low effort anymore compared to when he was at GI or GBW.

they're in their 40's not 60's. dudes aint retiring unless they get paid enough to last until they die.

He's pretty good at hiding it, but you can tell he hates Abby and the way things are changing. Notice how he never interacts with her? They had a few fights during the GOTY awards where she was being a little bitch as usual and he's always quiet now rather than itneracting.

it's sad, I love Dan as I connect with his manchild ways, but aside from getting older, I think he's just had enough.

Retiring from Giantbomb you fucking moron.

>they're in their 40's
pretty sure jeff and vin are the only ones.

Fuck you Chris Bores is Kino and he hunts ghosts like a chad and basically you're a faggot.

new as fuck man

>tfw listened to a old Bombcast and the chemistry between Vinny and Jeff
Oh I miss it bros.
Also kick off Ben if it means we get Rorie on the podcast more often. Like him or hate him, dude doesn't have a limiter and whatever he says he's at least being honest with himself, not "Oh, of course I gotta agree for goodboy points"

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why is dsp on there three times

After his death, a lot of things really went to shit.

Abby is everything he is opposite of, and just as opinionated as he is. Honestly I'd be more fine with her if she didn't instantly dismiss every fucking counter point to her by saying "I guess.."

yep, this past week was the first time i could listen to a full ep in a long time.

what's up with the community not allowing ANY sort of criticism towards him? on one of the early UPF's after ben was hired, he could NOT stop breathing into the mic. jason, rorie, brad, etc everyone consistently called him out on it every few minutes for the whole 2+ hours. mods were blanket banning any talk of it, even the lighthearted stuff. is it really just the weirdos and literal trannys who relate to u/theirguy and are just that much more vocal in defense of him?

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forgot my


like vinny is going to find a better job at his age with two kids and a mortgage. stop talking like a retard you fucking inbred.

wtf is this real?

dan's old coworker matt helgeson left GI at 45 with kids to do project management for a marketing firm. vin's only 41. doubt he's gonna want to work in NYC forever.