Only a few days left now, how many stones you got saved? Who you going for first?

Only a few days left now, how many stones you got saved? Who you going for first?

Dokkan thread

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600~ I will use the tickets then I will use the stones, I will roll for both.

>Dokkaner saying the banners aren't going live until the 9th

620, hoping to god I don't get cucked on the u6 girls LR.

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856, gonna go balls deep on Vegeta's banner. I need literally every single featured unit on it.

The anniversary banner looks fucking garbage, are we getting the SS4s at least?

Yes but they are shit as well.

Vegeta's banner is top fucking tier user.

Not him but what's on veggies banner again?

Thank god, I must have looked at the wrong banner then. I have better units for Goku's family though and no LRs for Vegetas so I'm torn user

Rolling once each on them. Dumping the rest into the U6 thots. Have about 500 stones.

The new Virginia SS4 LR, Goku and Vegeta LR, AGL Turles, transforming freeze pops, SSGSS Vegeta.

All good.

>WT Top 100 all in the hundreds of millions
Anyone 100+ million gotta be cheaters right? Like, WT only be open a day an a half and it takes me an average of 20min to go from prelims to finals, even using aoe specials

I'm rank 35 in local, rank 34 has 15 times as much points as i do.

I'm rank 8 in local and only have 17mil since starting yesterday. Even going nonstop and using quartz, I'm averaging 3 mill and hour. Assuming I grind for 8 hours that still only 24mill, and top person has 250+ mil

Low stamina regen + autistic whales who are burning stones is the only non-modder explanation
It turns out to be fucking modders EVERY SINGLE TIME THOUGH
Is global getting the U6 along with the SS4s for this event?????

420.I need to do WT for the stones but I hate it so fucking much

Vegeta's active skille voice sound fucking shit. You can hear that it's straight from the show, and not a new recording.


Got about 350 stones, just pulling for Turles and some of the units I missed in the past, don't really care about the LR SSJ4s. I'll probably do a few pulls, then save for

how the fuck am I going to afford 3 LR banners with only 350 stones, this is BULLSHIT

>1st in local, ahead by about 10 million
>take a break for about 80 minutes
>now in 2nd, behind by 22 million
If you're gonna cheat, at least don't make it so obvious.

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Use the tickets they are giving, I suppose that you can roll with them too.

>even saving stones anymore
Why save up if all it does is give you more rolls on the banner? I stopped saving up for banners once I realized every time I saved up all I got was the one guaranteed SSR and it was always some unfeatured piece of shit. Now all I do is singles because I don't feel like waiting a few weeks for my disappointment.

ur a lucklet

Here, just so you feel bad about yourself.
Also rolled 2 SSRs + LR Beerus on my first roll on the Beerus banner that's up now.
Also 2 of SS Movie Broly + some other shitty SSR in 1 roll of that banner.

Get good you fucking lucklet

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No we aren't you stupid fucking retard

It's pretty bad. You can hear the extra noise behind it too, it's not just the voice itself. Reminds me of those intentional shitty photoshops.


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>english dubs


Think about what this thread is about for like 2 seconds.
Then hang yourself.

I don't care about the dub, just the stupid reused voice chopped into the game.

Prefering subs isn't weeb,
however is super cringe weebery.

And even so, DBZ is one of the least weebish Japanese things ever. Every background loves it.

All of DB is literally normie tier now and thanks to super that won't change any time soon.

Buddy, it was always that way. I think anime in general got pretty normalfagged though. I guess all nerd/weeb shit did though.

I got almost 200. I didn't even save for the anniversary, since we are getting a bunch of stones and there's gonna be stuff to grind so I don't even mind that much if I get shafted.
250M DL treated me much better than 3rd anniversary last year.

One day you'll grow out of your le epic contrarian phase. It'll probably feel liberating.

I know you just got into it, but it's been normie for a while

You know what I meant but my point still stands, DB is normie tier and most of the fanbase is burgers and spics who could give less of a shit about the sub.

>most of the fanbase is burgers and spics
No it isn't. Why do you fall for memes? It's beloved worldwide.

>I base my entire worldview on memes I see on Yea Forums
What an embarrassing existence

I said most not all, any country outside of japan, burgerland and south america has a small percentage of people who actually watch dragon ball. Stop living under a bubble.

Sitting at 590 now but with a world tournament going I will easily be able to get to 600+ by the time the anniversary summons start.

>Already have LR Gohan and Goten
Who do I pull for?

>Stop living under a bubble and come live with me under this rock
What did he mean by this

So what's the deal with the ss4 units? I know they hit real hard but is it true they have shitty links?

Pretty sure they have passives that all but guarantee 24 ki super evry tiem

everybody everywhere knows what a super saiyan is

>Ki +2 in addition per Rainbow icon and AGL icon Ki Sphere obtained
>Super Saiyan
>Saiyan Roar
>Fierce Battle

Dunno who's been telling you lies.

So they're basically movie transforming Broly but better?
Vegeta's Family has a garbage pool to pull from, at least Goku's family has LR SS3

a super what?
the fuck is a saian

>have extreme TEQ team with ss3 broly as a lead and LR teq broly as a support unit
>been sitting on extreme TEQ super 17 for a while
>find out he's an orb changer
>that's perfect for my team
>awaken him all the way today after grinding the super 17 event
>forgot I have dupes
>now I have to go through the whole process again cause you can't reverse super 17 for some retarded reason two more times

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>So they're basically movie transforming Broly but better?
Depends what you value. Pretty sure Broly has a considerable damage advantage while SS4s have considerable defense advantage(while still being among the top hardest hitting).

>500+ stones
>havent got ANYTHING good in over 5 months


this but me instead

I have like 70 stones. Couldn't pull the new LR broly, but did pull the fucking Kamehameha bros.

Focusing on Vegeta.

>950 stones
It's not enough bros. I need both LRs and enough left over to roll LR Saiyan thots
What kinda stone sales can I expect from 4th anni?

>LR SS4 Vegeta
>LR Trunks
>SS4 Vegeta
>Every SSB Vegeta
>Transforming Vegeta
>INT Super Vegeta
>Rage Vegeta
>EZA SS3 Vegeta
>EZA SS Trunks
>EZA SSB Vegeta

You can make some nice teams.

i just want another TEQ vegeto so i can rainbow him


1871 f2p stones saved. I want Goku more than Vegeta, but like Vegeta's banner a lot more, so I'm conflicted on who to go for. However, the main goal for me is LR Caulikale. If I don't get Vegeta or Goku within 600-800 stones, I'm stopping and saving up for them.

That's how units that dokkan from SRs work senpai.

I only referenced Broly due to him always hitting a super on his lead, same with LR cell in the WT
aside from the EZAs those aren't really kicking around on banners, Vegeta Royal Blue is on the SS4 banner though so it might still be worth it to roll

so fucking glad i got the phys movie broly
that aoe just nukes the world tournament and he needs no links
just slapped him in a team with the tankiest lr's i had

Can't you mouth breathing redditors just type out their name properly? Why are you all so afraid of a keyboard?

504 but still gotta finish up the world tournament for like 20 more
I spent over 1000 on bluegeta banner and didnt get a single dokkan fest exclusive. So if my luck doesnt turn around this banner im gonna just sell my account

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SS4 Vegeta banner has transforming Freeza, MVP 17 and Turles. Those 3 alone are worth pulling for.

Imagine thinking popping bubbles is a game

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>I only referenced Broly due to him always hitting a super on his lead, same with LR cell in the WT
Oh, you meant PHY Broly? I was talking about the new TEQ LR.

STR LR Broly is still the WT king.

What the fuck are you talking about retard? I just made that name up right now and had no idea what reddit calls them. Maybe you should go back there.

Is not even about that you retard, is about making broken ass teams.

oh it's about gambling hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I hope you finally pull an ss4 this time, sluggarell :)

Time to fuckin whale then I guess, also need Gogeta fusion to replace my movie gogeta

>put up my rainbow STR LR Broly for friend support every WT
>get 30 new friend requests every 10 minutes
>decline them all
WT is always a fun time to see the absolute poverty teams that some "people" in this game use though so I don't mind how shitty it is

imagine thinking modern aaa games are actually games
the majority play themselves or only require one button input

UHM it's SSJ4 not SS4 you racist

>replying to it
Don't do that

imagine thinking i'm referring to modern aaa games or that i'm being serious

who is better
SSJ4 Vegeta or SSJ4 Goku?

are you sure we not getting that shitty kid goku, pan and trunks team instead?

not only is a game but is one of the best games ever made

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Not really, there re a fuck load of f2p units that you can 100% and are great, best example is the ginyu force team, get the f2p Goku and Arale LR as the leader instead of the free Ginyu goku LR and you get yourself a team that can take on nearly everything and that is 100% f2p.

How fucking retarded are you my guy? Both of those questions lead me to believe you have trouble remembering how to breath

bubble bobble is superior bud

i said ONE OF not THE best

don't ever raise your voice at me again or else i'll delete your favourite dokkan character

you are my favorite dokkan character

Ay thanks but i'm not that good for a character

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>no counter-claim to my point (saving up is pointless since it's all just RNG), just calling me a lucklet
Joke's on you, I got 2 copies of SSBE Vegeta and Gohan and Goten on the GG banner.

Got both LR Beerus and LR Zamasu on the Galick gun banner.

congrats? Those units are outdated and suck dick lmao
stay mad lucklet

GG came out like a month or two ago, and are coming soon for the japanese server. How are they outdated?

Goten/Gohan were already fucking terrible when they dropped, sorry to burst your bubble

how so?

Been saving for a while. I'm still grinding until that banner drops...

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All around shitty unit in a beyond sub-par category with re-used art

can you list the details behind each of your claims? Especially the re-used art claim.

Look up the card for yourself you fucking retard
okay, tell me what makes this card bad

I literally just said that sibling bonds sucks dick as a category and SS4 Goku is superior for "Goku's Family", the card is not good, I'm sorry that you spent money on rolling it but it's okay, maybe you'll get a good LR in the upcoming summon.

he is just a shitter who doesn't understand how the attack stacks
they are still top tier in all those categories and are top tier in every single category they are in, which is a ton.
not to mention top tier in super teq

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give me good reasons why sibling's bond is bad and why the card sucks.

Why exactly are you so autistically defending a bad card?
How much did you spend to roll this exactly?

4th anniversary has 4 LRs during the entire celebration.

So you're saying LR SS4's, LR U6, but who would be the 4th?

why exactly are you so blindly hating a good card?
How much did you spend to not roll him?

I didn't spend a single dime, I only roll on good banners, when it dropped everyone in JP and global knew how shit it was, once people had time to roll it they started fellating it despite how shit it is

so how is he shit?

>not being the best leader makes the card trash
its a perfect card for literally all of these categories and super teq

These are the banners.

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LR U6 won't come with the anniversary.
Anniversary LRs are LR SSJ4 Goku, LR SSJ4 Vegeta, LR Baby and LR Goku, Pan and Trunks.
And also, LR Beepan, which awakes from the Beepan from the weekly event, and LR Uub, which you buy for 250k battlefield gems.

>LR U6
>coming on 4th anni
I wish all stupid people would fucking hang, holy shit.

Has Dokkan been loading everything slow as shit lately for anyone else?


Going to wild out on Vegeta's banner since he has
>SSJ4 Vegeta
>Transforming Frieza
>Android 17
>SSBE Vegeta

Goku's banner has the transforming Goku but I want the frieza more than him

>SS4 goku
>transforming goku
>UI goku
>lr vegetto

man this could only get better if they had TEQ vegetto there

for about a year and a half
i have a iphone 4s, its incredible this fucking thing still works