Post vidya turn offs
>parry combat based
Post vidya turn offs
minorities in historical settings where they were never seen.
>skill based combat
>the title is a pun
>diablo style loot
>level scaling
>hold x to shimmy through narrow space
>The story involves two brothers fighting.
Good riddance, shitters. Casuals should be laughed out of video games.
>Cinematic TPS
>characters are absolutely dumb as shit
>made by japanese
>Correction: Unless they're twins for some reason.
To keep the dopamine runnin in skinnerboxes
>press x to win
>it takes ages to unlock faster means of travel around the world/map
>rpg game doesnt have a new game+ with higher difficulty
please don't make this girl's face another forced meme
>game makes you fight the good guys
>main character is a chuuni retard
why not
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save points
So you can still have fun with lower level areas after you reached max level? It's fine in MMOs.
>can't just pour time played to win and need to learn the game
This scene is still retarded but steinsgate still ebic bro
>fps game with terrible weapon animations or sounds
>fps game with no recoil
I love the feeling returning to an early area of a game and demolishing enemies that were troublesome to fight at the beginning. Fuck level scaling.
>you can't date/fuck the milf
>forcing a shit meme
fuck off
>wacky/zany characters
>dumb characters without any nuance other than "they're dumb"
>battle royale
>quality of life microtransactions
Being able to save anywhere is dumb.
This girl looks like my ex, I'd appreciate if you stopped posting her.
destroying low level areas is part of the fun
You can do that without scaling though.
I thought he meant enemies that level up with you
Stop posting this whore
>makes face just to be circulated on Yea Forums
so cringe and blue pilled I can't even stand it
>movement is at the speed of an asthmatic anemic snail riding on a disabled one legged turtle
>can't sprint
>can't jump
>can't dash
I hate being slow.
I HATE it when I get into a fight and find moving to cover 2 meters away more time consuming than finishing the fight where I stand.
>Yea Forums likes a game
>Any sort of luck or RNG focus in combat.
>console game fucking lags and drops frames...
Level scaling is fine as long as it is done right. Accidentally over leveling and making a huge portion of the game a cake walk is no fun.
>Pandering to LGBT and Feminists
>level scaling
>layers upon layers of rng
>turn-based combat
>inconsistent itemisation
Forced crafting
>some nigger bandit with high end gear because of level scaling
Hate this
>constant "clever" 4th wall breaking
Level scailing with max levels for certain enemies.
So I can still return to the start and demolish shit knowing its stronger
I want to plaster her face in cum
Its GOOD because its Hard and Unfair
AI automatically throw breaking in Mortal Kombat made it terrible.
Yeah, Oblivion's worst issue.
>he doesn't phonepost exclusively
I want a cumshop of this girl
>hunger and thirst meters
>its a souless "formula" game copying mechanics and trends from whats popular
Backtracking with a lack of direction. AKA aimless, pointless wondering to find the 'right' area.
I'm looking at you, Metroidvania.
>move mouse and click
>press buttons
>every videogame ever
Yeah lately im getting sick of this. Stop winking at me please and create a world i can be invested in
>getting lost on a fucking metroidvania game
You got filtered.
>game lets you build your character to the point where you may as well be god and nothing can hurt you
>this happens early to midway through the game
And worse
>final boss is pushover because of it
Is it really a lack of direcrion if your memory sucks?
>Game is built in such a way that repeat playthroughs are discouraged ( Shallow gameplay that doesn't warrant a 2nd playthrough since there's little to no potential to improve & feel satisfied about, unskippable cutscenes up the ass, just things as a whole that would be bearable in a 1st playthrough for novelty's sake but are unarguably bad upon replaying the game )
>"Quirky" character always makes this
>They are too useful to ignore
>black "people"
if he means shit like oblivion, than scaling levels are horrid
>playing rpg
>NPC: "Some asshole too my granddad's pocket watch, so I need you to collect some kobold teeth."
>pocket watch is the quest reward
Human enemy makes way for monsters/aliens/zombies.
Really grinds my nuts.
>most optimal way to play is the least fun
>random encounters
>Any build that isn’t putting all your points into damage is pointless
>Accidentally over leveling
This isn't a thing
Fucking Crysis. It was fun until the Alien levels.
>Difficult or lengthy side missions with garbage rewards
>QTEs and other random button presses that serve no other purpose than to give the illusion of being in control
>Fall damage
>That one annoying stealth section/level in a game that is completely devoid of stealth otherwise
>Detective Vision
It’s easy to do in games where you’re encouraged to side quest through ability unlocks or if you’re grinding for a rare item.
>Least fun part of the game is the most lengthy
Looking at every water level out there
>annoying companion is essential
Far Cry too. Deus Ex HR at the end with the zombie enemies. Everything up till that point was great. The last part of that game just turned my dick to cake.
>pure RNG challenges
You just know I'm going to cheese it, so why put it in the game?
>Made in a westerm country
>i suck at games: the post
>Marketed as a "cinematic experience"
What's wrong with this?
level based damage thresholds: If even a random bandit is enough levels above you or your gear, you do zero damage to it with your strongest attack.
I hate this shit, I don't care if said bandit can one shot me. I shouldn't be hitting 1s and 0s constantly.
>invincible enemies mixed in with regular enemies
>can still kill you
>guts has one eye
>left arm is still human
Why does this bother me? Then again he could be winking
Zis zsoonds lieyk a goud idya. Git zse dev teems wurkkhin onneet nao.