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Stop shilling your shitty video faggot
It ain't my video. Personally I think it sucks ass, but I want to know what the people on here think.
the only good thing to come out of extra credits was spirit science and you know it
Their history videos are pretty good.
>I have this opinion
>No, I wont engage in discussion
>Also I want to change the things you like
>Because I am right and you are wrong, idiot
>You troll
That's not even related, that's something the narrator did on his own.
I think the best extra credits video is spectrum crunch where they think that internet bandwith is a finite resource that exists in the air.
Who makes the conscience decision to type like an unintelligent stoner? If you're not gonna take the time to word out your thoughts clearly and concisely then I'm not gonna read them. Honestly who has the time to read the verbal diarrhea these retards spew on a daily basis?
Anyone who signs off like that is an apex cunt
May as well close this loop for you, you faggot
I think spamming eceleb shit should be a permanent ban.
>macho strongmen
Spotted the beta soiboy
He's using a lot of big words and phrases like they teach you in journalism school to make you sound smrt
I thing you're a false flagging glow in the dark cia nigger
>I want to know what the people on here think.
Are you 13?
Here's my opinion: not videogames
>nigger showing half his ass
why are they so gay?
Why cares what games other people play, just play games you like.
It's game """(((***journalism***)))""" so it's inherently worse
is it wrong that i only know this guy from walpole memes
was there a country involved in ww2 that didn't commit war crimes
Post that video with Thoth in it
I think France tapped out before that was even a concern.
what the fuck was he thinking?
i can't tell if the white guy is trying to burn the confederate ensign or attack the nigger with it
nobody noticed the ass but you, closet faggot
Yes, those that were fucked or near fucked by it. Finland, Poland, Greece, China.
>fucked by the war
[mannerheim can be heard laughing in the distance]
None of you are actually pro-nazi, right?
They're literal losers.
kys shill
Black people aren't viole-
>Wear nazi iconography in public
If you support an ideology that wants to exterminate non-whites, don't be surprised when your message isn't tolerated by non-whites.
exactly! those anti-semites put their own safety above the safety of jews living in france! we need more immigrants!
> lost land
> lost people
> had to fight both Soviet Union and Germany
It worked out for them in the end but it was pretty close.
matt will never replace paul
i like bideo game
It's settled then, it's time to stop tolerating muslims
>fascists are attacking journos (online by pointing out their breaches of ethics, that hurts their careers!)
>antifa physically assaults journos....and that's a good thing!
>btw DON'T debate anyone just spew your retarded ideas out there and if someone dares refute you just pass their arguments off as trolling and hide from them
So it's okay for me to be intolerant to non-whites who want to exterminate whites? Awesome
Stop normalizing Extra Credits.
>Also, having to watch your speech constantly while the pit of vipers you helped to create will devour someone if the say anything spicy
I dont know how they can do it
He asked him to come at him then pussied out.
He deserved it.
Only if people stopped normalizing trannies
>we must secure the existence of our black race and the future of our children
Bravo! Progressive! Beautiful words!
>we must secure the existence of our white race and the future of our children
Nazi! Fascist! Bigot!
>Come at me bro come at me!
>WTF why did he hit me, such animals
subhuman caricature, neonazism is an absolute joke and deserves nothing but scorn
Why do zoomers get so buttblasted when I say nazis are far left?
Let's see
>hitler was gay
>hitler was vegetarian
>hitler liked muslims while hating USA's greatest ally (the jews)
>nazi soldiers were trained by USSR
>environmentalist tree huggers (naizs were literally fed with sóy)
>drug using liberals
>huge amount of gun control
>red flag like all other communist countries
>state has way too much power
>mass taxation
>extremely racist, just like the KKK (members of a socialist party)
Educate yourselves
The far left hates videogames because it's one of the few things left with a high degree of meritocracy.
>spectrum crunch
To this day I still have trouble understanding how no one on that team stopped to think about what they actually were saying. The closest thing I could come up with to make sense of it was how having too many wireless iot devices can cause them to interfere with one another, which at the time was an issue, but newer wifi protocols fixed that.
learn 2 bait newfag
aww he's sleeping like a little baby
i love images like this
yeah, it's perfectly okay, just remember to bear in mind that stacy fucking tyrone instead of you isn't genocide
At least Terry doesn't have to experience this garbage any more.
Are the left really afraid of that thing?
until they start forcing you to play the games they like and take the ones you like.
It only gets worse from here.
not even sandniggers would disagree, as this shit is why they walk to europe to begin with.
I'm guessing tl:dw = ree stop it these textures on models in virtual scenarios are upsetting me stop it stop it you should all be banned
the crying mix-raced child makes this extra lulzy
you would cry hate crime if anybody started to assault nignogs in camos walking around, have a spine for once.
The far right loves Israel because the most influential of them are Christian Zionists who're retarded enough to think they're fulfilling bible prophecy to help bring about the second coming of Jesus by protecting Israel, and will do it even if it means fucking over everyone and everything else to do it. And the rest of the right wing typically supports Israel because they're fucking sheep who just go along with the crowd.
the black lady cop who looks like she's about to snap and start smashing faces with her nightstick also helps
ok zoomer go suck a muslim cock then