Dark Souls fans, what do you think of Xenoblade 2?

Dark Souls fans, what do you think of Xenoblade 2?

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Way too repetitive and the combat is too flowcharty for its own good


DS is my favorite game tied with BOTW.

Xenoblade 2 is the best Switch exclusive.

Great JRPG, great waifus, fucking LONG game.
I've replayed DS dozens of times through, I doubt I'll ever play XC2 again.
But I fap to Pyra like daily.

it's fun but was the gacha shit really necessary?

I like to fap to it but I wont buy the Switch for it alone
not interested in bing bing games

i enjoyed the first one more. X was interesting but the censorship and endless waiting period until you can fight in a mech was too much for me

10/10 - music
good - world, ui , some characters
meh - most of the characters, character design, story
bad - Rex outfit, gameplay

Pretty average game, XG was a lot better and XB1 in between

i expected an experience different from DS and got it. the plot is laid on thick unlike in DS where you only pick up on it if you care
gachashit was redeemed because i pulled kosmos halfway through the game

I think it's on the switch therefore dead to me.

>i pulled kosmos halfway through the game
Fuck you. I farmed deliberately for her for a couple hours and then said fuck it.
You have good karma.

Who cares what mentally ill people think?

Souls 1 fans are already bad enough

I think it is the best game ever made, and that a Soulsfag simpleton like me is unworthy of playing.

I absolutely loved it. Some things here and there needs polishing, but with how much Soul it has (heh.), you just know this game was made with a team that had fun doing it. It just shows.

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Don’t care for the gameplay and a lot of the characters/story. I really liked looking at it and the music was great. Disappointed in being disappointed.

Ultimately disappointed by the lackluster story and characters, and a few mechanics were so hilariously bad I can't believe they made it into the game. The gameplay itself was actually really fun and engaging. Music and world design was awesome. Don't regret playing it but I wasn't impressed by the end.

It’s very good. Can’t wait for the next Monolithsoft RPG, Xeno or otherwise.

Great, original world
Variety of blades

Gameplay, starting with clunky running and platforming sections, ending at battles
Bland characters
Boring, unimaginative story
Atrocious level design
Repetitive soundtrack

I give it 4/10. It's poor even by JPRG's standards. If it wasn't a Switch exclusive, I doubt it'd be so popular.

it's good if you're retarded, i liked it

You're not retarded user. Have more confidence in yourself.

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shut up bitch

Fun, but drops the ball in a few areas which keeps it from being an excellent game. As a few examples: sidequests are forgettable, heart-to-hearts are too infrequent (a skit system would have done this game good), and Zeke isn't the protagonist.

loved it but i hate fromshit

I think all people who think that generic anime art style is not vomit inducing should be sent to concentration camps.

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Everyday, new fanart.

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*12 new fanarts
Fixed your post, my fellow user.

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What? But what I said is true, it still gets new fanart everyday.

Attached: hikari, homura, pneuma, and tora (xenoblade (series) and etc) drawn by shiomi (lowrise) - f4352d260b (1061x1500, 550K)

Played the first one on the Wii and I liked it alot. Might play the second but it looks too much like weeb bait so idk.

>XG was better
>when disc 2 everything goes to shit

it's practically the definition of weebshit but I still managed to enjoy it quite a bit
definitely not as well-put together of an experience as the first game, but it has its charms

Still a WIP but...

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what ps1 emulator you guys use for android? I cant seem to get any to work

Well, in defense of it, it does make for unique playthroughs, even if trying to get every Blade becomes arduous towards the end.

My first Rare Blade was Kora. I didn't really look into most of them except for the notable ones, so it did feel somewhat personal to get one I didn't recognize.
My second was Dahlia, and that one had me laughing because of all the talk about her prior to release. What were the odds that I'd get her so early?
My third was Finch, and I was also pretty thrilled to get the famed Tanaka Blade early on.

The one that took me nearly 400 hours to get was Agate, so I did have a bizarre fixation on her. It was interesting seeing what Blades my friends got as well.

Are you fucking lost?

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I want play xenogears

You get used to it after a while.



The game sucked shit and the English voice acting made it even cringier. Even in Japanese, it’s fucking gay. Can’t even play this trash without the dock because of how ugly it looks. Fuck the switch and fuck Nintendo

>Chapter 1-4 is a painful slog of either having little options on team (Unless you get lucky, Toma's going to be your only Topple for a WHILE), and what options are there are far too basic and limited for their own good. 5-7 is a slog because the story has long since stopped going anywhere fast.
>Items just falling into the abyss
>Foes even 2 levels higher then you taking 5-7 minutes a pop to kill
>Even with the aggro off stuff can get mob heavy fast, and with it on becomes downright painful to go farther then 5 feet without -something- chasing you
>Upgrading towns is obtuse. Having to upgrade towns for stuff like bigger AoE range for collecting items and having inventory space is even more obtuse and stupid.
>Gatcha shit on the most vital thing for game progression.
It's fun enough, but I'd rather be replaying XC1 then XC2 as it's systems just are more cohesive and less random. Even with JUST shulk and Ryan you've got more options to approach battles then Rex, Nia, and Tona, and that's just depressing. 3 attack limit per blade, and limiting the player on active blades for so long kills diversity for far too long.

Who wins?

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My dick

Yes, can you imagine if some random blade got even half the fanart as Pyra?

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Can't wait. I love seeing the Blades in our world's outfits

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there isn't a regular xenoblade thread up so I guess i'll ask here
what's up with all the people who worked on parts of X tweeting about it all of a sudden? CHOCO did it and linked to the website, and so did a few others

hit roll hit roll roll hit roll

XBX port soon

would a random artist like CHOCO who isn't an employee of Monolithsoft know about a port ahead of time, though?

Pneuma new form.

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there is nothing more arousing than seeing blades with casual clothing and new armors