How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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you're powerless to change anything

Horror genres will come back one day and there is nothing you can do it about it

Finally kill the trend for shitty indie, Unity-based 'scary dark house/hospital/whatever' shovelware.

Add more motion blur and chromatic aberration so people will mistake those making them sick for the game actually instilling discomfort and fear.

a shame you can't say the same about your parents

literally just make a videogame version of a david lynch movie

Less guns, make it pivotal that you cannot kill everything. Also fuck stealth, encounters should be quick but risky.

>hiding in a closet while some lunatic hopped up on some gas is squealing MOMMYYYYY while he's molesting a blue velvet dress.

easy, first stop making these threads you fat fucking faggot

Why are you always mad, incel?

Deadly Premonition already exists

what scenarios would you guys like to see in a WW1 or WW2 themed horror game?

Writing that doesn't feel like a mid 2000s PG-13 horror movie.

Focus more on suspense and unsettling the audience instead of being edgy and cliche.

It honestly baffles me a bit. The weak writing within the horror movie genre can be linked to the fact that horror is a very cheap genre to make and thus writing doesn't matter most of the time, they're just pushing something out.

Horror vidya isn't necessarily cheaper than doing any other genre right? Is the genre filled with shit design and writing just in an attempt to replicate movies? Maybe video game writing as a whole is just a joke but its unfortunate that games like Silent Hill 2 just simply don't exist anymore.

She will save us all

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Give it a system like Eternal Darkness where you start hallucinating ghastly shit when you gain too much PTSD from witnessing your comrades die in the trenches. Friends and enemies alike come back to haunt you after they die, tanks, artillery and gas attacks show their destructiveness in graphic detail. Nothing really 'supernatural', just the raw gruesomeness of the Great War. Even throw in a scenario where you're a field medic and you have to do your best to keep your platoon alive, but you're destined to fail. Cutscenes of civilians being abused by troops, women rather killing themselves than to be raped. Hunger, loss, despair, everything that the war unleashed.

How? Is she going to add her face in the game? I wouldn't shit my pants but I'd feel scared a bit for sure.

Made modern people want to live.

Games have become too formulaïc (because profit) and the developers have stagnated in their creative freedom (especially the writing) and simply don't know how to make certain genres compelling anymore.

Would play.

Get rid of jumpscares.

Try and maintain the suspense for longer.

The opening of RE7 was great but by the end you had an arsenal in your backpack and nothing was really scary. Creepy maybe but I was more terrified and struggled more in that first boss fight against Jack than I did the super mutated version of him.

Too soon

That scene is basically the second encounter with PH in Silent Hill 2

I don't know who I fear more though, Pyramid Head or Dennis Hopper.