First playthrough of lobotomy corp

>first playthrough of lobotomy corp
>plague doctor joins around day 20
>starts fucking NTRing my waifu squad
>clock at 5/12
>decide to retry the day because I have no idea how this shit works
>clock still at 5/12

Did I just ruin my save?

What the fuck happens when it goes to 12/12?

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Other urls found in this thread:텀블벅/검색

You lose.

No, really.

The game becomes a visual novel with anime chicks.

You memerepo day 1 after you see what happenes

Then the fun begins, dear user

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Oh user just let him complete his clock. What's the worst could happen?

All the guys who get blessed get buffs. Send all your good guys you like to him
and they'll get big and strong!

post malcute

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>CENSORED actually came back, first day cleared
>even cleared Chesed's mission because I was rushing through the day so fast
>have all the ALEPHs back and a set of Twilight now
wow that went better than expected, even though I don't get wings

I hope LC2 doesn't have the perception filter shit.
LoR already looks miles better because of that

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CENSORED is such a cool monster, a shame it has such a sparse story and isn't very popular.

All your employees get a free +6, do not listen to the other faggots.

>censored appears in LoR without the filter

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I like the perception filter, the art style is crisp and smooth, and the Sephirah look better in this. Gebura's head looks too small in LoR.
The fixers look good though.

I disagree heavily but alright.

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Is Angela counted as a Sephira? I was meaning Gebura in particular looks better in LC filter style.
Angela looks better there than in LoR though.

Do you have any pictures of Geb in LoR?

specifically her red outfit, not the black one
I think it's because of her hair.
Still, I like the pale faced one in LC more, her thighs were more accentuated as well.

still think it looks better but it's subjective, the LC version puts more emphasis on her features since it has much less realistic proportions

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Alirune = 1
Monk = 2
Mountain = 3
Little Red = 2
Big Bad Wolf = 2
Fragment = 1
Queen of Hatred = 1
Little Helper = 1
Funeral = 1

2 deaths = Little Red not targetting my Mimicry chad right next to her, instead killing the two I was grinding there
1 death = Agent died to Nothing There in containment even though he had Mimicry on AND did multiple successful works all day
1 death = Hokma pause sacrifice
3 deaths = crippling lag made me miss right clicking the Food Chain in the hall so my murder death ball of all my facility's chads scattered in there and some walked right in front of the Food Chain and got chomped to bits

At least I saw Little Red and Wolf both fighting each other in Training main room, only for Eternal Meal to pop up and chunk a third of both their healthbars. Then Wolf escaped and ran into breached Fragment and won. Then Wolf kept running into Food Chain worm crews in the halls and got eaten alive eventually.

for suppressions so far (minus Binah): Gebura > Chesed > Hokma > Tiphereth > Hod > Netzach > Yesod > Malkuth


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Yeah, hence why it's more appealing. Just looks more distinctive overall as well, partially due to the solid colors.
I think the other fixers look great though, just the existing Sephirah look inferior in LoR.

He's right, her head is too small.

If they removed the anime garbage the game would actually be palatable.

>what happens when the clock strikes 12
You win first try, that's what.

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Threadly reminder to read the manual

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What even is a severe architect? Someone who embodies the idea of being an architect so much that the consequences are severe? Like remodel a roundabout to a giant car-roulette, just because it fits in the cityplanning of Vegas?

I just think the LoR arstyle fits the setting and tone of the games much better.
But I can agree that the filter does what it's supposed to do, and I still find both styles to be good in their own ways.

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user the first part is just describing her personality, like the "Shy Fire Eaters" and "Arrogant Uniter"

I like the cutesy filter because of how it contrasts with the horrific shit going on, which just makes it feel more sinister. Also I'm a chibiphile and want more on-(filter)model smut desu

I'll read you, Malkuth

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I think it fits LoR better because the setting is outside of LC's area, but LC's style fits far better for LC. Part of the reason I gave this a shot was the clean art style.

>this bitch cuts of your limbs and forces you to work for her
what do?

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Malkuth a shit
I'd rather fuck Hod

use my remaining right arm and cut up right leg to pee in the library and hope for a swift end

You'll have to get addicted to drugs then

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Hod is ___

a perverted slut


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Made for rape


How the fuck do I finish Chesed's third mission, the time limit is ridiculous

>short enough to motorboat Gebura while standing

Just pause bro
Work those ALEPHs, no grinding today

speedrun works nigga

I am working ALEPHs
The problem is the ordeals making me prep-distribute units

Its more an atriccion mach really, you have to get Hod addicted to dick before she gets you addicted to that drug whose name I can not spell for the love of god

Made for consensual sex.

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Just work those ALEPHs faster then, and your facility isn't full of shitters that need the chads to do everything, right

If you can distribute the work well, you can reach energy quota without even hitting dusk. Beyond that, the most prep you'll have to do for noons should be Violet.

Isn't Hod trying the enkephalin for the first time in her convos?
It is, holy fuck I don't even have enough people to wear all my ALEPH gear

Burn LOB making your shitters not-shit then, being that far without a facility made of nothing but chads sounds like some BS to put up with

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dude get out of that corner so I can beat your ass up

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>Isn't Hod trying the enkephalin for the first time in her convos?
That's correct, at scene 5

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I have basically 5 units that do everything right now
A few WAWs

I want to put Hod's brain in Myo's body!

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Ok, first part is personality. What is the second part? Is it what they good at? What is "Fire Eaters" or "Arbitrator"?

>tfw you will never be dateraped by nutsack

Easy just tie her up and fuck her brains out. She can't get high if she can't move.

An arbitrator presumably arbitrates (settles disputes) and I have no fucking clue what the fire eaters thing means
Maybe they do tricks in the breakroom

Sounds like a downgrade to me

I wanna breed with her like bunnies do

shoot her, she's slow
Or do weapons not work at all from the front?

>Try to Shelterfuck the red mist
>Its working but the Silent Orchestra is slowing my game speed and memory leak is making my laptop freeze


An user said turning off the music helps with mem leak
>Orchestra during Geb
Literally better off beating her legit

Give Hod a complement!

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Gives great head

More like, give her a glass of water. The poor thing is totally red in the face and sweating like crazy, who let this fair skin and gentle maiden outside in the summer heat!

Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the facility looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.

>can have a single chad solo mosb
>cant solo big birb
what bullshittery is this

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birbs are no joke

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I never understand why you clerks never put agents in hallways with abnormalities you don't want to breach during any ordeal that can cause breaches, you deserve to reset a day for things that can be easily avoided.

Reminder, every girl belongs to Gebura.

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Wait is there a mod to the game that makes it not look like it's dont in MSPaint?

I've been considering picking it up but the screenshots look ugly

No that's a different game, Library of Ruina that they are making for release in 2020.

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Oh, gotcha.

Thanks for the info!

>call Rabbits on Binah during normal suppression
>they murder her (as long as I kept taking care of meltdowns)
>do the same on day 49
>rabbits get wiped out almost as fast as against Gebura
What gives? Guess I'll just send my turbochad while everyone else deals with the meltdowns then.

I just wanted to beat the clowns for the mission before ending the day. Also I only have like 10 employees because I'm dumb and hoarding LOB points.

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Calling Rabbits on that day doesn't work anyway since her department is able to get hit with meltdowns now
Your best bet is to send a chad or two from each department down, and have everyone else prepare for the meltdowns

IDK if 49 is actually stronger, but she does occasionally wipe out the rabbits in normal suppression, with either pillars or that pale slash attack

>Also I only have like 10 employees because I'm dumb and hoarding LOB points.
That's indeed dumb

Do you think this game is worth 15€?

At the pace i'm at now it seems like it's going to be a 40-60 hour game to complete
Definitely worth it I say

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I still tend to restart when I lose employees.
I remember when the train came and only killed one guy station in hallway duty. I was a miraculous fortune to only get one guy hit, but I restarted anyway.

I wonder if it's just because the agents are cute and I want to protect them when I really shouldn't. I know this has slowed my progress down significantly.

Is there a good place to look for mods (outfits) for Lobotomy Corporation?

I saw the basemod but I wasn't sure if there was a good place to look

Tell me how to spend them, how many employees should I have and what is the most efficient way of getting them to be strong.

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Not the other user, but day 49 was easier by virtue of actually having Backwards clock by then, and being able to wipe out clerks before Binah does her waves

make justicechads

what gaem

Wouldn't it be smarter to just pump LOB into the not expensive stats and use the mirror so it gets put into justice

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>how many employees
Depends on your progress.
Usuall 3-4 per apartment are enough.
During the white trials it is good to have additional fodder.
>and what is the most efficient way of getting them to be strong
Train them.

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So are Adam and Abel just previous versions of you? Old personalities in your head due to repeating this shit for 100k years?

I bought this too, read it's like SCP and shit, hope it's fun

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Trepanation Association

that's so stylish and cool

Head hacking honchos

Should've pirated first if you don't have any experience with these kind of games honestly.
Still, good luck, Manager!

It is in my opinion, but good lord it starts fairly slow. The first 5 days are basically a prolonged tutorial. Things only get interesting later on when you've got more departments unlocked.

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>fuck you

If you actually liked DD you should also like this game, don't get attached to agents and overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Imagine if LC2 had no retry day button and autosaved everything that happened.

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Quick question, whats LoR? New game or new dlc or new story or?

Why are they so based?

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Very nice, I really like urban fantasy with well dressed individuals using swords and shit.

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This looks and sounds interesting but I know nothing about it. Can someone give me the good/bad/ugly with this game? All I know is waifus & management.

New game, different genre, same setting, same characters, coming out in 2020

>tfw attached to my agents to the point of wanting to draw one or two of them

It's too late for me, save yourselves.

It's a completely new game with different gameplay but still set in the same world and featuring returning characters.

>guys no guys, guys seriously like what if...
>no for real guys what if
> we took SCP but like....made it

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Are there even any canonically gay characters in this game?

Whenever I read Chainsaw man I remember Lobotomy Corporation
i think it's the suits and the deranged faces fujimoto draws

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Why is he so cute, user?

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Good: Interesting creatures. Gameplay varies between relaxing, tense, and stressful in a good way. Employees are fun to train and customize.

Bad: Certain enemies and events purely rely on trial and error. Restarting the day is always an optiom when things go south, poor translation can cause comfusion when dealing with creatures.


You mean it's like SCP but WITHOUT the gay?

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I went even further beyond by having a naming theme for my cast. That being video games characters, anime/manga characters, cartoon characters, and the rare real life person like Mads Mikkelsen and Henry Cabot Lodge

get that shit out of here
everyone's too depressed to fuck

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>looks like a friend
>Notice the space for boxes is considerable, probably ALEPH-tier
>Oh, a funky heart. Neat. Something like Laetitia or the Knight of Despair
>It's not like those
>It's not like those at all
>Why is my justicechad the only one alive?
>Should've just sent clerkkiller in the first place

She's cute and all, but what the fuck.

>just enough boxes to unlock the tips
> So repression is generally a no-go, because even though it doesn't make goo go everywhere, it decreases the q-counter. Insight is a safeguard-everyone-or-kill-everyone gamble? Do I just quarantine the singular goo'd chad with her and pray to One Sin that she doesn't have to be repressed? What about the tip that says the one who works on her can get infected too? What the fuck am I supposed to do?

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It can't spread if everyone is already dead.

Monsters Inc


Get execution bullets ASAP, murder every clerk on central (which is the worst dept for melty to be in, by the way), and quarantine the hallway she's in with her pozzed husband and whoever's working on Apple

look at what u just posted user....please.
Your mother and i are worried.

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ah yes, your deviant art characters have shown me the error of my ways

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Care to explain this?

>Lets make an scp game
>"Good idea but we need to ensure that people will buy the game even if its not that great"

do NOT fuck the nest you absolute fucking degenerate


Expect DD levels of grind


Thanks for the answer, I think I'll try it.


i can't
its too late, everyone's going to die

someone explain angela, ruina, why she wanted to make a library and why she has a crow/raven suit and cuts her hair

There's actually a reason it's not as great as it seems it could've been.
The translator scammed the devs out of 91% of the budget and ran before he did any work. It would be still been anime regardless though.

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suits make everything better

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What is this game? I see threads for it. It looks like SCP, the game.

And that's a good thing!

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i bought and refunded it in like 7 mins cuz i didnt know what to do, shit game :)

>be advanced AI made in the shape of your creator's dead crush
>be forced to live through countless time loops to fulfill your assigned mission to carry on the work of your model that was passed on to your creator
>be not happy about this
>finally complete the mission
>realize you're free
>time to celebrate and let off your resentment by sabotage

Aleast we don't have a tranny satelite that write about Homestuck in tumblr.

What the fuck, is what you're saying for real?

That's because it basically is

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Guess who showed up!
Zero prudence!

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That is why you pirate it first so you can figure shit out and see if it is your cup of tea first. Your save carries over if you buy the game later on

Fuck violet midnights, I cant beat them, they make the game unfun.

>nothing there in the background

>made a kickstarter asking for 40k
>made a korean only crowdfund
>made 13k
>got scammed out of most of it
>somehow still managed to scrape together a game
>game is still good
Now this is soul

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The translator the devs hired did a shitty machine translation and ran off
Plus the game didn't even meet it's funding goals, the devs decided to struggle through it anyways
Lob Corp had a real rough time lmao

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That user may be exaggerating, but a translator who did a shoddy job and took a chunk of cash with him was something that actually happened
I’m not sure if it would have influenced the game very much aside from stalling the progress of translation updates though

Just the right amount of cool and edgy

>hit a 200k sales milestone recently
Honestly they deserve more for all of the shit the game had to go through, but still ending up as good as it did.

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Which abno do you want a 3d model of the most?

honestly I'm shocked it's this successful in the first place if it struggled so damn hard, but they kinda deserve it. The devs deserve love.

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For the memes, CENSORED
I'd say Nothing There would be interesting to see in a 3D model.

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post birds memes

Der Frakenfurterz, possibly his bullet too so we can figure how her can hit everything on the X Axis


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CENSORED as well, I wager Black Swan and Schadenfreude as well

Judging by the OC being pumped out and the views they get I think they have themselves, at minimum, a strong cult following. I know they have my support

Laetitia for

-uring illnesses

aring and being friends with?

what's up with the vagina in a bag?

Big Bird tried to make a lamp but he's too dumb to make it look good.
Please be patient.

If you look at the original crowdfunding pages for the game it really doesn't look all that great.
Succesfull crowfunding campaigns always have good looking art or anything that looks promising.
Basically, the complete opposite of this shit:텀블벅/검색

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When she drew it, she didn't realize the lamp didn't have a candle in it, so she just tried to make it look more like a standalone flame.

I have scrolled past images of this enough times to be interested
What is this
Where do I get it
What do I do

Is it even worth it to train more than 5 departments worth of chads? Aren't the rest worthless once you run out of ranged WAW gear?

>be an agent chilling in one of the main rooms waiting for orders
>hear this on the other end of one of the doors
How screwed r u

I just want to hold her and hug her

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scream as loud as possible and run up and down the hallways for the next 30 minutes

I don't have the bullets, no idea how to get them. Problem is, all chads are equal before her, except the hearty ones, and they don't survive long. Am I just supposed to deprive her of food and then.. how do my gigachads not instantly get GOO'd?

How do you maximize LOB gain?

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Get S ranks and dont have abnormalities out when you end the day

work on higher tier abnormalities instead of doing what's happening in that gif

>3k out of 40k

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What I did when I got her before I unlocked bullets was to let a Ab breach and kill all the clerks in its department, then move the chad to that department as soon as they're done working.

Certainly looks a bit different from the beta videos I've seen.
I'm surprised they were able to facelift the art style and change pretty much everything, though.

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Goddamn this game has a lot of jap art

Pull out Twilight and go whoop its ugly ass back into its cell.

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>that faggot who manages to run away from all of my white knights 50 times over and makes them go insane too

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Avoid working on her as much as possible then. Can you suppress her?
Execution Bullets are unlocked by Gebura's missions

>elevators being elevators instead of magical teleport spaces
That would have been a fucking nightmare

Just ignore her completely unless you have to for a meltdown.
And after doing that meltdown just keep the employee that worked on her in that corridor and hopefully you can finish the day before some retarded clerk walks in and gets infected.
You can get the execution bullets from doing the disciplinary team missions
To be fair they only really changed how the employees and hud looks like, all the abnos and room art hasn't really changed at all.

>speedchad goes insane
>nobody can catch him even with slow bullets

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It's surprising, but it makes sense cause there's a lot of stuff worth drawing for artists (their unique cast employees, a large amount waifus, the huge list of interesting abnos etc)

What determines how fast agents gain experience? The rank of the abnormality they're working on?

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>those stretch goals
Voice acting and an actual devkit would have been nice.

Why anyone would have a justice Chad (an agent who is explicitly made to fight) not have enough prudence and instinct to not die or panic to whatever they're fighting is foolish. If a giga had panics from something other than CENSORED, you are doing something wrong

>implying anyone actually things thats part of the real cannon.

yeah they also have a whole joke section whats ur point

I specifically, accidentally, sent the guy to Censored before letting him regain his SP.
A couple times.

What are some cool names for employees that are not in game?

*screams at 500 decibels*

>speedchad goes insane
>noone can catch him
>he lets out void dream
>void dream puts him to sleep
>wakes up sane
Why is the captcha so much worse now, it keeps failing over and over again with the Pick all X

>turning off the music helps with mem leak
holy shit I will do that next time and see if it helps me

Is that a Normal work result I smell?

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I got her down to about half hp with my magic bullet designated clerkkiller, so it should be possible to suppress her. Thank you Anons, I'll just quarantine all of central. Dumb clerks.

You should buy a pass so you don't have to fill the captcha.

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I like making my employees happy. A good manager provides a healthy work environment.

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I think it's a combination of rank and pe boxes.

no, it was a good work result.

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Justice Chad have the purpose to kill as quick as possible before the abnormality triggers something like Nothing there or Claw boy

You think they will make modding tools/steam workshop for LoR?
Though employee customization is likely going to be less of a factor in that game with how the management seems to work.

Use audio shit
Works faster at least for me

For reference, she's second easiest ALEPH to suppress after level 1 Mountain.

Ah, but you see, it's not on that joke section, is it? In fact, it seems to have been marked by whoever owns the website as 'protected'- surely this means, rather than, as you imply, being a marginal inclusion, that it is actually regarded as a valuable and accepted inclusion to the SCP setting! If such were not so, then why has this received the SCP community's protection against editing?

>joke section
Except is not in the joke section, joke entries have a j beside their number also pic related. You can hate LC becuase "muh weeb shit" but aleast is not literal gay protected shit.

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If you got turned into a book, what knowledge would the reader get from reading it?

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Please stop shitting up the thread by replying to bait and talking about SCP.

We can talk about how much we want to fuck the magical girls instead

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>cheesing geburah
>oh god so slow
>wait wheres censored
apparently censored can get turned into a minion of melty love

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Will abnos appear in Library of Ruina

how to draw boobs and make sick beats: volume one

there is no volume two

Is der Frankfurt a magical girl?


I hope so but i don't see much mod potential with LoR gameplay, LC2 on otherhand will probably have it depending on how LoR do

If you want him to be

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>cheesing geburah
Shame on you.

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Sell me on this game, I've been debating buying it for about a week

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We've already seen a redesigned Meat Lantern weapon, so likely.

Its easy to ignore SCPs that dont make sense in the larger context....cant really do it when the Entire game is little Timmy first OC simulator.

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Buy it, or you're a faggot.

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its ok

You can make cute girls, get attached to them and then see them die horrible deaths to disgusting creatures because of your incompetence.

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if they didn't want you to release abnos to fight her they wouldn't have made her take increased damage from them

Laetitia is friend!

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Resorting to cheap tricks like Binah, instead of having your Chads beat her up fair and square just means you're a clerk.

>You can make cute girls and watch them die
The most satisfying thing about being a shitty manager

Attached: Screenshot_14.png (931x633, 522K)

Laetitia is as tall as employees, why can't I hire her?

But you see, if it did not make sense in whatever 'larger context' you speak of, it would not have received such a mark of respect from the SCP community! In any case, you have yet to highlight anything actually homosexual within LC's content, whilst we have proven such characters are actually the most valued parts of the SCP setting by members of its community!

The employess only look like dolls because of the cognition filter.

Attached: 1562132565287.png (149x187, 32K)

Laetitia is my facility's bike until they're strong enough to ride Big Bird and La Luna

I was wondering about the eyeball tree's mechanic since I havent gotten it yet
Does the part where you must keep it on screen only apply while you're working/containing it like with schadenfreude or is it an always thing?

An always thing. Hope you like zooming out

Craniotomy Company

>all SCPs on the site are 100% agreed on by the community
> But you see,
Not an RP thread my dude
> Most valued part
stop talking out ur ass
>actual Homosexual LC content
Homo has nothing to do with something being gay, using internet talk here

and on top of that, not a single person has tryed to defend it, only attack SCP. really says something

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I want to hatefuck female tiphereth

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user, the other user is not incorrect, but, Do listen to 's advice if it breaches
And read the manual with the management tips.

Alright, I bought it. What are some tips and tricks I should know so I dont anally fuck myself early on?

Attached: 1562028459141.png (363x363, 67K)

>Homo has nothing to do with something being gay
Hearty kek

Read the fucking manual
Retry before memerepo
Do not fall in love with the cute
Have fun, despair a lot, and good luck, Manager!

Mem repo is a thing, use it if you ended up with an abnormality that fucks you over constantly

Do some grindan so your agents aren't forever plebs
Spend those LOB to make better new hires, not to hire more useless fags
Managerial Tips are far more useful than anything else

The worst thing is that these people aren't even legitimately transgender. They do nothing to "transition" and just swap their pronouns and immediately do it as a political thing and constantly whine about politics, and set back people's opinions about the decent transgenders by 50 years. They "became" transgender solely to try to fix their problems in life and went completely crazy when they realized taking hormones doesn't fix the rest of your life, it just softens up your face and gives you tits.

Other games do have ironman mode, I don't get why this one doesn't.

Unlock managerial tips first
One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds is your friend
Spread out your work to newbies so you can get as many to level V and EX as possible
Seturn to memory repository freely if you get something you can't handle, or really don't want to keep
Blue Star is best.

Attached: 1549841491765.png (1024x1024, 810K)

>no no no!
>i didn't mean it! i didn't mean gay when i said gay! it was just my internet talk!!!!
>you're wrong! you're wrong!
I'm sorry, friend. It's always hard to find yourself turfed out of your hobby, disliked, disrespected and outcast amongst those you thought were friends. But don't worry, there's no need to live in the past any longer! You can easily, right now, scurry away from your awful ruined setting, and embrace one that is clearly and obviously superior! All you need to do is admit that SCP is worthless trash, and purchase yourself one copy of Lobotomy Corporation! I know you have it in you to 'Face the Fear' and 'Build the Future'!

Hours and hours of loving sex for the purpose of procreation with Hod!

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Thanks anons. Currently right now half of these words/terms mean nothing to me, but I guess they will soon enough!

>doesn't mind how awful the work was, just that your agent isn't a brainlet and is fast at working
What a based ALEPH, fucking huge PE box output and keeping it contained is pretty simple. Just uhh don't let it out. That would suck.

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Stop posting about SCPs and politics and start posting LC memes. Make your own if you don't have any, in MSpaint.

Attached: cat.png (799x727, 1.22M)

>Ignore the whole post and throw out copy pasta
nice move user, thanks for playing

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I'm starting work on drawing my favorite agent but I have no idea how thick she should be, if that means anything

i can respect that

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Yes! Her and Malkuth!
At the same time! With Angela being our mistress and fucking all three of us with a strap on!

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I love newbies.
You are cute and i hope you end up enjoying the game a lot.
I wish I had more than 1 prudence to make my own oc

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If the clerk ends up with a defeated Red Mist sitting in front of him, he deserves to be promoted to an agent. There's no sense in honour in a place like Lobotomy Corporation.

>during Crimson Dusk clown mayhem, hear this

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Stop talking to this retarded sperg. SCP is dogshit, that's it. Leave it be, this isn't an SCP thread and if it was it shouldn't be here.

I don't think that's gonna work out
But Laetitia on the other hand? That's definitely a yes

Attached: DMpB5S1UQAAMFsm.jpg (770x1200, 120K)

I'd make a very outdated picture about
>So I asked Little Red to suppress Punishing Bird... She actually did it the absolute madman
but I won't.

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>You are cute
N-No u, user. Hold my hand while I cry, this is gonna be tough isn't it?

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How fucking stupid are clerks that they literally just fucking run into king of greeds mouth?

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Don't procreate with your abnormalities user.

Don't worry, It'll be fine

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Imagine being so butthurt that whatever you liked turned into some homo or gay or whatever other internet talk slang you can think off political shit that you come and try to shitpost on anything that resemble it.

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I've been waiting for this threads for days since I bought this game and all I want to say is

>using In the Name of Love and Hate on a panicked agent

I know this is bait but 7 minutes isn’t even enough time to get through the tutorial.
I’ll assume you didn’t play it.
But minus all of the game terminology, it’s a straight forward concept nigger

I really hope LoR's ost will live up to the hype.

Attached: 1541432465690.gif (640x640, 84K)

But we have had daily threads for a while now

>Studio EIM
It will

If anyone can provide me with a decent quality screencap of the "They know nothing of the great journey-And you know nothing about containment!" scene in Halo 2 I could try making a crappy edit of it with Dylan and Sophie (the agent who stopped Dylan from becoming a star)

Don't fucking lie to me scum, I've been lurking the board and I needed to let that out of my chest for what felt ages

The corporation is great. It kills clerks and turns dumbfuck useless wastes of biomass into gigachads.

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Never heard of them, what else did they do?

>PPodae literally resting in corridors
>black swan and long bird taking long walks together
>orchestra playing for free
>red hood literally having fun with censored and melty
>geburah sitting safe and sound on control, safe and sound from all that ruckus, just chilling
>somewhere out there theres a dumb rank 1 employee sipping tea on shelter
my facility is the chillest one for abnos now

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I want to make her a mommy

want me to show you how much of a gigachad me and my guys have become?
that's what I thought

Honestly, the most horrifying abnormality if they were real would be The Bunker. Even shit like Blue Star, Melting Love, or WhiteNight could be dealt with by nuclear weapons or specialized weaponry. But The Bunker literally fucks up the rest of reality by driving it into utter chaos and misery by simply existing and having somebody inside of it. And there's no way anyone would know or be able to do anything about it.

dumb manager shes an AI, she cant have babies

but dont worry, she found a work around that

No really usually like 2 threads a day
Most of them didn't have the game name in the op though
They did the music for MapleStory, and MapleStory just has god tier music

He is right. We have continuously threads.

I'm on the fence about this should i reset to day 1?

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It's fine, I'm sure an abnormality can help.

nothing there is unmanageable
stay after the day is over and grind those chads for the most you can.

galaxy might be a issue, i duno.

I believe it only affects the immediate area at least. The reason being so the person hiding in the bunker will see just how fucking awful it is outside, and stay within.
Really makes you wonder how the corp found and extracted it if there was potentially someone hiding in it long enough to permanently fuck an area over.

As for those others you mentioned, the damage they could potentially do is insane. Especially since WN is practically immune to damage, and Blue Star only needs ~5 seconds to end the lives of millions.

>And there's no way anyone would know
I have this shit and I never use it, wow so hard

>random insane clerk gets inside it and closes it
>rest of world doomed
tbqh it would be easy to abuse it if someone had literal free will

Attached: 242A8FC5-3FDB-4DD7-8875-09670DE5955D.png (278x339, 46K)

When you were partying, I studied the manual. When you were having premarital attachment, I mastered the managerial tips. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of justice, I cultivated inner prudence. And now that the corporation is on fire and the abnormalities are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?

Attached: 70428316_p8.png (635x900, 655K)

Malkuth is the only one dumb enough to need those guides. Everyone else just wings it and does better than her anyway.

It's gonna be tough and painful
But i believe in you!

Too bad we get to control the people who matter around the place

>Everyone else just wings it and does better than her anyway.
Like who?
Nutsack? Drug dealer? Viper guy?

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You have lots of good stat training there
For Fortitude you have Wellcheers, Ppodae
Prudence you have Punishing Birb, and Queen Bee
Temperance you have Old Lady and I think the tinman is a temperance abno
I'm not seeing anything for Justice but I also don't recognize a bunch of those abnos and getting a justice trainer seems to be somewhat rare anyways

Ok i fucking did it, you niggas convinced me, i better not regret this.

Attached: Screenshot_10.png (396x183, 119K)

post your favorite track from LC

Everyone. Even the clerks.

Good luck, manager.

Protip: Unlock managerial tips first, tells you how to deal with the abnormality.


everyone is within parameters or as angela designed
tiphs carry so hard noone else bother to try
chesed does as hes told so even if he fails its what he was designed to do
makulth feeds them books to make everyone better
drugs are passed around to give them a feeling of hope

Woodsman is indeed a temperance trainer, but he doesn't like high temperance so you've got to concentrate on one employee a day and grind the hell out of them.

If you regret it you still can do memrepo

I know Malkuth is a dummy but comparing her to clerks is just cruel. Clerks are genuinely subhuman.

I love this.

Attached: 1557925835343.png (252x224, 16K)

>oh shit a giant man eating worm that could swallow a doorframe straight out of the wall
>better stand in front of it and feed it 9mm bullets

Not actually my favourite but underrated

I loved this song.

it might take more time that i want to consider to cheese geburah. nothing is really heading to where she is

am i supposed to use bunnies? so far it has been a pretty trash way to kill her. the upper levels are so safe, im feeling regret for not having more waw abnos

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>drugs are passed around to give them a feeling of hope
You can see how that works with Netzach.

I have that mod that tells you how much your stat is going to go up when the day ends so training is a little bit faster without wasting time training someone already maxed

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do long term service effects wear off or can i freely assign people between departments as needed to get their stats up

>an agent that suppresses abnormalities more than they work doesn't eventually just start calling you commander since they're so used to kicking ass
You need Blue Star+WhiteNight, otherwise don't bother trying to be a cheesy person, it takes too long for nothing to happen.

have a link to that?

Bunnies are just a distraction, and become a little useless later on because she can start teleporting / dashing at light speed
Use them early on to beat her up but then get ready to chase her down yourself

Don't cheese her. Fight her properly. You won't regret it.

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funnily enought i tried to get apoc birb but luck fucked me over

might just redo for BS then

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You don't want to move agents between departments if you want to keep their veterancy bonus, besides a lot of the later department bonuses are very strong so even newbies can get up to speed relatively quickly.

Don't be a Chesed and let your Chads do the supression.

They wear off as soon as their service in that department ends.


i just unlocked the second level so i'm wondering how i'm gonna secure it vs breaches/ordeals, i've been able to wing it with squads backing up my weaker departments but with two levels it's hard for my veterans to get somewhere fast enough

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there are way worse first WAWs that you can get

Don't mind movie employees. You will eventually restart anyway.

Oh you will regent this when you're ass deep in abnormals and clerks left and right tries to overthrow you.

You probably have a stockpile of LOB for a reason, bump up some agents to make grinding them against dangerous abnormals easier.
When you do the upper floor suppressions, one of them has an insane reward making newbie training way easier.

It also gives you exact percentages to succeed on skips as well as showing that even if both are "common" chance to succeed the underlying percentage might be a little different

Attached: wiki vs modded chance.png (1078x752, 634K)

So this is why all my rooms are haze. It all makes sense now.

I have no idea how to embed video while mobileposting but second trumpet and Hod's elevator music are my two favorites.

Who was your first WAW and ALEPH what day did you get them, and what did you do when they breached for the first time
WAW:Monk day 13
Instant GG

Just get the fuck out.

Attached: 1534474340204.jpg (1100x800, 70K)
fug u

Apoc bird can be cheesed in the same way actually. Blue Star ended up killing Big Bird's egg while Nothing There and Melting Love whacked the Long Bird's egg. CENSORED and Mountain of Smiling Bodies killed the Punishing Bird's egg.
Unfortunately this does mean no one gets the gift, but I certainly don't regret it since the gear itself is stylish and CENSORED came back home afterwards.

Why is Red Riding Hood locked in a barren cell all day?
>a normal human bean who voluntarily came to lobotomy corp
>no special powers aside from not being able to die
>gets paid enkephalin/energy for jobs like an employee gets paid money
>qliphoth counter decreases when abnos breach, which suggests she's mad at the manager's incompetence and wants to suppress them herself
>only other thing she dislikes is the wolf so she isn't that dangerous
>overall relatively safe compared to the other shit you have in your facility

Attached: DB5126A2-91A4-4D43-9580-A25342A86A5C.jpg (600x254, 55K)

this doesn't do anything to make rooms hazy, this is just a Waw version of meat lantern with reversed time restrictions. You might be thinking of 1.76 MHz

theres a reason why youre stuck in the cesspool upper layer

Attached: TiperethPortraitFemale.png (200x193, 37K)

Mushroom on day 13
(((Zayin))) in (((Pink))) on day 21

>first WAW
Crybaby Knight
>first ALEPH
Pic related, I just reset because I lost one of my main 5 if it breached. Also tried to work on it with TETH armor which ended up working lol

Attached: Screenshot_6.png (403x695, 376K)

WAW: Snow White
I did my best to ignore her but she always broke out to fuck my shit up
ALEPH: Blue Star
I was alerted as to how dangerous it can be, so when I went in I was confident I could keep it contained. Not even 5 minutes after I got it it broke out and killed everyone.

Attached: aleph.png (618x512, 456K)

Was that the second trumpet I just heard?

Attached: 3-0.png (516x500, 146K)

>no special powers aside from not being able to die
That's because she's an abno, dingus.

It was Nothing There, on about Day 14 I think?
Big Bird, day 20. Discounting the tools of course.

>not replacing the marbles with heads of employees
one job

Large and Likely Lousy Lupine, and honestly the only time he breached was when I was testing him out. Had to reset because I'd lost a few in trials and no longer had enough to suppress him. Day 12 or 13.
First ALEPH was Nothing There, and he only ever breached for shelter/Omega Birb. He munched someone during Hod's tantrum, but he didn't breach. Day 24. Such a good boy.

Attached: 1561042187596.png (661x458, 100K)

Brilliant, even though a virus.


Attached: 1557867492645.jpg (2865x2493, 3.22M)

The best i could come with

Attached: silent doggo.jpg (828x720, 254K)

Where is translation?

First Waw was either the Express Train to Hell(can't escape) or Knight of Despair(can't escape) which were both in training so I think day 10ish
First Aleph was Nothing There which was in central so day 24 iirc
When Nothing There breached the same thing that happens to most people when it breaches for the first time happened, everyone died
Current run is first Waw is Dimensional Refraction Variant(hasn't escaped yet) on day 13 and Aleph is MoSF(hasn't escaped yet) on day 16
I'm prepared for MoSF by having a chad sit outside the door at all times

Other than that, why is she classified as an abno? She's a human, one-man Rabbit Team with a few weapons, that's all.


>defending abn*s
Who let the clerks out?

>when you lose the battle for that neutral result

Attached: when you unlock managerial tip 1.png (552x397, 237K)

maybe because she's from the black forest like most of the abnormalities not made by LobCo are from?

See you in 3 days Yea Forums

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Abnormalities aren't people, so that doesn't count as porn.

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This is a sin

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knight of despair can escape bro, and she's god damn lethal in battle too

Attached: Great Love For Us.png (781x725, 631K)

I wish there was more art of her battle form, it's so beautiful.

>*writes another 500 articles about how badass and unkillable 782 is*

Have something cuter

Attached: 68390363_p4.jpg (1142x1095, 874K)

Yes, but the conditions are such that one either has to go out of their way to make her mad, or to be in such a bad situation that her presence is barely a foot note.


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God when I see one of those fucking clerks I want to call them to my office then rape them to death

why does birb look disappointed?

It's not punishing.

Just got this, dunno if it'll work for you

Attached: Great Journey.png (1099x1188, 1.05M)

Why won't you rape me instead, manger? I could take it...

Attached: sad angela.png (503x666, 118K)

Just don't hurt them too much, they're incredibly fragile and might die during the dicking



Perfect, thanks user.
Even is free of subtitles so I don't have to edit out the parts relating to the great journey in favor of the star.


r8 my facility bros, unknowns are a stupid shelter that breaks everything and and some piano teacher fuck

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>and some piano teacher fuck
Don't you fucking insult La Luna, you clerk.

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>One Sin

Attached: terror level.png (600x665, 432K)

I can see why the infinity gauntlet might be fun.
>he has One Sin
It's over...

Attached: Screenshot_116.png (269x281, 103K)

Fine, be that way then. I'll get it one day, even if I have to force you myself.

Attached: 1558525695832.png (503x666, 120K)

Laetitia, Poccubus, and Der Shootyman are very good since they train your employees effectively. You can train all 4 stats from these 3, but try to get ice queen later if you get the chance, she is a great trainer as well. You should be good with funeral as long as you don't interact with it anymore after getting his stuff.
You just want some WAWs to get their gear now, and maybe some of the weaker ALEPHs after. Dreaming Current, Red Hood, and Queen Bee are all great EGO providers.

>that attack speed

Attached: 1552085115549.png (690x753, 641K)

La Luna is literally one of the best WAWs in the game. Please treat her with respect.

W-what's wong with one sin, bros?

I'm gonna cut it off myself before I let your get your grimy hands on it Angela.

Manager, I................

One sin is....

Attached: Tiphereth4.png (444x520, 118K)

please make a webm of this guy beating the shit out of some slow/stationary abno

He's already got Laetitia and Der Shootman, suppressing Funeral should be no problem. Just let him breach and slap his shit.
Spot on about the WAWs though.


>One Sin
Enjoy your unknown threat.


Literally the most powerful abnormality, now go confess your sins lest he smite you.

Where are your ALEPHs user? Also don't diss La Luna, she's quite literally one of the best abnormalities to have.

Attached: derp.png (310x392, 18K)

Just let go, Manager...
It'll be easier if you do it now...

I thought it was obvious giveaway, he commited only one sin

About 2000 pale damage's worth is what's wrong with him.

I literally only interacted with her once a day to bless my die frankfurt gun agent, unless she was selected during the qliphoth meltdown
>all those empty employee slots

He's a big skull

Attached: FlightPlan.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Are we harvesting abnormalities for energy or for fashion because everything he and above seems to have nice outfits and some the gifts are nice looking to

>666 pale damage


Attached: LoR Angela.png (2078x2067, 867K)

Guys. I just got to Day 45 and Binah's last mission. I don't think I can do her Core Suppression even if I meme repo. I have a team of 21 chads total, more than half of them with a good chunk of EGO gifts. Was planning to spend this final day grinding everyone's Justice to at least 130 on Blue Star, Mountain, Heaven, and Freischutz, but I'm not sure if I will get screwed out of my EGO gear once I hit the wall Day 49 and get an ending. Does it send you back to Day 46 when you get to it to let you safely Day 1, or am I forced to Day 1 right there and potentially miss gear from dead dudes?

But he's been sitting without anyone talking to him for days on end now since I have more important things to worry about.

thanks senpai, i'll see if i can get her soon
what's so great about la luna? be gentle, i'm on scarecrow duty

For sin

Whats the worst WaW to get first?


>what's so great about la luna? be gentle, i'm on scarecrow duty
Great and forgiving trainer, hard to breach, has your agents play wonderful music while she walks around bashing clerks' skulls in with her staff. What's there not to love?

Attached: 1554937423043.png (1042x753, 799K)

I got this due to Yea Forums insistence on making 24/7 generals about it.
I'm still waiting for it to get fun 10 hours in.

This stupid giraffe

Attached: ろぼとみまとめ by はる.jpg (924x1200, 594K)

Awesome weapon, great suit, literally never breaches, can provide buffs, trains attachment and even instinct and repression somewhat and has probably the best gift for her slot.

Alriune, Parasyte Tree, or Burrowing Heaven

>[CENSORED] and nest need research
>gotta go back to day 36 anyway
>grind their shit so hard i forget to kill clerks
>3 chads die to mosb because mimicry couldnt hold agro
>got the research and gear
>back to day 36
>kept the gear
so i can do this forever and keep grinding codex entry?

Attached: 1561167653185.gif (800x500, 2.72M)

Fuck the manual.

Attached: 1560106322518.webm (1280x640, 851K)

I wish people did more burrowing heaven art, hes so cool, and in my opinion has the most horrifying death.

thanks for the help user, i'll graduate from scarecrow duty someday

Alriune, Burrowing Heaven, and Apple

WAV: Queen Bee Day 16
ALEPH: Blue Star Day 23
Killed the bees as much as possible.
All-out rushed with my entire facility, having prepared beforehand to intentionally breach him for Gebura mission. Easy.

Yea, but do you really want to grind 1000+ boxes every day to get your codex entries? Just do them all at once in the next playthrough at day 16 or something.

Don't you have your better half to smush Tibereth?

I just beat Gebura. I kind of cheesed it though. First two phases you just need some micro and move people to safety since she doesn't chase.
Third phase you can use some long range weapons to cheese, I used melting love and blue stars EGO weapons and just watched as she tried to attack while out of range. (did have to heal up after the odd burrowing heaven though)
Fourth she has a long recovery time after the dash attack, I just sent my death ball after her and killed her in two of those.

>Best repression trainer outside Whitenight

Attached: KSzIe2u.jpg (1616x938, 139K)


I used to think you were all just meming about clerks, but it's gotten to the point in my own game where I genuinely fucking hate clerks. I actually take pleasure in having my sniper agent taking out clerks when putting down ordeals.

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Attached: SILENCEHERETIC.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

tbqh it was easy. i dont really wanna keep [CENSORED] because i have so much stuff that breaches its not funny, but naked nest is yet another STD i dont wanna keep, and returning to rep day seemed ideal. i just spammed him, my dude didnt even died or anything

That's not cheating it.
You Chesed it by letting abnormalities do your job.

There is literally nothing wrong with clerks.

>haha i broke out one(1) time now your movement speed is permanently halved on 60% of your facility :)

The best repression trainer in my opinion is the black swan, good gift, high success chance and high counter.


Attached: 1468209866046.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

You need to confess, user...

newfag here
is magical girl good to get as the first WaW?

It's your fault if you let a 80% chance work fail and let her breach. If you want to talk about breaching then Red and Wolf can solo an entire facility if they breach early and you have no EGO.


Grab her clothes and magic stick and mem repo her the fuck away if u got no bullets

why do people bitch about burrowing heaven??? just zoom your camera out and contain it in your sight nigga lmao

She's a nuisance and a bit of a hassle but she's not Alriune and that immediately makes her not the worst.

Rip you

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S-surely you must be joking, right?

Can someone just tell me the basics of what I have to do? I think I'm retarded, I played the tutorial but I still seem lost. I think I have a hard time reading stuff and taking it in

Attached: 1529222486513.jpg (150x150, 6K)

She's cute so it's okay.

Read the manual.

Attached: 1542115084602.png (360x320, 17K)

only if you have a way to easily kill clerks or you want to do the easy reset trick

my mem repo takes me back to already having her, can level 4s handle her?

I just got into this game today thinking most of the abnormalities wouldn't be all that creepy compared to SCP.
Then I saw the fucking Reindeer.

You will learn as you play. Work on your first abos a bunch to learn the basics of controls (like selecting agents then right clicking on abos), and always read managerial tips throughly. Best of luck!

I still can't believe I made this.

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>mfw the Rapture
It is objectively the most kino moment in the game
You can't change my mind.

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this Manual literally tells you everything you need to know. Read it in detail, every sub-entry too.

WAW was La Luna, who pretty much wiped all my chads because I only had white weapons and hadn't figured out how to micromanage.
ALEPH was Blue Star and deleted my entire facility

Rudolta is you friend. He only wishes to spread his unending hatred to all the poor boys and girls.

hey don't diss mutilated Santa, or you won't get any gifts 5 months from now

Who is Ryan?

Blessed edit. Please make more oc

Each Work type will raise the same stat(it's ordered in the same way on their status screen) a bit, with bigger boosts for bigger gaps and higher threat level abnormalities.
Get EGO Gear by using E-boxes AFTER unlocking all Observations. You unlock observations by clicking the Abnormality's number above their cell, and use e-boxes to purchase tips first.
Once you get all tips and Obs Level 3/4, you can buy EGO Gear(usually) from that abno. It may even give an agent a gift if they get lucky. Equip agents prior to the start of days by using the EGO List button.
The boxes in the upper left are an indicator of until a meltdown(cells are marked, you lose power AND the abno will break out if it can or activate effects if it's not worked on) or an ordeal(monsters pop up that do different things, say hi to the insane clown posse or go insane watching robots slaughter clerks)

Helping them relieve stress isn't work harassment right?

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The thighs aren't worth all the hassle, RIP user.

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Maybe it's just me but game peaked for me when I figured out how to manage ordeals and breaching abs by microing rather than right clicking my deathball to shit whenever they pop up like the first 15 days of playing.

What a goddamn chad


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you send your toons at the abnormalities in one of 4 different testing options to unlock PE boxes. Those boxes will allow you to purchase information about the abno that will tell you which test work best and if there are special conditions you need to keep to prevent bad times.

Would they be way less of a bunch of assholes if they actually thought they killed the Beast and mellowed out?

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Jesus christ it's a green noon with ALEPH damage

that fucking clerk running across the screen is the funniest shit to me for some reason

Daily reminder if you need to memerepo, hit RETRY first and then memerepo at start of day

>clerk panics
>dives headfirst into nearest breached abnormality
I've found while playing that the only one who wants clerks to die more than me are the clerks themselves

You shit, that's actually really good

Why WOULDN'T you want this qt3.14?

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I think big bird at least would mellow out, judgement bird (legacy ver) seemed to be aware of how he fucked up. Punishment bird, i dunno.

So this is the face of lobotomy...

Aussuredly. I just got Big Bird, and I'm kind of shocked at how docile and nice it seems so far.

So far.

going by how the original scripts for their work was supposed to go, Big Bird finally gets to take a nap, Judgement Bird realizes they were the beast talks about in the prophecy and gets rid of his scales in regret, Punishing Bird is literally Satan and does not fucking care.
Big Bird is the only one that literally did nothing wrong

you better have shutzbro or execution bullets manager

t. SerGEY

hypnotize in the streets, cannibalize in the sheets

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>Punishing Bird is literally Satan and does not fucking care.
Just because he messed up doesnt mean you get to not be punished for your sins

Attached: i had made a huge mistake.png (1000x700, 291K)

>facility is banged up
>she walks around at a snail pace supressing abnos
>3rd trumpet
>shes a teleporting OHKO monster that will kill anything

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Why are rabbits so goddamn useless? Is it because I'm always scamming them by only givng them like 6 boxes? If they don't want to work to earn their grass, I got some other bush she can much on in my pants...

they just walk head first to any abno. its sad but they are as much of a power check as dusk or midnight is.

11/10, great job Manager.

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Why are they suppose to be useless?
When are you using them?

When 2 ALEPHs breach at the same time

We boutta hit bump limit lads.

What's the most annoying abno to have to deal with?

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I used them at my direst hour and Geb is roaming the streets

Music man.

This fucking bee