Why aren't making good yu-gi-oh games with dating elements anymore?

Why aren't making good yu-gi-oh games with dating elements anymore?

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Found the problem.

Because phone games and people who play them ruin everything.


I dunno, the Tag Force games were fun enough, though they were repetitive and grindy due to the way you had to build affection with everyone. But even besides Duel Links, the YGO games we've gotten recently have been pretty lackluster overall.

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I just want to marry and have children with my wife

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titty whore makes me jizz

So how is the latest show anyway? dropped Arc V when they went to 5Ds world and heard nothing but bad things from it at the end.

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Nice arm lmao

Imagine if chicks could look like that

if only

They got this idea into their heads that digital games competed with their physical card sales, and decided that good videogames weren't worth it anymore.
Then shit got even worse when the mobage was made and was proven successful.

Good YGO vidya is fucking dead. They'll never put effort into it again.

Please don't crush my balls

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Are there any notable fan games?

Probably because of the phone game boom which made them realize they made more doing that.

It's probably for the best anyway. It passed over some westerners heads but when they brought over those dating sim games they did not translate the Tier 2/Page 2 characters dialog and just replaced it with "Your partner is here to duel" or something like that then a fade to black. Probably to save money. Konami is too jewy to be trusted with that stuff.

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Does YGOPro count as a fangame? Other than that, no.
>They'll never put effort into it again.
I mean they weren't exactly putting effort into the games for a while what with all the reused assets everywhere.

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Is he the most kino character in YuGiOh?

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Because card games are better.

Really? Damn, I'm surprised nobody's made something akin to 7th Stand User but for Yugioh instead.

My balls are in danger

Cus best girl is dead

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Is legacy of the duelist any good?

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You dropped it at the most Kino moment.

Akiza is still alive user

Just play Duel Links, even if it's a mobile game they give out a lot of gems for free and have weekly events almost

Weird way to spell Emma

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>did not translate the Tier 2/Page 2 characters dialog and just replaced it with "Your partner is here to duel" or something like that then a fade to black.
Is there more that's meant to happen there?

but i want to play story and with an actual field

Yes. EVERY CHARACTER has dialog in the Tag Force games along with their own story for their heart events.

Imagine if everyone in Persona 3/4/5 no longer had unique Social event. That's pretty much what Konami did when bringing over the Tag Force games internatially.

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Then play the actual card game.

Legacy is the duelist is pretty much for people without locals to play in.

I don't think I've ever seen it on sale on Steam. Not worth $20. PS4 version goes on sale occasionally. Decent fun for $8. Gameplay besides the card game itself is literally VN-tier but I think all of the official games are like that.

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will there ever be a better ygo game?

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>dating thots
>in yugioh
Go back

left or right

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Have Harpies got any support lately? Tagforce games are the best but Ygopro is basically the go to for constant updates cards. Legacy of the duelist is alright but outdated.

Yeah, because I want to date this sexy boi

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I would rather have a girl who can actually duel. Failing that, a good monster card will do.
Define recently. They got some support at the tail end of last year that they printed in English this January if that's recent enough.

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They did like 5 months ago, still a shit deck though.

Definitely left.



Pick one

Shit taste

No thanks I like my balls


Right, while she's wearing rubber gloves and has my dick plugged up for 10 hours of continuous rubbing hell with no chance for orgasm.

>This guy knows the truth

Don't let anyone fool you into playing Duel Links. I'm an ardent defender of mobile games having a place in the industry but Duel Links is perhaps literally the most predatory game I have ever played. It uses near every trick in the book and invents some new ones to sucker you out of money and convince you keep to playing.
Worse yet the game is on decline with every sign pointing to it getting worse over time. A Yugioh mobile didn't have to be bad, Duel Links on the other hand is all the worst parts of every component that makes it up. Konami balance is at full force here.

both for double paizuri

I only played the Wii one, Duel Transer, which one has dating Sherry where she propositions you for sex
Those are not even half of what defines a "hyper" prefix for fanart. Those are merely huge.
Hyper-anything means it's larger than their body

>which one has dating Sherry where she propositions you for sex
That's Tag Force 5 I think. Tag Force 4 is the Dark Signers and stuff where you can take the evil route after befriending everyone and crushing their hopes.

I exclusively play harpies on Legacy of duelist.
Provided that I don't get a shitty hand I regularly clean house with them. I fucking love them

I have not cared for the card games in years, I just want to fap fap my dick off to the girls. Sorry.

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Wait, you can date the cards?

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Personally I've never paid a single cent in duel links and have a great deck.
Just making sure you log in during events to playing one or two matches casually a day would get you enough for 4-5 decks a year.

If you're trying to make 100+ decks a year then this game isn't for you.

Normally love the Egyptian women, but right.

Do I have to emulate with a fan translation or did the localized one keep the content? I remember some 3DS ZEXAL one cutting over half the game's content out or something in the localization

Waiting for a pokemon type game where you have to catch the monsters you want to build the Deck.

Nice milky

Hope you don't waifu Anzu.

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For main characters, you're good. You don't need a fan localization. But if you want to get into the pants of the female NPCs, like said, that content is all cut. There's a group doing a Tag Force 6 translation since it was never localized, and after that, I believe they said they wanted to restore some of the cut content in the other games, but I don't know the details.

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Absolute top tier post, Asuka/Alexa is best girl. Tag Force 6 dating sim when?

time to shut it down

Damn, I guess I'll just wait then
I always though Sherry was hot and I was baffled to discover there was an official YGO game where she offers to sleep with you (but gets blocked by the butler or something).

Harpies don't believe in dates. They believe in rape and getting a sex slave.

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>dating a jobber
>couldn't even get judai

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Judai's too busy fucking Yubel.

Impersonally, if you do the math it's not actually mathematically feasible to keep up with Duel Links, even harder for newer players than old ones. New releases are every 3-4 weeks, but the average month after you exhaust universal currency sources returns less than 10'000 gems on average. Meanwhile you need that much to clear out a main box, which is the only means of ensuring you get the cards you want. That is to say, 4-5 decks a year isn't actually realistic, none the less 10+ once you understand the numbers at work. The way the game is modeled means the situation can only get worse over time instead of better short of them overhauling how card distribution works entirely. You can't rely on personal experience because it's possible to get lucky, just assuming you have the good odds to get every card you need clearing just half of a box to reset, it's still a terrible rate.

There're a hundred other terrible tricks they use to fool players, free or paid to invest into the game harder and I'm sure I haven't discovered them all, but forget keeping up with the competitive meta, anyone who starts the game today would have a hard time just building a fun farming deck. Their unnecessary currency cap prevents you from just sitting and waiting to only build the things you like too. It's incredulous. The numbers are incredibly fucked if you sit down and do them.

I guess I don't even need to play my cards right.

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Tag Force Special

for me, it's lara

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*mind fucking user, doesn't have a body

No, the tranny is raping him.

Why aren't who, user?
Yeah, fuck right off.

is shit. Just a shitty duel simulator that barely feels like a game and has a shitty translation. A step down from the other tag force games in every way except cards

his brain is already fucked enough that trying to do such a thing would not work

do the yu gi oh anime hold up for someone who is just now getting into the game? what kind of continuity is there between them?

On the other hand he can physically project Neos, and there was that time Yubel shot a fireball in Domino City. He can probably make a real body for her, if temporarily.

Sawatari vs Yuya was the best Arc V duel

would you?

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>wanna play some cool card games
>try out the Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force series
>it's also a gay dating sim

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Doesn't matter had sex

Not going to lie you have to like the cardgame to like the show/ "The world is going to end unless I win in a card game" gets boring fast unless you have nostalgia or investment in the game. Plus they were some of the worst victims of 4kids

There is one solid world, but almost no overlap. Yugi is seen as a god in all the other series and kaiba owns the world. thats kinda it.

millage may very. DM to GX yes as the school is sponsored by Kaiba. 5ds sets itself YEARs later in a new domino city but that is it. After that each is a stand alone. DSoD is w/ manga


I've been rewatching them recently. If you're a nostalgiafag for the original series, that's definitely not as good as you remember it being. They're pretty average shows overall honestly, you might really like one but if you look at the big picture of any of them you can see plainly it has its share of problems. Still, I enjoy them for the most part, it's just dumb fun after all. The music is pretty good at times too.
Sawatari should've beat Zarc, prove me wrong, you can't.

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>it's a "great artist that draws a girl that doesn't get a lot of art also almost exclusively draws a shit fetish" episode

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Don't watch the dub

>defending the tranny monster
Shame on you.

Both at the same time but I give favorable attention to Isis because Asuka is boring and uncool.

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I translated this.

You're better off with none. All females in the series are useless duelist.


>you will never have "thank god we're alive" sex with nemesis archer, as you both survive another clash with the behemoths
>you will never have slow, intimate loving sex with nemesis archer after the behemoth menace is over.
>you will never have sex to repopulate humanity with nemesis archer

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I had fun with duel links and never paid a dime. You can make great decks with only gems but youll have to accept the fact that you cant make 100% top tier decks all the time. You have to be smart with the gems you have and be creative with the cards you get. I wouldnt recommend this game to people that actually play yugioh honestly since its more a lite version but i had a blast with my friends making new decks every so often and just dueling each other showing off our newest creations. Personally my biggest beef is that konami doesnt let us trade, thats incredibly annoying. If anyone reads this and is thinking of trying it out, the most important piece of advice i can give is to be smart about opening boxes. Have a deck in mind you want to make, otherwise youll just open a little from everywhere and end up with cards that arent always compatible

shit taste. who would want a girl like that

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What game is she from and how do I date her?

She saved the series. GX got a huge leap in quality the second half of season 3 and season 4.

It's kind of upsetting we don't get a series staring season 4 Judai. We barely even got to see him using yubel's powers or him becoming the supreme king in a duel

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>that arm
Can some drawfag fix that shit up?

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That's because GX sucks

>he thinks her dueling skill is a dealbreaker
t. judai

At least Tania can beat people up outside of dueling...

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What games can I play that let me date girls I’m Yugi oh universe?

Both, but first choice would be left for the full hourglass.
>tfw would prefer monsters but I don't remember any literal titty monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh

>Jaden is plowing that every night
H-how do I get that power...

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At least Alexis does duel somewhat regularly (until she gets un-brainwashed in S2), which is more than a decent portion of other girls throughout the series do. She gets points for that.

The first three Tag Force games.

left or right?

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Waifufags should be gassed, honestly.

Jin thread part 2?

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I'm gonna end with bruised used up balls either way

>saved the series

That's because you watched the dub.

I don't want to discourage people already having fun but I have to make sure that if someone is getting into the game they understand what they're actually getting into.
The problem is not competing at top tier, which is annoying but at least relatively stable. The problem is that just making fun decks is prohibitively expensive if you want them to work and new players have it way worse than someone who's had the time to pick up cards. Budget options often just don't exist at all for tech that you'll need to make your pet decks personal, meaning that to avoid oppression so that you can manage to farm the free currency and limited cards to play your pet decks, you'll be required to invest.

Because of the way staples are arranged in sets, you'll often need to invest heavily in bad boxes to get the Sphere Kuribohs to avoid OTKs or Galaxy Cyclones to fix match ups your pet decks can't avoid. Smart decision making can't overcome the game model, and free to play decks are constantly at more danger of being hit than equivalently powerful paid only decks which reeks of a money making decision.

Duel Links isn't a game where the top tier is super expensive and the low tier is cheap enough for you to just play casually. It's a game where pet decks are just as hard to build as the best ones, and the difference is enough that a new player can spend half a many resources on an incomplete top tier to get better results than finishing their personal decks. You don't have to be an autist that plays to compete, it's fine to ignore the ranked ladder, but if you don't pay mind to these investments you'll run into trouble just in order to play casually. Right now there's a PvE event you need to complete if you want to be safe to play infernity in the future that heavily favours certain builds, and if you haven't had the luck to build something that suits the event, you're just going to be locked out of playing that deck for a year.

Sounds great to me

What exactly is the shit fetish in the OP? Looks pretty basic to me my dude.

A woman that keeps failing at dueling, aren't worth marrying.

Doesn't change that she's a shit character that jobs. Pro duelist my ass.

CBT is the artists usual fetish tied in with their art. Just like how Meme50 got into vomit.

the artist is all about ball busting.

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>Woah ho, check out this wacky duelist of the week who uses a tennis themed deck!
>Or this guy who secluded himself from society and reverted to a caveman and send his cards down a waterfall so he could "draw better" because he couldn't get a fucking egg sandwich.

O-oh. I guess I didn't look close enough to notice that it was Space Jin. It's easier to tell in black and white because the eyes he draws are usually cruel and empty.

Fukken saved

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It made me fucking mad they set up Akiza to be relevant in 5Ds but then they just dropped her randomly for absolutely no reason. Her story arcs were cool.

>A woman that keeps failing at dueling, aren't worth marrying.
If you're a woman in a YGO series then you're gonna job. It's a simple fact of life, unless you're Anzu and that's because she's actually best girl.

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>blacked slut
No thanks.

>this bullshit again
Bitch how many times does the elephant have to smack your headass up so that you'll understand there is only one truly undefeated duelist

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I wish I could date my cards

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I'm black, where the egyptian pussy at?

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>forgetting jack

>ancient Egyptians were dark-skinned
As an archeology student this is baffling to me.

>potentially all your robo-waifus in one
I like this

Which of these games should I start with if I want the best gameplay and to date the cutest girls

Kalin had his fucking number
Fuck you, that’s some Joey vs Marik-tier bullshit

Keith lost to that

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>tfw no alt image or edit that shows off them nipples.
The fucking artist barely has any lewds drawn and it is all censored, why even live?

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hnnngh why is girlkaiba so cute and hot

best girls

5ds is kino

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>that effect

I'm sorry what the fuck

its how he beat keith

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nice pits

The next king of games

Yeah I know
1 why the fuck does that card exist
2 why the fuck did the kid need pegasus to help him play that
3 why the fuck wasn't this god at duelist kingdom?

New YGOTAS abridged episode when?

Well the card itself is pretty dreadful, which explains points 2 and 3.
why it exists, only pegasus knows

Because they made it, he was a complete noob and it was his very first duel. DK was an invite event



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>why the fuck wasn't this god at duelist kingdom?
Pegasus wanted Yugi to reach the final. Yugi would need Exodia to win.

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It's more likely than you think, especially if they have emerald green eyes

Games like that don't get made anymore for multiple reasons. They really only appeal to waifufags and nostalgiafags. People that want to play yugioh will just use one of the free simulators. There's also Duel Links, so people that just want to play casually can use that.

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you fucking serious?!
make a new account and get free cards to trade over and over.

Jin has a style to his breasts that i can tell immediately.

i found that DM didn't hold up that well, but GX and 5Ds do surprisingly. GX doesn't get genuinely great until the 3rd season, whereas 5Ds peaks in the first and falls a little short in the other seasons.

haha yeah who would want a girl like that

How does it feel to write:
>As a show dancer here, she takes black dicks into her pussy every night

I wish I never knew that game existed.

fuck off. season 1 and 2 are stupid, but they are stupid fun. probably the most fun i had watching any anime. judai dueling the monkey was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen.

i like how yugioh appreciates sandniggers. good job.

For me, it's Kotori.

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>fucking a loli

for me its blair from gx after she aged. holy shit puberty hit her like a truck.

i want to fuck the harpie sisters


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It's a meme specifically referencing that match with Keith and how a weaker ATK elephant was somehow able to not only kill Garnecia, but completely ruin his LP.

So almost two decades later they gave it a joke effect that actually can win instantly but under crazy conditions.

Man. I need to get back to the switch version.

Has enjoyable moments, but the card play is often retarded.
Has no clue what its identity is ever during the entire show. Dumbest duel writing in all of YGO.
Has varying quality after Dark Signers ends because they had no clue what to do and made an assload of filler.
Your enjoyment comes from if you can stand the protagonist being an idiot. Has an excessive amount of 'protect the boss' duel writing.
Awkward start, fantastic first part, trips at synchro arc, falls flat on its face in Xyz arc, has an extremely awkward final boss and then very poorly placed filler and a shit ending. Duel writing can be very good at points. Sora vs Shun 1 is potentially the best duel in all of YGO anime.
I haven't watched it. Poorly paced and somewhat dull according to Yea Forums, but they are still watching so it can't be completely awful.

>Duel writing can be very good at points.

When they were putting in effort those weren't bad.

Ishizu is not an ancient Egyptian

nice pits and birb tats

...Is it possible to fuck duel monsters.

not nearly enough little girls play children's card games

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whats happening to dmg?

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>dating element
It was never true dating, no girl actually ends up having a crush on you on the tag games.

so not a step down at all if you just want to do anything but play fucking your childrens' cards. go fuck you're self buddy.

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tfw no yu-gi-oh porn game were you get to pork monster girls

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They try but they get intimidated by smelly fat guys. Not even memeing lol, I used to see that kind of shit twice per week where I used to play.

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how do you explain to your daughter what just happened?

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Hot garbage. S3 of Vrains is literally being carried by the Main Antagonist.

Konami stopped giving a fuck about Ygo games after 5Ds.

Duel Links doesn't feel that predatory to me at all. Konami are making viable structure decks to get new players going. I wish the prices for buying packs were lower.

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>Yugi taking up 3 slots
> 2 of which are pretty much the exact same character

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Ygo Anime is kind of a bad example of getting into the game. Some of the series are fairly enjoyable in their own right. OG Ygo, Gx, 5Ds are decent imo. Vrains is garbo.

>Mind Controlling Serenity to be your whore while she is blind.
Delete this.

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Man I just wish he was good.

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>It may appears that you lost honey, but you gave your best, you believe in your deck and even if that didn't bring you victory, it give you excitement and fun, isn't that why you play?
>Believe honey, playing with only victory in mind will leave you in a lonely place

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They split Yugi so that they could split his votes and make Kaiba win.

>mfw this is probably the only time I've ever considered lewd thoughts of the Hyabusa Knight

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>local scene that I've been going to since I was 13
>pretty chill environment
>majority of players are bankers, computer science students, and middle/high schoolers chilling out on the weekends and playing some dumb meme decks while shooting the shit
>basically nobody is a smelly NEET
>konami issues the hygiene clause
>a few jokes thrown around for fun because it's not a problem for our small local scene
>two weeks later.jpg
>some obnoxiously fat (like 300lbs) dude that's never showed up before walks in the door
>we all smelled him before we saw him
>dude unironically looks like a Philippino version of the warcraft nerd from that one south park episode plus a lazy eye
>we all try and be polite and not call attention to the fact that the dude smells like unwashed fat folds mutated and grew a person around them
>get matched with him round one
>playing my usual Lair Virus Control/generic dark support deck because I like the playstle
>unwashed dude is playing sky strikers
>starts going into engage -> stuff combos
>ask him to stop for a moment because I have Eradicator Virus on the field and a valid target for tribute
>dude rolls his eyes and starts passive aggressively shuffling his hand before discarding the entire thing when I called spells
>gets Raye (I think all the SS cards look interchangable to me) and a token on the field with nothing else and ends turn
>activate lair and use share the pain to tribute both his cards off the board
>dude immediately calls judge and grabs my lair card off the field to read it at point blank range from his face
>judge comes over and confrims my play is valid
>second the judge walks away from earshot he scoops and then immediately scoops in game 2 when I open with super poly
>is generally a passive aggressive cunt to everyone else for the remainder of the afternoon
>find out later that he was banned from his previous scene for smelling like shit literally the second the hygiene clause came into effect

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please give source, reverse search gives me nothing.

I too want a good version of Panther Warrior also
>Joey had Hayabusa Knight, Alligator's Sword, Garoozis, Panther Warrior all in the same deck.
Joey was the first "Fur Hire" player before the deck even come.

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>tfw people think I named my Pokemon trainer after the idolshit character
>was really after the YGO character
Kotori was so damn cute.

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The local scenes for most tcgs I've played were like that where you wonder where the fat smelly nerd stereotype even came from. There were a few outliars, but nothing that egregious.
Then I went to a Pro Tour for Magic and 99 percent of the players had not touched anything resembling a container of soap in at least a week.

>weekly events


>hygiene clause
What. That's hilarious.

They actually implemented a hygiene clause where you can get kicked out if you smell bad enough.
Wish WOTC had the balls to do that, but they're probably worried about stepping on the toes of people who are in some socioeconomic hole where they don't have access to a shower or clean clothes, yet somehow can play a trading card game with exorbitant prices.

Cathy is better
The only other valid answer is Yuma's sister

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Cathy is indeed better and Kari Tsukumo is top tier, but Kotori is the best sounding name. Cathy reminds me of the bitchy middle aged woman who kept yelling at my grandpa for mowing the lawn early in the morning.

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manjoume was no good as a rival.

Honestly I'm upset there's not that much art of Cathy or any of the Zexal characters in general, really. Is it because the hate bandwagon for it still exists, or is it just the black sheep of the anime?

Just wasn't terribly popular for a YGO anime, and she was a medium-minor character.