You's going to play American games tomorrow, aint ya?

You's going to play American games tomorrow, aint ya?

Attached: country music mina-1.png (385x392, 134K)

Would honestly love an Southern/South American inspired JRPG

>American games? No thanks, I'll be playing Japanese games instead

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

I would be playing Metal Wolf Chaos if the people porting it weren't dumb enough to release it a month after July 4th

I thought it was already out?


>dismissive of anything
This is the attitude of a virgin and you know it.


Attached: Minna!.jpg (135x136, 11K)

I don't think having preferences is the same as being dismissive.

Yea Forumsermin was destroyed by its own community

>chad was being polite and direct
>virgin feels insulted and dismissed
oh no no

Yea Forumsermin was destroyed by not enough Mina.

Western games fucking suck, they are fucking awful, how can someone enjoy them is beyond me, I rather play my dick that a game made by western faggots.


No u

What about Dungeon Keeper?

masturbation victim draw minass pornographic content or else you are the triplicated man lover.
gay just like you.


Y'all ultra gay, go back to you're containment board faggets.

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I need mina

Already finished all of mine so far
Does tim have a blog?
Nah, date's 6/8, which coincidentally was the date of hiroshima bombing

No u :^)

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Lots of TF2.


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>frog poster talking about containment boards

Post new vermin