Halo Thread
Halo Thread
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shit taste my dude. CE is the only legitimately great game in the series, the rest are shit. also, how is ODST your favorite but you put CE below reach? holy fuck
>based on campaigns
3 > CE > 4 > 2 > 5
It's gonna be perfect halo bros
ODST and Reach fans started with those, if they tell you they started earlier they are either lying or they sucked in Halo CE-3.
ODST has the best story
I honestly can't wait for this.
Scarlet exclusive.
It’s gonna be open world lad.
Also surprised it’s not skipping Xbone
I played Halo on release when I was 8. I played Halo 2 at a vidya convention in London in 03/04 I can’t remember.
I played them all on release except 5 which I only got round to this year after 4 shit on the series.
5 made 4 seem amazing in comparison
We're going home, bros...
343 will ruin it
It won’t feel like halo
[spoiler[ My favorite Halo game > Your favorite
ironically I started with 3 and I only played CE years later but it's still my favorite. how anyone couldn't enjoy the first game the most is beyond me.
It has aged poorly
no actually it hasn't faggot. it had the best level design, best story, best weapons and weapon balancing, best maps, and if you play the PC version it has the best content. there is literally nothing bad about it that you can't also criticize the later games for, and if you conflate graphics with "aging" then you are a retard.
>Halo: INFINITE is now open world
How would you react
Halo reach/ODST have best stories
It’s a tie
Pretty solid. I'd put CE before reach because Custom Edition.
He does properly proportioned males.
anyone want to hop on Halo 5 slayer tonight?
It is open world lad, if not then the missions will be semi open world. It’s pretty obvious at this stage.
343 haven’t got the skills to make the entire halo ring explorable though so I expect only a portion.
Make that MCC and you got a deal
How people can play 5 is beyond me
>cocksucking 19 year old OP you put reach above CE thinks they're a "tie"
first the game aged poorly, now it's a tie eith your favorite? just admit that you got shitstomped on legendary and never played online on PC
Multiplayer/gameplay is solid.
i just got xgp ultimate last week. haven't downloaded mcc yet.
CE = 3 > 2 > ODST > Reach > 4
Rank them in terms of best AI
It’s like COD
switch reach and 4, put CE > 3 and youre spot on
>I-It’s like COD!
LMAO, every fucking time.
Started with 2 then 3 then ce then wars odst en reach.
Just felt like saying it
Also nigger haha
CE has the best level in the series in it (The Silent Cartographer) but it isn't better than Halo 3.
>Campaign (story)
2 > ODST > 4 > CE > 3 > Reach > 5
>Campaign (gameplay)
ODST > 3 > Reach > 2 > 4 > CE > 5
3 > 2A > 5 > 2 > Reach > CE > 4
5 > Reach > 2A > 3 > 4 > 2 > CE
it's vastly better than 3. 3's entire campaign was a boring slog with the most uninspired levels i've ever seen. the weapons felt like peashooters and the environments were terribly designed. the multiplayer was fun but not as tight as CE's and forge is not a replacement for real user made content. CE on PC with Refined + OpenSauce + chimera is objectively the ultimate halo experience.
If you didn't play Halo 2 in your basement with 2 other friends and you all fought over who got the mid top screen and who had to use one of the quarter screens on bottom, were you really even fucking there for the best times?
I miss em bros.
peak comfy.
MCC on PC literally never.
4 and 5 are below everything. Except Forge.
You say that as if CE's campaign is much better. Half of its levels are copy/pasted versions of earlier levels with bad writing to tie them together. It has a good first half but the quality noticeably drops halfway through.
Yeah, I agree that the weapons feel better in CE but I don't think the environments were terribly designed - I'd be interested to see what you mean by that.
You can use fan mods of the (inferior to the console version) PC version to justify it being better than 3.
Bungie basically lost that "Halo feel" in Reach faggot
MCC on PC literally has already happened.
Unironically I'd like to
Too bad it is done by people that have no idea what they are doing, that can't even port a 10 year old game.
How could you not like Wars fag
It's coming out for the PC and the XBONE.
Move 2A to first place and that´s it
>inferior to the console version
that was true 10 years ago but not anymore. you clearly haven't played modern CE with the bungie-released update from just a few years ago or any of the mods I mentioned because CE is so much vastly better than the console version it isn't even funny. none of those mods mess with the gameplay or original design. PC is 1080p and 120fps with better graphics, better controls, and actual online multiplayer. going back to the Xbox version after playing the game on PC as it was meant to be played is night and day, the original is absolute trash by comparison.
CE>3>2=Reach>Everything Else
For me it's 2 > ODST > 1 >>>>>>>>>> 3
Only played a bit of Reach and 4, never bothered with the rest.
Have any of the people who are ranking CE as the top game played CE recently?
Flight this weekend? Need proofs
have you played it on PC recently?
I don't care.
How can you like ODST but hate Halo 3 so much?
I'm convinced everyone ranks games based on nostalgia, memories and first-time experiences.
>CE below Reach
Yes. The run speed is very high for a Halo game. I love it and I wish the later games hadn't slowed it down as it was already quite slow to begin with.
Halo 3 is the overall best Halo though. That is the peak of the community and the games both.
>ODST has the best story
Yikes, the story is nonexistant because its already been told with 2 and 3, the characters are also fucking shit.
Yes I have. The visual fixes don't fix the level design and the fact that there are only about one or two weapons who are viable to use in Legendary. Any in-door level looks exactly the same, so much that you can end up getting stuck in an infinite loop, especially in that one underground section in Silent Cartographer. CE is great and all, but definitely not where Halo peaked.
QUESTION FOR THE THREAD. Is the following music from Killer Instinct the best non Marty Halo soundtrack ever made? youtube.com
Absolutely awful taste. I guess I can respect the fact that you at least understand that 343 is worse than old Bungie but other than that its like you don't even have taste.
3 = CE > 2 > ODST > Reach > 4 > 5
I will clarify that I like Halo Wars 1 and 2 but its a different genre altogether and ranking them in the list is weird.
>He does properly proportioned males.
There is no such thing as "proper" proportions in drawing made up species.
Stupid faggot
>4 and 5 being better than anything else
Nah user
3>1>2>ODST>CE>Reach>Wars1/2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I haven't stopped playing it. I haven't stopped playing any of 1,2,3 really. I go on breaks. But since 2001 I have been playing Halo every year.
No, 343 will find a way to fuck something up.
Anyone that posts this fag shit should be banned.
It's pretty terrible, actually, sound nothing like the Covenant tracks or any of the Arbiter ones. Trash.
>calling for bans
>calling for bans ironically
No, it really isn't.
That track is really good but Halo 4 has a lot of underrated tracks. 117 and Lasky's theme are really good, and its version of Never Forget is great too.
5 has some good songs as well. A lot of stuff is a bit unmemorable but Light is Green, The Trials, and Blue Team are all great.
Nothing ironic about it gayboi. WoWfags have been spamming it 24/7 for months now.
user...It hurts.
Its pretty great, actually, sounds like Halo 2 is slowly combining with Killer Instinct theme
>only two weapons viable on legendary
this is all I needed to read to know that you are both A. retarded and B. a scrub.
Bros...We're coming home...
Solid Call of Duty gameplay.
>a lot of underrated tracks
I don't know if I'd call them underrated considering 4's soundtrack is so average that 117 and Lasky's themes are just serviceable. Those two tracks in particular seem to want to go off on their own identity away from Martys more restrained style, but fall to far into generic big action cinema style while dropping little hints from the original scores.
>wowfags aren't white noise to me
I feel sorry for you
>There's no such thing on proper proportions on a creature which has a similar makeup to human anatomy.
Learn some basic anatomy/biology and use it as a reference point.
>says the 30fps console version of a 2001 Xbox game is better than the PC version
>gets btfo
zoom zoom
Impressive, which diarrhea gun did you use to accomplish that feat?
Yes, ive played it every month since release.
Your first halo being Halo 3 doesnt make CE not the best.
Ok fag
Zoom zoom.
Finished this yesterday, what did I think of it?
Yes, we are Brohammer
>Learn some basic anatomy/biology and use it as a reference point.
Tell me what is basic biology?
Are artists not allowed to use their artistic freedom, is every drawing supposed to be a replicate of a Da vinci figure?
Youre so stupid and out of touch while pretending to be smug, you dont know shit about art, please dont pretend you do.
I never played Halo 3 because I never owned a 360 though. And considering the fact you've been playing CE non-stop since 2001 maybes makes your opinion invalid considering you must have brain damage by now, or you're just numb to the flaws that Halo Combat Evolved has.
Not him. He is of course full of shit but honestly if you aren't using Plasma pistol/BR when possible you are not going to move through the game as efficiently. That of course isn't ALL you should use nor should it be the only thing you CAN use but its the bread and butter of Legendary on 2 and onward.
>plays 343 trash
>calls others fag
How deliciously ironic.
Yeah of course a modded version of an old game running on modern hardware is going to be better experience than a console game from 2001.
I'm talking about the base game. The original Xbox version is vastly superior to the original (non modded) PC version. Especially in terms of graphics (because the port itself is a hackjob when it comes to that).
>Infinite is gonna be great bros...
>you have to use these two weapons
>but that guy saying you have to use the same two weapons on legendary to have a chance is WRONG
Do you ever stop to think about what you are about to say?
*tick *tick *tick
I may have your attention please? AHEM City Trial was a MOBA
How do you know basic anatomy/biology of Earth life forms are relevant on other planets that support life?
>plasma pistol for single elite
>plasma rifle for elite + grunts
>magnum for deshielded elite, grunts, hunters
>sniper for elites + jackals
>assault rifle for grunts
>shotgun for close quarters, flood
this isn't rocket science. if you were too shit to figure out that every weapon has a purpose and accompanying scenario, you are objectively shit at the game. you probably get your shit packed in on legendary because all you do is rely on the magnum and then you wonder why you're getting stomped so bad.
>you play it a lot because you have brain damage
Holy shit, what a projection.
Tell me the flaws CE has which 2 does not have?
>muh pistol
is not valid because the BR is as overused in H2
Enjoy your nutty bullet magnetism and terrible map design
You fucking idiot. He was saying that it's not just the pistol and plasma pistol that are viable on legendary.
The sniper, shotgun (especially on the Flood), rocket launcher, needler, and even the plasma rifle are all viable too. You're just incompetent.
>STILL no reach beta
Has any dev precum harder than 343 on their MCC announcement?
People can play Halo 2 without being confused about which room they are in, or caught in a loop, since the in-door level design has some actual variety
>plasma rifle + magnum combo
Fuck elites
I didn't say that at all. Do you ever read a post before responding to it? I said you are MORE EFFECIENT using noob combo on legendary when possible. I said he was wrong because they aren't the only two viable weapons on legendary.
Almost my same list, OP!
ODST>2>3>1>nothing>everything else. Halo wars was good but I don't consider it mainline Halo.
The skyboxes having more variety doesnt make it better, the 2 combat, enemies and sandbox is more shallow and shitty. The legendary difficulty is also busted and not fun to play.
Did anyone really ever have trouble with the legendary difficulties? I always felt it was so easy to just... run past enemies to the next check points. Very few times you would be stuck in parts you had to fight your way through.
>We’re not targeting it for the launch on PC, but we are continuing to investigate what we can do to bring CE back to parity of the original Xbox version.
>But, what I can say, is we have dug up some original Xbox devkits that we are looking into utilizing.
>Umm, also we do, well, I don’t want to publish this right now but, but we also have working on so when we’re ready to announce that, we will, but I don’t want to put that in this blog.
They know that CE PC is dogshit, because of Randy's dirty magic.
In-door level, dummy. You can't see the skybox from outside. And legendary is never fun to play, no matter how much you retards shit yourselves about how much cred the achievement gets you.
They just had it over the weekend. Only streamerfags and Jewtubecucks got invites and it was only one shitty campaign mission.
>18 years later
>magnumshitters still think the pistol is the only good weapon in the game and isn't actually disposable trash on legendary
lmao, people just never get better.
Outside of 2 not really. I die sometimes but I rarely use speedrunnner tactics or run past because I like to kill everyone and I like baby sitting marines.
I never did save those bullfrogs on legendary though. Poor bastards didn't have a chance.
Absolute shit taste faggot
>people just rub past enemies and don't use their guns to get through legendary
>the same people still want to tell me that there are only two guns that you can use in legendary
For real fuck randy. Why can't he just go away?
Why are they taking so much time to port the old games on PC? I just want pirate them all already!
>In-door level, dummy
Doesnt change anything, in CE you got 3 variations of grey rooms, in 2 you got 6, it doesnt change the levels themselves in 2 are bad.
For example each "repetitive" room in CE has at least 3 ways to take on the enemies, in 2 its always just a straight path and youre forced to sit back spamming your BR+PP.
>And legendary is never fun to play,
They are fun, just not in 2.
I have never seen that order before. I really really don't agree with most of it but I give you props for originality.
CE is quite fair on Legendary. Halo and T&R gave me a bit of trouble at first but the rest are all pretty good. Even the Library.
2 is pretty bullshit at first but you get used to it after a while. I did a lot of skips for most levels but I don't think it is as bad as people say. Gravemind wasn't too bad either.
Halo 3 is probably one of the easiest on Legendary. I didn't skip many fights either.
ODST is pretty easy too, although the highway section at the end was a bit tedious.
Reach is fine for the most part, probably on the level of CE
4 was about as easy as 3. Nothing really gave me trouble, though I did do the Pelican skip on Shutdown.
5 was pretty easy too. Once you learn how to fight prometheans they're actually really easy to deal with.
I didn't skip many fights in most games, except for 2. I think Heroic is the best difficulty if you want a bit of challenge, but still want to have fun. Legendary is a bit too random at points to be fully enjoyable but it's not awful.
>CE first
>4 second
uhh, why?
It came out 1 year after fucking Deus Ex, my dude.
They are afraid of fucking it up again like in 2014.
Why did they use that dogshit at all? The magnum being hitscan ruins the game and thats just the tip of the iceberg
Its 343. They probably invite Randy to board meetings to make decisions for them.
I should have said that this opinion is based on the campaign and splitscreen experience alone.
Halo 3's campaign was a bloated, generic mess. All 3's campaign did was take parts from 2 and 1, but do them worse. It lacked any of the awesomeness of 2 ("Bring the Covenant back their bomb"). It also lacked the much needed humor and levity that gave the first two games soul.
ODST's campaign was a breath of fresh air that told a new story in an new way (through flashbacks, which was new for Halo). The action-packed chapters were broken up nicely with the cool, stealthy night parts. Sure it was the same lackluster game engine as 3 (details like bullet holes and bloodstains don't stay like in 1 and 2), but the core gameplay felt closer to 1 (same health system).
>journalist words
Nu gamers everyone
I dunno what you thought of it but I though it was a good sequel in all gameplay aspects but the story and campaign felt shit, literally dropped it during that mission where you have to escort the shitty artillery units to certain points and then they can be destroyed after you fucking place them and they dont even fire back. I hate the """""bosses"""" aka attack for 10 seconds then retreat when they do AoE. I did likw how they added defense missions though.
Because without the original there would have never have been the sequels. And despite what others say I think 4 is great both in it's gameplay and story wise.
3's campaign is literally the last three or so missions of the original script for 2. That's why it feels like that.
If you liked 4 the most then why is 5 in the last place?
FF 18 months and we'll se3 343's dick on every Bungiefag throat
Because I look at it as a stand alone after seeing 5.
You want to try that one again?
bungiefags took away your H5 sequel though because theyre more powerful than you, Infinite will be a reboot set after 3.
They are a disease.
>reboot set after 3
Chris Lee said Infinite is a direct sequel my dude
How the fuck should i know, asswipe?
I'm a huge halofag but that man's post is a good representation of all halofags. Halofags are retards. One and all.
Marty is out of this world but all things considered, i think it's fair all Halos have great soundtracks.
I guess 4 lacked some feels, but each and every soundtrack has excellents tracks
Halo 5's was really unremarkable. That entire game was unremarkable. I think the stuff shown off in the last two Infinite trailers has a lot of promise, though. I'm more curious to see if his original works can stand up to the Marty classics that keep getting new arrangements and remixes.
In my opinion Halo music peaked with Marty O'Donnel and Michael Salvatori's work. Either keep paying them to make the music or keep paying for the right to use their music.
Don't even (You) me faggot.
Campaign (includes co-op)
3 = CE > 2 > Reach = ODST > Wars > 4 > > > > > > > > > > Steamy rancid dog turds > 5
3 > 2 > CE = Reach > Wars > 5 > 4
lmao its all trash, both tracks sound like wet farts
Flight expansion when?
I agree without the drama between 4 and 5. However I think the base 4 multiplayer was better than the base 5 multiplayer. The only reason I agree on 5>4 (a nitpicky distinction for last place) is because of the current state of forge and customs.
What Steven Spielberg film are these tracks from?
lmao you replied in less than 2 minutes, of course you didn't realize i actually linked H3 music.
>generic orchestra
>pirates of the caribbean halo theme
5 music was more underwhelming than 4 desu.
I think Steven Spielberg is going to produce much better halo music than that.
>no Warrior World
>basically the main Halo theme and 117
But wait Marty recicled tons of tracks so we 're ok user
Yeah dummy, good job figuring out I'm not going to waste my time listening to the diarrhea sounds that compose the Halo 5 soundtrack.
I think The Act Man made a video criticising the overuse of strings in this game.
Why should i listen to the opinion of a guy that tried to break a brick with his forearm?
Best OST coming through.
Simple yet effective.
I did play 4 more time than I did 5. But when I tried to go back to it, it just felt dated and unengaging. 1, 2 and 3 I can jump back into for hours and not get bored.
5 at least holds with custom games and forge and after innumerable updates to add the shit missing from launch. Shitty gameplay and visual direction decisions notwithstanding.
Why? We all know Covenant Dance is the peak track of the series
>green and blue
All shit, stop having shit taste.
Pisses me off when 343suckers praise generic shit but ignore actually good OST's
I see your hand and I raise you youtu.be
I unironically enjoyed halo wars a great deal.
Swap 2 and 4 and it’s perfect
Wrong link, i think you meant to post "To galaxy".
>Covenant Dance
Not serious enough, i like my OST's being a little more tensional.
Exactly what I meant
Ass creed oddysesy with guns
Destiny with even less content
>To galaxy
>to galaxy
I forgot that one on the shit tier list, even the name is the most generic shit ever.
Armour at least sounds like it could belong in halo.
Mother fucking truth right there. I didn't like ODST but Marty's soundtrack to it was his best fucking work. God bless that glorious bastard. I hope his PSVR game has an awesome OST too.
Alien Corridors vibes for me
>Ass creed oddysesy with guns
I know its not going to be this but please never post this again. You might give Frank ideas.
We need cute Elite girls in-game
Surely you haven't forgotten the dubstep remixes
Only nostalgiafags and children pretending to be old think 2>3. 2 had shitty map and gamemode creation. None of the shit made for Halo 2 could compare to everything made on 3.
Why do faggots post off topic porn pictures?
Do you like the horny replies from other anons because it makes you feel like the female cum whore you wish you could be in real life?
i wanna go back user
Halo 2 had no map creation outside the Vista version. What the fuck are you on?
That's what I'm talking about, Halo 2's multiplayer was shit in comparison because of it.
Unironically, 117 is the only track from that game that gives off a Halo vibe.
What you posted could very well fit in Mass Effect 3
It's only 1 user, it's a matter of minutes before he starts spamming Elite/Skirmisher porn like every Halo thread.
>those fucking 12 year old deviantartist tier drawings
Every fucking thread. If at least it was some quality shit, but always flat crap with bad shading, off colors, terrible anatomy
Green and Blue, and Lasky's Theme both give off a Halo vibe too.
>Halo 2's multiplayer was shit
>No map creation = shit
>Never played the mod Map Packs
I guess you have fun with only Force shit maps.
Will you please stop existing?
'member this oldie?
I've played them. Halo 2's custom maps and gamemodes were all hot garbage compared to even the trash random children made in Halo 3.
Literally fucking how?
ADS and sprint dont magically make a game like cod. Static team spawns, long time to kill, on map power weapons, and sprint/mobility making you extra vulnerable are the DIAMETRIC opposite of cod.
Oh boy here we go.
halo to you to user!
Wars is absolute comfy
I like how Rippy tried to mix in chantings in the CE style. He also has the scope to not just make generic-sounding Hollywood shit.
So what Halo is your first Halo, zoom zoom?
Theres no here we go. The people who disagree are factually and categorically wrong.
2 was never that good.
Nah Halo 3 feels like shit to play compared to 2. Lower FoV, movement feels like you're walking through molasses, and battle rifle spread on top of shit netcode hold it down. Its map rotation is also way worse.
Halo 3 is good for its custom games and btb, the 4V4 is definitely inferior to 2s
Halo 1. Was Halo 2 your first Halo, but everyone online called you a squeaker so you went back and played Halo 1 to pretend to be a veteran gamer?
of course you are.
How good will Halo MCC be on PC, and when will it come be released.
Tell it to me true and tell it to me straight.
Yes i know, that's why i said "here we go" because 4 years later and i still keep seeing this same arguing over and over.
(You) >pic related
switch 2 and ODST and you've got a winner. based for shitting on reach.
>HW2 below 1
Automatically and instantly discarded.
knowing what 2 could have had they had enough time makes me a little sad
>battle rifle spread
Battle rifles should have never existed, or should have been made as rare as the stronger weapons. That piece of shit gun killed all variety, why would anyone pick up plasma rifles, smgs, etc when that fucking gun is what you spawned with
Combat Evolved will be shit until they update it to console parity
2 will be fine
3 will be fine
CEfags at it's peak.
More than time, they needed good project management. Too much time spent on the drawing board, less time actually trying to piece their ideas together into something coherent until M$ began breathing down their neck.
Just pick up a carbine, bro
Was mostly concerned with 3 and CE I suppose. In general I'm just worried about the technical aspects, like mouse control, graphics and performance, etc.
The carbine only exists so people have a battle rifle to pick up if they didn't spawn with one and their teammates grabbed all the nearby battle rifles.
Fuck battle rifles and anyone who used them
>thinking camping near a wall and shooting people who run out in the open is fun
>except everyone else is doing it too so nobody gets a fucking kill since everyone runs behind their cover to regenerate shields
The only good part of battle rifle users was hearing them shriek when I snuck up on them, as if I broke down their door and shattered their safe space
Sounds like the CE pistol, only everyone spawned with it.
BR's are fine when loadout was an AR. Its BR Slayer that really ruined things and Reach's giant fucking maps (making DMR's, the BR successor at the time, basically required) that nailed the coffin
2 > 4 > 3 > reach > odst > ce > 5
4 > 3 > reach > ce > odst > 2 > 5
3 > reach > 2 > odst > ce > 4 > 5
3 > 2 > 5 > reach > 4 > ce > odst
>Add sprint
>Make maps bigger to accommodate it
>Add dash/clamber
>Ruin map design and flow to accommodate it
Every thread till 343 admit the core don't like sprint. Leave it in Warzone, remove it in Arena. Only zoom zoom zoomers with ADD enjoy it. Halo doesn't need a fourth pillar of any kind, Bungie tried and failed and were far better devs than your incompetent asses will ever be.
>Leave it in Warzone, remove it in Arena.
I don't know what "Warzone" is because I'm a real Halo player, not a plastic Halo 4 or 5 supporter. Remove sprint, period.
Base movement is still there, mape size otherwise...
So, keep the base movement and don't scale maps. If sprint doesn't work then, remove it.
>Make maps bigger to accommodate it
Truth/Midship, that's 1. Will you manage to name other map examples or will you fail like always?
Don't they still have fall damage and fall stuns? Base movement isn't still there if that's the case.
The first time I jumped off a ledge in Halo reach and got hit with fall damage and a small stun was when I realized halo was doomed.
2 is basically a fucking journal of one liners that ended up having a coherent plot. That's a fucking accomplishment.
>good story
Reach is just Rogue One
>Great update to a classic artstyle that adds more grit without making it too edgy
>Forgettable plot, boring main cast outside of 1 character
>Takes a potentially really cool plot and setting and wastes it by focusing too much on our super special main characters who are gonna die either way
>Best part of it is the fan service that ties into the first entry in the franchise, even if it doesn't make sense/is unfitting
>Halo CE has good map design
>real Halo player
ODST is literally is a glorified expansion and its dicksuckers are infinitely worse than 343tards or Reachbabies
Every 4/5 map has bigger spaces and corridors than previous entries. Not that it would matter, because smaller maps would make sprint pointless which means it shouldn't be in. Did you just stumble in from Waypoint I assume?
Combat Evolved has fall damage and you need to crouch just before impact to mitigate it
>It's basically firefight, but you have to keep walking forward
I never had much problem with this level. Perhaps because I did fuckloads of couch co-op
Tasteless zoomer faggot. It's so disgustingly overproduced. I bet 4 was your first Halo.
God Emile's helmet is so fucking dumb. First thing I'm doing is modding him to look like this
So no examples and only vague/hypothetical responses as usual, got it.
It's nowhere near as bad as it was in the later installments, it doesn't even have a stun.
Only the games with health bars (CE, ODST, Reach) have fall damage. The rest don't.
>CEA was shit
>Halo 4 was shit
>fucked up MCC and crippled it at launch
>Halo 5 was shot aside from Forge, which didn't even launch with the game
>spent FIVE YEARS fixing MCC and it's STILL fucked up
>currently embarassing themselves even further with their hilariously incompetent attempt at porting MCC to PC
How can you people place any faith in these chucklefucks? Because for the first time in nearly a decade they've displayed ONE instance of competency in art direction, which amounts to simply NOT fucking up an armor design that has existed for 15 years? Gee, only took them how many tries to get it right?
Halofags are the epitome of battered housewives I swear.
Wow you do write like a fag game journalist.
I don't think anyone who started Halo on the xbox huge is among the "excited" group. At most, cautiously expectant.
We're invaded by shills and nuhalofags
>1 level
meanwhile 2 has like 4 shitty flood levels
>incompetent attempt
Ok returd
Other than the scarab battles 3's campaign was shit. The multiplayer is the only thing that salvaged 3.
reach>CE>2>wars>did play the others
2's dialogue and presentation is just superior to other halo games, it's so well paced and memorable, from the opening scene to gravemind
The majority of their anatomy was built off of humans.
>Are artists not allowed to use their artistic freedom, is every drawing supposed to be a replicate of a Da vinci figure?
Proportions still come into play, dumbass.
>Youre so stupid and out of touch while pretending to be smug, you dont know shit about art, please dont pretend you do.
Yeah, I apparently don't know shit when art almost made my character canon.
If you don't get it, you are not a real Halo fan.
>The majority of their anatomy was built off of humans.
And it still is in the fanart you fucking idiot
>Proportions still come into play, dumbass.
What proportions? There are no "correct" proportions you fucking idiot, its a made up alien
>Yeah, I apparently don't know shit when art almost made my character canon.
Who the fuck is art?
Holy god did Sheik have to give them such round, full asses?
>posts art with terrible perspective and anatomy
Look at those calves, how is he carrying himself?
And those fucking shoes, man you are stupid.
>And it still is in the fanart you fucking idiot
I literally posted a concept art for Reach. The original designs were scrapped.
Here's some official art.
Yeah when artists design something they just ignore all basic anatomy rules LOL!
It's concept art for them my dude. They still had very human-like muscular structures. I'd look up a lot of official art over complaining over minor details.
Third time's the charm, this is their last chance with me. I have such high hopes for this game that I honestly feel the the only thing that they CAN do is let me down.
But I believe.
To add to that pic, Bisley specifically talked about their asses in the end of the Graphic Novel.
Tell me about those anatomy rules. Be specific, because youre not sounding as smart as you think you are.
>Here's some official art.
You can see the body types are different in every panel, specially the elites on the bottom, they also have a different anatomy style compared to the ones in game, its because its done by an artist with his own style.
So does the art you were criticising, not to mention its made for the purpose of masturbation so the hips and legs are exaggerated.
You shouldnt be this unfamiliar with furry porn when thats all youre spamming here.
I just want a Sangheili bf
When working on creatures, many artists uses real life depictions as reference points. A lot of them will not be spot on, but their muscular structure is generally very similar. Straying too far would appear both impractical and uncanny. Too close would be comparable to Star Trek tier. Even 2A anatomy followed that to a certain extent. Their leg muscles are very similar to the composition of a horse's.
>You shouldnt be this unfamiliar with furry porn when thats all youre spamming here.
Once again, someone cherry picks what I post and whines about it. I'm guessing you ignored some images:
Is that a Destiny in the first pic
God fucking bless. I hope Infinite reintroduces the gay-chicken homoeroticism Bungie brought to the table in 2-3.
A lot of Sanghelios appears like that. I couldn't think of a specific motif when filing the commission, so it's a mix of Petra and a few concepts.
>When working on creatures, many artists uses real life depictions as reference points.
And thats exactly what he did, youre not clever for stating obvious shit.
Look at the EVA, its clearly based off a human but has its own design with the long limbs, its an artists creation. Just like the dumb shit you were critiquing.
Dont be stupid.
Oh I don't mean the world, I mean this dude. Forsaken or something like that from Destiny?
I told him to add in random elites. I give artists freedom to draw details they like when I file commissions. The three cloaked ones in the background was his idea as well.
>possibly the best Halo game this decade will be hindered by the Xbone
Fucking kill me
The XBONE X, the strongest console this gen. If it was just the xbone I'd be worried too.
>he thinks it's the hardware that hinders 343i
Good games being developed by stellar studios have been butchered because the publishers forced the studio to develop the game for four different consoles.
At least the shotgun was good
Gather round zoom zooms. Uncle boom boom is about to tell you a story. It's important if you're ever going to have a contextual understanding of gaming history and boomers. There's two kinds of boomers. There was boomers that were heavy into pc gaming and had already been playing online shooters years before halo like quake, unreal tournament, half life etc. These were the minority. And then there was the casual boomers that had never played an online fps game before. The only exposure to fps they had prior to halo was golden eye or perfect dark because they never owned a pc or had Internet access up until that time. When halo dropped it was the first higher quality fps game they ever played and the first online shooter they ever played. They thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The pc boomers however thought it was a joke. It was slow, childish and nothing compared to what has going on with pcs at the time. Now some of you zoomed don't know why fps games were a big deal. For a long time fps games were the cutting edge of video game technology. Not as true today but back then it was everything. In the days before the Internet went mainstream there was a hardcore fps scene online the console players weren't exposed to up until the xbox and ps2 was introduced. Now you know. And ultimately halo fans are still considered casuals by the old school pc gamers even though like 20 years has passed. Its more funny now than anything.
>wall of text
>starting with boomer meme