Its 2014

Its 2014
What can you say about it

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its 2019 and its still good. we don't have to pretend it's 2014 for it to be good.

reporta puta mierda jajajajajaja VIVA PERU

probably the best competitive multiplayer game ever made

really fun to watch, ass to play if you dont have 4 friends to queue with you

Reminder that Dota 2 is not for white people.

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>what are viewbots

does it matter if the game is for chinese people if the rest of the world can't even play on chinese servers


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>triggered lolbaby is at it again

Cope more

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in 2014 i had already played the closed beta for a year, was debating wheter I should try and go pro or just go to uni. Thank god i chose university

rent free in LoLfag's head

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>he didn't assemble a bunch of elo monsters for TI qualifiers

explain yourselves, Yea Forums

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>White man has won more TI than China
You didn't have what it take to be pro anyways

7.00 fucked this game, its just honlite now. bring back leveling stats, atleast then you had more variety than 1 or 2

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I loved this game and sunk 2,000 hours in to it but fled when NA East was entirely taken over by taco niggers.

Has Valve done the most obvious thing to bring back NA players and added region locks yet or can I continue to never play this game again?

>m-muh stats leveling, pinnacle of game design and fun

You're a mental midget

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>Bunch of third worlders buying lootboxes to add to a prizepool that will inevitably disappear into some rich chinese kids pockets

Whoopdy doo

>bring back leveling stats

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Europeans usually win the money though.

imagine you have to pay your "pro" players a salary to keep your competitive scene alive because otherwise not a single soul would care about it

I'm going to take this silence as a no.

but its the opposite
you cant have dotards talk about their game for more than 2 posts without mentioning league
Theyre obsessed
Most league players, or general gamers dont even know this game still exists besides in Russia

>You didn't have what it take to be pro anyways
correct, right now I cant see myself reaching the level pros play at today, but at the time I was on the scrimming team for what would later become the C9 team
I was in a couple of "pro" teams TS servers, played scrims against a lot of the OG players and talked to them occasionally
Those were good times man

is an assmad LoLbabby that shitposts in every Dota thread.

funny we have the same thing in league threads, often the same images too but reversed, for several years on end now

>decide to Smurf, original rank is divine
>get hearld because I acted like a total shitter just for bants
>no problem, solo carry my way out of there
>reach guardian 3
>decide fuck it I'm curious to see how these dudes play carry so I decide to support for a hundred games or so
>my fucking face when

These cunts have absolutely no idea how core works Jesus Christ
>auto attacking creeps and if you even try to take the farm they are missing they will ping you to death
>doesn't partake in team fights, waits for after math when everyone has low up and swoops in, gets a kill or two and dies
>always solo, always getting fucked by 5 others on enemy team rotation
>it doesn't matter where the wards are, it doesn't matter if you've bought full stock of wards from shop and are waiting for them to replenish, they treat support as the designated ward pig and will fucking scream about "NO WARDS" If they get ganked by judge who was marked as missing 10 times and managed to hook them from friendly creep wave while he was under vision

Herald didn't even have this many shit scum? I know I can switch back to carry and get out of here but what the fuck is wrong with guardian rank?

I don't play DotA I just watch pro matches, and I've been to 2 Internationals (4 and 5).

this but the other way around

Problem with guardian is basically what you said. Everyone wants to play carry but they have no clue how carry actually works. Top it off with
>kills over objective
>not buying wards just cos your a carry even though there FUCKING 50 GOLD NOW YOU HAVE NO FUCKING EXCUSE THAT'S A SINGLE CREEP KILL
>auto attacking creeps and hoping for the best.

It's the most cancer rank and probably one of the most average ones.

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