Of all the men Kojima could have chosen for his game, he picks a guy that has a creepy, unnerving...

Of all the men Kojima could have chosen for his game, he picks a guy that has a creepy, unnerving, uncanny valley looking face.


I can't even tell what fucking race he is, it's like he looks white, but has weird asian looking eyes and that creepy mouth. He's not eurasian looking in that friendly Keanu Reeves kind of way, he looks like the kind of dude that would hide women's bodies in the freezer. Wtf Kojima, why not get Keanu instead?

Attached: Death-Stranding-TGS18-Init_004.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

Mads is cute

Kys you're self

Hi Mads, didn't know you posted on Yea Forums.

Of all the men Kojima could have chosen for his game, he picks a guy that has a creepy, unnerving, uncanny valley looking face.

Attached: BiBo.png (750x691, 1.07M)

Isn't he Dutch?

Isn't he playing the bad guy in DS?

ugly /= creepy

Mads isn't ugly, he just looks "wrong". Elon Musk has the same issue. He isn't ugly, he just looks "wrong".

Screw OP, what's his name again? This pic doesn't tell me.

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>concept art has short, grey, straight hair

Why is the actor black then wtf? Black men don't have straight hair.

Two eyed Big Boss looks like a creep to me.

you're cute

Japs don't know nappy hair exists.

shut up nerd

Attached: Mads.jpg (652x811, 676K)

>why not get Keanu instead?
Because Mads Mikkelsen is a very good actor, his facial structure is amazing aswell. Nothing against Keanu Reeves, but he cant act that well.

The Hunt is kino

Attached: thehunt.png (718x505, 672K)

>looks like elon musk's older brother
>shut up nerd

Good one

Attached: Transpo-Elon-Musk-RTX6P9YW.jpg (1500x1125, 173K)

But Keanu looks very handsome and attractive. Mads isn't ugly but looks wrong visually. It's hard to explain. He reminds me of those descriptions of Eldar in warhammer 40k. At a distance they can look human, then you see them up close and it's like "aaaaagh wtf is that?"

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>looks like elon musk's older brother

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He looks a bit strange, but id say that fits Death Stranding perfectly.

Maybe that's why he chose him though?

>try to watch Hannibal because people say it's so good
>entire show is fucked up sickdark shit and makes me feel nauseous watching it
>main dude looks creepy as fuck in every scene he's in, literal nightmare fuel for a face
>the bitch from x-files aged horribly and has a literal horseface now

wtf is with this shit

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so kojima chose him to give the players night terrors? because that's what his face is gonna cause.

Big Boss look like gay, disgusting hoboes[/spoiler] to me, not "unnerving, uncanney valley" creeps.

>implying his character won't be a creepy murder machine in the first place

Well... Isn't he a villain in the game? Why is that a bad choice?

>spoiler tags erroneously omitting themselves
Oh, come the fuck on now.

He reminds me of Dragunov from Tekken

A friend of mine forced me to watch it. The first two seasons are pretentious but tolerable. Third season was an SJW turd and I'm glad it flopped hard enough to kill it.

>the villian of the game looks creepy and unnerving

Isnt this good casting?

Because it's too obvious, someone like keanu looks friendlier so them being evil is more of a shock. Seeing this guy you'll KNOW he's evil right off the bat, which ruins it.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. But either that or roll a modern western game you might end up with the same shit anyway.

He isnt evil. Kojima said he isnt a villain.

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people tell me i have the face of a good villain/evil henchman. iv heard way too often. i guess it's because i have a big facial scar. it's a pretty aesthetic scar though, i guess. idk if it was worth getting my face sliced open with a box cutter by a maniac, but i wont complain.

That's even worse then, having some creepy looking dude be good, no thanks.

Mads looks like a total bro, keep your autism in check

oh you're that guy.

europeans from those weird countries full ,of ice and snow and shit just tend to look like that

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Binland has a unique flavor of hapa. Fingolians are not really comparable to anything else

Fuck you OP.
Mads is both sexy and cute.

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Are you fucking retarded? How about the fact that him having a creepy, unnerving makes him desireable for some roles?

hes a dane

yeah until you wake up with him standing in a corner of your room watching you and saying "Go to sleep." when he notices you spotted him

keanu looks eurasian to you?

>he looks better than me and whiter than me therefore he intimidates me
Never change, Yea Forumsincels.

He looks pretty normal for a nord.

aren't nords supposed to be the epitome of whiteness, with huge chins and bigass beards and long manes of blonde hair and shining blue eyes? how is this a nord?

One can only hope.

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>Hating of Mads.

his race is Based

Elon musk is a bad example, he's had lots of work done in his face.

why would you pick a guy with a nice face to play a character named Angry Dangerface?

I would seductively invite him in my bed if that were to happen.

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>I can't even tell what fucking race he is, it's like he looks white, but has weird asian looking eyes and that creepy mouth
americans make me cringe

Dont shit talk Mads you cunt

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Black men are the pinnacle of manliness.

You can literally see his skin is black in the concept art. It's literally just Drebin in a mask.

Good job, you made the words appear. Here's your check

Actually it's kojima san. He's always here looking for Mads and Norman lewds in draw threads.

He has a very handsome face

I thought he was a fin for some reason

You are an american nigger/mexican. You have no idea what white is

of all the shitty buzzwords, this one never caught on and never will

Literally the most handsome man on earth.
Mads is who I dream of looking like when I'm reborn in the next life.

>he hasn't seen jagten yet and thinks mads is 'le bad guy'

Attached: mads.jpg (635x365, 35K)

That is a bunch of different people, not a single guy’s face.

Thinly veiled /hm/ thread

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it's all in the makeup/lighting bros
Also I just noticed he's barely got any eyebrows and that does creep me out

One of the most uncomfortable and disturbing pieces I've ever seen. Made me genuinely pissed.

Fantastic movie.

Reminder that anglos and germanics don’t belong in Europe