>multiple anons telling me a pc is better for gaming because mods/better performance
>first time trying to mod skyrim
>it's a fucking nightmare
I'll never listen to you faggots again.
Multiple anons telling me a pc is better for gaming because mods/better performance
not getting skyrim mods running means you're illiterate
By illiterate you mean I don't have functional autism? Thank God.
Is that how you cope? Assuming people smarter than you are autistic?
look at this sub human and laugh
It's piss-easy you absolute mong
Protip: don't ever play a bethesda developed game ever.
I am not usually mean on the internet (kek.), but is a bit right.
On some other not, just use Nexus mod, it's quite easy.
>I'm smarter because I'm autistic
Oh look, another thread in which OP proves that he is literally retarded.
To be fair, tes5edit shouldn't even be necessary. Why do WE have to clean your master files, Bethesda?
>that fucking list
I'd understand if you had a bunch of conflicting mods floating around but you have less than 10.
That is just the beginning dude, and I'm already feeling like dropping it. Is this the power of PC?
You're just retarded.
Get Mod Organizer (not Nexus Mod Manager) and use that. Don't listen to faggots about cleaning your masters cause you'll never have to do that at all.
It honestly is complicated as fuck. Tons of mods either aren't compatible with other mods or require certain dependencies so you have to tinker around with shit if you want to get lots of mods and have a modded out super Skyrim like the autistic people on Reddit. Fuck that shit, who the hell is gonna spend literally hours fucking around with shit just so they can play a riced out Skyrim? That shit is unstable as fuck too and crashes all the time and it takes like a fucking $5000 gaming PC just to run that shit at acceptable framerates. Seriously just install a few qol mods maybe an enb or something, and call it a day. Only an autistic neet would bother trying to set up a heavily modded Skyrim and it's not even that good of a game so just get over it.
Just use mod organizer 2 and work with that. Get 10 to 20 mods working and build up slowly. Don't put 50+ mods then try to figure out the problem later you retard. If you want just a better vanilla experience that should be easy to do. If you plan to change the entire game, well good luck.
>install a bunch of textures and a UI replacement
You get better everytime your skyrim crashes and need to do a clean install/start all over again, It's mostly practice.
You can also look for guides like the /tesg/ one.
>who the hell is gonna spend literally hours fucking around with shit just so they can play a riced out Skyrim
That's what I just realized, it's not worth it. That's it I'm playing vanilla with only minor bug-fixing mods.
My nigga. Make sure you get one that UI mod if you play kb+m. I think it's called SkyUI
You're absolutely right and I've been a PC player since the 80s. Good modding is either an AIO installer or just drop stuff into the files. The shit you have to do for even basic Bethesda modding is ridiculous because everything finds a way to break everything else. It is more complicated than it's worth and people defend it for no reason.
Its not that complicated though, its only as convoluted as you make it, but I will concede that modpacks should be a thing, the modding community is so faggy with its permissions bullshit
People do it because they are autistic no sex having faggots who sit around in /r/pcmasterrace jerking each other off about how cool their skyrim builds are.
>people do thing I don't, they must be [insult]
Real grown up.
Have sex
do you believe in the holocaust?
>it's a fucking nightmare
go back to your nintendo. it's easier that way for everyone.
OP I actually agree with you. Funny how all the modded Skyrim threads are filled with the same 3 screenshots and no gifs or webms. Because mods break the game, make it unplayable, plummet the framerate, and make everything hideous besides the handful of assets that they cater to. The game is absolutely fine in vanilla form and I can't help but laugh at losers who spend hours learning to mod a good (but not great) game only to realize that their $5000 PC can't run the mods.
PC is too complex for you, go back to your consoles...
Pathetic bait ITT
So you basically spend 3x the price of a console to have 3x more problems, huh? That's really smart.
>he download vortex
Get a load of this fucktard
Download NMM and Loot and you're good to go. Unless you are going above 300 mods or something stupid or downloading mods with known conflicts you'll be fine without having to ever having to learn to clean.
If you are going to lie at least know a bit about what you are lying about faggot. I have 200+ skyrim and fallout mods and neither of them experience CTDs or any problems and I didn't even touch a cleaning program.
Go back.
Have you ever even used a computor before? How did you manage to fucking post on this site if you're too dumb to figure out how to download and use like 2 programs?
I just want to play the game instead of troubleshooting shitty optimization.
I've found your problem.
the fuck
Maybe actual modding is too hard for you. Why don't you try the Bethesda's Creation Clubâ„¢ instead? Then you can play all the games you want with easy-to-use mods for only a small convenience fee (that goes to the mod creator, of course).
Fuck off, Todd.
Why even bother? Are you ten or something?
With how tech ""savvy"" you are, I wouldn't even try running the game, you'll probably break something or catch your computer on fire.
Nice reddit sarcasm dude, made my grandma laugh over here.
Then play the game, why are you installing mods?
>functional autism
Most people who mod TES games learn how to do it properly. It doesn't take that much to learn how to mod the games, quit being a faggot.
I just want a modpack without stupid graphics mod or shaders with just improvement to weather, survival aspects and general QOL improvements. But noooo. It's all 'here's a modpack which barely gets 60 frames outside of cities and fucks with the game in a bajillion ways, k, bye.' I wish Gopher just said 'fuck it' and released a modpack of all the mods he uses in his skyrim letsplays.
If any anons here can help I would sincerely appreciate it.
Might wanna put grandma on, she can't possibly be worse at modding skyrim than you.
how fucking low IQ can one user prove themselves to be?
>can one user prove themselves
Now I know why you faggots are mod overlords, you skipped school to mod skyrim. Very smart.
I mean if some user who never went to school can mod skyrim but you can't, what does that say about you?
It honestly is a pain in the ass getting everything right and I still have issues. Like indoors look great like this but outdoors looks like shit
But I can, it's just not worth it since I don't have autism.
Then play the fucking game. Nobody's putting a gun to your head and telling you to download every single mod in existence.
Most mods have clear instructions and requirements listed on their DL page that tell you exactly what to do, step by step or if they have requirements like another mod. You'd have to be an actual child to not be able to just read them and go through each step.
It has nothing to do with autism, and all to do with just reading basic instructions. Do you call people who read instruction manuals autists as well?
Yes, its aids, but you can literally get by modding with just aids without having a single problem.
Like I've said previously, I didn't spend 2k dollars on a platform just to waste my time troubleshooting every single mod I want to add into the game. This is what autists do, and from the looks of it they think it's normal.
This is clearly bait. Modding skyrim is simple
>2k dollars
lmao what a faggot
>waste my time troubleshooting every single mod
then why bother at all with modding if you don't want to "waste your time?" Just play vanilla if your so stupid you can't figure out how to mod one of the easiest games to mod out there.
Brainlet here. How do I install the abs textures? I want my PC to look more muscular
Kill yourself you fucking retarded faggot.
>plays skyrim
>is a braindead moron
Whoa what a surprise. Can't wait for you trendy faggots to leave video games already.
>it's simple
>just download these 3 different programs and watch/learn how do they work before you even start to install your mods
I don't think you know what that word means.
It's something you have to learn, you have to learn not to listen to everything.
I only need one program to mod my game, I don't merge mods or anything, I just put on what I want and play.
Zero programs are required for modding skyrim, Mod Organizer is the only one you need for making things easier, everything else is advanced shit that you only have to get into if you want to tweak mods to your liking.
whenever I play skyrim, I only use MO.
fag I literally mod skyrim over and over again starting from scratch after I get sick of it again, and you only need Skyrim, SKSE which you don't need to learn nor is it required for every mod but its still good to have it, just use to launch the game, and an optional mod manager to make things even more brain dead easy. usually a mod's placement in the load order isn't too big of a deal unless the mods instructions say otherwise.
>using nmm 2.0 dumpster fire
>mot using mo2
go to tesgeneral or follow a step guide. oldrim and newrim modding are retard proof. if you can't do it then you have actual brain damage and should go back to twitter with the rest of the zombies complaining how everything is too hard because it isn't handed to you.
i don't know what program that is but that's not nexus mod manager
>legendary edition
good luck
stop replying to this obvious bait thread, you fucking retards
There's your problem, retard. That's the worst mod manager you could use.