This is the enemy and should not be trusted

This is the enemy and should not be trusted

Attached: __isolated_island_oni_and_seaport_hime_kantai_.jpg (885x627, 326K)

how about thrusted?

I want to grope the one on the right.
Azure Lane has better designs anyway.

What ever series these girls are from has some of the best doujins.

But Azur Lane doesn't have pale cuties

Attached: __northern_ocean_hime_and_seaport_hime_kantai_.jpg (500x720, 261K)

she just wants some love

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I'm glad you're finally getting it.

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Sirens are pale cuties.


Attached: 1531239309895.gif (600x338, 1.61M)

Yeah, but there's only a few of them

Some have two

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>ywn be captured and corrupted by them

>and should not be trusted
Too late, sticking my dick in it.

The answer is to stick abyssal's into Azure Lane.

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hoppou-chan best girl

Rape the enemy

Still the enemy.

Attached: 65066500_p24.png (600x750, 140K)

>party member can brainwash you

Attached: 1371271977389.jpg (717x861, 226K)

>Badgirl Crossover
Promote this nigga immediately.

But Hoppou have a little sister now, she can't waste her time in a dying franchise.

They need something long hard and full of seamen

A sandwich?