Did this improve BfA at all?

Did this improve BfA at all?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally dead on arrival

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Yeah it added flying so you can skip the artificial game extenders.
Otherwise, the new zones are another cheap carrot on a stick

It added more things to do, but if you wanted a complete overhaul then no.

Where's Sylvanas?

Standing in Orgrimmar.

Unless they revamped classes mid expansion, nothing can. There are so many things wrong but the basic gameplay sucking prevents any possible comeback.

>used to roll my eyes whenever someone whined about horde favouritism
>BFA starts with all the alliance leaders basically showing off their DBZ power levels to defend against the horde war machine
>bit of a nothing patch while we fight an old god
>change so fast and hard it causes whiplash, horde are back to being the scrappy underdogs fighting against corruption in their own ranks blah blah blah
>in the space of one raid alliance are back to being simpering background characters who cry every time they're forced to destroy entire armies with a clench of their godly buttcheeks again
Just let the alliance be a little bit evil for once, give them some prejudices so there's a plot hook worth following or something. The horde can't stand any more of this 'favouritistm' without running out of living lore characters

>caring about WoW lore past the surface stuff in 2019

>give them some prejudices
there's one good character that has them. The problem is he's always right...

Alliance It's white people.They cannot be aggressive towards niggers/

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Favoritism =/= being more powerful.
Favoritism means being treated as the superior choice even when all the facts are in favor of the contrary.

It allows flying, so it's a huge improvement.

What important storylines have alliance had in the past few xpacs that do not involve horde?

No it still BFA, it still fucking dogshit

I really had hopes for Greymane going off the deep end trying to kill Sylvanas, but he's barely had two words to say this expansion.

imagine postponing classic in 2019 to save your dying garbage game that no one has cared about since 2010. amazing

It‘s so weird, he‘d be absolutely perfect for such a storyline. It would of course be better if sylvanas wasn‘t a complete villain, but still


>GCD fuckup still not fixed
>classes still barebones pieces of shit
>worldquests and facebook table still main forms of progression
>azshara raid is weaker in content, story, and gear compared to dazaralor
>new essences are shit-meh at best
>nazjatar is a world quest grind fest
>mechagon is a mindless kill mob zone

Patch is shit, dont resub if you arent already. If you are subbed just let it run out. Maybe things will be better in 9.0 but i doubt it. After 16 years I am finally free.

>cucked repeatedly
>lost warchief, faction leaders left and right
boi i sure love being the spotlight of this game by getting fucked without lube at every chance

Yet another horde city raid coming up next patch.

They keep forgetting the thing people really want is comfy dungeons and decent pvp.

>Siege of Thunder Bluff raid next patch, defend that shit from Sylvanas's Forsaken


>Horde has a competent leader who finally fucks the blue cucks for good
>She evil


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This has always been my problem. Never does a member of the alliance use underhanded or even evil tactics to achieve the perceived "greater good" and that is why the story post Warcraft 3 has always been trash.

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How can you have the Alliance be evil when Sylvanas is "morally gray" despite being called a retarded psychopath by Garrosh of all people.

>caring about WoW lore past WOTLK

>Greymane breaks the legion truce by attacking sylvanas' ships
>oh boy, conflict!
>never brought up again, just used as an excuse for pvp dailies

>Sky Admiral Rogers machine guns Horde sailors trying to escape from a shipwreck
>it was actually all the Sha and she dindu nuffin
the only time an Alliance character is ever actually interesting it gets blamed on le corruption and never brought up again

Modern blizzard are such pussies.

Mechagon is the only thing in BFA that's actually fun, so obviously it gives fuck all rewards except cosmetics

Why is this thread still here? Move it to /vg/, you faggot mod.

But its too little to late. It doesn't fix any of the major issues plaguing the game.
Its some Decent content for a couple weeks, but you're back to the same old awful shit once you run out of that.

>caring about video game lore

If the game is good, yes.

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I resubbed two days ago and I feel like I’m done with all the meaningful content. It all still feels lifeless and dull.

Yet another case of "we completely dropped the ball on this night elves thing"
Seriously their WC3 version would have been perfect for the designated alliance "morally dubious" race
they're the ones that would have given no fucks about war crimes, they're the ones that would have snuck behind enemy lines and murdered their soldiers in their sleep etc

but no, instead we got purple cheerleaders

God I hate that Sylvanas is going to get away with the crap she did
At this point she could burn down an orphanage and the writers would still claim it was for the greater good

I really liked the story way more when rastakan and Katherine were actually present and not dead or MIA.

The Rastakhan under pressure of traitors and invaders into his kingdom forcing him to make ungodly bargains was interesting to watch as he so desperately struggles to keep his kingdom together

The whole storyline with Katherine struggling to forgive and find Jaina was nice as well, I especially liked that scene where Genn is the one who convinces her to try and forgive Jaina due to him also having a son that he lost.

Everything was replaced by literal STROK WOMENZ and the story quality shockingly took a nosedive

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Can I play a dark iron thot yet?


What did you expect when this hack is writing?

I think so, yes

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>Generally unfavorable reviews


>Universal acclaim



stop overusing the word comfy

>going to
>Teldrassil had no orphanages

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What did they do?

Isn't this supposed to be brand new content? That's a fucking yikes from me

Nazjatar is a disaster

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Censored hot girls and violence in Hearthstone to grovel before China's communist party.

How many times am I allowed to say it without triggering your autism?

yeah a bit






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Teldrassil had that one orphanage and dry wood emporium, right next to the distillery and the oily rag stockpile.

It still bugs me that she was able to burn down a giant living tree in the middle of the god damn ocean
seriously has anyone ever tried to set fire to a living tree? It's god dang hard, now imagine the tree is about 10,000 times larger in the most humid environment imaginable

It's been a week and people already got to revered with both factions so they can fly.

The factions are absolutely gonna be removed next expansion now aren't they?

Also don't forget she used regular catapults from darkshore's shoreline and somehow hit

Funny how you faggots are always in WoW threads and never anywhere else like the gorillian smash or shadow nigger threads

>tfw had 6 gem slots all with 60 mastery gems in them

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it will happen. Along with another revamp of the world

wtf is this shit.

Do you think Blizzard has the guts to do that? Hell no

>revamp of the world
Never ever going to happen. Cata was a shitshow they are not about to redo.

Also, i think the idea that we are still horde and alliance but have to choose a new Aldor/Scryer kind of thing is much more likely.

Realistically, yes

I finally dropped after 3 months of Legion. I heard that story is somehow even more stupid now, is it true and tldr me what happened please

um sweety..

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sylvanas is garrosh and old gods are spooky!

It's true, but desu WoW story was always a pill of trash.
Basically the faction war is a big false advertisement and the game bashes you for wanting to wage war.
Sylv is responsable for all the shit and Jaina loves Thrall more than ever.

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I wouldn't even care for any of this shit if the story around these characters would be somewhat decent

>revealing red mageweave leggings, her suggestive moans during combat and her angelic voice saying "arise my champion" are the main reasons anyone even remembers this big tiddy goth gf
>remove all of that
might as well be some generic naxx necromancer at this point

Sylvanas is a bigger genociding bitch than Garrosh, but it's fine, she's just morally grey. Everyone acts retarded and a faction war ensues that seems like just some side story because old god stuff is happening.


I'm currently playing wotlk on a private server, bfa is disccounted, should I get it and play that instead?


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wait for classic if you really need to give money to blizzard

Garrosh's character was assassinated for a fraction of what Sylvanas is doing but it's ok because wammenz

Still years and years and years better than FF14.

But I want to have casual fun not grind shit for months.

>ff14 boss theme

>wow boss theme

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what did you think classic was?


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You are just addicted and you know it

The only decent content in BFA is Raiding, m+ and Mechagon. The new raid doesn't look to be as good as BoD and even then m+ is getting stale with no new dungeons added yet, and the new Mechagon "Mega Dungeon" won't get added in until the next season which is probably at the end of the year. Mechagon is okay for just farming some rares for a bit while flying with a jetpack but at some point there'll be no real reason to do that either. I'd say something about War Mode but sharding is such a joke that it's garbage too because of it.

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Wait I thought the sub-plot of BFA is that Anduin is starting to regret not removing Sylvannus' head from her shoulders.

Operation Mechagon opens next Tuesday, same as the new raid

>sharding is a joke
um no sweaty you can pvp wherever you want :)

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It won't get added to Mythic+ until Season 4.

oh I misunderstood what you wrote, yeah you're right about that

Unironically yes. i decided to retry a month with this patch and i regret everything, i decided to dust of my old XIV char from heavensward and boy do i have content and story to do that actually feels like it has meaning in a themepark MMO. WoW isnt an MMO anymore. the new interns/next gen develoeprs and designers think they know what an MMO is but they're actually nearly complete in turning wow into a singleplayer mobile game devoid of good story. it's laughable

thank you china

Is anyone actually playing it and not FFXIV to even find out if it's been improved in the first place? I don't think so.

Really? Damn that's suoer shitty. Havent had much time to play wince the patch came out. What are the requirements?

But on the positive side, this means Christie will never make Anduin gay come hell or high water or else she risks shooting her point in the foot

>YFW Christie is a better writer than the overwatch team

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Revered with the new factions, exploring the two new zones. The stuff you had to do for Part 1 which is about the same for the first set of BFA factions and zones. People are starting to get it now just a week in.

nonono Azerite is just -that- amazing :^)

>bfa is released
>it's considered the worst mmo expansion since wod and no amount of content patches could fix it
>shadowbringers is released
>it's considered the best mmo expansion in years
Why are you still playng WoW?

because I'd rather play a shit game with my friends than a mediocre game with a bunch of trannies

>Best expansion in years

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They said they don't know how to introduce another healer that is different from the ones in the game already. It's not their fault people don't want to deal with the stress of keeping the group alive, coming up with the excuse that it's boring because you don't get a DPS rotation.

This, and healer mains are the ones that should understand it the most. I'd rather wait for a new healer next expansion when they get their act together, plus Dancer would have been dumb as shit anyway compared to something like Chemist.

>players in que: 1732


Why is dancer a RANGED Dps though? Their gimmick has always been melee with debuffs

this is the most Yea Forums post I've ever read

The lack of critical thinking from Blizzard & it's players is staggering

Cata's revamp was a failure because you didn't need to do any of the revamped content on your level 80
if Cata made the level cap 100 & made lvl 80's level through revamped plaguelands, etc, it would have been a big success

>hostile invader
>genocided the natives, destroyed their culture, and took their land
>burned down all the forests to feed his war machine
>killed another set of natives' ancient forest god as it fought them in self-defence
>'hitler if he succeeded in the holocaust'-tier morally
>all on the word of a lunatic magician who appeared in his dreams
Why do people forget Thrall used to make Garrosh look like a simpering little dog by comparison? And this bitch is one of their fucking writers? What the fuck is wrong with these morons? Women and white guilt-ridden men were a mistake.

>Blizzard again picking a random character to randomly corrupt
>Blizzard again having zero reason for the mid expansion Raid End boss to be involved
>Blizzard again dropping the ball on interesting stuff, like Vol'jin's spirt, to focus on literal paper bags like Baine
>Blizzard again releasing a themepark island
Now i understand why people say the only one still sub'd have Stockholm Syndrome

Weapons are intrinsically tied to specific jobs in XIV, so they couldn't just give them daggers, plus the last dps jobs were melee and ranged caster. Chakrams were probably easier than trying to make those weird carpet weapons from FFT work

I've been doing dalies, but... fuck. Rip world PvP. At least I'm a druid.

its okay, but greatest? fuck no.

Don't ask questions, just consume patch then get excited for next patch.

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>unsubbed right after BfA
>kinda feel the need for that WoW fix again
>remember actually playing BfA
>urge disappears
I don't know how they managed to fuck up this hard, but after nearly 15 years they've finally managed to lose me.

Guess I should be glad to be rid of the curse, but I actually *want* to play the game I used to enjoy. It just isn't there anymore.

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Yeah its pretty good but people will still call it shit because performative outrage over BFA is the zeitgeist and literally nothing they do will ever make here or reddit happy

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it is their fault though. They have plenty of classes they could make a healer, but they choose not to

Legitimate question, are you enjoying the patch because it's new content and the honeymoon isn't over yet or did it actually improve a buncha the expansion's problems?

The only way to make a healer play differently from the rest is to make it DPS based, like a Disc priest in WoW. Other MMOs just have copy/pasted healers with different colored spells. Yoshi doesn't want to do that.

>Blizzard completely neuters the night elves because if they were faithful to their WC3 portrayal they would have alienated the people who wanted to be Lotr elves
>The minute horde get blood elves all the women and xXxLegolaz niggers jump ship

Just makes the high elf autism so much funnier.


>did it actually improve a buncha the expansion's problems?
I don't hate it as much as everyone else here seems to so I don't really have any massive problems needed to be fix, just more stuff to do. Which the new zones have provided. I really like the essence system as well. Going to have to wait for season 3 to see what's really going on though.

Stage 1: Denial

Nigger we have three healers with the same propose only that AST is mainly buffs WHM is full on heals and SCH is half half, what the fuck you want SE to add next for healer faggots? also DNC is good enough since it's a dps and a buff support

Don't resub or play BfA, GCD changes still makes it worse than anything previously and 8.2 and 8.3 will not fix it ever

>"Comments on any article about feminism justify feminism."
Very based.


How will WoWfags ever recover from this?

Instead of the weird stretched metaphors just go back to telling me to kill myself so you can get your epick Yea Forums upvotes for not liking the game

No newfag, there are plenty of other ways to do a healer. Look at Warhammer Online or City of Heroes

desu I had a lot of fun with BFA for a few weeks until I hit the hard grind wall. For the discounted price that's still a pretty good price to hours ratio.

Usually wow releasing an expansion/content patch alongside a competitor has always been an effective move for them. This time it backfired spectacularly. There is simply no comparison between 8.2 and Shadowbringers. All it does is highlight a colossal contrast between XIV, which is currently at it's highest of highs, vs wow, which is currently at it's lowest of lows. They should have rushed this patch out so as to NOT compete with it, or release it a month later after XIV's honeymoon period has worn off a bit. Wow isn't currently in the position it used to be where it thinks it can steal another game's thunder.

XIVfags are a cult that suck this game's dick no matter what.

Yes, retard. It's the only new type of healer to make in FF14.

How many people even play on a wotlk private server? how do they handle patches?

I'm not even a WoWfag, I think BFA sucks, but I've tried on 3 seperate occasions to play FF14 but Jesus the leveling is so fucking boring I can't bring myself to play.

No, it actively made me lose hope for this expansion entirely. I lost what little hope that I didn't even know I had, but blizzard adding 2 new rep grinds in a zone that's not even half the size of argus was a fucking joke. 10 months to come up with that shit, its an embarassment.

i know blizzard has that stupid policy to release something alongside a competitor (even though they deny it every time they're asked about it) but its honestly retarded that they decided to do it this time

Everyone acknowledges the same problem. Early game is shit and classes are boring to level when you only have a handful of abilities. You just need to power through it. When you reach Heavensward is when the story starts to get interesting and you start getting some semblance of your actual rotation.

I was really hoping they would do an early leveling revamp with this expansion but I guess not.

Do the people who play with the free trial have access to the PotD? Can't do nothing about being forced playing through the MSQ, but at least it seems like a good idea to suggest going through PotD if they want to see how the Job works later on with more of their abilities.

Why do wow topics always turn into ffxiv topics?

You can use potd as early as level 17 I think

What happened to the GCD? I quit back in Cataclysm.

Mechagon is very fun.

Nazjatar is Argus 2.0, and not in a good way.

It's still insanely broken.

You are still on a shard with imbalanced factions where the other side can kill you if you try to kill thes PVE mobs.

Also, the 5 commanders die so fast you can at most get 2 kills for 2 commendations before the entire thing ends. Before you could get 5 if you win the battle of najatar with one kill. If you don't get a kill the victory got 'saved' so that you would get +5 commendations the next time you actually got a kill during a battle.

Because XIVfags are a fucking cult.

I'm honestly of the opinion that you should just do an ARR skip and start at HW, then just watch all of the ARR cutscenes at the inn. It'll catch you up on the story of ARR and then you can start early enough to really get the best of the story experience while also not having to go through the ARR slog and still know the story of it without having to do the insane amount of boring shit at the start.

literally only two hours of content then you have to rep grind or daily daily world quests. And they begged their players to commit to six months of gametime for a free mount before they realized the content basically didn't exist

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Stopped playing at the very end of Legion but from what I remember, When people were complaining that Blizzard was making classes shit in BfA, they thought it would be a good time to move abilities from oGCD to GCD, making not only classes play like shit, but play slower too. Nobody asked for it, and like Blizzard fashion, won't undo it because they can't possibly be wrong.

>Did this shit twice in one expansion so far

isn't something like 80% of the player base some form of human of elf?

>>Did this shit twice in one expansion so far
they are fucking desperate, don't forget the pig

There's actual overworld content again, but it's not good
I'm just rushing to flying so I can farm the new herb on druid travel form and buy wow tokens for classic and CoD: MW

>candy crush world quests
>overworld content

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it's actually fucking amazing watching wow players try to do the candy crush minigame and fail. They are actual retards, no wonder they need addons to help them play

>candy crush
>not bejeweled
I want children to leave Yea Forums

I still watch the cinematics, but I won't play the game until it's fun again.

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Try reading the rest of that sentence ya dip

So what's the story, was Sylvanas only "pretending" to be a sadistic evil cunt that tried to destroy and kill everything, just so she could save the world somehow?

Most people are unimaginative twats who can't relate to anything that doesn't look like a super model or celebrity.

Opening the post by guarding yourself against disagreement by asserting everyone who does is a cultist is unworthy of a response beyond "kys" you pathetic, cowardly faggot.

it's not confirmed but yes it's going to be yet again that they were misunderstand and doing all those evil things for the greater good

WoW in it's current state is so shit that people would rather discuss other MMOs instead

Enjoying my writing so far?

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In this case WoW did it to itself. They decided once again to release a content patch right alongside a competitor's major release and it blew up in their face.

You misunderstood. Blizzard gives her the setting and vision for the story. She delivers.

It's not any worse than anything else post-BC

No joke, I would rather go back to WoD. BfA is the worse the game has ever been.

paid shills

pretty much, they should have competed with xiv by using classic but are such complete failures they can't get it ready in less than two years of dev time

so instead they have this giant fucking meme of a patch to "compete" and beg for six months of game time from fans

another obviously reskinned vanilla drake, definitely worth it for the EZ mount collection +1

I fucking hate Ian Hotpockets






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buy pig

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I do it for free

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I wish I was getting paid. Then I could buy Shadowbringers for Final Fantasy XIV Online.

making humans the overwhelmingly best pvp race for 4 expansions didnt help much

I miss my truthguard and oathseeker...

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dave mustaine writes wow books now>

upvoted for being absolutely fucking based enough to hate BFA on Yea Forums

You can still transmog them

I do miss the crazy amount of damage the artifact ability + legiondary shoulders used to do

Speaking of races are those foxes playable yet.

Some utility abilities were put on the GCD, which sucked, but tbf the reaction to it seemed really overblown.

I think it was due to it happening at the same time as the pre-patch haste reset which caused a lot of people to conflate the two as their rotation slowed down

>oh how could the story of a game ive been playing for over 12 years go to shit?
>I guess we'll never knowjustfuckmyshitup

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>You can still transmog them
yeah, but it's not quite the same. I really liked having an artifact weapon, even if it wasn't the best mechanic ever. The necklace is just boring.

Did they ever change it to where you can transmog mainhand and offhand artifact appearances individually? I remember them saying they wanted to, but they didn't do it before I quit.

how anyone is invested or interested in wow's story is beyond me

But I'm all for people being a giant minotaur that can split entire trees when you're not splitting skulls or a takes-no-shit dwarf that blows up your knee caps with his gun, user!

>blizz fire all the HS CM team
>proceed to open up posts for the roles month later
>asking for far less experience as a minimum to hire younger easily exploited grads
>the people they fired are reeing at them over twitter while also trying to imply they should rehire the "others" instead of themselves

game was fucked the moment they took 90% of their dev-talk to twitter

Why do we still have threads about nu-Blizzard games? It's as pointless as talking about Minecraft or Fortnite. Fucking blacklist this shit.

He's only part of the problem. Christie Golden is the main writer and everything she made is garbage.

Meanwhile a woman got put in charge of ff14s story and it's the best it has ever been.

not even classic can help recover this dumpster fire
good riddance

that's because she's japanese

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the beta is already dying, it's hilarious, they are trying to trickle it out to get more advertising but it's just killing the interest

New zones are basically just daily hubs. It's alright.

the beta is officially over in like 2-3 weeks anyway, not much point in sticking around to farm gold for asmon or whatever people are doing instead of testing

which is retarded because they still have phasing. Aren't they going to try to beta test the game without that feature? Or is it actually going to go live with that shit?

Classic doesn't work in the streaming era. You can never go home again.

I was interested in BFA's story at first since it was doing a lot of WC3 pandering, but it sucked ass and I immediately lost interest

It's stupid because you aren't actually on Azeroth for the war. Like a lot of shit is going down like the forsaken trying to create a new capital city in alterac mountains but we don't fucking see any of it because we banished to these god forsaken islands

Your fucking followers have more fun on their missions than you do

>implying i wanted to go home in the first place
I'm just here to watch it all burn.

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I'm not going home. I'm just planning on having a good time that lasts at least 30-60 days.

>No lalasissies or catbros (female(male))
>No big daddy Hrots with faggot killing monster cocks
Nope :)

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CUTE! CUTE!! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont think it was turned on for the first couple weeks (for the most part but a few people swear they got phased)

>Like a lot of shit is going down like the forsaken trying to create a new capital city in alterac mountains

Wait, what? They are? Where is this being said? I totally believe you if for no other reason than WoW's writing and developers really are just that incompetent, I'm just interested in knowing where these tidbits are being said.

>playing WoW
>caring about WoW
>watching youtube videos about WoW
>even knowing what WoW is

I wish they would stop putting cool stuff into the game and nerfing it days or even hours later to appease casuals.

Sure was cool having Stormwind on fire for 6 years while the majority of shit is centered around the horde now.

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>Just let the alliance be a little bit evil for once, give them some prejudices so there's a plot hook worth following or something. The horde can't stand any more of this 'favouritistm' without running out of living lore characters
Prejudices my ass. The alliance is pathetic because it doesn't commit the genocide it needs to. Removing the orcs from the face of Azeroth is long past due and will cripple the horde forever.

I'm afraid story would be only worse without him
It's like when metzen was the only pro horde writer, while others only cared about showing alliance in good light

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returned for 30 days. Day 3 i was just killing rares for mounts and that water zone just had dalies for shit I dont even care about...I think its grind a couple of months for essences for future raid stuff. Nothing in the patch had an MMO feel. Argus was more RPG'ish in the relics you got were dynamic, random and custom. The new Relic system everything is behind grinding rather than Argus system of getting stuff from Random drops, bosses from everything and getting a currency to buy an item that you can roll to get to see what you want. Like in Argus you could get traits for movement speed leech and a couple of stuff that enhance your abilities to super abilities. With the new BFA stuff its just 1 essence that are mostly passive.

I will never touch XIV after witnessing all these fucking shill threads.

in BFA you have Azerites neck and armor that are all passives. So when you auto attack a target a whole bunch of random rng shit will happen that you can't control.

The New essence system they added has some abilities but mostly passives.

In Legion you had a legendary that most gave you 3 abilities for your class and a shit load of passives. All of this shit was impactful and you could control it.

In Legion all the PvP talents were just regular talents so you had more important talents.

In Legion you had set bonuses and trinket bonuses that were more impact and not just passives

The Argus system turned regular abilities into super abilities and sometimes gave abilties extra effects and there was hundreds of diffrent relics you could collect all with random misc passives like Double strike, leech and movement speed.

The main diffrent between BFA and legion is that in Legion you could artistically customize your character and you had a shit load of customazitble shit that wasn't very balanced but it made it interesting in PvE where when you reached your final form you could start changing stuff to speed run content and world quest.

In BFA everyone is the same boring gray blob. Most classes are the exact same thing except Demon Hunters who still have legion shit that make them fun. Oh and everyone goes through world quest and dungeons slowly....

So wait for Classic, you'll hate BfA.

That's the most hilarious thing isn't it? BFA is basically shittier Legion. Its amazing how some small changes and a complete lack of class design can make become an unbearable expansion. Legion already had so many absolutely shitty problems that they then decided to double down. I don't understand.

>>did it actually improve a buncha the expansion's problems?
>I don't hate it as much as everyone else here seems to so I don't really have any massive problems needed to be fix, just more stuff to do. Which the new zones have provided. I really like the essence system as well. Going to have to wait for season 3 to see what's really going on though.
Keep on eating the shit they're piling on your plate pay pig.

A big part of the issue is that I imagine most people just don't want to run through the MSQ as a healer. The queues will get better as more time passes.

>unironically linking fucking reddit

in BFA Mythic + is designed around how you manage trash bosses are so badly designed in BFA that they can all be cheesed.

in Legion Mythic + was desinged around how much trash you could pull and how you could do the boss mechanics.

Legion was the last time Mythic + bosses were interesting and actually designed.

Legion had its issues but it also had its fun bits.
How can just about every facet of wow go to shit in one expansion?

Play a real mmo you fags

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>some human bitch commands the naga to fire while standing right next to who i assume is their commander who stays silent
>they do
>8.1 horde war campaign is breaking ashvane out
>8.2 not even a pretense of doing something beneficial for the horde just a random raid boss

I fucking hate M+ with a passion. Taking autismo speedrunner culture and baking it into the game as a staple feature to progress your character was a mistake

WoW died the day they stopped caring about people making and maintaining meaningful connections.

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would soil my bloodline and have hapa kids with

I am still angry that she was a dk champion and not a priest one in legion.

This thread is as dead as the game.
Someone post WoW Ass

newt scamander is not a basedboy

World quest are part of what ruined wow. At least with dailies you had to talk with a npc, you still felt like there was a world, something going on. Now you just go to a place and instantly get the quest.

Golden writes what she's told to write.

Who tells her what to write? Do tell.


its in one of the follower missions, the alliance are raiding the supply lines and trying to disrupt the construction

>do random quests in random zones for random rewards with a chance to gear gear that is for a random item slot with random primary stats and random second stats and has a smaller chance to be an upgraded item and an even smaller chance to be a really upgraded item and an astronomically small chance to be a legendary which itself is from a random pool of legendaries which are either complete shit or hilariously overpowered and broken
Peak. Game. Design. And repeat after me, it's not a skinner box.

This place and reddit are the same anyway.

thats ironic coming from the most soulless implimentation of Cid yet

China has their own client for blizzard games, but these changes are universal. For example Chinese wow has censored undead models. Blizzard is in cuckfornia ans have censored shit for years now bruh

I literally just finished leveling my character from 0 to 110 last week. I have to say, I loved the leveling experience ESPECIALLY during Legion. What the fuck happened to Battle for Azeroth? Is it still worth getting into? I don't want to spend so much time getting into another mmo like FFXIV.

BFA is just all over the place, there's a lot of weird design decisions that are neat but are going nowhere or not fleshed out at all (like quests that finally let you make choices, but all the choices for them literally lead to the same questline.)

It really seems like an expansion for them to test new stuff in while figuring out what to double down on in the next, making it really shallow.

I don't know how someone could stomach the leveling. Getting my HM to 110 was enough to make me quit, but seeing how BfA turned out, I guess I should be happy that it did.

I think leveling is comfy. I just wish heirlooms weren't a thing because it makes everything a breeze and you just speedrun every dungeon.

It felt special and tailor-made for the player in Legion. It felt like they were giving it everything they got because they knew WoW was nearing its end. It ended up being so successful, I think, that they decided to continue with another expansion.

yeah i agree with this

the ability to chart your own course when leveling is why WoW feels like an MMO and 14 feels like a soulless themepark

>the ability to chart your own course when leveling
I always did this for alts, trying different areas, staying in some for as long as I can and just doing the really fun questlines for others.

I remember reading that they're planning on doing an Alliance split for once in the future.
Probably because Andy is a massive fucking pushover of a king.

>wow i clicked the panda on the character creator, i'm so imaginative.

The forsaken were cartoonishly evil from day fucking one.

Anduin and Jaina have ruined the Alliance. So many interesting characters that aren't human peacefags, but they've all been sidelined. I really hope the Stormwind raid happens.

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remember to abort the boys its not worth it

BFA is just Legion except worse. It's the first expansion in WoW history where every player character becomes weaker. Every expansion up until BFA has added a new tier of talents, new abilities to acquire, or something similar to make you feel like you're progressing and growing stronger.

In BFA, level 110 characters are literally stronger than 120's. Your artifact weapon, which was the new progression element added in Legion is gone and is replaced (that is, replaced, not built upon) with an Azerite system that's completely bare-bones and shitty.

There's a lot of other shit wrong with the expansion pack but that's a lot of what is central to it. Classes all feel like garbo because of it.

the funniest part of wow sucking is all of the xiv trannies coming out of the wood work trying to convince you that ff14 is good

It was just to add more drama and cover up the fault of the alliance and nelves.
I can't believe that people were this affected by this one sided forced shit.

It's amazing really, if you wanna trigger them even more remind them tab bar mmos have bad combat or how XIV's shit-tier servers can't handle OGCDs or multiple key presses so they have to "weave".
It's amazing how deluded they're into thinking their game is any good.

It died the second Legion went live and ranged survival hunters were no longer a thing.

Orcs have fucked up way too many times to be allowed to continue living on Azeroth by any logic.

They’re clearly shills. Any true fan of FF14 would want less wowfugees not more

I like the update, it is almost on Legion's level

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Damn wow is so comfy. I'm just leveling my shaman to 120 and doing zandalar quests. I love playing it as a single player game, I never was much into dungeons or raids I always end up falling asleep.

How about you follow them?

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but this looks just like Legion, it's Suramar all over again

>Came back wanting to fly.
>Saw rep grind
>Close and uninstall

I made a nice meme the other day do you like it
I got like 40 angry (You)s on the first post
it's perfect right

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You get 'em WoWbro! I'm so tired of those XIVchads laughing at us!

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see? I've already angered a weeb into falseflagging
the inferiority complex is real

Music with true soul that was hand crafted to be perfect


Literal garbage made by someone that can barely read a music sheet


After having just played through ARR without a skip. I 100% agree. Just skip it, watch the cut scenes, and save literal days of your life.

They're so unbelievably incompetent

I literally root for Alliance cause I'm sick of nigger orc pandering and retarded excuses for the Horde.

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Imagine your only way to attempt to sell off your epic game was to say it was better than non-vanilla wow...


t. Male happa

Does some mastery mail benthic gear just not exist?

I've spent hundreds of pearls on gloves and pants now none of them are fucking mastery

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1.5 weeks of dailies

it's a good patch actually

Every expac the horde makes less sense.

Why are the blood elves still part of the horde or even care about the alliance? Why are the tauren putting up with Sylvanas' shit?


They're destroying the one good thing they still have.

>posts something that was patched out
>in a "did this patch improve the game" thread

What the fuck was blizzard doing here?
I really do hope those rumors about the Classic team having no one from modern WoW are true

>dungeons & pvp
it's clearly just a buzzword to this user

Did Ion and his team of monkeys ever explain why the GCD change needed to happen? Did they ever go into specifics as to why they did it or did they just do it and tell anyone who complained "tough shit, we are changing it."
I swear the excuse was "because it was off the GCD, it lead to one shot scenarios in PvP" or some really retarded excuse.

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They wanted people to think about cooldowns they were using. Instead of just blowing everything at once.

>I swear the excuse was "because it was off the GCD, it lead to one shot scenarios in PvP"
It was just about the amount of damage you could dump on someone in one gcd

Doesn't that faggot play the game on a tablet?
Would explain a lot

Was 8.2 well received?

Attached: MinDancer.webm (1082x1044, 1.89M)

by people who play it? yes
by people who don't? no

I'm amazed by the number of Blizzdrones still playing and defending this trash here.

lol im not getting paid, just fuck blizz

There's a certain zen to this.

kind of; everyone agrees that its not a bad patch but it isent exactly mind blowing which is what bfa desperately needed.

I snitched lorthemar to nathanos, snitched baine, refused to help basedfang
im not buying this purple woman bad narrative

>by people who play it? yes

This looks like terrible weapon to handle. You can't even handle it, there's no grip, no handle no strength. No matter how sharp an object is it will be even sharper the faster it goes and these basically have nothing but their own weight to them.
Now the gunblade actually has something to grip it with so you can, you know, wield it.

>Jaina's warbringer cinematic meant literally nothing
>she's back at being all about muh peace and buddies with Thrall

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You throw them at people, you dont need a grip on them.

I leveled dancer and gunbreaker both to 80 - and not once did I have to wait more than 5ish minutes for a queue.


So, what did 8.2 actually add?

Wait what, really? I quit in Wotlk but how the fuck is a dainty priestess supposed to be a death knight? Is it not Paladins that are death knights?

I made it to lvl 87 before I quit. WoW leveling is bad and boring.

She died. Take a guess. No, not only paladins become DKs.

>t. person who doesn't play it

equivalent of argus, equivalent of timeless isle, some class fixes (fdk is actually playable now), actual controllable gear progression in benthic shit, essences fill the void lost by legendaries from legion, heart of azerite level is basically dead, maybe something else I can't think of at the moment

So literally anyone can be a death knight. No need for an affinity towards a certain religion or type of strength or race. Just, literally anyone can be a death knight.

No wonder the game is dying.

>kill 25 naga
>kill 10 generic wolvars at mechagnome island
>kill 3 rares at mechagnome island
>do candy crush mini game
>all done? come back tomorrow
there is your 8.2

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You quit in Wrath, so you never even played it? Death Knights are dead characters.

was it worth the 4 month wait?

>Almost a full year since BFA launched
>only 3 content patches.

Why does anyone play this shit anymore?

The game died in Cataclysm

The only way to have fun playing wow in 2019 is to go play on Ascension

It's corrupt and has scummy business practices; but at least it's fun.

Actually the game died when they added cross realm battleground in vanilla

does time spent diminish the product?
I mean it's fine but I'm looking forward to the raid and the mega dungeon more anyway

Couldnt play wow before cataclysm. The graphics was so shit it was actually painful.
Cataclysm is what redeemed wow.

Well people would throw them better and faster with grips on them.
What other weapon do we have:
>bow that's a good weapon
>knuckle dusters
>sword that's fine
>thin sword
>big sword
>curved sword
>gun wielding sword
>axe, that's ergonomically sound at least
>magic staff, it's magic
>spear, the best
>a gun
>a book, okay
>a measuring tool
Ans these chakram things which would be more efficient if they had a grip instead of a blade to slice your own hand on.

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Muh arenas e-sports!!!
>Gets less watchers and production value than a third party group Simon sez competition

>does time spent diminish the product?

It does in an MMO when consistent content cycles make or break a game.

>imagine playing roleplaying games for the graphics


The war table is barely used for anything and basically optional you dingus. Rest is true though

>It does in an MMO when consistent content cycles make or break a game.
this literally doesn't happen
every MMO ever fucking dies in the content lull before expacs, the only time I can even think of this not being the case is in the FFXI CoP days

Lineage 2 had better graphics and actual PVP. There was no reason to play anything else.
Then Cata happened and wow took over.

XIV gets patches on the regular, and they all offer a fair amount of content to keep you going until the next.
Nice try wow fag.

so XIVs entire playerbase?

>he thinks poo poo games where nothing happens when you die is actual pvp
again, low-brain

3rd gen DK (post arthas) are just turbo charged undead.
2nd gen (wc3) are people who pick up demonic evil swords and get corrupted, normally paladins
1st gen (wc2) are orc warlocks inside of human knights

>XIV gets patches on the regular
you could have just saved time and apologized for being retarded
your game died for 8 months while you waited for ShB and it's going to die for another 8 months when your raid tier is over, your dungeons are a joke and your pvp is shit

This See and don’t believe their lies. Admitting the truth gets them fired

Isn’t that the make your own class one?

>letting Yea Forums influence you in any way
get a load of this retard

inferiority complex

>retconned again
>retconned once again
why do people play this shit game? nothing matters since they change everything on a whim

>your game died for 8 months while you waited for ShB and it's going to die for another 8 months when your raid tier is over

opposed to your game dying 6 years ago?

keep praying for wow to die, it just might work someday!


Which is why you’re in this thread 6 years after the fact, right?

I don't need to. It already is.

>poo poo games where nothing happens when you die
Like WoW since vanilla?

I don't play weeb MMOs. I don't like them and I've tried so many of them, even FFXIV. It's not about the look of the game, I'm fine with that. I don't like the gameplay.

sure thing tranny

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XIV is on maintenance for two hours, gotta kill time somehow.

Look at this fucking shit, fools.

wow was always a poo poo game that ruined MMORPGs forever. Their constant homoerotic lust for casuals getting what they want completely changed the MMORPG genre from living in a world to a world revolving around faggots

I’m glad you chose the most pathetic way possible

Store mounts don't count towards mount collection achievements.

>Playing for the lore or pvp
>Blizz game

It really gives you a lot of optimization and roleplay options for builds

Running a storm-themed melee shaman fem-orc atm

Gonna make a human witcher next

When in Rome.

so you spend time crying about people not having any interest in your dogshit slow weeb mmo?

I'm pretty much a wow drone and I couldnt stand how dull the gameplay was this xpac
I see all these new zones and all the old god stuff I dreamed about and I feel absolutely nothing

Shit make me miss legion legendary, it's just that bad

I still check mmo-champ once in a while, hoping to see a patch note where they fix everything, not gonna happen until 9.0 tho

Maybe I'll come back when Arctium fix his launcher so I can go back to fuck my e-gf with nudes mods

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We'll see with the raid and mythic dungeon implementation, this content is just mainly getting people geared to play with that content.

>>lost warchief, faction leaders left and right
The humans lost 2 kings, the night elf leadership is a joke, gilneas lost a king in the intro, dwarves lost a king, velen died in wod, the gnome just got iced
you lost two warshief (one will come back) and baine, who else ?

god i miss Ghostcrawler

>playing roleplaying games for the lore
that is kinda the point sweaty

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Is you’re game really broken then?Because if you fags being in these threads is always due to maintenance, it must be on maintenance more often than it isn’t

there's literally nothing to do in XIV outside of raid, after tuesday the game is built to go afk in your house and shitpost

You are retarded


They can’t kill Baine. There’s no suitable replacement

Traitor cow is alive...

at this point, I think I have developed newfound respect for garrosh as an alliance player after all this horde shit all day. hell he even had a modicum of "fairness" (dismissing overlord krom'gar)

oh, good

Same reason Mekkatorque will be fine. There’s no other notable gnome to take his spot.

Also if they really are adding a tinker class next expansion, the gnomes are about to become more relevant

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

FF14 is one of the best game i have ever played

Is there a heterosexual man who doesn’t?

It's been like that since the start of Legion, it's just contrarianism run rampant, like always. Basically MMO console wars.

>next expansion
wow is probably behind "please don't play my mmo 14" in terms of numbers and classic will cleave the playerbase in two.
and what the fuck the story would be ? one of bfa's main fault is to come out of nowhere

Sorry BOY

All Elves are the property of Orc MEN.
Your tiny human arms can't manhandle them the way they want.

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>classic will cleave the playerbase in two.
I'm willing to bet a majority moves to classic

>tinker class
how the hell will that work? engineers have been a thing since day 1

>still trying to push war mode after it was a complete failure thanks to the drastically imbalanced factions
It's fucking amazing how incompetent Blizz are now

There are always whales and as long as they exist, the expansions will keep coming. You think Activision will call it quits while there is still money to be made?

>weeb wow clone for consoles is one of the best games I have ever played
pretty sad desu

The same way the new rogue proficiency will work.

One-handed guns.

Pistol+Shield=Tank proficiency
Pistol+Pistol=Damage proficiency 1
Rifle=Damage proficiency 2

Pistol+1h wep=New Rogue Proficiency

Xbawkshuge Mekkatorque mech tank spec
Turret deploy DPS spec
Healing drone heals spec

I dono, I don’t think it’s that hard to think of ways to do it

It kinda is really. Parts of the structures were one on one copied from Azuna.

what did they retcon?

That's a problem with current blizz. If something isn't fucking working, they can't admit it and double down on it.

>There are always whales and as long as they exist, the expansions will keep coming. You think Activision will call it quits while there is still money to be made?
I whole heartly agree
but like said, most of the playerbase will move onto classic.
You don't need to release expansions to make money out of a MMO, add time limited events, weekly bonuses (we already have something similar) and other things that will turn the game into a single player mmo with tier rewards like armors with shinies.
At most they can release a GW2 tier faggotry of armor elements with events that grant more gold (for trading for tokens) and call it a day.
I don't think pouring money for expansions is worth it for activision

>all this WoWfag cope
Is there a fanbase more pathetic?

Who even cares about pvp in wow?
I disabled war mode since day 1 and only enable it when levelling new toons
This is no war mode, this is more rewards mode

About the abundance of FFXIV posts in WoW threads i don't think it's shilling i think it's a mix of WoW's community showing signs of weakness which prompts people to come and take a nasty bite and the fact the entire world is waiting to see what WoW classic is going to do to the greater MMO landscape. Exciting time.
Furthermore no FFXIV player would entice WoW players to come into their game, that would be stupid they might actually come.
So maybe they are not shills but instead vultures circling above.

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Casting couch

It's just an MMO thing, every non WoW MMO feels inferior and will never hesitate to take a shot at WoW given the chance

I doubt you’re gonna get many current retail players jumping ship to classic. If you’re somehow still playing at this point, the Stockholm Syndrome won’t let you

Classic is going to be mostly people who quit a while ago. It’s all under the same subscription fee. They’ll go to their stockholders and say “look people are buying time” and that’ll get the monkey off their back for a while

And anyway where are you wowfags? Not in this thread apparently.

>Furthermore no FFXIV player would entice WoW players to come into their game, that would be stupid they might actually come.
literally every single ffxiv player is an ex-wow player

>most of the playerbase will move onto classic
That is some serious optimism.
The vast majority of people still playing WoW won't enjoy classic mechanics

Arthas was literally the last interesting Alliance character.

>wow boss theme

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they're FINALLY adding dual pistols to rogue? that's great, i can finally pretend to be lord godfrey! took them long enough, though. what spec will it be?

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Yeah from like Wrath or Cata. WoWfugees who stuck with the game until BfA are mocked for being shit as well as easy to identify.

>Furthermore no FFXIV player would entice WoW players to come into their game, that would be stupid they might actually come.
I mean, 99% of XIVs playerbase is shit, healers who wont dps, mentally ill trannies, etc etc
Whether you blame it on WoW or not the overwhelming majority of both games communities are shit, it's just what happens when neither game has any sort of barrier of entry based on skill
Hell, you can hit max ilvl in XIV without even touching raid content anymore

>Classic is going to be mostly people who quit a while ago.
I think you'd be surprised the amount of people who still play retail for their friends, who will move to classic with those friends
Classic is going to fucking cripple BfA guilds for anyone who still stays

i never played wow, i keep telling people to stop posting about ffxiv in wow threads. I'm here to look at classic, that's what will either destroy or save MMOrpgs.

I got 3 days free because blizz are basically begging people to come back. I played for half an hour, realised why I quit 5 years ago and uninstalled it.

WotLK was the start of nu-WoW. There is functionally no difference between a wrathbaby and someone who started in BfA.

Because Horde had ones?

It also came out 6 years after

That's more than the gap between oblivion and Skyrim

Your argument isn't exactly valuable considering that. Unless you're trying to say that all FFXIV players were also MODERN WoW players. In which case, as someone who has only played WoW I just want to warn you against escapism.

how do you go from THIS...

Attached: 1550177730910.webm (1920x1080, 2.36M)

Even Shadownigger has better whimsical boss theme.

>literally every single ffxiv player is an ex-wow player
...who cope with the fact that FFXIV isn’t a good enough game to scratch the itch by coming into every wow thread to bitchmoan

oh I like where this is going

It'll probably be outlaw since it already has the [Pistol Shot] ability

>modern WoW players
BfA and FFXIV have more in common with each other than with Classic or FFXI.

they won't, the hype is already dying down
but it will still be more than retail.

Personally I think it’s because WoWfags (rightfully) mocked every other MMO for being just WoW but worse in some way. Even when things were turning for the worst it was still better than crap like TOR or koreanshit, as well as FFXIV 1.0.
Fast forward to 2019 and that reality simply isn’t true anymore; FFXIV is unironically better than WoW right now. This doesn’t necessarily mean I that it’s good, but only the most delusional of Blizzdrone would unironically say that BfA is better than Shadowbringers.

Thanks you fucking chinks. When are western devs gonna realise that chinks are the Jews of Asian.

Can I use DK skills yet?
I wanna get all mobility abilities and survival

>I think you'd be surprised the amount of people who still play retail for their friends
And I’m just not optimistic it’ll shake out that way. Sure Classic will get a large bump from the retail crowd. Why wouldn’t you try Classic? It’s included in the same subscription. I’m just not buying most of them will stay in Classic

Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised but I’m not holding my breath

And there's a man that wouldn't believe the sky was blue if it was explained in a reddit post linked to him. No, he see only red, lose most higher brain functions, and be reduced to the sad state you see here.

>trying to equate classic to XI
fucking lol wowfags will never get over the fact that their game is responsible for mmos becoming themeparks

Not yet
We haven't even gotten TBC content yet; though the staff is saying it'll be out by November

But yeah, I'm also waiting for their WotLK announcement. Want to use DK abilities to make a fully fledged necromancer

I don’t know, they seem pretty happy in their threads right now

I'm looking forward to classic because it's better than the garbage we have now, but it's funny when people tout classic as a hardcore casual filter when it was a joke in the MMO community because of how casual it was

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If that were true, they wouldn’t be here. I’ve never set foot in a FF14 thread for the simple fact that I don’t play the game and don’t care

No joke this has been my problem since Day 1 of WoW. When I was 14 years old I had this issue and I still do. Engineering and Alchemy should have never been professions. Tinkers and Alchemists were hero classes in Warcraft 3 and would have translated beautifully into WoW with proper implementation.

Warrior, Alchemist, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, Hunter, and Shaman should have been the launch classes with Priest being Alliance only and Shaman being Horde only. Human, Dwarf, and High Elf should have been the Alliance launch races. Orc, Tauren, and Troll should have been on the Horde. Night Elves, Forsaken, Goblins, Gnomes, and Ogres should have been introduced over time. Druid would have been released alongside Night Elves. Paladins, Death Knights, and Forsaken would be released around Northrend. The others would be released as time went on. Goblins, Gnomes, and Tinkers.

Another missed opportunity is their reluctance to use a neutral faction that chooses which side to be on at the end of their starting zone. Goblins, Night Elves, and Forsaken should have been neutral.

Literally the only reason I'm here right now is because FFXIV is down for maintenance.

Well that sucks, i wish WoW was better so that Wow players would stop pouring into my game.
They bring their attitude, they bring another culture of play, one forged sometime by a decade of abuse by blizzard.

Attached: brudda.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>I don’t know, they seem pretty happy in their threads right now
I actually like watching the dumpster fire that is XIV threads

>2.43s gcd
>Still can’t use two skills at once
>”weaving” because of the servers shit tier everything meaning you can shit out multiple spells at once
Please stop this meme of Xiv being good, it’s gameplay is burning tab bar mmo crap except also slow to add insult to injury.

>China has their own client for blizzard games
yes, and doing double the work is expensive.
blizzard will drop the west to focus on china, the diablo mobile reveal was a clear giveaway.
they'll make games for chinese and you western pigs will have some of it

blizzard doesnt do the work, netease does

>the entire world is waiting to see what WoW classic is going to do to the greater MMO landscape

It'll be vanilla wow.
It'll get flooded with people at first - and then everyone will remember how shit it was in the early days and stop playing within a year.

And again, I’d be inclined to believe that’s the case but I don’t believe FF14 goes through enough maintenance to insure you fags are always in every WoW thread that shows up on Yea Forums at any given hour of the day

You’re in these threads whether or not there’s maintenance

FFXIV is a better game than WoW in practically every way but FFXIV fans who make fun of WoW are hypocrites because FFXIV is a WoW clone in every meaningful way. Almost every cancerous mechanics nu-WoW has except AP grind and titanforging, FFXIV has as well. Dungeon finder, raid finder, cross-server stuff, you are the chosen one storyline, small raid sizes, weekly resets and caps, etc. So if someone tells you they love FFXIV but hate WoW, what they're actually telling you is that they like modern WoW in theory if not in practice.

I also wish wow players would stop coming to xiv.

Had a DRK in a dungeon trying to play it like a fucking death knight. Jumps right in, no mitigation or cooldowns used, clearly a boosted character with no concept on how to actually play.

>people who left when the game started becoming shit are the same who have been eating shit for the last decade

Tanks and healers cry all the time. It's how they get oxygen into their system. Monk just suffers. Meanwhile, black mages are the happiest people on earth.

>equivalent of Argus
Go fuck yourself.
The literal ONLY thing that Nazjatar does better than Argus was that certain quest objectives were not displayed on the map, forcing you to explore and memorize the different regions to know what you needed at which point.
Nazjatar is a drab, recycled, ugly zone that is, at most, decent. It's not exactly dangerous to traverse, even less so when literally everyone has flying and not just poopsock autists. Rares are worth less than shit unless you pull the giga jackpot, gear is just the same endless random upgrade slot machine and there was only enough content for one zone. Argus has it beat on literally every front and every game design decision.

I know that's not your point, but I wanted to rant.
Nazjatar is the equivalent of Broken Shore in terms of what it adds and how the content/story works.

FFXIV is being used as a beatstick against WoW and Blizzard by people who don’t play the game, kinda like MHW has been used against Nintendo.
What you’re looking at isn’t FFXIV shills (mostly), but people who just hate WoW and Blizzard and like shitting on both, and right now FFXIV is a good way to do that.

The zoomers will realize they don't want it, and it's no longer worth playing with their favorite streamers, and they'll move back to BFA/XIV
It's the dream desu

Pretty much this, XIV launched to compete with Cata, bombed, and XIV looked over at a post-Cata WoW to start taking notes

>high elves
kill yourself

Horde has died with garrosh
Last Pandaria raid was great but such a mistake from lore point

Real talk.

Its because its fun. XIV is a great game, and I'm sure to those who still play WoW, it's also a great game. But It's become common practice for WoW players to enter threads on other MMOs and shitpost, so now its just a vicious cycle.

I'll shill XIV, and talk shit about WoW as if I actually care what people spend their time on. It's all just bait.

>I also wish wow players would stop coming to xiv.
All you guys need to do is stop advertising in these threads. What do you think is going to happen when every wow thread is filled with
>wow sucks. ffxiv is so much better

>complain about GCD
>also complain about weaving
clearly you just want to mash one button really fast so stick with BfA

>So literally anyone can be a death knight.
where in the manual is it stated that only a fighter of the light can become a champion of the dark?

When does XIV's core gameplay get more involving? I did the trial and got bored out of my mind, at lvl 30 I was still just cycling between 3 main abilities, the rest was incredibly situational and none of my damaging abilities were strong enough to outweigh my basic 3 button combo.

A small consolation it may be, but the games industry as we know it will be among the first to go when the global depression/oil crisis finally comes. Though we likely won't see the latter in our lifetimes, it's not a matter of "if", but "when".

Not that any of us will probably care about vidya by that point. If you lads want to play something, dig up something "old" that can't be taint- *eyes beammutt's Baldur's gate*- where *most* games can't be tainted. Most of your rigs will emulate up to fifth gen marvelously.

this actually triggered the living shit out of me today
people were actually communicating and grouping up to find shit but of course it was unintentional
I still feel like it's at least as good as argus though, if not better, and I thought you don't get flying in nazjatar, just mechagon?

>small raid sizes
This is unironically a positive

No quest markers = literal cancer and alt-tab fiesta.

Only if you think raid fights being dance choreographies is a good thing.

That's arrogance. Since they've been playing an MMOrpg for like 8 years and MMOrpgs are such involved games that can take a huge part in our lives WoW literally became part of how they understand videogames and the culture of how one lives inside WoW became part of their personality inside their brain. FFXIV players do the same by the way, wherever a human spends most of his time becomes ingrained in his mind.

You’re not wrong, but I’ve always seen FFXIV as “what if WoW was at around WotLK level of quality consistently”

Something about Golden.

She claims that she largely has no creative freedom. However she only claims this when her writing is met poorly.

Other writers for blizzard have stated they were given an unusually large amount of creative freedom, more or less given a bare bones start and finish and told to go nuts.

In other words, she's completely full of shit and a liar.

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The thing that ruins Argus was all the different teleporters. People camped those, killing players loading in. But it's not like it was actually more dangerous, it was just a pain to go into caves, and there were pits or lava splitting areas in half.
Rares in Argus were on a rotation, but it just meant you wait less time for the daily kill when it can actually drop something you want. Also it totally missed the mark for "Legion homeworld" aesthetic.

when your community consists of trannies and just plain fucking shitters, yeah I'd agree
when I played we had to find a healer and we cycled through probably a dozen, all of which bragged about their orange DPS logs
end result was they were garbage healers who couldn't keep a consistent CD/GCD healing rotation, most had weeb names, all played as a girl, none used a mic

I know this is all personal, it just fucking triggers me to even consider filling a 20 man with those types

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Who knows maybe it will prove to investors there is interest from player toward older philosophies of MMO game design.

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yeah, I know what you mean, man.

Bosses are already boring enough, being small-scale just kills all excitement.

And real talk right back: I wish I liked FF14. But for some reason I just can’t be assed to care about the world. Maybe I’m just outgrowing MMOs but I wish that FF14 grabbed me anywhere on the level that early WoW did. But hell, GW2 managed to do it for a while

WoW might be a shitty soap opera of a story but I at least still have a modicum of ‘give a fuck’ about the characters even if we’re well past this plot being anywhere close to un-convoluted. I can’t even remember the name of a single character from FF14.

I’m glad everyone is enjoying Shadowbringers and I wish I was right there with you but it just doesn’t do it for me

The main difference between XIV and WoW is, wow is an MMO, and XIV is an MMORPG.

Unless you care about the story, and seeing how it evolves and changes the context of the things you're doing, there's nothing for you in XIV until endgame.

You forgot the worst part of XIV, worse than the fact it has zero (zero) customization or active items. Or the fact it’s primarily designed around queue content.
The fact it has a joke update/tick rate and a massive gcd.
>Inb4 Muh ogcd screamers who purposely don’t tell you ogcds can’t be fired at the same time and you have to “weave” them and can’t fire more than 2 or so per gcd

Characters and story are unironically the worst thing about modern WoW and what made me quit the game. If they removed the story altogether I would probably still play the game. But these days I just look at how terrible the story is these days that it ruins any fun the game might otherwise have for me.

This is some pseudoscience bullshit.

...And then classic is also debased same as neoWoW.
It's going to be great man, we'll get tcg reprints, drip-fed cosmetics through innocuous promotions such as """free""" pet with measly purchase of mtn dew gamerfuel(add plenty of tms here) Dew the dew, faggot.

We get to experience wow's slow descent into mediocrity all over again! We've found the fountain of youth boys, and her name is 'suffering'.

>Can’t read they post
Unironically attempt to either dilate or have sex.
Alternatively play another mmo and realize weaving is unique to Xiv because other MMOs with tab bar can just press ogcds whenever and they’ll fire without any stoppage happening.
Press all of them at once! All fire.

>I wish I liked FF14. But for some reason I just can’t be assed to care about the world.
The world is just so dreadfully safe and boring, like it's not even possible to die, and the only time you ever go out into the world is for the initial leveling grind, and then hunts if you're a shitter who wont do actual content
The game would work exactly the same as a hub MMO where you just queue into everything, and that's really not ok

It seems to be leaning that direction, but I don't know if Blizz will actually do it since Alliance/Horde is such a defining aspect of Warcraft.

To be honest, I'm not really opposed to them dropping/merging the factions since it's almost pointless with the current state of things; the factions feel like they've lost their identities, especially with the Horde basically being the Elf Empire at this point.

FFXIV has literally zero (0) RPG features, unless you think it having a better story than WoW somehow makes it an RPG.

If you're already that high leveled, give Palace of the Dead a try. It'll temporarily set you back at Level 1 for the dungeon at the start, but also throw you levels like candy while in it, up to level 60, along with those abilities. A nice way to see if what you're playing does get more interesting later on within the hour. Just be sure to have the Job unlocked before going in, else you'll only have basic abilities

You very clearly haven't played XIV.

Not him but fair enough. ARR’s storytelling, especially its early storytelling, are quite awful. When people say it has a good story what they really mean is that Heavensward, parts of Stormblood, and now Shadowbringers have a good story.

I can agree that they didn't hit the "Legion homeworld" aesthetic. They needed more architecture from the middle/end parts of Antorus, some established fortresses. Mac'aree was my favorite of the three zones, maybe partly because of that, but I doubt anything Blizzard will ever do can top the first moment of zoning into Krokul, seeing Azeroth spin in space, an army of Legion ships flying towards it as that organ starts playing.
At least the Legion was pretty much present everywhere on Argus, to an oppressive degree, and when it wasn't in Mac'aree, you had some serious void infestations. It bugs me that I'm dealing more with local flora and fauna than the naga in goddamn fucking Naz'jatar. You had ten thousand years of reign here, yet you couldn't even get these little areas of land under your control? Get your fucking shit together. And that entirely shifts when you get to the Eternal Palace. If the entirety of Naz'jatar was designed like the Eternal Palace area, I would have no complaints about its design.

Are you a fool?

I think you're a fool.

Yes I have, cleared every raid up to Kefka with orange logs
How do you even try to dispute this shit?
I mean obviously you don't have an argument, if you did you would have posted it

Why are to mad that XIV requires more skill to play?

Oh well, good to know. I think the story is okay, though it doesn't do *quite* enough yet, but I guess that's just the early game. But the core gameplay so far is so boring that I can't bring myself to go through it. It's too low on my list of priorities to really sink time into. Neither as an mmo nor as an rpg.

I don't think you have.
I think you're full of shit.

What RPG features does FFXIV have that WoW doesn't to warrant calling WoW an MMO and FFXIV an MMORPG?

Right? Classic is a huge step but what people are actually curious about are philosophies even older than Vanilla WoW. Aren't you curious to wed runescape or ultima philosophies with modern technologies ?

As I said, the story has gone off the rails quite a while ago. But the characters are still burned into my memory. Even if we’re at the point of shitty soap opera “but then the real Roberto comes in revealing the other to be his evil twin” plot, I still wonder (albeit while rolling my eyes) what’s happening.

I can’t even do that with anyone from FF14 because I couldn’t even name one

Sounds to me like FFXIV rotations are to complex for your small WoWfag brain to handle and you need all your oGCDs on a macro

honestly the fact that you can even consider XIVs outdoors dangerous brings your mental health into question

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>Is it not Paladins that are death knights?
the original death knights were fucking warlocks

Well i am not an actual anal-ogist.

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>ARR’s storytelling, especially its early storytelling, are quite awful
I remember quitting twice during ARR. God damn was it bad. Thankfully powered though it this time but I don't think i would have given it another chance if they didn't hand out Heavenward for free.

I understand the mentality.
The GCD is 2.3 seconds by default, which is a lot slower if you're coming from WoW - but the game is built around it and once you're high enough level, you have plenty of OGCDs to fill the gaps. Story wise, I mean, If you're not into it, you're not into it. It has some really high highs and some pretty low lows - but for me its enough to make me care about the going ons in the world.

I played Wow from vanilla to Warlords. And XIV from 1.0 until now. For me personally, I never felt 'connected' to the world in wow. If it wasn't combat oriented combat, it didn't seem to matter, and the way it tells its story didn't appeal to me either. I guess at some point i just kept playing it out of habit.

What I like about Nazjatar is that it has a lot of variety. A lot of times I forget that I'm in the same place, because it reminds me a lot of Argus without traversing huge distances. It's literally just a spot in the ocean. The naga don't live in broken down ruins much like eredar don't live all throughout Argus. So in more ways, there are similarities between the two areas.
But my main concern was Antorus just feels like a factory run by eredar with some titan stuff plopped at the end. There's no demonic structures, there are a lot of demon races missing from their supposed base of operations.

Heavensward is such a massive improvement that it’s almost painful

As someone who plays both, wow in attempts to clear mythic and Xiv once a an xpac for a month or two to read up the story, I’ve quit wow in the second I ended up cycling through shitters. Nobody ever tells you the horrors of recruiting players, I can ensure you nobody who has played WoW and doesn’t tell you how horrid this is, and infact “wants” 40 men raids or thinks large raids are “fun” is anything other than a turbo shitter like the ones you described.
That’s why I refuse to play xiv above queue level.

I don't know how you can stomach WoW story and characters.
That's worst than a shitty soap opera. It feels like a bad Pixar movie.

WoW is still first and best MMO.

Could I create a character that is nothing but passive buffs so I can literally just rightclick and deal insane amounts of damage?

I don't even mind the gcd, it's just that I only really press 3 buttons until the thing is dead and move on. 2 if I only care about pure throughput damage. That's my main concern, I wanna know when that stops being the case because that's still all I could do at lvl 30.

>implying factions were the reason why it was unbalanced.
>implying you nigs on the alliance simply couldn't fucking hang in PVP.

Thats honestly what you get for playing the carebear faction. Throughout the entire time I was playing BFA I never turned it off and was constantly looking for fights.

XIV could potentially get one

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Is there a way i can activate the lagacy captcha? I don't see the option in the settings.
I don't like how i'm being punished by the google algorithm for messing up a couple of images.

I’ve heard this before and maybe someday I’ll finally work up the dedication to slog right through ARR but man oh man is it a slog. That same feeling I get logging into WoW after months and then thinking “man I just don’t feel like playing this” is the same feeling I get jumping back into FF14 and knowing I’m not even the max level of realm reborn, much less through the 100+ quests I gotta do before I reach Heavensward.

It also doesn’t help that i mostly wanna try classes that I haven’t already played something similar from another game like Astrologian or Red Mage but those are locked behind finishing the main story of ARR

50 is when classes start to come together conceptually, after that it’s steady improvements until you hit 80.
Unless you play SCH or AST then fuck you.

sunk cost fallacy. It's a telltale sign of extremely poor decisions at the highest level.

In that regard, you're going to basically be doing that until 50-60ish, and far less so at 70-80 obviously.

It also heavily depends on what class you're playing. Monk or Ninja for example has a lot more buttons to press than say, Black mage, who literally uses like 4 at all times with the exception of a couple in specific scenarios.

You keep telling yourself that, billy big dick

I dono, it’s more curiosity than anything else. The problem is they’re running out of characters to bring back like Azshara

I find it surprising that they finally decided to give a fuck about the gnomes

Fucking hell
Is DRK good, is it worth to suffer through ALL OF THAT, I really wanna tank and I love me some edgy boys that tank with 2h and have leech abilities

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I bounced off FFXIV twice before I finally found it within myself to muddle through. I think it was worth it in the end because I truly love the game but fuck if they just pruned like a 1/3rd of the ARR MSQ that would be such an enormous help.

>keep WM on all of BFA and look for fights
>eventually the welfare 400 shit happens for alliance
>occasionally fly out to a 40 man alliance raid camping my FP
>"don't like it so much do you >:)"
>nazjatar comes out
>pvp event happening
>we have all of the flags capped
>need to kill 1 alliance to actually get credit
>can't find a single one in a 30 minute search
guess they'll get some welfare 430 next patch?
smart move I guess

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DRK in shadowbringers is the best it's ever been. It's pretty great.

Also, you get a pretty good EXP boost to any classes under the level of your highest level. So if and when you want to level something else, it'll be a quicker experience.

Dude you don't like the story quests, go back to WoW.

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DRK is still souleater spam, expect to 123123123123 for life

They probably still don't. It's just that, as you said, they're running out of characters.

DRK right now is awesome. Some people were worried given that it only has one combo while other tanks have two but there is so much other shit to manage it’s still very fun to play.
Every job is pretty fun to play right now actually except SCH and AST as previously mentioned.

Pvp is toxic.

I played from 2.0 onwards, so the story slog wasn't a huge issue for me cause I was enjoying it as it came out.

But man... you're right, they need to do something. The MSQ for 2.0 is absolutely the biggest hurdle for anyone to get over.

Story skips you have to buy isn't a good enough solution. They really have to find a way to let you level from 1-50 and have the option to 're-cap' the story if you care.

Because Yea Forumsirgins have to ironically shill for whatever the direct competitor to the thread topic is, regardless of if they play either, specifically to be annoying.

It's just a new level to console wars.

Teron Gorefiend was the first canon death knight iirc. He was a warlock. Whitemane is dead and was brought back to life as one of the new four horsemen in Legion.

enjoy XIV

I haven't played AST past 70 in SHB yet. What did they do to my starboi?

You believe that only shitters want larger raid sizes because your brain has been fried by an entire decade of garbage raid mechanics so you unironically believe raids being based on jumping in and out of fires is compelling game design.

You do get more buttons but it’s primarily a 3 button game with assorted ogcd/procs.

Maybe so but I’m all for it. Let the other races get some spotlight for a change

I’m so sorry, they made AST worse than it was in 3.0
>shit healing
>shit pDPS
>your cards contribute less rDPS than a WHM

Studios and publishers have "seen the light" of MTX(paid dlc of all flavors, cosmetics, 'boosters', anything beyond the base game that costs money and is not a bona fide expansion pak) and design philosophies that have only really cemented themselves in the past decade or so.

While I would love more hardcore, deep games, there's a reason the offerings we do have are limited and low-fidelity: They make investors absolutely squirm. "Risk aversion" is king to these people, and any time the word "niche" is uttered for a multimillion dollar game, well, that game pretty much isn't getting beyond preconcept stage.

I'm baffled how they seem to be so focused on capital gain, yet can repeat so many mistakes such as seeing another company's pie and want to get their fingers in it so fast they don't even realize it's still fresh out of the oven and get burned(anyone remember artifact? The million wow clones non of us will shut up about? apex legends? blizzard is guilty of this too, they could've been the "makers" of dota 2, but instead they saw dota's success, and tried to emulate it, they weren't the only one...I think you guys get the point, these are just some egregious modern examples; this is by no means anything new).

All we can really do is keep demanding deeper games that will not be ruined in the name of profit at some later date. And the only way they'll listen is if we -all- stop giving them our money.

We are *NOT* entitled to anything specific from any game company, but that's a two-way street. Likewise, they are not entitled to a penny of our money if they don't give games we enjoy. This is not like a utility, we want new game #249429824, we don't fucking need it.

What the fuck you should care. What about the world, what about the characters, what about the story being told. Just remove chapters, gut the thing out because assholes can't be arsed to read some shit. You're the reason FFXIV is barely an RPG anymore. How do we even get MMOrpgs with people like you guys around, no wonder everything is shit.

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Oh yeah and this isn’t helping either. I mostly wanted to try Astrologian out because it sounded like a class I hadn’t played before in another MMO (not that I’ve played them all) but now I’m hearing they suck

t. Wants to be carried by 39 people while he tries to chat and is generally cringe worthy in the raid chat or trillo

I do care though.
I think XIVs story is great, and well worth the slog. but for a lot of people, they just want to get to the endgame without being forced to do literally 100+ quests of story content they aren't invested in.

I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about.

Because anons on most boards would rather bitch about something than talk about things they like.

DRK is fun and has the best job questline in the game, though whether or not it’s worth the 2.X 100 quest slog is up to you.

>Literally everyone with a pulse plays horde because everyone is there from when they had by far the best racials for a decade
>Why don't alliance players fight me and my ten other buddies :c
Maybe if they gave alliance players a buff based on how many Horde they're getting dog piled by they'd actually bother turning it on.

See? Exactly what I was talking about. Your brain has been so polluted by garbage dance mechanics that you literally cannot conceive raiding being about something else besides "gotta move out of/in shit".

That's not the original design...

ff14 trannies just feel the need to justify their awful game.
FF14 will NEVER be better than WoW, its fundamentally inferior.

but you are clearly a shitter that wants easier raids to justify higher numbers.

You nig if that was the case i wouldn't be complaining, i want WoW players to stay in WoW. I wish my game was less popular.

It’ll get buffed sooner rather than later but in general the changes to healers is probably the worst thing about Shadowbringers.
WHM is fantastic at least but not really unique.

>bump limit after 14 hours

8.2 brought basically 30 min of """"new"""" content to do daily
(wow new world quests user, aren't you excited to do *reads script* the same shit you've been doing and 2 toy games only braindead casuals can't complete?)

You'll unlock flying so you can uh, flex on people who still don't.

New dungeon and raid look okay (come back after a month and check if people aren't sick of it by then) but the sets are a massive shit, looks like the interns are doing their job right.

I just wish they went back to cata-panda level, where classes weren't complete shit, you could fly as soon as you hit max level and you had a reason to farm shit besides WOW A TITANFORGE SO EXCITING AND ENGAGING. I miss dungeon and pvp currency.

If you're one of the 10 people who care about lore, it's so bad if you ate crayons and paper you'd shit a better story.

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D-did they remove downvotes because people kept voting blueposts down?


I quit heavensward after story Bismarck.
Awful game.

No, I want to do away with dance mechanics entirely. By saying I want to be carried you are operating under the assumption that I want easier dance mechanics, since the need to reduce raid player size is based entirely on having tighter dance mechanics. You seriously need to detox, dude.