What do femanons of Yea Forums play?

What do femanons of Yea Forums play?

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my heart

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Nice joke

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We've been over this man.

Sims 4

They don't play nothing there's no girls on the internet and if there is they need to post tits or gtfo

The division 1 single player only without any patches or dlc

woman here, I speedrun games

Beta orbiters on Twitch for hundreds of thousands of dollars.



this. and overwatch

Kingdom Hearts
Animal Crossing
Final Fantasy
Various visual novels

Silly user. Women on the internet don’t exist.


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Fisrt Post Saddest Post.

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>this thread again
Fuck off to Discord with your shitty ""OC""


You mean youre a tranny?

Also, this.

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>Posts the trannyjak

This. Thread can be closed.

it's ok user, i learned not to get too attached. i'm sure i'll find someone some day

tfw no femanon gf to cuck me

>get the infinity gaunlet
>snap fingers
>all women killed

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