Should video games be banned from normalising Nazis?
Should video games be banned from normalising Nazis?
I don't think Wolfenstein is normalizing nazis, cockbreath.
No. Fuck off commie scum.
>literally who eceleb said a thing so I'm going to spam threads about it on Yea Forums everyday for a week
They should be banned from portraying them unfairly if anything
what does "normalizing" mean? I only went to public school so i don't have a very good vocabulary
Yes I too watch extra credits faggot.
Now please kindly fuck off.
No. You don't learn anything about what nazi germany believed in these games. All they do is make them look like genocidal monsters. You don't even learn any substance or principles about national socialism or about what exactly Hitler and his political party fought for. You don't learn about why they hated jews and what jews have done to be hated during all of histroy.
You don't normalize nazism by just killing a bunch of uniformed armed soldiers with the swastikas.
Picture is just for illustration.
We should normalize portraying them as the shitbags that they are and not sugar coating it.
nah, i love them
trailer trash like you should be banned from the internet, if anything.
name one (1) game where they are portrayed as the good guys
They picture nazis as scumbags, but I don’t think it’s wrong to make them look human.
>They weren't genocidal monsters!
>Literally exterminated millions because MUH GLORIOUS ARYAN UBERMENSCH
Just post the video, OP. We all know that's what you're leading up to.
Manifest destiny
Have you even played the game?
Yeah, that was utterly indefensible too and I fucking hate that American history books try to downplay or outright ignore it.
It's unhealthy to normalize Nazis, it's what gets far-right extremists elected.
i don't know which one is worse, you knowing this shit enough to recognize it or OP the redditor spamming Yea Forums because of it, i hate it
They do. They constantly have them talking to their friends when BJ isn’t seen yet, and most of their readables are letters to their wives and children.
>trying this hard to look like a kike
>trailer trash
>says the faggot who probably rents a 600sqft apartment
Aryans know that owning property is one of the most important aspects of being a man, I have a house unlike you rentcuck.
>fantastical setting
Can't wait for the new wokaj edits
So what? Games have never been accurate history lessons.
Communists have killed more based on ideology
I would rather videogames stop normalizing this.
anything to right of extreme leftistm/marxism is NAZISM!!1111
>if you don't love nazis you must be a commie
fuck, this proves it; the jews are trying to destroy the western culture and that's why I can't have a girlfriend.
Yes, we should recognize hitler as a hero. No other man did everything in his power to destroy the g*rmanic ""race""
Cool whataboutism.
Which games actually are normalizing Nazis? Wolfenstein has a clear antifascist message. Unambiguously so.
fuck, this proves it; atleast 99,9% of modern AAA games force you to play as a tranny and feed you HRT treatment IRL. How do we stop this bros?
at least he's not a fat ugly fuck like you
you fat ugly fuck
As soon as there’s a definitive way to tell who is and isn’t a Nazi instead of it being a word tossed around so much it means nothing anymore
That said please ID don’t make another Wolfenstein game
No, commie jews should be banned
Yes, you sure must hate stalin for purging jews huh rabbi?
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
>he doesn't have a far right militant gf
Yeah, lets just erase history and everything that came with it, fucking retards.
I'd rather have actual nazis back then most of the fags around today
>game about slaughtering every nazi you find and blowing their brains out with varying degrees of graphic violence
>a Nazi instead of it being a word tossed around so much it means nothing anymore
Why the fuck do people call me a Nazi when I just want to save the white race, kill all non-whites and worship Hitler? jeez, you fucking libtards, you ruined this word.
Like Pottery
Which fucking video game is normalising Nazis?
>meme/weeb fandom
the fun stops here
Depiction =/= normalization
id hasn’t made Wolfenstein games for a while now. Machinegames has.
If I become a nazi, do I get that sick suit of armor?
>Trump is a perfectly normal president
lol, conservatives are so fucking deluded, you're going to run this country to the ground
i wouldn't go that far but their schtick has gotten pretty tired. nobody is amused by tryhard faggots clinging to 2016 and sucking off daddy anymore
No, the sooner its normalized the easier it will be to shoot them
>no ur fat n ugly hahaha got u
I wanted to kill Grace more.
Just a reminder, these are the types of people who hate Nazis and hate the white race. Remember this picture well because this is your average leftyfag commie
>Trump is a perfectly normal president
He isn't normal.
He's better than the last several combined.
>also a weeb
i don't belive it, but im an empiricist...
No. No Jin-Roh armor for you.
They're pretty cool.
Yeah ever since trump got confirmed as the greatest Israeli president /pol/s been getting called out
>the conservative boogeyman
Name one (1) conservative.
at least I'm not fat and ugly
you fat ugly fuck
Keep shitposting and I’ll dump my pede folder, bitch.
Thank you for your approval mossad.
user that's not how you sarcasm
why do you have pictures of dog cocks saved?
Turns out that watching them go on tirades about the evils of DA JOOZ, brown people, and wammyn at the slightest provocation loses its entertainment value after the millionth time.
Hong Kong 2019 Color Revolutions Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests No worker's rights No healthcare rights No free education Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asians Immigration act 1924 Iran Air Flight 655
Hey, quick question, why the fuck do you have the twitter profile of some fucking random furfag on your hard drive and why are you fucking posting it?
are you a fucking moron, he's the sole reason far-right extremists think their cruelty is perfectly acceptable nowadays
You're a part of the problem for even addressing them at all. That's literally all they want, is to be given their (you) and you're giving them exactly what they want. Just fucking ignore it you slackjawed fucking nigger
>Jews are wrecking your country and brainwashing your people
>take back and revitalize your nation to become an economic power house during the great depression by giving international banks the middle finger
>round up the Jews into camps to deport them all to Madagascar
>but you gotta fight a war first
>lose war
>Jews start calling your deportation plan industrialized genocide decades after the fact
>using the few thousands that died as evidence that millions were killed with bug spray
>no one is allowed to talk about the good things Nazis did anymore, like Nationalize their economy and uplift the living conditions of THEIR people
>instead of sending billions of tax dollars to Africa to inflate the birthrates of the horde meant to replace us
Funny, I get Antifa-supporting queers telling me on the daily they're not as bad as pasty white kids LARPing as Nazis because "we don't kill people." No no, you just beat old people half to death, drag people out of cars and assault them, destroy public property etc.
Guess I can throw "Cool whataboutism" at them.
Pic related is
lit af music for Nazi killing
that's what people have been trying to tell them since day 1, he literally has them in his family lmao
of course at this point its been years and these things can't be ignored anymore
except it's not you fat ugly fuck
where do you find these people, seriously?
i imagine you would have to dig deep to find this shit, this is not just the average person
>all these newfags responding to pasta
I've seen this exact post, word for word, several times. So no, considering you kikes still need to shill against them
This is you isn't it lol
Holy shit rent free
>calls you a baby for playing on easy
>journalists flip out
I only made this thread to refer EC and trigger people. I could not careless what people think of Nazis.
I always root for the underdog.
Oh yes, the woes of not everybody agreeing with you 100% on everything. How cruel. The people not in the modern neo-religion should just be shot, am I right?
I'm pretty sure this guy fucking died.
Have you ever played Wolfenstein? Its a pretty accurate description of a Nazi society.
Hell you're average neonazi edgelord denies concentration camps.
why do you have pictures of dog cocks saved?
>he's the sole reason far-right extremists think their cruelty is perfectly acceptable nowadays
FUCK THIS PART OF THE GAME. Died 2000x times on I am Death Incarnate here. Besides that though, I still genuinely liked TNC but TNO still is better.
being reasonable is not a religion you cancerous shit
You're a bad person and you ought to be ashamed of yourself
Next game they should add an option that turns all the swastikas and iron crosses into frowny faces and replaces every instance of 'Nazi' being spoken with a blatant overdub of the word 'Meany'
name 5 games
>wow /pol/ why are you so rascist and problematic?
>wow /pol/ you sure do love those kikes and you're all non-white mutt niggers
I don't get this why is it okay when leftists are rascist if it involves ranting about /pol/?
>being a fat ugly fuck
But they stole Jew tech, and they aren’t the under dogs anymore.
u mad animal fucker?
there is literally no proof that random anonynous poster is the same person as the one in the pic you posted
CIA are nazis trying their best to reincarnate national socialism in western world. Nazis are far from underdog.
no seriously, why do you have pictures of dog cocks saved?
join the 40%
Ironic and rent-free
Why do you fuck animals you disgusting jew
>Thinks Mars is part of the moon
>Such a fragile ego that he needs his minions to read news that says he's doing a good job and has a very large penis to him
>Thinks noise from wind turbines can cause cancer
>Keeps going to bat for literal dictators
Move over, Honest Abe, there's a new number one leader boy in town.
Nazis are bad if you actually believe the dodgy holocaust story. I mean, there isn't even a historical record of Hitler ordering his soldiers to execute jews.
so what do we do about these leftist incels invading our sekirit anime nazi forum, fellow aryans?
>Chink doesn't get that bug spray only works because when you live in a country that actively controls what you can or can't read
Yes and thats a good thing!
40% of people who are attractive and not fat?
you fat ugly fuck
look at all that damage control kek
why do you keep refusing to answer? why do you have pictures of dog cocks saved?
you sound so mad holy shit
Literally name one game.
show us some more of your collection you retarded faggot
The worst thing is that we now live in a politically correct era where you're not allowed to openly look out for your self-interest. Of course, everybody's actions are inherently geared to helping themselves first and foremost, but that makes you look like a selfish asshole if you openly admit it. We all have to learn how to act, how to put on a literal performance, to pretend like we care about global affairs, when really, people just care about themselves, their friends and their families. So if someone's not a globalist they get called a nazi.
nothing they will literally join in few months. They always do.
>believing everything that you're told because you don't like someone
Leftists are the most gullible of all
>this has all kinds of in-game problems
>like shorter waiting times for fascists
damn bro i was gonna be a average member of society but now because i don't have to wait 30 seconds to play i'm a fascist now
>/pol/tards actually believe this
You mean deflecting? Can we get rid of this retarded non-word you learned on CNN yet?
and thats a good thing
Imagine using the same insult over and over just to fish for a (((you)))
because you're gonna be one, regardless?
you'd have them too if you had taste
Watching how people still think Dany in GoT did nothing wrong, and was morally unquestionable helped me realize that people will let others get away with anything so long as a they say the right platitudes. Especially if they're pretty.
Tends to happen when your movement starts shooting people irl no sane person wants to be associated with them anymore.
>those comments
>those dislikes
Why do Americans do this?
Are you retarded?
Nazis hated Jews and wanted to remove them. If you like Nazis you should not be ashamed of this. If you like Jews, but hate "liberalism" then congrats you are a neo-con. Please don't mix your neo-con American views with Nazis.
It's not a whataboutism when the people saying Nazis need to be stopped are espousing communism.
>far right
Here's your (you)
there has been a few years since we had a /pol/ shooter tho, most of them hail from reddit, redditchan or /r9k/ afaik
>buy WW2 game
>be surprised when there is a chance I play an Axis soldier
They are retarded or disingenuous. Also, I find it funny how they think that something either has to be 100% accurate, otherwise it can only be completely fictitious la-la fantasy land where anything goes.
Wow, there's "the pot calling the kettle black," and then there's...that. Holy shit.
are you going to say anything of value or just keep pointing at things that are irrelevant to your argument?
>believing everything that you're told because you don't like someone
So I shouldn't believe words that came from Supreme Leader The Donald's own mouth?
No him, but the most valuable thing to say to you is that you deserve to die.
Wanting to ban games from using or exploring a political ideology you don't like makes you a commie
>most of them hail from reddit, redditchan or /r9k/ afaik
So basically all of them come from here?
Who is this demonic far right msm source that everyone you disagree with gets their opinions, cultist? Have some fucking self awareness.
shut up reactionary faggot
Im surprised they still didnt get the memo. When people said they didnt want shitty political agendas getting pushed on to them, they didnt just mean the dumb SJWs, it also includes watever delusional shit /pol/ belives in.
>Words are bad
>Physical assault is fine
Ah yes, freedoms for me but none for ye.
They should put in a bad ending where the Nazis win, or cut out the ending completely if they play on the easiest difficulty.
attractive people don't need to fish for YOUs
fat ugly fucks on the other hand...
>It Might Be Time To Rethink Difficulty Menus
I see that "but what about fixing tanks with a blowtorch, or both sides are equally balanced? that's not historically accurate" argument a lot. But with that stuff, they made those choices for the sake of better gameplay. Ultimately, good level design, balance, and fun factor are more important than realism, so those sacrifices were made. But at the end of the day, the game is still based off of history so it has to be historically accurate where it can be. Nazis being one side has no affect on gameplay and is historically accurate, so it should stay in. Trench warfare and unbalanced teams is historically accurate, but negatively effects the gameplay experience, so it's reasonable to remove it for the sake of the game's quality. It's all about making it historically accurate enough to immerse yourself, but still be a fun game.
That game is made by leftists who hate nazis retard. Games like this make people hate them
words words words this has to be done just because (trust me bro(TM)) words words words it's realistic where it counts (TM)
People on Yea Forums never liked /pol/ before 2016. They're fucking annoying.
This. Fuck brainwashed anti national socialists.
>talk bad about that fascist trump. guns make them feel outnumbered
Dude, just chill, can i suggest a milkshake?
we are going to win faggot
How come every nu-Wolf thread is cringe Nazibait posting while RTCW threads are always chill and talk about, you know, the game itself?
Are those antifa guys living in your mirror you dickless trannycel? Nobody is breathing down your neck.
the post wasnt even that long. is your attention span that shit?
>it's true in my mind
we still don't like /pol/ddit but outsiders coming here paranoid about "muh /pol/" are worse
I wish there was a post filter that, when it detects the filtered post, automatically opened up a report window so I could fill out the captcha and get it out of my sight. This is a spambot.
should sjws try banning things from games they dont play?
Wolfenstein games are great, the idea of culling any sort of authoritarian nonsense especially when it's driven by a unrealistic cultural mythology spurred on by pseudo-science and social opportunism.
I owe it to myself to kill Nazis simply because they threaten my existence, every living thing on this planet has a natural right to defend itself, it just so happens I enjoy the thought of it.
Kinda like when you drive a rig all day and then come home and play Rig Simulator to relax.
This but unironically
How come I hated the Black woman more than the Nazis?
Art should not be regulated.
me on the right
Karl Marx never said that.
>believing politicians
I bet you think Bernie is actually going to make everything free. Just because it's the guy you agree with saying it, doesn't make it true.
worst part is you don't even understand my critique
go back to school you turbo weenie
>Nazis are long gone, what do we hate now comrades?
>Dude just bring back the Nazis
What is the over/under of time when this guy is ousted as a sex pest?
This is what the fascists of today look like actually
Also they didn't hate either either
Fought with them and gave them their services
Fought with them, no evidence of discrimination, testimony of Jesse Owens
The SA were openly gay and have never been discriminated against
The lie is dying, brothers.
Nobody likes the establishment
Hitler went about it all wrong. not all jews are bad, just a small cabal of semitic mafia who've been screwing over everyone since the height of mesopotamia. They infiltrate a country, set up shop and leech of it's economy and use it's military power as a hammer to wage war. They're just about finished with the U.S. and are moving in to China next
Because you're a racist fuck.
I want to make Daemonculabas out of nazis and commies and see what comes out.
Show nose
try actually refuting the points then?
Because when women act strong or confident you get nervous.
Me outside the frame
based, but this would apply to him too
Hey rabbi why ya shilling that here? Did /pol/ call you out enough the jannies had to actually ban you for spamming? SuReLy ThIs WiLl Be ThE eNd Of PoL
>turbo weenie
the delusional faggots actually believe normal people thinks and acts in line with their basement shut-in autistic worldviews
they're a living joke
remember the "we are running out of internet" video?
Not watching EC shit but I assume he means something like the BFV campaign where you play as a Tiger crew, "decent people who made a few bad choices and ended up over their heads". Or in cod ww2 where you can play nog nazis.
>a tranny with a bat is /pol/s greatest enemy
fucking lmaoing at your lives
I hate it because it's a shitty trope
this is one of those things that if I have to explain it to you you're in the wrong place
when woman act strong and confident i get horny
Is this the ultimate falseflag? Will this unironically push people towards Nazism?
I think you hate it because you have social anxiety and even the common black woman has a higher test than you.
This guy knows where it's at.
>have sex the thread
What the fuck is this nazi shit lately and why do you people care so much? Wolfenstein has always been over the top about their portrayal of Nazi and suddenly its a bad thing?
If nazis won ww2, humanity would have colonized space by now.
>all these armchair psychologist rationalizations to defend a shit trope
>are espousing communism
In your head you stupid faggot. Name one (1) developer or sjw actually advocating for a soviet society where they threw fags in prison for degeneracy.
Seconding this.
>He's not incompetent, he's just a liar!
And that's your defense, is it?
This is your average neo-nazi
i understood you but i think you're cringy
No, the world would have been destroyed
>Keep calling everyone a nazi
>Words gets devalued.
Same thing nigger the more you say it the less potent it gets, kinda like faggot, faggot used to be all the buzz now no one really cares
good thing no one here is a neo-nazi then
>i think you're cringy
>looking like an idiot in public makes you a neo nazi
Are you that paranoid or just retarded?
>not knowing about kraut space magic
And yet you spend your free time here, ground zero for the weeb/tranny aliance.
She’s not strong, she’s just an asshole to everyone.
Yea Forums is alongside with Yea Forums one of the most anti-tranny boards
>not all jews
yeah you're not going to avoid that firing squad either schlomo
Quick run down on this nazi meme with wolfenstein?I'm not up to speed with the epic politics today.
Wolfenstein's portayal of Hitler being le evil mad genius charactature is laughable to anybody that has studied the subject for more than 5 minutes.
Don't get your feelings hurt.
No, we're all going to lose.
Nope, that's what the jews have been doing since ww2. If Nazis won ww2 we would be literal gods.
what's wrong with being a nazi?
you ask this fucking question every thread
stop trying to gaslight people you leftyeraedditgaf nigger
Based boomer
this desu
Anybody who watches anime is a tranny.
Pretty much, trapfags hate trannies with a passion.
Can you name me a game that actually does this?
It pissed me off because the franchise has always been grounded and realistic and now it's just a silly cartoon.
Telling me what to do.
Agency is my natural right, fascist.
Commies invading Berlin still makes you shit your pants, doesn't it?
t. khazar false flagger
But that’s not how the game potrays him at all.
1.) actual right-wingers hate you memeing faggots
2.) liberals are trying to sound smart (and failing, like usual) by pointing out your hypocrisy
fuck kr*uts and fuck r*ssians desu
Wrong, it would be an ideal society by now. Well maybe not for you, but that's more because of your blood.
kinda unrelated, but whose idea was it to make immigration detention centers non-kill shelters?
>trapfags hate trannies with a passion.
Because the most successful trap ended up becoming the most successful tranny?
This, at least in the past Wolfenstein tried its best to remain true to the historical roots.
And Spear.
did you even play the game?
>Should video games be banned?
Oh yes, those True Conservatives™, right?
>posting /pol/ trash
most likely because they hate 3d in general and trannies give them a even worse reputation
>Hitler becoming an immortal machine is cartoony
It's transhumanism, something nazis actually beleieved in.
>The SA were openly gay and have never been discriminated against
This isn't accurate, they believed two straight soldiers having sex would strengthen camaraderie, they didn't support people only being interested in men. Also, the SA had all power taken away by Hitler after the night of the long knives
>should video games be banned for normalizing violence?
this is how retarded you sound, you fucking niggerfaggot
The people that replied to this thread to talk politics deserve to be permabanned from Yea Forums
he was from redditchans /pol/ not yours, he hated "cuckchan"
Hey tranny jannies, you missed a spot.
that was full/pol/
half/pol/ is a board of peace, inshallah
It’s his mech suit with four chainguns.
You're kidding right?
>*not ours
onegai muscle
Man, I thought Extra Credits was cool...
>implying the nazis wouldn't have invented that if not for those pesky globalists
>People that reply to this thread that's been reposted four times already deserve to be permabanned from Yea Forums
>the holocaust never happened, but it should've
Whatever happened to people owning up to atrocities by using it as an example of why they should be feared? Everyone are such denialing pussies these days, even the fucking japs won't want to admit what they did.
I mean look at what Sennacherib said about his destruction of Babylon by comparison, which he had carved into stone so that everyone knew what he did
>I swiftly marched to Babylon which I was intent upon conquering. I blew like the onrush of a hurricane and enveloped the city like a fog. I completely surrounded it and captured it by breaching and scaling the walls. I did not spare his mighty warriors, young or old, but filled the city square with their corpses...I turned over to my men to keep the property of that city, silver, gold, gems, all the moveable goods. My men took hold of the statues of the gods in the city and smashed them. They took possession of the property of the gods. The statues of Adad and Shala, gods of the city Ekallati that Marduk-nadin-ahe, king of Babylonia, had taken to Babylon at the time of Tiglath Pileser I, King of Assyria, I brought out of Babylon after four hundred and eighteen years. I returned them to the city of Ekallati. The city and houses I completely destroyed from foundations to roof and set fire to them. I tore down both inner and outer city walls, temples, temple-towers made of brick and clay - as many as there were - and threw everything into the Arahtu canal. I dug a ditch inside the city and thereby levelled off the earth on its site with water. I destroyed even the outline of its foundations. I flattened it more than any flood could have done. In order that the site of that city and its temples would never be remembered, I devastated it with water so that it became a mere meadow
Anything that is not far to the left is seeing as Nazis by SJW's
we all know a not-insignificant portion of the furry fandom are nazi fetishists
Becoming a mech isn't transhumanism and the entire concept anyway is silly.
You just proved his post right
nope, it should encourage normalizing and promoting Nazi.
We need Nazi to advance mankind, the space travel would be common.