This is going to be just as shit as FFXV isn't it?

This is going to be just as shit as FFXV isn't it?

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VII_Remake_2017_01_31_17_001.0.jpg (1200x800, 174K)


As long as the combat isn’t hold O to win, we should be fine.

Attached: neku shrug.png (172x202, 8K)

>selling the game in parts
automatic skip for me. I'll let the nostalgia fags circle jerk themselves.


Such a stupid thing to be mad about lol

Well the gameplay seems to be way more praised than XV was. This is arguably the bigger problem but in terms of story and gameplay it seems alright

As shit as FFXV? So you mean a good game? Nice.

why? The original game was sold as a whole package. It's faggots like you who keep buying into this industry's anti-consumer bullshit and you're not making things better.

Yes and i don't care i'm not poor

We don't even know how it's going to work. Each part might not even be full priced games, hopefully, and they said they're expanding upon everything so the length of each part will hold more value. How easily you blame me for "buying into anti-consumer bullshit" when we hardly know a fucking thing about it.

>why? The original game was sold as a whole package
To be fair, it took them like 4 years to just make Part 1 which is JUST the Midgar section and will be two blu-rays long which means it'll be expanded to like 30-40 hours or something. If they were to put the whole game out now, we'd be waiting till like 2040 or something

What was up with those giant rocket thruster looking lights?

>Each part might not even be full priced games
Part 1 is 2 blu-ray discs at full price and only covers a single part of the original game, you can't possibly be this naive

>Might not be full price games
You know that will most likely not be the case, right?

Didn't it take them that long because development was a shit show?


I have low expectations for this, due to FFXV being shit and KH3 being mediocre, and I am also waiting for a complete version.

Probably. With what they showed at E3, it's clear that its not the type of remake that I wanted, so I'll just stick to the original.

But what they showed at E3 was beyond anybody's expectations (I'm assuming you're talking about gameplay)

They just said it was clear that it's not what they wanted out of a remake. Sure, what was shown will please the vast majority, but you can never pleaae everyone.

>They just said it was clear that it's not what they wanted out of a remake
Who's they?

Too much hype always kills games.