Lonely Otherworldly Games

Games for this feeling?

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>dude swimming pool so eerie
I bet you also get unnerved by Windows XP.

Attached: windows_xp_bliss-wide.jpg (624x390, 53K)

I bet your name is Jack, you're 22 years old, instagram is your favorite social media, you have an iq of 100, halo is your favorite fps and fortnite is currently your favorite game.
Am I right?

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Is that minecraft?


fuck off this is premium comfy

Minecraft, but you already posted it

Making the same thread on Yea Forums when it dies
That's my suggestion for a game with this feeling

This reminds me of TF2 surf maps.

that looks comf

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How many times are you going to post this thread you weird smelly freak?????????

Let me guess, the favorite moment in your life was when your dad took you to disneyland, Infinity Wars is your favorite movie, you identify to at least one avenger, your favorite genres of music are rap, rock and some pop, you tried weed a few times, and you're currently in university to study psychology. You also think pc gaming is too complicated but you sometimes play LoL with friends.

Along with not being shit I hope infinite runs on a much better engine that doesn't sacrifice lighting the second any load is placed on it.
5 looks like absolute ass most of the time because of that.

Nice projecting pal

Is this some epic pasta??

All is correct, and I'm a happy high functioning member of society with a girlfriend.

Oh my gaad dude the other day I was like on Yea Forums bro right hahha and there was this thread like about weird stuff man I don't get them hahahah like they're so weird bro lol anyways bro wanna go and watch yesterday's game? Lakers all the way bro hahah lol anyways my gf called me the other day dude oh my good shes sooo annoying sometimes hahaha bro

Have sex

small brain
>engaging in carefully-balanced maps with objectives every class can contribute to; tactics and teamwork are essential to succeeding
big brain
>camping the jail with engineers

surf maps were kino

The Witness
The Talos Principle
Abe's Oddyssee
Abe's Exoddus
The Swapper
The Fall

cement mixer simulator 2003

Attached: cms2003.jpg (1920x1080, 1.64M)