Johnny Cage vs Captain Falcon

Why is Screwattack actually doing a good job this season?

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not video games

>Aang vs Edward

Damn, did the FMA fanbase piss them off or something?

Aint clicking that shit but who wins


Trash, Johnny is better

>Captain Falcon's car is powered with a fragment of the big bang
Fucking meme powerlevels. Might as well have some spiral bullshit from Gurren Lagann blast out of his ass.

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>Aang vs Edward Elric
They just love fucking pissing off anime fans dont they?

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More video games than constant eceleb threads created by zoomers and losers who don't go outside.

I think it's quite bullshit as they merged 3 different canons for Falcon and the main 2 involved in that fight are very unrelated yo each other (Anime and Smash).

But they're both anime?

>who win
guy that shoots green stuff
>or guy that makes you explode

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Not to mention they even give Falcon access to his fucking car, while all Johnny got were his limbs.
At least give him a gun since he actually uses one in MKX

They always do bullshit amalgams for certain characters while omitting feats for others.

>Give Link everything from every link and not just a single one
>Give Cloud his early game gear
Still upset about the Link and Cloud fight and I don't even like Cloud.

Based, Cage is a douche and deserves to die

Do you want to start a flamewar?

But the guy that shoots green stuff defeated a god

Dont start with this shit

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Only because the green stuff is specialized for killing gods

that doesn't mean much nowadays.

Why is Captain Falcon so fucking cool?
Seriously, his design is perfect, his whole Silver Age western Superhero aesthetic with the stylized white eyes and scarf is great, his hammy Engrish is great, the Falcon Punch is great, everything about him is expertly designed. Yet he's been out of action for years and years. I wouldn't even mind if he got a combat-based game that centred around his bounty hunting. Hell, I might even prefer that depending on the execution.

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Because has SOUL.

>Yet he's been out of action for years and years. I wouldn't even mind if he got a combat-based game that centred around his bounty hunting. Hell, I might even prefer that depending on the execution
Just give me F-ZERO: BOUNTY CHRONICLE which is basically Captain Falcon with God Hand controls, taunting, and F-Zero racing side-missions for pursuits for bonus bosses

Aang wins upon entering Avatar State but otherwise Ed would win due to better skillset and experience.

why do stylized white eyes on a mask or visor look so fucking rad when done right?

I'll be real, Johnny did better than I expected him to. I was hoping he'd win but he has fucking nothing like that galactic falcon punch feat, and they managed to make the fight entertaining enough.

Now we need the rematch where Cassie comes after Cap for revenge.

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It's that Kamen Rider charisma put into a better scheme.

>God Hand controls
Why not make a good game instead of a shit one? Just spitballing here.

Ed has lost almost every battle he went in.
dont get this match up at all

didnt aang almost die by being shot with eletricity during the avatar state?

No thanks. Captain Falcon is too mobile and over the top for a game that controls like that. You'd need some Metal Gear Revengeance level combat but with melee attacks like a running Knee of Justice into enemies. God Hand would not be a good fit at all.

MK gods are tiny and week

>Captain Falcon
>With Sam Gideon's BOOST KNEES but with innate fire and it's 99% melee combat Pay attention to Captain Falcon's render. He has a fucking pistol he never needs,

Didn't Ed almost die by being shot?

Fzero Yakuza game then?
Sega made FZERO GX, is actualy fiting

didnt aang killed a guy before becoming a pacifist?

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What the fuck kind of mismatch is that?! Falcon DESTROYS!

Still too restrictive and slow, honestly.
Captain Falcon is FAST. You want an arcade-y game that has you zipping about all over the place careening from enemy into enemy with a fuckload of AoE screen-clearing rooms to take out 10-15 enemies in one go. I can't think of any similar games off the top of my head but there's absolutely shit like that out there.

Falcon's Revengeance. I like it. And you use the Blue Falcon to get to the next mission, winning races and getting money you can spend on upgrades.

Yeah, it's called Dynasty Warriors and CuHraAYzaY fags tend to hate it.

>Why is Screwattack actually doing a good job this season?
Ben losing to GL will never not be bullshit but otherwise no disagreements.

Literally what the fuck do Al and Aang have in common again?

Total war spartan for the ps2

Unless they let Ed use the philosophers stone at the last minute to pull off some impossible shit I dont see what the hell he could do to not get totally destroyed the minute aang goes avatar state. Such a mismatch

time travel > universe erase

Edward I mean, I get their names mixed up for some reason.

They control the elements to fight. Don't be so dense.

MK is a fighting game
STREET FIGHTER is also a fighting game
Jonny lost because they hate street fighter

AL is a japanese character
STREET FIGHTER is also japanese


Alien X's time travel > GL's time travel

If Aang gets the Avatar State, Ed gets the stone.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but Ed can only use alchemy on metal and earth. Wouldn't more appropriate fighter be Toph again? She's even disabled like he is.

....elements? (Because alchemy) Vaguely?
They like to get characters that are very tangentially similar to one another (Pit and Sora, for example, who are both upbeat young boys fighting against darkness and that is all they share) and have them fight. Sometimes they're really really fucking mismatched in terms of power levels, sometimes they aren't.

doesnt ben 10 had a 10 minute limit for using his dna watch?

i only watched this shit when i as baby siting my nephew
the only thing i remember is that they stole the main villan from megas XLR

just separate the parasite from aang soul and beat him like they did to whoora

THE REASON aang will loose is koora

this board is nintendo cancer im so glad your fucking children's cereal mascot beat johnny fucking cage

No, he loses that restriction.

Ben 10 gets EXTREMELY broken in the series. He can literally use whatever power he wants without having to transform at his most powerful. The omnitrix also automatically and immediately uses whatever alien or power is necessary for whatever situation Ben would ever find himself in, he doesn't even have to think about it.

>benfags still on suicide watch
Sorry, kiddo, the dials go up to 11 here.

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>but Ed can only use alchemy on metal and earth

...did you even watch the show? Alchemy can do ANYTHING as long as you have the right ingredients and know the formula.

Death Battle is fun for entertainment purposes, but anyone that actually cites them is a fool.

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>That time Sonya won because they gave her a fucking drone vs an unarmed for, and took mini games as completely canon.
DB is such a joke.

>Link beats Cloud
>Also Sephi beats Virgil

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Sure, but the timetravel defeat is complete bullshit.

I'm sure its possible Hal could have beaten Ben, just not the way DB said he does.

Is it explained why scissors just work?

Yes I watched the show, and that is why I said Ed. Again, unless I missed something, Ed specifically has only ever used it on Metal and Earth. Sure there are characters like Mustang who use fire but Ed did not.

This. Gotta care less about the results and more about the fun fight animations.

That's equivocation, the elements of eastern religions and Periodic Table elements are completely different things.

>that pic
Peach stomps Zelda so hard it's hilarious.

How does the omnitrix know when ben is in danger?

Nice bait. Here's a (You).

I guess in that way it could be a battle of spirituality vs science.


lol, fuck no, which is why people are saying the DB was bullshit. Because it is. The omnitrix would have automatically transformed Ben into an alien that wouldn't be effected by the scissors.

Fuck the scissors, Alien X wouldn't just let Hal time travel, his control over time is infinitely superior to Hal's. He can walk through time like the fucking Flash using the Speed Force to walk down a hallway.

Yes, he's THAT broken. DB are fucking retards.

cope stevie

Who's a better opponent for Aang? Someone who also controls the elements. Storm?

Yeah, they aren't trying very hard, but that's the theme nonetheless.

give it to me straight bros, did they look at the falcon punch scene in the anime without the context behind it?

do they honestly think he caused that explosion by the punch itself and not that the explosion came from the reactor behind them?

Hal can move so fast he can kill Ben before the watch does anything.

How hard does samus stomp chief?

Not him but Lazy Shell Armor + Mute + Sleep

Judging by this, I assume Ben 10 has no plot tension

It just works

>Ed has lost almost every battle he went in.
Eh, not really. Usually he wins but because he doesn't kill it backfires.

But the omnitrix also brings Ben back from the dead

>doesnt ben 10 had a 10 minute limit for using his dna watch?
Not with Ali

They didn't, they actually took the time to clarify the common misconception of the scene.

>Variety in powers.
>Doesn't like fighting.
>Has an ultimate form.
>No hair.
Close enough.

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God cartoon and comic powerlevels are so dumb.

>explosion was caused by the reactor, that killed falcon
>blackbull death was caused by the falcon punch

how is that hard to understand


Nah. Omnitrix was able to transform Ben faster than a lightspeed laser about to cut off his arm.

Moot point anyway, Hal isn't going back in time without Alien X following him and dragging his ass back to the present with ridiculous, near infinite speeds.

Ben doesn't start off this strong.

That doesn't make sense. The avatar state is part of Aang and part of the avatar's powers.
Ed literally swears to never use a fucking stone.
I mean, they would never fight each other outside of a couple punches if Aang called him short or whatever.
I fucking hate Death battle shit.

Not him, he let the spirit of the ocean to control him.

jackie chan

>Ben doesn't start off this strong.
So as I said

thank god, so why does falcon win other than giving him his car?

its easy to understand, but for years you had people who never actually watched the whole episode, just the scene itself, and misunderstood it.

Jackie Chan's Uncle with the Horse Talisman and a blowfish

Peach can keep up with Mario on his adventures and has a shit ton of magic powers with way more variety than Zelda.
The only times we have seen Zelda fight she has either been possesed or it's been non-canon.

tell that to the judge
>i didnt killed that man, it was the ghost of a fish he had stabed 5 minutes ago

It's simply a matter of both characters being at their strongest.

That's considered slow in DC land.
Hal has caught up to the fucking Flash.

The most entertainment I get out of Death Battle is when a DBZ character loses, and all of the spics come out to REEEEEEEEE about it.

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He couldn't do alchemy on the winter automail, so his alchemy is at least limited to stuff he knows about.

>literally lost to a billboard

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Omniverse is when Ben's writers decided "we want to make the most busted character" along with other power feats.
Alien Force made Alien X hard to use and was more reasonable in Ben's powers.

>uses non-canon arguments for peach
>"You can't use Zelda's prowress, it's all non-canon!"
Peach supporter arguments in a nutshell

Can't Ed turn himself into a philosopher stone?

I...don't understand what you mean.

>and has a shit ton of magic powers with way more variety than Zelda

Really? Elaborate. Only powers I've seen Peach have are her voice in Superstar Saga and that Parasol she gets in her own game.

Alien X wasn't introduced until Alien Force and even then it was rarely used because it would basically make Ben catatonic unless he got the two personalities to agree. It would even bypass the 10 minute limit of the watch.

He didn't gain full control of it until Omniverse two series later.

That’s not even Ben’s best feat, Omnitrix was fast enough to react to the Big Bang

Kirby is canonically broken as fuck.
I fail to understand why people took such issue with him kicking Buu's ass. Even with conservative estimates of his strength, he's well into DBZ territory.

the only good thing that came out of ben 10 was gwen

cause even then that punch was stronger than anything damage Cage can deal or take.

I said he needs the right ingredients and knowledge of the formula.

This is the same series where Aang was arrested and tried for a regicide he committed in a past life. The law is fully aware and has mountains of precedent for spiritual bullshit.

Moot point anyway. Once Alien X is unleashed Hal is fucked.

buu loosing to kirby was ok and expected.

im still mad about goku, superman is not NEARLY strong as people think he is

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He's basically All Might before he even existed.

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is it? i mean i like both characters it just seems fishy.

Ed swears to never use a philosopher's stone. It makes no sense to include it in his "moveset". That's like saying "Lets give Adult Aang infinite angry avatar state" because that was when he was at his strongest.

>infinite angry avatar state"
we both now they going to in the death battle

If the Omnitrix is always supposed to save Ben from death anyway, it may as well be the same thing

Whether he has the potential or not is irrelevant, he's never done it in the manga/show so he wouldn't be doing it here. Putting him up against Aang makes no sense since Aang has control of all elements, at least put him against a character who is limited to his elements. Realisiticly, I don't see how Ed is going to win this without a stone given all Aang would need to do is keep his hands apart.

This image is retarded, as is anyone that takes it seriously.

Keep seething about your gokuck


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its basically scaled from how Black Shadow is a ridiculously tough motherfucker to kill in the anime to begin with. Plus Cage has died to weaker shit on other MK timelines.

>OG Ben 10 has Vilgax about to cut off Ben's arm by strapping him to a laser table.
>Oops, did you know that in Omniverse the Omnitrix can actually detect when Ben bites the dust and preemptively transform him?

>Nintendo bonus
Ever thought why Nintendo characters always win?

eh, fair enough, i've actually seen the anime so i can vouch for that.

mario vs sonic

Are people still talking about this shit?

cage canonicly died to motaro spear

talking and animating in 3d

>niggas discussing Ben 10 lore and power levels
Fucking based.

Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario 3d World.

you mean the first round where sonic won or the rematch where mario won?

either way, your not disproving his point with that battle, i'm sure you could use something else like blanka vs pikachu

Okay you got me there.

>being so bad that a billion dollar franchise had to get rebooted into an even more soulless series
Omniverse fucking sucks

Furhtermore, Ed primarily attacks using alchemy-transformed rocks, and we've seen that Aang hard-counters anyone using ground-based attacks. He also learns how to see through vibrations in the earth by the end, which is ridiculously busted against anyone trying to attack with rocks. Anything Ed would normally do would look like it's in slow-motion to Aang as long as he's touching the ground.

Aang never did learn how to metalbend, though. So although Ed usually only alchemizes metal in limited ways like turning his automail into a dagger or making spears and such, that could make a slight difference.

>Super Mario Bros 2
Non canon game. The only thing that is "canon" from SMB2 is birdo.

Pokémon vs Digimon


Pretty sure the avatar state can just do whatever.

Couldn't Aang just chop his arm off with any of the elements? Or just melt it with Fire?

I await Gunvolt vs the Original Azure Striker from South America even though that'll never happen.

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Retard, Omnitrix in the original series is a glitchy prototype. At the end of Ultimate Alien, Ben gets the perfected Omnitrix, which has the Death Failsafe.

GL won fair and square. I used to be a Ben 10 supporter but the GL feats are impossible to go around. He even defeated someone who has rebuild a bigger universe than the one Ben lives in.

Just fucking give up

there we go sport, thats another good example of nintendo not winning all the time, alternatively luigi vs tails is an example of not only nintendo losing, but its also an example of an outdated video.

i'm sure i don't have to explain to you how luigi vs tails is outdated.

They dislike Pokémon, that's the exception.

but i like gwen porn

not even canon lol

The Avatar State draws on the past experiences of all the Avatars before it, essentially making the user every single Avatar at their peak all at once. Since Korra was the first Avatar to learn Metalbending (guess Aang got really lazy after defeating the Fire Lord despite the inventor of Metalbending being his fucking teacher), Aang's version of the Avatar State can't perform it.

But also

They gave a win to Lucarii.

Yeah, they'll probably pull that as their excuse for giving Ed more power if he needs it.
He literally kept himself from dying by turning his own lifeforce into a philosopher's stone that one time.
They'll probably have him do that shit again after he gets some kind of fatal blow, even though that really shouldn't help him cause when he did it before it still wasn't GOOD, it was just enough to keep him alive. while being escorted to a doctor.

I think their idea of the matchup though is that Ed's power is to change elements while Aang can control them.
They'll probably have some BS where they're like "Aang has to use the proper form for an element, but Ed can just change the element's makeup and trip up the form. That is until Aang enters the Avatar State when he doesn't rely on forms anymore and uses everything at once!"

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not to mention they gave Mewtwo a win vs Shadow.

All of you fucking people suggesting F-Zero to come back as a combat based game need to fuck right off. GX is hands down the greatest racing game ever developed. Entertaining the mere thought of F-Zero being more of a combat based series for its revival deserves a trip to Hell.

>F-Zero will remain dead otherwise

Then let it stay dead. I'd rather F-Zero be dead instead of brought back and stripped of what made it so fun in the first place.

Goddammit, you wouldn't want your favorite series completely changed so don't suggest that cock-a-doodle-doo bullshit.

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I'm still annoyed about the Lucy vs. Carnage episode, and how they portrayed the power that Lucy exhibited as she was literally melting down and going completely out of control as something that she can just do whenever with no downsides.

If SMB2 isn't part of the canon, then how are Shy Guys a thing?

Birdo and Shy guys, then.
It's literally a reskinned non mario game.

I've always thought this as well. If you're oging to reimagine some old Nintendo series as a gritty action game set in the future why not go with something like Mach Rider. Smashfags fuck off.

There are about a million ways Aang could kill Ed and all of them start with one of Ed's arms being chopped off.

It was only released as Doki Doki Panic once. It's been released as a Super Mario game consistently since 1988, because Nintendo doesn't even have the license to the radio show it was originally based on anymore. However it started, it's firmly established as a part of the Mario canon at this point.

>tfw no GC virtual console with netplay.

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Peach can float, heal herself and others, lift curses, bring people back from the dead, use telekinesis, put people to sleep, stop people from using magic, seal enemies in photographs, summon a rain of bombs, use vibes, grow wings and use the power of love/wishes to weaken others (with Starlow's help she was even able to destory the wish granting Dreamstone).
She can also use most Mario power-up's and her regular umbrella is straight up indestructible.

>the Original Azure Striker from South America
it was all a dream is what the retard should've said first

I used to fap to my cousin when I was younger too. Almost had sex with her at one point but my parents always always told me that's imoral and illegal. I've slept on the same bed as her once when both were kids. Nothing happened, thank God honestly, it could've been the biggest mistake of my life.

All of my cousins are ugly.

It means Blanka. Inti, despite not being part of Capcom, still put in the joke during the 1st game's final boss.

The real winner is Johnny Cage, he has a kid, Captain Falcon can never nut properly or find a successor

>Nintendo characters always win?
Like the first sonic and Mario?
Or Sora and Pit?
Charizard and Greymon?
Luigi vs Tails?
Pikachu vs Blanka?
Nintendo characters lose all the time.

The real winner is Cage because people actually buy his games and don't just know him from party game memes

They honestly seem to dislike Sonic and Street Fighter more nowadays.

>and don't just know him from party game memes
>not a party game

There needs to be a new F-Zero

It could be a more serious counterpart to Mario Kart, it's crazy how dead the series is

>but my parents always always told me that's immoral and illegal
did you fucking tell them or they just found out?
if the former, why?
i mean either way you dodged a bullet there

Ed has the ability to deintegrate matter, just like Scar. No?

The problem with deathbattle is that they pick and choose. See how in this new one they referenced the anime a lot, but with Mario and Sonic they avoided animation?

>Edward vs Aang is the next one
So the rumors of Gordon Freeman vs Issac Clarke being the season finale is real

Every alchemist has that ability.

>Bayonetta VS Dante
>The fact that they kept spamming the line "BUT SHE'S ONLY HUMAN" was the biggest red flag in Death Battle history

Firstly, F-Zero games have no feats for Cap.
Secondly, Archie Sonic is such a clusterfuck it honestly should be separated from the other Sonic's.

Never told them. And I didn't had any condoms so it would be a huge mess had my cousin had got pregnant.

Then make the Death Battle of Falcon vs. Cage end in six seconds in Cage's favor.

One of the enerjacks or whatever the fuck in archie is supposed to be some universal tier unlimited energy asshole, yet was beaten by fire ants and can only seal them.

Dude Ed has a massive fucking speed advantage. Give more credit to your favorite because he's probably going to push Aangs teeth in at the end.

It's fucking Dante, even if that weren't the case he still would've won with DMC 3 arsenal and feats alone

Ed COULD possibly pull it off due to being smarter and manipulating chemistry and such

Though if Aang enters AS its basically over at that point unless Ed rigs some serious trap by that point in the match.

You clearly never watched Omniverse. It’s just as glitchy if not more so than before.

Those matches were before they promoted the research team. Early DB had a lot of stupid results like that. That being said, there are still obvious shill results to calm down salty fanbases. Like Seph beating Vergil after Cloud and Tifa got fucked over

Then Ed wins by just landing one hit

>People in this thread still think Alien X is the strongest
>While Omniverse flat out admits it was the Feedback show

>Archie Sonic is such a clusterfuck it honestly should be separated from the other Sonic's.
You say that but ability wise it didn't really have anything that sonic didn't have. Chaos control being a universal rewriting tool is probably the only real difference.

"Objectively strongest" and "Most shilled" are not the same thing.

>tfw was initially confused how Kirby won against Buu
>proceed to learn Kirby lore and realize just how fucking busted that little puff ball actually is

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>Ed has a massive fucking speed advantage
How do you figure?
I mean, Aang's air scooter thing is pretty damn fast.

He's also faster and stronger. He defeated the last guy who should scale higher than anyone else, even the guy that sliced a Tank's bullet in half and poked his sword through same tank. I forgot his name it was the old dude

I thought the Lucario vs Renamon was garbage, but kind of fun to watch.

Aang uses Earth to bind Ed's arm and then chops his metal arm and leg off. No Alchemy and no moving.

He is bro. They can rewc to bullets in FMA. He's also physically much stronger I think. Haven't seen FMA in years and I still remember this.

Love both franchises but Avatar is actually pretty weak outside of elements manipulation.

Isn't everything on Earth a fragment of the Big Bang?

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They did a Death Battle based off the MUGEN mods?

Everyone who isn't a Kirbyfag undersells him IMMENSELY because they don't play the games and assume he's just a cute little pink puffball who likes to eat things

There's equal parts outrage that "the strongest characters EVER!!1!" lose to something a lot are unfamiliar with and assume to be an easy win and surprise that Kirby is that fucking busted

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I'd say Ed has superior reaction speed while Aang has faster general speed due to airbending boost


Ed scales to everything Bradley done.

>They can rewc to bullets in FMA
I hope you aren't referring to the cornello fight.

Yes, user.

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this is why this series doesn't piss me off as much since i'm familiar with everything they do something on. then again i'm pretty chill when they give bullshit wins to someone who should've died in like 2 seconds, but still.
the one thing they should be mad about is if the fight scene is bad.

Probably, don't know about traveling speeds. But reaction speeds are pretty much for Ed. He becomes stupid strong at the end.

But it's Death Battle. We know it doesn't work like this all the time.

Father was going to kill Ed before Al sacrificed himself to get Ed his arm back.

>Guy that punches balls so hard that he kills with this punch
>Guy that can punch so hard that it can be see flashing on the galaxy
Tough one.

He was acrually designed to be the mascot of the SNES. His color schemr represents the color of the buttond in the Super Famicom and he was an attempt to appeal to western audiences and compete with the more mature demographic of Sega. It died out when NoA went for the toy company approach.

And Ed became bloodlusted. Don't forget that Death Battle always uses characters at their peak.

>but Avatar is actually pretty weak outside of elements manipulation.
Not really. Physical strength works on a case by case basis in both series

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Didn't Ryu beat the Tekken guy?

I like Captain Falcom way more but hasn't Johnny fought Elder Gods as of MK11? Unless this is including anime Falcon the dude hasn't done much but drive in his vehicle.

You forget how often Raiden jobs to just about anyone nowadays.

They joked about Danny Phantom vs American Dragon and Rash vs Rapheal, hopefully, they stay true because that's probably the only fight I've been interested in since season 4

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Jake has no chance against Danny. It's a bad match uo

And what gives you the idea that Ed is capable of any of that? Wrath was a fucking monster that took pretty much every side character over the course of several battles to defeat. Nobody even comes close to his level.

one of those guys beat as god fool

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I posted that image to remind people that episode where Jake Long just beats a ghost into submission for a decent reason. Also it's probably 50/50 since there are episodes where Jake has resisted mind control/body possession, and sonic waves and blasts

Unless Jake can handle ghosts let alone grow a move set like Danny no way can he even compete.

Are you implying Father is weaker than Bradley?

Yeah, but at the time Ed was actually winning against Father, he was much weaker than what could be compared to Bradley. It got to the point where he was so weak Ed just was slugging him.

My boy Neku

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The strongest version of Ed doesn't have a metallic arm, he has his right arm back. Also philosopher stone grants him some bullshit powers so he can transmute everything. Ed just needs to touch Aang to kill him, but yeah Aang in AS is basically a god so I don't think Ed could touch him

When Ed beat him yes he was.

>Danny Phantom vs American Dragon
Stupidly mismatched. Jake can't actually hit Danny and Danny is insanely OP by the end of the series, especially against anyone that doesn't specialize in dealing with ghosts specifically.

It's been a while since I've seen the fight, but I don't remember Father having any abilities as outlandish as Wrath or even most of the other homunculi did. He seemed to be more concerned with having an immortal, free body than a powerful one. Plus, he had outside help from Greed and Alphonse.

You do realise that at the time Father's body was deteriorating, right? He also never beat him solo.

You don't know a thing about FMA.

are you guys fucking crazy i like ed and all butt come on fool

>but I don't remember Father having any abilities as outlandish as Wrath or even most of the other homunculi did.
He did before the reverse circles happened but at the time he demolished everyone.

i think he does but he is leaving out that fact to make ed look stronger than he is

Based. Danny would anally fuck Jake.

IIRC his design was influenced by Burton Batman and Western comics the artist saw when he was visiting America

>Also philosopher stone grants him some bullshit powers
If you knew anything about FMA you would know that Ed detests the idea of using a stone and only ever uses one once.

Reminder that Bradley/Wrath is slower than Sloth, the fastest Homunculus.

And weaker than Lust Ultimate Spear and considerably less durable than Greed Ultimate Shield.

That’s just a result of Ben being a fucking idiot. Either he slams too hard on the watch and gets the wrong alien or he accidentally chooses the wrong one cause he’s not paying attention. There’s even multiple times that you see that he’s selected the wrong alien cuz he was too busy talking

Aang can still cut off any of Ed's arms and end the fight there. Ed is held back by the fact that bending is just way easier than Alchemy to preform. And doesn't even need his arms to do it.

Aang has the better range especially given one comic had him create a canyon around a whole Fire Nation Colony
Ed has counters to most of Aang's bending, can instant kill with destruction, is faster, and Aang can't metalbend
Both can finish each other in one hit but that entirely depends on if Ed can get in close enough without being shredded
If Ed loses expect Vic drama


Falcon’s Smash special combo and the Blue Falcon coming in made for a flashier fight, but they weren’t essential to the outcome.

Father only lost because he was running out of souls and could not contain God.

All Ive wanted them to do was punisher vs judge dredd. Its so obvious and would make such a fun video but they keep denying me even that.

No I don't, last time I've seen FMA was in 2010, I'm just juggling my memory here.
But I still think they will scale Ed to Bradley's scrazy speed feats, especially if you consider a lot others have fought with him 1 on 1.

Storm's weather manipulation shits all over Aang's feats

>is faster
show me where he is faster than aang

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>TFW there's no DVDs or Blu-Rays so I can't make WEBMs
Look Danny can beat Jake, but one of Jake's powers is to hurt ghosts and other intangible beings

how can you forget something like that

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Animation's just for show, they said they ended it that way because they just did a giant explosion in Billy vs Carol.

>Fusion of a human being and a spirit that can use and manipulate multiple elements and is able to reincarnate
>Alchemist (well now, former alchemist) who can manipulate certain metals; son of a previously immortal being

This battle makes no fucking sense, unless FMA has a live-action adaptation on Netflix I'm not aware of. Just because A and B can manipulate metal doesn't mean they're the same fucking thing.

Aang should easily beat Edward as he is a near god incarnate in the Avatar state, and Edward isn't a particularly skilled alchemist. (Aang mastered the basics of 3 elements in 10 months.)

Peak Father was broken and popping out mini suns and shit. He was beaten when he was heavily debuffed.

Not to say Bradley isn't a fucking monster in his own right though.

Huge doses of depression, alcohol and Yea Forums happenings.

I honestly remember very little of FMA B

Ed's gonna fall to his death and the pun will be "Poor Ed, he couldn't Aang on"
This is probably Aang's best feat scale wise

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>But I still think they will scale Ed to Bradley's scrazy speed feats
Not that he does have crazy speed feats. Bradley's whole deal was knowing when and where to strike for the maximum effect due to his ultimate eye.

Avatar characters reacted to lightning, something that FMA char. cannot.

To be fair, Aang detests killing and even pussied out of killing Ozai yet he is going to have to kill Ed in a DB.

>Ed has counters to most of Aang's bending, can instant kill with destruction, is faster,
The only thing Ed could counter is Earth Bending, and that's because he can also control Earth, but he has no counter for Water, Fire or Air. And Last I checked, Scar could use destruction so easily because one of his arms had a circle needed to do so. If Ed can do it, he still need to form the circle with his hands, which is a major disadvantage. As for speed, he doesn't scale to Bradley or Father at his peak.

b-b-b-but he is faster

Super fake but semi realistic "Leak". It mentions GL vs Ben, Falcon vs Cage, and Aang vs Edward, so I would believe the season finale being 2 losers from dead franchises.

>who can manipulate certain metals
He can manipulate anything if he knows the composition. Remember, he even uses his own soul as transmutation material.

How does it feel to be so stupid and wrong.

Periodic Table of Elements vs Classical Elements
Equivalent Exchange vs Balance of the Four Elements
Also, its not as one sided as it appears

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That would be you.

They did not. They can redirect lightning, not react to it.

Tekken is a fighting game
STREET FIGHTER is also a fighting game
It doesn’t matter because both are just STREET FIGHTER.


He dodged a bullet in point blank

Jake should fight Juniper
Danny should fight another Ghost

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Source me nigga

He deconstructed a Chimera's spit once
He could probably do the same for Aang's water

Her was distracted and hit by a sneak attack. Unless you take his avatar state by surprise, your odds of taking it in a fight are pretty slim. Even Firelord Ozai with the giant power boost the comet gave him nearly shit himself when the avatar state came out.

Even considering that, there's so many things Danny can do to completely ignore and nullify Jake's base set of powers it's still a huge mismatch in Danny's favor.
>Free body shapeshifting to dodge attacks
>Massive durability
>Energy shields
>Ice powers that can directly cancel out dragon breath
Danny is insane. Without outside help, Jake can't compete.

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>He dodged a bullet in point blank
Look at that image.

how does a joke panel make him faster

Danny also has possession. He can use and control Jake like a bitch.

Did Danny ever get duplication down without the suit?

>joke panel


Hal's constructs are fast enough that they scanned the entire universe for members of the Green Lantern Corps in a heartbeat.

Honestly, I wanna see Cassie fight Pyrrha from Soul Calibur

Considering how this matchup happened, that only means one thing can happen now.
I'm just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that!

Let's make this showy!

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>Aang can still cut off any of Ed's arms
how does he do that?
Never watched the show


If they took the Shredder meatball scene seriously, they'll take that seriously

Not him but he can water bend at high pressure so he can even cut metal

What Death Battle had the most frustrating results to you guys?
Personally, I'm not even a big fan of FF7 itself and I feel like Cloud got stiffed badly in Link vs Cloud. They gave Link all of the shit throughout the entire franchise but nerfed Cloud's true capabilities so badly.

Reminder that it should've been Johnny Cage vs Athena
>One's descended from a cult of god killers
>The other's descended from a goddess
>One's a failed actor
>The other's a successful idol
>MK vs SF is overdone
>"Psycho Ball Buster" would be the perfect name for the song
>Win or lose, Cage is gonna punch a pop idol's crotch

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Death battle took Kirby putting an enemy in a giant frying pan, throwing it at the sun and it comeing back as fully cooked and ready to eat as the lynchpin feat that allowed him to kill Majin Bu.

Gaara vs Toph.

That one came out in 2014 they didn't know better tho. But never also gave Gaara a second chance like they did to Mario and Zero.

Garra VS Toph was the most absurd I think

Any match involving FF7 characters were also bullshit either due to being unfair like Composite Link with endgame gear VS Base Cloud with only starter materia, or being obvious shill matches like Tifa VS RWBy and Seph getting a pity win against Vergil when he should have lost

He beat Captain Atom who was just Alien X but tougher.

He also held his own against characters who can fight Bradley who dodges bullets

Ben 10 vs Austim Specter

You literally cannot win against broken autism power.

how many bets aang will discover how to metal bend during the fight

Wakfu first aired in 2008, before 2010.

Gaara vs Toph
Naruto vs Ichigo
And the tifa one

>But never also gave Gaara a second chance like they did to Mario and Zero.
They shouldn't have given Mario a second chance.
I love Mario but even I know that fucker wouldn't last in a fight against Sonic, especially Modern.

He's not reacting to bullets, only Bradley and Father are bullet timers but the other top tier characters shouldn't be much left behind because they can still fight with them.


>use Vibes
Always a good power to watch her use.

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Tifa vs Yang.
Yang jobbed to a kick-based opponent in volume 2 yet can beat an experienced kick-based opponent here.

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Gaara had to win?
Would you mind to explain how?

They had to nerf Sonic and give Mario constant boosts for him to stand a chance in the rematch.

Cloud for the reasons you mentioned. Besides that. The DMC fag in me still thinks Vergil shouldn't have lost to Sephiroth. Especially after DMCV now

yes you are

Naruto vs Ichigo was pretty legit. Come on.

Naruto has better firepower.

>This will never be a thing

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Nice deflection nigger

what kind of logic is this

You're just going to have to take my word that he has fought people that can do that since his Eye of the Dragon can help him see invisible enemies
As a gag joke he melted a bank vault door with no problem by sneezing fire
>and has shrugged of possession and hypnotism by remembering his grandpa in his underwear
I don't want you to watch the entire series or specific episodes due to it not aging well. I just want this fight cause I think it'd be neat for more non anime bullshit

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If Gaara can flood the area with sand, Toph is completely blind, so to speak.

Luffs doesn’t stand a fucking chance.

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Not either of them but for starters Toph 's ability to feel her surroundings is severely hampered by sand.

That and Gaara can fucking fly.

>not a 3D fight

>Way faster than Toph
>He can fly
>Substitution sand traps
>His sand can't be manipulated by anyone but him due to his mom or some shit
>Auto block pretty much anything she can dish out

and that's just Chuunin Exam Garra. Shippuden Garra tanked a giant bomb being dropped on his village and helped stop a meteor. Toph was just straight up outclassed and only won because of some fan sprite and they didn't want a little blind girl to be killed horribly

>Naruto has better firepower.
He shouldn't even be able to see Ichigo in the first place

Its called scaling

Different teams, got to keep a schedule, and the 3D team just got done with Weiss vs Mitsuru

But why would he do that when he could just use the more advanced earth bending techniques to literally bend Edward's arm?

Holy shit dude. Gaara is much faster and not only that he could shred her to pieces with tiny specs of sand if he so wished to.

He stopped meteors mid-air too.

The general consensus is entirely based on if Haki bypasses plastic damage defense. If it does, Luffy can most definitely incapacitate Plastic Man

However there is no fucking way he will be able to straight up kill him. If they count standard KOs than Luffy's got a shot and only if Haki works.

>Weiss’ power is to lose every fight she’s in.

aang controls four elements. Ed can utilize dozens, in ways that aang doesn't even understand. as anons have said previously, in earth bending they're equal, in water bending they cancel each other out, in fire bending they're potentially equal, the only thing ed might have superiority in is air bending, but that's countered by the literal madhouse of creations Ed can come up with.
Hell, if Ed really wants to fuck with Aang, he could do several types of non-obvious transmutation. If he see's Aang using a lot of earthbending, he could literally transmute veins of nitro-glycerine through the ground, so that whenever Aang tries to shift the earth, he's met by fucking massive explosions (hell, an ounce of ng is basically a stick of dynamite). At which point if Aang isn't incapacitated by the explosions he'll be unwilling to use earth bending lest it happen again. Ed can transmute any water sent his way into hydrogen and oxygen, at which point any fire Aang uses turns into a massive explosion as well. Aang tries to shoot lightning, Ed just has to make lightning rods pop out of the ground. Ed's practiced a lot to go up against Mustang, whose fire use far surpass anything Aang is recorded to have done. The only thing Aang has going for him is airbending, but Ed can make walls and other counters to that, all while being able to make different weapons on his own. And depending on the environment they're fighting in, airbending is not going to be all that useful or will be incredibly limited.

Personally, Ben 10 vs. Green Lantern
They gave Hal feats from every single Green Lantern in canon, and used bullshit Silver Age feats and abilities that aren’t even canon.
Even still, I wouldn’t give a shit if the way GL won wasn’t so fucking dumb. Time travel wins should never count as a fucking victory.

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I kind of want to watch it because I like Mitsuru but I don't at the same time because I hate RWBY. Is it worth it?

Vergil is so stupidly fast he should have split Sephiroth into a million pieces before it was even a fight

Shadow power exists to do that and apparently isn't nearly as effective against anything else.

Johny Cage win.

Now let's watch the video...



Vergil vs sephiroth

If haki works on Plas: Luffy wins
If haki doesn't work on Plas: Luffy gets rekt

>hate RWBY
Watch it
Weiss gets wrecked hard

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Weiss lost.

Now that the dust has settled, was dante vs bayo the GOAT death fight?

>in fire bending they're potentially equal,
No they aren't.
Just like Mustang Ed would need a means of igniting the transmuted air so unless he prepares beforehand he can't do it.

Agreed, based Rathposter.

Technically in one timeline Hal just escaped like a little bitch only to kill a different Ben.

>the one thing they should be mad about is if the fight scene is bad.

This is the biggest reason I hope they revisit Pikachu v.s. Blanka. That ending sucked.

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>scout vs tracer
Even OW fags said Scout wasn't given enough credit in the match up.


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Snake vs Sam, Afro vs Jack, Optimus vs Gundam, etc

RWBY and Death Battle is owned by Rooster Teeth. Not hard to figure this one out IMO.

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It was a good day to piss off Kamiya on Twitter. Even though I don't quite agree with the outcome.

Kamiya is always pissed

Who are they gonna have Blake beat up?
Hibiki from BlazBlue literally has her power but I doubt they’d pick him.

>Galactus vs Unicron cucked again

Well, Ed's biggest advantage is his prodigious intellect. So yes, he can potentially beat Aang

Yeah but I recemember he actually reacted to it. So he probably took it personally.

>implying it won’t be Joker or Door-kun vs Neku if it ever came to that

Imagine they did a universe battle between Nintendo and Sony or Microsoft

Would Nintendo win?

Depends on if Ed can go through all that planning during the fight when Aang could just open a massive hole underneath and have him plummet to his death
Alternatively, if Aang tries energybending (which wouldn't make sense since he only used it to spare and not kill) he's setting up his own downfall

It shouldn't have even worked because Ben has better time travel powers, can transform into a literal nuclear fusion reactor boosted reality warper, and had an energy absorption alien capable of taking the entire force of the big bang and barely feel a thing.

Ben asked on twitter who people wanted Joker to fight
Most leaned on Giorno

In fairness the rings can all do the same thing it's just based off how much willpower the user has, so Hal can reasonably recreate anything any other Lantern can do but better because he has the most willpower.

ben 10 sounds about as dumb and boring as DC stuff

Isn’t he complete bullshit, though?

Hal's too fast
His probe constructs going through DC's universe in a heartbeat shits all over the Big Bang's speed in Ben 10

With Requiem, yes.

No man, it's actually much worse.

People only like the incest porn

Wouldn't Giorno vs Door-kun be a more fair fight?

>Why is Screwattack actually doing a good job this season?
They're not. The show is inherently a shit idea, and people only watch it so they can pull a "My dad could beat up your dad" with their favorite characters.

Stopped watching after tracer vs scout and I will never watch this channel again.

When will Death Battle give people what they really want

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>tfw Scout VA wanted to do the voice for fun because he loves voicing Scout
>they didn't let him

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Po is easily stronger unless Meme Shrek is used, which they would not.

>Drops of blood can be turned into ants.
>Hitting things he gives life to deflects damage but got dropped early.
>Happens to be the smartest stand user in all of existence.

And I believe in him.

They already recorded the voice with who passed the audition
Also, legal stuff
Its why when JYB reprised Ichigo they credited him as Adam Park and had his link redirect to Wikipedia's entry on Frogs

Po vs Kung Pow Chosen One is a better matchup

To be fair, I haven’t really delved too deep into Green Lantern lore (I’ve read some of Johns’ work), but I thought that the abilities of each ring vary with each individual. I think there was a panel that explained how the 4 human GL’s had subtle differences to each of their constructs. Plus, they said that Hal could survive the Crisis universe erasings because Kilowog did, which is really fucking stupid because Hal actually did get wiped in that event.

Honestly? The Mario vs Sonic rematch.

post battles you would scream over

Step up to the Mic Halfag

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you are pulling out bullshit ed needs time to do the shit he does

Again, you'd probably have a point without the whole reality warper thing. It's hard to do much of anything to a person when they can rewrite the laws of physics in the time it takes you to blink.

He could also fuse alien forms together later on, so he could make a mix of the time alien and the reality warper and stop time before doing his thing.

>I hate RWBY
good for you

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Wolverine vs Raiden, due to the fact you can't "Wear down" wolverine and that there has been no proof that antarctic vibranium works on Wolverine due to the rare cases someone cracks or melts Wolverine he regenerates even harder and faster

Doesn't Avatar state be considered as outside help?

Ben can just turn into a loli alien, Hal’s greatest weakness

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They certainly have things that each lantern specializes in, but the general abilities of each ring are the same, can't speak much for the Crisis but the only character I recall having any actual changes done afterwards was Superman.

Which is hilarious to me. It is just Batman in Superman colors.

No, I'm not that autistic
Be excited for?
Travis Touchdown vs Scott Pilgrim
Gordon Freeman vs Isaac Clarke
Anything involving SamSho, Darkstalkers, etc
AVGN vs Captain N
Yamato vs Enterprise

All of them because it means I actually wasted my time watching one of those shitty things.

No, its as outside help as Kurama or the souls in Fate's helmet

not even caring about the outcome I still find it the most entertaining fight to watch, shit's just mad fun

Hal can kill Ben before he can transform.
Also, Alien X isn't that impressive when you look at the bullshit DC has.

It was up there. TJ Combo VS Balrog is also a good contender even though they kind of spoiled who was going to win before the fight even started

>Especially after DMCV now
Which came out after the DB.
You can't at least that one hold against them.
I just find it weird that Sephiroth defeated Vergil with Super Nova despite SN does percentage damages.

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Dormammu vs Triggon but I don't think I want them to give DC another win so not really. Would be cool on another channel, not theirs.

If Ed does fall, he'll clap his hands and try to perform last minute alchemy on the floor only for his arms to be fucked up by the impact

You're right, i'm just still a bit salty over it.

>Falcon won cause his car is a part of him
Always gotta have some weird shit to tilt the scale in the fight.

Do you think they'll pull some BS where Ed can do something to the avatar state by treating it as a Philosopher Stone?
He knows how to transmute his own soul and he's used a stone once (when they got out of Gluttony).
The Avatar State is somewhat similar to a Philosopher stone in the sense they're both a massive collection of souls, just the Avatar state uses their knowledge/experience rather than just their energy.

That one bugs me solely because they use a gameplay feat to determine how hard TJ hits based off how high his uppercut launches Fulgore, despite it launching every character the same height.

and you know death battle will still factor it in because they always throw in the one-off bullshit modes as though they're normal upgrades they have.
>goku vs superman 1 had goku use spirit saiyan, which was only used once against super android 13

He'll need to get in close for that to be effective
Aang's mostly a keep away fighter

He did it in a cutscene IIRC

While them giving that and telekinesis to Goku is bullshit, you know that if they didn't people would've brought it up like it mattered anyways.

still waiting for an /m/ vs /m/ fight, those are always cool for how dumb the characters and stats are.

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I could've sworn they were using a gameplay example but I never rewatched it so I'll take your word for it I guess.

Alright post the best Death Battle original song
Hard Mode: No Wings of Iron

I'm just glad the salt is back for the next battle.

If Aang wins, the weaboos will be mad. If Ed wins, the cartoon/comicfags will be mad.

The original Superman vs Goku did this shit. Not saying that Superman didn't win, but they just happened to 'forget' the part of GT where Goku absorbed the dragon balls at the end and became a demigod.
Not schizophrenic I'm not schizophrenic
there's 10 of us maybe we're schizophrenic

Ben hinted at a Kaiju fight this season to make up for no Topo vs Giganto during Aquaman vs Namor

Faster than lightspeed is far too slow to keep up with a GL. Remember that very few things can out-bullshit capeshit, user.

They straight up say that if they used that version of Goku they'd have had to use Superman Prime because that Goku didn't have any feats.

No matter who wins
Vic drama will follow

Waiting for the Bear and Bird to get a match
Hard to find any duos and having them fight Yooka and Laylee is gay

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They mention him, but say his power is way too vague and would require a shit ton of headcanon.

>They made Ed lose not because of the bullshit that is the Avatar State and how Aang has enough mastery over the elements that he can break the bond of Blood Bending and can control lava, it's all because of retarded 23 year old E-Drama

I like the Black panther/Batman theme.

Its called Battle at the Zoo if you're curious

>23 years
Are you fucking serious, I thought it was 12 at best?

>Aang in full avatar state ball of fuck mode
>Ed shoves his hand into the middle of it to touch Aang and transmute the Avatar State
>"No guys, he can totally do it cause he used his weatherized automail and transmuted the ultimate shield on it ;)"
I can see the rage already.

>tfw you lose another champion

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Liu Kang vs Jago when?

>Don't worry Daddy Raiden, I won't fail you this time

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wasnt plastic man blown up in a atomic level and he survived to tell the tale?

Is Fire God Liu Kang fair game or are they gonna wait to see if he keeps it?

I dunno much about Iron Fist, but I feel like Liu Kang would be fucked.

But out of Raiden's champions Johnny is the only one who died so far?

That, hamburgers, and social situations

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Fire God is fair game, I mean wtf are they going to use as his super mode, Zombie Liu Kang?

Except its a super mode that requires Raiden's involvement (outside help) and the end of 11 hints at it being permanent unless 12 reverts it away for status quo

Yes but the Justice League had to help him reunite his molecules

Mega Mania was real rad

I feel like Touchdown beats Scott given he has more killing experience, wrestling moves, and taken on more than just 7 evil exes
Though I want to see Scott’s giant gorilla vs Travis’s Mech
Plus I’m pretty sure the Sword of Self respect can’t beat Travis’s Beam Kanta

I thought Death Battle was like, common playground arguments like who would win between Superman and Goku. Why are these two random characters that have never been in the same sentence having a death battle? High School Ben get it together bruh

What did he mean by this

I feel like they'll just give it to him due to the fact people would complain about vanilla Kang vs Iron Fist with his Immortal upgrade which can
>Hypnotize people with just a graze
>Absorb energy
>Walkthrough dimensions
>Bring life to lifeless
>and makes your health and stamina reset back to peak physical condition

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Banjo and Kazooie vs Mario and Luigi

They can break the fourth wall and are pretty much immortal because their God doesn't want them dead

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mortal kombat is shit and went to shit the moment it went 3d

Banjo and Kazooie vs Duck Hunt

Because it's fun and people have been doing fictional character battles for decades.

>God doesn't want them dead
He know they were going to be back alive in Smash

Well they could just pull out the Superman Thought Robot which is its own special brand of complete bullshit.

>jak and daxter
>ratchet and clank

Duck Hunt has no anime feats unlike Falcon

Rehashing characters is gay

That's a fusion of Superman and Ultraman though, there reasoning was just if we use future Goku we have to use future Superman, and future Superman has the powers of a 5th dimensional imp so he would've just bodied Goku even harder.

Yeah that. He, or the developers, also helped Conker in his game. The rare verse is full of toon force


nice salt

>pretty much immortal because their God doesn't want them dead
Wouldn't L.O.G count as outside help and would that actually use anything from N&B?


>Goku VS Superman 3 with Saitama from the One Punch Man series

keep crying

gork vs mork


honestly even if the result is the same i think it should be done due to mastered ultra instinct

Saitama is fucked because the research team doesn't buy into NLF
He also won't be used until OPM ends

Could he kick darkseid's ass?

I think they said somewhere that if they ever do use Saitama they're going to judge him off feats and not author's intent, so he's probably fucked.

Wait Falcon won? Which Falcon did they use?

all of them, but mainly the anime one

>because the research team doesn't buy into NLF
Literally their argument for Superman but OK sure

Rick Wheeler/Ryu Suzaku

He'd swallow the Omega beams so yeah most likely.

That was before promotion

He has no counter for Omega Sanction

saitama has yet to get close to putting in effort in a single fight.

even his serious series aren't full power.

Alright, Yea Forums, who would you have this guy fight?

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>Reactor Might
>Power of the big bang
>Can call the Blue Falcon from anywhere
>Can move at and withstand supersonic speeds even without his machine
>Can easily tank explosions
>Can level fucking space stations

Holy shit I had no idea Captain Falcon was this busted.

What the fuck is with the cringey cartoons they add to their videos now? They're so bad.

As is the case with most Nintendo characters. They come off as assuming and then you discover the levels of bullshit they can pull off. Go look up what Kirby, Mario, or Link is capable of.

I think DB became one of RoosterTeeth's big things so they need their animators to work on something.

I'm still waiting for Star Fox VS Rogue Squadron

Tails (TGT)

>Ben joked about the "Death Battle" causing new material for their combatants to be announced whenever the episode is coming out
>No new F-Zero game

L.O.G could so make them as strong as he wishes, because their his creation. He's the developers will in that game.

People would end up saying Coldsteel but honestly that's a shitty match up.
Sonichu should fight Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Tara Way from My Immortal.
Wouldn't that still make him count as outside help given it's the developer's will in some kind of avatar body rather than an unseen force that could be bullshitted as luck or something of the like meaning it would count in the battle?

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Superboy Prime VS Lord English

Two broken meta breaking powerhouses who harass the fanbase and their creators

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This. Death Battle covered in every detail what Zelda and Peach are capable of. They came to the conclusion that whenever Peach comes off as helpless or weak, it's because she's choosing to be like that. Same with when Bowser kidnaps her. Peach is actually fucking busted and has goddess like powers, on top of being able to keep up with Mario, whom they already concluded was absolutely broken.

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Death Battle is so fucking awful, jesus. This shouldn't even exist.
Dumb forum debates gone too far.

>here's some bullshit psuedo science and math
>haha here's a thing we never mentioned at all, this is why he won

Every single fucking video.

Would it count as outside help if it was Conker? Who asked for developers help in his own game? What about Bugs Bunny asking stuff to the animators?

Nitrus Brio vs Klungo

I want him (blade form) vs Ray for the title of Zero succesor

Yes because the person helping them isn't actually a part of the match up.

Vergil vs Sephiroth was fucking retarded.
>Sephiroth can keep up with Vergil's speed

>mfw weebs have standards this low for storytelling

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Their strength reasoning was wacky too

>Zack had a 20 STR stat and cut through a door
>Since Seph has a 99 STR stat that clearly means he can cut through mountains!

With Conker, I think it would count as outside help because despite it being an "unseen force" it is literally the developers helping him.
Same would probably go for Bugs Bunny but there is the weird case that it could also not be outside help if they were to pull off something similar to the Duck Amuck episode with how Bugs was the animator.

>shilling for 23andme

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>They gave Link all of the shit throughout the entire franchise but nerfed Cloud's true capabilities so badly.
What is with cloudfags and this argument? He was in one fucking game and he barely won with the assistance of an entire crew.

You think he's gonna beat a flagship character with hundreds of powers? Are you fucking retarded?

How so? FPWP

someone get platinum on the phone!

Yeah that was fucking dumb. Their reasoning is pulled out of their ass. I swear the "Sephiroth can keep up with Vergil's speed" idea came from a clip they showed of Sephiroth slowly battling Angeal and Genesis or some shit.

It was obvious that match was just to throw the FF7 fans a bone after Dante beat Bayonetta and FF7 was 0-2

The first Sonic vs Mario, where they used their outside game feats. Sonic pulls of godlike shit in the comics, so of course he'd win.

What does Dante beating Bayonetta have to do with FF7 being thrown a bone, though?

I've seen stuff not too long ago debunking the Archie comics stuff.

Omniverse was a mistake.

Hyrule warriors link would win anyway desu my boi can flip the planet

To be fair the punch did nothing. Falcon just wanted to punch him.

Based super obscure gaimu even though its the best total war game

Pokemon vs Digimon. This annoyed the fuck out of me because anybody with half a brain who has seen either show or games know that that was a complete mismatch. Digimon are in completely different power leagues than Digimon. That was like putting a tank up against a hot wheels car. It was only done to have Wargreymon beat the shit out of Charizard, because the Death Battle team hates Pokemon. He didn't even need to evolve past Greymon anyway.

Conker receiving outside help from the developers would be very legit imo because it happened in his game.


oh there is a realy good reason for it to be obscure

that fucking escort mission before you get the spear
you know the one

The problem is the developers would count as outside help.

Wiley Coyote from TGT

We never got to see Tails true power since the god damn story never went that far.


TGT is cancelled?

>FF7 lost twice for bullshit reasons
>DMC got a huge win with Dante beatin bayo
>Have Seph beat a respectable fighter (Vergil) to make FF7 feel better

Okay, but that's isolated to Virgil and the FF7verse, Bayonetta's fight shouldn't be brought into question. Unless you're just using that as a reference point to scale Virgil's power to Dante's, in which you could have simply mentioned his without Bayonetta having any involvement with the outcome

>Everyone who isn't a Kirbyfag undersells him IMMENSELY because they don't play the games and assume he's just a cute little pink puffball who likes to eat things
That’s the other way around
All powerlevel kirbyfags overestimate his abilities since they never played a kirby game, only getting their information from Twitter memes
literally whenever Powerlevels are discussed and a character Kirby clearly can’t beat, they immediately just say Kirby
