WebM Thread?

WebM Thread.

Attached: JustCause4_2019_05_27_18_54_17_557.webm (948x400, 2.76M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Mistakes into miracles.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

I'm afraid I don't have any Webms to share but I do have these two screenshots I just snapped and they are related in content to your first file because they are also about Trains.

In this first image you can see me driving a British Class_03 diesel electric shunter on the Doncaster Works yard. My task was to collect a rake of old cars which needed their wheels lathing true. The screenshot shows my view from the cab as I approach work shed pit 2 (Pit 1 being busy with the cars I brought in previously!).

Attached: Class_03_DoncasterWorks_Shed2_Approach.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

In this image you can see the Locomotive itself, from an external view. Currently parked and in neutral at Wagon Shed 5, waiting for my next assignment after a job well done shunting rakes around the yard and getting those wheels lathed.
Despite being an easy job I always feel a great sense of satisfaction when I complete it.

Attached: Class_03_Doncaster_Works_Wagon_Shop5_Job_Well_Done.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

Sorry if they weren't appreciated, I didn't mean to kill your thread.

Your posts are very appreciated, and underrated train user. What would be a good entry train sim (if that even exists)

Attached: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 2019.05.02 - (700x392, 2.87M)

make a fucking webm from those man. Just download sharex

Well, right now there are two realistic choices for modern, supported mainstream train simulators;
>Train Simulator 2019
The one in the screenshots and this webm.
It has vast support but it's engine is old, very old in fact as it has simply been updated over the years.
>Train Sim World
Far more up to date and more demanding on your system. Has less support but being the newer platform it is still growing.

Both are suitable as a player's first introduction to train simulators as a huge push was done recently by the developer to make it more user friendly with the addition of very detailed tutorials and help systems.

Here is a webm of me quickly starting up and reversing an old Class 37. Quite a heavy duty engine this one.

Attached: Class_37_Startup.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Attached: max_action17.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: smod37.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>that fov

Attached: disgusting in finnish.jpg (784x931, 81K)

Attached: japanese 'humor'.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

Attached: Kaiju loli.webm (852x480, 2.65M)

Attached: Smod26.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Attached: chase.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

Why are they doing that?

looks horrible

It's a budget porn game, please understand.

I missed you "japanese 'humor'" user

Shout-out to train user for bringing oc to a webm thread.

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit1.webm (889x500, 2.74M)

Attached: T-Thanks.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

this player is terrible

You should have used the gauss cannon there


Maybe I didn't feel like it. It's beside the point in any case.

i fucking hate this camper-fest game so much

Reminds me of Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge; that mission where you're defending the train with the Navajo artifact from countless
Los Muertos planes, zeppelins, armored trucks and even a fucking train with canons. GOOD SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!

Attached: dead space.webm (636x360, 2.44M)

Here's me heading out from Cardiff Central stopping at Newport in a 158!

Attached: Class_158_Cardiff_Central_Depart.webm (640x360, 2.35M)

yeah dude I hate when people camp in a game of attack and defend, like wtf bro come at me defenders

Attached: it just works.webm (900x380, 2.96M)

You go boy!

Attached: FP vs C4.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Can I drive a pacer train and crash it into a fucking wall in this?

Attached: pacer.jpg (480x360, 21K)

>crawlers only wave in objective mode
[Desire to burn things intensifies]

Attached: Fuck Crawlers.webm (960x540, 2.72M)

Attached: shaniwalkover.webm (1016x720, 2.36M)

ahah ok brah

Attached: 1 second away.webm (896x504, 2.51M)

You can, the whole Pacer family is available as DLC from first or third party sources.
Personally I really enjoy driving the BR Class 143 Pacer, which I have in a number of liveries.

Well, you can drive it, not into a wall. You could use the in-game route creation tools to make a section of rail which simply goes into a wall and crash into that but you'd just derail and end the scenario.


where is this from? looks extremely polished

Attached: lel.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

Attached: Shorty M4 vs scavs.webm (853x480, 2.95M)

these webms suck...

If autismolord up there with the trains can learn how to make and post a webm in a single post then i'm pretty sure you can do similar.
So go ahead and share some of your own amazing content

there's only so many webms to be made until they become reposts

Attached: catharsis.webm (896x504, 2.91M)

>man is literally btfo

I just noticed that all webs are under 3MB. Wasn't the limit increased to 4MB on all boards?

Attached: Steve Fox.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Get a load of this homo

Attached: 1454933493262.jpg (343x503, 36K)

Attached: nice.png (864x908, 1.37M)

They lost a bet


Attached: PANIC.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

not gonna waste my webms on this sucky thread...

haha ok fag
>my glorious webms are too good for this shitty thread

you probably fuck yourself with a golden dildo you sound like a insufferable faggot

Attached: Shootstyle.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: SweetPope_and_HellaDrake.webm (1280x720, 2M)

Wew, that's some intense healing. Fuck, I kinda miss KF1. Also, agreed.

Attached: Outta my way, son.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

at least i dont make sucky webms.

user, don't overdo the meme. It'll get old, and people will start filtering it.

Attached: Left me hangin'.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

Attached: 1555737868687.jpg (497x497, 46K)

Is the game still utter shit?

God, I hate 3MB limit. If you still have the source, could you try remaking this in 480 or 720 with an upped bitrate? I feel like it'd probably turn out better that way. Feel free to tell me to fuck off, but I'm not meaning to be an asshole.

You can post regular images up to 4MB, but it's still 3MB for webms, at least on Yea Forums.

Attached: Smoking kills.webm (720x404, 2.93M)

Attached: 5eb6595b076d47fea2cfa0ea1149f427.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

I think it's Beware.
God awful name that's terrible for search engines but basically a driving horror game.

the doctor forgot to stomp on the body when he was born

Attached: 07.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

>driving horror game



Absolutely based

Attached: 05.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

that fov is a war crime

Yes, you go arround on your car never going out of it and hiding/scaping from dangers, its basically a walking simulator on wheels

Is this a fucking driving horror game? It looks atmospheric as fuck.


what game is this

I'm not sure if it's early access or something but what I saw was very barebones. Basically you start driving, start getting chased by a different car, you can stall or get your wheels trapped in mud, people in the other car run up to you trying to get you out.
From what I saw, it's pretty effective but I don't think there was enough content to fully support it as a game.

ironically its worse when defenders decide to attack the attackers.

Amid Evil

Attached: 01.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

That sounds fucking amazing
Have some run-of-the-mill fighting game webm in the meantime

Attached: 1 Replay_2019-03-26_00-01-28.webm (560x312, 2.69M)

Trainwiz, is that you?

Bros we need an answer. Is Just Cause 4 good now?

I bought this game today, goddamn do I need to get used to the air brake system because jesus christ Jane stop this crazy thing

Attached: 06.webm (852x480, 3M)

On Steam it's gone from mostly negative to mixed. I guess that's a start.

I've never played siege in my life but that's fucking hilarious

Attached: 1465485186399.webm (1048x500, 1.72M)

looks fun as hell

A lot of funny stuff happens in siege

Attached: the russian handshake.webm (896x504, 3M)

Bethesda can't die fast enough.

>he can't breach and clear
yikes bud, if you get killed by a camper in Siege you are clinically retarded, seek help

God Hand got a remake?

can a brother have sauce?

Attached: Flying Knox.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>breach and clear
ash is not an operator, it's a state of mind
not a good one

Attached: life comes at you fast.webm (896x504, 2.95M)

god damn, perfect

Attached: Comix Zone.webm (840x1080, 1.22M)

you explain how in fuck this happened

I know where i can find the sauce but since is kinda old any link or torrent would be probably dead already.
Pretty sure that car is scripted to crash if anything touch it, getting the body to colide with it was probably alot of quick save/load until done right.

but how did the body explode so far

Attached: dynamic entry.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

can somebody post v.006

very nice, now you have no c4 left and 70% of the wave to go.
next time use the m79/32 wombo combo like a non retard

Attached: 1472943701567.gif (640x360, 1.43M)

Attached: wizard smokehouse.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

All I had was a deagle, C4, and grenades because I had only joined a wave or two prior. Go fuck yourself.


Attached: 1561639897034.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>join mid wave
>does not buy class core items
Oh so you think its cool to ruin 5 other players game because your having fun?

>I could afford the RPG
Funny guy

well i still wanna give a try to see if these links are still working

I actually found a somewhat recent link but i don't buy it, file size doesn't match, up to you if you wanna risk it.


How confusing is not having colors with just the ally markers? I want to do it but it looks like it can lead to a lot of hesitation.

Attached: mine now.webm (696x392, 2.29M)

well it seems more of a virus file than the game thanks anyway

You get used to it really fast. There are very few times I get smeckeldorfed by mistaking the wrong person for the wrong team - it still happens but it's not nearly enough to be a problem.

Attached: the long reach of rome.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

lots of explosives, probably got one primary detonation and then a bunch of shit collected around it and the unconscious target

Attached: assault.webm (600x336, 2.92M)

There's a button that puts arrows over your teammates

Attached: The forbidden gesture.webm (524x298, 2.95M)

Yes that's why I said "with ally markers". I know.

Holy tryhard batman

My bad
It's really fucking confusing in large fights i wouldn't play without it

Nah, as the guy he was bitching to, tryhard is a silly thing to say (it's usually a silly thing to say, if I'm being honest). I was playing on Suicidal, and there are much better ways to deal with FPs that I would have gladly used if I could. You don't wanna be some numbnuts who's intentionally fucking around and ruining shit for your team on difficulties that are actually challenging.

Yeah I find myself getting confused with team colors and markers on. Can't see markers when people are really close and in certain lightings it can be tough to discern color.

yeah, they literally stand no chance if their team is just as good as the attacker team, their guns are more for CQB and if they're caught in medium or long range then they're fucked.

Holy tryhard batman

Quality post(s). Kill yourself.

>first person driving with nonfunctional mirrors
ooh no pls why

Found a legit link but is from a shitty uploader, you could just play the demo there is not much difference from the full version except that you won't be able to enter her cunny and shoot her uterus.

>post webm of you being a dipshit
>someone calls you out
>explain you being a dipshit
>still get called out being a dipshit
>someone mocks the guy calling you a dipshit
>a-actually he's right though
You're a fucking cuck and I'd imagine people walk all over you day to day.

Attached: 1513020835514[1].gif (400x304, 1.95M)

I didn't say he was right. I still think he's an asshole for being a cunt with the information of a several second webm, and I'm guessing you're him pretending to be a second person. Again, fuck off, faggot.

Meant to quote and forgot link 14vt4q57 is a uploaded.net format but this shit won't let me post it becuase it think is spam

>Nah, tryhard is silly blah blah situational bullshit no one cares about explaining how he's right
>but this isn't defending!
Again how much of a doormat are you? You've made enemies with two people in this thread both with polar opposite opinions so I'd imagine moldy-wet-doormat

Like how the flags fly completely differently from each other in the wind, so realistic and great attention to detail from the makers

Attached: 1487285724777.jpg (668x960, 73K)

>everything is perfectly black and white hurrrrr. If you disagree with X, you agree with Y!
>things I didn't do (explain how he's right)
WEW. Imagine being this much of a drooling retard and trying to talk shit. I said the idea of calling people tryhards is silly and explained why that is. I didn't say the other fucktard wasn't being a retarded asshole. FPs enrage after like 10-15 seconds of sight on players. The FP was time-engraged by my teammate, and I wasn't not going to try to kill him.

>expecting perfect coordination from a team of random people
>inb4 hurrr just start with more money for RPG or always get random teammates who'll share money
Yeah, okay, dude. Congrats on being a fucking mong. By all means, shift the goalposts and tell me to not join any game that isn't 100% fresh when there are often only a handful of suicidal games up at a time.

Attached: 1458938711917.png (392x464, 293K)

Attached: abaddonsrewardfordancers.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)