Still the best game of the decade, 8 years later

>still the best game of the decade, 8 years later

How the fuck did Fromsoft do it?

Attached: dark souls.jpg (1600x900, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a shame people are forced to buy the version that looks like Dark Souls 2 now.

Passion, ambition, experimentation, pretty much everything that the average game lacks this decade

>How the fuck did Fromsoft do it?

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Bloodborne surpassed it
BOTW was better
I prefer Demon’s Souls.
Still a top 5 game of the past decade

>game of the decade

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>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

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the weebs and trannies on this board have put a mental block in place so they dont remember this game

why lie to yourselves?

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>walk 5 steps
>fall off thing
>walk three steps
>get stabbed by enemy in bullshit enemy placement
>fight the same boss over and over, have to keep running the same area every time just to get to the boss
Hard =/= good

>BOTW was better

BOTW has already been surpassed by chink mobile shovelware. BOTW is trash.

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Top 10 games of the decade:

1) Bloodborne
2) Dark Souls
3) Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
4) Max Payne 3
5) Dragon's Dogma
6) Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
7) Monster Hunter World
8) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
9) Doom 2016
10) Dark Souls III


Yes and why didnt they do it again in any of 3 next games

>no witcher III
This has got to be the ultimate weeb cope compilation

>dark souls is hard
how about you dont be a shit and git gud

Like Final fantasy 7, it was like catching lightning in a bottle, and neither square nor fromsoft have been able to capture it again since.

Movie games are nice, but they aren't top 10 material.

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I shouldn't have to "git gud" for the game to be good. It should just be good no matter who plays it.

>muh obscure non-story
Suck my fucking dick. Witcher 3 has one of the best stories in any video game, ever. Dark Souls doesn't even have proper cutscenes. You have to read a fucking wikipedia just to understand what's going on.

Unlike most movie-games, w3 actually has gameplay. A lot of it.

Why the fuck did you include Max Payne 3 then?

Skyrim was better

seething casul enjoy your movies

>wtf im playing with my brain turned off and i keep dying???

a small price to pay for a decent online experience

Bloodborne was better

>I don't need to git gud, the game should just be easy for me
>needing to be spoonfed the story
Absolute state of Witcher fans, I bet none of you have even read the book

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For me, it's the world design and art direction unironically. It's that sky in Anor Londo, it's that view at the top of the church, that sun that Solaire is staring at, that view from the spot of the giant that opens the door in Sen's Fortress, the crystal caves, the ambiance in the forest, the moonlight butterfly, the theme of Ornstein and Smough. Everything is so sincere and has so much soul.

Why is Dark Souls such a good game bros?

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witcher 3 focuses on setting and story above all else, the gameplay being secondary. that makes it a movie game.

max payne 3 has a story with a lot of cutscenes yea, but the gameplay is the focus of the game and its exceptionally good. therefore not a movie game.

amount of cutscenes has nothing to do with whether something is a movie game or not. see the last of us, clearly a movie game even if it doesnt have a ton of cutscenes.

and yet ds1 vets prefer ptde because of the lack of ghoststrikes in dsr

>doom 2016
>dark souls 3
hahaha you fucking brainlet

Nobody argues that BOTW combat is good, but there's literally now way genshin is gonna do everything else botw does better either

top 10 of 2010s
1. bayonetta
2. red dead redemption
3. dustforce
4. doom 2016
5. DMC 5
6. undertale
7. hollow knight
8. dark souls
9. portal 2
10. breath of the wild

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spotted the nigertendo

Holy fuck you're retarded.

At least half that list is garbage. Smash Ultimate isn't even the best smash game this decade

enjoy your EPIC story bro

Pecause the game has been designed, in terms of gameplay and art/aesthetics, as a 90s game. Even the graphics look like from 2006 or so, mgs4 from 2008 arguably looks better (pure technically that is).

Great art direction -> great mystery/sense of wonder + exploration + combat that feels heavy and stiff = basically like a ps1 experience. Everything about it scream s 90s and they pulled that off really well

how the fuck do i get my gf to actually try to play these games properly anymore while still doing co-op? i made her solo DS1 and BB past halfway, and she seemed to hang in there with me decent enough. we've played through ds3 together in its entirety and are wrapping up ds2, but she's seemed really low effort and reliant on me to do heavy lifting on most bosses in these last two games. she started sekiro on release day but quit playing after da bull and hasn't touched for three months.

yes ds1 is game of the generation imo

For me it's:

Ghost Trick
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Sonic Mania
Hollow Knight
Thimbleweed Park
Nier Automata

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>Fucking Undertale is better than Dark Souls and Portal 2

i tried playing witcher
but god this is so boring
combat sucks ass

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It looks almost identical to the original
The stable framerate is worth it

If it were anything like a non-RPG 90's game it would be boring and impossible to play.


clunky combat, no optimisation, shit graphics, shit multiplayer. worst game of the souls series

*blocks your path*

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Dark Souls is the sole successor of obscure Japanese RPGs like Lunatic Dawn and Zill O'll that focused on mechanics and player choice and didn't let the story railroad gameplay. Also Dark Souls had good art direction and good localization, which are rarities today.

>muh graphix
>muh "clunky" buzzword that doesn't even mean anything

Isn't it past your bedtime, kid?

dark souls turns to shit after anor londo, and it's hit or miss before that point anyway. most overrated game of the 2010s, demons souls did everything dark souls did, first, and better.

>Unironically prefering demons souls

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Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls: Scholar of The First Sin
For Honor
Smash 4
Tekken 7
Rocket League
Fallout New Vegas
The Age of Decadence
Mount and Blade: Warband
Shadowrun Dragonfall

Uhhh. There's really not that many good games anymore. I had to really stretch to fill this list desu.

Yea looked fine to me. Took a bit of getting used to but it's still the same amazing game.

my wife couldn't even play skyrim when she realized you had to both look and move with both sticks at the same time, had a panic attack during the opening sequence because "it was overwhelming"

>>muh "clunky" buzzword that doesn't even mean anything
Dark Souls combat has a retarded input delay where your character can be stuck doing inputs pressed seconds ago. It frankly is the main reason why I don't have Dark Souls in my top 10 GOAT.

I think you missed what the game was going for bud

That's not input delay, you're queuing actions. It's invaluable in Sekiro especially.

i think you missed my butthole your mom was going for with her tongue haha bud

>smash 4

I like smash games and 4 is better than ultimate.

It makes the combat subpar in DeS and DaS for me. The games make up for it by rewarding smart builds and play, but it overall lessens the feeling of control when characters do moves you did not intend them to do.

How come no one ever talks about the setting and characters? Damn, replaying the first game and remembering all games, every single person meets a tragic fate.

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Its not even the best game in the souls series.
>das being experimental
God, fucking kill yourselfs.


that's your fault for settling down with a normal woman, user.

Imagine being such a delusional soulsfag that you would actually believe this

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This, but Bloodborne is better than both.

far from it, she just can't play any game that requires any coordination at all.

>BOTW was better

Agree 100%. The irony, of course, is that Dark soulets complain BOTW had poor combat mechanics without looking at their own favorite game, lmao!

>only 8/50 made during the past 10 years

Even by that list there are only 5 games above it, and dark souls is the best game of the decade that is an original ip.

Nioh has better gameplay than any FromSoft game, and no one mentions it.

Yea Forums has gone soft.

>most were made durig the 90s
so is this just proof that games were better back then, or is it just that new gaming concepts are harder to conceive of today?

Like I said. Most games suck now. To the point where it's difficult to even pick ten really good ones.

>best game of the decade that is an original ip
It's a sequel though.

it does but everything else is weaker. so overall the game ends up being slightly worse.

Ah, you're right. I always forget about DeS even tough I fucking played it.

Viking: Battle for Asgard's combat unironically shits all over Souls combat. It actually depresses me how shit the combat in Dark Souls is when it gets so much praise, yet Viking was actually fun and nobody even heard about it.

what's the best

It's literally mediocre at best and only low-IQ Plebbit and NeoFAG trannies praise this shit to heaven.

Nothing about it is even remotely great, not the music (literally the composer's worst video game OST so far, just boring as fuck, even if music is present which it usually isn't), the terrible, generic gameplay, the level design which is literally just corridors without barely any verticality (except ladders).

Also unpolished as fuck, especially the second half.

Also, as a journalist let me tell you; the only reason we give From shit good scores these days is literally because we simply fear a backlash of legions of mentally ill fans storming our websites and calling us "casual" and trying to denounce us.

Wish people like you just killed themselves and stopped coming here.

Reviews for Souls games are completely vacuous.

Almost every niche random JRPG that came out is better, probably hundreds, lol. Xenoblade for example is a new IP and has some excellent bits like soundtrack, art, exploration, something fresh like scaling two titans as the setting and does away with boring, rigid turn-based shit for a good middle ground. Souls does nothing but suck and make casuals feel cool.

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>Scholar of The First Sin
Leave this thread and never return

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everyone knows that the 2000s and 90s were better than the 2010s, you can't even argue otherwise

Dude, viking sucked the fattest dick. It was boring as hell and Iegit wanted to like it.

remastered looks like shit, how sad.
original is GOAT

>Wish people like you just killed themselves and stopped coming here.
based post

>Bloodborne surpassed it
well yeah
>BOTW was better
not even trying at this point
>I prefer Demon’s Souls.
me too

>original is GOAT
Both are trash and you are a low-IQ retard, which is also why your enunciation is low high school level.

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>not enjoying wandering around a comfy nordic island collecting beer and gold, slaying undead soldiers and summoning dragons
you have homosex

I think what really kills it for me is how bad effects from the base game are compared to everything in the DLC. I am praying that in the sequel equipment effects will all be percentage based instead of so many flat number bonuses. Surely they know this time how high the scale is going to go up front?

Ive never had sex, what do people mean when they tell trannies to dilate?

never played a souls game before, but is the "dark souls is hard git gud" meme just for mouth breathers? it doesnt look very difficult if you just roll at the right time

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Do you play Monster Hunter? Have you done the later quests solo? Like 140 Zinogre or AT Nergigante? or DMC on higher difficulties? Then Souls is piss easy in comparison.

It's just mouth breathers.

It's not that hard, mostly it's just memorizing level design and boss attack patterns so you don't get surprised by some random bullshit like an enemy hiding in a corner and die.

hit detection in dark souls is hilariously bad. how the fuck did this game get good reviews?

weebs will never ever recover, not in this decade and not in the next, and i will remind it to you every single time

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Love how misaligned the visuals in these games are with the difficulty.

>ultimate endgame DLC mobs
>literally just some hobos that do half of your health with the mere back of their hands as opposed to giant knights hitting you with 5 feet swords 20 hours earlier who did half the damage

ingward doesnt

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I love the game, but your criticism is spot on. sick of dickriders

*Teleports behind you*

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That's not dark souls 2

>how the fuck did this game get good reviews?

DeS didn't get good reviews across the board, it got raped by the Famitsu for one. It was only when the autistic fanbase came to be that reviewers became careful with what they give Souls.

We are FORCED to give Souls games high review scores these days to be regarded as "hardcure" and trustworthy.

Letting you in on a secret here. There is a reason you never see them win GotY awards, though. Most of us actually hate these games to death.

>Any Dark Souls game
>best game

It's the best souls game by a wide margin with the exception of DeS but that came out in 2009.

1: falls apart entirely about halfway through the game and never recovers.

3: cheap imitation of every other souls game with none of things that made any of the rest of them special.

BB: no build variety, no gameplay variety, every aspect of the game from the environments to the combat is severely hampered by the hardware.

Scholar stands on its own merits as the biggest and best souls game.

It's not even the best soulsborne game

>reddit spacing
Don't be so obvious with your bait user

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>as a journalist let me tell you
Stopped caring. Gaming journos hate Souls games because they're not cakewalks, and they hate that it's their job to play through and review these games, because they actually require some effort.

Game journos HATE video games.

DeS is >10 yrs old now, also not technically a sequel. Not even getting into KF/ST/etc bs

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git gud

>Do a list in a paragraph or else I'll call you a plebbitor

Good shit dude. I'd tell you to hang yourself but you seem to be functional without ant oxygen going to your brain anyways

>Most of us actually hate these games to death.
Yes, everyone knows that gaming (((journalists))) hate video games that aren't movie-game cakewalks. Because souls games actually require some effort.

it is not a very fast paced game. A lot of bosses are easy to read, there are a few really good bosses. A lot of the difficult parts are just "btw this game has mimics" or "gotcha! better watch out for that when you come back through."
If you play with sorcery then the games are ez modo.

and then there's the worst boss of all time where you block, you get knocked in the hole, you make a run for it, you get knocked in the hole. You try to roll through the sweep, you get knocked in the hole. To this day I still don't know what the strategy is besides hope RNG will pick not to sweep the arms,

I tried to get a friend to play it, he got killed by tutorial mooks because he was standing in one place swinging, wouldn't be mobile at all. It's funny because I watched this guy play through both Kingdom Hearts games. Most people didn't think it was hard, they were shitting on people like this who did by telling them "git gud" because the game is pretty simple when you get down to it.

DS2 is legit harder, they shit out tons of enemies at your just because they thought that would make it harder in a meaningful way, everything has disjointed hitboxes.
3 everything is pretty beefed up, it is like playing DS1 on NG+ the first time.

It's funny. people keep posting this, but when they do they never post webms of how boring and janky the fucking combat is as you sidestep around monsters.

To be fair, King's Field games take decades to complete because of how shit they run.

Did you like BB and Sekiro, and did you actually beat them?

on the original hardware, sure. bump up emulator cpu speed and they run fast and smooth like those silky stones.

literally seething

Pretty weird how original with DSfix just blows the remake out of the water graphically.
Not even a contest.


the game that started from softwares success was their most kino one.

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what am I supposed to be seeing in this webm? you're mad that you got hit?

>only playable with mods
>got rid of the many popular features from older games
>watered down lore
I love skyrim, but it's not the best

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based and takeyourpreciousdemon'ssoulpilled

>t. hasn't played Doom 2016

>started from softwares success
>tenchu, armored core, adventures of cookies & cream

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you know what I meant retard. They spend years with Kings Field and Shadow Tower to a niche as fuck audience. Demons Souls was the break out hit that spawned what we have now, all the way to Sekiro and Elden Ring.

>good map
>good miracles
>good bros
simple as

the ultimate Yea Forums shill guide

One day anons, one day, we will find what was behind that broken Archstone.

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>try bloodborne
>its just dark souls 4

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if only
also, demons had a much better OST than dark souls, which is important to me

Or you could just fucking play the original, bitch.

I'm so sick of remake-sperging.

>but the servers are down!¨
Because you didn't play the game, cunt.

Demon's souls is fucking fantastic still, i prefer the atmosphere of it to DaS; the fact that there's more broken shit in it makes it more fun

People actually dont like Dark souls because of "muh difficulty"

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>dude just buy a console for one game

I didn't fall for the PS4 meme and won't fall for that, either
and DeS still doesn't emulate perfectly so fuck that too

I want ds3 collision detection
With ds2 infusion and scaling system
And ds1 level design + poise

Fell for this fucking meme about 3 months ago, picked it up as I was grocery shopping, it is a literal meme
>boring ass gameplay
>awful quest plots
don't forget the awful leveling system that is exactly like FO4's but that isn't mentioned by anyone

>w3 actually has gameplay
*input-required padding
Not the same thing.

original vs remastered
which is better on pc?

you actually mean
>try Dark souls 3
>it's just Bloodborne 2

yes i did play dark souls 3 first

>yfw it just transports your des character to das and vice versa

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>Witcher 3

>not playing in release order like any sane person
yikes, normalfag

>liking anything about DS2
watch out bro, you might get shit on

I keep forgetting a remake even happened. Every time I see a screenshot of DaS now I'm like "wow did it really look this dated" and I quickly realize it's the fucking remake. Why does it look so bad, why do they force you to play this?

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I only played the first game and the combat was janky and I was bored out of my mind pretty early on.

Can I skip to the 3rd game and is it worth playing when I didn't like the first?

>buying a dilationstation 4 to play one game

>as a journalist

not my fault you didn't play in release order, my fellow redditor

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for the last couple years, ebay/paypal return policies give buyers upwards of 6 months free returns for virtually any reason.

Best way for bed of chaos is to quit after destroying a heart; the game loads you outside the boss room for a perfect neutral run to the next heart, and the damage you did carries over.

Its a shit way of doing it but cuts out most of the bullshit, i've never died doing it this way.

The third game is much more accessible and pretty looking but also much more linear and railroads you into a typical melee build

>Also, as a journalist let me tell you

Fromsoft should respect journalists by adding a handicapped mode

Nah the infusion system was almost universally liked. Restricting weapon infusion is retarded.

They can't type up a review in a day like they can for COD or Naughty Dog games

Thats the thing, it is good no matter who plays it. You are in the bottom 0.001% of bottom tier worst players on the planet if you think it's hard in a bad way and not a brilliantly crafted challenge that is perfectly fair.

t.spend 400 dollars on soilentstation for 1 {(one (uno)} game

>adventures of cookies & cream

>no M&B: Warband

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did the same for DeS
it was worth it in either case

what is it with you retards

if you're buying a console for one game just find a return policy to abuse like ive already said.

>only five more months until it's locked in as Game of the Decade
It's been a wild ride Soulsbros

beep beep outta da way magic dragon sword nerds

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Forgot metal gear survive and fallout 76 faggot

>When death stranding is releasing november.
Close but not quite

I've been on and off writing drafting ideas for a video I want to make on the subject for over two years now. It's on an aspect of the game I've never really heard people get into and is very dear to me.
I know ecelebs and self-promotion are frowned upon, as they should be. But how would I share it with y'all if I made it otherwise?

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Reddit essay? or shill the vid to vaati and others in hope theyll shout out

get fucked

>movie games
W3 was based on a book series, there was a bunch of movies, but no one gives a shit about them

You mentioned it, so you might as well follow through.

I don't care about Reddit upboats or anything like that. It's not even about the lore so I don't know if the general community would even care.
Yeah, I resolved to make it a few weeks ago and have been working passively on it since. I'll find some way to reasonably share it with anons when its done.

made this a few months ago, probably outdated but why not

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based and blackpilled. keep killing soulsfaggots based our guy.

Dark souls 1 was a lighting in a bottle. FromSoftware has never been able to replicate it.

I agree with you on none of them except probably 2010 and maybe 2015 but this is very reasonable and you have good taste.

>stand still and let enemy attack you
>take damage

you can literally mod skyrim to be dark souls

Clearly you never grinded in w3

OP didn't tell us best in what category exactly
maybe he meant best in terms of shitboxes and slow, boring gameplay of the decade, in that case he's very correct.

what games would you pick?

>normiest game
user, most normies wont pick up single player games and if they would, they would target bethesda and nintendo.

this isn't terraria

bootleg elder scrolls for people who want to feel cool because they are playing a european title, nah ill pass

lmao they fucked upp

CDPR is the only honest dev in the industry.

I'd need to sit down and look at a list of the stuff that came out each year.
I'd put DS1 above Terraria for 2011 and Dishonored above DDDA for 2012, both both your picks would be my second choices.
I liked NieR Automata and Prey 2017 more than HK for 2017 but that's a solid 3rd choice.
2015 would be a hard choice between Bloodborne and Undertale for me. Witcher 3 was good too.
You have great taste either way.

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way to go, now the baseddrones have to come and shit up the thread with breath of the wild because you didnt put it in every slot

You have a valid argument. BuT wHo CAreS BeCAusE YOu neeD To GET GUD

>uses awful reddit memes
>has terrible taste in games

Checks out.

bayonetta above DMCV lmao. i wouldnt even put bayo in front of DMC2, that game is a fucking pile

how droll.

^this guy fucks


2 has shit level design, world design and enemy/boss design, tho

the only good thing going for it is the freedom

I love how people bitch about the lack of these things constantly and never look at the underlying problem.

Passion, ambition and experimentation don't necessarily come with PAY, which is something you need in order to make a living. If people got paid (more) to be passionate, ambitious and experimental with their jobs, you'd see more of it.

People don't get paid more to do those things though. They collect a wage that goes up only at the whim of their bosses, who aren't going to hand out raises just because you feel that you worked harder. Even ambition is a mixed bag - it can take you far, but it also makes you a threat to the established money and power in whatever market you're trying to establish yourself.

TL;DR You want to see awesome video games? Reward the actual people who make them, and not just the publishing company or its shareholders. Until the behavior you want from people comes with an adequate reward to incentivize people to act that way, you're only ever going to see the indicated behavior in outliers.

who the fuck are you preaching to? no one here is signing checks, negotiating dev contracts, whatever.

>Bloodborne at 1
Yeah, no. Why would you put this trash fire at the top of anything?
>Dark Souls
Yeah, okay, but it probably doesn't belong this hig-
>Metal Gear Rising
You're not even fucking trying anymore. Is this whole list just a joke?
>Max Payne 3
>Dragon's Dogma
>Monster Hunter
You have to go back.

>Witcher 3 has one of the best stories....
Opinion discarded. Thoroughly. Someone hit this man so hard he falls off the internet.

8 years ago, fuck. It's terrifying how fast the time goes, I remember preordering it on a total whim, knowing nothing about it. Really glad I did.

Hard to find someone on Yea Forums not shitting on it

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capping frames at 60 with DSfix causes mechanical issues though

Yeah, I sure love blown out gamma-incorrect lighting and no physically based rendering

which can be toggled by pressing backspace because those mechanical issues are only in 2 or 3 parts of the game

>Also, as a journalist let me tell you; the only reason we give From shit good scores these days is literally because we simply fear a backlash of legions of mentally ill fans storming our websites and calling us "casual" and trying to denounce us.
Yes, that's why they all gave Demon's Souls good scores before the series was ever popular.
You LARPing cuck faggot.


based DSP-level retard

Actual Games of the decade:

Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3
Persona 5
Dragon Quest XI
Hollow Knight
Dark Souls 2

>second half of the game is shit that in places is literally unfinished (ie bed of chaos)
Dark Souls isn't the best game of the decade, and the only reason anyone would say so is due to nostalgia because it was the first 'Dark Souls' like game they played.

God you're a seething faggot

Still the best

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Witcher 3 was better

Witcher3 was better

>Actual top ten: non-mainstream edition
1. Pathologic 2
2. Factorio
3. Victoria II
4. Crusader Kings II
5. Europa Universalis IV
6. Gary Grigsby's War in the East
7. Kentucky Route Zero
8. Distant Worlds: Universe
9. Counterfeit Money
10. Papers, Please


having just played the first dark souls (70 hours) and now 20 hours into the second i can confirm that it's not as hard as it's cracked up to be. honestly finding things is the hardest part, playing a thief fucked me up going into areas that i probably shouldnt have

>cuckader kangs

dark souls is overrated and boring

Indeed such a beautiful Armor Set, Hope he gets to be in Smash so i can kick some Fire Emblem ass

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I still refuse to believe there's a huge crowd of normies that think these games are supposed to be good
the gameplay is witcher 3 tier


You're not fitting in.

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Challenge: Name all of the games from that list that you Genuinely think are overrated

Look at this Fromdrone

>be retarded
yeah thats usually how that works

rekt faggot

I may be new to dark souls (took me a month to beat ds1, working on ds2 now) but I agree that ds1 is amazing for what it is.
The atmosphere, the music, the bosses (except you ornstein), the weapons, man it's all fantastic. The locations are also much more diverse than bloodborne (my first soulsborne). I will never forget huge places like anor londo, or the beautiful crystal caves.
Now I'm just waiting for ds2 to start getting good.

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>Single player MMO with shit combat

>Now I'm just waiting for ds2 to start getting good.
He doesn't know

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Top 10 games of 2010s.

#1 Dota 2
#2 Fallout: New Vegas
#3 Breath of the Wild
#4 Bloodborne
#5 Xenoblade Chronicles
#6 Dark Souls
#7 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
#8 Bayonetta
#9 Mario Maker (pick 1 or 2)
#10 The Wonderful 101

My personal list. I don't own a PS4 but I've played God of War, Bloodborne, The Last of Us, and Horizon because my friend lent me his.

Honorable Mentions: Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2

Thought Automata was overrated.