Play Bloodborne before she cries

Play Bloodborne before she cries

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I cant, it doesn't have any replayability.

Why would anyone choose the doll when Amelia exists?

*loud snoring*

Almost all the weapons are worth a playthrough

not him but I agree that the game lacks replayability. all the weapons feel the same to me and there is no magic playthrough as magic is garbo and you just end up using a weapon



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>YWN hug Maria
>YWN comfort her about the fate of the Fishing Hamlet
>YWN tell her that she did her best, and it's not her fault
>YWN feel her break down in your arms as years of guilt wash away in a flood of tears
>YWN hear her whisper a soft thank you in your ear as she finds peace at long last

Why even bother?

for me it's Iosefka

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>all the weapons feel the same to me

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>all the weapons feel the same
>no magic playthrough as magic is garbo

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Alright so how do I beat Gehrmann if my visceral attacks do 0 damage.

Try not going for visceral like a beta and smash is face in
how come your visceral do 0 damage?

Just spam R1 with your weapon till he dies.

She doesn't cry until you give her a hairpin.

Mediocre game

t. never played the game

I find myself lacking motivation

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For me it's Rakuyo

I don't fucking know, I've never had trouble with the bosses in this game but once I got to Gehrmann the difficulty suddenly went way up. It somehow really doesn't do much damage, it shocked me too.

Why isn't there a compilation of all the noises Bloodborne enemies make yet?

Remember how this game broke Yea Forums for three years right from the project beast leak? Good times. I've never witnessed such rampant asshurt on this board in all my years on Yea Forums, and I've been here since 09. My God when it finally released to great reviews it was an absolute analpocalypse.

Did you do DLC? No way you have trouble with him if you beat the likes of orphan of kos.

can't, i'm not a snoynigger

I don't have the DLC no
Dude fucking 2-shots me. I'm on the verge of giving up.

You're probably just way underleveled, try doing the optional stuff like Cainhurst castle

Your level and weapon?
He's easy to parry with gun when he does that scythe attack with long wind up time.

just beat yarhnam shadows.
im pissed.
I had 6 bolt paper, got them to the end twice.
the first time i reached the final stage where they summon giant snakes to attack you i was took by surprise and he did it immediately so i died
second time i got them to the end i shit the bed.
ran out of bolt paper.
used the tonitrus
looked like a noob winning instead of like a pro styling on them with bolt papers and my stake driver

oh user, why play with a copy when you can play with me instead, you need but ask

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I think I'm lvl 40, my weapon is the starting saw cleaver
I guess this should help me a bit, it's just kind of discouraging to do all of this for one boss

I'm about to fight the mystery of the druids for the first time, I want to finish them up and go to Cainhurst so I can finally look like the Executioner I know that I am

I love the stake driver but the range is so fucked

Because the Doll is perfect

Yeah you're a bit underleveled, I think I beat him at around lvl 70 or so with +10 Saif on my first playthrough, I ran through him pretty easily

I just feel cheap using the axe that i started with, isn't this weapon a little op? It feels liek a heavy wepon from dark souls but also acts like a regular axe too, it has reach, width, knock-downs, and i guess quick'ish attacks, i was going through the whole game up until now with it just parrying everyone and whacking them. Maybe i'll try another weapon instead of stake driver then. There's ludwigs blade but i heard that's op too, I want something average.

Yeah, that's a bit low level, people usually fight him at level 60-70. And I assume you didn't level dexterity (skill), that's why your viscerals are weak.
Saw cleaver is amazing weapon. Remember that enemies stunned with gun parry receive about 2.5 times more damage with next hit, you can learn parry timings on his attacks and smack him with dodge+L1 move while he's stunned for decent damage instead of viscerals.

I can ask the Doll too.

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Oh fuck, I guess I underestimated the leveling part a tiny little bit huh. And yeah I didn't put too many points in skill. Guess I'll stock up on some bullets and forget about the visceral attack. Thanks anons.

The hunter axe and Ludwig's blade are completely op you got that right, lots of the weapons I really like are in the dlc, in the base game I almost always use blades of mercy

I would, but I don't want to buy a PS4 for one game and PlaystationNow is not available in my country.

The hunter axe and Ludwig's blade are completely op you got that right, lots of the weapons I really like are in the dlc, in the base game I almost always use blades of mercy, you get from a goth doctor girl in the early game

>wanted to do a playthrough with the blood katana
>pick up rifle spear to use until I can finish Cainhurst
>end up liking it so much I stay with it after getting the Chikage

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a bottomless curse
a bottomless sea
wake me up
when it comes to PC

Might've also missed good blood gems in nightmare of mensis. There're 15 % and 18 % gems if you look around.

Post your weaponfu

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>blades of mercy, you get from a goth doctor girl in the early game
how early we talking?

First area technically, but you'd have to kill her. Also not a doctor, not everything with a beak like mask is a plague doctor

20 minutes in, there's a strat to kill her, then you need 16000 souls to actually buy the weapon

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Read up on it, i've met her at the 2nd location (outside yharnam cathedral ward lamp) if i progress with her quest can i still get the weapon?

>starter weapon is the best in the game
What did they mean by this?

Yes, or a very tough NPC can kill her. Either way you don't get the weapons, you get the Crow Hunter Badge that lets you buy the weapons.

40k actually, you'll have to farm echoes for a while if you want to use it in first area. I usually let Henryk kill her later if I want that weapon early because of the cost.
Yes, you can get them by either killing her at any point or finishing her quest line.

I never really did her quest so I don't know but I assume she will give you her badge herself if you do her quest

It's not. Saw Spear outclasses all the starting weapons, and the Church Pick is completely broken in comparison. The Saw Cleaver is only optimal during speedruns. Otherwise its outclassed.

I prefer cleaver on BL4 characters, those 10 damage points make some difference in the long run. Saw spear is better at backstabbing bosses because of longer reach on charged R2 though.

Alternatively use False Depth chalices for a Lost or Uncanny version


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Because contrary to popular belief not everyone is a mentally ill furfag.