Tfw massively motion sick after 10 minutes in VR

>tfw massively motion sick after 10 minutes in VR

I bought a headset and fell for the meme

Attached: vrcucked.jfif.jpg (370x136, 13K)

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It fixes itself you are just weak.

Not the techs fault you are a weakling.

Get your eyes checked.
Or get drunk.

If you got WMR, PSVR or a cheap Oculus return it and get a Vive and a PC that can do solid 90FPS.

Here's my solution: Buy a fan.
Gradual exposure to VR. Keep the fan blowing in your face.
Eventually you won't need the fan. Though you may never be able to stand something like Subnautica where you're moving and turning whilst your body is static, eventually you'll be able to handle all other kinds of VR just fine.

i dunno man im really loving my psvr

i also got motion sickness on my first couple of tries (often in PavlovVR). But train a bit daily and you will be ok

This. Check for astigma or other forms of visual flaws.
Eyes is sadly the window to the material realm, and the brain loves headaches when its confused.

Attached: Grandis.png (474x429, 85K)

your eyes aren't made for tech gramps

There are a lot of factors you have to consider, could you explain the circumstances that made you sick? What device? What framerate? What game?

A fan is fully suggested. Not only does it push past motion sickness, but it is great for long sessions to keep cool and prevent sweat damage.

I bought an Rift S, I do have an astigmatism.

I;m in good shape and no problems with roller coasters or other things that may make someone motion sick. I can play Beat saber and things such as that somewhat comfortably but 10-20 minutes in Gorn or Rec Room makes me feel pretty shitty.

Maybe I need to just keep trying?

>Rift S
>80Hz refresh rate
Well there is your problem.

Not OP, but just a normal usb fan? On the """secret""" usb slot on the top of the htc vive?

Just stop playing as soon as you feel off. Eventually it just won't bother you anymore.

Only other thing to check is to make sure you're getting a good framerate, and check that your IPD isn't way off

user is right. It's the refresh rate. I have severe Astigmatism and I can play 6-7 hours at a time of any game and be alright with my Vive.

I am guessing you use the fan to give the brain something that isn't sight as a reference point.

Nah, I have a stand up fan that I just raise the height on and point in my direction just outside of my play space. If you take the front grill off you get more air as well.

If motion sickness is too bad, just pop a Dramamine.

Try eating some form of ginger, like crystallized, chewable, or ginger tea before using your headset.

>want to get into VR since my computer has a 1070 in it
>can't afford a vive
>nearsighted as fuck so i'd need to buy lens inserts, too
>not enough space to move around either, so i'd only be able to use it sitting down and without the wands

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>nearsighted as fuck so i'd need to buy lens inserts, too
That's a meme, glasses fit just fine into the Vive at least.

>not enough space to move around
pretty unlikely unless you live in a literal closet

Dont worry, i laos have no space. The only playspace i got is 2,5m x 1.5m. and i dont know how often i just hit my warddrobe because of this shit.

Nah. Just buy a cheap desk fan, pull the plastic bit out to stop it rotating, and aim it at your face.
I got a 9 inch desk fan I bought for like £3.50. I would put it on the desk or bed and aim it at my face as I played.
I don't need it anymore. I can play something like Beat Saber or VR Chat for hours and only feel hot and tired (because my room is tiny) instead of wanting to puke constantly like I did when I first had a PSVR.
(I use a WMR headset now. One day I'll be able to afford the new steam one, but that's like two years off)
Just don't overdo it at first. You're only going to be able to handle like 1 hour under. Eventually 2. Then like 4+ and the fan won't be needed.
As soon as you feel nauseous: Stop. Do not push. You will regret it.
It's Sim sickness. You can never suffer motion sickness in your life and still get Sim sickness. Infact I'd say Sim Sickness is easier to train past, but worse initially since your body likely has never encountered it before.

Nearsight is not a big problem, being farsighted is.

>lens inserts
you can change the "fov". and i dont mean ingame, you can creat space between the glasses and the holder

>Nearsight is not a big problem, being farsighted is.
user, fo you know what nearsightedness is?

Took me 2 hours of onward to get my VR legs. Before I was dizzy most of the time after I didnt feel a thing.

That you can only see stuff close properly and stuff far way will be blurry.

Kek, not even my grandma got this problem.
but she cried after i showed her, her dead sister on google earth

Games to start with:
>PSVR - Tumble VR, Static, Moss, Thumper
>PC - Gorn, Superhot, Job Simulator, Space pirate trainer
Games to avoid at first:
>Skyrim VR
>Fallout VR
>Doom VFR
>Elite Dangerous
>Sairento VR
>VR Racing games

Yes, exactly. Let me give you a hint: it has nothing to do with something's actual physical distance, it has to do with the focal distance. Even though the screens on a VR headset are about an inch from your eyes, their focal distance is closer to five or so feet.

I call bullshit. I'm very sensitive to any motion sickness and almost never get any with my Vive.

Because it's not motion sickness. It's Sim sickness. It's kind of the opposite effect.

I know, still you can use a VR headset without problems.
Farsighted is what wont let you use a headset at all unless you use glasses.

It's possible, but it entirely depends on the game/experience you're trying. If you are first time user and start by sprinting, strafing and using thumbstick turning - of course your brain will freak the fuck out. You gotta ease into it.

Why were you showing your grandmother dead people in vr?

>considering Vive in 2019
da fuck is wrong with you

Anyone have a Rift S, how bad is the audio and can you use it with headphones?

>you're fine at 90Hz, but 80Hz will make you sick
sure buddy

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Audio is 2/10, but it has a 3.5mm jack so you can use headphones. Just gotta find the ones that fit over halo headstrap

i showed her, the town she was born and then the saw her sister which died 5 years ago, looking right into the google street view car.

Why is that bad, especially if you can get one for cheap?

>best tracking
>higher refresh rate than Rift S
>adjustable IPD unlike Rift S

Only real issue is resolution and the wands are pretty bad. But you have an upgrade path to the Index as well, and if your PC isn't that good then the resolution might be reasonable

You would be surprised, VRChat is a good place to see what low FPS do to you.

Well VRchat is a poorly optimized mess, but I wouldn't consider 80Hz a "low fps". It's just barely off 90Hz, your eyes can't tell a difference and I doubt that your brain can.

>Refresh rate? You only need 90hz.
>The eye can't even see beyond 80hz.
>What do you even need 72hz for?

People are pretty dumb, and they don't realise you can very easily pick up a Vive for 300 bucks these days.

For 300 bucks, you get an instant 200 dollar saving off an Index because you no longer need new, inferior basestations. You also get 2 controllers you can very easily hook up as feet trackers, which are a minimum 100 dollar value. And you still have the headset itself that you can probably re-sell from 50-100 bucks.

The controllers are shit and I'd happily take Rift S's -10hz and weaker black levels over vive's screen door and first gen resolution

t. former vive, current index owner

Nearsighted as well. I'm negative 8 on my right eye and negative 6 on my left. I have to wear my glasses or I can't see shit.

You would be surprised how easy it is to notice the difference.

Absolutely is. ~90 is about the bare minimum for what you need or else your brain desyncs with your movements.

literally everyone gets motion sick, you dip.

it's the same concept of being sick in space. you get used to it.

I've played a lot of heavily modded skyrimvr on vive with my fps flying all over the place and 10hz really isn't noticable.

Seems like few minor upsides in exchange for massive downsides.
Controllers and screen are the most important part of VR for me. I never tried Vive but Wands seems just horrific compared to Touch, and SDE is even worse than OG Rift (which was already shit).
Tracking on Rift S is great btw, also given lower refresh rate the higher res panel requires the same PC resources as Rift/Vive.

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Framerate doesn't equal refresh rate.

Well Rift S is running at 80Hz and Go/Quest at 72Hz and nobody is complaining.

I know.

I dunno, I played modded skyrim VR on a Vive too and I definitely noticed any late frames. I had to strip down my mod setup because of that and my relatively weak CPU.
Steady 90hz definitely makes for a way more immersive experience and I'll lower settings in any game until I get there. In contrast screen door hardly bothers me at all, ymmv I guess.

You'll really want the audio strap too, the wand controllers suck compared to those for Rift S, HTC support is trash if anything breaks and while the display may have better color it's got a very noticeable screen door effect.

If you could get it with the audio strap for less than a Rift S and upgrading to the Index HMD is something you plan to eventually do then it might be worth it.

Same. Skyrim VR is the only thing so far that's made me want to vomit. Nothing else has come close.

That audio strap is night and fucking day for comfort. I love it.

Dick gets motion sick. Motion dick.

VR headsets are the only thing in my life that have ever made me feel motion sick. Been on lots of roller coasters and rides, airplanes, boats, and long car trips. But within about 5 minutes of wearing a VR headset I will feel disoriented and want to vomit.

I might be able to get over it if I played a lot, but I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars on a piece of hardware that literally makes me sick.

Wait, because of locomotion or does it happen if you're just standing around/teleporting?
Because that seems really weird. Something has to be very wrong, like your framerate is total garbage, or your IPD is severely wrong, or your tracking is busted.

I don't know, it could have been a configuration issue. Maybe there's something wrong with my brain or eyes. I've only had the opportunity to try the Occulus and Vive because I have a couple friends who are really into VR.

I had pretty much the same experience with both of their setups. Within a few minutes I start to feel kinda dizzy and get a rush of nausea so bad that I have to stop.

The games where you stand around and teleport to move aren't quite as bad, but full locomotion is like an instant vomit trigger for me.

> full locomotion is like an instant vomit trigger for me
They are literally for everyone. You have to ease into it, not just jump in on your first try.

I played Trover Saves The Universe in one to one and a half hour sessions per day and it was only on the fifth or sixth day I started to get something of a headache. It's managable. Need to build up a tolerance to it. Join the 26% VR motion sickness resistant today.

Which fan though? Honeywell is preferable but Lasko is also accepted.

>This many VR deniers on four channel

Its going to dig its way into mainstream because the fact that people WANT what VR will offer. They want to transport to a new world , go read about VR gear in development like haptic suits and gloves, both of which emulate touch. VR is already far ahead of what normal Vidya was 5 years after its release.

>go read about VR gear in development like haptic suits and gloves,
Both are complete jokes with zero consumer potential.

I dunno, after how BTFO Yea Forums was from the index selling out in 20 minutes flat I'm gonna have to say I don't believe you


Play Ace Combat

Selling out a limited run isn't news. But haptic shit is literally just an issue of cost, there is just no even vaguely realistic way to produce this kind of shit for a home market at a price that would be even vaguely reasonable for a gaming peripheral.

The first taste of haptic feedback in games for the vast, vast majority of people will come only after BCIs.

I highly doubt you even read about them or watched videos about them if you say they have no consumer potential. You probably said that about Normal VR as well

They are near fine for consumer use right now, imagine how they will be in 5 years when the production cost goes down and it is more refined.

Even if it would not be affordable at that time to have a home FullBody VR setup VR arcades will fill that market in that time.

Three of the missions are actually VR and they don't really last more than ten minutes. It's kind of a bust.

I'm nearsighted. The only thing lens inserts would do for me is seeing SDE more clearly. Maybe in Index/Reverb/Odyssey+ it would make a difference, in Vive it doesn't.

Oh so you're going with the "Valve got gunshy about stock" argument
As though companies pour money into stuff specifically to sell at a loss to BTFO losers on Yea Forums

I'm nearsighted too and I've gotten used to not wearing glasses in my Rift, but Quest works with glasses just fine. Was thinking about getting perscription lens, but it's not worth the hassle.

Vr is retarded youre just shoving screens right up to your eyeballs

That's what I thought before I tried it, but glasses still noticeably helped for me anyway. Vive also has tons of space for glasses so it's no big deal.
Also I don't notice SDE unless I'm actively trying to

And yet the original solutions, rift and vive, that had years of testing to figure out the best way to avoid motion sickness and other problems have 90hz screens

Do you VR in public, user?

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Reminder that these generals exist!

thats actually pretty sweet. father and son trying to get some action in vr chat

And then after years of even more testing Oculus decided that 80Hz is a good compromise

That s some futuristic shit. All they need is a drone flying over them

Being using VR since release and I've never gotten motion sickness once. I seriously don't understand what everyone's fucking problem.

>even more testing
Then why didnt they make it 80hz originaly? you'd think they would want to cut corners when they where making the first versions before being bought out by facebook. they are cutting corners thinking it won't affect anyone, which is clearly not the case

I can understand if you bought a cheap inside-out tracking headset.

Dad is a loli and he's sucking his son off. I can tell by that stance.

Fuck off JazKaz

It doesn't affect anyone. Where re all the complaints of people vomiting from 80Hz?
What they did is compromise. The goal of Rift S was to improve usability and make an easily adoptable VR headset. Sure 90Hz is marginally better, but it did allow to keep relatively low PC requirements while drastically improving visuals.
Literally every review said that you cannot a difference with 80Hz, and I for sure can't. So yes, they cut a corner, but if it's something that doesn't make a product worse, while aiding adaptability - I'm okay with it.

The trash thread is always a great reminder why I don't play VRChat anymore, that and the state of public channels.

Yeah but they at least they own up to it openly.

For some reason it never bothered me. I went right into playing Serious Sam and modded Doom (1993) zooming around at 300mph with full locomotion and it did nothing to me. I vastly prefer it to any kind of teleportation or turning where you kind of stutter.

Did you try some maneuvering in Aircar?
Even when I thought I had my VR legs, it made my brain scream.

>what kind of a loser has cybersex in vr? imagine spending all that money on a headset, trackers and remote controlled toys to immerse yourself in fake sex - haha, get laid losers
>well now that is dealt with time for some porn, let me just sit down by my pc and watch jamal fuck a girl ill never touch fuck yeah

>Got motion sickness playing GR and Portal
There's no hope for me.

I have astigmatism and can play vr nonstop for 8 hours you are weak and that's funny but also sad because people like you mean vr will never really take off cause it makes your tummy ache

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I know you're just fishing for (You)s but I never implied any of that, I just never had any interest in ERP when playing VRChat and that's what the majority of people use it for now. That and public channels are shitpiles where everybody's being obnoxious for attention when all I want to do is have casual conversations with strangers.

what a good dad

There is a reason why oculus is known as a shit headset and why everyone recommends vive user.

because of facebook boogeyman
imagine defending paying $200 more for a product that does the same thing because it has a gaben trampstamp of approval on it

>why everyone recommends vive user.
That was never the case. There's Oculus fanboys, and there's Vive fanboys, but objectively Rift is a better product.


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>he fell for the PC VR meme
>he bought a shitty proof of concept VR headset that's overpriced as fuck
>instead of just getting a cheap as fuck PSVR that works just as good and has actual games on it, so you can experience VR in its infancy while saving up for the actual good headsets that will be dropping next gen

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im glad you and i are the only intelligent anons itt

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Link's dead.

That will go away once you get used to it.

>Sony """"""""""VR""""""""""
>has the most tech demos meme gimmick shit out of all the headsets

>Move slightly to the side

n-nice pic

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>worst headset with worst tracking and no roomscale
>underpowered hardware
>stuck in Snoy walled garden, missing out on the wild west phase of VR development and porn
I shiggy diggy

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im not gay but ever since ive started browsing /fit/ ive been really mirin hunks

I got a bit woozy after playing AC7 and Wipeout but that’s it

how is ac7 on ps4? and yea wipeout is the only game that gives me that same feeling

Yeah he probably puts in a lot of effort

>Built up a tolerance and could play games in full stick movement without any issues
>Don't play VR for a while and it comes back
>No willpower to rebuild the tolerance
Goddammit. I just want to play horseshoe and hand grenades without wanting to throw up.

>tfw play everything else with stick movement
>use teleport for H3 because being able to strafe while firing trivializes the game