So this is their plan to get people to buy river city rampage

so this is their plan to get people to buy river city rampage
give it waifus

Attached: RCG_key_art_horizontal_900.png (900x506, 958K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I mean... sold.

and game grumps

Attached: GAME GRUMP.png (882x576, 138K)

This is a genderbending thing I can get with

I wish the girls were a little more Sukeban

Attached: tumblr_pe6sq8FJuN1qexcnlo4_500[1].png (500x582, 152K)

Hopefully you can get classic delinquent costumes in the game.

Cute girls are one thing, but the visuals are fantastic.

Attached: bike smash.png (1162x599, 1009K)

Too bad it ain't. They are Riki's and Kunio's girlfriends.

>retro game that doesn't go for the shittiest, laziest pixel art possible


>kunio game
>looks nothing like kunio
you can't be serious right now, the Kunio style is fucking iconic

Attached: RCRS_Art.jpg (3500x2982, 1.53M)

If they made it classic Kunio you guys would be bitchign about "Hurrrr indie pixel game!!!!!!"

>post yfw you unlock Riki and Kunio

Well that's one thing, I had no idea the guys getting kidnapped were even meant to be Kunio and Riki until I read the press release because they look so different. But I like how it looks anyway.

>girls saving boys

I hate Aaron so much.

>No socks on the left

Attached: 1292704959715.jpg (366x380, 40K)

It's hot

mad cause no cute anime girls would ever wanna save your fatass

haha imagine how sweaty and stinky her feet must get in there! it'd be totally gross of she took a shoe off and pressed her bare foot into your face after she beat you up with her kendo stick, lol!

Attached: excited.gif (320x180, 1.91M)

Don't worry, if it's gonna be like the other games, I'm sure the game over scree s will show the girls captured too.

I would've loved a fully realized version of the kunio style instead of trying to blatantly be the 8-bit sprites, make it look like the actual art instead of the pixel art. Instead they're going for that "americans that want to make anime" style which doesn't stand out

Attached: apps.31837.64456617229998068.e12c051b-0896-4ed8-8ad8-b7651e67477f.jpg (1920x1080, 712K)

>tough girls saving tough boys

This is you

Boys not so tough if they need saving.

spam Wayforward's twitter and tell them to include classic sukeban outfits

That's what the DS games did and they don't look that good, dude. The character designscand proportions are way too old, they look like old anime, like astroboy.

This. What's the point if they're just generic schoogirls?

Attached: sukeban-14.jpg (800x582, 52K)

I will now buy your game

Everyone gets their ticket punched eventually dude, even tough guys.

I wonder if the drinking guy is invulnerable. He's the only one not hit in the trailer.

they should've gone with this style then, anything that remotely looks in line with the series it's supposed to be in instead of this shit

Attached: 2267382-2120198_kunio.jpg (466x271, 36K)

Shows how fucking retarded Wayforwards fan base really is.
The game looks nothing like Kunio kun and the artists know jackshit about the pompadour.
Shit looks like Steven universe

He's probably an NPC.

Blizz can sell OW on tits, legs and ass.
Why can't anyone else?

So who has better taste in girs, Kunio or Riki?

>Shit looks like Steven universe
You're being hyperbolic and you know it

Kyoko > Misako

Attached: 1511094423767.png (680x556, 320K)

>Shit looks like Steven universe
lol when anit sjws become as delusional as sjws

not really, no one has big ugly niggerlips like SU

Attached: Screenshot_2017_02_01_09.18.53.0[1].jpg (1200x800, 186K)

I swear he’s gay or trans but doesn’t come out because he has a wife. There’s WAY to many photos of him cross dressing

That looks like ancient old shit too. You are out of touch user, go play emulators.


They picked the wrong grump.

Not to mention that whole Game Gyaru thing.

Really digging the pixel art and all their animations.
I hope the game will be as good as the pixel art.

I’m really glad to see that Wayforward still has their spritework chops. Yacht Club’s splitoff and HGH looking like t did had me worried.

>Local Co-op beat ‘em up in 2019
Aw yeah my dick

Attached: you_are_wrong.png (500x400, 234K)

I don't know but the sprite work looks okay.

>Local Co-op beat ‘em up in 2019

Fuck no why does everything have to shoehorn in dumb fucking eceleb shit

Sounds like another Pro let’s player...

WayForward games are always mediocre with great artwork propping them up, so don't get your hopes up. But apparently this has ArcSys involved in the production.



Attached: 1510617157786.jpg (481x544, 35K)

>High-frame sprite animation
>Small budget game
Not a chance in hell

This just makes me want Scott Pilgrim v World Remastered more than ever

Least Arin didn't cheat on his wife and divorce her over Twitter. God what a fucking idiot.

My fucking fetish

welp, no point in buying this.

Are you retarded or baiting

>Looks like Steven Universe

Why has this has become the go to insult for every single new cartoony game?

Attached: Angry_parrot_blogparrotearthcom_grande.jpg (500x406, 24K)


literally shut up dude, WF could've made the game hit a good balance between the classic look and something modern, but instead they were like "let's just make it look like a weaboo's western cartoon" honestly, they should've gotten the Double Dragon Neon Artist to do the art instead of the Catgirl Without Salad artist(you can tell because of the shading)

Attached: 4197101.jpg (1900x1200, 595K)

They characters look way better with their old designs these new ones look fucking awful.

Not worth it if they're not sukeban girls.
Just looks like a generic beat em up now.
If you're gonna make waifus a selling point then AT least get it right

I'm not sure that's in the cards because of licensing.

>Shit looks like Steven universe

Attached: Fill This.png (500x522, 184K)

WF's twitter confirmed the only multiplayer option is local offline co-op

I don’t give a hell damn, playing this kinda game over the internet just guarantees you’re a pathetic loser with no friends. You gotta have your bro there to play Bro ‘em Ups.

That's another kneejerk word for calarts, or artstyle I don't like.
>The one- or local two-player

>can't even play online with friends

How much? As far as I know Arc System Works is only involved because they own the Kunio IP.

It looks good, fag

Good taste on DD Neon though

That shit looks like deviant art artwork, guy. It's the very same "americans want to draw weeb" shit you are complaining about. Out of touch.

And like that my hopes are crushed

>instead of the Catgirl Without Salad artist(you can tell because of the shading)

Attached: 1465256530501.png (307x295, 135K)

Also Genzoman is a horrible artist

So invite him over, fag. Order a pizza.

member that kickstarter mess for that shitshow of a fangame that didnt even seemed to follow the Kunio kun lore?

Those aren't their old designs, though.

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 90K)

Because looks totally don't change with the times ever right?

That's a fan term he and Jon made up for Game Gumps fans, after the old one "cumfaggots" wasn't as positive or viable for marketing. He's still a closet girl wannabe, though, but at least that girly term has a reason for being said.
Fuck I wish I didn't know that

>Not worth it if they're not sukeban girls.
They never were.

>the board that wants Bully 2 to be about girls hates this game
what went wrong?

>look up Arin hanson trans on google
>find a reddlt post with multiple links to prove that he’s trans, including one video where he claims he wished he was born as a girl

now THOSE are some girls I could see beating dudes up

Is that genzoman

Who had the bright idea to cut the audio at every swear and leave it entirely soundless?

Fuck off back to /trash/ zoomers, the art is obviously western as fuck, and turned the delinquent style into muh sailor moon fanart

well at least looks better then the fucking trash this was

it's not the same thing, they took a franchise about dudes beating dudes up and literally are doing a "hee hee step aside boys we have to save YOU now!"

Please be ironic.

The SNES games didn't have the chibi look.
Neither did the first game in the arcades.

Attached: kuniosnes.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

>Drinking guy: ughhhh, this is the third time they broke the vending machine this week. At least its not that Kunio guy, dude would have destroyed the store.

Shantae guest character reveal when?
We know it'll be shovel knight though

I was meaning these designs look better, the ones you juts posted.
I like the way they still look. Feminine yet wont take your bullshit and will slap the shit out of you.

>Why aren't Kyoko and Misako sukeban girls like they used to be, this new art style sucks!!!

Attached: 51QSjGzUl4L.jpg (209x384, 41K)

Why do trannies call gays and bisexuals, "trans"?

delete this

the new art style does suck, I want to see a game that looks like what you just posted instead

They took a franchise and made a spin-off from it. This is no different than Super Princess Peach.

When the fuck is the King update coming out anyhow

So are we getting only two characters for this?

Not for ants version

Attached: 41180_front.jpg (640x1161, 231K)

what is bully about

! ! ! ~

Attached: 1562181971844.jpg (364x392, 51K)

This is how I wish this new one looked, should have just remade this really.

Remember when they tried going back to the chibi look for retro points?
Remember when they were also beholden by donators to include streamer references and outdated meta humor?

Attached: 880261735_preview_River-City-Ransom-Underground-cover.jpg (647x962, 359K)

What is a missed opportunity dumbass.
The best outcome would atleast be to be able to change outfits ingame

It'd be nice if there was a suplex but that'd probably be too hard to animate for all the different enemies.

The new art IS shit though.

but user, they show their legs too much, that's problematik!!!

>These girls look too much like regular school girls, not enough like delinquents
>They should look like actual delinquents did back in the day
>posts image of girls in school girl uniforms from the 80's
Why is Yea Forums so retarded?

Attached: DumaHalf.png (494x512, 273K)

I played through the whole game twice and I didn't see any meme streamer references. I'm not a zoomer though so maybe they just went over my head.

We dont know yet, hopefully we will get more info around august, after KLK:IF's release.

Or is Arcsys having a panel this AnimeXpo?

They show the exact same amount of leg in the new designs.

>Cat Girl Without Salad art style
>not the more fitting Mighty Switch Force art style

Attached: 2104355-2104354-patricia_wagon.png (480x387, 248K)

user, the long skirts were a delinquent icon. Normal school uniforms had short skirts.

Shantae already has a small cameo in the game store so I doubt she'll be playable.

Attached: 1469984303299.png (951x808, 25K)

Because fucking another dude in the ass has been normalized. Wanting to cut your dick off and maintain an open wound the rest of your life isn't.

Well fuck.

If it's not blatant enough for those out of the know, I guess it works out. I could think of worse streamers to reference, too

Attached: egg protonjon.jpg (1200x897, 270K)



>Shovel Knight with a pompadour

>Cat Girl Without Salad art style
It's not? It's some Trigger-ish modern anime style.

>first it was Steven Universe
>now it's Sailor Moon
>mad that western devs have a western artstyle
Okay boomie, I think you done enough drunk rambling for today. The 80's are over, time to step into the 21st century.

honestly speaking, the game looks decent enough, and better than the shitsaster that was NuDouble Dragon 5, but yeah the new art direction is misguided as hell compared to this

or even the chibi style used on the japanese games..............

now a female version of the sports games on the other hand...........

The gay couple in the background concerns me more than the streamer shit.

The only thing i dont like is that Kyoko is the 'cute one' of the duo instead of Misako.

Attached: Screenshot_20190703-145612.png (1920x1080, 974K)

They want it to look good?

>Shantae guest character reveal when?
This better be a thing.

Attached: 1469727178291.png (1200x1492, 740K)

Short hair isn't cute.

it's the same artist I mean, and it doesn't look like trigger anime, it looks like westerners trying to make anime

Looks cool, and cute.

>these girls don't look like delinquents!
>both are flagrantly defying uniform code
>one even has the yankee sukajan

What is wrong with you people?

Get out of here with your shit taste.

>No online in a 2019 beat em up
lmao. Even shitty Switch ports have co-op.

>implying MSF's style isn't good

Attached: WXzu9Sc.png (990x1003, 446K)

no u

Attached: truth.jpg (640x1800, 528K)

You dont ride in goose boats with your bro?

I am fine with but yeah that's not what I was expecting.
>Short hair isn't cute.
Fuck you though dude.


Both photos are from, to make things simple 'Nintendo World Cup', the original japanese, 1st one is the PCE version, 2nd one is the Megadrive version.

Attached: Screenshot_20190703-145658.png (1920x1080, 930K)

Well. I'm buying it. So success.

People should try looking at the actual games, they're absolute kusoge that don't even look good outside of promo artwork.

why is Yea Forums suddenly completely newfag about Kunio

It looks like discount Yoneyama Mai.

Self-diagnosed asperger's, sexual frustration, chronic unemployment, loneliness. Take your pick, fuckface.

>its yet another Yea Forums complains about women thread
Grow up incel.

that's disappointing but you can use Parsec. I use it all the time, almost no lag. Then again I play with a guy in the same city. The downside is that the host has to have Windows 10.

Should be called River City SUKEBAN!

Porn when?

I hope there's at least sukeban enemies

This is everything I love. RCR is a great classic game, everybody loves waifus (every mentally healthy person anyway), and I love and embrace anything that offends the modern secular religion.

have drugs

They're upset it has a modern aesthetic. Or something.

Blossom is super cute

Attached: 1544444140529.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Who are the smug bitches in the lower right?

Attached: 1434000693099.png (800x700, 14K)

>The final boss is a sukeban girl

Attached: idea.gif (151x126, 2K)

this game was gonna do pixel art anyway, so why not go with a more fitting artstyle? especially since WF's gotten much better at in game art since those games came out...

Attached: CpxW9WKVYAEHCEM.jpg (1200x675, 180K)

If they can make a dunk then I'm sure a suplex wouldn't be harder to include.

>they should've gotten the Double Dragon Neon Artist
Nah, Genzoman is shit.

Attached: the genzo pose.jpg (1436x2076, 1.15M)

ha-ha, time for my lithium!

Art style looks like something from tumblr, they should’ve just improved on rival showdown’s art style.

>not skebans

pass. mediocre waifu shit is mediocre.

No it doesn't, no one has huge red noses.

>samefag thinks this shitty art style fits Kunio kun

Get it on the Switch, visit a friend, and force him to play with you.

Yeah. He also did that macro Fox and Falco image that gets posted every now and then here. I don't have it saved, though.

nope, you have no idea how terrifying tumblr art is

Attached: 1503449974975.png (1280x586, 468K)

It's a spin-off.

Where is /ourgirl/?

Attached: River-City-Tokyo-Rumble_2016_08-11-16_003.jpg (600x570, 67K)

>That's a fan term he and Jon made up for Game Gumps fans
I remember Arin forcing it in the episode is happened with jon barely responding to it, Jon wanted to call them cumfaggots

Dude, that chibi artsyle is lame.

>punks with ridiculous pompadours
Maybe everything's gonna be ok

Attached: River-City-Girls_2019_07-03-19_006.png (1920x1080, 327K)

she's too ugly, if she shows up she'll be a cute anime girl but with big lips

in the OP image. look bottom left.

You're a big retard

>muh 60's jap hooligan fashion
Time marches on you fetishy creeps.

If they can do pompadours why did they fuck up Riki?

>japanese setting
>black people

Attached: 288581.jpg (267x350, 13K)

She'll be a boss


Far left in OP's pic.

Game grumps died when Arin tried to make it a business. Was the main reason Jon left, that and he was the only one that wasn’t a yes man to him.

Attached: 49A25239-43C0-4AF2-9C20-19F6C8F1A9D2.jpg (486x197, 23K)

lol agree. this shit is similar to some Yea Forumsmblr trash.

Maybe he's from okinawa, they're tanned as fuck.

they are transfer students

Attached: 1540675445710.png (566x479, 153K)

Attached: ENHANCE.png (657x725, 351K)

Attached: 2.jpg (855x1200, 261K)

>floofy afro like hair is gone in exchange for whatever this hairstyle is
I hate this

blacks can't have cool pompadours because they have shitty hair, so it's either a wig, or he's just tanned

Too pretty

>blacks can't have cool pompadours because they have shitty hair,
Just texture

>Calarts facial expressions

lmao So fucking onions-infused

Shit looks like that awful American "anime" High Guardian Spice lol
Sasuga Amerimutts

Sorry for not saw it first.

I’m not talking about the sjw/snowflake art.


Attached: 41gclJ1WtGL.jpg (491x500, 16K)

Blacks have been using chemical hair straighteners since the '20s ya numpty

Attached: serveimage.jpg (645x736, 31K)

they've posted other art too and white and other black/indian/mexican people are there too.

Attached: River-City-Girls_2019_07-03-19_010.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

...yeah, I can fap to this.

She's prettier than her old design but still looks like a brick house compared to Kyoko and Misako.

Given the WF shirt I'm guessing they're dev self-inserts.

ITT: Hideki Kamiya is white

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1038x576, 75K)

>japanese setting
>pay for things in dollars

Attached: 505816b8667aea0c637744ec967a09f0.jpg (430x390, 33K)

Looks like mobile shit

then your comment makes even less sense, because even some japanese porn artists have tumblr accounts for exposition and shit

The horrible rednose type of art that became common there is what people refer when they say tumblr art.

>dev self-inserts
That's kind of cute to be perfectly honest. If true.
For as long as it remains subtle at the very least and they don't attentionwhore with it.

they look like gaijins who got a green card

As long as I can throw someone and turn them into a human torpedo or turn myself into a human torpedo, this game will be alright.

>>Calarts facial expressions
You can't even accurately define what that means

>and they don't attentionwhore with it.
>literally wearing shirts promoting the company and selling their own games in game....

>pay for things in dollars
So like all the other games?

Attached: Halcali - Girigiri Surf Rider - time to rumble.webm (480x296, 200K)

that's because you grew up with a smartphone

This game clearly takes place in River City, CALIFORNIA.

In the same universe as the Ace Attorney series.

Attached: sailormoonandgarfield.jpg (441x441, 47K)


>Spelling it Kyoko instead of Kyouko

Attached: 1551327276737.jpg (112x125, 3K)


You know people can move to other countries right?

This ship makes me uncomfortable

>crates have Wayforward on 'em too
I think you need to grow a sense of humor.

>bulging eyes when getting hit is Calarts

Attached: 1556679561683.gif (250x194, 47K)

they are like, a vietnamese weeb american and a soi-based white american?

this is hilarious

if they were trying to do that, then the girls should've gotten american names like they did in the original games western releases, but WF wouldn't do that since they're weebs that want to pretend they're a Japanese studio

Just like how everyone writes Ryoko instead of Ryouko, but no one ever bats an eye.

Attached: 1538024838858.jpg (1448x1052, 332K)

>Change outfits
Do you have brain damage or do you really have zero clue how video games are made

What's the matter with yō nerds

The localised ones.

Attached: download.png (240x210, 6K)

I honestly don’t see the problem. Game look gud

This will be the highest selling "kunio-kun" game of all time so brace your ass and move on

It's not impossible, just highly unlikely.

This. I don't mind role reversal in who needs saving but usually the guys are made to be wimps because the people creating it have a chip on their shoulder. Making them all competent and cool turns it into a more fulfillng situation all around.

If they used Kyōko that'd be perfectly fine, but Kyoko is just simply incorrect romanisation.

Can't quickly type it on a standard keyboard and it'll fuck your search results

My biggest hope is the fuckin ost is absolutely jamming.

Fuck the police

>compose o -
Wow so difficult

nobody has topped this one yet

Attached: rcr.jpg (500x491, 69K)

>incorrect romanisation
What's the capital of Japan?

>literally are doing a "hee hee step aside boys we have to save YOU now!"
bro, wayforward just makes games with cute girls because they like cute girls. Not everything is culture war.

Attached: 1509481983756.png (162x191, 66K)

Pretty good plan considering I will now buy your game.

Yea Forums once again proving it will find any reason to be mad about something.
/vpol/ butting in desperately trying to find another outrage target

real gamers nowhere to be seen

>give it waifus
It's working.

Yeah, Donkey Kong is a fag.

Attached: KRoolDuel.png (256x224, 18K)

Also, even tho only 5% of american gamers know about KTnB, Kyoko and Misako are already established characters and them being able to fight like their boyfriends and beat the shit out of everyone is something everyone knows is a thing.

>Stops game
>”It’s possible those are both dudes”
>”I bet they fuck each other in the ASS, this is ruining my experience”

>implying anything will outsell downtown/ransom


Attached: 1554017186428.jpg (746x691, 34K)

Brace your ass and move on

Made the conscious decision not to give them any more money after the shitshow that was Shantae Half-Genie Hero.

based Atlus

Real gamer here. I saw the threads, thought 'oh cool', and kept scrolling.

Huh. There's a copyright notice for Double Dragon in the trailer.

Note how you said Japan and not Nippon
Similarly, Tokyo an anglicization and not a romanization

Are you being dumb in purpose, user?

this one definitely looks more Kunio than anyone in this game

Attached: HooliganCharlotte.png (554x971, 518K)

>they took a franchise about dudes beating dudes up and replaced some of the dudes with cute girls
Wow, look at how angry they've made me. I'm... furious.

HGH was alright though. Mediocre at launch but got better with the dlc. Hard mode especially.

No it doesn't.

He's in.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (396x356, 31K)

it has more connection to the actual look of the series than anything this game has shown us, they could've called this game literally anything else besides River City Girls and nobody would be like "this game looks like it could be a new Kunio game!"

Yea Forums is always wrong so ok

You think this is bad, try being a Kenka Bancho fan.

Attached: kenka-banchou-otome-wallpaper-21[1].jpg (640x400, 80K)

so when did you become a homosexual and start hating games with cute girls?

Attached: 1528761243654.webm (670x634, 378K)

RiverCity Girls looks good but Im looking forward to the Kunio-kun spiritual successor too.

Attached: uppers-574465.1.jpg (640x640, 110K)

That's not the same as attentionwhoring their real life selves and personalities.
Like there is a huge difference between
>hey we are the devs!
>hey my name is [insert name] and I am this and I - I - I !

this game wouldve been good or convincing if it was set in america and released as a new game.

this isnt japan, is very american anyway.

these people are triggered by anything

The boxart is aids though
>confusing the uniforms with karate outfits

>kenka sukeban never

Feels bad man

I'm not feeling it.

Attached: Vn4ox.jpg (1065x697, 283K)

I like games with cute girls, when it's designed around girls to begin with. Kunio wasn't made to be about girls, but WF is forcing it because that's the only way anyone is gonna buy a new Kunio now...

Nah, it became alright. The release was a mess, even after years of delays. And that DLC was supposed to be in the final product, not sold later. All that shit was crowd funded.

What's wrong with a yakuza and a bancho?

how did they fuck up the most basic easiest designs ....

Attached: kunioguide-800x445.jpg (800x445, 64K)

>from open world brawler to fujoshit dating sim

Attached: 1557342992366.jpg (1442x1633, 341K)

Cunfaggots was better

>I like games with cute girls
homosexual spotted.

As long as it doesnt look like a budget title. The last one on the 3ds had the 8bit sprites on really shitty 3d enviroments.

smell of tumblr art like an sjw marvel comic

Game looks pretty good not a fan of that song in the trailer at all though
Where the fuck is it the release date on Steam still says 2018

they already did that in one of their older games already.
in one of the snes ones the girls join and you could switch to them to fight.
all they are doing is just giving them their own game to do so full time now.
there is legitimately nothing wrong with this.

I like em.

And if you crowd funded it you got the dlc for free.

It's a spin-off you fucking autist.

>and you could switch to them to fight.
that is completely different from "let's have the boys get captured(despite them being capable enough to handle themselves) so the GIRLS can be the heroes!!!!!"

Kunio is alright, but Riki needs his pompadour for proper bancho-ness.

>The release was a mess
How so? Did they not have enough keys? Were they late? Were some keys invalid? I don't remember anything aside form a shortage of wiiu keys.
> years of delays
It was delayed twice, iirc. Once soon after the kickstarted ended, and again the following year.

>confusing a karate gi for a Chinese frog shirt

you're one to talk

>muffled Sony noises in the distance

This is the worst part of the new art style but it feels intentionally otome-styled.


>tumblr art
Stand down, soldier. There's no tumblr nose. It's not tumblr.
I repeat, stand down. Save it for the next battle.

dont worry, old game grumps was patrician tier when it comes to youtube content

i mean it's a spin-off game.
do you realize how many spin-offs the kunio series has had all these years, you can take all these sports games and a game that takes place in feudal times, but not one where the girls (who have been proven able to fight) have to do something?

more like western yaoi

indie comics written by tumblrinas are exactly like this.

No it wasn’t, it was the same bag of dogshit as every other retarded friend-simulator. You can’t have your cacke and eat it too. “Ecelebs are cancer but MY ecelebs are different!!!” Fuck off.

>"let's have the boys get captured(despite them being capable enough to handle themselves) so the GIRLS can be the heroes!!!!!"
Not him but you're way too hung up on this, you autistic retard. It's just role reversal done for fun. Seriously, not everything is subversive sjw propaganda.

I look forward to the game being as milquetoast as possible but fucking trannies and waifu fags elevating it to cult status. Wayforward wouldnt know compelling or rewarding gameplay if it shit directly into their mouths.

Maybe they want to modernize them or something, it feels so off.
But what do I know, I'm clearly not the intended audience for this game.

Attached: Pr03f.jpg (1420x1333, 580K)

Why would you even give a fuck about this

Combat girls are cool, autist

Cry me a fucking river dude

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What was that other game from around the same time where one of the characters had Kamina-esque glasses? I thought it got announced for localisation recently by PQube but I can't find news about it from them.

I look forward to you posting in the threads to remind everyone daily.

shit, they've even been knights now

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Post yfw they ditch Kunio and Riki at the end and date eachother

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>Developed by WayForward and overseen by the fighting-game experts at Arc System Works, this latest entry in the long-running River City (also known as Kunio-Kun) franchise is scheduled to hit Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this September.

You can eat turds all day if you like m8, just don’t try to pass it off as gourmet.

>Why would you even give a fuck about this
Because he's a culture warrior.

that tumblr nose stuff is old. its a mid 10s thing. shit like this is the modern tumblr art.

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>misako leaning over her name in her portrait
Are the portraits animated?

Attached: rivercitygirls5.png (640x360, 213K)

You know how I can tell you don't have any friends?

That princess looks like a guy in drag.

Modern tumblr art doesn’t fucking exist, everyone jumped to twitter/newgrounds/pixiv

mfw one of the girls reveals she's a futa. with balls

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it looks like ones of those tumblr dating sims that try to copy generic visual novel styles

wtf Jotaro is in this game? holy fucking based!

Fun fact, Technos was going to make a Kunio game for the PS1 where the Lee brothers were going to meet with their Japanese counterparts. Another fun fact, Double Dragon was made because Technos was angry about the west changing their games so much and made a new IP specifically for the west. It's also why Battletoads and Double Dragon happened.

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I dislike that both Misako and Kyouko have thighhighs. They should've given Misako short socks.

Net High?

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>girl with black hair ponytail
I need her.

Are they all meant to look sexually aroused or something? What's with their faces?

Is it my dashing good looks?

Arin is on the fast track of becoming a tranny, can't believe this faggot has a pink stripe in his hair now.
>and jon.
No, it was a joke. The fan nickname thing was a joke back when they were "anti-let's play" and mocking what everyone else did, but after Dan joined Arin went full retard and turned the channel into a buiness so he started using it unironicly.

according to Arcsys JP page's original announcement, before this reveal, the JP game of the game is 'Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun Gaiden: RIVER CITY GIRLS'


tumblr art is talentless abominations that are defended by the artist as MUH STYLE. It doesn't mean art you don't like. Like the pic you posted. I can tell those are human faces. That already disqualifies it as tumblr.

Misako has thigh highs. Kyoko has knee highs. Clearly, we are missing the Bubbles of this dynamic and she would have the short socks, showing off her bare legs.

Kunio looks fine, its Riki's hairdo the problem here.


Yeah, that's the one.

This or SoR4? Which one will put Beat em Ups back on the map?

>talentless abominations that are defended by the artist as MUH STYLE
That's deviantart weeaboos.
Tumblr art is a specific aesthetic.

Lurk more.

No, that godawful art screams tumblr.

That's aside the point.
>It was delayed twice
It was fully funded in 2013. It was released in December of 2016. My problems with the release stem mostly from the fact that game wasn't actually done, hence all the subsequent updates and re-releases. There was also lack of support for the Vita TV for months following the initial release(which is silly, since the game doesn't require touch controls). And, as I said before, paid DLC that were supposed to be in the game already. Those were my problems. Just sloppy management of the game in general.

Neither will put beat em ups back on the map, but I will enjoy both of them.


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DDN was good and no one cared, Beat ‘em Ups are niche forever now

Good luck

License is co-owned by Ubisoft, Universal Pictures, Bryan Lee O Malley, Oni Press, AND Anamanguichi

You're more likely to get No One Lives Forever remastered

probably BoR, as the designs are 100% faithful. but anyone calling shit on RCG, for whatever reason that is not even close to bad gameplay is a complete retard.

The sad part is that it's Anamanaguchi that are the problem.

>"we want the yakuza audience"

Why do Kunio and Riki look like that? Only part I don't like so far.

wait why?

should have been fight'n rage, but i've never heard anyone yak about that

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Because no one actually wears a pompadour in 2019 and they gotta look like desirable objects for resucin’


Kunio's original nemesis from the arcade game WAS a Yakuza Boss.

Yakuzas are not new to the Kunio lore.


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Was this ever ported to the Switch? I remember that the developer said he wanted to do it if able.

how new

No console port means a limited audience and getting lost in the crowd on Steam etc.

No it's not. Anamanaguchi live streamed a few weeks ago explaining the situation about Scott Pilgrim. They had no idea why the OG game was removed from the marketplace and they themselves don't know who currently own the rights. it's just speculation on anyone's part until we get a direct answer, and we won't.

Porn ever?


Double Dragon Neon
Anamanaguchi literally have nothing to do with it but retards keep bringing them shit every few months with accusations like this.

but now they're blatantly making him look more like Kiryu, white suit and red shit too.

Attached: Kiryu.gif (477x265, 960K)

Oh no it's working on my penis

Oh definitely

He's wearing a red bunnyhug it's not very yakuza-like at all. Just some young punk.

Looks fantastic. Can't beat a bit if Kunio Kunny

If it got a Switch port the basedchildren would be spamming forums and writing articles by the thousands hailing what a great game it is and how it makes the Switch the best system to get.

Actually scratch that, it probably wouldn't get any basedrticles because the bouncing tits are problematic.

>he's never worn a white suit before

Ah. Summer.

What the fuck is this
Am I so old now that I don’t know what clothes are called?

Is there anyway to play local co op games online with a 3rd party program?

I heard it was a buggy mess. Was I bamboozled?

>It was fully funded in 2013. It was released in December of 2016.
Was it 2013? I thought it was 2014. Either way, I don't hold it against them since it's not like they had even half the game done at that point. They basically started dev after the kickstarter ended.
>My problems with the release stem mostly from the fact that game wasn't actually done, hence all the subsequent updates and re-releases.
The shantae part was done, which was what they were begging money for. The only thing that actually feels unfinished is the lack of the nega shantae chapter. It's obvious where it was supposed to fit so the lack of it is noticeable. The game only has one release btw, the ultimate edition. Fair point about the paid dlc though.
>Vita TV

This but unironically. If it gets a console port I’ll buy it. If it gets multiple, I’ll get it on Switch.

lmao you mean the PS4 version wouldn't get any articles unless they revealed the "Swords of Unrevealing Light"

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Yeah, it’s fun as fuck and top-tier couch co-op. Dunno what bugs they’re discussing, never had a crash or anything and I’ve played through it like eight times with different people.

You can get dumb with dash cancels I guess if you really want to and infinite everything to death

I enjoyed it except for a few sections where it got confusing where to go next. Lots of character variety too, though some people are way better than others (pick Paul if you want to breeze through the game). It felt a lot like the Scott Pilgrim game where things got really out there and strange at certain parts (people with magic demon powers, aliens showing up, wacky mexican wrestler gangs) so people who want something more "grounded" might not like it. It's also a western made game from a Japanese franchise so weebs give it tons of shit.

to be fair though, most art of him is typically in the white school uniform buttoned up, so the red shit part isn't something many people would actually know about

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If it makes you feel any better I've got no clue whatsoever what that user meant with bunnyhug either.

Now I'm sad because no cute anime girls would ever want to save my fatass. Thanks a lot user. Words hurt.

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>way forward

Hesitant that the game will be longer than 4 hours.

if you know what you are doing, NO Kunio game lasts more than 6 hours, AT ALL.

but user you can collect things to unlock images on the gallery!


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Looks rad
I'm a faggot and won't click links version
>Two racing games, one with animals and a Go-Kart racer were planned\
>Tachi no Banka would have had a follow up where the four go to Hong Kong and fight more people, somewhere along the line meeting up with the Lee Brothers, officially making the two series intertwine with each other

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This girl had a cute frankfurter

just import the vita version

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>kunio wearing a hoodie
>riki got fuck all pompadour

Those girls look like shit and the game is probably trash

Has the actual trailer been posted?

A timeskip was also likely, given the more adult designs or they would have just put the characters in the style of the Double Dragon series.

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It’s a fucking beat ‘em up m8. What are you, 17?

That game was baller

They were in the other threads.

being a fan of delinquency fucking sucks

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Glad we're on the same page

>Is Shantae playable
>"If she is we won't spoil it"

Oh. My.

The story
A rough outline of events in the game.

Story -
"A bounty for Kunio's and Riki's heads? This time the place is Hong Kong!!"
Kunio and Riki are suddenly invited to a free trip to Hong Kong from out of nowhere.
"As soon as we get there, let's party and douse ourselves with beer!"
"Hold it! This looks too good to be true."
"You worry too much!"
What awaits Kunio and Riki as their plane lands on Hong Kong? The bustling streets of Kowloon! A film studio! And an attempt to take their lives! As the plot thickens, a large murderous shadow creeps up on our duo!!
"Hey! Why are you in such a shitty mood!"
"Heh-heh... Those who dare mess with us will have to deal with our fists!"

[This is followed by a character relation chart which shows that Kunio and Riki are lure to Hong Kong and that there's a film studio there . The studio is used by both, an actual film studio and a Blacksnake Cult.

The film studio has a producer with his own crew and cast, and among the actors are the Lee brothers.

The Blacksnake Cult is a Hong Kong Mafia led by a man named Lai Rochin. Rochin has four sub-bosses working under him, each with his or her own army of henchmen (white suits, martial arts, army men, and black suits).

The President of the Movie Company, Ichi, is the brother of Kunio and Riki's old nemesis Sabu, whom they defeated during the events of Banka.]

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I liked the look of this one. Now that I think about it, I wonder if they ever finished that ips translation patch

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looks like shit shoot these western fags in the head and quit making these shitty games just continue the downtown nekketsu releases

They aren't cute though

Go away

>Vita TV
Didn't affect me personally, but the point still stands.

Feels like a Kunio game for weeb teen girls.

Overall it looks like it would have been a mix of Tachi no Banka and River City Ransom, and if it did release, Sony of America's policy on 2D games would have killed it anyway.

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First streets of rage and now this the underground game sucked and so will this FUCK these faggots

looks fine
but man wayforward always has to give these things these vocal songs

Just give me my over the top 90 violence alongside it and I am a happy man!

They cute and you’re a fag

>obari on art


People know the series from River City Ransom so it's not like they can just dump the name, but yeah, now that they don't have to localize the hell out of the games anymore it get kind of confusing whether or not it's supposed to be in Japan or not.

>First streets of rage and now this the underground game rocked and so will this HUG these faggots

When though?

>5hantae is probably going to have another Vee vocal song as well

can I just get a regular main theme please

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underground didn't rock it fucking blowed megaass

Would you guys recommend this one? Just noticed the iso can be run on windows / android psp emulator

Attached: Badass Rumble PSP.jpg (1200x675, 118K)

His Castle Age was baller.

They made a bunch of good games, I dunno about bad ones. A mediocre one, sure.

>people are complaining that it's kinda different to the 100 other Kumio Kun games we've gotten for 30 fucking years

Heaven forbid they try something a little different, right?

sure it's fun kenka bacnho on the ps2 is also solid if you want a game with a bit better gameplay but a little less delinquent try out yakuza black panther 1 and 2 on psp


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SoR4 look good as fuck and so does this, eat my ass

Shut up and sing along to "dance through danger"

Yes. It's like a weird mix of River City Ransom and Way of the Samurai. Take your time with it, since a lot of it is about the replaying, finding things you missed the first time around.

that's the most japanese thing in the game honestly

Attached: 5581a3c2d3ab6f92d60d7eadf9238605.jpg (1000x709, 539K)

streets of rage 4 looks like shit and so does this kill yourself

SoR4 looks like it gonna kick ass, so does this. Cope.


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I don't know how they fucked up 4 player RCR but they did.

no it doesn't and fuck off with your cope and seethe faggot shit take that to plebbit

What's the matter, can't handle a strong woman protagonist?

Attached: Why are white boys so weak.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

Yes it does, eat shit and seethe further.

This is very accurate when it comes to beat em ups tactics

Imagine the smell!

Attached: Tennis feet sweat.webm (576x720, 2.87M)

no it doesn't

>A dozen enemies on every single fucking screen. If you walk off screen and back they all respawn. Every TIME. For the entire map.

Have these people even played a RC/KK game before? Not every screen has enemies and when enemies do spawn it's random. Underground was just so tiring.

Deal With It...also for me it's 3>1>2>4>5 formation

Attached: Muscle cuties].jpg (1080x1080, 143K)

I’m sorry, but I looked again in case your point has some merit, but you’re out of luck. It looks sick as hell.

Lit-turally whats the point?

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rewatch it but this time take those rose tinted glasses off

Playing with actual friends instead of some rando fuck who might as well be AI

The dude keeps making the mistake of trying to get up. If he just ground rushed her under her center of gravity and the threw her, he could win easy.


Unless this faggot has something to do with it, stop putting ecelebs in games

Nintendo told him to fuck off for some reason. I have no idea how they aprove of what games to be ported to switch, considering garbage you can find on eshop.

Yeah I had a team of scientists review the trailers with scientific instruments, and they concluded that it’s, in fact, “off the fucking chain” and that you’re a “dick gargling gaylord”. A revision is being published saying that you might actually be heterosexual, but that you’re still a fag and might be a victim of quantum queerness.

Playing with your friends. You have those, right?

Doubt it it's alright to have shit taste user

What if I want to play with them online user? Hell Phantom Breaker lets you do this.

Then you use any of the apps that let you do that.

Reminder it also has no fucking online.
Fucking lazy cunts.

I know it’s difficult living with your metaphysical manlust, user, but you don’t need to lash out like that. We’re here to help.

He might have lied in order to be able to give up on the idea while avoiding the hassle of having people bug him about it.
But then again who knows.

THIS. Ignore that guy...he's the insecure one if he's mad at pixels in a game doing something totally non sexual.

They would just make a patreon exclusive online server because they don't have the money to fund them.

will it have online? All I care about

I really and truly genuinely pity people who don’t have any friends to play beat ‘em ups with

dunno why you're projecting this hard my man earlier in the chain of replies you asked me to eat your ass

That doesn't excuse this lazy shit at all though.

Looks like Netflix Voltron

This artstyle reminds me of western yaoi.

>that's the most japanese thing in the game honestly

Wow, you weren't lying!

>ywn have this happen to you
Why even live?

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I have irl friends but none of them are interested in beat em ups but a couple of them like touhou.

He wasn't asking user, he was telling. Better get to work.

Fpbp. I need more games with delinquent girls like

I think we hve reached a fairly good middle ground.

You should see Mummy Demastered

I only played the first RCR game back on NES when I was little. It was one of my favorite games. I actually had no idea it was a Japanese game about delinquent dude.


Good, make them play Touhou beat 'em ups as a gateway drug.

Attached: touhou everything.jpg (637x480, 38K)

Not them but my best friend since we were middle school lives literally lives thousands of miles away
I can't just invite them over

Pic as proof

Attached: IMG_20190611_185426.jpg (3024x4032, 2.68M)


>Mummy Demastered
i keep looking into this but i hear the gameplay's a bit shit and it's short.

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Also stop putting regular celebrities

Damn son. Give Parsec a shot?

Except the trailer clearly says Kunio and Riki, not Alex and Ryan.


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Are you still butthurt about Keanu in Cyberpunk?

god ironic weebs are the fucking worst

What's with this major hate against wayforward?
Half-Genie Hero admittedly under delivered, but you guys really seem to have it out for them. Why do you hate them so much? Doesn't seem reasonable.

I hate ironic weebs with a passion. But I am no ironic weeb, I am a full blown genuine weeb. Stop shitting on things I like by throwing weebs under the same rug as ironic weebs. Fuck you.

can't make a good game to save their life and they shifted to pandering to ironic weebs to stay relevant.

Bimmy and Jimmy go to Riki's school, duh

>they shifted to pandering to ironic weebs to stay relevant.
Every game of theirs before Shantae was literally LITERALLY licensed shovelware

not gonna lie...

looks fucking COOL

As a fan of the Kunio series for 20 years, I like it. The boyz lookin good.


If a girl doesn't have it in her to beat up the entire damn city to find you, is she even worth your time?

What’s the difference between an ironic weeb and a genuine weeb

most of their games are average at best.
not that they can't make anything good, you just can't expect them to make anything too special.
inticreates is the same kind of dev, just average games all day

Didn't know this existed until right now. Fucking sold. Thanks user.

>inticreates is the same kind of dev, just average games all day
Now you went too far!

Attached: 1360972432817.gif (480x270, 74K)

an ironic weeb is someone that likes things that i don't like and a genuine weeb is someone that likes the same things i like

real weebs are obsessed with Japan and everything that comes with it, Ironic weebs are the dudes that walk around in the hentai jackets, wear the trap masks and will buy waifu merchandise "but like as a joke!"

>Ironic weebs are the dudes that walk around in the hentai jackets
I saw a teenage girl wearing one of those, no older than 15 at my job. Ahego and everything.

both are stupid and autistic but ironic weebs are much more annoying

He's trying to get away dude, even in that situation it's not a good idea to actually fight back against a female.

Should have smacked her ass, you know, as a joke haha

100% slut
Probably freaky too

remember when they just called their fans cumfaggots.

Ironic weebs acts as if they like anime and manga stuff, but they're either
A: Only putting up a facade. Doesn't actually like any of it. And only pretends to like it in order to make money off of suckers online.
B: They like a very specific fraction of it all that they somehow tell themselves is somehow more socially acceptable, and then they continue to demonize everything else as filth, failing to see the resemblance and hypocrisy of their ways

Genuine weebs actually like the stuff for real.

What if they try to rape you at machete point?

>I saw a teenage girl wearing one of those, no older than 15 at my job
a lot of them are underage too yeah, typically high school and college age people. I see them all the time, especially the ones where it's a blowjob but the dick is replaced with a sandwich and shit like that.

Pic relates...I'll give him 1 point for toast with cream cheese though. The reest is bullshit
>no time
>yet he has time to stage a selfie, type up a caption and post it

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Well fuck. This is what killed Phantom Breaker for me when it came out. By the time they did add it, I just wasn't interested anymore.

It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, if you hit a woman you're going to get jumped by everyone around around you

She was with her family, little brother, mom and dad. That worried me more than her wearing it.

we also would've accepted: "Black people that play fighting games"

it's true.
the best game they have made in a while was COTM

I hate anyone that falls under B so fucking much

Her dad has to browse this shithole to let his daughter wear shit like that. I don't believe it.

And Mr. Copen "GAS ALL ADEPTS" Hagen's wild ride will be pretty fun too probably