I fucking hate MHWorld. It's made Monhun go full MMO. I hate the visual style, the interface, the overall clunkyness. I miss classic Monhun. Is anyone playing GU on Switch? Do you think Capcom will develop a more classic-style Monhun exclusively for Switch?
I fucking hate MHWorld. It's made Monhun go full MMO. I hate the visual style, the interface, the overall clunkyness...
sorry but this is sonygaf and you just posted a banned opinion
monhun is now flawless thats its not on nintendo
>I hate progress
Yeah sounds like a Nintendo fan
No. No game is "flawless". It just significantly improved without jewtendos influence
>muh snoy
Go make another spam thread and take a shower
I like both styles and still play both. Get fucked.
>It's made Monhun go full MMO
No it hasn't you retard and the worst part about your post is you don't even have anything to back up what you said
They just closed the mmo so they have to put all the mmo shit somewhere.
>login bonuses
>limited-time seasonal events
>buy cosmetics with real money
How can a man play a game where 20% of the time you farm the exact same monster because he has the best deco drop table and the other 80% another monster because it has the 2nd best deco table because the first one is a timed event?
World's endgame loop is really fucking bad
World is borderline games as a service shit
I too miss the snappy interface of the old games. Worlds UI is fucken thrash. Also fuck them for removing the blood.
>Monster hunter world
Nintendo fag spotted. Admit your console can't do anything.
Have you ever tried setting up an online quest in World? The UX is extremely clunky
>Frontier closing down in Japan and Taiwan in December
>They STILL won't make the game free to play during its final moments
Jews until the end.
Endgame sucks but fighting monsters is still fun as fuck in World, and I try to complete them as fast as possible with every weapon. Then again I actually like Monster Hunter and have played the series for over a decade, unlike you, faggot.
It is always online...
>hate the clunkyness
>I miss classic MonHun
Get professional help
Classic MonHun is like a fighting game. There's a steep learning curve at first but once you get past it you can pick it up and play in any 15-minute break you get. The portability really synergized with this. The stages were atmospheric and decorated but didn't intrude with your path to the monster. You just and killed something. It was almost meditative. Also, the interface and options were much more accessible and quick, while World is a fucking mess, especially if you want to play online.
I do think that MonHun belongs on portables, but it's not even the beginning of my problems with World.
16 player lobbies are better. The real tragedy is how shit the gathering hall is and no separation between village and multiplayer missions.
no its not retard
It has world on the name, of course this was going to happen. GU is the better game
>Lose connection while solo
>Game bitches with popups and everything
Yeah it is, sweaty.
>Hate clunkyness
>Miss classic monhun
nigger, you just created a paradox.
that doesn't make it always online you fucking idiot. you can play the game without being connected to the internet.
I mainly play GU because I find it more fun but I go back to World if they add content that interests me.
I wish they make an MH game that is closer to the older ones but World sold so much it's not gonna happen.
Monster Hunter is clunky with bad combat and always has been.
I'd say they should upgrade the combat to Dragon's Dogma style but that game doesn't sell as much lol.
How is it more clunky than previous games?
>I hate the visual style
It's the exact same, but better
>the interface
It's the exact same, but better
>the overall clunkyness.
Are you suffering from a brian haemorrhage, OP?
>Do you think Capcom will develop a more classic-style Monhun exclusively for Switch?
Oh no you're just a salty Fisher Price fanboy LOL
>always online
You don't get those if you were never online to begin with
>>I hate the visual style
>It's the exact same, but better
You are fucking idiot if you actually think this is true. MHW is a great game, but visual style and weapon designs are definitely worst out of any recent MH game. Sure the graphics look "good", but the realistic style just doesn't fit a MH game.
>>the interface
>It's the exact same, but better
If you polish a turd it's still a turd. MH UI has always been pretty shit, and while MHW does have some improvements like the item wheel it's still shit.
>>the overall clunkyness.
>Are you suffering from a brian haemorrhage, OP?
Come on now MH games have always been clunky as fuck and MHW is not exception.
>Wanting to play a MH game alone without multiplayer or online events.
That's a huge yikes
and you just click OK and keep playing. That's not always online means you retard, it means you literally cannot play unless you are online.
I'm having lots of fun, keep seething