>getting actually angry from video games
i seriously hope you guys dont do this.
But in case you do, what's the angriest a video game ever made you?
Getting actually angry from video games
Other urls found in this thread:
I once called a guy dumb after he team killed me
based dumbo
fucking psychopath
An elephant never forgets
one time I got so angry I started literally seeing red, I don't even remember what for.
Been working on my personal issues since
Even elephants hate phoneposters.
Why are women so stupid? "lol I'll just stand by this 10,000 pound elephant! What could go wrong? XD"
>Actually getting angry at a video game
Not me, but goddamn there was so much madness back in the MW2 lobby days. With all the whining about Mordhau being 'toxic' im sure the modern vidya journalist wouldve gone into shock from all the profanity and racism back then. It was beautiful.
>tfw you get angry at video games
>tfw you get angry
>i seriously hope you guys dont do this
Single player? Never
Multiplayer? Quite a lot, I get angry at the people playing but not the video game itself
>tfw you are angry
>all the time
>>tfw you get anxious at video games
>>tfw you get anxious
>mfw i couldnt dodge the lava waves in WotLK Obsidian Sanctum
>everybody always got mad at me
>Neat looking game that you want to play
>Online mostly
>Sweating just thinking about joining a lobby and doing badly
>Anxiety kicks in to the max
I-i just wanted it for the single player anyways haha..
did she died
Yes, she fell backwards into a pit of snakes.
Serious answer, no but this video is in Zambia and these people should not have been around this elephant. This is a male african bull elephant is musthe, which means it's in heat and is hyper aggressive and mean right now. There is a liquid on the side of its' head under its ears you can see leaking, this is the tell tale sign of this.
What's this liquid?
>mute everyone in fear you will be blamed when the game goes bad
>think they are doing it anyway when muted
>uninstall game
After repeatedly dying during some bullshit part of Immortal Unchained I twisted my 360 controller so hard that I somehow cut the palm of my hand. Didn't notice it immediately because I played in the dark but after a while the controller became very sticky.
She looks like that dragon bicth from GoT but with actual proportions, and instead of dragons she tames elephants and my cock.
Rage juice.
It's a mixture of peptides, cholesterol, protein and liquids. It's supposedly extremely smelly and smells like a mixture of urine and cum. It drips out of their ears and into their mouth, which further pisses them off. During musth, their temporal glands swell up, causing them intense and constant migraines and pain comparable to a tooth abscess. Their testosterone levels shoot up to 60 times the normal. All this means that a bull elephant turns extremely aggressive and will attack anything he comes across.
Basically musth is a combination of roid rage, superpuberty, and a massive tootache.
>going for immortal
>someone dies during Sapphiron
>vent channel when it happens
Wasnt me btw
>gank someone on a WoW PvP server
>they make another account to give me angry messages
>The guy going for the cell phone
Xbox live from the earliest days until at least up as far as when cod blops came out was just nonstop racism. It's where a lot of modern alt right type humor comes from imo. It was never a widely accepted thing before that to just be non stop and unapologetically racist for laughs
I was one of the people getting mad at people like you
>It drips out of their ears and into their mouth, which further pisses them off
>[Muffled Paleo-BFG Division plays internally]
Games with this feel?
Ecco the dolphin
Notice the part where its penis was coming out
it was gonna rape her
and there is nothing she could do about it
thats how it should be
thats how it could be
I thought that report about dolphin rapists was a fake.
Yes, we all know that. Also, she could have just pinched him in the dick.
you just know etc etc
i wish rape was legal i fucking hate lefties so god damn much
I only lose my cool if I'm playing fighting games. It's the one genre that actually has a negative impact on me
is this fake? a single elephant cant push a car
have sex
WHITE GIRLS FUCK DOGS (they really fuck them)
>entering a fog gate
The only fake thing here is your brain, fucking retard.
U mad biped boy?
better dogs than nogs
I love big doggos, they warm my heart
>Meet dog
So do black girls.
what the fuck is their prööööhblem?
sauce pls
Look at rain man. He can simulate reality so accurately in his head that he knows that an elephant can't push a car. Oh wait or he's just a huge retard who makes completely baseless assumptions for no reason whatsoever.
>During musth, their temporal glands swell up, causing them intense and constant migraines
so that's why I've been having migraines almost every day for the past two weeks, I'm just really horny, it all makes sense
i saw a video of this 10/10 putting peanutbutter on her pussy and having her dog lick it off in the woods. it was the hottest shit but i cant find it
no they dont, and nice fake, and if they did white person is involved paying them, white people fuck dogs for free and make videos
they fucking dogs instead of you inferior cracker ass no wonder you have negative birthrate
I bet the knot would rip her in half haha
how the fuck i that hot?
white people love fucking animals sick degenerate race need extinction ASAP
>tfw your blood thinners prevent you from getting any kind of boner unless you spike your blood pressure with rage
why is it wrong to get mad at videogames? note: I don't mean why is it wrong to handle your anger innappropriately. I just wonder if it's better to know you'll get mad at vidya and decide, hey, maybe I'll take a break because you're at least more grounded that way.
That elephant should be rewarded with extra meals and a medal for contributing to the improvement of Humanity.
Probably Ludwig or Fume Knight. I was like 16 and 18 for both and went full retard fighting them, to the point of almost breaking a controller.
I dont get mad at any games anymore besides Darkest Dungeon
Smashed a wiimote onto the floor after a failed world record attempt in mkwii
>and nice fake
It's a pretty well known video on /gif/ actually. They have plenty of vids of black girls fucking dogs there.
Sorry to break the news to you mate, but sometimes the slaves need to satisfy the white man's dogs too.
its actually real user-kun
Why are you larping as a nog?
>sexualizing elephants
women deserve death
All he wants is some sex, he's not getting it so he's angry. Therefore, in order for one to not be angry, one only needs to do is have sex. Kind of reminds you of a certain place.
This banter is fucking garbage and I wish you stupid faggots would turn off whatever life support is keeping you alive. The brain damage you apparently suffer from is preventing you to write something worth a god damn.
Kill yourselves
who is this qt?
having sex with dogs is something a low iq brainlet like you couldn't understand, Tyrone. truley only the highest intellectuals can enjoy such a hobby
I miss when people on Yea Forums just implied implications and seriously hoped at each other.
We all knew it couldn't last. Either of those requires you write out a full sentence. Now words are emojis since emojis aren't allowed here.
banter here has lost its soul
I feel like Yea Forums these days is unironically devolving into newspeak, like how "based" is basically the equivalent of "doubleplusgood".
Remind me of a certain collective indeed.
They can't get any dick because men would rather jack off online than fuck an ugly orc/goblin so they go on chimpouts in the streets about rights and censoring video games. Sad existences.
One time I had a gameshark that somehow got scratched up but worked some of the time. I was desperate to get it to work but it just wasn't booting up in my PS2. I got so frustrated that I resorted to "percussive maintenance" to fix it since it apparently worked one time. I ended up breaking the case of the PS2. (it was custom made with translucent plastic, had a lid that allowed me to play pirated games, and a piece of lid broke off after hitting it.) I didn't realize how much I would regret it at the time because I was a kid and wanted to play every game I had with cheat codes enabled. Some games I never played without cheat codes
Tell me more
lynch yourself DOUBLE NIGGER
thats right you arnt even a single nigger you're a PLURAL NIGGER
>the calm, present ambient music, toned with the soft sfx of choosing a game mode
>a literally shitstorm of slurs, insults, and laughter
beautiful like ying and yang
This is my favorite king of the hill episode
I raged when I played DS2 with a controller plugged into my PC with a cheap cord that'd lose connection every-time I bumped it. Threw the controller and woke up my roommates.
I died a lot on those bosses but I enjoyed the fight so much I didn't care. Have raged on other From bosses like watchdog of the old lords.
As for Darkest Dungeon, remember that you're leveling up the hamlet instead of your heros.
he tryin but johnny law won't let him
That happened to me with 3 different PS3 controllers (using the official cable). Pretty sure the port just wears out.
ahahaha fag
this guy gets it
The only game that makes me mad is Smash, but I can never stop playing and most matches I am cool. Teams is the best mode but so often I get stuck with the retard.
It's always either:
>other team isn't that great, but partner is trash and gets out
>share stocks me when I'm at 150% and only player with 2 stock, other team is already at mid percent
>get killed and watch him job it to two guys I could have beat 2v1
>moderately close match but we have slight lead
>he goes out, but I'm at low percent
>doesn't share stock me, lets two competent players wombo combo me to death instead of helping
also the sheer number of people who aren't setting their match preferences has been getting on my nerves since school went out for summer.
ended up getting world record though 13 yr old me was too emotionally invested in the game lol
i hope your sister gave you some cooldown blowjob for those anger issues user