7th stand user thread

Currently at the polnareff fight with Ocean Blue, how do I get ripple and what party should I use once I get every party member? Where can I learn the flee tactic?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You get ripple by suck Joseph’s cock at night in inns

Are there any others in real life who use stands besides these two?

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I think the flee tactic is in the menu of tactics you have for defending or something.
Use someone close range like Jotaro or Polnareff. Someone to offset your distance weakness

Stand roll call. What did you got user?

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Time to lose my soul

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I'm a man of the sea

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Pharoah Sanders
How can Power stands compete with PURE LIGHTNING

Why is this game suddenly getting threads?

You can do it
Do you have Pixies?

>buy 10 arrows off the Speedwagon store
>keep getting Harvest and oasis.
i have lost over $100 in this stupid fucking gacha bullshit

Howlin Wolf. Not a chance.

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

Deep purple reporting in

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This guy

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Cardigans, I find it funny since Part 3 is the only part with no designated healer stand

This is a pasta but JoJo fights post-P2 are unironically really imaginative and fun

These guys 1/2

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what does it mean?

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Quicksilver. So far it's a bit boring, but powerful, so I'll stick with it. I can solo Polnareff with its aoe attacks, right?

Attached: Quicksilver.png (400x280, 9K)


Looking for advice on what stand to take on my next playthrough/a save file with +5 clears so I can get that final ending

Red Garland for maximum punch wizardry
Also, wear the samurai outfit

Shift is your friend user, steel told you this

There's a way to find out his bullshit user don't give up

Think user, where can you find an axe?

Howling Wolf by being mild on my beliefs, and when I took them to their logical extreme I got Quicksilver.

Yeah it shouldn't give you much trouble, you can grind a little if you need more health or aren't killing the chariots fast enough

I died three times before figuring it out

Magnet tits is the hardest fight in the game.

If you are going for the final final ending you should try cardigans or mr big, you are not going to be the problem on those fights your partners are, you need to buff the shit out of them at the beginning of each boss or they'll eat shit immediately and fuck up the soul counter
If you are going for the developer's room red garland requiem is your friend against the gate keeper

Is this an actual game or just another Ed Edd Eddy MMO kinda thread

Did you find the chest?

kill da hooo



It was such a cool fucking stand. There was tons of application for it. Trash could be made into rare items,you could fix up characters when they got fucked up too hard and I really thought the whole debuffing and buffing shit worked awesome with the rest of the cast also its final move was dropping a road roller

When I came out I remember everyone digging Ocean Blue for being a broken ass stand but Carpenters has way more ways to fuck things up IMO.

Attached: carpenters stand.png (400x280, 9K)

Red Garland retard reporting for duty

Fellow brainlet here, please help us

Actual game. It's called 7th Stand User and the translated version is hosted on a tumblr
It's a shame the latest version is unlikely to be translated

I guess I'll go with specials when I get there, but unfortunately that requires 3 more clears from my end.

It's still getting updates? Shit man that's dedication
What's in the latest version

>Buy a fuckton of early game drinks
>Turn them into stat upgrades
>Steamroll through everything in seconds and make a fuck ton of money
Pretty sure someone out there has a savefile of a character with 999 on everything out there

Jotaro dying of cancer

What kind of stand does Grichka have?

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Was the sequel to this ever finished?

Money for nothing


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I wish there were more out-of-battle applications for stands. There's a few but it feels like with certain stands you should be able to do a lot more.


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user it started development a year or so ago we aren't getting a complete-ish version in at least 6 more years
That's a good guess but keep trying

Is there a way to turn down the music? The game is really loud.

>Ocean Blue for being a broken ass stand
Ocean Blue's power is to shoot sweat,blood,piss and cum how is that broken?
The true try hard stand is deep purple

>download this
>never get around to playing it
>computer's disk dies

So I need to install the rpg rt with japanese as my computers language, and I don't export a single thing?

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Can you use Ocean Blue to blast piss at people?

I wish people would stop unironically calling it that. I have zero hope for it since its not being made by Clayman, the creator of 7th stand user, and looks more like an english team trying to copy the success of the original.

Extract the files. Not sure why the install guide says not to. It only worked for me once I did that.

I imagine something similar to heavens door.

Howlin' wolf should be able to propel itself around with it's shockwaves, maybe create an echo chamber of sorts to make it's shockwaves bounce around, alternatively sonic youth could do this too but they gave it more of a bard role, napalm death probably got fucked over by the engine, it would be way more interesting with some form of setup mechanic or a counter or both, miracles is supposed to be able to fully control small animals so why not send swarms of bugs or rats at the enemy, etc, again most of these ideas are probably impossible due to the limitations of rpgmaker so some stands are pretty much fucked

You mean the locale thing? not to my knowledge

So whats the game like? RPG?

>tfw no translation for the diavolo roguelike

『Heaven's High』 and 『Heaven's Low』; stands so powerful that the thought that they are almost always used in conjunction with one another frightening.
『Heaven's High』 gives absolute control over every attribute "above the norm"; this includes height, temperature, weight, stock price; any attribute that the user knows about that is above the average is manipulable.
Similarly, 『Heaven's Low』 does the same thing, but for every attribute below the norm.
When used in conjunction with one another, the Bogdanoff twins can manipulate attribute that isn't perfectly average; their worst match up would be against the most average person on Earth.

Yeah, it's a turn based rpg but don't let that scare you off.

>He got Miracles

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I have some hope for it but that's mostly because the stands


Clayman stopped updating the game years ago but then she came back recently and now the latest version is 2.52
It adds a good chunk new content my favorite is the pedophile trait

>pedophile trait
i wonder how will this affect the game?

What does it even do? Does it change what happens with the orphan girl?

>he got Pixies then punked out like a bitch

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So what's a good way to get a shit ton of money
my stand is cardigans and im playing as a male

well that explains that, and for the text files you just drop them into the main folder?

7th Stand User 2 started development 4 years ago, actually. They have very little progress beyond some art and the personality quiz. They fucked up the hardest by making a bunch of recurring OCs for fucking Part 4 a la 7th Stand User 1, for the part that has the most (which is to say, enough.)recurring side characters to work with.

Anyone have the stand chart that has the callout at the end?

If you have more than one badge save scum for money, it also depends on where you are right now

Wait 4 years?, well fuck me that game is gonna be stuck on development hell

Is there any way to know which midis from this game are original and not some default rpgm song?

Here’s a post from early January 2016.

Some have an obvious departure from the usual format filename-wise, otherwise mostly experience.

The stands are already 10/10 in terms of concept and design

Me :)

I like the Slim Shady stand

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My first playtrought
Napalm death
I just made it to egypt and it's a bit boring, I just either spam Nuke or A big-bomb and most things die rather easily. Also there is not much use for it outside of combat, outside of some people mentoning it in dialog it's prety boring. Pen is mightier than a sword, I dunno about a gun but let's find out

adam ant checking in, it's not exactly a powerhouse but it has its uses

Aww shit yeah

Attached: overkill.png (640x480, 31K)

>user it started development a year or so ago
It began development in 2014.

Nah, it started in August 2015 on 8ch’s Yea Forums after a some user streamed another shit, but complete RPGM game called Uncommon Time with a giant thread about said shit game. It’s basically their Anonymous Agony. At some point said streamer streamed 7SU up to like, Polnareff while RPing as the one character that Yea Forums liked from Uncommon Time (Link related:pastebin.com/HLHLMqwE). Then some drawfag drew some JoJo-style stuff and some other dude did some midi/mp4 stuff for 7SU2.


Reason why is because it's a Long Range Power stand. So you can hit someone with Star Platinum tier punches from far away while most stands can't do shit about it in a reliable fashion.

>>Pedophile trait
Is there a rape scene all of a sudden during the Strength arc?

>downloaded this because I saw these threads
>got Pharoah Sanders
>destroy everything
>get to Singapore
>suddenly getting raped left and right
Fuck zombies and fuck assassins

Looks like the thread died, oh well


Honestly I've been trying to play the game but I keep looking at and responding to the threads so I end up not going anywhere.

Miracles Chads, where we at?

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heh, funny. Did you think you were Pharoah Sanders?

>dude outside the mansion that slices people up being creepy and telling people to go in
>no option to confront him because he's obviously the stand user
I feel like a massive brainlet.
Joykiller here, just learned Chainsaw.


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But the dude slicing people up is inside the mansion

Do I just need to buy a shit ton of cola?

Kinda yeah. Once you kill him it stops though.

We had 3 threads back to back hitting bump limit, i think it's fine if this one doesn't


Why is there no fan art of Ocean Blue?
Is it this rare to get him legit?


So I never see a lot of talk about Mr. Big, I just ended up with him. So I won't be a school shooter but Ana?




They're both the stand of each other, that's why they're so powerful.

Must just not be popular bro

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You get the power of gun, use it wisely.

Holdup, I thought Miracles was based on 'The Miracles', like these dudes.

It is, the other user may be confused.


I'd like to know too but it seems like there isn't.


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what is that supposed to look like

>not semen

Absolutely wrecks shit in combat, A-bomb fucking destroys bosses, but no environmental interactions is kinda lame

At least you get BITES ZA DUSTO though I probably won't end up using it

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Like this.

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Got Adam Ant, what am I in for ?

john madden john madden john madden john madden john madden john madden

Stands are cool but how do you look like user ?

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Nah guys, it's definitely the ICP song

what I did was right click volume on desktop and selected the volume mixer and turned the game volume down that way


When did 7th stand user get so popular? This is the second thread i've seen in the last 2 days.

Yeah but it also removes the FX.

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My catchphrase is HAVE SEX

based and ricecooked

It was popular a while ago but now there's a lot of new people picking it up.

The male manlet

I'm wondering too.
I only just heard about it since this new influx of threads I was pretty surprised to hear it wasn't a new release.

fat guy

>Fuckin' bioelectrical currents, how do they work?

Best girl.

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>It was popular a while ago but now there's a lot of new people picking it up.
Well i get that, but to this degree? Did some e-celeb do a video on it?

Ah shit it does. Then I don't know how to fix it.

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No, just some user who wanted to talk about it.

Default male because I'm real imaginative like that.

Upper left

Try to move the music files in the music folder to somewhere else.

>Game let's you be a little girl
>Implying I would pick anything else

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Same but also because there's no pretty boy option.

Reminder that if you play napalm death as a good guy you are doing it wrong.

None of them.
>picked regular male
>edited the files so he has the not-jolyne portrait
>edited the not-jolyne portrait to it looks more masculine

Attached: jojo-orichara.png (192x192, 16K)

Distinctive because I have a pompadour

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I just don't have it in me to do rude things without provocation

VirtualMIDISynth not only allows you to lower the music volume individually but also improves it

So you played as a tranny?

Post it.

Ok thanks, i'll try that.

You fuckers

Josuke gang


Just learned Ripple breathing. Can I sleep in any hotel with the old man to learn Hamon techniques?


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What stand?

Joykiller. Even if I can't it was worth it for the self heal.

Top right, though I think I'll do a male wearing the samurai suit after this.
What stand should I use for maximum nippon?

Sadly your boy can't really learn anything from other, i know it's fucking stupid considering polnareff and anubis are a thing but hey look forward to the move contaminate

Unlucky, I was planning on doing another playthrough anyway since the personality test seems to give 2-3 different results for each person. Here's hoping I can get a cool combo stand next time.

Huh did an update hit or something or did the anime ended and you people decided to to jojovidya?
Eitherway played this game like 3 times years ago, i got fucking Miracles.
The flair and shit you can do in the world/encounters it's nice but jesus christ bosses are a nightmare, get the UV laser and spam it.

is the submarine route fun? I have both speedwagon and stroheim

The hivemind beckons

Team up with Kakyoin if you need long distance
Also, make sure you stay at the inn with Abdul and Joseph.

Top left with samurai outfit and ocean blue

It has a lot of neat and cool shit but be ready to go through a gauntlet.

ok, I hope they're strong since I have cardigans and don't do a lot of damage

Don't bully miracles

>you'll never go on an adventure with the crusaders

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This motherfucker died without knowing he had friends?

He never told them that he left for Egypt. Though he got abducted by Dio while they were visiting Cairo. They may still be there, searching for him.

Give me a quick rundown on this game

t. big fan of jojo

Maybe i didn't play it to it's strengths but i felt gimped after trying a random run and getting NOT-Crazy Free Star Wet

stands aren't real and you'd just hold them back

Miracles was designed to be bullied

I'm A Stardust Crusader With A Stand and I'm Traveling to Egypt to Defeat Dio?! Gaiden

Well, I just like being alone.

Who Howlin Wolf here

howlin wolf bro reporting in

Don't let them bully you, Miracles is perfectly fine.
It just means you need to learn to rely on your friends, the Stardust Crusaders, to round out your party

>miracucks have to rely on "friends"
>they can't just shock someone so hard they explode

t. projecting Miracles user

I'm a PharoahChad myself but Miracles and their Stand Users don't deserve to be treated as any less.
They're helping in their own way!

>being this mad that Miracles gets the most fanart

>Mfw cardigans
>Mfw get my nuke
>Mfw it's single target and irreparably FUCKS the enemy
>Mfw when i dose people

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Wrong. CHADacles users get good elemental coverage, a good boosting move, and tons of useful status moves. I bet it's good for the lategame superbosses too.

Fun with punch-ghost steroids

>claims to be a Pharaohchad
>can't spell Pharaoh right
What a pathetic lying Miracuck

wow it's almost like its named after a popular musician or something

this mariah section sucks, whats the trick to it

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Find the chest

Just attack Mariah with Joseph directly, don't worry about the trap
>Hermit Ripple can bind Mariah
Also use Cunning Hermit

seejust go straight up and you'll find a chest with a ripple technique

>talk to girl
>she mocks me
>instantly want to rape her
How do I rape this bitch?

Attached: rape.png (624x374, 24K)


well shit I just did the trap, guess that technique islost forever

Not really, but you can steal her panties in NG+

This guy I found on /ck/.

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user rapes? no honor

It's only a one off so that Mariah's chase is more bearable, don't sweat it

You can steal her panties on the first one too

I got literally the best one for me. It really feels like it would be my stand.

Attached: Unironically me.png (800x794, 33K)

No you can't
can you?

Speaking of panties

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You can use guard to close up on the distance, but how do you get away from a power stand?

You say it's the best one but it's not Sanders

It's rng between the magazine the brass knuckles and the panties

Yeah i know but you have to be on ng+

Oh nonono... look at the top of his head

how many of you cucks helped this nerd out?

not me, being bullied makes you stronger.

Attached: nerd beat up.png (319x238, 8K)

I helped him because I don't like delinquents.

Are there any other really good self-inserty rpg games like this?

lmao so this is probably you

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>helping the nerd

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about to fight darby, didn't someone say one of the darby fights is completely broken?

I didn't help him because that's the men's bathroom

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Post your favorite song from your Stand's namesake

it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay
it's okay I guess


And these are you.

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Why the fuck is the rolling stone maze so bullshit?

Aww that's nice

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Someone explain to me what is this.

Why are they trying to make 7th stand user 2 about part 4?
Part 7 would make a much better setting for a game.
Also, have you guys ever read a better manga than part 7?
I haven't read much manga and want some recommendations

Oh wait a second

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It's an rpg where you get to self-insert into the plot of part 3. You get your own stand and everything.

JoJo fan-game based on Stardust Crusaders, you play as an nobody who wakes up with a stand of their own. You get to effective hang out with the Crusaders.

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Because you can't save, you don't know for sure where you're going, and there's tons of boulders blocking your way. Plus those spooky flying boulders. Honestly it would be a lot more acceptable if those flying fucks weren't there.



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I don't know what's going on here

Nice, I know what I'm playing this weekend.

How do you make the text legible? The characters are just black blotches for me and I have to kinda guess what they're supposed to be saying.

The readme that comes with the game tells you how to fix it.

There's a set of typefonts that is recommended in the readme; install them to resolve the issue.

Check the readme. First line in the FAQ is a link to a fix.

Cunning Hermit?
More like
Cunny Hermit

Why don't you read the readme file? There is a reason the file was called readme.

there is no karma system in this game the fuck you niggas about?

Woah deep

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it's some OC off pixiv for a Pharoah Sanders user
There's a lot of fucking OCs on Pixiv

>He doesn't know

There is a karma system but it's invisible to the player

It's a hidden stat but it's there, you just have to TRY to be an asshole for it to become more noticeable and lead to more chances to be an asshole.

I don't want to get a 19 minutes cutscenes for choosing the wrong option.

But I'm intrigued to know what happens when you reject going to Egypt with the cast. What happens Yea Forums?

I might have bopped some bullies with my punchghost's axe.

Game is hard yo

>got an Eerie Tarot Card from a delinquent at the start of the game
>at Rubber Soul and haven't found a use for it so far


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Nigger, you had to use it on the first map at the arcade.

There's a tarot reader at the first map dude

are you me kek

average guy, top left one

That depends, what stand did ya get?

what level should iggy be for the petshop fight

Game Over

>20 KB JPG>got an Eerie Tarot Card from a delinquent at the start of the game
eh? where did you get a tarot card?

If you have 10 fp with him you can join in and make the fight easier, just run away from petshop until you are about to exit the sewers

You get it from one of the random delinquents in Japan before you leave to fight Dio.

What is this game? Where can I download it?

>tfw you will never play a SBR version of 7SU

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Don't worry user, I will personally make that game a reality

tfw the diu version is most likely gonna suck (if it even gets completed.)

Attached: 61.jpg (445x469, 39K)


RPG about the 3rd part of Jojo with you going along for the ride, and possibly messing with the plot here and there.

>tfw you will never play chaos mode translated

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>tfw too depressed to even play 7thSU
guess i will just lay down today

maybe one day

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Oh someone will make it, in 2057 probably

Your health's important user, you don't have to do it if you don't feel up to it

Sonic Youth represent

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Is there a way to run it in windowed instead of full screen?

Do we get to befriend Alessi and have him revert DIO back into Dio?

This is definitely the best game ever made.

And I say this as a man that disliked part 3 the most out of all parts.

Press f4

No, play the fucking game and focus on it.


God bless you

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for me i want a golden wind version of the 7SU

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Pixies. Mind control stuff seems like fun, even if it's limited to small animals and kids. I liked forcing the guy in hong kong to drop his wedding ring and more or less force him to propose to his waifu.

It also occurs to me that Pixies can fully control shit that's smaller than a child. DIO's head is smaller than a child and it's just puppeteering Johnathan's body... A shame I know that won't actually work.

They ask again, and if you say no again you leave to go home when you bump into Kira, who then kills you

Might be cause Woolie is/was playing it recently.

never managed to recover the porn magazine from the teachers at the school

So I just beat the game and I'm curious about how FP transfers to new game +.
Supposedly it retains, but I read on the wiki that choosing hard mode will reset it regardless.
Is that true? I don't want it to reset, but I also don't want to downplay to normal since I already did it on hard.

Hard mode reduces the FP by a set amount.

>just got wiped
>forgot to save since Rubber Soul

He was at 40 for me, but I steamrolled petshop and he didnt even need to be saved by my OC

Also there are invisible paths so you'll have a lot of trial and error. But it's worth since it'll eventually give you the tool to get into the Dev room.

You wanna have fun times? Always be an asshole BUT be nice to ya boys Kak and Pol.

How the fuck do I beat Cars? Level up Joseph?

May redo my playthrough. I went back to it and saw I was still in the rolling stone mansion.

Which Kars is the real question?
You can beat the first one by buffing Joseph, stocking the fuck up on healing items and hamoning the fuck out of him while your character either pummels Kars with your strongest attack or keeps the buff/debuff train rolling.
The 2nd Kars I have yet to beat, but I know the method. You NEED to both you and your partner be putting out 999 damage each per attack so you can out-pace his bullshit health regen. Best option is to stock the fuck up on stat boost items, get Red Garland, get Jotaro, and just wail on the bastard.

I actually had to do pic related to get the game to open windowed because my computer just refused to let an RPG Maker 2k3 game run in fullscreen

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How do you defeat the doctors in the indian hospital? They do about 60 to 100 damage each.

Post shitty stand ideas.
The stand of a Joestar who's slowly dying of an unknown illness with no known cure. It's ability is that it can effect objects so that they're uneffected by shit that should change them. Say, for instance, Blackstar slams a bad lad into a wall it made unchanging, it doesn't break the wall but makes the villain hurt like shit.
The ultimate form of Blackstar. It's power is that it literally weaponizes the status quo. For like 7 seconds under it's control nothing matters besides what it does. Nobody can make any true decisions, nobody can die, nobody but the user.

Attached: blackstar.jpg (636x421, 33K)

I liked this sequence so much I made a crappy pencil drawing of part of it. Spoilers for anyone who hasn't defeated Orby, of course.

What's pictured is actually one of the wrong options.

Attached: 2018-11-15.1.jpg (4151x2529, 2.22M)

>a joestar dying of an unknown illness with no known cure

Yes, Kekyoin is my best pal, how could you tell?

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Alright about to start making The 8th modern crusader in rpg2k3

Weed stand ideas

I can't take credit for this one myself, it's my friend's
It turns purple things blue.
And blue things purple!

can relax allies for gradual healing or make people paranoid and distrustful


Pretty interesting.

random jojo thought but like isn't Avdols stand like hyper broken? wouldn't Dio and almost any user get one shot by flames that can instantly melt metal?

Like half the stands of part 3 are hyper broken.

Magician's Red is the Magcargo of JoJo's, it's so hot it should just annihilate anything in theory but in practice it's mediocre at best

Attached: Hot Blooded.jpg (500x321, 39K)

Magician's Red is why there are no other fire stands

I got mistakes into Miracles

One half of a stand used by siamese twins. It's ability is that it can instantly point out vital areas of which the user can fatally attack.
The other half of the stand. It's ability is that it can predict it's victim's future actions. If it accurately predicts the actions well enough, it can "predict" the target being frozen in place for a few seconds, allowing HECKYLL's user to attack.

Is it worth saving the badges of honor or should I just use it?

『Golden Time Lover 』
The user can do basically anything but to be able to do it he must exchange one or more things that together make the trade equivalent
Example 1:In other to kill someone you hate you can either make so someone you love dies or that five people you love lose 1/5 of their body
Example 2:So that a manga you love has a good adaptation you have to make so another manga you love as much has a shitty or that 3 manga you love have meh adaptations
The stand itself has E in all stats and looks like a white ball with a smile

save at least 2 for NG+

Cream shits all over it though.

Yellow Temp was OP as well.

If you are on your first playthrough save at least 1 for the New Game +, if you are tired of seeing the cutscenes save 3 for KC, if you wanto to play as Josuke save 9, otherwise do whatever you want with them.

It's an oven that turns the next few seconds into a pizza, and if someone eats the pizza they also erase whatever happened in those seconds from time

I think you need at least one to access NG+. You can use more of them to unlock other features.

Attached: 3A375AEA-5B3E-40E5-B94A-ABF75C1893AB.png (450x524, 95K)

Cool thanks

>Manifests as a statue that can trap as many as 25 people in one room for an indefinite amount of time
>If anyone does anything so much as "sinful" in the room, such as stealing, lying, or stepping on bugs, it brutally murders them
>This keeps on happening until the stand user calls it off or everyone's dead
>However, the stand user himself is not immune to the effects too, making him as much of a target as everyone else

Attached: guilltoine.jpg (480x368, 32K)

(Minor Death 13 arc spoilers)

What did you choose, Jo/v/ros?

how much health does vanilla ice have, been hitting him with shishkebab and a bombs for awhile now yes while he's in proper range

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The user can transfer the state between two living beings using themselves as a conduit. (IE: You can transfer a gunshot wound from your friend to the bad guy, but you have to pass it through yourself first)

I got shot so I couldn't go to the amusement park


Wait, how? I'm just up to Pet Shop on my first playthrough and wasn't aware that could happen

I believed in my bro.

If you go with Polnareff aat Calcutta, you take the bullet instead of Avdol, and get put on another adventure to buy the submarine.

that feels like a huge jump

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Chase after Polnareff in Calcutta when he goes after J Geil. You get shot where Abdul normally would.

Avdol jumped into cream for no fucking reason i bet in a polllie died Avdol woulda raped cream by just spamming hot fire

Dio and The World have 4000 health each. I belive in you user.

Is it impossible to save everyone on the first playthrough?

Holy fuck.
I felt kind of bad about not going with him but now I'm glad I didn't so that I could believe in cherry boy

Attached: JosephOhMyGod.jpg (637x358, 128K)

Hol Horse also freaks out if you’re a girl.


is there another chance to grind after entering the mansion also each holy shit

Fuck. I'm gonna save at least Kakyoin even if it means me dying.

Lol no, get ready to take the Holy Diver cock user.

Once you go in, you're in till the very end. entering the mansion is the last chance you have to get you things together.

are you joking, not ready for the steam roller

He needs to have the highest amount of FP in the group to survive.

No jokes, depending on your route Dio can fuck you really hard, and I assume you are on your first playthrough so the true final boss has 3000 hp with a 3000 hp stand but you are fighting alone

This game really impresses me by how much attention it pays to your PC's gender. For example, Steely Dan threatens to smooch you in front of Jotaro if you're a girl and you stay with him instead of going with Joseph, on top of putting Lovers in your ear instead of the little kid's. Not to mention how the female PC interacts with Saudi Arabian law.

Attached: Screenie510.png (661x519, 34K)

I'm on the submarine route, how fucked am I

>part 6 game
>you HAVE to play as a woman
>your stand determines what you were in prison for

That doesn't affect much, check your FP values to see who has the highest in your party.

>check your FP values

Call Steel (press shift,) go to the "more" option at the bottom, and then choose "current party," there should be a "check friendship" option.

Dio's fight harder or easier depending on who's route you're on. Kakyoin's route, you only get one shot to put him down or it's game over. Polnareff's Dio is the hardest, throwing knives and stopping time, but if you run you can still advance the story. Advols and Iggies fight is easier than the others but you can still run away or lose

Check in with Steel, under party.

2nd Playthrough, got Caravan, switched to Quicksilver. Good idea or bad idea?

It's all over bros. I didn't even realize I could check FP until now. I'm not even sure how Avdol has that much FP. I bought Kakyoin the gameboy and stayed at the hospital with him. I regret going the submarine route now. I missed out on too many FP events. I'm in Cairo right now.

Attached: Capture.png (619x140, 4K)

>part 6 game
>you HAVE to play as a woman
Why the prison has a male and female wing
>>your stand determines what you were in prison for

Eh, you'll be alright, Avdol route ain't that bad.

>alessi's stand is an option

>Part 5 game
>Game starts with Black Sabbath fucking penetrating you

Attached: 7up.gif (480x291, 803K)

Wait you can switch stands?

>Read up quick on this game
>Apparently 18 possible stands for the MC
>Can be a qt3.14
>Branching paths and morality
>Sequel coming set during part 4
Holy shit, is this all real? Is the translation well done? How well does it play, like is it clunky?

>Stand Name
The Refreshments
the user never needs to eat, drink, sleep, pee, or poop but can still do these things if he wants to. Bonus is the user always has perfect teeth and minty fresh breath, no matter what he eats or how seldom he brushes his teeth

Just found last night that I missed the Boingo and Hol Horse fight.
I don't know whether it's possible to see the manga Oingo and Boingo fight, but I did face them anyway by staying in the hospital with Kakyoin?

There’s a locker in the school that gives you an invitation to Aya‘s Salon. You can chang your Stand there.

Yes, it's real, the translation is good and it plays like most turn based rpgs but with stands, the sequel is probably never coming though.

Look in the lockers at your school at the start of the game, you'll find an invitational letter to the soft opening of Cinderella Salon. Dr. Aya can switch your Stand for you, but it'll reset your level.

It's pretty well done for an RPG maker game, if you're into Jojo and like JRPG gameplay then you'll love it

I already choice to join the pursuing party, was the fleeing party easier or harder

It’s real and it plays pretty good. A lot like Final Fantasy Legend for GB.

do Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer

Try equipping the bunny suit anytime

>Sequel coming set during part 4
The japanese lady clayman who made the first game isn't working on the sequel instead it's just fans of the first game who decided to make their own sequel
>Holy shit, is this all real? Is the translation well done?
It's alright but the newer versions with a lot of new content hasn't been translated yet

Fuck it, downloading it now. Any tips for a noob?


Do not read this thread any further. Do not open this image.

Attached: The anon reading this filename is about to be killed by Yoshikage Kira..png (295x300, 94K)

Answer the quiz honestly and try to save at least 1 badge of honor, and remember to unfuck the font by reading the readme.

answer the questions honestly


You can also play as Josuke in NG+ with the right amount of Badges.

Never, no one is working on translating it because RPGmaker 2000 translations are a pain in the ass.

Watch out for secrets

Be honest, and remember to interact with people in the open world segments for side content.

oh shi

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Attached: 10293.gif (238x178, 634K)

Who knows?

Thanks, anons. By the way, where do I put the font files? The readme doesn't say.

What's the best midi soundfont for this game? I downloaded VirtualMIDISynth and the recommended soundfont that was listed in the readme but it seems pretty shitty, especially the battle music

Mamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamama mama fucker.

Just install them normally.

Just double click the font file and it should open it and you can install it automatically

Da ga kotowaru

Attached: Screenie603.png (657x525, 24K)

>Become pretty much unkillable
>Even after being torn apart, everything will repair and heal back to normal
>Only things that are deemed as "holy" can put you down for good

You gotta keep trying user, you can only do it when you have no partners.

>deadly queen

Attached: 80552971-9A36-4BC0-BA4F-EC6384861950.jpg (480x360, 35K)

What’s your favorite Stand for 7SU2? Mine’s Motörhead.

Attached: 403B6528-FE29-4DEB-84B0-9053A883E88C.png (402x692, 260K)

That doesn't sound that shitty, user.

For me, it's the D

Attached: tenacious_D.png (509x700, 294K)

The stand is a small knife, that once it stabs you, you start hallucinating, seeing your ultimate fantasy everywhere, eventually leading the user to accidental suicide either by the hallucination drawing you to dangerous situations, or something like a gun looking like something else

Good choice.

Attached: ace of spades.png (592x700, 208K)

dub names are better.

Does anyone have recommended levels for some areas?
I'm starting to get fucked up by everything and my buffs are not strong enough

Where are you right now? Which stand?

Just grind until you destroy shit

>tfw Miracles actually comes in handy for this with it's ability to turn up the encounter rate

「Modal Soul」
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: E
Precision: E
Potential: E
A stand that can adapt to any supernatural type of attack. The more you attack it, the stronger it gets for that person that targets it. The secret here is throw hands at the user or the stand (that is material)

Here's one from a /vp/ thread I came up with

Attached: this one really isn't shitty it's just weird.png (501x299, 24K)

>Yea Forums only likes things after e-celebs play them
Fucking typical

Does the soundfont thing go in the root folder or something?

I do love Zipper Man.

I pretty much based it off of the Red Skeletons from Castlevania.

Attached: 23FBA44E-1005-4313-9371-DF63CA19AF47.jpg (640x520, 152K)

I like Flaccid Pancake more.

Download VirtualMIDISynth and load it into that
I don't really like the one they recommend though

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>Reach singapore
>Suddenly everything one shots

Deep purple? More like deeply fucked



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I had it rec'd to me by /vp/, I dunno who this Wool weirdo is

I'm in Calcutta with the Pharoah Sanders.
I keep running out of SP and money and I'm paranoid about somehow running out of time


Don't worry about time, the game's time limit is very linear, if you believe you need to grind and don't want to rest at an hotel you can buy some food for almost the same cost instead.

How much Bottled Water do you use? It's basically my one source of out-of-battle recovery

Hopefully some based autist picks it up for us and finishes by five minutes ago

I've heard about this game, is it good? Where can I download/how do I play?

Everytime I find Burning Down The House I get like 20

I didn't even realize that was in the game

「The Man Who Sold The World」
Power B
Speed C
Range A
Durability B
Precision A
Potential B
Can broadcast subliminal messages through radiowaves the highest he is, up to global scale.
[Needs a design]

Look up how to install 7th stand user

Anyone have some advice?

If you go down an alley and hear a knock, just keep walking against the wall and activating it

It’s hidden in almost every map.

It's pleasantly unique as far as RPG maker games go if you're not into Jojo's and kino if you are since it basically just lets you self-insert into Stardust Crusaders.


Read the readme to unfuck the font and refer to if it crashes on startup

You can ask Speedwagon on how the controls for the game are/work, and F4 exits it out of fullscreen.

Maybe roll with Kakyoin, you got A-bomb volley right?

I Ment to send it hereSorry

It's time

Attached: overdrive.png (640x480, 32K)

please god post Rainbow

that sounds pretty cool user, i'd imagine he kinda looks like the jsrf logo with the antennae on the sides

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Can I stack multiple Deep Pass Overdrive during multiple NG+ to make my stand extra buffed?

Anyone down for some fuck around matches in Eyes of Heaven?

Attached: jojo98.png (588x438, 530K)

thanks, here is another one that also needs a design
Satan Speeds Up
Power A
Speed B
Range E
Durability D
Precision C
Potential C
Can "accumulate" speed. For example, he touches an object as he throws it. The object will not move, and he can throw it multiple times and then release it. The times he can increase something's speed is unlimited.

I am at level 15, I assume I need to grind more. I was strolling with Jotaro, but it seems like two close range stands aren't going to cut it.


If you haven't beat Joey yet, you can use that as a place where you can grind a bit. A-bomb volley is available to you in 2 levels anyhow.

but user, that's literally just kraftwerk

Attached: kraftwerk.png (533x690, 1017K)

I just got out of the hotel. Sandstorm, blizzard, and all of the elemental attacks seem fairly useless considering the low damage output. Air bullet has been pulling ahead for me though

「Captain Fantasy」
It's ability is to remove the target's sense of object permanence, that is to say if they can't grasp the idea of things existing when they aren't currently perceiving them. For example, if the user were being pursued by somebody, he could simply turn a corner and the person chasing him would give up following him, because in their mind he no longer exists.

except the user can use it on himself and be just like mario and jump QPUs
Under Pressure
Power C
Speed C
Range E
Durability A
Precision A
Potential D
Can transfer by touch all of humanity despair to one person, making them have a very heavy cross to carry. While the ability is activated, all of humanity will experience ultimate hapiness, but it will end when the target dies.


Joey's in the hotel on the 12th floor, but assuming that you already beat him, you might have to go around the town. There's a 7-11 a ways down to by shit, and you could kill some of the mooks like the assassins with 'Air pocket'. At the moment i'm playing with Napalm Death so I don't know how much help this will give you.

>Ended up with Adam Ant, a swarm Stand
I mean, I'm honestly kinda disappointed, but eating people with bugs do sound fun, in a nasty way.

It can be devastating when you level it up enough.

Why won't lazy old fuck Joseph teach me Hamon or fucking lightning tech
I already learned how to breathe good

What stand ya got?

Lightning army

No dice, doesn't give you hamon power. But him and Avdol can teach you how to make a lightning whip.

Wouldn't this kill the user if it kills another person or is deploying the stand not considered a sin?

>i don't get hamon
Fuck this I'm joining DIO

Oh yeah, what're y'alls catchphrases?

I picked "As I live."

"Get a clue"

I remember you can find Kira in this game

currently kicking myself in the head for not thinking to call it "Where'd the Cheese Go" earlier.

Hell yeah!


How does Pol's Armor Takeoff skill work?

Increases speed and dodge chances while reducing durability.

Also with Mr. Big I'm assuming no Hamon shenanigans there?

From checking the Japanese wiki apparently you do learn something with hamon, but not here with what we got.

When I played with Joykiller it was
>Joy is end
Now with my Howlin' Wolf it is

>pretty much a shitty death 13


Attached: Screenshot (49).png (320x240, 22K)

>Polnareff just fucked up J. Geil after I took the dive for him
>Crusaders ask if I want to keep coming with them or go back to Japan

I'm not choosing the latter, but what happens if I do?

Attached: 1502745556914.gif (250x233, 1.5M)

>when you realize why Diavolo shows up
Pure kino.

instant game over

Roll credits with a bad ending.


Wait, what game are you playing?, the only JoJo games i know are fighting games

Spoilers for part 5
He's on his eternal death cycle, each time you beat him it's another death for his eternal torment.

『H E L P !』

Power A
Speed D
Range C
Durability A
Precision C
Potential B

I came up with one that specifically fits my personality. It's only useful when I'm asleep. The way it works is it's an outlet for my latent altruism that's stifled by my cynicism and depression while I'm awake. It's an automatic stand that can think and move on its own and operates like Silver Age Superman in terms of being a good guy and defender of peace and justice. As long as I'm awake it can't do anything, consciously I don't even know I have it, or if I do I have no idea how to summon it. I imagine it looks like a giant tortoise with beefy muscle arms like Trogdor.

Attached: trogdor HD.png (637x825, 420K)


Attached: 『NORTHSTAR』.png (1080x1525, 1.11M)



Wildhearts seems kinda boring

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Attached: dayinthelife.png (310x312, 6K)

>tfw have a folder full of stand ideas
i am autistic?

Attached: 1555143480486.png (800x411, 50K)


w-want to read some of them? just choose

Show Puttin' On The Ritz, it intrigues me.

Puttin' On The Ritz
Power C
Speed B
Range E
Durability A
Precision A
Potential A
Can transfer chemicals to the target's blood via touch, like drugs. Can also suck blood from the target to heal himself.

So a junkie vampire? Interesting.

The inspiration came from that High Dio quote

Feels kind of disconnected from it's name, but I guess not all stands need to match their name with their power.

>Oh, boy

I'm going for max self-inserting so I chose something I was likely to say a lot

Attached: 1471574331758.jpg (929x851, 532K)

yeah, i have some that fits tho
Hands of Doom
Power A
Speed A
Range A
Durability E
Precision D
Potential C
Swarm stand. Composed by 210 black punching tiny hands that floats beside its user. The user can launch it to any direction according to their power and speed. Can also move the hand freely if controlling just one.

I don't know, seemed fitting for a support stand.

(Sboilers for Cairo after finding the mansion)

I'm re-fighting Tower of Gray, what am I supposed to do? I have Sonic Youth and Kakyoin and I can't even hit it for meaningful damage.

Interesting, but seems a bit broken, what's stopping the user from choking someone to death with tiny hands?

Status moves and moves that hit all enemies.

Precision, it can only launch the projectiles forth, and when they hit something they return slowly

wew, bump limit already

>Another thread to bump limit
Well, see you next thread lads.