>you now remember The Sims
You now remember The Sims
Other urls found in this thread:
>locking the small children in the bathroom while the parents burn alive from a fucked up bowl of Mac and Cheese.
These games get too fucking real at times.
>choosing bob and purposefully killing his wife so you can live alone with your homie for eternity
ah... good times
That looks so comfy
Is this what America is actually like?
Waiyee wauwaiyoo wauwaiyee ah oooo.
Fucking It's Always Sunny intro makes me think of this game
felt the series peaked with 2
played 3 and not 4 but thought it was shit
Real talk now. Which is the best Sims for replayability and content?
Sims 1 or 2? Post link too.
2. 3 if you have a nasa computer and even still its gonna chug
Baaah baaah butts baah dadadadeeda butts badadadadeedaaah bremra brabra big butts
is the sims 3 really that poorly optimized? kek
dat pets expansion where ya can farm, have pantires, go to community centeres which is basically downtown. back when expansion packs were the shit.
3 definitely. Only brainlets say 2.
memory leaks or something. eventually while playing it might need to restart but its not that often
3 is probably the best but it runs like shit. 2 is a better 1.
I'm starting to like the cults in 4, have a bunch of sex fiends who fight old people following me
praise be to Will Wright, back then he was still in charge of making shit good.
Sure, if it were a little less compact
Man, the soundtrack was perfect. Jerry Martin really tapped into that 1950s Americana; nostalgia for a time that we never knew.
>you will never experience banging mortimers wife for the first time again
why even fucking live
Some of the best vidya music ever, and easily the best shop/building music in the series.
That one flash fucker down at the front
>not posting build music 3
which house is yours user
klapaucius ;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;
i tried to install the sims 1 on my windows 7 pc and the UI was all glitchy and looked like shit
Best expansion pack coming through
This looks like a nice place to live if there were no HoA.
This is now a PC nostalgia thread
Kidding. The Sims 1 is comfy as fuck. The 3 and 4 sucks balls
I own Sims 2 Ultimate, got it for free on some Origin promo years ago.
Is it better/worse than the others? Why and how?
>the virgin carefully sculpted layout
>the chad square
I remember seeing houses which took hours to design, the best my young dumb-ass could do was a U-shaped bungalow
>sims will randomly change careers once you reach to the top level of one
whoever thought that was a good idea needs to get hanged from the balls
Really? I'm amazed anyone would even manage to max out a career. I remember progressing several tiers up and reaching a point where I'd have to maintain close friendships with over a dozen people to advance, which seemed impossible.
For anyone who needs it
The best Sims game is 1. People will say 3 but its a poorly mad piece of shit but you can wander around and do more stuff like that. The only downside of 1 is that your child characters won't grow old without you doing something about that.
>will is not coming back ever
how do you cope my bros?
leaving the walls unpainted is the ultimate power move
the expansion packs make it easier and even then you just have to spam talk and in less than a day you'll earn enough points to be friends with someone
It's okay user, like moot, he's in a better place now
I want to hear more music like this but nobody knows how to link videogame music to an actual genre. Jerry Martin is on RYM but the genres they put him under don't seem to be anything like his work on The Sims
but moot is a reddit mod now, how the fuck is that better?
Just been watching the LGR play-throughs of it: youtube.com
Based. Should I go for 1 or 2?
1 first, then play 2 when you're done. I'd recommend turning aging off in 2, it's a tad too fast for my liking
Moar like best music in the series in general.
google exiled him to animeland, now he can have his perfect nippon waifu
1 is still good but it has some glaring flaws like going to work every single day and no aging
2 is arguably the best entry but the graphics have aged the worst out of all of them
I like his sims reviews but never really cared about his playthroughs, I just watched the one with the toilet store in sims 4.
It’s muzak
I've always thought it's meant to emulate mall/elevator music from the 50s and its consummerist vibe. There may be other influences though
blue zone = soul zone
A 3D version of the original Sims exists:
>*blocks your path*
The beach lots were max comfy
It truly is.
Everyone else have to look at them anyway, not you.
zoom zoom buddy
This one makes me sad as fuck
>cousin would visit us
>we'd install all expansions
>play for hours
I spent so much time on this expansion creating big hotels. The loading screens songs are forever etched in my memory.
The only thing I have against Sims 2 is that only your active household gets older and nobody else. All my hoes went down to my son then grandson and so on.
>the expansion packs make it easier
You mean harder. The expansions introduced degrading relationships and added the 3 interaction limit so you could no longer spam jokes and hugs to get 0-100 in minutes and never talk to them again
I imagine the rates of suicide and prescription drug abuse are very high among the people living there
i have RCT & its two expansions packs sitting on a shelf waiting to be reinstalled
i never got round to doing it
How was Sims online anyway?
Is there a mod that replaces TS4 music with S1 music?
It's still alive
EA at some point will come what they were in 2008, user. Considering that they remaking C&C for PC they'll revive Sims.
this game had a 10/10 soundtrack. 2-4 dont even come close
I miss the simbot
an item you can just turn on and forget about opposed to it being forced as a member of the house.
Sounds like the wife! hehe
Yup. Never go the same feeling.
The only thing from 1 that grinds my gears nowadays is that whole ethereal gray plane surrounding my house. Makes me feel uneasy and I'm not fucking joking, I had to stop playing after a few minutes.
It's like being sent to a void because of an angry god or something and now its you, your house, random people and car teleporting while you can never see whats beyond The Gray
>have the rct1 mappack and /vr/ mappack downloaded
there's so many fucking scenarios. RIP /vrct/, fucking mods making a 2 week thread limit
Just think of it as the inescapable void of death lingering over our futile existences bro
Tried it a year ago or so and it was the most autistic experience of my life.
well sipped friend
>/vr/ mappack
I used to check in on the simulation threads there every so often, but apparently I completely missed out on the /vr/ mappack. Got a download or an archive link?
Meters drop way too fast in Sims 1, what do? other than move_objects on and delete the sim
Damn, son. Just got out of an Evangelion discussion with happy acceptance of life and pain walking together and now this
any way to change TS2 and newer games OST for TS1 ost?
I don't have the link anymore. Best I could possibly do is zip up all the maps and throw them on mega, but this thread would probably die off.
You might have some luck going there and making a thread about RCT, and asking for the mappacks.
Speaking of Tycoon games
Alright, thanks man. I'll probably make the thread later today if I have the time.
u know that feel when u wanna play some sims2 or sims3, but shudder at the thought of investing any more time into that, cause u'd be playing for periods of 30 hours a day
I wish Sims3 had the same type of music Sims1 did
Probably, I'm just a lazy fuck and play the OG soundtrack on spotify (surprised that it's available on there). There's probably a better way, though
Yeah, the only game that's come close is Tropico
Better than nothing. Thanks m8.
Wish the composer would create more music like the ones from The Sims 1
You might also want to check the archived threads. The links were almost always in the OP.
>Using magic to pursue a romance with your own clone.
you need mods to regularly cleanup shit that gets stuck on the world map, and even then it will have performance problems if you install every expansion.
Can it be fixed with a mod?
Think I found a thread from 2016, think the Yea Forums pack is what you're talking about?
I actually liked this. I would play my households on 1 week rotations to keep them all aging at the same rate. Not a fan of the story progression in newer games fucking things up while I play other families, so I usually disable it.
Biggest problem with Sims 2 is there is so much shit you can do that will result in save file corruption. Don't ever delete families from the bin.
Yeah, that's the one. Don't forget to grab the RCT1 map recreations. 2's mechanics are pretty convenient in general, better than the crap you'd have to do to build stalls and rides up off the ground
Running it will all expansions installed is an absolute nightmare. It's way better if you keep like two or three expansions.
I think there was one or two expansions in particular that would really screw everything up if added, one of them was Island Paradise
Island Paradise is definitely awful for performance. Back when it was released it made some people's games basically unplayable. I think Pets was also quite bad for performance.
big brain was picking bob and not progressing the tutorial far enough for his wife to show up.
>>locking the small children in the bathroom while the parents burn alive from a fucked up bowl of Mac and Cheese.
You can't enter build or buy mode during emergencies.
This, and turning his condo into the ultimate bachelor pad
I miss console and handheld Sims games. They were always a completely different experience. The Urbz on GBA and DS was based as fuck and had a legitimately awesome campaign, while the console versions were a time capsule of the mid-00's. Meanwhile you've got shit like Sims 2 on DS where you run a hotel in the desert full of aliens and men-in-black, and the PSP version where a zombie-infested desert town is being controlled by an evil scientist using the Plumbob to mind-control the citizens.
Which console and handheld versions do you recommend? I own Bustin Out for the GBA and its great but I don't know if the DS version of BO and Urbz are different or just enhanced versions. Really wanted to play on the couch, this goes for the PSP games but by your description they suck
when i tried this the game didnt have any music
does anyone else think its weird this came out in 2000? that feels late. for some reason, i always feel like it came out earlier, in the 90s
To be fair it was released in February 2000.
The Sims 1 up to Pets was fucking perfect. After that they went way too fucking crazy with things to do.
I remember my dad buying a copy of the base game for me, that feeling of pure excitement on the car ride back home with the copy in my hands, and booting up Windows '95 to spend countless hours fly by whilst listening to my Blink-182/Green Day mixtape. Good times.
Is it possible to exit a pool without a ladder in real life?
DS and GBA version of Urbz are the same game, and direct sequels to Bustin Out on GBA, but with two different postgame chapters. Both are great but DS is better, so I recommend that. Never played the Sims 2 for GBA but it's similar to Urbz and Bustin Out. PSP one is definitely worth trying at least, it's not too different from the GBA and DS games, just kind of a mix of classic and the handhelds. DS is weird, not recommended by me, but worth checking out for how ambitious they were.
I now remember gaming in 1024x768 and thinking how superior I was to those 800x600 plebs.
I guess Makin' Magic is the last expansion pack for that reason.
actually, surprisingly no.
most suicides in the states are in cities.
1 was just a prototype, it had massive issues. Like the entire fucking pet expansion for instance. 2 or 3 were the best depending on personal taste, I'm more of a 2 fan myself.
Yes but your trunks will fall down
As for console, Sims 2 is similar to Bustin' Out and Sims 1, but you directly control your Sim. After that, they become slightly watered down versions of main games with set campaigns. I don't really recommend anything past Sims 2, but all the games prior are great.
DON'T DO IT user
>tfw it will never be 2001 again and you're playing the sims 1 , Rollercoaster tycoon and Operation Flashpoint for the first time
>shes happy
So I've played ever Sims beside 2 how good is it?
That's okay, RCT is one of those games i seem to enjoy more and more the more I play it.
Parkitect is a great game that adds some nice stuff on the RCT formula. A+, worthy successor.
Parkitect is great but fuck me that campaign ramps up REAL quick.
>Literally the second mission gives you a long, narrow park on-par with Micro Park in width
Game could use a bit more scenery options too.
Yep, already all over parkitect, but I still play RCT as well, Parkitect is missing some of the neat stuff of RCT, although it does add some cool stuff of it's own.
For the Sims 2 you could replace the music files from the game folder.
For 3 and 4 I haven't found a way.
Now you remember Red Alert 2
Lookup openrct2
I know about OpenRCT2.
hell yeah, that was my jam
Hospital Theme.
Heroes of might and magic.
Lands of Lore
>Hospital Theme
Other way round.
I remember owning the big box release of the original Vanilla Sims. The manual was thick as fuck and beyond the basics of what was what, it had a whole section on social pshychology and what makes people happy etc. You were supposed to adapt it into your playstyle.
God I hated this mission.
lol just build flak cannons user
>not showing Micro Park who the real man is
The second mission is easy. But then again whenever I start a campaign I always plan out and build my main pedestrian thoroughfare before putting down my rides so I never run into major issues with confined spaces.
I'm only 4 missions in but none of them have been hard yet if you're an RCT veteran.
I was actually doubting didn't bother looking it up. Was a great game.
my magic-makin' nigga
>Make the biggest family possible
>Kill most of them just so I can make a graveyard
I wonder if they'll ever release a Sims game which is fully packed with pets, babies, jobs and all that in just the base game.
>you now remember the Malcolm In The Middle episode which parodied it
"There's a game on the hard-drive which piques Malcolm's interest. It's called 'The Virts,' and it is a plug-in-the-values program designed to create a cyber-family.
Naturally, Malcolm uses his own family as the template and assigns specific negative attributes and situations to everyone except himself, who he gives only maximized positive attributes. With Stevie watching over his shoulder, Malcolm is shocked to find that because he spent so much time guiding them, his cyber-family is excelling phenomenally (Lois elected to the Supreme Court, Hal as a millionaire, Reese as a super-stud and Dewey achieving the Papacy). Meanwhile, the cyber-Malcolm becomes an overweight Scotch-guzzling drunk given to self-mutilation and suicide. Needless to say, the laptop ends up getting chucked out the window.
Afterwards, Stevie points out to Malcolm that it was the game's way of telling him that he should've stopped his cyber version before hand by trying to fix his behavior. He mentions that he plays the Virts al the time, but he never gave his cyber version all of the positive attributes and he did pretty well.
Stevie also reveals that because of Malcolm's lack of common sense in not balancing out his cyber-version by only giving him all positive traits and taking control of him, he ended up as a miserly and obese drunkard."
Of course they won't.
Fucking hell Malcolm was comfy.
Shame Muniz went fucking insane.
>Not building your house on stilts and deleting the stairs when one of your characters dies
He's not insane, he just has real bad memory problems. it's like he cant remember being Malcolm until people explain it to him.
Bryan Cranston is apparently still in touch with him quite often and helps him with stuff.
How would they scam their playerbase out of money if they added in all the stuff people cared about in the base game?
Include it, but make it still barebones.
Having a constant content store like mobile games, or the way Rock Band had songs. Every outfit is a small ammount, maybe a dollar etc. But it always adds up.
I really like how the show handled Malcolm's character. I remember when his big tittied friend wanted to hold a party but he kept trying to talk her out of it because he thinks no one would show up. Yet they do and he gets BTFO. I'm pretty sure he would browse this shithole if he were real.
This town was so nostalgia, especially since they made a bunch of handheld games off it.
Sims 1 threads are always the most comfy threads
Full soundtrack + expansions
>tfw thread dies when I enter
have a free bump
Need a diaper?
>buy complete collection
>try to install it on my 1998 shitbox
>the disc requires more space than the harddrive can handle
>had to wait until 2009 when i got a better comp
>Try to play Sims 2 recently
>Purple texture errors everywhere, game almost guaranteed to crash after 30 minutes
>Look up possible fixes
>Recent Windows 10 patch and GPUs in general today pretty much are fucked from ever being able to run it
>Dedicated communities have given up and have taken to telling everyone just to buy a high end Windows 7 laptop from 2009
Why'd I ever upgrade
What's 2 PC do differently than 1? I've only played the console version of 2.
How well does it work on a Win7 shitbox?
Dependant on how shit, it should run fine. just graphics higher or lower.
4gb ram and a video card that was outdated back in 2012
It'll be fine.
there a black chick in modthesims (uploaded in YouTube) who has a pretty nice tutorial on how to handle that shit
>beat 4 levels or so
>"okay i'm probably a quarter or a third done"
>scroll to the right for what feels like an eternity
shit just keeps getting harder but i have a good system going so far
found it. It is literally the only one that worked for me
>decide to try the new Sims 4 Island Living pack
>you can take lots "off the grid" to eliminate monthly bills, but you can't use electricity or plumbing
>fuck yeah, deserted island adventure!
>can't collect rainwater
>a bunch of appliances and shit that seem like they should work without water or power don't
>a shitload of appliances that shouldn't work without water or power do
>can't change the water in my laundry wash tub
>have to take cold showers, can't use hot coals to warm water and take a bath or wash dishes
>can't even just bathe in the ocean
>also my deserted island has shitloads of people on it and they're constantly coming into my house without asking and using my stuff
I want to go back to Sims 3.
>you now remember the sad AS FUCK youtube comment from a The Sims OST video
Why are there no parks? Too hard to maintain with the climate?
"When I was in 8th grade, I had a friend named Melissa. I had a huge crush on her and, looking back at it, I can say I loved her more than any of the women I date now at the age of 25. Melissa was killed in a car accident with her parents. She never knew how I felt. Sometimes i think if I would have told her she'd still be alive. I made a family and Melissa was my wife. We had two kids and millions of Simoleons. Every few years I still turn on my old PC to see how she's doing. She's happy."
parks don't pay taxes user
Amazing how this type of mod has never been made, ever for any of the Sims games. Baffling, really.
Everybody gangsta until the phone calls start happening
>picking up the phone at night
your fault
That's super easy for TS2 but 3 and 4 have size limits on custom music and won't let you replace base music. TS2 let's you replace any music in the game using the custom music folder found in the sims 2 document folder. If you have sims 1 install you can easily just transfer the music files in there over to the sims 2,
Is Sims 3 the biggest dropped ball in video games? I mean it could have been the perfect sims games, but incompetent devs ruined it
That woman is a gift from god. Game run likes it did back in 2004.
2 is most probably the best, but I just have a massive boner for 1.
Some people didn't like 1 because there are stray pets who poop all over your lot.
What I did was simply delete the strays family and there were never strays to poop on your lot.
>actually go through the work to adopt a stray
>literally no personality points
He's still out there somewhere doing badass nerd shit.
Maybe one day he'll be back to helping making games. Not for EA of course. The indie market's pretty big these days, I could see him giving something new a go.
Don't move families with the house either
I recently installed Sims 3 and all its expansions, and so far it's been good. It runs like ass, the pathfinding is all over the place, but I still enjoy it a lot. It's the first Sims game where I feel like the Sims have their own actual personalities. All the other Sims games felt like every character was the exact same.
>make intentionally fucked up sim with bunch of personality disorders
>think it would be funny
>he turns to be too mentally ill to make friends, have a steady job, or maintain healthy day routine
>feel so bad for him because I made him that way
>attempt getting him a girlfriend
>after dozens of failed attempts I pair him up with a nice gal and they're now married
>he doesn't have to work, he stays at home to clean and take care of the children while the wife goes to work
>everyone is happy
i also just got sims 3 recently but havent really gotten into it, i made a bachelor family of my bros but havent made my house yet
but i never forgot it
We're talking about the OG, not your venereal-disease-bastardised-modded-frankensteinean mess: >>>/vg
god i fucking love strangetown. strangerville was a total disservice to it
>Ladies and gentlemen, it's a nuclear device
>Time is running out, ti-ti-time is running out
thank you
god I wish 4 wasn't so shit.
I find it impossible to go back to 3 after playing 4 though.
You can't fool me.
What do you think of /tsg/, Yea Forums?
4, it has the best porn mods
i now remember even having this thought back in the day. 1024x768 >>>>>>>> 800x600
Its been dead for years.
The corpses that still inhabit it just post the same shit over and over (I can't even blame them, TS4 is shallow as a fuckin puddle and screenshots lacking though/speech bubbles really kills fun scene context), or borderline pornography which is equally boring as fuck.
Its really sad to browse.
I remember my dad bought this game, and all the hours I played with my mom, designing our house, buying new stuff and eventually having a great home
I still play it from time to time, I had to download an emulator because win10 doesn't run it
such a great game, I have very fond memories
back when I was just a child, enjoying things before something inside me broke forever
Recently played Sims 3 for the first time with all the expansions and is it just me or was there very little variety in furniture and decorations? I could have sworn Sims 1 had much more.
>Build 5
>Latin 6 and 7
>ive seen this before, still fell for it
Caught me sleeping at the wheel, you fuck.
gun mouth trigger pull eventually
Simcity 4 is incredibly melancholy when you realize nothing like it will ever be made again and EA threw away all the passion that went into each sims game for a quick buck.
Even if the game was just a folder with the soundtrack it'd still be a 10/10
Pretend this is Simcity News.jpg
kill yourself
I don't.
That was a fun level.
I always get reminded of SimCity. Some of the most fun in SimCity is trying to fit a little town on a tiny jagged strip of land that doesn't have room for much more than a single dirt road along its length.
Hell yeah, i'd download a big custom map with hundreds of small islands to weave transport links and build mini cities on, it was great.
Maxis 2 when
He's right. Any single action would have set off a butterfly effect that would have at least diverted them one of many timelines where she didn't die, and even if she was fated to then he would have at least let her know his feelings.
do curves like that add or reduce traffic efficiency? i would guess reduce, but with the added psychological benefit of not seeing all the same houses in a straight line and feeling like you live in a factory farm
3, if you can run it reliably.
If Sims 5 was just 3 and all it's expansions but it wasn't optimized like shit, I would buy it for 120 dollars.
>tfw loved playing the console sims more than the pc sims most days
prove me wrong that bustin' out and the console version of the Sims 2 wasn't the tightest shit out there
I've got an old PS2 with both working copies and i'm half tempted to get The Urbz as well.
It's to stop speeding I think
i wonder if it works. i would think that people would speed anyway, but it would be more dangerous because you cant see ahead a certain distance
what is the Rosebud meme?
is it a console command
Definitely 3. Back then I would say 4 because had hopes for the expansions, but not anymore since they're all shit.
hot date was fucking dope until you stopped building and actually let the game play out and realized the AI didn't used half of the shit you built
also who remembers all those jank ass mod sites for sims
I liked Sims Bustin' Out and Urbz, will I like Sims 1 or 2? I've seen footage of the later games and they look boring and soulless to me.
>he doesn't know
Studies shown that limiting visibility makes people go slower.
Bustin out for consoles? It was an inferior version of 2.
>have a family thats just one kid
>use cheat that lets you sell unsellable things
>schoolbus comes to pick up kid
>sell the schoolbus
For gameboy.
Sims 3, but swiping anything and everything with the kleptomaniac trait was fun as hell. Just sneaking into your neighbour's garage and stuffing their SUV into your pocket.
What, you never watched Citizen Kane?
Wildly different
You got me.
Are there any other games like Bustin' Out, Urbz, and Castaway? Or are the rest all the playing god type where your character is controlled by AI?
>that guy on the love boat that basically needs to go gay just to fill his wants
how annoying
gives you $1000. If you type rosebud;; and hold down Enter you get 1k every time "No such cheat!" flashes
Let's talk about how Sims 4 revolutionized the way I masturbate
>mfw no magic expansion on TS4
Magic expansion was announced at E3.
>tfw Buy Mode 2 makes me sad and I don't know why
>buy one of the mansions in Magic Town or whatever for 1000 coins
>those fucking noises at night
Creeped me the fuck out, I always had like 5 stereos blasting disco music at all times
it's a small reminder of youthful jubilation and exploration. the sims was the first game i ever modded.
I hope we get proper magic and not another witch lifestate. I hate that shit.
>I don't know why
I do know user, is that good times won't come back.
How do we get this game re-released? I want to return to the magic of the original game
>love boat
remind me. when and where was this?
It was the third area in sims 2 console
perfect taste
Hold an EA executive at gunpoint and order Will Wright to get his job back
I kinda wish that opportunity would make itself available
No, he's right, look at the yards. This is in a desert. A park here would be doing a disservice to the tax payers if anything.
Vanilla Sims 3 is good enough fun on its own feature-wise and I've never run into any issues playing it whatsoever
Town building and create a style will take you far
Anyone know where I can get a a HQ rip of the OST of the first game youtube version sounds like ass.
What are you talking about? He literally just showed off his new game and did interviews.
That user said wills never coming back to games, and I showed that he is. Sims wasn't mentioned once in that exchange.
don't be so autistic
You did prove hm wrong yes, and that's good. However, as a realist, and a mild cync, the visuals remind me too much of a mobile game, and even then, the description reminds me too much of SimTown and Widget Worskhop, which were also Maxis games, but games Will made for kids.
What I'm saying is, we'll never get a SImIsle, nor a SimFarm, nor a SimEarth.
I remember playing as the Newbies and not progressing the tutorial past a certain point until I maxed out their skills. They had to drink a shitload of coffee to get their energy back up after exercising but it worked.
I'm surprised with how much tumblrites love The Sims that there hasn't been an indie dev trying to make their own version of The Sims.
Making a human aquarium is fucking difficult. You're talking about managing the lives of not just a family, but an entire world that surrounds that family.
Its why it needs a genius like WIll Wright. Even 2, 3 and 4 cannot match the genius 1 had. Thats the power of Will Wright
The thief music from Sims 1 used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid.
But there is:
The catch being that he's probably not trying to drive off anyone who's willing to play his version of the game.
neat tech demo
not a game
>all this old PC nostalgia
>no Zoo Tycoon
Fucking nerds.
People have tried making Sims clones. It's really, really not an easy task. It might not seem so but The Sims is one of those games that can really only be made by a AAA studios with a lot of money behind it.
It was sad for me because around 21 people died at a party my Sim was hosting at his house after several carpets caught fire.
It wasn't even on purpose.
I was devastated.
The magic of the Sims was that it could only have been made in the 2000s. Its why I call the 2000s the golden age of gaming - gaming was starting to become mainstream and more accepted, and yet was still niche that new ideas and innovations were still possible.
Oh and the reason its sad for me is because I sat with the game on pause in buy mode looking at the charred horror that remained.
Too tired to post.
Yeah I'm worried it's gonna be mobile shit. But I'm excited to have my mom try it, she's seem some shit. Her life is literally a movie.
>the worst of the tycoon games
just fuck off
>all those years ago
>all that time spent
>for it to end up like this
>sitting in this thread smashing the refresh button just in case someone calls you out on your shitty game
There's only one tycoon game for me.
>he doesn't have autorefresh
god damn it fuck you
Name a bigger slut in all of gaming than Bella Goth. I'll wait.
Shit. I never tried that before.
Fucking based.
>he thinks zoo tycoon is worthy of being brought up in this thread
Yeah, 1 has the best OST, but I really liked 2's as well. It's not as unique or soulfulbut it's still really damn good
I loved Zoo Tycoon, I'm still pissed there's no digital version. At least Planet Zoo looks awesome and we'll get some love
Just pirate desu
>park needs park value
>build a shitload of launched freefalls at max height until you hit the requirement
huh, was the base map extended in an expansion? i don't remember being able to zoom out the map
Do you guys know if there are any spooky Sims 1 mods? I'm thinking of making my own
Yep. It was the Pets expansion.
The sensor thing triggers the kirovs
i played a shitload of pirated sims 1 when i was a kid and was literally too dumb to figure out how to install the expansions
I miss Sims Castaway.