What are your thoughts on the Speedrunning Community?

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Autism and trannies, there's a statistically proven overlap

(phone emoji) 8

Autists and trannies playing Nintendo games.

>nintendo fans play nintendo games

I started speedrunning a game for the first time a few days ago. It's actually pretty fun. Still don't get how people stomach doing 3-hour runs and shit

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They don't even fucking enjoy them! They don't even want to play Nintendo games! It's a contest to see who can be done with it first!

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chibi literally did nothing wrong

>concentrating on speedrunning a game
>kid with aspergers started doing jumping jacks with poor form in your peripheral vision

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people who speedrun are mentally broken retards so of course you don't understand how someone could sit down for 3 hours straight compared to 45 minutes, you're an idiot who speedruns games and thinks that is anything you should tell other people for any reason

Its infested with autists, but at the same time it's not a actually bad outlet for autism. I'm totally okay with it existing, its just that I well never touch it with a 10 foot pole.

Some say it's the most autistic way to play vidya.

calm down mate

>so this is the coolest part of the game
>chibi starts doinng terrile jumping jacks right then
i swear, the timing on this entire video was fucking gold.
>that repetitive music
>caveman is autistic and super serious
>chibi doesn't take anything seriously
>2d scroller, 3D scrollers
>chibi starts listing evil pigs in videogames
it was the perfect storm

Which community are you referring to? SM64? BFBB? OOT?

Love it if it wasn't so autistic.

Pure degeneracy



People with autism wasting their lives away.
And don't take it from me:


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I agree that speedrunning attracts a very autistic type of players, but planning and performing an optimal run actually requires a lot of intelligence

they should speedrun to the grave

>speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with

fucking kek'd

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depends on what you call intelligence, really

I like the idea, but i'm rather put this time in gamedev study.

Come on you retards he's clearly holding back his laugh while doing this rant.
Or he twitches because he is a spastic, that could be possible too.

i love how he says "act" during that phrase, it's almost like he wants to throw up at the very thought of it

doesn't make it any less true though, he even commented on the video reaffirming what he said

dude i love bagels! asiago cheese bagel? yummy!


The second most autistic gaming practice next to Pokemon's shiny hunting

The sjw le tranny boogeyman community

>I literally cannot play video games for 3 hours
Where's your penis bros

inside a vagina, incel

she cute

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Jesus fucking christ

imagine the smell

I'm tempted of doing Sunshine speedruns, as it's one of my favourite games as a child and I know it casually pretty well

But it's not like I will stream and have people to talk with while doing it, so it feels like quite a strange and lonely activity

you shouldn't call yourself gamer if you didn't speedrun or are planning to speedrun at least one game during your lifetime

i just call myself gay

Lots of estrogen, lots of Y chromosomes.

He cute

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It's pretty interesting that when people donate to GDQ when the year's event money goes towards cancer research a significant amount of donors will say that they or a loved one has struggled with cancer upending their lives, but when it goes to NGOs like Doctors Without Borders it's 1000 different people just repeating the line "it's a great cause" without any reflection or reasoning. These people really have no idea what they're giving money to.

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I just think of this image when thinking of Speedrunners. Probs cuz of trannies.

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Contrary to popular belief, most people don't actually want others to die at sea because of the color of their skin. MSF is the only charity I ever have donated to and it's the only one I ever will donate to

I don't want people to die at sea, I want them to not set out at all, but the MSF encourages them to do it

They try to cross regardless. Nothing to about that and definitely not when they've already embarked. At that point you only have one choice: help or don't. Rather, be a humanitarian or a nazi.

There is a third way...

you're pretty far gone huh

If I say mean things about them I'll get banned like last time. 4channel Yea Forums is a safe space

And that's a good thing. No, a great thing.

You ever just have a moment where you finally realize people who say this shit don't even know what Nazi Germany believed or did and simply ascribes any action, non-action, or opinion they don't like to Nazi Germany?

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>not a nazi btw
>*posts a comic made by and for nazis*

dat binary thinking

>MSF is the only charity I ever have donated to and it's the only one I ever will donate to
And every time the US Military costs them millions and flushes your donation down the toilet because we blew up their illegal hospitals and terrorist assisting facilities I'll laugh.

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Oh look: woman

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wasn't this dude caught picking his nose and eating his boogers?

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>some boring as fuck zero charisma literal who speedrunner
>outclassed by golden bantz

ewww why do asian autists make that face like they can't smile? it's like a grimace with their mouth.

this is why they're supposed to be brought back to the african coast

i want chibi to speedfuck me live on twitch stream without consent until he speedcums all over me

nihilistic hedonism was a mistake

Guy on the left is hot as fuck desu.

Sex. Insane amounts of sex.

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How many years has it been since that one weirdo's 18 year old bride got gangbanged in the hotel room anyway? Was that in 2014?

>he named his twitter handle after a banjo kazooie speedrunner
i swear to god, chibi might be the most autistic person on the planet

normie get out

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autogynephilia isn't rea-

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Why the fuck would someone tweet this?

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mostly fine with them, just wish somebody tells them transitioning any% isn't a valid category

Only watch a handful of speed runners.
Only the ones who aren't ragers and apsies

>what are your thoughts on the Speedrunning Community?
It shouldn't exist and nobody even cares about the times or records. They're just looking for their 5 minutes of fame

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we're aware, it got posted in almost every single sgdq thread this year

i like raging aspies, like this guy:

They wouldn't, if nobody was there to pick them up. They literally only sail out like a mile and then they get carried to Italy

frame perfection is fucking great

based human trafficking supporter

this board is for video games


Someone that actually speedruns reporting in:

I was in the community since 2013, and it was much smaller and more tight knit back then. It started getting really bad in 2016 when GDQ was already way too big for its own good, and the presidential election happened. The community collectively got more opinionated on everything, everyone started getting way too political about everything, and nowadays it's a mess of a community. It's no longer about the videogames, it's about how much you can 'drag' someone on twitter for clout.

There are still people that are chill in my own little circle of friends, but most of the community is a big cringefest. Not for the reasons you might believe though.

Or you can write a bot to do it infinitely better on a level that can never be attained by the best speedrunners within a day or two.

TASbot is also a lot more fun to watch.

I love how assblasted people speedrunning makes you guys. Just look at this thread. Anti-speedrunning autism is far worse than speedrunning autism.

>TASbot is also a lot more fun to watch.

i like ZFG

Speedrunning a game is playing it wrong. It's debasement, it's an insult to the artform, and it's autistic.

>It's no longer about the videogames
Then why are games more optimized than ever before, with better resources and relevant content? Why are speedrunners better at their games than ever? Why do games have more runners and competition than ever?

I don't normally watch it, but I like the Casual Vs Speedrunner videos on youtube.

Autistic people showing off their mildly impressive yet ultimately useless skills. Also trannies for some reason.

Cringe and Blue-pilled

>it's an insult to the artform
I can't imagine a non-autist saying this.

But he's right though.

Lower than weebs.

No it isn't. Devs love it when people speedrun their games.

remember that time chibi sent dick pics to a 17-year-old girl (underage in burgeria) so a guy called his mom and told her about it and she begged him not to press charges and kept saying how severely retarded her son is.

remember how he was dumb enough to actually upload the nudes to his public photobucket account and then someone got ahold of the pictures and mailed two "sexy" calendars: one to his house and another to his mom's workplace.




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this might be the most intense case of projection ever recorded

What’s wrong with eating your boogers?

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holy fuck that's based

Speedrunning should have seasonal leaderboards with a cap on attempts to prevent 18h-daily-grindmonkeys from stealng all the records from truly skilled players.

It's not a bad thing for the game. ANY dev will appreciate the publicity. But skipping 90% of the games content is not how it is supposed to be played. There's absolutely no problem with speedrunning, it's just weird how it managed to become as widespread as it has.


>I swear I'm gonna turn into a psychopath and murder everybody here

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>it's not a bad thing for the game
>devs love seeing people speedrun the game
>there's absolutely no problem with speedrunning
>but it's an insult to the artform
are you on drugs?

Don't get me wrong, there are people that just stick to the videogames and don't bother with political shit. There are some genuinely cool people, they just get drowned out.

Does anyone here know about the story of that one DKC speedrunner that got really drunk and "gay raped" a bunch of fuccbois at an SGQ, thus the community decided to remove him from leaderboard (he had a few WRs)?

Word. Grindmonkeying is worse than splicing.

Anyone ITT that looks like him? Asking for a friend.


Nobody's proven him wrong.

What about speedrunners who don't have world records, ie. the vast majority of them?

>Come on you retards he's clearly holding back his laugh while doing this rant.
Maybe at times yeah but he's absolutely being sincere. If you can't pick up on the actual frustration in his voice, well, you just might have some autism yourself, speedrunner.

Goose is a manipulative sociopath. He's adept at tricking idiots into thinking he's being sincere. That's what manipulative sociopaths do.

>le normal, slightly off guy i like is secretly a SOCIOPATH! EPIC! JUST LIKE ME!
kill yourself

I don't know the guy aside from that video so you might be right, but he's not wrong even if he was laughing hysterically throughout the whole clip.

He's demonstrably wrong. Most speedrunners don't have world records, don't care about world records, and have careers or are working toward having a career.

Just because Goose wastes his life sitting in his dad's basement picking his nose doesn't mean his projections are reality. It's amazing how easily you've been fooled by him.

>but planning and performing an optimal run actually requires a lot of intelligence
You also need a lot of intelligence to understand Rick and Morty.

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It's something I like watching but don't have much interest in participating in. I imagine it would make me hate my favorite game in no time, I would get way too pissed off fucking up a run after 30 minutes in.

lol he didnt brush his teeth for 3 years and they rotted out of his mouth.

>its no longer about games
Found the larper

>he didnt brush his teeth for 3 years
But why?

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despite an air of "friendliness and compassion", the community is bitter, awful, childish and full of drama
the only community that manages to be worse is the comp smash community, and surprise, there's a huge overlap!

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This is a goldmine

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you're right, no other competitive communities are completely steeped in drama. none at all.

Because he was too busy living in his mom's basement

Something about how ancient people didn't brush their teeth so he doesn't have to or something.

Ancient people didnt chug Coke

ancient people lived to the ripe old age of 25

what exactly is he manipulating people into doing or thinking here?

>Most speedrunners don't have world records, don't care about world records, and have careers or are working toward having a career.
>Just because Goose wastes his life sitting in his dad's basement picking his nose doesn't mean his projections are reality. It's amazing how easily you've been fooled by him.
t. speedrunner
I'm not manipulated by him one bit, I've just noticed the trend of sweaty Mrs. Doubtfire mentally ill speedrunners throughout the years. It's demonbstrable that the community is fucking horrid and that speedrunning is an enormous waste of time for 99.9% of those who pride themselves on it. Just because they don't care about money or world records doesn't mean it's a worthwhile productive hobby.

PB's with the dream of WR.

Or have massive amounts of corn syrup and sugar in everything.

I spent about 6 months hardcore grinding for a world record neglecting everything else. The logic was that I could get it every day, so at every point I only committed a few more days to it. When I got it, I felt no joy, only relief that it's over. But it's not like I have friends or other hobbies, so I don't really regret it.

Dumb phoneposter

>and have careers or are working toward having a career.
How is this related to speedrunning in any single way, user?

imagine your hobby is playing the same game all day every day in the hopes you can get some vague recognition for beating it the fastest
but you never get a world record
that is just as absolutely pathetic as they come

he barely mentioned world records. you're missing the point. speedrunners are fucking losers, playing the same game over and over autistically just to say "oh i got to the end 3.7s faster than the other guy! look how good i am!"

Literally sitting at my PC as we speak, homeboy, but continue the ad hominem. Good luck on shaving a few seconds off that game from the 90s, though!

I dropped the whole thing and GDQ when they allowed people with Hillary 2016 gear in no problem nothing said and then threw a huge shitfit and kicked the people wearing Trump hats out. Then they tried to defend it as "we just don't want anything political this is a safe space" despite blatantly not being true

>what are your thoughts on the Speedrunning Community?
Too much fucking trannies.
But it was to be expected from autistic manchildren.

Those tranny speedrunners should speedrun their lives, if you know what I mean

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His mom hates him, I wonder if she regrets saving him from going to prison and being a sex offender. Would have finally been rid of him.

Wow you suck ass at typing then. Are you ESL or just retarded?

then you gotta tell everyone your son is a sex offender when they ask what he's up to
it was already bad enough when she had to tell them he was a speedrunner

Nice fantasy. No runners had Clinton shit on, the dude with the hat had already been warned not to do that shit but he just had to be an edgelord MAGA baby

Sorry, faggot, I don't proofread and pore over every word I type on this anonymous Norwegian canoe making forum like my life depends on it. Do stay deeply invested in it yourself, though.
Also, you still haven't responded on topic to anything I said. I bet you came here in 2016 and still treat every encounter here as an epic troll. In short, kill yourself.

Yup he's a shitskin

I used this gif on someone in a group chat and they shut up immediately

man if you think this comic made a point you're a brainlet

he only misspelled one word, you autistic faggot

I'm sorry I hurt your boyfriend's feelings.

they can literally just walk back to mexico

you wish you had a boyfriend as cute as him.

The best thing about Speedruns is the rage and cringe moments.

My boyfriend can actually spell so nah.

You're alright

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I like the idea of it. The execution not so much.

Nuh ey cntt

you don't need to spell when you got big, fat pinga.

I think it's an interesting competition that's just taken to an extreme degree. It's neat to see players demonstrate excellent conventional skill at the game amidst all the exploits.
I lived a few streets over from a guy who did runs at GDQs and such. He held some records for Dishonored and BioShock.
Was somewhat acquainted with him and he came over once and demonstrated things he did in HL2 and BioShock to get around stuff. It was surreal to see how differently everything clearly was to him.
Cool guy. Was a law student at my university too.

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>what are 100% runs

100% glitchless *

Meaning the two overlap perfectly over each other?

Dude on the left looks like a total bro.

Seems like if you don't have all day to play, it's pointless to get interested in it.

>brushing your teeth is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with

a bro you can have relations with