How can devs reduce the toxicity in Mordhau?

How can devs reduce the toxicity in Mordhau?

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Based Triternion

You're assuming that they ought to.

By adding more maps and ban draggers .


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I unironically agree with this post.

>doing nothing is catering
Loving every laugh.

Dishonest bullshit articles that have clearly been corroborated on via GamesJournoPro 2.0, especially considering both PCGamer and Kotaku posted them within similar time-frames.

>It's losing players because of toxicity!
So what about Rage 2? What about Mortal Kombat 11? Both games have lost more players based on percentages than Mordhau. Are assholes ruining those games? No, it's because these shitty blogs can't attack those games because they'll be sued for fucking libel by Warner Brothers and Zenimax.

Add even more women and black knights.


how is this journalism


Didn't these scumfucks lie about what the devs said?
When are they going to sue the shit out of them?

The devs told them to use the mute function, which is minority genocide of course.

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A new golden age of gaming is here.

It's not, they're clickbait hit pieces. These faggot bloggers have run their mouths on Cyberpunk enough and need new targets.

They did. The devs explicitly said you can toggle the game to have exclusively male OR female characters. Yet these articles paint it like the option exists only to remove women.



What's a ban dragger

>gaming """"journalism""""
I want to laugh but i'm just too mad at the absolute state of the world we're living in

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Option A: Support the people who actually play the game i.e. neo-nazis, alt-right, medieval larpers

Option B: Bend to the whims of screeching sjws who cry foul but won't play it anyway in the end

Dev here. These losers are trying to smear us. Keep up the good work Yea Forums, keep shitting on them

Draggers are scum of the earths that abuse a shit mechanic the decs ported for some god forbidden reasons from Chivalry. Basically it moving your mouse all over your table, you can fasten or delay you weapon attack. It is broken because of the very game it originated from, Chiv, and their devs 's notorious attitude of " its not a bug its a feature:) " instead of patching the game of "features" that never supposed to be in, resulting in a fondamontaly broken game where ballerinas reign unmatched.

I fucking love the way this guy screams

Get rid of the faggots and trannies.

Shut up, liar.

Has it ever occured to you it's not just you and your nazi pals that play the game?

Impossible. Only the based and redpilled minority haters play video games! Fucking liberals are trying to ruin my freedom of speech to call everyone a bigger!

Name one person that plays Mordhau who isn't a nazi.
That's right, you can't.

Is that real? That seems a bit too toxic even for a journalist.

He's not a journalist

Those fucking gamers, they should be killed on sight and hanging from the trees! I cant stand those shitheads, frankly the world would just be better without them!


*They're not journalists when it suits them.

Remember, they're journalists up until they're being criticised, then they're "bloggers."


install a mute voice/chat funtion

> (OP)
>Is that real? That seems a bit too toxic even for a journalist.
nah they too love to say racist stuff, they are our bros

you play a lot of duels? im pretty much strictly frontlines since even though the mode is kind of busted with map balance or any comeback ability im still much more into team objective shit than anything else. i dont see too many draggers there tbdesu, or at least the dragging is nowhere near as cancerous as it was in chiv. but yeah since im not playing duels im not sure if its actually abused to hell and back over there

Rage2 is a single player game, and MK11 has a massive playerbase



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>MK11 has a massive playerbase

ban the toxic players

Wait what?


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Find a different server, you clueless baby.

Not doing anything is catering to them?

MK11 is barely scraping 3K on PC. Mordhau averages 15K.

Literally just git gud.

There's already mute and ignore features. If you actively refuse to utilize such features, then you are subjugating yourself to your own harassment. Don't ignore features that are there to help you, and then cry that the developers aren't doing enough to combat toxicity. The biggest defense against it period is to simply deprive it of the attention it craves.

Me also

I like to pick up a halberd and just start swinging and I chuckle whenever I hit and kill someone that isn't even on my screen.

Also not a nazi and playing Mordhau.

nah, why should i be the one going through the effort
toxic players should be the ones kept in exclusion zones with other manchildren

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let players be black and/or female

then i can spend all day decapitating niggers

>he gets killed by daggers

Isnt this the sort of thing private and dedicated servers used solve? You have a dozen "official" servers that everyone who just hits quickplay or whatever gets filtered into. These also have moderators to ban anyone for spam and nonsense. Then you can have all the usual hardcore, 1 map only, spam shit servers that give people the option to play however the fuck they want?


You're the one who can't handle a few words. If you can't use the mute function like an adult, then get lost.

Damn, this game died FAST

>why should i be the one going through the effort
because you're a bitch ass nigga whining about people being mean in games lol

>see le epic geralt/john snow player
>decapitate him

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I'm a gommunist and I play Mordhau

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holy shit, you're even more retarded then I thought

What went wrong?

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Now learn to do it on purpose and you too can gatekeep shitters.

>be an "asshole"
>journalists and media have a problem with you exercising free speech and your livence to play a game you rightfully paid your hard earned money for

I hate the modern liberal media with a flaming passion.

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What if they start cutting the tongues as same as the tip dicks of all white males since born? That'll teach them how to behave online!

no content
shit balance
shit hit detection and net code


based. Fuck Geralt larpers

typical child-like mentality of toxic players, your monkey brain can't help it can it

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Ban the players that makes other players feel the need to be toxic to them.

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>columnist clearly wrote this article for outrage so retards like OP would give their article a click
>retard OP keeps making this thread for easy (yous)
>some of you retards will go and click that article to read it because you're fucking retarded
thanks OP

Option A is unambiguously the vastly superior choice. Even if the fan base is exactly as you described it they would get far more respect like that. It’s gaming executives that you have to worry about. Woke capital will stand in your way if you don’t bow to their ideology.

I don't have a problem with draggers exactly, but fuck those people who do unholy contortions with their hips, making their vertical swings look horizontal and vice versa

2nd and 3rd points are not true

Simple. Active moderation. Give people bans that hurt and they will learn or leave. But of course if the devs are bigots too and want to cater to the wrong kind of people they won't do that. Thank god Chivalry 2 isn't coming out on Steam.

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hey man im gonna be real with you
its just a game

Have food.

Luke Plunkett is a faggot cuck who endorses Antifa beating people but thinks people saying "nigger" and "you are gay" in a video game is way over the line. Like most game journos he should be lined up against a wall and shot in Gamer Gate 2.

Why does your freedom of speech hinge on you calling people slurs on a video game

libertarian left, but i support you being an alt-right fag in chat

This but unironically. Free Speech should be considered more than just a policy, but rather a conviction. The gamer word belongs in games

>judging a fighting game playerbase by PC numbers
user, nobody plays fightan on PC. SFV and Tekken have half of that on Steam.

I'm a Nazi, but I don't play Mordhau. Should I begin?

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Epic meme MAGApede! You sure showed that commie cuck!

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They'd get respect from Yea Forumsyards and /pol/fags but not anyone else. The get would end up like Chivalry, that being a 500 player toxic wasteland.

You don't. You disregard claims of toxicity as a sign of weakness and tell people to just mute other players.

The internet is not a safespace. It is a danger zone.

Faggots and niggers who cannot handle it should suck on their moms' nipples instead of playing online with based adults.

You'd better because you just used an illegal nazi word (f**) and you're now a nazi. Antifa will be coming to your house with milkshakes and dildos but unlike last time you won't enjoy it.

>resulting in a fondamontaly broken game where ballerinas reign unmatched.
Utter crap. I encounter very few draggers, and when I do, they have to fall back on playing normally because they can't see my attacks when they're swinging around. Get good kid.

I fucking hate game journalism.

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>fighting game on PC
Not defending Muslim Kombat 11 but come on

sure but be warned that the servers arent that great and some weapons are broken

Times change. Nobody likes your gamer words now.


ban journalists

Have private property

because nazi's like to virtue signal to try and make (((the left))) seem hypocritical to draw attention away from the fact those nazis don't give a shit about rights

>Just put on a raincoat if someone is peeing on you!

Chivalry had an absurdly long game life for such a broken game.

>devs add black skin color
>community proceeds to make the most racist caricatures they can
Can't wait to run around with my unarmored, club wielding Bix Nood class

>fight game playercount on PC being relevant
Why do you retards always say this same retarded shit every time.

Times change, Nobody likes faggots now

They may be hit pieces, but they're still right.

>BIGG KNIGGA has joined the game

Nobody is peeing on you though.

A more apt metaphor is that you're peeing all over yourself because someone said a mean word to you and then holding up your piss-soaked panties in front of the internet, while weeping inconsolably

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And the left fall into it by not giving a shit about rights

>le words hurt more than le sword
Bullshit. Do you know what hurts people the most and want it censored? The truth.

Post ur loadouts.

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i honestly can't understand what you're trying to say because your grammar is so bad

>Game releases
>Relative success
>Media doesn't care

>Game gets direct competitor on tencent social credit store
>Suddenly media starts flooding negative pieces on game
>Not even criticizing the game, just spouting bullshit over the people playing it

Surely there's nothing suspicious going on here, right?

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Mmmmm not really, sweety.

>moderators help im being bullied on the internet
Fuck man, do you also pee sitting down?

You are right on the first point, the team is too slow to pump constant content and modding support for some fucking reason is one of their lowest priorities.
The second are third are just not true, you can top with any weapon after getting used with it in any gamemode, and one of the strongest points of Mordhau is hit registration and netcode, you can even block draggers with ease if you don't panic parry. Avoid official Warsaw servers tho, they are shit.

you would think that but antifa has yelled racist slurs at proud boys and some other right wing groups in the past. if they didn't have double standards then they would have none at all.

People simply don't like racists.

>rocks x 15
I'd just spend all games throwing turds at people

cry more about how milkshakes are literally murdering you

I'm sure you can relate to that, alt right bro

can't right now, but I have this

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In this analogy you could move but instead stand in the piss stream so I'd assume you enjoy being pissed on.

>throw milkshake
>get punched
>play the victim
I'm not even a republican and it's common knowledge how your playbook works

Have original thoughts

>just spouting bullshit over the people playing it
it's honestly not that much bullshit. But no one should care and blaming the devs is shitty

who cares what kotaku thinks, life's too short to get mad about other websites

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The problem is gamers are usually rejects. They hate it when people tell them to not do things or do things that doesn't make sense. If you keep punishing people to not say bad words, they'll obviously want to say it more. Bantering is fine and I find most people online can't understand it one bit.

Saying NIGGER FAGGOT 24/7 is a bit tiresome and honestly should stop, but it can't be forced to stop.

Mordhau's developer's are "on some bullshit," am I right, browns?

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Two white men were literally beaten with crowbars by Antifa in the same event that fag Andy Ngo got milkshaked

The fuck? are these fucking bloggers just making a smear piece a day? Because someone was mean to them online? the fuck? dont tell these faggots about red orchestra they might fucking have an aneurysm

>america is first worl-

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I wish the turds from Horde mode were a weapon you could use

every 5th swings just passes through the enemy and to hit a horse that is moving full speed you have to hit in front of it

Great rebuttal

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>Get pissed on again
>All you want to do is enjoy your time at the park, but there are bums pissing on people everwhere
>The park keepers just tell you to ignore them or put on a raincoat

Have a functioning example of a successful nation


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try playing for more than 50 hours fag

does the gaming media actually get listened to at this point?
Do people read this shit?

There were plenty

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I fucking hate this generation of offended fucks that need to be babysat by game developers because they are incapable of solving problems on their own. "What, there's a mute button? But that's not enough, I want to see that person banned"! Headache inducing.

Not even remotely. However the player base has definitely decreased by a lot, and the primary reason is lack of content updates. The game shipped with a pathetic number of maps (4 for the Objective based mode) and the one they added post release is the worst map in the game and no one ever picks it.

If they shipped with like 3-4 more maps and added in 2 more or so post release the game would probably still have 40k players. I played the game with a big group of friends and we for the most part have stopped playing purely due to lack of maps.

> you can top with any weapon after getting used with it in any gamemode
So that's why 90% of people use the Zwei, Halberd, Spears and Axes right? Honorable mention to the maul

>literal criminal colony is the 13th most peaceful country

>"i just want to genocide millions"
>"wow these milkshakes are ruining public discourse and literally murdering me!"

I know I'll get shit for the shield, but I like the mace and it's only viable with shield

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Not same user
But people should be allowed to be toxic as possible in the virtual world .It helps lowering the toxicity and criminality in real world. The more you restrain natural negative emotion of people like violence , the more they are bound to explode in a dangerous way. You can see how a lot of terrorists , rapists, killers andschool shooters are people who were saints, nice, silent and a lot of times even sjw.
Gaming and internet is one of the few ways where you we can do bad things and vent off without hurting someone in a serious or direct way.

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>assholey whims
Is this journalism now?

Set. Match.

>Articles claim devs will add toggle that lets you not see ethnicity.
>Devs only ever mentioned gender.

Such journalistic, unbiased integrity!

If people are being driven away by racism they’re just weak

>Get pissed on again
Players can unmute themselves in video game chats? Do you only play on servers for the extremely powerful Russian hackers that steal emails from the DNC as their day job?

stop having bad internet

well they're still alive aren't they? i'd say that's a better outcome than running a girl over

You can, the horses on frontline sometimes shit on the ground and you can take them afterward.

[Citation Needed]

I am pretty sure everyone who quit Mordhau just got their fill of the game after 50-60 hours, or they want more maps. The biggest and most common complaint is they are sick and tired of the same 4 maps. No one I know who plays the game gives a flying rat's fuck about the chat.

>”I just want to ethnically cleanse whites”
>”wow where did all of these nazis cone from?”

>no one ever picks it.
I wish...

maybe the game should stop being bad then?

That's bullshit but you at least you still admit that communism hasn't stuck around for a good reason

>use "ignore" function
>they literally disappear
>if it's a teamkiller, then gang up and kill him repeatedly, votekick or join a different match
Wow, how difficult!

mace with shield is fine, it's the stabbers that are garbage. How do you git gud with shield btw, I just can't seem to make it work, mostly because it blocks so much of your view

I didn't even think about this until your post. Awfully strange that all these coordianted hit pieces about Mordhau being "racist" (like that is even remotely true) happen after China's Tencent's Epic Game's Exclusive Chivalry II(tm) gets announced.

>everything I don't like is ethnic cleansing of whites

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>*be white supremacist*
>people tell you to fuck off
>"whoa... you hate... white people ;_;"

you crackers got some nerve, enjoy your negative birthrate tho

That's an Antifa member.

Why does this guy speak like a nigger.

By forbidding women to play it

neat, didn't know that
how much damage do they do?

They're literally the easiest weapons to use, that is why. If you go to a duel server you're not gonna see any spears or halbers or axes. You probably won't even see Zweihanders.

In Frontline people just want a long range weapon to spam stab with so they can stay out of danger, it is the same reason a bunch of people use Bows even though they're terrible.

>How do you git gud with shield btw
The shield is a crutch that lets you ignore basically all the mindgames and many mechanics in exchange for having to turn slightly to the side when a kick is throw. I'd strongly recommend against using it if you don't already have a strong feel for the game.

The USSR was pretty successful, considering it came from an underdeveloped semi-feudal empire. It stood against the capitalist world for decades until a combination of sustained assaults by the West and internal Trotskyite revisionism brought it down.

Oh yea, because James Fields had nothing to fear from the violent mob surrounding and bashing his car. Just ask Reginald Denny from the LA riots.

Poor faggot got zero yous this time.

There is a fuking mute bottom in every game ever, just use it and stop crying about that guy that called you a uga booga nigger on overwatch 2 weeks before

>the park also implemented a button that permanently stops a bum from pissing on you if you press it

>How can devs reduce the toxicity in Mordhau?

By filtering chat and automatically permabanning anyone who gets "reported for being offensive" of course :)

>see protest
>drive directly into it
>"wow can't you see my life was in danger?"
my heart bleeds for those who don't know how to reverse a car from a blocked road

And yet you believe we’re trying to genocide millions. No standards except double standards.

>fields dindu nuffins it was the racist anti-white crowd that made him do it
You faggots are literally everything that you claim to oppose

>muslims openly claim in demonstrations and on TV that they intend to outbreed and replace you
>wow, why are you guys upset?
>"13%" chimp out and destroy buildings that had survived world war two
>wow guys overreacting much fucking facists?
You are defending those that would see you dead firsthand at the first opportunity, because you're easy pickings.


Its amazing how peaceful and quaint America is if you take out the big inner cities. I am not even saying HURR DURR BLACK PEOPLE because the black areas of the country outside of the big cities are also peaceful. It's like it is a different fucking country. I live in Florida, but I was recently in Chicago for business and it honestly looks like a bombed out city. I drove through ghettos that looked like a plague had gone through there. There were empty and run down buildings everywhere, some with people living in them, others just totally abandoned. I saw homeless people everywhere.

But then I had to go to Milwaukee and on my way there I went through a few small towns that looked like something out of the 50s. Kids riding their bikes outside, buying ice cream from shops, playing with puppies while everyone just chatted. I felt like I went from a 3rd world to a 1st world country, but they weren't even that far away from one another.

You're not genociding shit because you're weak and pathetic. The problem is that wanting to makes you dumb and unpleasant to be around.

>Hating people based on strawmen perpetuated by shiposters and the retards who believe them

>if you don't already have a strong feel for the game.
I do, but I can't seem to get anything done with the shield. might also be the short range of the accompanying weapon I guess...

Imagine the utterly dark pits of despair and hopelessness you must have reached in your miserable life to turn to gaming journalism as your final desperate attempt at having a “””career”””

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Yep, So successful the system collapsed and hundreds of millions died along the way. You satanist's should just admit you want to depopulate the planet. I can somewhat agree with it, But you pick the wrong targets.


>we openly boast about wanting to forcibly remove all people that we consider racially undesirable from the country
>wait a minute, why are you all saying we want to genocide people? we're peaceful!


cause your white mom got blacked while she was pregnant with you

>Just le don't say nigger and you won't get banned immature shitlord, heh... Wait...
>"Post your kniggas"

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literally the exact same is happening with the "outrage" that Cyberpunk is facing right now

I don't usually care about conspiracy shit but everything seems to fit in so conveniently for epic.



Antifa might have some sort of argument (a bad one, but still an argument) if the people they attacked were actually Nazis. None of them are. There are basically no Nazis in America. Even Richard "HEIL TRUMP LEADER OF THE WHITE NATIONALISTS" Spencer isn't a fucking Nazi. It is a joke. Anyone who isn't a communist is a Nazi to Antifa.

white people on average are objectively better people than other races

>nevermind the fact that Muslims in Europe tend to have birthrates similar to non-Muslims, some irrelevant fundamentalist Muslim cleric is saying they're outbreeding us!
>nevermind that people upset about police officers summarily executing their children in the streets and getting away with it, why do they riot???

>based adults
An oxymoron if I ever heard one.

you are worse than very other race on the planet.

Wew lad, he devastated your anus beyond repair with two words.

True, Although the Asians might be smarter, They have no soul.

>I don't like that I can't automatically win a parry fight and that I have to guess when an attack will begin
I literally, legitimately, honestly never ever EVER use the term get good even as a low effort shit post, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD user

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You just play normally unless they're liable to feint or morph and then you hold until they go for the kick. The bastard sword is one of the strongest weapons in the game right now and has good range for a one handed weapon along with being able to throw both stabs and slashes so maybe try that if you haven't.

>calls himself a nazi
>"that man wasn't a nazi!"
you crack me up

your post proves that you are not.

retarded game
low life subhumans that get glued to you with a small and fast weapon slashing and stabbing you while looking to the ground how i am supposed to read the movement?

>population of the USSR grows every single census, peaking at 293,000,000 in 1991
>birth rates are consistently above replacement rate
>life expectancy more than doubles
>infant mortality declines dramatically from Tsarist times
>USSR collapses and all of these metrics plummet and the population sinks by millions

>But people should be allowed to be toxic as possible in the virtual world .It helps lowering the toxicity and criminality in real world.
Video games don't contribute to violence, and video games don't relieve violence either.

1) he was trying to leave town because of the state of emergency and HAVING A GUN AIMED AT HIM, and didn’t know directions because he’s not from Charlottesville

2) It’s literally illegal for groups of more than 8 people to gather during a state of emergency. If this was enforced against antifa Fields wouldn’t have been able to plow through a crowd if he tried

3) it’s not Fields’s fault for pulling in front of the crowd, it’s the mob’s fault for attacking him

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you are both white and are proof that it a lie.

I'm Hispanic, Retard.

>I paid to say nigger and faggot online! It's my right!

>Realism Mode
Amazing. Maybe they'll finally get rid of those annoying ass Barbutes with visors

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I understand that you're trolling and I think you're doing a decent job but I think it is laughable any time black people start bitching about police brutality because without fail nearly every time footage or evidence comes out to support that their "kid" deserved to get shot.

I cannot believe the media circus that was the Michael Brown case. Even after footage of him strong arm robbing a convenience store came out, even after all of the witnesses who said he put his hands up admitted to lying, even after it was proved that MB's finger prints were on the officer's gun, even after it was proven there was a bullet hole in the officer's car from a struggle over the gun, even after forensics proved the only way that he could have been shot where he did is if he was running, even after ALL of that people to this day still think Michael Brown dindu nuffin. It is fucking amazing.

You people are the ones endorsing violent sociopaths who attack people for political reasons

>and video games don't relieve violence either.
[citation needed]

git gud
and don't let them get glued to you or use a shield as a crutch

I'm super ok with this scenario.

i knew you was gonna claim "not being white" too so that further proves it.

>Offender is never held accountable for his actions.
>Harrasses the next group he's matched with.
Great system.

They're the best weapons because they're the easiest to use retard. Also stabs themselves have retarded hit detection and all of those weapons besides axes have great stabs, so guess what
Also, don't to pass the "m-muh" duels on me beacuase duels are a niche for people who like them, the primary way to play Mordhau is FL.

It's honestly getting hard to dispute this fact. Nobody is dragging their kids through triple digit desert heat to get to Central/South America and people aren't risking drowning at sea to get into Africa. They all flock to nations designed and built up by white people.

Richard Spencer is a white nationalist LARPer who supports Israel and is against racism and bigotry. If it weren't for his White Nationalist rhetoric he would literally be seen as just some pussy shill. You can't call someone a Nazi when they disavow facism, racism, genocide, and everything else that made Nazis what they are. He isn't even a socialist.

Why are you imitating a Jew? The Communist party was like 70% Jewish, Marx was a Jew, Stalin is believed to be a jew, The Russian revolution was started by Jews, Killed millions of Christians in the process.

>removing and preventing illegals from entering illegally is genocide
You should run for president.

Prove it does. I can't disprove a negative.

>things got better over a 60 year periods when the entire world was seeing huge increases in life expectancy and huge decreases in infant and overall morality
>USSR still lagged in these metrics compared to the west
>but instead of comparing them to their contemporaries I'll compare them to a regime that hadn't existed for over 70s years by the time the USSR came to an end
Solid stuff.

you have stolen everything and steal resources form africa daily, you make very other country poor.
you are inferior thats why you need a system of unfair oppression to comepte

How so, Retard? Do explain.

>oh yeah by the way people committing minor property crimes deserve to be executed without trial
>all we want to do is ethnically cleanse the United States of tens of millions of people and openly call for violence against innocent people, why do you think we deserve to be attacked?
Fuck off with your victim complex you Nazi faggot

by letting 7 game journalists tell you what to do for free and kill the game in one year instead of doing shit for the 71807414789172 people who play the game

Cry more nigger

It actually is, though. It's other people that aren't the customer or the developers that take up issue with it.

>and steal resources form africa daily
Africa is Chinese clay now senpai.

This has absolutely zero fucking metrics to give reason for these scores.

i know you white supremacists in and out

Good reply user, I like it. Though Michael Brown did attack that same police officer who shot him.

Too bad it didn't go to trial though. If it would have been anything like the Zimmerman case it would have been fucking hysterical. Remember the girl who had to admit she couldn't read on the witness stand? Watching that with Yea Forums was one of the highlights of my long history here.

Played 300, fag. Never had those problems outside the first week.

dumb jealous nigger go back to your mudhut and quit fantasising

This. When the fuck did it become the norm to expect developers to babysit all their players.
I'm seeing the suggestion from the developers to mute people met with horror and disbelief.
I don't fucking get it. Just use the fucking mute button, how is this even an issue.
Why do the developers need to childproof and moderate everything when these games are supposed to be for adults.

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If no customers cared, then surely no one would report you for saying bad words.

You don't know shit, Answer the question or be deemed a fool.

>People protesting against abortion

The Communist party wasn't 70% Jewish you fucking retard. Stalin wasn't Jewish, he was sent to an Orthodox seminary by his mother you fucking retard. The Revolution was supported by tens of millions of non-Jewish Soviets you fucking retard. The Soviet Union didn't kill tens of millions, it increased the population and standards of living immensely you fucking retard.
>umm, no they didn't, they actually increased the population and average lifespan
Right-wing retard logic everyone

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Maybe some people don't like that bigots can spew their shit unpunished and that the developers are actually thinking about catering to them.

Name one (1) white nationalist that isn’t some nobody on the internet calling for genocide. To not want our countries flooded with our demographic replacements in the overwhelming moral superior to wishing white nationalists murdered and their race extinct

>git gud
>use a shield
>don't let them get glued to you when they can simply run towards you
i am not taking advice from a noob like you. silence you mongrel

user is just outrage

Absolutely seething, Cry more, Jew.

Burden of proof is on you for the claim you made.

t. coping American

>He doesn't know what a GPI is
If I made a map of each country's GDP I wouldn't also include a detailed explanation of what GDP is, since I expect people to not be idiots, even though I probably should expect that.

So... why did the USSR fail, then?
Such a successful and self-sufficient system where everyone is healthy and happy couldn't have possibly failed unless they were forcibly removed, which didn't happen.

Releases of dopamine and oxytocin have different effects on people, but unless you were already prone to violence before video games, the effects of those chemicals releasing after a competitive game releases stress and aggression.

I like how the devs said you might be able to turn off women, they didn't even mention turning off race, but now journalists have took this is MORDAU LETS YOU CHANGE THE GAME TO BE WHITE MALES ONLY
Where are the new fucking maps though, game got boring fast with the lack of maps

>umm, no they didn't, they actually increased the population and average lifespan
Oh I see Stalin, your unfathomable maths skills are clearly just above my head. Throwing barely trained civilians into a warzone with a potato really did improve things.

>toggle for faggots that want muh realism
>still run around with lutes and le epic Grug build

What about Cambodia?

If the customer cared, they would mute you. Instead, they make a stink like a child because they were born into a nanny state mentality. Other Customer only comes into Customer's equation if Developer gives a shit about Other Customer's idea of what everyone paid them for.

Nice job just ignoring the point and strawmaning instead you massive retard. Just admit you drew a false comparison because you're a dumb fag. I won't even hold it against you because it's not your fault your IQ is room temperature measured in Celsius.

high IQs have no issues understanding ESLs

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>If I made a map of each country's GDP I wouldn't also include a detailed explanation of what GDP is
Yes, that's kind of expected when you want to throw around an image making some grandiose experiment. Not doing so is literally source:dude trust me.

>Other bums don't exist

Why do so many people take issue with Red Hat White Text?

GDP has an calculable number attached to it, how the fuck do you even measure "peace"?

Other countries also have inner cities, your argument is idiotic.

It is not that hard of a concept.
Are you ready to argue that if internet didn't offer porn and other sex stuff , not more people would be stalking woman for example?
Or that kids that have superiority complex wouldn't be bullying other kids in real life instead of teabagging them online?

I write articles like that and people like OP ensure I drown in ad money.

>engage in an activity where you constantly click on things
>complain about having to click on things a trivial amount of additional times
I'm honestly surprised you even have the will to post here, with two mouse clicks being such a struggle. You're very brave user, and I admire your courage in the face of real adversity.

Pretty easy to increase the population when you've killed a few million people beforehand.

Their inner cities are nothing like America's and America's crime rate drops to European levels if you remove strictly the worst inner cities from the equation. My point is that America is a giant country with many different regions and areas and saying America is "not safe" because Detroit and Chicago are so unsafe it is like a 3rd world country is silly. Most places in America are safe. The vast majority are, in fact.

This button is unironically made for you. I use it because I don't give a fuck about listening to randos I decapitate, so why should you?

Attached: hey retard.png (687x36, 2K)

What about Belarus and other eastern euro countries? Their population was decimated, Only to be fucked up even further by Chernobyl, Funny how there has never been a nuclear accident until the retard soviets came along.

Because late night comedy told them it's a source of evil

You lost me in the second half. Wut?
Look, matter of fact is, only customers could report in the first place, so your idea that customers don't care about bad words, is false.
>But they're not TRUE customers
Don't be silly.

>Park analogy
Hey, at least it's not food.

This article and this thread is a testament to how far gaming communities have fallen when growing up inside of the Blizzard/Riot Games matchmaking daycare center. I can't imagine any of you fucks surviving the pre-google era.

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Cry more Nazi faggot. Your faggot Fuhrer is dead and your faggot Reich was annihilated by the Soviets. You will NEVER have your little Nazi utopia.
It was both relentless economic and military assault by the Western capitalists combined with internal treachery on the part of mostly Gorbachev, but which began with Khrushchev.
This meme has been disproved countless times by military historians. But then again, I wouldn't expect a braindead right-wing faggot like yourself to actually know anything true about history. The population grew under Stalin, despite the 27 million people killed by the Nazis. Where is there room in this equation for 8 trillion people dying in the gulags or whatever your Cold War propaganda says?
Pol Pot was backed by the CIA.
What point am I ignoring? You retardedly claimed that communists are trying to depopulate the earth and I proved that you were laughably wrong because the communist actually did the exact opposite of that and greatly increased the population of the earth. What is your retarded faggot point you retarded faggot?

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>tutorial teaches dragging
>call it abuse

Here's your (you)

Why do communist governments kill their intellectual elite and college graduates upon taking over?

[Citation needed]
>It was both relentless economic and military assault by the Western capitalists combined with internal treachery on the part of mostly Gorbachev, but which began with Khrushchev.
What a pity that such a great system with strong foundations can be toppled so easily, so fast.

imagine getting mad at videogames
like, just walk away from the screen retards, dont screeching into your mic like crack kids

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>What point am I ignoring?
The part where a comparison to a state that isn't a contemporary is a useless metric because all the things you cited as example of improved QoL increased globally over your time frame.

>You retardedly claimed that communists are trying to depopulate the earth and I proved that you were laughably wrong because the communist actually did the exact opposite of that and greatly increased the population of the earth.
Different poster shit for brains.

The only person in this reply chain that said "cared" is (assumedly) you. The strawman who wants to say "nigger and faggot" can say it, because that's how the chat system in this game works. Other customers who refuse to do any work themselves to fix their own problems or do any sort of self reflection on their issues doesn't concern anyone else.

>communists seizing the memes of reproduction

Because it's a symbol of retarded right-wing basedboys.
The population of the Soviet Union was far larger than the population of Tsarist Russia, despite it not having Congress Poland and Finland. This was achieved in spite of the fact that the Nazis killed 27 million Soviet people in their invasion. How does one simultaneously kill 1/3 of the population on top of 27 million war casualties and be left with a larger population than before?
Those countries had their populations decimated by the Nazi invasion. Belarus lost 1/4 of it's citizens to Nazi-caused starvation and outright violence. If you think muh ebil gommunists were bad, look up what the Dirlewanger division did in Belarus, let alone the rest of Eastern Europe. The population mostly recovered after the war, but it would never be the same again after being reduced 25% during the invasion.

>like, just walk away from the screen retards
Yes that's the position I've been advocating this entire time. Your position was "somebody do something so I don't have to walk away."

t. manchild tryhard who takes his game for children seriously

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It took the world to stop Germany, The soviets on the other hand Just slowly decayed and died due to their incompetence, Pathetic. Also i'm glad Hitler killed himself, I bet Stalin was seething he was deprived of the kill. He even believed Hitler faked his own death.

>geralt larper on the enemy team
Time to pull out the pitchfork peasant

yeah, the one spoiled autist that starts screeching and getting angry over the game should be the one kicked out, no one else should need to quit
Serve me my capitalist factory made vape juice, commie.

>Coping this hard

Lmao keep giving us (You)'s nigger

C-can you say the N word without getting banned?

Porn doesn't deter stalkers. In fact, I heard that with the rise of online interactions, even more men are engaging in stalking behavior. Because it's easier for men to obsess over women, by following their social media. And also because unlike in the past when men would get rejected without any consolation, now they become orbiters. In constant online contact, waiting for their chance. Which is a form of stalking.

Anyway, point is, porn hasn't done anything other than radicalize sexuality. especially for kids and teens who are exposed to too much too soon, setting incredibly high standards.

As for bullies. bullies have just moved their operations online, as well as offline.

sorry but it seems you dont know your place
this is 4channel, your vocabulary has no place here, go back to your Yea Forums shithole

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Why are Americans so sensitive?

>it's also attracted its fair share of assholes since release
Like you and every other slimy "journalist" jumping on this bandwagon? Oh sorry, you people don't actually play videogames, I forgot.

Trump...oh wait he's a nazi.

Seething plebbitor. Keep crying Mr.nignog

>employee who chimped out got fired


Google it you brainlet

I really hope the devs realize it's impossible to please these people and just stop bothering to try.

I see way too many russians and poles on the USEast to believe that there's that many nazis.

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By shutting down the servers

Is pressing the mute button a bridge too far for you? Does the simple fact that you had to take action to curate something ruin your Gameplay Experience™?

What's with the uptick today of "people" unironically using nahtzee as an insult and pretending communism isn't retarded all over Yea Forums today? It's every popular thread.

What the fuck are you talking about you brainless fucking idiot? The Soviets graduated millions of scientists, doctors, engineers, technical specialists and academics. The Soviet Politburo was made up largely of professional scientists and engineers by the end. University was free and encouraged for all people. That's how Yuri Gagarin, the son of humble peasants, became the first man in space.
Yep, just like neoliberal capitalism is crumbling around you. The USSR mostly died due to internal treachery, but neoliberalism is falling all on its own.
Not all of the world developed as much as the USSR did. Africa, much of Asia and Latin America barely developed because they were ran by corrupt puppet governments set up by the US and defended by military force and the CIA. The Soviet quality of life greatly decreased after glorious capitalism took over.
>It took the world to stop Germany
And Italy, and Japan, and Hungary, and Romania, and Finland, and Slovakia, and Vichy France, and Croatia among others. Stop acting like freaking EPIC BASED GERMANY fought the Allies all by themselves. They fucking didn't and they still got their asses kicked.
>Just slowly decayed and died due to their incompetence
Nope, internal treachery after Stalin's death by the Trotskyite traitor Khrushchev.
>Also i'm glad Hitler killed himself, I bet Stalin was seething he was deprived of the kill.
Yeah, because Stalin believed that Hitler at least would have been man enough to face the consequences of his actions, but it turned out he was too much of a spineless faggot to do that so he shot himself in his little personal bunker while he sent 12-year-olds to charge at Soviet armor.

All the normalfaggot shiters got dumpsterd by people with average skill so they rage quit to go back to playing fortnut

It gets replies. It's the same reason people here RP as girls or trannies. Gotta farm those (you)s.

It's not about the game, It's about their agenda. Luke Plunket, The journo, Is a confirmed Antifa member/sympathizer

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>Game journalists lie just to shit on players
>Now game journalists lie to shit on developers too

Why do people still read their shit? Who do they cater to anyway?

>Yuri Gagarin
>First man in space

Attached: 1548396054984.png (492x493, 418K)

And who killed the soviets? Themselves. A dead man lives rent free in your head.

Everybody is racist.

>Who do they cater to anyway?

The same kind of people who trust fox news or CNN.

>The only person in this reply chain that said "cared" is (assumedly) you.
ok, you said "take issue" I said "care". It's essentially the same thing. The fact is, you tried to make it sound like customers wouldn't "take issue", when they would. The reports prove it.

>The strawman who wants to say "nigger and faggot" can say it, because that's how the chat system in this game works.
ok, I'm following so far
>Other customers who refuse to do any work themselves to fix their own problems
How is someone else shouting nigger and faggot the "other customer's" problem? They're not the ones shouting slurs.
But also, what sense does it make for 1,000 people to mute one person? When you can punish the one person, and then no one has to mute.

Also, think about how many dummies you have to mute to make it tolerable. Did you see that video about Kamiya blocking people on twitter? He showed how many people he blocked manually, and it was over 17K.
Now of course this is just a small video game. But still.

The thing that i think is happening is the fact that they need to make Mordhau look bad because Chivalry 2 is coming and those people will bend easier. Thus its only a matter of time because this game is buried. And i bought the game. The moment i saw Chivalry getting announced though, i knew its over for Mordhau devs

>The USSR mostly died due to internal treachery, but neoliberalism is falling all on its own.
пидopaхa вышлa в миp к бapинy внимaниe вceм зaкpыть тpeд

>Not all of the world developed as much as the USSR did.
No shit, but the claim was the USSR was a state on par with it's western contemporaries which is objectively false based on the metrics you cited. I don't know why you're having so much trouble understanding this. Or maybe you do and just refuse to admit it.

These fags would L I T E R A L L Y go away if all the publishers and studios simply stopped feeding them anything. No interviews, no trips, no prerelease copies. Just cut them out. They'd wither and die and we'd be rid of them.

>If you don't like what people are saying then use the mute function
>Wtf why are you catering to these assholes
Can we just nuke video games already?

Especially people trying to actively appear non-racist
As Morgan Freeman said
"How do we end racism? Stop talking about it."

Are you black, or a gay person? If not then why the fuck do you care about these words possibly offending them?

>who are you quoting
We might all have our biases some of which might be racist in nature but there's a difference between having some problematic ideas and embracing racism as a good.

>one place above warzone
but muh freedom

Haha who was it then? Magical Germanic Aryan space people?
Nope, Trotskyite traitors aren't truly Soviets. Stalin tried to get rid of all the Trotskyite conspirators plotting to assassinate him and take power because he knew what they would do to the country if they succeeded in deposing him, and he was right.
It was pretty close to its Western contemporaries and even exceeded them in certain aspects, which is pretty impressive considering that the Soviets never had 300 years of free slave labor or a large colonial empire to plunder and pillage for resources like the West did, while they also had to rebuild their country from the ground up due to a genocidal campaign against them from foreign invaders. The fact that they could accomplish all of that in such a short amount of time given what they had and had to go through, it's pretty impressive if you ask me.

Does my race or sexual orientation change the validity of my arguments?

I keep reporting the faggot arguing about the virtues of communism on a VIDEO GAMES board and nothing's happening but post a picture making fun of games done tranny and they'll be right the fuck over here.

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The Chinese sent men into space thousands of years ago, you moron. Obviously they died because they didn't know much about space but it was already proven they reached it with their rockets.

You're racist against your own kind. And you embrace it. Shut the fuck up.

>The fact is, you tried to make it sound like customers wouldn't "take issue", when they would. The reports prove it.
My bad. So now we're back to, "I didn't like what he said, and when I reported them, the developer just told me to mute them." Sounds like the developers are in favor of James McNiggerFaggot, but is also in favor of you making the choice for yourself whether or not you'll continue to listen to them.

I'm just curious at why you care so much about words that you dont know if they will or WONT offend the people they are aimed at. Why do you feel the need to be offended for them?

>the moment i saw Chivalry getting announced though, i knew its over for Mordhau dev
???? chivalry 2 looks like ASS. look at the comments from the trailer, the dislikes, and the general consensus of those devs. chivalry 2 is DOA.

sorry i just dont want unattended children in my games
is that too much to ask

Assholes buy games and bitch niggas do not.

>Chinese had rockets "thousands of years ago" before gunpowder was invented
>firecrackers produced enough upward thrust to break through the atmosphere, or as much as a modern rocket engine
Right-wing history everyone

You frame it as "you have the choice." Which sounds nice on the surface. But then you look one layer below, and you see that all it means is you have to mute one hundred people, because no one is being held accountable for their actions. So you'll continuously encounter the same bullshit again and again.

the term is "first man in space", not "first corpse in space" for a reason, fucknugget

perform action

Game is 18+, Cretin. Profanity filters are for children you absolute buffoon.

I'm not right wing, I hate them. I also hate you for not understanding history. Chinese people got to space before anyone else and it is just blatant historical revisionism that tries to take it away from them.

>but it was already proven they reached it with their rockets.
so how did the gunpowder burn in space with no oxygen?


>"you suck"


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The narrative that blacks and gays aren't offended by these things, is false. It's a comforting lie that allows you to feel like your words have no weight to them.
>But I know a gay black man who is cool with it, and he laughs when I say these things, and we're total bros, and no one is offended.
If you have a case like that, then I'm happy for your situation. But that's not how all people take words.

Children belong in school and doing outdoor activities with their guardian's supervision. Not in online games.

The thrust created by the rockets was enough to carry them after they reached the upper atmosphere. What are you fucking idiot or something? How do you think modern rockets got to the moon?

Niggers, Mordhau is a PC exclusive, no shit he's comparing the numbers to the PC version of MK11.

I'm not sure what your point is. There is no "right to not be offended".

Their forums, which prior seemed like a fun place, have become a wasteland of arguments entirely because leftists came in and flipped the table saying I DON'T LIKE HOW YOU HAVE FUN FIX IT RIGHT NOW!!!

well it was fun for the few weeks it was untainted by sjws i guess. i respect the devs for their initial comments saying to ignore or mute toxic players. but then they caved and wrote out a big spiel bending the knee to them i fucking hate it

>What is Speed, Momentum, Inertia
Just need enough to break through the atmosphere

A developer literally said they're considering adding a toggle to turn off women and minorities. They even confirmed it on the steam forums.

The bloggers may be stirring up shit, but it's based on facts.

What kind of rag writes "on some bullshit" unironically?

>illegal whaling justifies attempted murder. Twice
this is your brain on

The fact that you or anyone else is mad about that only proves that they don't want player choice, they want only their choice and you will eat whatever they put on your plate.

Beautiful sentiment my Son! What a glorious battle we had that day!

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yeah but nobody gives a shit

Hey you don't mind if i give you a brain hemorrhage do you? I'l keep you alive so it's ok.

>running a girl over
She was never hit by the car, revisionist. She had a heart attack because she weighed over 300 lbs. Stop lying and people might take you more seriously.

What? You kind of hopped to another topic there. I was asked why do I feel the need to be offended for others. And I answered by essentially saying that others ARE offended. So the notion that I'm being offended on their behalf is false.

They're making a stink because even though the segregation goes both ways, it was suggested by men, so it's sexist. Had the women players demanded gender toggles there would have been no controversy in fact they would have been praised as woke for doing it. but because it was a man's idea, it must have had sexist motives

I really can't wait until you pantifa fucks decide to act like this in a city that doesn't protect you, there's going to be a lot of bodies.

>It was pretty close to its Western contemporaries
Yet it still lagged behind in many areas. Literacy is a good example since it took them decades longer than their western contemporaries to effectively eliminate illiteracy. Not what you'd expect from an equally successful system, much less a superior one.

>the Soviets never had 300 years of free slave labor or a large colonial empire to plunder and pillage for resources like the West did
What? The Soviet Union was a successor state to one that had serfdom as an institution right up until 50 years prior and an empire with vast foreign holdings while itself being a de facto empire with vast foreign holdings. You're either being absurdly disingenuous or outright lying on this one.

I'm still upset about the verdict there. It was an obvious kangaroo court.

You've been spending your afternoon making post after post arguing on gays and blacks' behalf. You are, by definition, being offended on their behalf.

The alt-right is not a real fucking thing. This term was invented by the Clinton campaign in 2016. You can very clearly see this on google trends where "alt-right" suddenly skyrockets into prominence in google searches around november of that year

If no one gave a shit, then no one would report for bad words.

>engage in an activity for children
>omg why are there children here, video games are mature entertain for mature adults such as myself
>calls other people manchildren while being peak manchild himself
What an absurd irony.

>The best way to solve smallpox is to ignore it
Great idea

This, They needed a boogey man badly, And here we are.

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>Virology analogy

Attached: (You) (3).jpg (460x343, 14K)

Mordhau should encourage even more banter like Team Fortress 2 did

Obama Birtherism was invented by Clinton's campaign in 2008, and then they invented "alt-right" in 2016. Yet both of these are steadfastly decried as right wing conspiracies by lefty minions. The wonders you can work when 100% of the MSM has got your back.


>Alcohol don't contribute to violence, and alcohol don't relieve violence either.
Pot meet kettle. Vidya addictiontion is official and used as a depressant.

No, I'm looking at the fact that people are offended, and then making the argument. There's a distinction. And what does it matter? Again, does it alter the validity of my argument? How many posts are you going to make about me?

Exactly, which makes their continued failure all the more baffling. Any social manipulation they succeed at is mostly taking place in the ruins they leave behind

funny how this quote also applies to these internet edgelords
>i deserve to be able to act racist online without punishment
the lack of self awareness of these children are unfathomable

That would be a good comeback if any of the people beaten held a similar ideology as the tiki torch parade.

Doesn't is the correct word, Not "don't'"

Racism, like smallpox, kills and harms innocent people. Whereas the solution for smallpox is a vaccine, the solution to racism is education.

The game is for adults pleb, Tell me why i'm not allowed curse?

you didnt adress the question as to why you are taking offense of others behalf, and istead made a argument from authority about how minorities feel, despite admitting you are not one.

Is this how modern politics works? argue over what black people REALLY think without even having one in the room? what a joke you all are.

Ban everyone. No players, no toxicity.

polite children are unironically better than most toxic retards online
parents spoil their kids too much, and then we have "cases" like you

"Do not" or "didn't"?

Cursing is fine. No reasonable person thinks otherwise.
Slurs, harrasment, and spam are not

Let me guess, Marxist education, Right? The term racist was coined by a jew, It's still a very new word in human history.

Very convenient that you get to make that decision and no one else.

you are allowed to curse
and people are allowed to report you
then you are allowed to run to your safe space on Yea Forums to cry like a little bitch about your freeze peaches

>the facts that disagree with me is obviously propaganda by my boogeyman
thank you uncle /pol/ for your wisdom

What if i call a white person a nigger? How does that apply to them?

By banning Kotaku writers

>run to your safe space on Yea Forums

>thank you uncle /pol/
The brigaiding of this thread is real fucking obvious

Yes it is. It's so decent people don't have to deal with insufferable idiots like you.
You're still using an offensive slur and you're still being toxic.

Tell me it's not Marxist education. You know it is.

>the solution to racism is education
yes, it's about letting people have a free dialogue with each-other, but then again only certain people get to determine what (((education))) is, and it certainly hasn't helped race relations in recent times

They didn't make the point that the only reason games lose players is because of toxicity you dishonest little agenda pusher.

It isn't. It's truth.

By who's definition, Yours?

Correct. And all other rational, well-rounded adults. Not the tiny minority of angry rednecks like you.

not that user, but why do YOU get to decide for other decent people? Is your say in what is and isn't acceptable absolute?

use the mute function, problem solved

You're going to be in for a surprise real soon when you find out what happens when you tell everyone they're not allowed to disagree or have a conversation about anything because you're "correct" so it'd be pointless.

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not rly, you can read a drag pretty easily. morphs are the cheapest thing imo but u can beat that by spamming attack

>and istead made a argument from authority about how minorities feel, despite admitting you are not one.
I did not confirm or deny whether I am black or gay.
Even if I were black and gay, I couldn't speak on behalf of an entire race or sexual orientation. I could only speak from my experience.

Suffice it to say, in my experience, I've come to know that blacks are offended by the word nigger, and gays are offended by the word faggot. Does that mean ALL blacks, and ALL gays? Of course not. But MANY blacks, and MANY gays. Yes.

I see now that you are trying to invalidate my argument by saying I'm not black or gay, and therefore can't claim to know what offends them. It's a very cheap tactic that really amounts to one giant ad hominem. You're not getting any closer to dismantling my argument.

>everyone gets redpilled on 13/50

great plan

>Does my race or sexual orientation change the validity of my arguments?
If you're not black or gay then I don't care about your opinions when it comes to how black or gay people think.

>You're still using an offensive slur and you're still being toxic
So? Who cares. You know how many times I've been called cracker or white boy? I work in the courts and I hear it daily. I don't get offended because I'm not a single digit mongoloid who let's his feelings determine everything he does. If people get offended by anything they can deal with the person offending them by themselves, rather than demanding everyone cater to their wishes and restricting all language they dont like.

You know the cunts who think they know it all are usually the biggest retards around. You fit the bill.

The cure for racism is treating people equally. Not recorrection brainwashing education. Also hate crimes, and status quos job hirings place more value on crimes on specific ethnic races. Not to mention liberal media always plays on racism in their news stories. Always blame it on those cis white males. Racism will always be around because people in power like it that way.

Where are my zweikniggers at?

Attached: zwei.webm (896x504, 2.87M)

>look up GPI
>some of the metrics
>Number, duration, and role in external conflicts
>Level of PERCEIVED criminality in society
>Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP
>Number of armed-services personnel per 100,000
>Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons
>Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions
>Nuclear and heavy weapons capability
>Ease of access to small arms and light weapons

So basically the US's low score has fuck all to do with internal violence, and is entirely because we have a strong military and use it to protect pussy ass Europe.

>t.well-rounded adults

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All i see is free publicity

>pissed of /pol/tards: the thread
They really do reveal their true colors when you try to take the n-word away from them.

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Training Sword
Second Wind

Spin master extraordinaire.

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why not just use the mute function then?

You will never be a girl. Or a man either for that matter.

because the report function makes you wankers seethe immensely

Show me a direct quote of someone saying this.

perform an act of dilation

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>he duels
>doesn’t bait people into bear traps then light them on fire

You’re playing the game wrong you retard

Well rounded adults dont bitch and moan about things that dont matter. If you're over the age of 26 and still give a fuck about highschool crap. You need help.

>and then we have "cases" like you
Go ahead and type what you think, and then read it back to yourself and reflect on it because it's going to be a work of pure projection.

Not working? Time for gulag.

What's the difference?

pls no bully gwynnbleid

The entire idea of arguing over what a group of people think that do not even think in lockstep one way or another like some sort of hive mind is itself retarded. Ill let people tell me what they believe and think, not have your white ass preach. and Yes i can tell your white, you didnt need to tell me, its only other whites who preach nonsense like this
your just another nobody attempting to manipulate discourse with false hypothetical scenarios where you dehuminize minorities portraying us a a one minded hivemind, wielding your falsely attributed collectivist desires as "the will of minorities" as if that itself is a valid justification for your nonsense.

>Well rounded adults dont bitch and moan about things that dont matter.
You realize there's been people using politics to cover up big tits in videogames because they hurt their feelings?
That ship about "adulthood" has sailed a long time ago.

>can't be racist and sexist in real life because they'll face the consequences so they flee to the world of video games
>looks like they might face consequences in the video game world too
>racists and sexists chimp out
The only thing I can say to this is "lole"

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There's a mute button.

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>can't be racist and sexist in real life
Not everybody lives in third world shitholes like the USA. I've heard people say shit next to cops I myself wouldn't dare to say out loud.


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I stopped believing any of those types of charts and graphs when I found the one that was published about "press freedom and freedom of expression" and the USA was ranked like in the 40s despite being the only nation on Earth with actual Freedom of Speech. That's when I knew it was all gaslighting lefty nonsense.


learn the difference between "your" and "you're" you uneducated fool

But the USA is pretty much the only country where you can't legally go to jail for being racist.

> racist is when you say nigger
that's not how racism works, sweetie



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I know, because it's basically Coca Cola Africa.

warband is still better

Me unironically even though I say Nigger.
Just because my spic friend calls me a Nigger, and my black friend calls me a Nigger, and my Asian friend calls me a Nigger, doesn't mean I'm racist for calling them a Nigger user.

Yes it does, sweetie.

Have you ever been outside of the USA? No one really cares about racism, We never had slaves.

Why should devs cater to your whims when you can just mute or join another server? Think skinned faggot.

You need to get out of your cave lol


What color is your wife, sweetie?

>it's not civilized if I can't send you to prison for thinking wrong
The world outside the United States is a hellscape.

>listening to pedo bloggers
no thanks

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post gore

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>you mean you don't want to censor free speech and control people's lives? fascist! nazi! racist!
Why was i born into this clown world?

I went out of my way to say not all blacks and gays think alike. So I don't know why you're claiming I think minorities are "lockstep" in ideology, or "hive minded".

You spent like 5 posts trying to force me down this road, but no, it doesn't work. Your idea of me and what I think about minorities is wrong. So you're kind of stupid, huh?

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I'm right and you know it, Unless you live in a shithole like the UK.

>don't care about racism
>can literally go to jail saying nigger

>we never had slaves

Is this what europeans really fucking believe? Holy shit

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why would anyone listen to your inane ramblings when they can just ban your sorry ass?

>35 sierra leone
>41 ghana
>46 laos
is this a fucking joke?

Me, I'm a pretty politically tame guy

Opinion discarded.

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It's frankly appalling to see devs cater to alt-right whims by adding client-side toggles to remove women and minorities. These people do not deserve to be satisfied with their warped, wrong view of the world. They need to be opposed.

>people don't care about racism outside of the USA
>e-except where they do

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I didn't like this game. I refunded it. But you know, with the sale, I might buy it just to support some based developers who aren't bowing to this whiney ass shit.
Fuck these games journos. If you can't handle the banter, the mute function exists.
The ONLY thing the devs should do is add a word censor that you can disable in the settings. I'm fine with this, and only this.
If censoring "bad words" that hurt snowflake fee fees isn't enough, then mute is an option. Nothing more, literally nothing more needs to be done here.

lmao those triggered commies responding to this post

By keeping game journalists the fuck away from gaming in general. Seriously, I have never seen a more toxic bunch.

Entirely up to the server owner

I'm Irish, Faggot, We were the slaves.

Surely you are not this stupid. "Toxic" is a term that is not only retarded, but also completely subjective.

>aren't bowing
They are though.

Did everyone in this thread fucking forget this is all about the devs adding women and minorities, but also allowing players to fucking turn them off?

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> my spic friend calls me a Nigger, and my black friend calls me a Nigger, and my Asian friend calls me a Nigger
Dude, you might be a nigger then

can you guys shut the fuck up about the blacks for more than a second

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It's nothing but a jewish trick


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But in that context, "we" meant literally the entire world other than the US.


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It's not a quote, it's an obvious implication in the massive slew of articles released recently by mentioning black characters, females and rampant toxicity. Lurk more, newfag


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same comrade. formerly ML but more of a maoist nowadays

who /medic/ here

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>everyone that disagrees with me is a part of jewish-clinton-sjw-resetera conspiracy!

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how do you?

if you can't handle seeing an expletive online, you're unironically the child.
a baby-back bitch, if you will

I'm not a nazi and I will call someone a nigger if I damn well please, you strawmanning faggot. My reasons are irrelevant. Free speech is not some little obscure right, retard.