Doom 2016 is the best Doom ga-

Doom 2016 is the best Doom ga-

Attached: 1561975743812.jpg (1062x379, 143K)

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Attached: Doom_vs_NuDoom.webm (320x240, 2.68M)

That sure is some epic gameplay you have there

Attached: 29.webm (718x404, 1.99M)

ah the switch version I see.

>purposefully avoiding the 5 second epic gore cutscenes to make it look fast

>olddoom fags can't provide an argument
Dark Forces 2 is the only doom that matters, by the way.

Whats the point of playing a game where you just shoot things?
>see a monster appear on screen
>point crosshair on it, press mouse 1
>repeat couple hundred times

Correct, better this old shit DOOM can ever hope
bitrate of the webm retard, go watch the 60fps youtube video then
Wow its like a optional feature or something! Are boomers this braindead?

Half Life 2 and Far Cry btfo'd Doom 3 though.

>Comparing the midsection of a game to the first ten seconds
I bet this the only amount of classic doom you have played and also it as slow in the beginning of düm as well.

Aw yes i forgot all the movement mechanics you get later in og doom

Oh wait....


You realize that they’re optional, right?

Agreed, user. God forbid anyone reference the Doom comic.

Doom 3 was a good game but not a good Doom game.
I think Nu-Doom deserves more than 85 though.

Why are you taking those reviews seriously? Especially when they give the slowest Doom game in the series a higher score?

>Post footage of retard game "journalist" as proof
Cuphead must suck too, right?


Why play games haha like you just press buttons haha and move then press more buttons hahaha go outside or something maybe haha and play some football hahahahahahahaha

DOOM (OG) - Grandad of FPS Genre set the standard of level design and weapons
DOOM 2 - Improved Level Design and Balanced, but didn't do much else. Is often forgotten
DOOM 3 - Massive Jump In Graphics and World building and story, but filled with horror elements that make Doom guy a pussy
DOOM 4 - Compounded all games and returned to roots and revived the franchise
DOOM Eternal - Triggered SJW's after making 3 innocuous jokes.

Attached: 6FC80129-7EA8-42AB-82BE-25AFFFE94EB2.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Nice b8 m8

This video convinced me to buy Doom

Attached: 0b0631a0.jpg (631x571, 49K)

>makes Doomguy a pussy
>Doom Marine literally waltz towards shit that would have any typical Yea Forumsirgin incel yellping and screaming
>The only time he's scared is when he finds himself looking at a 50 foot giant killing machine.
Zoom zoom back to youtube

What the fuck? I though Doom 3 was supposed to be the ultimate pleb filter.

Attached: Birdie.jpg (399x480, 31K)

Don't, wait for QuakeCon.

Attached: 1561426870652.png (500x594, 278K)

>Wow its like a optional feature or something!

It's not really optional if not doing this means you're getting shoestringed on ammo reserves otherwise