ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
Ur mom lol haha gottem
zoning out while continuing playing the game
today i will remind them
Sneed's Feed and Seed
(Formerly Chuck's)
i fap with purple socks playing kirby.
i feel so gay when i play that game (im not kidding)
I shout "SNEED" at random intervals
I say "Ow!" or "Ugh!" when I take a lot of damage
If I do really well with whatever at some random interval I'll stop and rub one out furiously before I continue. Like not just a quiet finish, panting and loud moans.
It happens a lot. I'll go 3-4 times during a play session. My dick can't help itself getting hard when I game. I blew a load so hard the other day when I won a PUBG match I blacked out for a few minutes.
Not while playing but I planned the most autistic thing to get in shape.
>walk/jog on threadmil
>every hour of exercise counts as a level
>start at level 1, to make it to level 2 I must workout for two hours and so on
>every minute walking counts as one minute, every minute jogging counts as two
>I'm at level 5 right now
>already jogging twice as much as when I started
>game with classes
>make multiple characters
>pretend they all know each other and hang out
>write fanfiction of them
>exponential leveling
I would not play your life
>never use consumables because "might need them later", "there's only 1 in the game and I want to keep it as a trophy", etc
>even when in a rough spot or during the final battle of the game
A man of class and culture
Get into debates about lore and canon.
I can never return to the Fallout Discord channel again...
Do you do caveman grunts?
I did this with Skyrim, except for fanfic, that's kinda gay
There's a mod where you can import other characters as NPCs though
that's how i fuck my waifus
>play an MGS game
>spam the codec constantly so i dont miss conversations
In doom 4 whenever doomguy does the glory kills i reenact them with my hands irl
Imagine being young enough that you've had more exposure to the sneed meme itself than the actual simpsons, to the point that when you see anything related to the simpsons your immediate first thought is sneed
This but I also call out special attack names as well.
bro you might wanna make this log x, not x^2
I talk to an imaginary audience as if I was streaming
Kids today don’t know golden age simpsons and it’s sad
I constantly click the analog sticks against the side of their sockets to drum out rhythms, and if I can actually play the game with button presses that are in sync with the soundtrack I can't stop myself from doing it, even if it makes me really sloppy
I minmax every game I get even slightly gud at.
Grass growing simulators, clickers, porn games
I actually do the math to figure out what works best and then do that.
I optimize my path in walking simulators and if a game has a stamina bar, I watch it closely to learn what is the fastest way of alternating walking and running.
>never use strong weapons or use potions/buffs cause "just in case"
>never fucking use them
BOTW made me realize how much of an issue this did with me
use guides four help
Wish I had friends while I play by myself.
If a game has a character creator I will spend literally 1 to 3 hours customizing them. When Sims 3 came out I'd spend at least 4 hours on one family. Then like 10 to 15 on the house. Even in WoW, simple character creator, I'll take an hour.
Honestly who doesn't do this?
Compulsively do all sidequests, achievements, collectables what not even if I find it boring. And once I've had it with boredom I'll just put tge game on the shelf instead of trying to play non-autistically
>Miss one collectible
>Entire playthrough is ruined
>Quit and delete saves
I might have brain problems
>>never use consumables because "might need them later", "there's only 1 in the game and I want to keep it as a trophy", etc
This except I've passed the point where it's because I think I'm saving it and instead it's just an ongoing rule I have for myself that if I beat a section using a tactic that I don't always have access to, my time would be better spent at getting better with what my character always has
I'm not an achievement whore but I probably would be if multiplayer achievements weren't a thing.
Roguelike players
Instantly restarting the run once I fuck up, even if it's my first time playing it
I always say "Come on guys" when I get my ass kicked during online play even when my team is not even at fault. I think I even said it once during a 1v1.
I always watch the credits, even if I know there's no bonus scene. But if the credits don't play on their own (like in TES for example) then I won't bother. It just gives me a nice sense of closure to watch them to the end.
I snap my fingers when the protag does something bad ass or when something kino happens.
I sometimes narrate myself playing as if I'm doing a let's play
New roguelike players hold consumables and die as a result.
When playing a new game i think to myself in a review kind of way what's good and bad about it.
>this game has good graphics but lacking in gameplay and is a bit linear
>however it's design is excellent and VA too
>i like the themes of it since it is not explored in many games
Yeah I thought it would take fucking forever. Might just end up making it like level up every 100 minutes of workout. That's more bearable.
But then they unlearn that or stop being roguelike players.
Unless they play shit like CDDA which doesn't force you to think.
I honestly don't get this. What do you talk about? I always see this with LPers that play alone and they have absolutely nothing to say so they do some kind of retarded rambling. But when two or more guys sit on a couch they can easily keep conversations and commentary flowing.
I wanted to record my comp tf2 gameplay with facecam. Then found out I puff my cheeks like a fuckin autist during tense moments.
Apart from intrisically fun mechanics, this is essentially the entire source of my enjoyment of games. I love to analyze them and work out what the intentions were and how well they were seen through. When I stumble across a truly great, thoroughly constructed game, I often just can't stop grinning as I play because I'm so delighted by the ingenuity.
You need to watch Matthewmatosis if you don't already
Does anybody have the four arms in minecraft post saved? That was pretty autistic.
>using 3 different mods to get a harem of twelve ladies in skyrim
good times
nvm just realized I have it
inventory management is my least favorite aspect of JRPGs because of this right here
I can never kill innocent people in Elder Scrolls games because I always think of their backstory and family, it makes me feel bad
Alt tabbing constantly to browse this shithole.
I always play in windowed mode because not being able to see at least my taskbar at any given moment and being unable to act when the game freezes makes me freak out.
I made my own group of twelve companions in Oblivion, good times. I was going to make a full-on mod and release it, even had a professional writer I knew doing some dialogue for it. I still think about them sometimes.
never gonna make it
When I get shot I instinctively duck my head when i crouch and move my head to the side as an attempt to not get shot running in a fire fight. I actually think it works.
Hi, Carl "straight busta" Johnson
I spam voice commands non-stop in Civalry and Mordhau.
do you have the lucario that's proud of it's power from /vp/?
Make it where?
When Stardew Valley did that update where the girls will confront you for dating all of them at once, I modded it and rewrote the scene so that they instead propose an orgy, with like full-on hentai dialogue. Then I added some more lines for when you talk to them during the day, talking about the harem.
playing Vicky 2 and browsing /gsg/ at the same time ruined every other game for this reason
I prefer to play as Asian females
Ever since 2005 Ive never not role played internally while playing WoW. I never played on vent with my friends outside of raiding as it ruined my immersion, and before transmog I was constantly swapping armor depending on where I was and what I was fighting. I know how my character spoke with each and every npc he came across, and Id often spend entire nights just camping.
My friends never found out and I even grew up with a reputation for being outlandishly antisocial for it
nah, I don't browse /vp/ and I don't think I've ever seen it
I phantom-press A X B X B Y for good luck. It was my password in deadly alliance. No clue why I started.
anytime I do a quest that involves destroying monster eggs or such, I tend to shout "PLANNED PARENTHOOD!" every time I smash eggs.
>that pic
which Bluepill faggot got out the cage?!
nvm, I found it on google
Whenever I use a 360 controller I can't resist twirling it like a gun. You just keep your index finger between the battery pack and the shoulder. Then I slide my hand across the top quickly so that the triggers sound like I'm cocking it.
>use weapons from weakest to strongest until each one breaks
>find a weapon that you already have laying in the ground and replace because it's less damaged, even if you haven't used it at all
You're the worst kind of person. I bet you're a lute-fag too.
Holy shit
>Cancer dies of starvation
>Cancer thrives on Protein and Sugar
Veganism destroys your body, so yes, he is Bluepilled. Hedonism is the only option in this Nihilist universe, I do pay the extra dosh for biological or free-range though. Fuck factory farms.
Is that user actually correct?
>I'm using tilt controls!
>I'm using tilt controls!
>I'm using tilt controls!
>I'm using tilt controls!
>I'm using tilt controls!
I do that as well. I don’t know how autistic it is though. It’s just imposing a challenge on yourself
formatting fail, I mean the user that says in that pic the cells die of starvation, as Vegans got protein/mineral deficencies.
Don't use words you don't understand, kiddo.
2 monitors bro
In the Fallout games I have a "canon" version of each protagonist. In New Vegas I made a mod changing a lot of the player dialogue to be more in-line with the canon Courier's personality.
I drink water
>Veganism destroys your body
Yeah, that's why vegans have better life expectancy and lower incidences of cancer than the rest of the population.
Zweihander, fireproof.
Not inherently autistic, but perhaps my devotion to the practice could at least qualify as spectrum behavior. I died against Sword Saint Isshin in Sekiro roughly 90 times over the course of three days and never once touched any of the many (an entire playthrough's worth) items I had other than the occasional pellet
laugh hysterically whenever i kill someone/something
lucario guy is autistic but so is the rest of the board for making fun of anyone not minmaxing in a fucking children's game that constantly reminds you not to minmax
Ever since my dad told me that electronics blow up if you leave them on for too long I've never left a console or my PC on unless I know I'll use it for at least a couple of hours even if it has a standby/sleep mode. One time I went to go play my PS2 and saw that my sister left it on overnight playing Persona 4 and went apeshit and beat the shit out of her. I'm slowly now using the sleep mode function on my PS4.
please upload it
>higher life expectancy
yeah I know 2 of them and they needed emergency medical intervention to normalize their mineral blood levels, had moderate muscle atrophy. Vegans are dumb for another reason: Meat factories don't care about vegans, not a customer at all. vote with your wallet and only buy Biological, that's what capitalism cares about. Don't boycot, buy what you approve of. Incredibly hard with EA games as they only make shit, but point made. Have this pic where they conflate non-combat jaws (chimp, human) with combat jaws.
cute pic of bacon
a little rare for my tastes though
I literally have to self insert into every single game i play. And if i cant self insert i struggle to play the game
They dont. They also literally need all sorts of medical supplements to not whither away within 6 months, since human bodies are literally not made for veganism.
I say KINO out loud when a kino scene happens
This is peak Etrian Odyssey
To be fair, if game freak didn’t want you to minmax, they really shouldn’t have made all the battle tower mons have perfect IVs
kek this but with my mom telling me it'll catch on fire
I swear I get OCD from her in the sense that I have to make a visual note/memory of something being unplugged or off or else I'll have to stop whatever I'm doing to check it
I close every door and shelf i open in a videogame.
>playing a single player game alone
>start talking as if someone is in the room with me
I'm so lonely bros.
this but I also like to play a noble character in every RPG
I make every character look as close to me as possible
you can literally see the canines in the human teeth picture you inbred retard
I imitate the hands/arms actions whenever I'm doing something in first or third person. This goes from shooting games, to survival, to anything that allows me to do so really as long as its my character personally doing so. Reload animations, resource gathering, reviving teammates, doing a stylish attack, anything.
>pretending to be an insane serial killer/villain with cartoon level dialogue said to myself
I do this
You are the retard
Read his post and follow the conversation closely
>be in voice channel with multiple people
>if they start talking, even if not to me while i'm playing a SP game i can't keep playing
Yeah, but the reason they're smaller is that they are, and never were, intended for combat. it's the primary method of attack for these meat-eating animals. The vegans conflate that and go ''HURRDURR SMALL TEETH MEANS FRUGIVORE!'' (which doesn't even exist, it's herbo omni and carni)
>I know 2 of them
OH FUCK, I'm defeated!
I thought that statistics and research matter, but here you BTFO me with an anecdote.
Damn, I guess I must have those ill-specified "deficiencies" that meatards are talking about.
If they only told me what they are, I could correct them, but so far they always told me about things I have at good levels.
I often talk to an invisible audience i.e. I pretend to be streaming or recording a let's play.
Then again I talk to myself all time.
Eating meat also destroys your body kid, everything we put in our mouths these days comes from industrialized farms.
That being said, we are omnivore for a reason, we can eat whatever and do just fine
I completely stopped playing Bayo 2 because hard mode was unlocked by default and you couldn't taunt off-set
why do vegans feel so compelled to post """cute""" animals as an """argument""" against eating meat? I'm not vegan myself but I understand that it's actually good for health and might switch at some point solely for that reason. even knowing that I still hate vegan faggots because they constantly try to convince people to stop eating meat by making them cry over some fucking animals. guess what, they (especially cows) are just dumb automatons with no feelings. fuck them.
When playing a story intensive game or any rpg about every 15 minutes i stop to think about the story, whats going on, how it will reverberate in the larger game world, and if I made the right choice
When I take a break I like to move like I'm a Souls boss or something. I'll imagine some creature or enemy and think about interesting ways they might be animated in a game and I'll try to act it out. I've always been way more flexible and balanced than I have any right to be given my activity level so honestly I'm not that bad. I've long fantasized about somehow managing to afford a motion capture set-up and make a game where I perform all the animations myself
>Have this pic where they conflate non-combat jaws (chimp, human) with combat jaws.
That's a new one
Now there are different sets of jaws, categorized arbitrarily by something that biologists don't categorize them by. And that is the "correct way" of categorizing them.
You're smarter than biologists, user.
Go tell them your findings, vegan-BTFO-er.
>playing game
>"Hey user_13, you got a mic?"
>immediately exit game and uninstall
Me too. Also when I'm not playing I will discuss my experiences in an imaginary podcast.
I narrate and talk about the game to an invisible audience, as if I'm streaming or making a youtube video
You two should call each other and talk about what you're playing. You might become friends. Maybe even date.
not autistic but I have pretty bad OCD
My OCD revolves around trying to "live as perfectly as possible"
Like most OCD, it can be hard to explain but basically
I have an elaborate ritual where I clean the house, etc. and it all ends in me taking a shower which I treat as a "baptism" of sorts
Once I get out of the shower, I convince myself that my OCD is "gone" and I start my day. However, if I don't do everything "perfectly" I have to start all over again and do my "reset ritual"
Through therapy and medication it's getting better and better, but one of the major drawbacks is that every single time I do this, I have to restart every video game I'm currently playing. I haven't beaten a single-player game in literal years. I usually stick to multiplayer games because I don't need to reset them, but I'm currently trying to beat Firewatch because I've heard it's really short, and I just want to be able to put something under my belt
Because appeal-to-pathos arguments are far less cognitively demanding to make and they actually work on a great deal of people
>Maybe even date.
Not a faggot, not sorry.
we need help
>play spider-man ps4
>spend the next few weeks pretending like I'm webbing the fridge door open before I open it, webbing walls and spinning to go around corners etc, when no one is around of course
felt like a kid again. good game.
>Character with a large posterior appears on screen
>Reel my head back
>Inhale deeply
>comparing one small group of the population with a specific diet to the entire rest of the population
You know "everyone else" includes body builders and 600lb tubs of lard, right? Try comparing the non vegan health nuts to vegan ones next time.
these statistics are flase though, check the instances behind them. Leftist. Leftists lie when their lips part.
Technically EVERYTHING kills you, EVERYTHING gives you cancer. it's the Entropy our DNA fights against and often loses when we are old.
These Biologists are not Doctors and thus discarded, I asked a Psychiatrist, PhD, a Internist (WHO SPECIALISES IN THIS STUFF) a General Doctor AND a Nutritionist: all say that we eat TOO MUCH meat but that we do need it. Especially if you got a stronk build like myself. I'm going to trust medical experts more than some lanky faggot that studied at Jewward ''University'' in the USA and got paid multiple briefcases by the research corruption cartel that also says everything gives you cancer nowadays. (technically correc,t but that research is still CANCEROUS)
You're on Yea Forums, user. There's a non-zero chance that you're super-gay and don't realize it.
> I understand that it's actually good for health
Apparently you dont understand shit.
I've got OCD too, clearly not as seriously as yours but still noticeable. My main obsession since childhood has been that if I rub any part of my skin against something in one direction I have to rub the same spot again in the opposite direction to "even it out."
Anyways, I totally get what you mean about obsessively restarting games. Like you, it's very rare that I manage to beat single player games for that reason
I make up game ideas as much as the average person I imagine, but I also intentional design them with certain features and to a rather high degree of professionalism, as well as write up several pages mechanics, ideas, or story/world elements.
>why do vegans feel so compelled to post """cute""" animals as an """argument""" against eating meat?
Because mental detachment of meat from animals is a huge part of why people eat meat.
By reminding them that meat comes from thinking, feeling beings, non-sociopaths are forced to at least feel a little bit of guilt for what they're supporting.
Sociopaths are immune, but those who pretend that
>they (especially cows) are just dumb automatons with no feelings.
fortunately, are not.
In fact, someone who holds a factually incorrect belief that animals have no thoughts or feelings, is easier to convince than someone whose primary motivation is his irrational emotions.
>There's a non-zero chance that you're super-gay and don't realize it.
''I like animals thus I stop being a customer; even to farmers who treat them well. Thus the industry won't listen to me. this is meaningful behavior''
-Vegan logic.
Post some of your design documents, user.
You're certainly a faggot, though not necessarily gay.
>overwhelming SCIENTIFIC evidence for positive health effects of plant based diets
>some retard on the internet
you're gonna have to try harder if you want to convince me of something
Youre clearly a dumb automaton, I should eat you.
Holy fuck that writing style.
Go back to where you came from, autistic retard.
Nice rebuttal brah
I don't look up porn of a game until I've beat it to avoid spoilers. It actually motivates me to finish games especially if there is a lot of cute girls in it.
"I am not a pedo, but some pedos treat their rape victims better than others, so I should support those less immoral rapists. Otherwise pedo rapists won't be motivated to be less immoral."
-Your logic.
that's why you give them a better life than they ever had in the wild to make up for their sacrifice. in an ideal world there would be enough to sustain on hunting alone, but we do not live in an ideal world. Eating meat is our right as predator species. Vegans and lefties are mentally ill; I highly suspect them all to suffer from ''overempathic personality disorder'' (is a thing). A Lithium prescription could set their brains back in normal parameters.
Ad hominem. Discarded.
Love how you ignored that user and Medical evidence, that trumps some financed SJW bullshit.
Get pissed off when someone on the other team kills me and begin to take it personally no matter how many times I tell myself "it's just a game bro, no hard feelings man, calm down!"
To add insult to injury I begin to obsess over whether or not my team hates me for fucking up to the point that I stop caring and waltz right into the enemy team not giving a fuck.
Holy shit
There's nothing to rebut, you didn't make an argument.
It's true. Yea Forums's about 50% gay dudes who know it, 25% gay dudes who don't realize it, 15% mostly straight dudes who wish they could cuddle with a big, strong, fuzzy guy without making it sexual, and 10% actual straight people who have no platonic or erotic desire for other men.
I dont care about convincing youre retarded ass. Im just dropping truth nuggets.
Sure, veganism is healthier than the average mcdonalds based diet most people have. Doesnt mean its good though.
>referencing research
>no links
>i-its overwhelming, trust me!
Practice what you preach fag
>nihilist universe
Cringe. Grow up, sport.
Basing arguments on emotion is not okay because it can easily be used to manipulate people into believing things that are wrong.
>you didn't make an argument.
You're absolutely correct. But did
>thread about autism
>fags arguing about vegans
fitting, really.
I cant count the number of times r34 has spoiled games for me. I should adopt this policy
OCD is whack haha
I've gotten really really good at the beginning levels of some games
Currently I'm working on Firewatch and Bloodborne
Trying to convince myself it's okay not to have to restart bloodborne because it's less of a narrative experience and more of a playground where you find out the story through item descriptions, etc.
when i played world of tanks i would sometimes just rush straight at the enemy when i got put into bottom tier. just because if the developers decide to fuck me i fuck the players on my team back and maybe they will complain and change the matchmaking system.
Post these statistics faggot.
Nihilism defeated the ''meaning of life'' question and is actually a very advanced position /IF/ you considered everything else in your quest and /IF/ you understand you should'nt mope but make the best out of it. that's what the cringelords you refer to lack.
here is an entire channel dedicated to examining scientific studies regarding nutrition
dude let me spoil firewatch for you then it doesn't matter there either
yeah, a channel on a website run by a totalitarian company is going to sway me from what legit doctors told me.
I always reset the elevators to save time just in case I die
the author of the channel is an actual doctor, you dumb nigger
Why is he making youtube videos instead of authoring research papers then?
If he has, why aren't you posting those instead?
Sure. This is my current dumb project; the Ed, Edd, & Eddy online game design doc. I was thinking about how to make the meme into an actual game, clearly I have no actual coding knowledge or skill, it's just an idea I wrote down because autistic dedication to the craft. I'm also marathoning the whole show right now for further ideas.
Logic doesn't work against people clouded by emotions.
Hedonism is a very strong impulse, until it's contained, the hedonist can't be convinced by research and statistics, only by peer pressure, shame and guilt.
Look at the screeching retard in this thread who is responding to everything with
>leftists lie! veganism is leftism!
Actually arguing with a retard who calls everything that disagrees with his worldview "lies" is literally impossible. This is how the emotional work.
In 95+% of cases, vegans are against those who are convinced by emotions.
There are some rare people who genuinely want to argue about veganism from an intellectual perspective, but usually it's just the standard fee-fee crap like:
>muh canines
>we're meant by nature which is now a thinking being somehow to eat meat
>muh food chain, I don't want not to be on top of it
>I'd feel bad about eating feeling beings, so animals can't feel
>the stereotypical vegan, whom I haven't ever met, annoys me. therefore I shouldn't concern myself with suffering I cause
imagine spending this much time arguing anonymously on a Khazar horse training forum
you're clearly just trying to waste my time
or are completely delusional
American? Leftist? Both?
Kek. Note how the Vegan ignored the user that actually went up to a Internist. That's a that deals with this stuff on a medical level for a job. To you know, make people not die of cholesterol or such.
>Flick around analog sticks on loading screens
>spin analog stick 360 on games with a 3rd person view to see how the character moves
>"interrogate" npcs and randomly attack them when they walk off
>Mission accomplished theme from gta sa plays in my head when I close the catalog here
Please don't bully
You were very close. Every single animal is a conscious, thinking entity. Consciousness is a self emergent property of matter being capable of reacting to its environment, animals are all sapient and sentient, they are just stupid and incapable of most forms of communication with humans. This doesn't necessarily mean its wrong to eat them, I just thought you should know. There is no secret ingredient.
Imagine holding no beliefs more complex than
>ugg like big titty
Not only does it help you avoid spoilers but the first nut after beating the game feels fantastic.
Since I've started playing FFXIV, I've noticed a few things:
>I ALWAYS finish the day's session by going to bed at an inn, otherwise it doesn't feel like I've quit
>if I'm going to take a break for a few minutes, I'll make my character sit down somewhere; ideally a chair but on the ground if there's nothing else
>I put happy/disappointed emotes on my hotbar so I can instantly react to bad and good stuff (usually for GATES)
>if I'm spending a while in a particularly hot or cold area in game I'll glamour on appropriate gear (so thicker/more layered gear in cold places and thinner gear in warm places)
>I'll dismount my chocobo before I go indoors, since it seems rude
>even though there's no collision between players or NPCs I'll move out of the way if we pass or move if we're standing in the same place
This in addition to the usual kinds of autism I do like imagining my character's responses to stuff people say or do in game, since your avatar is a mute.
>In 95+% of cases, vegans are against those who are convinced by emotions.
Dont kid yourself m8. Most vegans are emotional retards, just like every other portion of the populace. Id argue vegans are a bit worse as a demographic.
Still, I agree that a lot of the reasons people reject veganism are shallow. There's plenty of good reasons too aithout resorting to shit like you listed.
I heard the exact opposite in last 3 threads I made about feeding a cat a vegan diet.
I don't have to
>animals are all sapient and sentient
Uh oh retard alert! Retard alert class!
In fact, the device you use to make my brain cells feel bad is smarter than most of them! more advanced to boot!
>In 95+% of cases, vegans are against those who are convinced by emotions.
Morbid curiosity, could you make a cat vegan if you use injections and supplements? lab-grown ones that is. Disregard that the labour involved is far worse for the enviroment and maybe even animal life, but vegans are hypocrites.
>Every single animal is a conscious, thinking entity
Not even all humans are conscious, dipshit
>Game cuts to loading screen
>Flail both sticks around to make loud clacking noises the whole time
If posting animals or whatever actually contributes to making the world better then that makes sense I guess.
It bothers me though because if someone can be convinced to stop eating meat just by being shown some animals getting killed then that person probably also can be convinced to e.g. oppose nuclear power by being shown effects of radiation and that's really bad.
>bees learn which flowers are hard to get to, get frustrated, don't visit them next time
>ants sperg out when leaving nest because they just want to chill and not have to work
>jumping spiders learn behaviors of their prey to hunt better
>hurr automatons!!!1
everyone does this but in CS I constantly switch weapons and inspect them, especially if i'm using the deagle or r8 with spinny animations
Whenever I take a noticeable amount of damage when playing with friends, I reflexively say "Oh I'm dead" because I assume I'll get bursted down and die.
I swear vegans employ people or do it for free to shill their movement on every major website and to defend veganism whenever someone mentions it.
I've seen this same pattern of vegans suddenly dogpiling people with walls of preachy pseudoscience whenever it's brought up on a bunch of other gaming forums, usually using lots of new/inactive accounts. It borders on cult-like.
Conscious =/= emotional, empathetic, or capable of philosophy or abstract thinking. Insects are certainly conscious is some limited and shitty way, but it's not the way we understand.
Also; I was more using the term 'animal' to refer to vertebrates, which is a common slang. At the very least everything with a CNS is conscious in the way humans understand it.
>Not even all humans are conscious, dipshit
If you're referring to people in comas or fetuses without nervous systems then yeah, obviously. I'm referring to being that are awake and alert. If you're referring to the "NPC" meme then you're simply wrong.
>learning implies sentience
Youre actually fucking dumb and have no idea what youre talking about. Learning is not necessarily connected to higher brain functions like a conscious, its just implies a basic ability to rewire itself.
For fucks sake some vidya has learning ai, do you think they are conscious too?
>Every single animal is a conscious, thinking entity
There is absolutely no way to know this, in fact I actually went too far and glossed over the fact that I can't even prove that humans are conscious. There is no way to determine whether a system or living being is conscious without being the thing itself. The only object in the entire world that I can be certain is conscious is myself.
I have some real issues with panpsychism too. If it is true, why is consciousness discrete? Why is there just one single thing I call myself? Is every particle conscious? Am "I" just one particle of many in my body? Is every other particle having a similar experience? Why am I the one that gets to control my body, then? Or are we all thinking the same thing at the same time?
If consciousness is a property of matter, why does it always seem to divide itself neatly along the same lines that humans have evolved to recognize as categories? The difference between any two "objects" is just that a human is discerning between them, they could just as easily be seen as parts of a whole or as nebulous clouds of particles that can be divided up in any way you see fit.
What about ant colonies? Is every ant conscious, or is the colony itself conscious?
What about viruses and bacteria? And again, are they conscious as a whole or just each individual microbe?
Is a neural network conscious? It is subjected to the exact same kind of process we are
Is human society conscious? It could easily be viewed as one massive organism
In games that use the analog stick to move I like to feather the stick really quickly to see if I can make the character "skate".
Whenever I'm playing video games I like to crossdress. I have a pretty nice collection of cute dresses and cosmetics that I spent a lot of money on just so I could wear cute stuff while playing.
no homo tho
>could you make a cat vegan if you use injections and supplements
You could do it without injections.
There are cats fed vegan diets, although they do include bacterially grown vitamins. And synthetic taurine, but that is fed to all domestic cats in large amounts anyway.
Those "vegan cats" are often healthy, though some have kidney problems due to the diet being too basic, as in not acidic enough.
>vegans are hypocrites
No, you're just deluding yourself into thinking that this is the case because it helps you ease the guilt of doing something you subconsciously know is wrong.
>Disregard that the labour involved is far worse for the enviroment and maybe even animal life
The cat would probably be less healthy, but it would mean less funding for animal farming. One cat over its whole lifetime would eat corpses of many tortured birds. All of which would be factory farmed, not the """ethical""" free range ones.
Animal farming is a horrible mess ethically, but also environmentally.
Retards love to bring up soja farming as environmentally-unfriendly, but this is actually in SUPPORT of veganism if you check all the facts: vast majority of soja is fed to factory-farmed animals.
I meant that there's no ontological or metaethical difference between them. They will of course exhibit differing material properties
these are just stats put in at their inception. the ants and bees have low energy members that may get a stress/tired response (hormonal) if they do more effort than they want. It's like trying to walk a stairwell to the 11th floor to collect donations for your Pride March - you probably won't do that and go for the easy row houses if you follow your gut. that ''gut'', the instinct, is what all animals have. The spiders seem more difficult to explain away.. hm? I'm saying it's a form of skinnerboxing. strategy New gets more food than Strategy Old. IDK if spiders do Dopamine, but the new strategy gets more pleasure responses as food is good.
Do you know how ants regulate their colony, user?they communicate their role with everyone and if an ant has a low soldier tally (due bird attack or such) it will change role. very simple, just like Binary - but in such numbers it becomes ''smart''
Don't expect a Goliath beetle to ever recognise you as the owner or differiate you from other humans - it's a neat critter, sure, but it has no Neocortex and can't interpreted pain or maybe not even feel it. Don't go vandalizing bugs or fish though: it's still a shitty thing to do. Would bug farming work for vegans? That's as far I would be willing to compromise with them.
Post an outfit.
How did this go from vidya autism to arguing about veganism?
When I was younger I made OC leaders for all factions in the HoMM series
I'm okay with CO2 releasing, as I read researches that Equatorial oonga boonga lands will be hit first. That's good, Africans should go extinct, and that the warming is good for agraricultural countries like mine (Netherlands) as we may now stock mediteranean crops and later even Arabic ones. That's also good as these people are mental.
Fuck that was sad
The sad reality is that most people are convinced by their emotions, not reason.
Facts only work on those who don't have strong emotional motivation to do something. And select few schizoids and other weirdos who constantly doubt themselves and have low self-worth.
>If you're referring to people in comas or fetuses without nervous systems
Im referring to severe mental retardation. Also You have no way of knowing if a fish is conscious, or if it is similar to ours. Theyre not even sentient if thats what youre getting at.
>that's not REAL thinking!
>thinking is some vague shit that can't be defined! but insects surely don't have it because then I'd feel bad
>ontological or metaethical
Im surprised to see these words used on v
Like, you play a character of the opposite sex, or you dress your characters opposite to their sex?
I play Borderlands alone
congrats on derailing the thread assholes
>bioshock 2
>come across a medkit
>find any way possible to hurt myself
>use a medkit
>go pick up the found one and be at full health with full medkits
>would have been full health/full kits anyway
even worse
>find a health dispenser on the wall
>hack it perfectly
>go find a way to get hurt once more
>use a kit and pick up the 4FreeIfYouHacked medkit
>immediately destroy the dispenser
>find yet another way to get hurt
>use another kit and pick up the 4FreeWhenBroken kit
makes the game take a while longer
Same. TPS here.
I even feel anxious with people online.
When I circle around an obstacle in a video game, I then have to go back around in the opposite direction. Did I mention that I'm diagnosed with OCD?
Quick guide for philosophlets:
>The property of being able to successfully navigate multiple different environments. Creatures, plants, algorithms, and computers all exhibit varying degrees of intelligence. Intelligence can be indirectly measured through tests of adaptation, decision making, and/or problem solving.
>The property of having a phenomenological awareness of existence; if it is "like" something to be some given object, that object can be said to be conscious. Consciousness IS NOT MEASUREABLE: there is no way to scientifically discern between a conscious human being and an unconscious human being who still acts and speaks in the exact same way.
>start an rpg
>realize about 7 hours in that i messed up something at the beginning and missed an item / upgrade / companion / etc
>think, "I've already put 7 hours into the game. I'll do that on my next playthrough."
>autism eats at me over the next couple of hours
>finally relent and restart the whole game just to have the "perfect" beginning
I've done this with just about every RPG. Dragon Age Origins being the worst offender.
>Im referring to severe mental retardation.
Then you'd be wrong. Why do you believe people with severe mental retardation are not conscious? They're just stupid and incapable of communication. They share 99.99% of your DNA and all of the same mental and neurological pathways, and yet you believe consciousness is some special 'feature' you enjoy along. You believe in abstract, improvable spooks like souls and spirits, not reality, and you believe in your ethical superiority over the very unfortunate retarded people as well so you can jerk your little dick. Fuck off.
Are you ?
You have a very "mental illness" writing style.
Consider getting it checked, weird speech pattern is a red flag for schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
>Playing disgaea 5
>Create a generic character for every class
>Plan to master every class with each, as well as each unique unit
I've put 250+ hours into this game and I'm nowhere near done
>posting photos on Yea Forums
I mean I dress myself up, doesn't really matter if I'm playing a game as a boy or girl character. I also spent a lot of time training my voice so I can sound like a girl if I'm playing multiplayer. I'm not gay though it's just fun.
fuck all of you no one cares about your gay argument go to /ck/ or something
Know one used the term thinking but you, because it doesnt have any actual meaning anything specific.
Learning doesnt mean anything about other thought processes, otherwise googles ad algorithm would be considered a "thinking" entity too.
t. Programmer who was written learning algorithms
Please don't ignore my Ed, Edd, & Eddy online shitpost. I put a lot of work into this.
>release CO2
>accelerate global warming
>b-but muh niggers
>niggers flee north, where it's colder
>your country ruined by immigrants
>b-but it was supposed to only hit the browns!
Could be ADHD or autism too though?
>veganism destroys your body
Only burgers believe this.
Sorry, just building a game pitch with your idea.
Yeah that's a kink we need to work out. Slavic Europe, if this path continues, will overtake (((Germany))) as dominant force in Europe. You know how they handle niggers, yes?
dude kys
Oh, I see, you crossdress in real life. I thought you meant in game. I don't do that, but in Animal Crossing I have two separate characters in one town, and I have one of them crossdress and make dresses.
t. straight redpilled cd
I wasnt referring ti retards like you, I mean no brain activity outside their brain stem veggie tier retards.
>99% of v is off topic shitposting
>get your panties in a twist about the one off topic thread with at least somewhat of an actual discussion
V is just b-lite at this point. Accept or move on, youll be happier.
>with at least somewhat of an actual discussion
your shitflinging is not discussion
Didnt evolve to kill animals with our teeth
>your shitflinging is not discussion
The veganism thing is just yelling but our conversation about phenomenology/consciousness is actually going pretty well
Are you literally retarded?
There are millions if nigs fleeing environmental and humanitarian disasters already, and you want more?
Do you think climate change involves giant earthquakes immediately devouring the populace in 20 minutes?
I move, jump and attack following the beat of the music.
Water levels take twice as long.
yeah but that's to blame on the EU? isn't it? If things go correctly and the EU is dissolved, Poland and it's buddies will GTFO them.
>simpleminded racist is also a slavaboo
Who would've thunk'd?
>use a weaker summon because they might need some fresh after so much time not using them
>I mean no brain activity outside their brain stem veggie tier retards.
Then they obviously aren't conscious then, nobody is fucking disagreeing with you and I never claimed otherwise. wtf are you even on about.
Have fun going to war yet again? Europeans need the EU to control their barbarian urges
Africa didn't grow the last 50 years, give me one reason why pushing them into ecological extinction is bad.
I'm actually pretty good at handling myself on the mic, mostly because I typically drink while gaming online. I just have a history of getting impatient with retards and I inevitably go berserk
Thankfully I have a friend who still genuinely likes Borderlands so I'm not entirely alone
Respond to
yeah can't wait to pirate 3. Randy Bitchfart refuses to online DRM it so you can play with leggits. Plus it has seperate loot so no more ninjafags.
>poland will always be a bunch of retarded savages
>when economy and education improves, poland will still be a retarded far-right shithole
>nevermind that big cities with high average IQ and good economy are already as human as western Europeans
You can't be this stupid.
The dissolution of the EU won't suddenly halt the waves of refugees.
You think Poland and Hungary will be making any worthwhile demands or changes, and the people of Europe sure as shit won't line up with machine guns.
There is no way disaster in Africa bodes well for anyone.
You realize that eastern europe is subsidized by western europe? That’s like dumbass americans saying they want the poor south to secede.
>hating the EU means hating all cooperation.
yeah but don't the Border nations HATE refugees? Again, why would African extinction be bad?
Germany is the shame of Europe - it fucked up... AGAIN. Look up Obrum Tank while you're busy.
>Africa didn't grow the last 50 years
>massive life expectancy rise
>average birth rate dropping hard, as in a civilized country
>shit considered basic, like electricity, actually being brought into the countries
Your counterargument is going to be a goalpost movement in the form of
>b-but it's all le gibs so it doesn't count
Its more of a conversation than
etc etc etc
That seems pretty normal to me.
These are using vegetarians. Not vegans.
The border nations' populace hate the refugees, to some degree. There's a long way from that to massacring arrivals at their shores.
Places like Italy, who receive inadequate aid from the rest of the EU, release them into europe to spite the other countries.
Don't get me started on cuck-nations like germany, belgium and the netherlands.
I talked with a few old people, like, 55+ old. one said when she was 7, she had to give old clothes ''for Africa'' now, 57, and we still gives clothes ''To Africa'' and other guy, in 60s, said nothing changed. it was a hole and is a hole. Africans haven't been able to form a succesful civilisation for a 1000 years now. It's best to wall them in and let the fury of God send more locust swarms.
The EU is the only reason the former commie countries are even doing ok, without the western european countries who wouldn’t give two fucks without the EU, they would collapse
Oh fuck, they actually filtered c*ck. Well color me shocked.
when I'm playing with my friends and some dumb shit happens in game or in conversation I look the the left like i'm on the office looking at the camera.
If I remember right it's only filtered if it's capitalized
Judeochristianomuslim "God" is on their side.
Africa is the most religious continent.
I live in the Netherlands, and I mourn for how my country has fallen. I'm not saying massacre, as they're also people (very, VERY dumb people though) I mean send them back or even deploy military in North Africa to attack supplies for human trafficking? it's not like these countries can deny that as they lack the methods.
Then whats the point?
Not sure, is cuckoldry even that big of a fetish actually?
I do this with all fighting games, a lot of OOF and ARGH
all caps is filtered
Thread has hundreds of replies and no one knows what this is. Fuck summer and FUCK NORMIES AND FUCK TOURISTS REEEEE
South america would like a word with you.
>summer Yea Forums
They have the media and sway of most politicians.
I just don't see this ending up as anything other than worse living conditions for everyone. There's no way the rest of us will stand unaffected by environmental disasters in Africa, or anywhere.
I yell out rocket league goals because I'm south American.
>fuck normies
Yeah fuck you normalfag
you see the other guy provided factual information reflected by censuses
and you provided a retarded personal story about the fact that charity hasn't been removed from the world.
You're retarded
that's so gay haha weird
It's to heterosexuality like what bugchasing is to homosexuality: a meme mostly invoked for bantz, but rare in nature.
when I play my FIFA career mode I shout at the screen as if I'm actually on the sidelines
>Pogba misses an easy shot
>"for fuck's sake Paul!"
>concede a sloppy goal from a corner
>"where's the fucking marking lads? stick to your man!"
>player gets ball at the edge of the box
>cutback opportunity
>"square it Jadon!"
>tfw every single character I get to build and customize ends up with a backstory and probably at least a few paragraphs of stuff I think up while playing
I hate it and like it at the same time
BRs are religious as fuck, but it still ain't got shit on negros proper.
There are some whites in huelands. Average IQ of Brazil may be below 90 I had to check, I was almost sure it was above but average IQ in many african countries is below 80.
I unironically wish FIFA players all came down with leukemia.
Alt tab the game and shitpost for hours
To be fair you need a pretty high IQ to u dersrand the subtleties present in Rick and Morty. You excited for season 4 bro!?! Adult Swim is life.
I talk constantly, I basically pretend Im live streaming even though I'm not
sounds like you need to find better things to wish for
Singing nonsense. I don't think about, I just freestyld stupid shit that comes to mind. It even sounds somewhat catchy, lol
My favorite so far is: "Halt dein Maul! Du bist ein Gaul!" (Shut the fuck up, you are a nag) followed by bad beatboxing
>mfw vegans BTFO repeated times itt
This post is outing you as the brainlet
Humans were physically designed to eat meat.
Being a vegan is literally being a nature's contrarian
Spend hours developing character builds/lore in Dark Souls 1. Only to play until the Taurus Demon and just get bored.
Get blown by my gf
>physically designed
>physically designed
by who
>find a pot of mutation
Did you know Oxygen causes cancer? normally your body can heal faster than it does so. How about an Anoxic diet? you know, oxygen free life. It's proven that oxygen free people never die of car accidents for example!
God bro.
Why are krauts so weird?
That's some good advice bro! It'd be a great idea to listen to your tips.
>Play Stellaris
>Start monologuing to myself like I'm the leader of my custom species
>Go on for minutes at a time
get butthurt and say mean things to the game
Whenever I get easily defeated in a videogame, I pretend I'm shooting beams out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor at infinite power. I then am hit by said beams and completely obliterated with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.
I fondle my dick when frustrated by a hard segment.
Not to orgasm, just that being angry makes me horny.
I do it a lot when programming.
Inbred retard
Based obelisk poster
how can God be inbred when He has no parents?
>too inbred to realize I was talking about him
It must be nice to have a room temp IQ
in kelvin maybe
>See fire
>Touch it to see if you take damage
maybe u should use guides for spelling lmao nerd
caring abt speling lmao
ur the nerd
make my own machinima in smash bros, i dont even record it, i just make up stories for the characters.
of course it would be californians
they filtered it like 3 years ago newfag
What is it?
>what legit doctors told me.
Doctor here, education in nutrition is nonexistent in medical school. If you want to learn nutrition, you have to do it on your own.
How about Internists? Can you actually ''starve'' cancer cells by diet?
>Can you actually ''starve'' cancer cells by diet?
Theoretically, no. The body keeps a baseline of nutrients in the blood stream at all times for all cells. Cancer cells just take from the pool. That being said, you can keep healthy nutrients in your body for the rest of your cells by eating healthy. Eating junk food is overall bad for your health, doing it when you already have cancer is not going to help the rest of your cells.
>How about Internists?
In games like Ace Attorney, I use a pencil and notepad to write down important details like I'm an actual investigator.
Everyone does this. My normie friends did this more than me.
Posting this before reading the thread just in case it hasn't been said
Every time I beat a level in a platformer or similarly-paced game, I sprint around my house as fast as I can.
If the load times finish before I come back, I slap my belly a few times until there's hand prints.
>implying light skinned argies aren't the bastard children of nazis and jews
When going to a new pretty area, I like to move the camera cinematically like they do in E3 trailers and the like and admire the environment.
Really? Even in pharmacy school we learn the basics of TPN for example.
Funny, I like to do that when I look at you.
okay, thanks, I did hear a case of someone with lung cancer picking up smoking and chain smoking with two cigs per go. the cancer was actually receding due it, I find it hilarious.
well, Internists, I asked one about veganism and he said it's bad but that lessening meat is good. shouldn't they know about this stuff with their specialisation?
muh anecdote better dan fax duhhh
roast myself if I perform badly.
also believe that I can jinx myself by acting to cocky
If a game is pissing me off I'll usually start complaining about it, usually cursing the developer while whisper shouting "THIS ISN'T FUCKING FUN, GOD WHAT WERE THEY FUCKING THINKING" or "WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT THAT THERE, WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT"
Recently finished VTMB, and that final two boss fights were a nightmare, I had no blood and barely any ammo left so I was just running back and forth trying to kill the Chiropteran Marauder only for those werewolf motherfuckers to come and hit me while I'm trying to fight it. I'd get it to half health and then fucking die since I couldn't focus two at the same time, really angered me because I was just asking why they would put these two fuckers here in an already annoying fight. Game was fantastic otherwise, can't wait to see VTMB2 with actual combat
Also when playing through RE6 I was constantly asking myself why Capcom brought back zombies with guns. Going through Chris' story was a fucking drag and it was made even worse by the dumb decisions they made, hell when I was flying the harrier I was so speechless at what the fuck I was doing that I couldn't even conjure words before I crashed into the damn boat.
sekiro is finally breaking this habit for me because I want to beat bosses like owl father, demon of hatred, and the sword saint
Just stuff happening in the game I dunno there's a reason it's autistic
You can beat 'em without that stuff, and it will save you the stress of watching your item count drop and the panic when you run out. By that point, if you had already been playing without items, you probably would have practiced enough to beat them on your own anyways
I once built a monorail on Minecaft on a tablet.
either way my anxiety over consumables is pretty much gone now. if I'm in a fight and use my last valuable consumable and then still die, I'm like "oh well"
All of the answers to your questions are well established in biopsychology in relation to brain structure.
You're asking the right questions, in a way, but your ideas of how it actually works are cripplingly laughable. You cunt
I choose any character from a game I'm playing and they kind of become like the narrator of my inner monologue until I replace them with someone from the next game I play
I know that feel bro
top zozz
Is this mf casting a spell? I'm from 2007 Yea Forums, I've just never seen this before.
My dick hurts
A lot
No, they aren't. Biology has not solved the hard problem of consciousness and neither have you. Biology is doing a great job of working out how the brain works as an intelligent piece of hardware but intelligence does not equal consciousness. The ONLY way we currently have of directly studying consciousness is through self-reporting, which does nothing to solve our uncertainties about consciousness.
Also, I was asking those questions in response to an user who seemed to support a panpsychist point of view. Are you claiming that biopsychology has determined panpsychism to be correct? If not, I have to say I'm not entirely sure why you responded to me with such a braindead post
I don't know what it is but when I play a game and the ceiling is low, I feel slight pressure on the top of my head. it's like I can actually FEEL the ceiling being there ever so slightly. If I play minecraft and make a 2 tall ceiling, I'll feel it on my head the entire time until i make it 3 tall
If I'm playing an rpg and there are items I can pick up throughout the world I can't continue on my path without picking them up, even if I know that I'll never need them and I already have 200 in my inventory.
>not yet noooo eeyyyeennuuuhhh *mumble mumble*
how the fuck am i living on the same planet as these kind of "people"
Imagine being this much of a failure as a parent
I compulsively slam my fist into my thigh when I lose a close match in quickplay in Smash
it hurts so much too
He's just one of those nihilism fetishists who want to reduce everything to chemicals and return to nothingness.
if a game has multiplayer i usually make sure to get like 10 hours on singleplayer first so i don't feel like a complete noob
Sometimes I write AHK scrips to grind for me. Only single player games, of course.
I comment races in my head with Crofty's and Brundle's voices while playing F1 2018
I also suffer from that OCD, it grates me, i try to ignore it, or pretend its just nonsense, continue to play, then i get .... its not fitting perfectly so i restart it
I always play as a barefoot girl when possible.
I talk things through to myself about in-game stats and such for various games
Not thinking about politics, I think I'm on the spectrum and just can't into social stuff, but when I see a dude with a sombrero I don't think mexicans are getting humiliated and when I see a trans npc I don't think video games are dying.
I only save inside inns or shops in RPGs whenever possible
In STALKER I would reload a save prior to a gunfight if I couldn't headshot every single enemy with a single bullet while also not taking any damage. I would reload the save multiple times, possibly redoing the same part for hours just to get a perfect run
>you can actually hear him shitting himselfg