Why are game companies so lazy these days?

Why are game companies so lazy these days?

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>these days

>these days

Why are gaming news sites blind and stupid?

What's wrong with reusing animations or assets? Or do you love filling your undies with grumpy dumpies when games get delayed?

>what's wrong with reusing previous gen portable assets and animations for a current gen metaconsole game?


That was pretty fucking obvious right from the start

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>buy the same game that releases every three years with little to no new content with each iteration
>wtf why are they so lazy?

Well this And the fact they are proclaiming that there is no national dex because there is too many pokemon to "animate".
but since it is clearly shown that they are just taking the animations and models from the 3ds games they are lying out their asses about the problems with the national dex.

In short the issues with reusing animations is that you don't get to have the excuse of "Too much to animate.

didn't they say they can't put every pokemon because animations cost too much to make?

Every game company re-uses assets for sequels. This is not a new practice.

I honestly hope it's as bad as Andromeda. But I doubt it. The nippons aren't as incompetent.

because that's part of the reason they gave for not having all the pokemon in the game.

SMT IV reuses illustrations made for SMT I and II among others. Monster Hunter’s monster count is always limited not by how many models they can create, but by how many rigs and animations they need. Reusing assets is nothing new

It’s Pokémon. It will still sell amazingly well despite the reused assets and other shortcuts they take.

Absolutely nothing so long as their reuse leads to strides being taken elsewhere, which does not appear to be the case with Sword and Shield.

theyve been using the x and y animations since those games came out
why is anyone surprised?

It's gone beyond ridiculous, really. You know damn good and well all the data for every pokemon is going to be in the game collecting dust. We've reached a point where the only reason there'll be to play it will be is if you have a hacked switch and some brave fuckers undertake the task of making a complete rework ROM hack.

They've been reusing the same pokemon models and animations since X and Y.
Which isn't really the issue. the issue is they are using "animations costs" as a reason that we ain't getting the national dex. Which is bullshit because it is clearly shown they haven't animated a fucking thing for about 6 years.

>waaah why is GF reusing 3DS assets and animations? Fuck you GF, so lazy!

>waaah why are you cutting Pokemon? You can just recycle the 3DS assets and animations! Fuck you GF!!

Yeah I'm thinking you should kys

Pick one, not both.
GameFreak is using reason 1 to justify reason 2, there has to be some "fidelity" going somewhere like they claim but it certainly isn't the Pokemon.

They're probably putting in some stupid shit like a single Godzilla roar/smash animation for each giant mode pokemon, and that's what they're crying about having to do for all eleventeen million preexisting pokes.

>grumpy dumpies
where the fuck do you shills come from?

>waaah why is GF reusing 3DS assets and animations? Fuck you GF, so lazy!
I mean. it is lazy. and they technically haven't had Creature make them anything in 6 years since X and Y.
>waaah why are you cutting Pokemon? You can just recycle the 3DS assets and animations! Fuck you GF!!
I mean. If they are already being lazy and reusing animations. What excuse do they have about the national dex?

Nothing normally. The problem is they used the excuse of "we had to make new animations" for why they couldn't include the full pokedex. If you're going to cut corners, don't use that as a reason to cut more corners.

The data yes, because, in one of their actually smart decisions, GF just copies the same db file over from game to game and adds to it, instead of emptying it out and repopulating it every time. You know know there'd be horrific bugs like "this pokemon evolves from using the burn heal" because they hard coded an id somewhere if they actually redid it every game.

Gold and Silver reused an entire fucking continent.

Why are you niggers complaining.

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So gamefreak proven just to be milking you idiots. Here was the business plan for this:

1)force people to keep buying games(duh)
2)get people to use home more than just as a transition tool between generations and carts so they can charge you for that
3)release "stadium" games on top purely to use every mon for battle

Do not buy sword and shield.

Because in the end we'll buy it anyway.

>beliveing GF lies
They pulled the National dex shit just because they are a bunch of lazy hacks and no matter what they do, normalfags and shills will still eat their garbage

The cut Pokemon is a game design choice.
They could add them all if they wanted to.
It's not that they can't. It's that they don't want.
They don't want to work with so many Pokemon for one single game.
They're not being lazy or incompetent, it's simply how they wish to develop games from now on.

There are way too many Pokemon now and the cut had to be made some day. Might as well start now.

Because we know they are reusing assets. But they also claim they can't have the national dex because they have too much to "animate".
How can that be when they are reusing all the pokemon models from X and Y.

>The cut Pokemon is a game design choice.
Yet they proclaimed it was because they don't have the time to animate them.
>They could add them all if they wanted to.
Straight up said that they ain't adding the national dex back and you would have to wait until the next game to get a different set of pokemon.
>It's not that they can't. It's that they don't want.
It's there fucking job. If they don't want to do it than that is lazy.
They don't want to work with so many >Pokemon for one single game.
It's two games and they did it for every fucking game prior and they haven't had to make or animate a single pokemon since.
>They're not being lazy or incompetent, it's simply how they wish to develop games from now on.
Yes. They simply wish to do "less" work and give the game "less" features than every prior pokemon games because they are lazy and want to work on towns instead.
>There are way too many Pokemon now and the cut had to be made some day. Might as well start now.
I agree. Someday. But not when they have the ability to literally copy and paste the pokemon like they have been doing since X and Y and are currently doing for SW/SH.

No excuse. They are being lazy on this game because they don't want to make pokemon games and know mindless dick heads will buy it regardless of the quality.
I pine for the days when other developers made the pokemon games.

because the excuse they gave for cutting out the national dex is that they werent reusing animations

Fucking shill.

How the fuck am I a shill?

How can a stupidly rich and profitable company not have the resources to prevent all of this shitstorm to happen?
Literally all you have is pokemon over and over and nothing else, just make the game with everything in it. Stop making two versions of the same game and focus on one and make and add everything. If you have time to make a cash grab two versions of the same game, you can make a. Game with new animations, better graphics, all the pokemons, and their special transformations, aaaaall of that shit, transferable pokemons, with all the money you make.
If you support this game they'll just know that they can get away with putting less effort and keep making more money.

>these days
Geez OP sounds like my autistic friend.

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Pokemon needs to be handed over to other devs at this point Gamefreak is just incompetent.

Would that be possible? Who exactly owns the rights?

Game Freak was lazy from the start. Game Freak doesn't speak for all developers. You can find other developers who go to the opposite extreme. Spending years making original assets and refining them to ridiculous levels.

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The Pokemon Company owns the rights.
And they very well could give it to someone else but they pay gamefreak pennies so they more than likely not stop forcing them to make the games until it no longer becomes cost effective.

Please understand

Animations do not age like other tech does, it is not tied to resolution or polycount or anything like that. It is pure motion data.
There are excellent animations done since the start of the 3D era and most of it can be transferred to new rig/skeleton technology just fine.
There are mocap libraries from the 90s that are still used in AAA development of games that get praised for their animations and statemachines.

One of the selling strengths of 3D is the reusability of assets so you do not have to reinvent all the wheels for every new project.

Funny that that's the example you go to, since they'd already completed the full game when Iwata worked his compression magic and they decided to add Kanto on as a bonus. It's literally the exact opposite of laziness.

Fuck off im not working my team to death.

The problem is. Game Freak isn't stupidly rich.
The Pokemon Company is. And they pay Game Freak in pennies.
And as long as nobody is pointing the finger at the pokemon company. All is fine.