>N Sane sold 10 million
>Has the better cart racer
>Activision calls Crash a flagship franchise along with CoD
Is Crash as big as Sonic again?
N Sane sold 10 million
Who? And, is that the final boss from Smash on the right?
Well, I guess as big as current sonic...for however much that stands for...
Sonic still has that movie
>implying sonic was ever big outside of deviantart and furfag forums
>crashfags still trying that hard to be a recognizable franchise
Oh nononono.
He was big before those were even a thing
They will kill the franchise again in a few year
Only if it stops making money and with Vicarious, Toys for Bob, and Beenox working in rotation
3 years seems fitting for a Crash game development
Not until Crash series get 10k of lewds
Considering the Nitro Squad exists
Sounds easy
If anything, Activision has saved the franchise after the hiatus.
Chad Crash
Virgin Sonic
It won't be big again until they make a new game that isn't a remake and try to repair the franchise's overall image rather than relying on the old games. I'd love for Crash to make a fully-fledged comeback but so far they're only halfway there
Not yet. Maybe if it consistently gets games, not necessarily good ones but at least existing ones, for a decade then we can talk.
they're gonna make a new game, Yea Forums will bitch that it's soulless and it'll do poorly
only reason Crash is great again is because they're remaking the games that were actually good
After Future Tense, I trust Vicarious with their own craft
He's bigger at this point.
Crash has the N-Sane Trilogy and CTR
Sonic has Forces and TSR
One is clearly better than the other.
Sonic was popular until the early 2000s when finally a Sonic game came out after none on the Saturn and it was Sonic Adventure which was OK. Then Sonic Adventure 2 came out and we all realised that Sega wasn't going to improve Sonic in 3D, so the franchise died
>punching down at a corpse because you can't beat the BINGster
Honestly bros I hate Activision. They were the first to claim "Oh no one likes Crash and Spyro anymore" but it took the remakes selling well to go around and pretend that they always liked the two properties. Fuck Activision. Crash and Spyro have a history of their owners being complete bastards.
Anyway the true test to see if Crash is back is if he gets solid games from here on out because both Crash and frankly Spyro are ALL OUT of reliable remakes. And if Crash and Spyro start to fail again you're going to see Activision show its true colors and go back to hating on Crash and Spyro. It's a sad state of affairs.
Crash isn't bigger than Sonic, but what he does have is the potential to be more profitable than Sonic. Crash is a standard platformer so he can try a bunch of different gameplay ideas and if they're good they'll sell well like how other successors did like Jak and Daxter.
Sonic? He's stuck on the Gotta Go Fast Boost type gameplay and the moment you make a Sonic game that isn't about going fast the fanbase automatically turns on the game. Face it, even if Sonic Boom wasn't a glitch unfinished train wreck the idea of a Sonic game where he doesn't really speed through levels is not going to sell very well. And Sonic cannot deviate because remember Lost World? The fanbase also didn't like seeing Sonic "copy" Mario Galaxy either. So Sonic is trapped by fan expectation of what he is. So you see Crash doesn't have that limitation, he can spread out into many types of mechanics and ideas for a platformer and that's what helps him have large potential. Now the question is, will the developers be talented enough to make Crash flourish or will we get another string of mediocre forgettable games? Time will tell...
The PS5 gen is going to be very interesting for Crash and also for Spyro.
A bad movie that no one seems to be looking forward to.
And it shows. Nowadays Sonic games do NOT sell for full price. That's a sign of a franchise that has fallen. Nowadays Sonic is a budget series for Sega. I mean the recent Sonic Racing game has no cut scenes but compare that to Crash where they do have a few story cut scenes for the recent racing game's story mode. Big difference.
Crash Bandicoot RPG when?
To be fair the cutscenes exist only because its a remake
Crash was always bigger than Sonic given SEGA's bullshit at the time.
I don't think Crash Team Racing is better than Sonic Team Sonic Racing Team. The piece of shit can't even run at 60FPS.
How well it sold has no bearing on the mechanics or the technical side of things, and whatever Activision/Blizzard says is entirely irrelevant. Sorry if you were planning to have your usual furfag circlejerk but fuck you.
What's better?
A distant father who can actually competently keep you healthy for his own benefit
A father who genuinely loves you but can't do jack shit to keep you alive for both parties' benefits
That’s the problem the series doesn’t need 3D. Donkey Kong went 3D ONCE and never went back. If they keep making quality 2D games like Mania the series will do fine.
You mean Crash Team Racing? Yeah true, but there are new cut scenes like the Grand Prix ones where they show Tawna speaking for the first time in the franchise and some of the Trophy Girls. So Crash is getting a bit more work put into his game in general.
DK 64's problem wasn't it was 3D, it was because it was a collectathon on steroids
Also Rare being bought by Microsoft prevented them from ever doing the idea again
Time will tell. We're going to see just how big the comeback for the bandicoot and the dragon actually is.
I just hope that they avoid some things like how Crash for a while went into low brow humor that no one really wanted to see (like Crash kicking that mutant in the tesitciles in Mind Over Mutant) or how about melodrama with Spyro via Legend of Spyro. Anyway at least Crash and Spyro have a chance, they're in a better place than Klonoa, Sly Cooper, and Jak.
Comparing Crash and Sonic is just an insult to Crash. Sonic got left in the dirt and is long dead. Crash is actually rivaling Mario very well ATM. His N sane trilogy sold more then Odyssey And CTR is clearly better then Mario Kart 8. Crash is doing very well for himself.
>DK 64's problem wasn't it was 3D, it was because it was a collectathon on steroids
I’m not saying it’s DK’s problem, I’m saying 3D is Sonic’s problem because every time one comes out it’s always divisive. Sonic’s bread and butter has always been 2D momentum based gameplay. People thinking Sonic needs 3D should let it go.
Playing a lot of racers, Transformed is better than Team Sonic especially on expert speed.
Still like Crash more however.
DK had other issues like how you needed to constantly go to stupid barrels to change characters but even games at the time like Mystical Ninja allowed you to switch characters on the fly. So why couldn't you do that for DK? Also this error was repeated with Banjo Tooie where you NEEDED to go to a special location to split up Banjo and Kazooie so you could choose to play as one of them individually. That is literal bad game design. Like I said, in Mystical Ninja for the N64 you control 4 characters in total, you can switch to each of them on the fly. Rare had no excuse with Banjo Tooie and DK64.
Odyssey sold 14 million
Whose idea was N Sane anyways?
It'll stop making money because they'll make a shitty game
At this point, he's bigger sales wise.
I would say crash was definitely bigger than Sonic during his inception in the 5th gen, but his popularity sunk afterward until recently.
Let's hope he continues to do well. Oh please don't hire any hacks to work on Crash. I trust Beenox and the other one. But for Spyro I don't trust Toys for Bob.
Comparing Mario to anything is an insult. Calm down with your shitty little remakes furry. Nothing will touch the king.
You mean King Koopa. Ever notice that Mario himself is not popular? People love Crash because he's manic. People used to like Sonic because he was presented as cool. But I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that they like Mario. People like Luigi, but the top popular character in the franchise is the King Koopa himself.
>remakes vs original games
Yeah it's pretty obvious which is better
Future Tense shows Vicarious understands what makes a good Crash level
And yet Bowser has never had his own videogame. Sad.
>soulless remakes that caught on well
>CTR seems to be doing well for itself
I don't like it much, but it's a start.
Why does Crash wear sweatpants now? Weren't they always jeans?
Mario is the face of the series and Mr. Video Game himself. He doesn’t need some “le quirky manic personality”, Mario gets shit done with ease. Don’t ever compare Mario to this zombie furry.
Hey Plumber Boy
Mustache Man
I like Mario. He isn't my favorite character in his franchise but I still like him
Still a movie
I agree that transformed is better, but Team Sonic is alright. As for Crash Team Racing, they focused more on adding literallywho characters from the dogshit PS2-360 era than tightening up the performance.
>We live in an era where Activision is treating Crash better than SEGA treats Sonic
You’d be surprised
Crash won't ever reach Peak Sonic though. even if he's edging up to Nu-Sonic
Right, you just wait until they have to actually develop original games featuring crash. Then it's shovelware galore until they can the property again.
Crash reached peak Sonic with his first game, furfriend.
See When will furries learn?
And then bumbled down after the next two games and was essentially a nonentity for his entire existence. You guys seem too confident with literal remakes while Mario is still kicking ass.
Future Tense shows promise
How many good games did sonic have? None?
>Is Crash as big as Sonic again?
Nope, Crash is actually better.
>Crash was the first western property to reach a million sales in Japan
>both have kart racers released around the same time and ctr sold more
>ctr was published by Sega in Japan and sonic’s va voiced a character
Sonic has a better Average of Good and Bad than Crash.
>Jumps to Sonic
>When I said Mario
Lmao, I’ll bite for Sonicfags then, Sonic was still stronger than Crash pre-2006. Crash literally only has some remakes to his name in this day, you furfags need to learn to respect Mr. Video Game.
You'd need to be furiously masturbating to pictures of Rouge to even consider making this claim.
Who did he voice?
You moved to Mario after we were comparing Sonic and Crash. Are you having a psychotic breakdown?
Crash's last good game before the remakes were on the PS1. You gotta cope.
Reignited was rushed
that didn't age well
>flagship franchise
>still only remakes
>no new game in sights anywhere
There are Crashfags in this thread bringing up Mario trying to tarnish the big N’s name comparing him with this pathetic furfag. Don’t play dumb.
Lil Zoomer
He was big in the 90’s then the cartoon attracted all those people
Odds are Vicarious has been making a new one since N Sane
>Has the better cart racer
They're both garbage. Tsr is slow and unfinished. Ctr is the most unbalanced racing game in existence where getting a slight lead in the first 10secs leads to a guaranteed win. Unironically used to shitpost about mario kart but it actually is the best out of all three.
Crash has surpassed Sonic in two game.
Mario Kart is still the more popular video game franchise racer, and Mario IP is ten times more recognizable and bigger than Crash. Nobody outside of Crash fandom cares about the Crash lore or characters. Almost any gamer recognizes the Mario cast.
LOL Sonic fans genuinely think they're a big series. Holy fuck desperate much???? Go back to touching yourself over Amy lmao
>HD updates
>One of which is a racer that adds content from shitty games
Lmao. How pathetic. Mario is still king.
The GBA games were pretty decent.
Summer came early, huh?
I feel like Crash is one step away from hiatus f they so much as try to milk him for all his worth again.
If they make a new game, it absolutely needs to be in the same vein as Crash 1-3. Minimal story, minimal cast of characters besides bosses, CRASH as front and center with Coco as unlockable.
Crash could easily kill itself by trying to make a game utilizing all of the characters across the franchise, much like Sonic's.
>Go back to touching yourself over Amy lmao
I'm touching myself right now
>a game utilizing all of the characters across the franchise, much like Sonic's.
This never actually happened.
I think it's the opposite for Sonic, Sonic works best with multiple characters. One thing that I find flawed with the Boost Era is how you get One character with another sometimes appearing.
Sonic, Classic Sonic, Custom Hero. I prefer the style SA1/SA2 had. If I had to narrow it down to a few character/gameplay styles I'd say
Eggman/Maybe Tails
Sonic isn't even big anymore, his games have from very bad to mediocre at best. Mania was the only saving grace Sonic as a franchise has had out of a dozen bad games.
Much like Crash’s saving grace is 2 shitty remakes over a dozen bad games. Mario is still king baby.
>thinking sonic isn't big
I think it's time to go to bed grandpa LOL
>Mario is still king baby.
Ok, sure. I didn't even mention Mario until now.
>The Sonic/Crash fan rivalry is back from the 90s
>Mario fans just look down at both of them like peasants
But other fags did.
>no arguments, just name calling
ok then
I wouldn't mind Crash in Smash if it meant getting to finally see how a fight between the three of them would play out
Do Crash fags even know that they don’t even hold a candle to even Banjo-Kazooie, yet they try compare him to Mario?
this shit sold like only 4m copies, are you kidding me? haha
True. I know Mario stomps the both of them, but I was just answering OP's question. Which is in short, Crash > Sonic, as of right now.
>thinking mario, crash, sonic, kirby, dk and spyro are good
grow up
>some people comparing Crash vs Sonic in the 5th gen
>forgetting that Sega didnt had a real Sonic game but only beta tested things like Sonic R and that 3D world for Jam and that Sonic 3d Blast was a genesis game ported to the saturn with enchanced shit
There was no rivalry at all, Sonic was in a comma until Adventure where Sonic finally got back after 4 or 5 years after Sonic & Knuckles. During this time Crash had fucking games on the PSX
Dude, Crash outsold Banjo by leagues
Activision still has plans for Crash
Smash aside, Banjo is still dead
Crash is no doubt bigger than Sonic right now. Not even Mania pulled in that many sales compared to games like Cuphead or Hollow Knight. Sonic's can still pull a million sales, but he won't do much more than that even with good press behind him.
The question now is longevity. What's next for Crash?
>Is a salesfag
That’s a good laugh.
Yeah, but Crashfags made the mistake of bringing up Mario. Thinking he “rivals” Mario in anyway with fucking remakes.
Banjo’s games are still leagues better (sans, N&B) than Crash’s dead or not.
Mania rapes both
lmao seethe more banjofag
Reminder to salesfags, Fallout 76 moved units, and it’s a disaster.
>Crashfags made the mistake of bringing up Mario. Thinking he “rivals” Mario in anyway with fucking remakes.
You are correct, yes. Crash needs a straight up new game to see how he really does.
Sonic's practically low budget shovelware these days. SEGA doesn't put much into it anymore and doesn't expect much back.
Fallout is better than sonic and crash.
>Thinking he “rivals” Mario in anyway with fucking remakes.
But it does, especially CTR
they changed the way sonic looks now
people are definitely going to want to watch it
is that too hard for you?
No, it doesn’t, Mario has evolved beyond his first few entries. Crash’s “new” games are literally just the playstation games with an HD update and some new content in the racers. If these games were SO GOOD and much better than Mario why do they only matter now once getting a new coat of paint?
Tf are you talking about sonicfag? We don't even know how Sonic looks in the movie yet. Still, they can't fix Sonic appearance, but they cannot fix the awful everything else about the movie. The only good thing about it is Jim Carrey.
People are all over the N.Sane Trilogy but my favourite Crash game was Mind Over Mutant.
Will probably never see a remake of that one because of it was the last crash game before the drought.
Now this is what I call shit taste!
Not that user but, bigger doesn’t mean better though, again, bargain bin shit like Fallout 4 moved units and so did the train wreck that was Fallout 76 following it.
So what happened that made Crash so super popular again? Boomer nostalgia or what?
And on just one platform and at full price, meanwhile Crash is on like 4 platforms and it not even full priced game.
I don't know if Crash is bigger than Sonic but Crash has the much better games now.
y-y-you w-w-will see when m-m-m-m-mania 2 c-comes out
Who's the bigger wasted inclusion?
The Nitro Kart cast or Zavok?
This was genuinely good shit.
Nostalgia, solid marketing for N Sane, and a likable cast of characters
Now the real question is if Spyro will achieve 10 million
Nitro Kart Cast
Yeah, but TSR was a budget game and wasn't really pushed or expected to sell well.
Also if Crash is gonna be a major Activision franchise you better get ready for the microtransactions
Zavok because the roster was so small
What prints SEGA money these days outside of Atlus and Yakuza?
I would blame Radical Entertainment for killing Crash the first time. I honestly hope they go bankrupt and disappear
It has good gameplay, with the right mix of beat-em-up and platformer levels, which made both Crash and the Titans really fun to play with. The cutscenes were very funny, specially when they casually mention waterboarding kids and milking Uka-Uka(guess I liked the edgy humour that did not take itself seriously), and the different art styles played well into each situation. Even the side characters were fun to hear, like the Rhinoroller Lady that kept flirting with crash or the Ratcicle Translator that said that the telekinetic maggot chicken as hot.
But yes it's a game that has problems. Between saving Coco and entering the Evil Public School there's basically 0 plot, which I guess they tried to play with worldbuilding, which was fun, but extremely bad for a Crash game. I feel like that and all the Desert-Ratcicle Kingdom backtracking was the result of them having to rush it and unable to do the "middle of the plot". They should've added a character to the Desert, like N.Tropy or Tiny Tiger, to at as a villain and make us go there after rescuing Coco before going for the whole find Nina stuff. Also make the final boss fight last longer.
Compared to its budget title predecessors, I would say it did pretty well honestly
Shit sent this reply to myself instead of the guy I mean to.
Nice. Crash always deserved better.
Game was good, but marketing yourself as the "killer of franchises" doesn't help, plus it makes die hard fans dislike you from the outset.
They could try a remake of Wrath of Cortex, but creating a good game this time
Activision left them as a vegetable
Trophy Girls and new costume's victory animations; youtube.com
How about if the Remake all the Crash Games before they make a new one. Even they shitty ones, except they make them good.
Not him, but...
>If these games were SO GOOD and much better than Mario why do they only matter now once getting a new coat of paint?
Because they are good games. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You shouldn't have problem with that, seeing what New Super Mario Bros.-series does.
CTR is godlike racer compared to sterilized MK8. MK games got shit after MK Wii(and even that was good thanks to riivolution etc.)
3D Mario games have been shit since Galaxy
And Crash has been kicked around thanks to ownership stuff. NG had to drop the franchise thanks to universal.
But hey, Crash is back and that makes me happy
Pretty sure Vicarious Visions is working on a brand new entry.
Sounds like a waste of time
Just make a new one first to show they don't have to rely on past design
Fair point. Guess I just want a Mind Over Mutant remake despite what other people say.
I hope they took what they learned making the original 3 games+ Future Tense to good use.
Don't forget that they also made CNK and the GBA games, which were great.
The franchise is in good hands.
People are probably gonna go to see how much of a trainwreck it could be. Like the Emoji Movie
Paper Crash or Crash & Coco?
I'm just wondering what they are specifically going to do. Are they going to bring back Crunch but in a more organic way? Are they going to come up with their own mutants and villains (Other than N.Trance)? We'll see.
Twinsanity could have been great if they had more development time and didn´t cut off content. If there's a game in this franchise that deserves a redemption, it's it.
Assuming the Three Year Cycle theory is legit, we'll probably see a trailer for a new Crash platformer at the end of this year
They’re still king in Jap arcades
it needs a new original game thats actually good first
Maybe we can talk once he gets a new good game
What was the last good original Crash title, like, N.Tranced?
Merch-wise? Hell no.
Games-wise if Crash (or hell even Spyro) keeps up anywhere near the same sales as the recent remakes, he'd be bigger than Sonic if anything. The latter's games have made lukewarm profits at best for a while now, and their budget recently went down to actual AA-tier as well.
Never played it, but from what I know it feels like that one was rushed too.
But who won the dance off?
Get back to me when Crash has millions of fan games that 8/10 of them are better than whatever the mainline devs can do.
>>implying Modern sonic was ever big outside of deviantart and furfag forums
Fixed. When Mickey fucking Mouse is less appealing to kids than a blue rat, you made it big.
You can tell the Sonic guy wasn't as into it as the Crash guy was. Mascot Crash as a racer when?
Honestly what went wrong with Sonic I understand Crash had his bumpy road but Crash got better and may eve get a new game in the series that's no a remake.
Bro you got issues. Like, for real, Adventure era really pissed you the fuck off, didn't it?
Not everyone that grew up on Sonic became the worse of the fanbase, you know. The people that started with SA2B, coinicide with the Pokemon fanbase I've realized over the years. Do you think Tee Lopes, Taxman and Stealth like thinking about Rouge the Tits? No, they worked hard on making great content for Sonic's image, giving the series one of the best "remakes" of all time. You have issues you need to deal with, coming from a fan of the Crash series.
Fans don't need to make good games when the devs can actually release good games.
What do you guys want from a new Crash game mechanics wise?
What do you guys want from a new Sonic game in general?
I want them to become the same game. I want to play as Chronic the Bandihog
>Fans don't need to make good games
Lol, then why does Mario get millions of 64 remakes? Because a good game inspired them to make their own good game?
Or did you think Sonic fan games were purely made out of spite? You should leave Yea Forums and get some perspective on life
I'd just want a Sonic game that makes speed only obtainable from the level design. Aka, momentum. Going fast at a constant rate is for brainlets. Go on a rollercoster and you'd realize how Sonic should feel when playing the game.
Crash has to be like 2. Some gimmick levels but mostly normal levels. Warp room. Bosses. All that shit, just make it three times as long
I want a 3D version of the Sonic Advance games. Have levels that Sonic and his friends can all go through, but give the characters different abilities to make it from point A to B.
It's ironic no one mentions the fact the Advance games did everything the Adventures did but better.
I want Vicarious to look to DKC Returns in how to modernize Crash while keeping it a linear platformer
I think both games are kinda shit
i'm preemptively going all-in on Crash being one of the last 2 Smash DLC characters
Also give it a dynamic camera like in Tropical Freeze
Not at this point, no. For the future, it depends on how both companies play their cards, I think.
Does Activision have what it takes to make a new Crash on the same level as the old ones?
Does Sega have what it takes to make another wise decision by giving people with actual passion the chance to work on Sonic?
We just have to wait and see.
So when are they going to remake Crash Bash?
Crash could actually build a niche for itself by focusing on tight, deep, non-gimmicky easy-to-learn-but-hard-to-master game mechanics. The Dark Souls of mascot platformers with a target audience consisting of hardcore gamers and letsplayer raging and crying for views. This will help distinguish the franchise when compared to the casual fun of Mario and lolcow autism of Sonic
Plumber boy’s scared.
>Crash is Robert Downey Jr.
Is Sonic Robert De Niro? What about Mario then?
Todd, you killed the goose with 76. GG
Open world like in Twinsanity. I wanna explore the Wumpa islands
Never Ever
It's so fucking nice to be a fan of all three
>good mascot game for normies
>austistic mascot game for spastic trannies
Apples and oranges, Crash is unironically bigger than Sonic if you disregard the spergs that will preorder every Sonic games for the next 40 years.
crash sucks, Sonic has way more good games, Crash is utter shit after CTR
Let's see actiblizz make an original Crash game before we start saying Crash is back.
>Mario has evolved beyond his first few entries
Imagine people seriously think this
>Is Crash as big as Sonic again?
As somone who likes Classic / Real Sonic games and doesn't like Crash games that much (even the PS1 ones), Crash is bigger than Sonic.
They also had the decency to retire the character after a couple of bad games, I have no idea how Sonic is still a thing after so many bad games that sell terribly.
Sonic Mania was pretty good but Sonic Forces flopped, Team Sonic Racing only got the top spot in UK week and because there was literally nothing else at that time, no one is playing the game now, Sonic movie trailer reception was so bad that they had to delay the movie to change the design altogether, they're talking about making a big comeback for Sonic in 2021 which means we probably won't get a Sonic game in 2020 at all.
I think Crash Bandicoot at this point is in a better shape than Sonic, all Sonic got left at the moment is a potential Sonic Mania 2, Crash Bandicoot will remain at the spotlight for a while with CTR and probably the next game will probably be a brand new one.
Not him, but Mario can be better or worse depending on the game, he's fucking blank in any Miyamoto
But yeah, Crash is far better in terms of character design than Mario and Sonic
Sonic has more good games but Sonic also easily has far worse games than Crash Bandicoot, I can't imagine any Crash Bandicoot game worse than Sonic 06, Sonic Forces or that one Sonic RPG for DS.
Get Kingdom Hearts out of here as it doesn't belong here and much less in Smash. Disney will never ruin Smash. Hero from DQ defeated Sora, he's gone mouse shill!
holy fuck crash might be in smash
This thread wasn't even about Smash, but alright
I really don't care that Sora didn't get in because it's just a game
Why did N Sane bomb in Japan?
sorry for replying 4 hours later, but no, the game will not have a remake because the fans are naughty dogs whores.
Sonic is the Character Mascot - his dialogue sets carry him through the ears of players.
Mario is the Game Mascot - his style and his whimsical world keeps him in the minds of people all across the world.
Crash is the Animation Mascot - his dynamic animation and his world's slapstick humour keeps him in players' hearts.
Mario comes out on top in mind, Crash in soul and Sonic in being that one memory you can't quite get away from.
I wanna see her eat the burger
Given the push Skylanders got in its prime, we'll see
Who has the hotter girls?
Don't be a degenerate.
>Is Crash as big as Sonic again?
Sonic Forces and Team Sonic Racing flopped hard, Crash is back and is now much bigger than Sonic
Came to post this.
When the fuck was Spyro more popular than Crash? I am legitimately asking because I am having a hard time remembering the situation.
It says a lot when Crash can only now be considered good due to relying on remakes of his glory.
Back when Skylanders used to be a thing, Spyro used to be the mascot face of it
>The same shitheads who gave us down syndrome Spyro now develop new Spyro games
Fuck you Activision
Whether or not you like Crash, you can't deny that he's been doing very well after a whole decade haitus. Now VV just needs to make an original game for Crash and then he'll definetly be back
So glad to see Crash is back, even though I liked Spyro more when I was younger. Don't know if Spyro is going to get an original game, but pretty sure Crash will.
More like they did what the boost games attempted but actually better.
Having Sonic rewarded with speed boosting via momentum ala-Advance 2-3 is light years more satisfying than just having it instantly handed to you with just one button press.
Spyro is flagship as well
He'll get a new game
I hope they don't remake any more Spyro games, the rest are all pretty bad and I would prefer something new.
The guy who designed Spyro said the Reignited Trilogy was the first time his original vision for Spyro was realized, and Insomniac said it was exactly the mood they were trying to convey with the old games.
Even before that, they wanted to do a Back to Basics Crash reboot before Activision forced Skylabders on them.
TfB is more based than you think.
>4 years later
Crash Bandicoot was always better than Sonic. It was just Activion's misusage of the franchise during the 2000s and his 7 year hiatus is what halted his Mojo for a time. Which is a good thing he rehabilitated and promptly reclaimed his throne in 2017
This hurts to look at. It’s so horrible
I actually like that these comics are outdated now
Both Crash and Spyro are successful on their own terms and on equal footing
why does Nina even exist? What purpose does she serve?
Cortex but competent
Whatever purpose Bowser Jr served
Crash is way bigger than Sonic right now
I don't want to nut on Bowser Jr/ though.
Back in the early 2000s, goth/bad girls were a big trend, so Twinsanity tried to capitalize on it
this. Mariochads always win
I think they got Evil Coco right