How do you keep your gamer rage in check bros?

How do you keep your gamer rage in check bros?

Attached: got this off reddit dont be mad at me senpai.jpg (1080x1212, 812K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>persona shit

By not being a retarded chimp.

By not taking roids for a start

>getting mad enough to break your equipment
wew lad what a fucking fag

This should get you banned

getting mad at video games lmao

By just not playing the game. If i'm getting really worked up, i just change the game or watch something instead. It's not exactly hard.

i'm too stingy to break things

When i get angry I just flip my body around like a chimp having a seizure. Never throw and break stuff

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>getting angry when playing single player rpgs

wow that guy must be retarded. he can only blame himself.

Just let it out bro, it's not healthy to keep it inside. TVs can be replaced, but your ego cannot

>being beta who throws hissy fits at games to the point of lashing out.

One punch mad because loser and breaks the monitor
Second punch because mad that you broke the monitor

>display was clearly hit with great force several times
>not even a scratch on the wall behind it
doesn't feel staged at all

based aspie

>breaking shit you paid for
Are you a child? The last time I 'broke' any equipment for video games was when I angrily hit my gameboy advance on my legs and the batteries fell out during a hard battle in Pokemon. I was six at the time.

>literally me when I accidentaly overwrite my save where all the routes split up in a VN

I usually bite my fingers. Never to the point of drawing blood, though

I can't possibly imagine destroying my shit because I got mad at a game, not to mention my actual computer/consoles. What goes through the heads of those that do? I don't understand.

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>reddit is full of man children

Imagine my shock

I manage it like a real gamer. I hit my gf or mom, not my battlestation, EPIC STYLE.

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>being mad because of a video game
>being mad because of a single player video game
>being mad because of an Atlus single player video game

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I only destroy shit under that costs less than $20

good rule if you ask me


spoiled brats

if i get really mad i do a set of curls and squats to work the anger out

Video games don't make me mad. People make me mad. So I don't play games with people.

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How can ANYONE get so mad they break a game or console? The angriest i can even remember getting at a videogame is when kid me took on Zanza at level 55 and couldn't beat him, so i had to spend 3 days grinding in prison island to even stand a chance. And even then I was just mildly annoyed at everything.

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A lot of people that play video games have no self-control. I'm not sure why but it is

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What a child, I've never broken a monitor or tv before. If a game gets frustration I just go do something else because its fucking pixels on a screen.

s-source on original image?

>odin sphere remake
>persona 5
how do you even break your tv from playing either of these games?

>bought a wii u
No wonder this cuck can't keep his anger in check

Dude I am not gay.
I love vagina.
Like, last time I saw a dick it almost made me throw up out of pure disgust.
I am literally the straightest man on this board.

I bring my hands to my head and pretend they're laser cannons that are unleashing their fury into my skull while I explode like General Grievous when his heart gets shot by Obi Wan's blaster

The only time I got mad and broke my equipment is when my keyboard was already having issues working and it crapped out in the middle of a close game of TF2. I finished the job and smashed the fuck out of the keyboard, sending keys everywhere. It was rather enjoyable.

OP's image instantly reminded me of vid related

Because video games are for children and unemployed males

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By not being a manchild with the emotional stability of the love child between Wings of Redemption and Chris Chan.

It's a video game. Get over it.

Honestly healthier than most ragers desu

is this a rich meme or are there poor fags actually that retarded to destroy their shit on a whim like that?

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Cant possibly be because of p5, that game is a cake walk for the most part.

The angriest I've ever been was literally nothing
>spend 45m grinding nonstop in Persona 3
>lose 10+ levels
>drop controller

>DoA2 Hardcore 1v1, first to 50 wins
>Gets Leon
>Get trolled by counters because guy at this point reads my patterns
>Lose 49-50
>Take out disc politely
>Throw it out the window from the third floor like a shuriken
>Sit back down.

Breaking an already broken keyboard isnt bad really, breaking a monitor or TV is rage issues tier.

why you gotta personally attack me like that

I really don't get this kind of behavior. How stupid do you have to be to destroy your own property over something you're not even forced to do? Like, it's a video game. You can walk away from it at any time. How do you have so little self-awareness and self-control at the same time? And while I've never done it, I assume punching a TV hard enough to break it hurts. What do you gain from that? You've hurt yourself and destroyed your own stuff, for what? Over a voluntary activity? Does this happen with any other hobby? Do model train enthusiasts break their trains if they derail? I really want to understand the mentality here.

Bonus points: Someone explain to me why this moron thought he'd take the added step and publicly humiliate himself by posting this incident online.

I never broke my own things but I broke other peoples things.
>Middle school
>Kids used to sit in the gymnasium hall way all with their GBA/Ds's out
>One guy said something that made me mad one day
>Ran up to him at full speed, was going to initially fake a kick into his face to spook him
>He held his DS up in defense
>Kicked that shit out of his hands, went skidding across the floor and snapped at the hinge, but still worked.
>He never said shit again


>Brother and I playing pokemon
>Had a cool vrs recorder battle i was proud of
>Brother acidently deletes it in favor of a new recording
>Calmly respond by taking his DS and throwing it full force against the bathroom wall
>Walk out and tell him to never do it again.
>He never did

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I broke a brick gameboy screen once at ~5 years old

honestly, if you've never broken a single thing from getting pissed off at vidya gaem you may as well cut your dick off at that point

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Take it easy man

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>Take a break
No thanks, I'm not a pussy. I endure. Much like I've always done. Served my first-term in GamerGate.

>Odin Sphere
How bad is this guy at gaming?

>playing DoA
not only are your tastes shit, but you are as well

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I get bored and stop well before I wanna smash anything

I've gotten pissed at games when it seems like RNG or general randomness is at play and it ruins something (timed trials, combat, etc.), but the most I might do is grip tightly and yell in a hushed tone to myself.

There was one time when I was younger where my mom got angry about something else and chucked our Gamecube by the handle.Worked perfectly fine because it's a brick of course.

You guys can't act like you don't do this? I had an acquaintance over for some SSBU, but he picked fucking bullshit characters and I could tell he was cocky for winning. Eventually when I messed up and he won, he didn't say anything but I knew he thought I was a joke. I took his controller and smashed it into the TV, then stomped on both. The look on the kid's face was priceless

it's snoy rage, not gamer rage

Real men destroy their entertainment systems out of pure rage.
It's the manliest thing you can do.
Unsurprisingly the low T betacucks here on Yea Forums harm themselves instead of objects/other people.

>honestly, if you've never broken a single thing from getting pissed off at vidya gaem you may as well cut your dick off at that point

>Do model train enthusiasts break their trains if they derail?
lmao thank you for this image, bless u

The only thing that really ever irks me is when Im being hit with waves of lag
Or those fucking dolls in diablo 2 that explode for stupid damage on death when they have next to no HP and bum rush you from offscreen at mach 2

low test incel

You made the assumption I only played DoA. We played DoA, whatever Tekken was the latest and any Street Fighter. And Fifa, and PES, and split burnout 3, and all wrestling games.
My cousin had snk shit but it was too hard to master and I was too poor to afford the neogeo aes.

>Spend your hard earned money on equipment
>Break because of a game
Must be nice to be that rich

>"I cant control my temper so Im perfect to dole out advice on anger management"
This whole support group mentality is so god damn dumb. Stop acting like your advice has any value when you cant live by your own logic.

>imagine being bad at persona5

what did he mean by this

You sound like a little bitch my dude.

Not everyone has anger issues.

>persona and odin sphere
how the fuck do any of these games make someone so angry they break the tv?

>Le Redditors in charge of personal responsibility and control


>anger issues
I was just proving a fucking point

Daddy pays

>not everyone
we call them betas

>getting mad at video games
gayer than sucking cock desu

Imagine having a diminished frontal lobe.

>When person does [thing] it means ithey are doing [other thing]
I mean, yeah?

I assume in this case it was something story related instead of the usual mad cause bad.

imagine thinking that being angry at a videogame doesn't make you a beta

Calm down please

the most i ever do is slap my desk, and then feel stupid for even getting that mad in the first place
people who actually break their own shit are literally subhuman

How do I report this

Never broke anything in my life from gaming, worst I do is shout "fuck off" outloud.

I snuck in his flat and changed his odin sphere settings over to "classic" mode
this kills the casual

>Bullshit characters
>When I messed up
>Thought I was a joke

So you can't adapt to situations, can't accept your own faults and are constantly insecure about what other people think and respond to difficult situations by throwing a tantrum.



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>Calm down
Kid, you don't know who the fuck you're talking to. I'm better at smash than you'll ever be, and I'd fuck you up irl too

By having developed my frontal lobes and maturing into an adult.

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I keep paper near my desk and shred it when i get angry

What a fucking looser.

Be aware that you'll have to pay for the shit you broke is a start I guess.

i only ever get angry at very competitive PvP games and even then, i'll usually just hold up my hand and shove my fist into it
games and equipment are expensive, i can't risk breaking any of it

These are the incels trying to give me advice about women?

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Alright, understood, you have a micropenis. Please just don't take it out on other people's things.

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The only thing worse than breaking your own shit is breaking other peoples shit. You are a degenerate

OPs the kind of dude that buys bottled water from the store to set it free in the ocean.

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I once broke feet on my trash-picked keyboard, but I didn't mean to


I remember that most of the shit I have costed me good fucking money

Dude, the last time I got mad at anything is when my dad spend $1000 of my own account to pay rent and didnt tell me about it. Games are not worth getitng angry over. You have issues.

I'm a low test male and I'm kind of incapable of getting angry at anything. I wish I could I get real jealous when I see people reacting with anger and saying incredibly irrational things at each other that they will regret a minute later but I just can't do it.

So I take it either your dick got covered in vomit or you are too fat to see it?

I punch myself in the head and the jaw
I hate myself and my life. Nothing ever goes well

This 100x this. I'm not gonna put up with their complexes just to get something done right. Playing a game shouldn't be a fucking chore.

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strange that the match you described earlier is one you lost, and then you broke your opponent's controller to ensure you will never net a win to make up for your loss
a disturbing anecdote, I think we are both lucky it never actually happened

Say it to my face you skinny fucking faggot, I'm huge

Take a break it's just a game lmao you are literally worse than niggers

When I get angry at game I just clap my hands very hard

it was over the final mission in Homeworld btw

Guess what? In my mind I just smashed your teeth in with a brick I found laying in an alley. Looks like it hurts too bro. Oh I'm sorry, did I do that? hehe

Finally, someone gets the virgin vs chad meme.

I have a box of dollar store pencils nearby. I'll snap one or two. It's satisfying and I still have most of a pencil.

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>breaking other people's shit
And off course it's a dmcfag shit stain. Kill yourself, nigger.

lmao dis nigga eatin beans

I once slammed a cheap 3rd party gc controller on the floor for some reason and it shattered. That's was in like 03, 04?

based classichad blowing leifthrasir virgins the FUCK out

Are you this guy

You know what really makes me rage?
People telling me to take a break.

>that pic
>that post
We've got a actual cuck right here.

Take my meds

I've broken a mouse and dented my desk by getting angry at CSGO before. It's funny. I never ever got angry, but after moving to Australia, everyone's such a fucking faggot online, which makes me stick to single player stuff.

Nothing gets me angrier than griefers who team up so you can't fucking kick them, and if you leave, you get a ban.

You're stuck losing and listening to the fucking retarded Australian drawly accent because it's always some bogan cunts doing it.

I have one of those kettle bell things people use for exercise, it's 20 lbs and what I do is drop that into my lap when I make the tiniest mistake whilst gaming. Self-flagellation is the only way I'll learn, the only way I'll ever be pure. And I need to be pure.

>proud of being a that kid

someone have the video with the guy playing that shitty dancing game?

I wanna say you did that in '03. That seems right.

to be fair the old version was stupid hard unless you grinded.
I forget the main difference but I think every basic attack cost POW and of course there was no dodge either. Either way, the wizard bosses with their miniboss or dragon lackeys were fucking cancer you could never get to the motherfucker.

I unironically keep a punching bag next to my gamestation

>play fighting games against friend with evenly matched skill
>always get loud when I'm frustrated
>friend never gets angry, if I'm beating him a lot he'll patiently wait until I start making mistakes
>friend laughs at my frustration when it becomes apparent
>One time, put all concentration on not making outbursts while playing to see if it will improve my attitude or the overall experience
>nobody said a word for half an hour and it pissed me off more than losing
I should just take more breaks and actually practice

>multiple blows on the monitor
>instead of getting pissed, hitting it once and freaking out when he broke it, like a normal autist, he kept hammering the shit out of it even when he could see it was fucked
people like this should be institutionalized

Dude same, except I keep my punching bag next to my gamestation ironically.

No you) for you, dirty ninten-nonce, how many kiddies av you fiddled ya creep?

>persona 5
>odin shepere
Come the fuck on, those games are easy as fuck, especially Odin's, it's easy even on hard.

You mean this one?

I once threw my PS3 out my window.
I live on the 18th floor of an apartment complex in NYC

yeah it was hard as fuck and made me seethe (i didn't break my equipments, of course) but looking back i had a genuinely good time. attack costing POW and the general clunkiness made it feel very unique
when i got cornelius i decided to do a lv1 run. it was fun

broke a headset once
guy's voice was just fucking unbearable
the funniest thing is he wasn't even talking to me

I just wanna tell you, I have no idea who you're talking to and the guy you're responding to doesn't know either. No one looks at their post numbers, and certainly no one's going to bother reading your post, and then scrolling back up the thread inspecting post numbers until they find the right one. You are literally screaming into the void.

Imagine dying because some incel ragelet threw his game console out an 18th story window and it hit you.

I used to hit my monitor when I would rage and get pissed in CS 1.5 or Ultima Online.

But it was one of these, so it was really hard to damage.

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sounds like you can learn from your friends, you're lucky they are patient with you

>Video games
Fun, engaging, gives you a small sense of simulated purpose
Tedious, you constantly wish you were doing something else, no obvious rewards other than money, no sense of purpose

I masturbate when I am angry, the great reliever

>now I need a new monitor
>"Hey Moooom??"

His poor, poor mother and father.

Guy with an actual form of autism here. I got over any urge to get that angry over a game by learning to not be a fucking autist that breaks shit when they get pissed off. I threw shitfits as a kid, I won't deny that, but to do that shit as an adult?

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When I get angry I just close the game and get up and go take a walk.

Go back.

No. You.

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Stop playing shitty games

The vast majority of my rage is generated by bullshit that happens. So first person shooters with low tickrate and shit netcode for example are extremely frustrating. I dont mind getting my ass handed to me as much in a good game

I used to get really angry at video games. I'd slam my fist on my keyboard. But it was mostly because I was a teenager and had a frustrating home life and was going through a lot of shit.

I used to absolutely SLOG the side of my PC tower and it had big dents in the side but that was because it was like a 266mhz piece of shit that sounded like a meatgrinder. Again, turbulent home life after my parents got divorced combined with teenage angst and not outlet for my frustration.

I'm 32 now and don't really get mad at the game. If I need to vent I'll just let out some verbal abuse at my monitor but not over voice chat. Competition and aggression are linked so there's no way to play competitive games without getting aggressive.

This thread just reminds me of a guy I know from college, a friend of a friend. He makes pretty good money, but for whatever reason the guy has an AWFUL temper when it comes to video games and ends up rebuying games and systems multiple times over.
For example we were all playing Playstation Al-Stars on his PS3 a couple years ago. He was winning at first, but we all started catching up with him and by the end he was getting 2nd-3rd place consistently every match. Finally, after he got 4th place, he completely lost his shit. Started screaming, RIPPED the PS3 out, (and almost knocking his TV over in the process) opened a window and hurled it down two stories where it exploded on the ground.
The weird thing is, he's largely in denial about his anger issues. He's already destroyed a PS4, a Switch and at least 4 controllers for current-gen systems. He's smashed an iPad with a hammer because he lost at Hearthstone. I honestly wish I was joking about this shit, but there's a very good reason nobody plays vidya with him anymore.

> masturbate
> watch funny videos
> Take a shower
> Play Fable 2 rename NPC's to people I hate then kill them en masse
> Play chill games
> Vent to friends
> Cuddle with gf
> drink a bit of rum and coke
> shadowboxing
> just have porn run in the background for a moment just to take the edge off
> draw nice things

Thems a lotta excuses for chimping out like a retard there, bud.

Are you black?

I have a car out back I wail on when I'm mad

A sign of intelligence is the ability to honestly evaluate your self and recognize flaws, then fix them. Good job.

I end up slamming my fist into either my desk or my leg and usually regret it immediately. I've hurt myself more than once.

>losing their minds over videogames
lol what a fucking loser

I have a mansion out back of the mansion I live in, when I need to let off some gamer steam I just go to that other mansion and punch the grand piano in the foyer, or swing a bat at the 24k gold fountain in the main lobby.

>don't hit or destroy anything when I get mad, just yell
>have to do it with my mouth closed and muffled into a pillow or something or else the fucking NEIGHBORS STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT FUCKS call the cops because they hear screaming

are you implying owning a property with enough space to store an old shitbox car to which one can smash with things and use as target practice is unheard of for the average man?

I'm not the one you replied to, but here in Australia, you can get second hand piece of shit cars for like 500 AUD. I'd buy one for the same reason but I vent all my anger at a boxing club now.

I beat one of my wives, mashallah

>500 AUD
You could get 2 for that price

I'm playing Bloodborne right now and shouting few kurwas is all there is to it. Just beaten this bitch Lady Maria on my fifth try, feels good this thot is gone.

I go out and beat minorities and women