Games can do better!
Stop Normalizing Nazis
isn't this the channel run by a guy who believes that Atlantis is real and was run by Martians?
Nazi bad, communist good. What don't you alt-right facist hateful racist sexist transphobic ableist capitalist islamophobic bigots not understand
Everyone remember to report and sage
Why you don't want to discuss politics in games?
>the thread very quickly becomes a nazi vs soiboi thread
And here I thought that channel reached rock bottom when they made a video about how harmfull demos are(and how its actually our fault).
Well, they sure showed me.
Why did you say the same thing twice?
I wonder what Hitler and Stalin would think that their formerly prestigious ideologies are now only argued in faith by Amerimutt teenagers
it's all that people ever discuss. A constant focus on what makes you aggravated isn't healthy
The left has been normalizing nazis by calling everyone they disagree with "nazis." I know a vet who killed nazis in ww2 that was called a nazi by some pink haired blob of a human with an unspecified gender.I know normal people who are considered to be nazis by the far left. If normal people, an allied WW2 vet, and myself are considered nazis, maybe Hitler wasn't actually that bad of a guy. The left is shooting itself in the foot by their insane "us vs them" mindset.
>if only we had a psychic character, we could understand why people still fall for such easy bait
>talking shit about atlantis
you had your chance and you lost it. youll never get into my home land
I thought the Nazis stopped existing when the USA fought them on the moon
Well, I will have to agree. Making demos just takes too much time and people who want to "try the game first" will simply pirate it, which was harder years ago.
I don’t know wey. Seeing a /pol/ fag and a snoy boy cuckold leftist arguing on Yea Forums is like, seeing two kids with cancer fighting over a piece a sandwich. It’s doesn’t matter because at the end of the day they both are gonna die.
>In b4 DURR EDgy fencesitter
>I thought the Nazis stopped existing when the USA fought them on the moon
>implying they don't have a secret base in Antarctica where they control the world silently
portraying nazis then destroying them is the most patriotic and american thing you can do
No. But very similar styles.
Also, what the fuck happened to Floyd? Who is this new Voice over?
>maybe Hitler wasn't actually that bad of a guy
Hitler sucked balls. It’s just that the left, in general, has become so insufferable.
wtf why does he keep uploading these videos? Doesn't he realise we're running out of bandwidth!?
Is this satire? Nobody can't be retarded, right?
Didn't he rape someone?
Go back pedro, it's for your own good don't get caught in the nigpocalipse man
How do these faggots still have a channel?
Yea Forums will claim that saying "nigger" a lot normalizes the word and weakens the power that it holds, but will also claim that this video's argument is bad.
prove me wrong faggots
Stop normalizing rapists by watching their YouTube videos
being pro white and anti shit skin is good
Got us good, nigger.
serious question are gamers such fucking faggots now?
>Nazism is weakened by its use, therefore there are more nazis and more support
Good argument bro.
We've been saying nigger for hundreds of years and they still chimp out about it, so I don't think it's softened it at all. Words are symbolic, so it doesn't matter what specific word you use. Any word used for black people will eventually have an extremely negative connotation.
stop normalizing black people
>play as the baddies without actually opting into it
You opt into it by buying the fukken game
Have we run out of internet yet?
The reasoning of the video makes no sense. It's pretty much the same as how gruntled boomers were saying how violent videogames produces violent people 20 years ago.
>Playing as nazis creates nazis!
>Playing as terrorists creates terrorists!
It's just an electronic toy
The average IQ of a negro is 60-70 while that of a White man is 100
Well 70% of Sony's userbase is at least
>Extra Credits
that isn't what normalization is.
AAAAAND he just drop his fucking mask.
I just want to reiterate that there was nothing sexual about the nude beaches
Was muttfying his homeland part of their plan?
all these stage direction posts are really my meta commentary on taxes, because it's exhausting and time consuming to post this meme, like taxes
Yes Nazis werent human after all there was no context to why they flipped their shit they simply all one day decided GGRRR KILL EVERYONE WHO ISNT A WHITE BLONDE BLUE EYED ARYAN
Dont question it just believe it and remember the 6 million
>If this comic was released today Cap will simultaneously be seen as a Nazi sympathizer and a SJW cuck
When did life become about picking sides you don't even like?
>Yea Forums claims use of word weakens the power of word
>retarded video claims use of other word strengthens and empowers word
>"You're hypocrites lmao XDDD prove me wrong :^)"
This is the claim you made retard
The new wolfenstein legit made me wanna side with the nazis because the "good guys" were are unlikeable assholes and the niggers kept shitting on me for not being good enough to save da minorities.
Meanwhile the nazis had robots and spaceships...
Of course, once the Nazi regime went down Germany hated Nazis and forbid sacred texts like "Mein Kampf". Muttifying their homeland was revenge
Hitler looks like one of those deformed Wojak memes.
>anything bad in fiction is endorsement
this retard must love it when websites filter "nazi content" even if it's shittalking hitler
what are some games like this?
>>retarded video claims use of other word strengthens and empowers word
wanna know how i know you didn't watch the vid
>Tfw older games like MoH:AA or CoD1 normalized nazis far more than every modern game. back then they were just the enemy that even Germans/Austrians would kill. Right now they became so controversial/just humans.
wait these hack frauds are still making videos?
thought they all quit or something
>>anything bad in fiction is endorsement
this wasn't the point of the video, the point was you should only include nazis and terrorists as playable characters if you're actually trying to make a statement. just putting in a normal character that behaves like any other character and sticking him in an SS uniform is pointless
this but unironically
nazis aren't human
of course I didn't. I don't watch retarded videos.
oh sit did someone say something left wing online?
Yea Forums is NOT going to like this!
>Also, what the fuck happened to Floyd?
Wasn't he accused of being a creep? I don't know if anything came out of that but that might be why.
>just putting in a normal character that behaves like any other character and sticking him in an SS uniform is pointless
Vidya is pointless.
The word itself lost all meaning and power a long time ago.
>spend 10 years saying every white male who doesn't share your opinion is a nazi
>also spend 10 years saying white men should be eradicated
>wonder why people start identifying with nazis
By this guys logic does Counter Strike normalize terrorists?
the fact that this was posted to /pol/ so they could raid it, then made its way over to Yea Forums is genuinely emblematic of how far this board has fallen since the election
nobody here wants to talk about video games
Nowhere in the video does he say that commies=good, the fuck are you all about. He's just making a retarded argument
The funniest part is that the channel uses the Iron Cross as their thumbnail because if they use the actual Nazi symbol the video will be demonetized
Honestly he was.
He literally gives Counter Strike as an example of normalizing terrorists, like, two minutes in. How short is your attention span? How can anybody expect their opinion to be taken seriously when they don't even have the attention span to watch a 5 minute youtube video before commenting on it?
Stop normalizing mental illness.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
When the word retarded was normal to use it didn't mean there were more people who hated retarded people, it meant nobody cared about its true meaning.
You mad?
the same reason i dont watch a scat video until the end i know its gonna be shit
Fuck niggers and fuck jews
holy shit what a piece of uninformed garbage
>becomes a white minority nation by 2050 because that's what his forefathers fought and died for in WW2
God Bless America!
>actually watching extra credits
Yeah fuck off. I'm not giving views to the same dumb cunts who were screaming that we were 'running out of internet'
Wait you actually watched the video? I was just picking up on what was said in the thread, he is a faggot for thinking games normalize terrorists and nazi and you are a faggot for watching his videos.
But it wasn't posted on /pol/?
Sure but you have to do this first
Is it possible to counter-onions him by saying that he's oversimplifying and whitewashing conditioning and circumstances?
Is there a recording of the pre pre show this year anywhere? My team was in crunch that week
And just think of all the crazy amounts of paperwork you have to do for those taxes.
Sometimes you don't have a computer and you have to do it all by hand. That can lead to lasting damages...
I think he just left to do his own channel with his wife.
>and hu... Let's not mention all the white we killed it was just misfire
I'm surprised this thread is still up
the idea that someone could be so emotionally weak as to be triggered by the color of uniform their team has is sad pathetic.
I will point out the American Army game always had you playing as American soldiers even when on the opposing team. It was just your objective and the skin of the opposition that changed. Your team always looked Army and your opponents always looked insurgent.
>looking at North America/Europe
>still thinking the Nazis were the bad guys
Why don't you just make sure minorities are treated fairly and with respect if you're so afraid of being a minority white boi
I'm sorry that white women are so repugnant that only minorities want them.
>nearly a thousand dislikes randomly disappeared
damn them! let's ignore that the powers at be made this the only website white guys are allowed to speak up.
Centerist eceleb npc #1349174912 has a hot take on some trivial issue that should simply not exist in the first place and isn't worth talking about
This makes me: think what do nazi slavs think? Do they hate themselves?
We should also not be allowed to play as american in Vietnam games because they are the bad guys
more like the state takes so much income from white people and gives it to non-whites that whites cant afford children anymore
>that fucking face
rayce iz juss skeen color!
Oh great so he's actually just retarded then. Does he also say GTA normalizes playing a criminal?
there's a recording of the best part
haven't found anything else and I still need to recap on that mold part
Whites have a higher genetic IQ then the peoples replacing them.
>you didn't ask for this
>you didn't choose for this
uhh... don't buy the game? jesus christ..
>Wait you actually watched the video?
I tend to actually watch shit before trying to comment on its arguments, yeah. If I don't care what a video is saying, why the fuck would I get mad about it and argue with people about it?
Way to expose yourself as an outrage culture zoomer.
not smart enough to catch the propaganda and do something about it
The only slavs that are nazis are Ukrainian that larp as them.
The idea minorities are treated poorly in the US is such a load of shit.
He's right. All multiplayer shooters should be about unobjectionably good people and then for some reason you all kill each other.
>Asians and Jews have higher IQs
>by that logic whites should be fucking off in favor of them
>b-b-but white still superior somehow..
>says this
>looks like an incel
flee to argentina? gladly.
Remember to always dehumanize your enemies.
What are we suppose to do? Have the good guys shoot the other good guys? Also, you can choose teams in Counter strike, did they even play the game?
the idea of white people being the uncaring ones is the real load of shit. literally no one but whites tries to even help other groups
>can get killed by racist cops for walking around not white
yeah nah
>you didn't choose this!
But i did!
Why do you get angry over a video you didn't even watch, user?
>>by that logic whites should be fucking off in favor of them
What do you think is happening?
Fuck... I actually liked these guys back in 2013 or whenever. It hurts, guys. Please make them stop
>Implying pirating games were ever hard
>Implying demo's didnt come out months before the release to create hype
>not recording your cassette games off of radio
Are you a retard or just young?
>myth of white benevolence
lmao no one has institutionalized racism and oppression more than you fragile faggots
What white people are you talking about specifically?
Poor whites pay negative taxes same as minorities
Middle class whites pay middling taxes unless they're starting a business, but that's universial across races
Rich whites are fucking rich and can afford to buy kids.
Also despite being poor Mexicans breed like rabbits, so why is that a barrier suddenly?
Just admit the vast majority of white women are gross and corrupted to the core.
Maybe just MAYBE I would listen until he shows counter strike. They're not even real, its not about anything real, nothing in that game has ever happened.
Why can’t whites just have a country for themselves like Jews and Asians? Jews and Asians DO have higher IQs, I never said whites are better. Fucking rent free faggot.
>>by that logic whites should be fucking off in favor of them
the smart whites are already breeding with asians
whites created the modern world
Then why are jews and asians the highest earners? Wouldnt the oppression keep them down?
Imagine being so happy to be ruled by jews you tell people to commit suicide over it.
So what is the problem? That nazis are in WW II video games or that one side of a pvp match is going to be nazis in a WW II game
>They're not even real, its not about anything real, nothing in that game has ever happened.
That's the point of the video though. Making playable characters nazis or terrorists just for the sake of it is stupid. The terrorists/counter-terrorists in CS could just be called team A and team B and nobody would care. But for some reason, they're terrorists/counter-terrorists.
I used to like watching their medieval historical videos. Then the narrator was changed and it somehow lost something that made them likeable.
What I'd like to know is where does the line end up crossing?
WWII is one of the very rare cases where the situation can really be boiled down to "Good guys Vs. Bad Guys" but that's rarely how war functions. Hell, in the game you can also play as communists despite the communist having multiple purges to get into power, with Stalin reaching kill count up to 20 Million estimated. Is it okay to play as them?
Or hell what if the game is about the Vietnamese war? It's no secret many US soldiers abused their power to do some absolutely horrendous stuff from rapes, tortures and mass destruction of villages. Is playing as them okay?
That sounds really stupid and would hurt any character that follows that rule.
There is literally nothing wrong with normalizing Nazism
>Yea Forums mods' favorite nigger dies recently
>now we have nigger youtuber generals with /pol/shit to boot
>implying nazis would fight for social justice and economic class inequalities
shit meme
Then leave?
>WWII is one of the very rare cases where the situation can really be boiled down to "Good guys Vs. Bad Guys"
its actually quite the opposite
>someone says nazis are bad
>niggers and spics get free everything
>free healthcare
>free college
>free food
>free housing
>free transportation
>all paid for by white taxpayers
What race of people would do the same for violent retards that do nothing but bite the hand that feeds? Not even their own people treat them as well as white people do. You think the chinks or the arabs would do all of this for you?
Why does no one care about the crimes America has done in the past?
Because people who blow up bombs and hold hostages have a dictionary definition.
>one has institutionalized racism and oppression more than you fragile faggots
Have you never traveled outside the west before?
Stormniggers wish they could hate black people like mainland Chinese can.
>actually just incels who are reduced to shit posting their failed ideology on an anime imageboard
>omg i'm such a social outcast i don't related to anyone, maybe i'm also like these nazis. everyone hates them and i can't seem to find out why
>hey maybe i don't need to self improve
>WWII is one of the very rare cases where the situation can really be boiled down to "Good guys Vs. Bad Guys"
One side had Nazis, the other had the soviets. It's not that easy
Like? Oh yeah those things that are way below par when talking about the atrocities of other world powers.
Unironically no.
t. commie
Yep, because there's no whites on welfare. No siree Bob.
>Stormniggers wish they could hate black people like mainland Chinese can.
i just enjoy that when you are in asia everything is fucking asian and asian first and you are drowned in nigger diversity propaganda on every corner
Every single other group of people immediately commit genocide when they become a majority after previously being a minority. Whites are the only people who not only don't immediately murder and kill their minorities, but do everything they can to help them. And then all we get in return is thinly veiled threats of mass murder.
>Hitler wanted to control the entire world under Germany
Newsflash fag, unless you're a white German he saw you as a degenerate. His allies were just tools to reach his end goal.
He didn't even like his Italian allies despite them being decently white and European.
Mass genocide and slavery for one
Wow why are white people in a country founded by white people specifically for the benefit of white people more inclined towards white people. Our countries exist for our benefit not yours. Go to the Congo or China or Malaysia or any non white country and talk about rights of minority groups. They laugh in your face and probably put you in jail. No other group of people is required to accommodate other racial groups in their country why should we?
That doesn't mean it has to be used. Later in the video, he mentions how R6S as an example of a pvp shooter that deals with bomb threats but doesn't outright call you the terrorist if you're the one doing the planting.
Reminder that the way whites are treated by their own governments and institutions qualifies as 4 out of the 5 definitions of genocide outlined by the Geneva Convention
>Rainbow Six Siege is just one example of a game that includes thrilling PvP mechanics without normalizing morally wrong ideologies.
by definition, there is only one morally right ideology.
holy shit, philosophical zombies are real
Pure white constructed bullshit. Tell me how many Chinese cops have shot and killed black people? Compared that to american cops lmao.
>Hitler wanted to control the entire world under Germany
Literally allied war propaganda
Well you could say that his central point implies that playing as the allies or counter-terrorists is intrinsically morally superior and a more "comfortable" experience, even though the allied powers (specifically the US) are to this day the only military power in human history to use nuclear weapons, and killed thousands of unarmed civilians in firebombing runs as well as the detonation of the atom bombs, and counter-terrorist units are traditionally the hands of government agencies that were responsible for the upheaval of governments and installation of terroristic powers and groups in the Middle East in the first place.
He's not entirely incorrect in his analysis, but it's a two-way street. Why does the analysis of terrorism end at the actors and the victims? Why are motivations unimportant? Why is context unimportant? Why is he presumably okay with early 2000s video games pitting you against Middle Eastern terrorist groups and militaries without giving you a brief history lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan's regime shifts motivated by the US government and that same government's funding of Al-Qaeda? Or Egyptian and Saudi Arabian powers and their hand in 9/11? Or Palestinians getting shown a giant middle finger to make room for a new country?
So yes, you could call him out on some SJW bullshit. Because essentially his outlook is AMERICA GOOD
Soviet Union is objectively worse in the grand scale of things, but for the exact fight of WW2 Hitler wanted to create grand conquest whilst the Soviets were to busy dealing with their own shit.
So I agree with you in the grand scheme of things but in specific conflict the Nazi's were the most immediate threat.
If he fled to Argentina then how the fuck does that country have the most population of Jews in South America? Big think.
Whites as a demographic contribute >700k in tax dollars over the course of their lives. Blacks and Hispanics contribute -500k and -200k over the course of their lives. How come that's the only thing you decided to take issue with?
Yeah, "training operations". I never played R6S but that sounds fucking retarded.
But theres more white than not white
>Tell me how many Chinese cops have shot and killed black people?
A lot probably since china is pushing really hard into china and niggers are chimping out
>Soviet Union is objectively worse in the grand scale of things
Uuuuuummmhhh.... why?
Slavery existed Centuries before America was even a thing and had an entire Civil War over Slave Rights
If the root of all wrongthink is involuntary celibacy, why aren't women going out of their way to get dicked by every fat neckbeard and pizza faced lanklet they can find?
Says the communist who sucks up to corporations who destroy cultures and peoples all around the world to replace with consumerist drones. And before you say it yes, you do suck up to corporations. You all espouse the same opinions. They and their financial backers directly fund your movements and activists. You are their tools.
Israel was in on it, duh.
dead buffalo is that really all you got?
>complete nonsense post
drink bleach you white trash retard
But they still did it
You realise black people are more likely to pull a gun on cops. It's not like some cop goes out thinking "can't wait to shoot some black guy and fuck up my whole life lol". You can't even perceive the world for what it is.
and lol at arguing the country which has muslim concentration camps and the highest death penalty count in the world is actually totally tolerant
>Tell me how many Chinese cops have shot and killed black people?
Tell me how many Chinese cops have seen black people?
Tell me how many white cops have been killed by black people?
You dumb fuck, it's like you're saying tigers don't attack people while living in fucking Alaska.
>nigger doesnt know shit
as usual
They got better.
Seeing how everyone treat white people as is I don't blame them for not wanting to see what would happen to them if they had a minority status on top of that.
Glad I realised this guy was a mental invalid years ago and I only gave him a few views, dont even think more than 10
>This is what rational centrists actually believe
Don't they embellish the facts or sometimes even put out wrong info in their history related videos in order to make the vids more entertaining and sometimes make corrsction videos? Their history videos keep popping up despite clicking not interested whenever I watch some sort of history related video.
Because this was embedded and it didn't have the pitched up voice I kept thinking it was just a parody that would go off the rails at some point. Their videos were always kind of stupid or just centered around uninteresting points, how did they get this bad.
I’m sure little Trayvon Martin was packing mad heat user.
Or hell, how about that little black kid who got shot for having a clearly marked toy gun?
Source? My ass. I never got where /pol/ got the idea of communist being funded by big corporations. It's so absurd.
there was this other thing...
Oh! That thing everyone in the WORLD has done far more, and much more violently ?
Can people just like, play the game?
If you don't like shooting nazis, then simply don't play it. We have plenty of games, where you can shoot the living shit out of anything from any different type of dehumanised enemy type: aliens, demons, robots, unspecified monsters, etc...
Or better yet, just play a different game genre, where you don't need to shoot anyone. Tycoon games are doing just fine without that.
Because it's kind of hard to do your whole "mass extermination" thing when you don't have a military or if you were never going for that in the first place.
>doesn't know shit
>has stats to back me up
nah you're the usual white retard proclaiming other people are worst when througout history and reality white males are the worst
But that means that they really have to work harder to contribute in fucking negatives
If one hundred million people paid a dollar in taxes then they would contribute more than one hundred people who pay the same tax.
It's like saying blacks contribute the most in taxes in Kenya.
Soviet Union history and master plan also included genocide and concentration camps like Hitler, but if Hitler's mass expansion caused people to quickly stop it the SU isolationist beginning allowed it to drag out and under Stalin in only got worse.
Hitler's kill count was 6 million not counting the war.
Lenin and Stalin had a kill count of around 20 million.
you didnt ask for proof or even what exactly you wanted sourced you just chimped out
this is why you get shot
Why does it HAVE to mean something? Why are these people trying so hard to perpetuate fear and hate toward fucking symbols?
>The once majority is now a minority
I sleep
>Black women in Netflix series
Real shit
Based, fuck non-atlantis believers
Color Revolutions Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of African Americans and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of german, italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asian Americans Immigration act1924
how do you normalize something that happened in real life
also i hate to be that guy, but i hear leftists throwing around the term nazi like crazy lately. it's losing it's meaning.
Remember when some random white woman was shot to death by Mohamad Noor because she stood near the cop car unarmed? Or doesn't that fit your worldview. Maybe the problem isn't racism but you prescribing everything as a function of racism. Seems like a foregone conclusion to me
Maybe white people should stop running the government, then.
maybe... just maybe... don't play the game if you don't like that?
A higher proportion of non-whites are on welfare than whites and most taxes are paid for by whites. If whites were only 13% of the population the welfare state would collapse overnight. I really don't see what your point is. There's 5x as many whites in the US as blacks and 2x as many as hispanics.
All the negative outcomes can be eliminated by not having a shit game or a shit demo. On a scale of 1 to turbo retard he scored drooling retard.
I don't like shooting nazis. I don't like playing as americans. There goes most of modern FPS games.
because if you're not afraid of the symbol you're likelier to be seduced by it :^)
not him but they killed significantly more people but I we didn't find out until way later so I guess no really cares.
could you image if the Americans never joined the war the nazis would have destroyed the death camps before they could be discovered and the ideology would be as mainstream as communism
As a German I feel offended by this video. Stop making us the bad guys.
Their history videos tend to subscribe to pop-history and historical revisionism.
Great video game thread. Porn dump when?
straight up this
fucking based
Because Hitler and Nazis are the biggest bogeyman in the west. That's why it's illegal in many countries to even question certain things about the Holocaust. You're trained from birth to think and see the world in a certain way.
He said crimes
>could you image if the Americans never joined the war the nazis would have destroyed the death camps before they could be discovered and the ideology would be as mainstream as communism
sounds like heaven compared to how europe is currently looking
Daily reminder that "nazi' is a leftist slur word. The National Socialist worker party never referred to themselves as "nazi".
Calling National Socialist Germany "nazi germany". It'll be like calling the Soviet Union the Commie union.
Also, leftists need to learn to never speak politics. They keep screaming da nazi to anyone who opposes them, that they are in part normalizing national socialism (thank you).
Maybe its time you stop calling things "nazi". Oh wait, you cannot, because nazi are just the 21st century version of Satan and heretic. And you need the concept of "nazi" to scare and coeerce white people to hate themselves. Well, doing this leftistss, you are doing damage to 60 years of anti-German propaganda.
Remember, National socialism IS germany and germany IS National Socialism, you just can't get rid of it.
>easy to recognize team sides
>different weapons due to tech or history
>believable reason why the 2 sides are killing each other
There, some reasons.
this tranny knows what's up.
Becoming a hated minority in your own country is the most patriotic and American thing you can do.
Same argument, different framing.
Less people leads to higher proportionality being achieved at a lower amount.
Most blacks live in the poor south, where nearly everyone is on some form of welfare, and shitty Dem strongholds like NY and CA where being black is enough to qualify for welfare.
Would blacks be more or less foolish if they left that "free" money on the floor?
Eh, I doubt that. There were still an excessive amount of mass burials to a point that a bit of excavating and detective work would still quickly have people learn about what happened.
Because the US is the golem of the talmud. We'll get away with everything until we're used up and can't generate a profit anymore.
Honestly it seems pretty dehumanizing to not want to ever play as a member of an army in a historical setting. Does the character you're playing as really have to align with your political views? That makes no sense in a historical setting.
This is generally a good turing test, though.
Nazis are bad. It goes without saying. Nazism is dead, however, has been dead for centuries, is a joke, and poses absolutely no threat to us.
Communism is still alive, is still actively oppressing and murdering people, and overall caused far more harm than nazism ever did, but pinkos and other useful idiots have managed to spin it into a taboo to criticize it and you now get labelled a nazi if you do and therefore fair game to be physically assaulted
I'm not playing your game, though. Collectivism is inhuman and communism is a disease that needs to be eradicated through any means necessary
except the people being called nazis are not nazis and the people who use the term nazi to describe people they don't like are usually people who support communism. nazis are bad but communists are an actual threat to western civilization.
Not even surprised by the number of dislikes. Gamer bros are majority Right lean or alt right.
why do people defend black people so much?
>Soviet Union history and master plan also included genocide
They didn't. The worst thing they have done is send Russians to non Russian states of USSR. This caused ethnically conflict though.
>and concentration camps like Hitler,
Gulags weren't anywhere as bad as Nazi extermination camps. I'm not saying they were good, on the contrary they were horrible, but the difference is SU had workcamps who's majority left alive. Very few left the extermination camps.
>but if Hitler's mass expansion caused people to quickly stop it the SU isolationist beginning allowed it to drag out and under Stalin in only got worse.
I don't get what this means
>Hitler's kill count was 6 million not counting the war.
That's quite a lot.
>Lenin and Stalin had a kill count of around 20 million.
The only way you get this number is if quote "black book of communism", which has been criticized by people who contributed to it. To get those high numbers you need to count a famine, which wasn't completely Stalin fault.
stop normalizing nazis because that will make people want to become nazis
stop normalizing shooting people because that makes people want to start more mass shootings
stop watching violent sports because that will make you more violent
stop disagreeing with me because that will make you a bad person
stop disagreeing with me because that will make you a bad person
stop disagreeing with me because that will make you a bad person
>I’m sure little Trayvon Martin
>killed by cop
I'll be voting democrat, and i hate these sanctimonious videos
Mind listing the definitions?
Not that I approve of the Geneva Convention at all.
But wait there's more!
Imagine being dabbed on so hard by some fat retard in a goofy hat that you're still bitching about it over a half a century later.
Because it's their right to have an opinion, just like it's your right as a human being to be a stupid retard on the internet.
>wasn't stalin's fault
keep coping commie cuck
next we gonna pretend the holodomor didnt happen and soviets didnt mass rape german women post ww2 and turn east germany into their testing grounds
>"Hitler did nothing wrong"
>"Gas the kikes, Holocaust never happened though"
>Fly the flag, wear the cross
>Talk about the day of the rope and the forceful claiming of a white ethnostate
"You're a Nazi"
I know conservatives get called Nazis a lot, but around here? Fuck off.