RPG game has differing stats between genders

>RPG game has differing stats between genders

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>Low strength, higher intelligence
>High strength, lower intelligence

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>RPG game

>The race that you want to plays stats are not conducive to your play style

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-4 STR

Be alpha and play it anyway. How much can missing out on 2 str or whatever would really matter

>Female gender
>-4 strength
>-2 INT
>+1 CHA

The way it should be. Women should have lower stats in every category.

Yer right
It just kinda sits in the back of my mind and bothers me

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Unless the game is meant to be absolutely realistic, literally what point is there in doing that? You just wasted time, money, and effort creating assets and options that nobody will pick because it's objectively inferior.

>Women get better grades while men are filling up the prisons

>Yet -2 INT

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Higher Strength

Higher Charisma
Higher resistances (proven scientific fact that woman have a better immune system than men)

Charisma should be 3 at least. Everyone loves them

>thinking good grades = int
Women get their own little chess league so they have a shot at winning something. Let that sink in.

I'd pick it just to style on you min-max munchkin fags

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You incels talk big shit. Watch yourselves

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time to dilate

Do you think everyone is 5feet manlet with stick arms or what?

Fat bitch

>Thinking men having a larger variability in traits so the best of the best end up being men = int

Women have higher int on average. Let that sink in.

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>your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out
God i wish that were me

This is the fucking USA
You're not even doing Joe Rogan's Jiu Jitsu bullshit. It would take two seconds for a random nigger to shoot you dead on the pavement.

Yeah but you're a tranny. We're talking about real women.

I would love to see sauce for women having higher int on average than men.

You'd be wrong on that end too tranny


Cope ya incel.

Easy - now that women are no longer oppressed we are politicians and CEOs, being better leaders thanks to not having fragile egos

nice sauce. women really are brainlets. enjoy your women's chess league


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hey guys i see this is the larping as women thread so im gonna use it to store my collection :)

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Your ego was so fragile you put on a wig and a dress and called yourself a woman

i like this one he is so hot

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>women have less strength but more constitution
Wow that's very problematic Tim Cain, are you implying that women are better at being beat up and men are better at beating them up?

i think he is about to cum hehe

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I'll grant you that

oohhh so tense

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>Men are smarter than women

No, women are smarter :)


Proving in real time men are hypocritical and have fragile egos

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so embarrassed omg

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so tender and loving :0

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But user , it has been proven numerous times that men are smarter than women !
>Meanwhile, men had higher brain volumes than women in every subcortical region they looked at, including the hippocampus (which plays broad roles in memory and spatial awareness), the amygdala (emotions, memory, and decision-making), striatum (learning, inhibition, and reward-processing), and thalamus (processing and relaying sensory information to other parts of the brain).

so imposin- whoopsie

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>Big stronk orc
Good taste user

What is the most recent game to do this..?

Honest question seems ages since this has occured. Maybe some meme game no one plays.

user just choke on some cock then look at a mirror

Men's brains are bigger but IQ tests reveal the same average IQ for both sexes, the difference is that males have a wider spread (both the smartest and stupidest portions of the population are disproportionately male)

I swear to god I was just playing a game where choosing a woman makes the game slightly harder but I can't remember what it was

>Adjusting for age, on average, they found that women tended to have significantly thicker cortices than men. Thicker cortices have been associated with higher scores on a variety of cognitive and general intelligence tests.

I know you're baiting but I still had to look it up when you started it off with >Meanwhile

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Just as planned

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Based and orc-pilled

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>Women have higher int on average
That's actually a lie tho. You'd know that if you weren't a low IQ roastie.

sauce me on the artist, that shading is amazing.

>rpg game uses the man-made concepts of good and evil

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t. uglytranshoe

Seething low IQ male spotted.

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>no u
Try harder, defective walking hole.

>literally just a nigger but somehow even uglier
I don't understand Orcfags

I'll leave it here.

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girls should have better speech craft and manipulation

This is the larger variability in cognitive ability I talked about. Literally no woman in existence is as "special" as you.

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>females aren't hardcapped at 2int
muh realism

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>actually tried harder
Whew not so defective after all, at least you can follow orders.

straight up didn't give a fuck about equality

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we all know the ones who write like this are deep into the spectrum
you people love to hit the spotlight...