How do we fix the mecha genre?

How do we fix the mecha genre?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>mecha genre
>posts a mech

tomato tomato

Make it good.

Battletech is so fucking shallow, and we haven't got a fun Gundam game in years.

Well hopefully Daemon X Machina is good.

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More combined arms that allow me to use Tanks, Aircraft and Infantry to beat mechs.

>10 fps

mecha and mech games play completely differently are presented completely differently and have completely opposed audiences.

That's a giant robot, user.

Do a giant robot sim based on 80s shows that replicates Sunrise style space combat (with sections inside of colonies, atmopsheric insertion, fighting on Earth, etc).

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>10 fps
Doesn't bother me.
That's how I played Armored Core Nexus on pc.

>The name of the giant robots in Battletech
>A weird western name for giant robots.

Also plenty of games based on robot properties play like Mechwarrior; look at the Saturn and Dreamcast Gundam Side Story games.

By releasing Heavy Gear 3 or remaking 1&2.

They are two words that mean the same thing = Large Battle Robot
And both originate from the word Mechanized.
One of them - mecha - is just the japanese/weaboos term of choice because japs cannot into ending words with a consonant.

A Fang of the Sun Dougram RTS/turn based game/tactical shooter sim like ARMA would be pretty good.

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Reminder that battlemechs mover faster than gaydums,

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The Japs just call them robots or giant robots. Mecha refers to anything mechanical in terms of design for comics and cartoons.

it's like saying CRPG's and JRPG's are just the same thing spelled differently.

>that artstyle
Same guys who made Patlabor?

Your average battlemech is moving about 50 to 100 miles per hour on land, while your average mobile suit can easily exceed that in space, the primary place where they're designed to function.

But it's a stupid comparison because they're in two different fictional settings with their own rules, laws and design ideas. The question is why even compare two different types of giant robots from two different universes (or many in the case of a Gundam)?

No it's not.

No, that's Gainax; Patlabor was done by Team Headgear who used a number of studios, mostly Sunrise and Production IG.

>They are two words that mean the same thing = Large Battle Robot
You're correct, but they mostly come in a very different style. It's a jrpg - wrpg kind of thing. They're both RPGs but they're made elsewhere and for the most part aim for different appeal. Same with mech and mecha.

Stop thinking of it as a genre, as if it's confined to one specific thing
This is really important because I'm tired of mecha games being glorified shooters. Give me a game where I can fucking rocket punch and use big dick swords already. Mecha is all about style, so give me the style

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>Fang of the Sun Dougram
Is it good? Worth a watch?
Or does it just have some good elements here and there and could actually use a lot of work?

You are talking rubbish.

1. Japs call all it giant robots.
2. Every 'realistic' mech design you cite is based on Japanese robot designs. Pic related, it's a realistic western battlemech.

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just wait a few year until from is done shitting out souls rehashes

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I hope you never get your mech games, they sound like trash.

It's a fantastic show; it's got lots of great action, drama, both political and personal and is a great examination of combined arms and guerilla warfare with giant robots. Think Battle of Algiers meets Gundam minus space stuff.

And here is your unrealistic, humanoid superhero Japanese mecha.

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Hmm, they actually made some good anime beside evaturd.

If there were clear definitions as to when something is mecha and mech I'd agree with you, just like there are clear definitions as to when something is a JRPG and a WRPG (doesn't stop retards from using the terms wrong though).

Is the Mech vs. Mecha split similar to Super vs. Real? Is it a matter of small vs. large? Fast vs. slow?

Daily reminder that if the game has:

> Fast moving hyper active
> Useless gay anime plots and moe shit
> Cuhraaaayze combos and graphics
> Plays more like a beat em up


Dougram has a lot of problems. Paper thin characters, a plot that doesn't start until like 50 episodes in, really boring mecha that don't do anything other than like jump and shoot beam guns like they're Mega Man without the special weapons, a lot of shoehorned fight scenes, etc.

But its plot is absolutely fantastic once it gets going and some of scenarios in which the fights take place are pretty clever and interesting, as is all the political drama surrounding the show.

It was a one and done watch for me. I don't regret it, but I wouldn't go back to it.

You are talking rubbish.

1. No one gives a shit what japs call it.
2. I didn't cite any mech designs.

Make an actual Mech title that's not a budget game.

Wings of Honneamise, Gunbuster, Otaku No Video plus the work they got contracted on, like Metal Skin Panic Madox 01. They were incredibly talented back in the day.

Why bother trying to take someone who clearly hasn't got a clue what he's talking about seriously? And don't bring up the whole much bloated and quite frankly harmful to understanding giant robot show non-realistic 'super versus real' thing up. Mazinger Z had lasting battle damage, ammunition and energy/fuel consumption, etc that lasted several episodes in a row in consequences, which is more than things like Heavy Metal L-Gaim, for instance.

Equally important: Remember to market it.

here is your phoenix hawk for the night

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typically slow, ponderous, clunky, weighty, grounded, realistic, deliberate, number chrunchy, western design philosophy
typically fast, agile, fantastical, little regard for physics, not realistic, bombastic, style over substance, rule of cool, eastern design philosophy

A remake of 1/2 would be nice. Hell, I would be satisfied with just the source code released. Having proper widescreen support for both. I doubt activistion even has the source code at this point though.

>No one give a shit what the Japs call it

When people claim that the Japs call it mecha and try and force a strange, non-existent divide between things, I'l going to call you out on it. Especially when you cite mech, which refers solely to the giant robots in Battletech/Mechwarrior as being different to 'mecha'. I would be snarky and bring up a sci-fi car or something but Battletech actually has battle cars in it as well, so I can't even do that.

Thank you for confirming you don't know anything about giant robots or even Battletech.

>You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.

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What if i told you that both styles and everything in between originated and have tons of examples of each in Japan?

Super versus real is as much about the rest of the world as the mechs themselves.
Real robots are usually weapons used by a military organization (usually the government) and often but not always fight other robots and their governments/organizations. In these worlds battle robots are often "common" and mass produced variants usually exist. Exeptions apply as always, but these are general traits of real robot shows.

is dark souls a jrpg because it was made in japan?

Well, at least there's ZOE2mars and Metal Wolf Chaos xd on PC and this gen of consoles...
Konami said they would do a ZOE3 if ZoE2mars sold alright, wonder if this will happen.

Again, this isn't true at all. Plenty of 'super' robots are military run; Go-Shogun, Bismark, Dancouga and plenty of 'reals' are owned by spunky teenagers who fell into the cockput or got given them by their family.

Retards will reply "yes" to this question.
Imporantly; trolls will too.

First you have to fix the fanbase as this thread has clearly shown. Otherwise no one will give a shit about people who can't even agree with each other on what's their genre is even about

Way I see it, it's a matter of flashiness and style. And you don't need clear definitions. For example RPG doesn't have a clear definition either, people just decide based on how they feel about the game's content. One person will say Witcher 3 or M&B Warband are RPGs and the other will call them action games with stats and they will both have valid arguments.

Most shows that are claimed to be "real robot" always involve some special "autonomous" unit that is completely free of control of the regular military or straight up terrorists or lone agents. It is extremely rare for any show to have a main character be a part of a standard combat unit in mecha

What does that have to with the fact that you don't know anything about giant robot cartoons, comics or games or the designs or the way they're depicted in them and thus are trying to force a weird divide that doesn't exist?

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Ironically there were a whole load of them in the 70s predating even the original Gundam.

There's no argument. There's people who have watched giant robot shows and people who haven't. And the difference is very clear.

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Why is there so much ground fighting in battlemech when they could just bomb ground forces from orbit

Such a mech huh. No way Japan designed this!

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Why are you talking about these "people" out of nowhere? I didn't say anything along those lines so why do your imaginary people matter? Or citing mech designs when I did no such thing? Are you okay there, user?

>plenty of 'reals' are owned by spunky teenagers who fell into the cockput or got given them by their family
Which I must say feels stupidly awful most of the time, but there's some unwritten rule that anime must be about teenagers going through a maturing process, and only few dare to break it.

Because you can't easily make a good show about the regular military, not to mention that real robot anime usually has the teen genius pilot is usually equipped with "special" and latest technology which was made to be a part of a special unit in the first place.
>inb4 "special forces don't actually exist, retard"

Because of the initial setting which was a collapsed galactic fedeation/empire where people had nuked themselves back into the stone ages in many places and technology was valuable, hence why battlemechs were potent and often bestowed nobility on those who owned them. Battletech was feudal mad max with giant robots initially.

>this is what mechafags ACTUALLY believe

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The posters in this thread who repeat the same nonsense every time giant robots are brought up. Are you telling me you can't read or are you just going >n-no you?

>For example RPG doesn't have a clear definition either
It does. Many people get the definiton wrong though, and think it has to do with role playing.

>a weird divide that doesn't exist?
I like battletech and battletech styled games and settings. I don't like gundam style, or armoured core style, or neon genisis evengelion style, or macross, or any western made setting that emulates those.

There is the divide that apparently doesn't exist.

Thats cool, but it's not like that anymore is it?

>tfw we'll never get a Votoms series based during the 100 year war
A shame.

So not only was it rare to actually have ships that could nuke you from orbit but using nukes was a huge taboo, and orbital fire could damage the last factory that makes the parts that keep your machines going.

If you're referring to battletech, they did, and it almost drove humanity into extinction. At the point where most scenarios happen, they try not to, also because they don't want to destroy factories since no one knows how to work them, let alone rebuild them.

I think you actually should watch some more robot shows or look into Battletech more because there's a ton of anime that feels like Battletech and Battletech feels a lot like a lot of the shows you described in many areas, including in how the robots fight.

What's the best Mecha anime?

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I'm gonna go with >n-no you since you're literally incapable of following a reply chain and set up weird fucking strawmans allegedly based on some past mental traumas from conversations with random people. I hope you'll heal someday, user.

Depends on what you want from your mecha anime.

Anything directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa

we grab Into the Breach and give it the Risk of Rain 2 treatment.

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mechafags BTFO forever
lets get the Gauss cannon

Non-stop action without the usual
>this isn't even my final form

Do share. What specifically are the requirements to be considered an RPG, an action game, and an Action RPG? Who exactly made these rules and where do I find them written by a source of some authority and credibility?

Every time I think about VOTOMs and how it's been treated post-Shining Heresy I feel a little more sad.

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What's the point of non stop action if it doesn't escalate into greater and greater scenarios?

even things like 08th MS team, which tries to be very grounded in its presentation, is still full of dumb anime bullshit

Buy mechpacks

I'll drop a recommendation on Full Metal Panic The Second Raid if that's what you're into.

What good is a factory that no one knows how to use?

The term RPG comes from the pen and paper games. What these games have in common with all video games (correctly) labeled "RPGs" is the existence of a character sheet.
I've merely observed RPGs. What do WRPGs, JRPGs, SRPGs and Action RPGs have in common despite being vastly different genres? Character sheets in some form. Before I was familiar with therm "character sheets" I used the wording "characters have stats" but that doesn't feel right and can be misinterpreted.

One that produces mechs and spare parts without even needing pesky unionized manpower is very useful indeed.

Fuck off PGI!

So factories are automated?

by your rules there 08th MS Team is mech not mecha

>How do we fix
Same as everything else, make good games.

Then most Musou games are RPGs, correct? Whereas Witcher 3 isn't.

>Then most Musou games are RPGs, correct
Yep, they're action RPGs.
>Whereas Witcher 3 isn't
It is. Why would you think it isn't?

Mech games aren't made enough, but there are several good ones right now

If only the AC games were on Steam the world would be better

MWO is fun
MW5 will come out
Hardcore Mecha released

It's just about time

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SRW action game

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I'm putting together a team.

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>mecha sized bullets piercing solid armor
>doesn't rip pilot's limbs off


I find it weird how no one aside from you refers to them as such.

From what I remember, it has no character sheet. All the statistics belong to items or mutagens, not the character himself. Maybe health doesn't though.

>I find it weird how no one aside from you refers to them as such
Because they're action games first and RPGs second, and do not even attempt to be a merger of the genres. No one calls Grand Theft Auto a Racing game either.

They tried that, it's called Another Century's Episode

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>All the statistics belong to items or mutagens, not the character himself. Maybe health doesn't though
Forgot to adress this part of your post.
The game semi-hides the sheet from you for one reason or the other. Like you say, health is a known value.

Have it take place in the Ace Combat world.

I probably should have specified. Yes, factories in BT are for the most part automated. The people of the "modern" times pretty much know how to do the bare minimum maintenance, but they do not know how to retool the machines or design new mechs. A factory that is tooled to make Locusts, for example, will make nothing but Locusts. They don't know how to change it to build something else, or even retool it to make a different variant of a Locust.

Fucking nerd.

Holyshit, any source of the song at the end of the trailer?

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Why are Mechwarriors so intent on creating divisions everytime a thread likes this pops up? It's been happening without fail the last few times mecha threads have happened on Yea Forums: thread starts out about big robots in general, some user immediately claims that Western mechs and Eastern mechs are totally different (with Western ones being superior of course). Other Anons try to argue about it while the initial user goes "REALISM! ANIME BS! REALISM! ANIME BS!"

Seriously what's up with this?

Very silly, but necessary to have the plot make sense.

Do not even attempt to be a merger? Musou games have clear cut visible character stats that increase with level ups. Health, attack, defense, movement speed, special bar etc. That's what makes any game an RPG according to you. It's precisely 100% as much of an RPG by your great definition as Baldur's Gate 2. So what's with this lack of attempt?

Then Witcher 3's upgradable health alone is enough. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is also an RPG. Super Mario Brothers 3 is an RPG as well. Fascinating stuff.

We mech fans are an oppressed people and are simply lashing out.

>It's precisely 100% as much of an RPG by your great definition as Baldur's Gate 2. So what's with this lack of attempt?
The gameplay doesn't revolve around stats very much, but around killing endless hordes of grunts and enemy heroes/bosses. Compare it to Diablo for example, which also features Hack and Slash gameplay but has character builds be an important part of how you play the game.
Has to do with how the game is experienced and played by the players.

People are passionate about their giant robots, I guess. I'm not really one to talk, because I personally sperg out about my preference for four-legged dragons over two-legged ones. But when it comes to mechs, I like both Western and Eastern types.

No. Current BT tabletop setting has all sorts of warcrimes in it. NBC attacks, orbital fire, asteroid impact, etc.
In regards to orbital bombardment, most of the warships capable of performing it have been destroyed in the current canon, year 3150.

>Two legged dragons
We talking Wyverns or dragons that walk on two legs?

Wyverns, like in Skyrim.

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For one thing, you are moving the goalposts now.
>Has to do with how the game is experienced and played by the players.
This is exactly what I said in regards to RPGs.
>One person will say Witcher 3 or M&B Warband are RPGs and the other will call them action games with stats and they will both have valid arguments.

You said that's not true because there are clear definitions. I asked:
>What specifically are the requirements to be considered an RPG
You said:
>the existence of a character sheet
But suddenly the existence is not enough because then you'll be another genre altogether and "the gameplay has to revolve around stats" as well.

For two, the gameplay in musou games does very much revolve around stats. You literally won't be able to kill endless hordes on many stages unless your character has levelled up. You'll do no damage and die in one hit. Just like in games like Morrowind you won't be able to make certain potions, sneak past people or hit the enemy consistently without levelling up relevant stats.

So soon we will get more Armored Core rehashes?

You're misunderstanding. Musou games are RPGs, but they aren't marketed as such, nor are they referred to as such by their fanbase, because the action and hack and slash aspects completely overshadow the RPG parts.

>the gameplay in musou games does very much revolve around stats
For calculations about how well you character performs, yeah. But handling it is as simple as not neglecting a character and selecting the latest weapon in your favorite category. Something that you barely spend time on and does not define the experience you have when playing the game.

Is hardcore mecha any good? The last 2D mecha game I played was probably Iron Blood many many years ago

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Yes it's good

I mean it's got a solid foundation to things to come. There are some modes that are in development and hopefully some MP enhancements too.

Don't mind me, just posting the best mecha jRPG; Cyber Knight. There's a English translation for it

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All this is really quite self-centered and narrow minded. You made up a rule no one adheres to except yourself, and say that is how it is. It's like me saying every song that has vocals from a black person in it is rap because that's all it takes, that's the rule that came to me from observing the genre! Wouldn't you find that a little silly?

It does define the experience. It makes or breaks it even. Unless you put in the resources to level up a character, you won't be able to do the things you want to and are supposed to. Even in Morrowind or other games it's as simple as not neglecting the given stat and/or selecting equipment that gives you a boost to it. The same thing. There's really not much more to gameplay revolving around stats.

>zero white people or slavs

Mechs are unrealistic shit, a tank or plane, depending on the role, would be better every single time.

Sumire is half Dutch, half Japanese (honorary aryan), so she's 100% white.

Probably a piece from Frequency made just for that trailer.

Ment for

yes mechs are unrealistic do you feel smart for regurgitating this shit for the millionth time? this is a video game board, do you also go into monster hunter threads and complain about how unrealistic dragons are or mario threads and complain about how high he can jump? autist lol

Who cares? Now if the mechs weren't white that would be a different story.

>MWO is fun

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It was included on the bonus disk for the Armored Core Anniversary soundtrack, it was originally made for the credits for some film school project or some shit by the Fromsoft music team.

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robots are just an aesthetic. you can have action games with robots and turn based strategy games with robots. even sports games with robots. when people say they want mech games they really mean tank sims with robots.

thats all the series has ever been

I think it's pretty fun.
Of course, I only played like 30 or 40 matches in total, it probably gets worse once you get into higher tiers.

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I played it in the past. Best online community I've experienced, people used mics, strategized, were polite. In fucking PuGs. Is it true it is dying?

>Is it true it is dying?
More than likely. It's not 2012 anymore.

Still the only online mech game, no?

Fromsoftware to quit making those stupid souls games and make more Armored Core

Usually that does seem to be the case. It's like whenever anyone comes into these threads they somehow forget that like Mega Man is a robot or that Transformers games exist or that Xenosaga is way more /m/ than half the things discussed here.

And I can't fathom why, because games like the aforementioned do a lot more cool things with the aesthetic than the tank simulators do

Well there was Titanfall and Hawken.

online only anything is cancerous garbage

>Is it true it is dying?
I think the developers themselves said that they'll stop making new content for the game about a month ago.

>Mega man
This is why I've always preferred the X aesthetics because there they actually look like robots and not just a kid in a suit. Shame they turned a 180 in the Mega Boy Zero games. God, I fucking hate how they ruined Zero's appearence.

>thread gets ruined by weebs
I guess that's why

>mecha genre
They can start by actually making a fucking mecha or mech game instead of saying that nobody likes them thereby being reason enough to not make them.

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If people stop buying souls games then From will go back to making mecha again

Yeah, same. Classic Mega Man never did much to me until they started doing the Rush adaptors. The idea of having Mega Man combine with his dog to get a jetpack with a rocket punch was awesome and I hate that they got rid of it after 7.

Where do you think you are?

Metal Wolf Chaos soon lads.

Yea Forums hasn't been about anime for a decade user

MW5 is around the corner and the MWO monetization scheme was going "alright" for them but with the development of MW5 it's not enough. I don't think they kill their golden goose, because, even with shortcomings, MWO has been around 7 years. If it wasn't profitable it would have sunk already.

It's a fun game. The FP mode which should be the main mode has been always "in development" and never worked. 8v8 makes more sense, but will never come out. Quick Play works fine and the community does talk to each other and coordinate.

Hope MW5 is good because it could be all I ever asked since MW4 mercs

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titanfall is not mecha

Yea Forums is about anime on all boards.

>bunch of 40 year old murrican boomers mechdads pretending they know what a strategy is
they cant even build nor control their own mech, let alone form a strategy

Who's penis did Yoko want more? I can never tell who she liked more.

Don't tell me you believe them.

>Who's penis did Yoko want more
Kamina's. Which she did get, by the way.
She's a slut though, so she wants them all.

>Which she did get,
This never happened. My man was dead before any moves were made.

They met in one of the first episodes. Kamina only meets his demise around halfway.

Could have much smaller high density penetrator cores in the rounds and only those are making it through the armor.

Make it feel like you are actually piloting a giant metal death machine - the world outside has to feel the weight of it, you have to feel it. If not, it's just another character with a robot skin.

/fit/ is one of the gayest boards on here, of course they're going to all be incels

they literally only kissed right before he died. kamina died a virgin.

Someone post the high speed sexual mecha webm. Y'know the one that keep getting posted with the guy moving at light speed.

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Them having anime-promoting mods means they have better mods than all the rest of the boards of this site.

This board promotes handheld soi garbage, just because people who want to be on Yea Forums for free 24 hours a day doesn't make them representatives.

>Shitting on handheld games
Kill yourself, summerfag.
Unless you're talking about mobileshit, in which case you're absolutely right.

>mech game thread
>ctrl f and no brigador
what a waste

Wait for the mecha community to die completely and then reboot.

>I'm a professional homosexual shut-in, I know what's best for Yea Forums

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Walking tank sim isnt really btech
Fortunatelly Mech5 is fixing that, though Piranha is utterly retarded in keeping it Chink Store exclusive
>yes pic is literally the internal parts of a battlemech being made of Synthetic Muscles known as Myomer and a skeleton

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>I'm a normalfag who has been here for an hour, I know what's best for Yea Forums

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>I post anime reaction images and indulge in the "true" culture of chan4, I even have my own dragon dildos

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that would make it worse

>though Piranha is utterly retarded in keeping it Chink Store exclusive
Wait, what?

By actually releasing mecha games

>Piranha is utterly retarded in keeping it Chink Store exclusive
Welp that kills it for me. Why don't these fuckers go with gog is they want to tell steam to fuck off.