Fatalis has been spotted, hunters! Face this ferocious foe in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne! Will you survive his Savage Shrieks? FIND OUT IN THIS NEW TRAILER!


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Other urls found in this thread:


Incoming salt and tears shouting NEUTERED



cringe with this redditfags


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I always wondered about why there's that one autist that kept shitposting MH threads for a straight year non-stop. Now I know why

You can't recover from a BTFO this big

Hes retarted, the ninceldildo curse

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Quality thread, good job everyone, specially the retarded false flaggers, thanks for ruining MH threads forever

you're welcome!

And shitting on MHW with outdated criticisms is ok?

anyone actually wanna talk about the game?

They couldn't even get his proportions right.

If people could stop shitposting MHW, then yes lets talk

But we all know they're still angry

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>MHW threads
>gameplay discussion
Pick one.

Why are we getting HR sets for a GR expansion?

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>hes STILL seething and crying blood

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MHW to this day still gets gameplay discussion even amidst the shitposting. MHGU is impossible because of the console warring shitposting

Hell, we just had a good MHW thread yesterday despite that one autist

I still don't understand why they're so mad. They got their MH game.
Is it because its on PC and xbox too?

It's because of and Capcom confirmed that future MH games will be multiplat and console titles

>MHW to this day still gets gameplay discussion even amidst the shitposting. MHGU is impossible because of the console warring shitposting
Other way around, no hunts hunts are even set up in MHW threads.

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Fucking retarded nincel iceborn isnt even out yet. Your shitty toddler containment threads are the true shit ones

So they're mad that they have to share it?

Shame that archives exist to prove you wrong

Did you really forget Iceborne beta is going on?

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its over

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More like two years actually, he started when MHW was first announced

Huh, why are there two male armors?

They are mad that things change is basically it. Also that they likely won't get future games if they are nintendo onlys. It's ironic considering we went through this years ago with the switch from PSP to Nintendo

>Fucking retarded nincel iceborn isnt even out yet
Wouldn't that just confirm the lack of decent content if you're relying on dlc to spice up the game?

I'm betting the new area won't be actually be Master Rank only, and that the actual Master Rank set will be Barioth Z

>all these posts crying about nintendo when literally no one even said anything yet
Jesus Christ you people are mentally ill.

they're mad they can't play it. MHW is on everything BUT a Nintendo console despite having an MH game on Switch. All this shitposting is still stupid on all fronts

t. idort

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Is it best to stick to one weapon type or switch depending on the monster?

I’m stuck on arch tempered Kirin using great sword and I’m wondering if I should switch to switch axe.

>tfw I own and enjoy both mhgu and mhw

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Yea user because people always play the base games forever. World is the exception there for sure.

I know right?

not a single nintenyea rold has said anything and /v is raging about them LOL

Comparing MHW, a non G-rank game, to other MH games WITH G-rank is the most retarded thing anyone has ever done. It's completely unfair especially when considering that 5 MH games had reused assets until MHW.

When Iceborne is out, then consider comparison for your shitposting needs. For now, the game is fine

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This expansion is going to end with as many monsters as World at launch

>They are mad that things change is basically it
Could have fooled me given how they ate it up no questions asked.


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It's alright to have a main, but better to have a side main. Everything can be technically beaten with one weapon, but not everything a be beaten optimally with one weapon

>they're mad they can't play it. MHW is on everything BUT a Nintendo console
But that doesn't make any sense. Why would they get mad about it not being on a console they don't care about?

Literally impossible. No one can more than one console.


>Comparing MHW, a non G-rank game, to other MH games WITH G-rank is the most retarded thing anyone has ever done
Pretty sure you're the only one doing that. Tri and GU hunting lasted much longer than world.

How big is the jump to Iceborne in power creep? Am I going to have to farm for top tier shit just to play or I fine with my mid tier end game set?

But GU has G-rank

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Dude I liked Tri but it literally only had 18 Large monsters and half the weapon types
It lasted longer for more people cause it was a lot of people's first MH game if they didn't start on FU or the original

Force of habit, I meant G

Enough shitposting, post
>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite hub
>Favorite game

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Absolutely not, and I have MHG. I'll go as far as to say its a shit MH game

Also, Tri had less content than MHW, what are you on about?

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Most people don't, but pretty much everybody with a switch got a PC first.

>there's people out there that doesn't own PS4+PC+Switch
I pity them

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Not gonna waste any extra hour on this shitty game. I abhor games based on grinding and looting. I'm in love with the way you can play with weapons, every monster is fucking iconic, but Capcom messed up the potential of this IP.

Couldn't they make some arcad-ish MonHun ?

When am I getting my boy Khezu? Khezu hunting horn when?

>not waiting and buying the switch XL

??? MHG is a G rank game.

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Monster Hunter Generations

>Shared favorite between the comfy room and hotspring in Yukumo and that fucking excellent setting and music of Cathar
>4U easily
Man thinking about 4U really just makes me miss Gogmazios

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>and I have MHG. I'll go as far as to say its a shit MH game
You can think that but it doesn't change the fact it lasted much longer than World did.
>Also, Tri had less content than MHW
And yet it lasted a much longer time than World.

>It lasted longer for more people cause it was a lot of people's first MH game
And World isn't? It's a 10m+ seller. The highest selling console MH before it was a fifth of that.
Also not true, most people in the west started with FU and not Tri.

>Game gets shit on, just as every other game in existence gets shit on
>This warrants derailing literally every single thread about said game with console war shitposting
If any of you people actually enjoy Monster Hunter then you have a fucking stupid way of showing it

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>PC+PS4+Switch (Hacked)
Literally the best of all worlds. I can play anything.

Why do people think this is a competition?

Yesterday there was an MH thread that was fine until the copypasta got posted and shitflinging ensured.

You and I both know that copypasta is outdated as fuck and its only means to derail MHW threads

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I said "if they didn't start with FU" in my post. And it's undeniable that there was overally less variety in Tri than any other MH besides maybe MH1
And plenty of people have played World a shitton myself included. This entire argument hinges on anecdotal evidence and shitposting either way.

Retarded zoomers who only owns one console

Okay, we all know MHW is lacking in its weapon design.
But what is your favorite weapon design in it?
The game still has some cool weapons.

Most people who actively participate in MHW threads don't actually care or haven't played it and just use it as a pretext for anti Nintendo shitposting.

Just look at this thread, in the first five posts we already had people crying about Nintendo rather than talking about Fatalis.

>Sincerely just want my Black and White gods
it's not gonna happen but god do i want to fight them

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Boost GS

Name a more shitty monster than Rathalos or Rathian. Hard mode: no Khezu.
They’ve been in every fucking game, are the mascots of the series, yet their move sets have always been the most boring shit imaginable. The only time Rathalos was genuinely fun to fight was his fight in smash bros ultimate.

Nerg Lance

Vaal hazaks hammer is an easy pick for me

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Looking good
Now I don’t have to keep grinding out stuff in MHGU
If they update the hitboxes and weapon designs, it’ll probably be my primary MonHun game

Absolute shit taste

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>stopped playing MHW around april because already got 500 hunts on all weapons and all OP sets
>want to come back for Iceborne
>can't cause feeling overwhelmed by all the new stuff and feeling outdated along with forgetting how to fight all the monsters

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Yeah you’d know what shit taste is.

>And it's undeniable that there was overally less variety in Tri than any other MH
Eh, debatable seeing as a lot of games were filled with a lot of samey wyverns. I mean if you look at that roster despite the small size there's only really two clones.

They're moveset is boring because it's the base that was copy pasted for every single other wyvern in the series. If they were more unique it wouldn't feel so lame.

Uragaan, Plesioth, Basarios, Gravios.

Vaal has some reeeeeally nice Rank8 weapons, I love them all.

>picking the fan contest winner

>Name a more shitty monster than Rathalos or Rathian.
Any of the dromes

I don't even own a console I just unironcally want n*ncels to perish in fire.

Nerge weapons then. They're edgy design, but cool edgy design. Reminds me of GU

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That wouldn't stop the shitposting.

Black Gravios
Lavasioth outside of X/XX

Rathalos LS
Rathalos CB
Legiana SnS
Nergal gash

Zorah Gunlance
Shit looks like some LOTR tower architecture

That copypasta doesn't actually have anything related to consoles in it as far as I can remember, it solely criticises World as a game (whether or not any of it is valid isn't the point). Anybody who uses it as an excuse to console war is part of the problem, if you see it just fucking ignore it and hope that everyone else is smart enough to as well.

ah, a fellow connoisseur

Makes sense, he's essentially the mewtwo of the series

Your death would improve this place

>just fucking ignore it and hope that everyone else is smart enough to as well.

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>That copypasta doesn't actually have anything related to consoles in it as far as I can remember
It doesn't. They just associated it with Nintendo to quell criticism with a boogeyman.
Its also worth noting that the guy who posts that pasta now is the same guy who posts the I don't care about you image to set up his own shitposting.

It's a shame he managed to manipulate the console warring idiots like that, there are some things about World I would like to talk about without them screaming.

I've seen it work at least once.

They only care about shitting on Nintendo.
A ton of them don’t even own the game

That new HH combo is retarded, how is it suppose to hurt the monster again?

> shogun cenataur
> da hamma
> FU2 snow vilagge
> MH3rd

Hoarfrost Reach is confirmed to be Master Rank only

Nintendies being incredibly asshurt about it ruined the series. Look at this shit.

How does a falseflagger prove that?

is there any other literal r*ddit tier FAGGOTS that SEETHE this hard over a video game? I always savor the tears and anger in these threads.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

I do like behemoth event weapon but if we talk vanilla game then kadachi bow and odogaron dual blades are pretty qool

>I always savor the tears and anger in these threads
What anger and tears?

I'm guessing you'll be able to fight Barioth in low rank.

>lets totally ignore the 24/7 rampage during MH announcement, 10 million sales announcement, and Iceborne announcement.
>everything's fine nobody's seething!

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I doubt it. Especially if what this user says is true

>Favorite monster
>Favorite weapon
Switch Axe
>Favorite hub
Yukumo village
>Favorite game

So, your anger and tears?

>best selling capcom game in history
>lmao the messes up with this IP
ok retard

>no u

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that stupid faggot is just pretending to be retarded, it's his anger and tears that I'm referencing. He'll pretend to be above it all, but then that fucking assblasted r*dditor will show his true colors.

Hey guys look a Great Jaggi haha I sure do love MH wanna talk about it

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That's not a no u response. You're literally the only one who's mad about this.

are we posting awesome monsters that are never coming back due to japs shit taste?

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Considering akantor and ukanlos share the same skeleton as tigrex/narga/barioth, it probably won't be that much of a stretch really. I hope. Shovelface is my favorite monster in the series and I want him in

I miss the stylish cowboy armor... The weapons can stay though.

I want to see this plucky fucker picking fights with Deviljho, Bazelgeuse, and the Elder Dragons with a 1% chance of beating them

I miss when MH threads were just cute monster pictures and hunting.

Why would I own a PS4 if I have the other 2?


The good ol' days of 3U


No fucking thank you

are you me?

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Your post is how Yea Forums feels about this garbage timesink, stop making threads.

3U to G you mean.

Nope, they confirmed all the monsters that are gonna be introduced in Iceborne are Master Rank onry.


My dearest nigga.

to make space for smash and e-celeb threads? fuck off

Nope, enjoy your console shit flinging.

they can go too

Do you lads play on PC mostly?

Who the fuck cares what Yea Forums thinks LMAO
Please just stick to your lolicon visual novel threads, k?

Maybe our resident anti-nintendofag shouldnt spam those threads then.

Fellow idiot.

Guild Dual Blades
Honestly I just want more water element weapons that are blue/water/sea related

Owning an actual console comes to mind

i don't like those either
you really thought you were doing something


who knew that once pic related stopped getting posted regularly everything would go to shit

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fucking IDORTS

Death Stranding, if you care about that.
That's about it.

>there's people out there who have trouble managing their money
I pity them, too.

>you really thought you were doing something
Woah I thought I was doing something? No fucking way dude BTFO me holy shit what the fuck

>Actual console

When has PC+Portable not always been the best situation?

for me, it's zorah magdaros

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>He never got Monster Hunter on Vita

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I hope Ia moves for Longsword are fun.

I also wish I don't need to do Helmbreaker because that move is boring and the big gay.

Eventually the storm will pass and MH threads will go back to their old glory
I hope so atleast

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>G Rank Barioth with Sand Bari's moveset
>Set is just fucking Low Rank Tri

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Maybe you should try getting a job

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Never ever, unfortunately.

When the next switch MH comes out.

It'll either be a port of world or a new Portable series.

Frontier was on vita! Too bad it's shutting down in December.

>source: my ass
They have literally said NOTHING about it being MR only at any point. What makes you think it is?

At this point who even knows, shitposters will eventually get bored, even other infamous spammers on Yea Forums get bored sooner or later

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Here I was wanting to talk about monster hunter.
Why is Yea Forums so immensely retarded?

>actually thinking an MH game on switch will have a normal MH thread
>thinking any switch MH game will come out
Also, MH threads are fine whenever something new comes out. The Iceborne beta threads were great for hunts, and when it releases, the threads will completely cloud the shitposting

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Id be really happy if they used the same core structure of World but did so with much smaller open zones.
Maybe instead of a hub town, you get a hub air ship that drops you off in different locations.

>best monster design
>best fight
>best LR/HR armor
>best G-rank armor
>best weapon designs

How can bario-kun be so based?

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It won't, the fuel for this fire comes from three things
1) its not on a Nintendo system
2) it's popular
3) MH fans have found many flaws in it
As long as these are still true these threads will never be what they were again.

True, the bing bing retards seem to be a plague.

I'd like it if they used alot of World's stuff but with more traditional zones yes.

Oh I'm sorry I enjoy FUN

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>>best G-rank armor
If the coat doesn't make it into IB and we're stuck with the kirin knockoff I'll be thoroughly disappointed.

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Cause he's from the best gen. Don't even (you) me swimlets.

nintendo fags did before the game came out and they turn up and to get shit on for free.

>the threads will completely cloud the shitposting
You're joking right?
Since the reveal to now we haven't had a single World thread without some idiot trying to kill discussion by shitposting about Nintendo.


In case you have noticed the "It's not nintendo Reee" has literally never been a thing.

World is devisive because it has been designed to be a soft reboot and a very beginner friendly entry and coming down from the content gluts of 4U and G it's bound to cause friction.

I like World, but some of it's changes I want Ironed out, like as a Longsword main I hate being tied to ONE attack, maybe Iceborne will change that.

>3) MH fans have found many flaws in it
I've seen shitposting for many MH threads in terms of flaws since MH4U, but why did MHW stick?
QoL improvements are not flaws. The scoutflies are flaws, the repetitive design are flaws, but not QoL. Despite this, why do they persist shitposting MHW?

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Cry some more, fags

List of problems with Monster Hunter World:

>Inb4 "b-but nintendo..."

>Healing while running; dodging while drinking, sharpening, eating; moving while shooting
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Mounting can activate after only 1 hit, guarantees a mount or two every hunt
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, damage, etc., almost never benefiting the monster
>You have access to your full box even during hunts
>The temporal mantle automatically dodges any attacks that would launch you the same way adept did but without player input
>Other mantles can give things like a full health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, like Diablos with a 40 MV in its horns for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head
>THE CHANGES ABOVE AREN'T INHERENTLY NEGATIVE AND WOULD BE FINE WERE THE GAME DESIGNED IN A DIFFERENT WAY, however, the monsters themselves are slower and less aggressive when compared to old gens, they rarely string moves together and have slow and predictable attacks in general, Pink Rathian is a good example
>To add challenge added tempered monsters, who are just like regular monsters (slow as ever) with inflated damage, that's it, it's difficult to even notice the difference for most monsters
>And then there's Arch Tempered monsters, which have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal), raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) give it one badly designed move (Nerg) and/or make them spam AoE attacks (Xeno). These are badly designed monsters made just for challenge’s sake, not a proper way to address the difficulty complaint.

Continuing on the next post

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You forgot 4, v is filled to the brim with low effort shitposters now.

Dude, the few left on it are mostly shovelware.

Iceborne beta threads had nothing but hunts discussion, and the copypasta shitposting usually get deleted since its ignored and reported. When there's nothing to do, that's when shitposting is prevailing.

>Everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental weakspots
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth using, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>It can't be overstated how awful Zorah is, it might surprise you that it was the monster the team worked the hardest on, requiring a separate division just for it
>Lavasioth was changed from a fun fight to a half assed attempt at giving it the Agnaktor gimmick but without anything that make both it or Lavasioth great
>And Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace and a representation of everything wrong with World. AoE spam, annoying gimmicks, inflated damage, tremors, awful design, you name it. It's attempts to imitate the gameplay styles of MMOs failed completely simply because Monster Hunter wasn't designed to be an MMO
>Extreme Behemoth is everything just mentioned above except 2x worse, much like the ATs, it’s challenge for challenge's sake without the thought needed to make it fun to being with
>Leshen is the exact same as Behemoth except somehow worse, this time it doesn't even attempt to be like a MH monster
>And Kulve is a massive waste of potential. What could’ve been a fun and challenging fight against a huge monster similar to Ukanlos ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U, but they also happen to be the best weapons in the game
>it's a timed event monster as well

Continuing on the next post

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when is best bird coming back?

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Pretty much this.

Everything needs to be shitposting ironically vs shitposting unironically now.

it begins. My favorite part of MH threads

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>In case you have noticed the "It's not nintendo Reee" has literally never been a thing.
You misunderstand, I don't mean that it's coming from Nintendo fans but it not being on Nintendo systems is a defense for criticism and thus fuel for shitposting.

>Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss
>Their attempt to fix it with the AT resulted in a damage sponge that spams so much AoE that it looks like it would fit right in a frontier game
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, it’s not a matter of just going into the loading zone, now you need to follow it through the entire map as it makes its way unnaturally to another zone, you can throw pods into the monster to stop it, but this results in you fighting it in basically a corridor
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, turf wars take you away from hunts, basically a cutscene that triggers in the middle of the hunt, and are always very unnatural and robotic, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you, forcing you to waste your time throwing dung pods and waiting, it gets old very fast
>Most of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it, only a few of them become original models later
>New skill system removes negative skills and makes so you can both fit in a ton of skills, contributing to the power creep and that using full sets almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. Alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic because both usually have the same skills on them and look almost the same
>They went for a generic orchestral soundtrack that fails to match the quality of the older tracks, this includes the music for past monsters, which was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>Event related emotes and stickers cost money as well
>Event quests only available only during a certain timeframe. This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame, like the gamma armor from ATs
>Guild and village quests were merged, worsening multiplayer and lowering the amount of quests

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>final iceborne trailer
>its over
>suddenly a phone is ringing in the black screen
>jho grunt
He's in bois

>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the game can see for themselves
>Playing the story missions with other people requires you to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal and only then having people join
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting with people you know nothing about who will leave as soon as the monster is dead
>SoS system doesn’t work though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation needlessly complicated. The system is broken, and it still hasn't been fixed
>They killed all sense of comradery the older games had thanks to the many changes to the way multiplayer works, people don't talk, don't interact and aren't even visible to your outside of the quests most of the time
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Armor fusion removed, new system limits the player on what sets they can wear based on event quests that may go away at any time
>Only 1 palico, no different classes
>Seasonal events are a joke, their armors are not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the event quests are mostly worthless
>Item sets are hidden behind a number of menus, radial menu is tied to the item set loadouts, can’t see what monster parts you have from the box itself

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While I 100 percent agree with you, world is still pretty fun. Finding the monster is dumb and the mess of the forest level is awful, but the snow map feels more like a true monster hunter map. Same with the desert one. I still prefer 4u or gu, but world is fun every now and again

>QoL improvements are not flaws
I was going to give you a snarky response but I want to check something, what do you think MHW added in that regard?

>World having fun designs
Naw best you'll get is the fat sack of shit lizard or the dumbass flash dino. World was a lot of fun, but the new monsters are ass.

>Do you have to have finished the story in Monster Hunter World or can you just jump right into the new stuff?
>Right when you download Iceborne you can start playing with the new mechanics added to the game, but for the story you have to finish Monster Hunter World first.
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

>Deluxe kit necessary for new, unique armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, the timed event quests are back and the willingness of the MH team to keep doing anti-consumer practices as long as they can get away with it
>Banbaro is a Barroth reskin with a slightly different charge gimmick. When talking about it, the developers only focused on the visual and ecology aspects of the monster, only mentioning how it only charges at the hunter, so don't expect a good fight
>Beotodus is a Lavasioth reskin, looks more aggressive but this is world, so don't expect much
>They use the same animations in the turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus
>When talking about Nargacuga, the developers focused on irrelevant non-combat aspects, such as how it moves and its turf war with rathalos. Looked slower as well.
>Velkhana looks like another reuse of the Kushala skeleton, except, unlike vaal, it doesn't look unique. In the trailer it is shown using AoE spam on the hunter
>The devs focused on talking about how good the graphics look and the endemic life, not about the gameplay, which is worrisome
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, new music sounds bad
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, GS can stun monsters mid combo, etc. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance

Feel free to add to the list

Attached: 1558281285598.png (1280x720, 1M)

Oh right, true.

Personally I want another Switch MH because I really enjoyed the portable aspect.

doing a quick hunt in my break or during road trips was fun.

World isn't my favorite by a long shot, but god the desert map is great.

Don't bother, the guy who posted that originally has long sinced stopped caring. This new guy is just looking to stir shit.

>shilling this hard
Don't forget to sage and move on anons.

World is pretty fun but it's also pretty flawed, hopefully Capcom can iron out some of the flaws instead of doubling down on them but we'll have to wait until World 2/Gen 6 to see

Attached: 1525193569986.png (640x675, 165K)

>QoL improvements are not flaws
True. You don't know what QoL means though.

This. I would always play PSP and 3ds at my friends house so we could chat and eat snacks together.
Still do with Gen U but really wish it wasnt an upscaled 3ds game.

Bloodborne and uhhhhh

The thing is that there are people who think that things like the scoutflies ARE QoL when actual QoL is stuff like the training area.

>Personally I want another Switch MH because I really enjoyed the portable aspect.
I mean, don't get me wrong, World is alright at times but it doesn't beat getting done friends over and chilling out with a few local hunts.

wait you serious? No wonder the shitposting slipped my filters

Attached: This twisted hunt needs to be reset.jpg (1400x1020, 484K)

Nintenfags hated the fatalis, what the fuck are you about?

...What shit are you smoking?

Nobody hated Fatalis you fucking inbred.

What are you talking about fag?

A lot of people want that. The previous games definitely have things about them that World's style just can't replicate, and even people who enjoyed World will generally admit this. They're just not the same sort of game and there isn't really any reason why they can't co-exist.

Training area, in-game wiki, join mid hunt(but not SOS), universal box, armor preview are all good things. Open maps were good in theory but half of the maps suffer from it, shit like Ancient Forest is insufferable, but Wastes and Elder Recess truly feel like classic MH maps but open.

It's why I am convinced the Portable series will get a revival.

And XX being a test of MT framework on the Switch.

Vergeben guy said that there is a new MH for switch in development.
Dunno if hes been wrong before, but he had all the smash characters, and even Microsoft's e3 all correct.
Hopefully we get a teaser this year

Portable MH still has a community that Capcom shouldn't ignore, but most likely will since they are willfully ignorant of Switch's success in Japan.
Iceborne is being made by the GU team and the main team is probably already working on World 2. Portable Monster Hunter ends with GU.

>Nintenfags hated the fatalis
You're joking right? They're probably the last people who hate Fatty.

God i hope so, i'm a sucker for MH regardless of platform and playing on bed is comfy as hell

Attached: 1525135175776.jpg (523x565, 131K)

>armor preview are all good things.
That's always existed.

That doesn't really mean much as far as rank goes. There'd be nothing stopping them from starting by adding onto HR and then having a story beat where you step up to MR.

>And XX being a test of MT framework on the Switch.
Why would they need to test it when several games already use it? GU even uses the same version of MT2 as World.

Only on a part by part basis.

Considering World blends single player and guild into one, you HAVE beat the initial story mode.

Think about it friend. Classic MH playstyle, world QOL and it won't have 3ds hardware limitations.
The Perfect monster hunter could be happening

God they're going to gimp Fatalis so fucking hard.

Attached: 1525363273564.jpg (417x749, 63K)

I'm on PC, how many extra months after release will I have to wait to see him?

It’s pasta, user. Filter him like everybody else, see how he’s no getting any (you)s.

>monster comes to MHW
how about wait for the fucking thing to come out

I've seen many self proclaimed "vets" say they'll never go back to previous MH games because they can't move while healing or use items.

I think Capcom just severely underestimated the Switch after the massive failure that was the Wii U. Now that it's proving to be a big success they'll probably start being kinder to it.

>Considering World blends single player and guild into one
I absolutely hate that because all it did was put a pay wall between the player and the hardest possible versions of the monsters.

"Winter", which could be as early as December or as late as February. Maybe even later.

... That was my point?

GU is the most recent version of MT and a good testbed to see if it needs more work for the switch.

I unironically think scoutflies are a QoL improvement. I just wish there was a way to turn them off.

It's always been a huge barrier for newer players to initially find a monster and to keep track of a monster when it vertically takes off like an osprey and flies somewhere else, especially in older games where monster sky paths weren't exactly connected in intuitive ways. A lot of newer hunters didn't understand paintballs and psychoserums. Not only that, but those two things, plus a map, which was needed to actually give context to the big glowing area the painted monster went to because area connections could be really unintuitive as well, took up inventory space. Maybe this is outdated information since I hadn't really played since MHF2. Maybe other gens tuned these barriers.

Having a vague guide for new players to pick up clues for the monsters location, and then track it when it flies away, is great. There is no actual flaw here unless you're some retarded gatekeeping elitist.

The only real issue with them is the visual clutter and annoying camera jerking once a player has lost the need for their assistance. Which could be solved by being able to turn them off.

It's been 2 years already and they've released jack shit. Where's fucking AA7

Updated with demo thoughts

>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, and the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance

Feel free to add to the list

>self proclaimed "vets"
It's funny that they think it makes them seem like long time players when having to claim they're vets to justify themselves is usually the give away that they aren't.

>several old monsters gimped when World came out already
>"wow bro just wait for the game to come out"
Quit being delusional.

Fun fact: this dude was outed samefagging replies in /vg/ which led to a mass deletion and ban on this autist. That's why you never see the pasta in the /vg/ generals

He's legit mad as fuck for 2 years straight.

Attached: 1520286336768.png (125x141, 44K)

>A lot of newer hunters didn't understand paintballs and psychoserum
>Throw ball at monster, know where monster is for the next ten minutes, throw ball again
>Drink drink, know where monster is
If people didn't understand that I'm surprised they even managed to turn the game on.

Imagine being this sick in the head.

imagine not filtering this retard

People were shitting on it along side the other gen 1 and 2 returning monsters in 4u.

Stop being a bitch

Then they aren't vets now are they?
I legit didn't like that part about world. However. Infinite whetstone was very nice!


>Maybe other gens tuned these barriers.
Well aside from using better flying patterns instead of 1 and 2's more random style the only thing I can think of is waving at the airship to see where the monster is.

That’s kind of impressive, in a sad way.

so winter as in a year after release? legit sounds believable knowing capcom

I know that, but not all of them. Good example is when everyone thought Tigrex will get neutered cause LOL WHERE MUH DAMAGING ROAR for 2 days straight until the beta came out and it actually had damaging roars.

Bottom line is, stop assuming shit until its solid

Attached: sleep tight, nerg.png (500x500, 123K)

>He's legit mad as fuck for 2 years straight.
What did you expect?
Everyone saw through his Nintendo shitposting.

Just filter him bro. Don’t give him (you)s. Maybe in two more years he’ll get tired of it.

... No, people were shitting on Gen 1 and 2 monsters because they're fucking shit.

The Fatalis fight is fine, if a little dull.

Imagine defending Iceborne

But Tigrex has been neutered. Sure he runs less in direct straight lines but he's still only doing damaging roars when enraged and seems to roar less when enraged.

>and it actually had damaging roars.
In rage.
When in every other game he could do it any time.

imagine being angry at other people having fun for 2 years

The real damage will be seen if the LGB isn't a little tank.

fuck you man, at least Rick Roll properly

Attached: 30729934_1925940097718102_5598910004036894720_n.png (763x960, 539K)

The fuck are you taking about?
The only monsters people complained about were Gravios, Khezu and Garuga. The first two only because they're so fucking boring.

It's because hitboxes in 1 and 2 were trash. See plesioth.
But with the new installments they fixed it. I always expect to get hit in GU cause I'm so used to the broken hitboxes of 1 and 2

>mhw gimps old monsters
>watch gameplay from previous MH game
>nonstop clipping, janky animations, dumb AI

What did the consolewarfags mean by this?

That still doesn't mean it will only be MR though. Iceborne will have it's own story to it so that likely means they will start you off in HR and then blend it into MR midway through Iceborne's story, just like they did with MHW's story. Some monsters will probably ONLY be available in MR but that statement still in no way equates to the entirety of Iceborne being MR only.

>nonstop clipping, janky animations, dumb AI
You haven't played World have you.

>No replies

That things like that haven't changed, and people just want monsters who don't fall over to a stiff breeze?

filters are magical

>Fatalis fight is fine
He was nerfed real hard, a complete pussy.
Only Crimson got better in gen 4.

>Iceborne will have it's own story to it so that likely means they will start you off in HR
What makes you say that? No other game has you finish a HR quest to get to G.

>has follow-ups to his charges that actually hits shit
>does Molten's triple charge without tripping over itself on the last hit
>hits hard
>is fast
Shut the ever loving fuck up Gen babies. You have been fighting the shitty gutted Portable Turd Tigrex for YEARS. Your Tigrex is an absolute bitch, World is the closest Tigrex has gotten to his original strength and I will take it

If it was filtered you wouldn't have replied to it



I just want Gore Magala, is that too much to ask for?

Attached: 1520976864659.jpg (576x394, 61K)

The gear you get in the DLC will be better than the golden dragon thot gacha machine, right?

Well the base armor in the iceborne beta had around 690 defense, so do with that what you will

>Shut the ever loving fuck up World babies

Not sure how that is different from the way MH has has been done in the past. The first game of a new gen has never had G-rank. That always got added with the new version which was only ever sold as a standalone game with no save transfer ability, meaning you had to buy another full priced game AND play your way through it all again to get to the hardest versions of the hunts. You're probably only bitching because the western regions always skipped the first game and only got the updated versions so you never had to worry about it but this is nothing new for the series and fans have been blindly defending it for decades.

>Doesn't do charge into roar
>Almost never does the leap
>No double spin

If you think World Tigrex is difficult and not just an extension of LR Tigrex then you're not very smart.

Tigrex in World is basically a running machine; He barely uses half of his toolkit now.

Why wouldn't it?

Until Master Kulve yes.

And you still got your shit slapped

Just confirming my suspicions so I don't feel like grinding Kulve.

>Portable Third butchered original Tigrex just to promote Brute
I'll never not be mad at this, just like Portable Third halved Tri Diablos's moveset just to bring back Black Blos

>The first game of a new gen has never had G-rank
Retard. Lobby monsters deal more damage and have more hp, this isn't about g-rank but the fact that you can't play them offline or solo.

Yes, because now we have P L O T and so Gore, Shagaru and frenzy virus all have to fit into it.

> ears already damaged by sanic shitposting back in the days

made me smile though

Maybe it's the fact that MHW is heavily structured around its campaign progression instead of dumping you there and cutting you loose? We know for a fact that Iceborne has its own campaign. It stands to reason it's going to be structured similarly to the original but because the original ends on HR, they will likely start Iceborne in HR with no LR hunts whatsoever and blend it midway into MR.

Nah I played LGB and Longsword.

World Tigrex can't compete with mobility creep. Maybe if he did his leap more.

>muh hitboxes
>why can't I stay between monster's legs with no risk

Attached: 590.jpg (640x640, 33K)

>Maybe it's the fact that MHW is heavily structured around its campaign progression instead of dumping you there and cutting you loose?
Except World does the same thing, quests that increase rank are one tier higher than your current rank. For example Zorah being HR.

The difficulty criticism is always polarizing. Every time a new monster is added on MHW, its always met with TOO FUCKING HARD NERF WHEN? starting with Deviljho.

Imagine the master rank version would do to them. Imagine the countless screams like Tempered Jho

Attached: G-rank time.gif (500x375, 938K)

>Anyone getting their shit slapped when Tigrex can't punish diagonal runners with a leap from range.

Gore will probably be in IB with Shaggy coming at a later date

>why can't I stay between monster's legs with no risk
Worldfags everyone.
When people complain about hitboxes the usual offender are hip checks and how they can hit you even if you're on the other side of the monster.

Delete these posts, please

>Defending Plesioth hipcheck

>have to wait until september for Icebrone to release and threads go back to honts
If only people learn to stop biting bait in the meantime. I don't wanna depend on /vg/ of all fucking places

Attached: Tzi-Tzi attacks a hunter.gif (220x165, 488K)

there's a huge library of high-quality ps4 exclusive titles. enough game to make getting a ps4 worth it

Attached: autism.gif (460x246, 2.12M)

the biggest problem with world is just how strong heavy bow gun is outclasses basically every other weapons, but at least its the most boring to play

>most boring
LBG would like a word with you

>The difficulty criticism is always polarizing
I wouldn't say it's polarising so much as MHW introduced a lot of newcomers so where we can see that they're easier they wouldn't because it's their only experience with it.

I think it's obvious that Zinogre's the next Iceborne reveal

Attached: 1526889757788.jpg (970x1083, 303K)

while true, I've seen a damn lot of vets having issues with Tempered Jho, Lunastra, and Bagel juice (during launch week)

>trampling damages
K dude

Attached: 1556372815222.png (800x721, 23K)

I am 100% sure that once the sequel to MHW is out many criticisms will be dealt with, now that many people have been introduced the difficulty can be ramped up again

>there's a huge library of high-quality ps4 exclusive titles
Not really, it's pretty much just GR2, Bloodborne and actually I can't think of any good ones after that.

It'll be everyone's favorite monster.


Filter him, retard.

I don't understand how that changes what I said. The campaign in MHW is split in half. The first half of it is entirely LR quests while the latter half is all HR quests. You are required to follow the main story quests to get to new areas and cause new monsters and hunts specifically for those monsters to appear. Iceborne's campaign will no doubt be similar in that it will be split with the first portion being HR quests and then it will transition into MR quests and you will be required to follow through the main story quests in order to access everything in the expansion.

Imagine having reading comprehension this poor.

i agree that's why i only mentioned HBG, LBG brings at least some risk to the user since they don't have access to shields and a never ending bombardment as soon as the monster flinches

>Not enjoying being the most tacticool dude ever.

>>Doesn't do charge into roar
That's Brute/Molten Tigrex with the *INHALES* roar

>Iceborne's campaign will no doubt be similar in that it will be split with the first portion being HR quests and then it will transition into MR quests
You've given no explanation as to why you think that.

World missed some of the nice filler monsters like Azuros

I'd like to see a Polar Azuros though bears are cool.

Who /CBmasterrace/ here?

Attached: The absolute state of mhg.png (1280x796, 526K)

>Every Gogmazios weapon, but mostly the greatsword, even if they're totally outclassed
>Tri's village

Attached: MH4U-Great_Sword_Render_022.png (175x195, 17K)

Swear he can do the inhale roar while enraged in 4U.

It's been a while though, my point about the leap still stands though.

He needs the flying sperg to deal with long range dudes.

>The first half of it is entirely LR quests while the latter half is all HR quests.
Yeah, if anything that's more proof that they'd just drop in MR

Only MH games I've ever played are MHFU, MH4U, and MHW. I recently got the switch along with MHGU

What am I in for? any non-bias pros and cons? Also, MHW really removed any reason for me to replay FU. Fuck PSP controls. I can handle MH4U thanks to an accessory

Attached: 1523411367763.gif (560x370, 1.36M)

Tbh the flying leap is often easier to avoid than a straight charge since he lands too far/too short on slopes in 4U and Gen already.
If they adjusted for that then sure why not.

>What am I in for
Basically 4U+.

Yes, and the nazi party was extremely popular. Your point?

Oh cool, a monster hunter thre-
>300 replies of Nintendo fans screaming like children
Jesus christ will you people fuck off already.

The thing that made Flying leap good was it always forced positional changes.

He used to do it often leaping AWAY from the Hunters then starting a charge run.

While World Tigrex seems to steer better with charges he lacks little tricks like that to bait people into the path of his spergasms.

Bad analogy

GU is pretty much the last one you should play, don't bother going back further.
Playing older MHs will just be more of the same monsters but with tediously large HP values, worse hitboxes, less content, less features, etc.

Yours is the only post crying here in quite a while , non-new IP

It has alot of content, sometimes it falls flat, sometimes it doesn't.

Styles and Arts actually add to the game; Valor Longsword for example feels better at the "counter strike" idea than World's idea unless ia attacks are fun.

Great analogy. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good.

The point user made originally was that grinding is a very bad thing in is opinion. It IS essentially a waste of your time as a human being undoubtedly. And the rebuttal was poor and simply said "but it's popular"

So was the black death! Guess it was a good thing

He always does this. Despite posting the I don't think about you image all he can think about is Nintendo even when they aren't there.

>brb travelling to the new world to fuck rathian

Attached: 1464184872040.jpg (1140x969, 133K)

>Styles and Arts actually add to the game
>literal EZ modo button
>comparing a video game to a fucking plague
Just use the CoD/FIFA analogy jesus christ

Attached: 1489637537368.jpg (283x288, 26K)

Plesioth hipcheck problem was overblown.

It was absolutely that bad
It's still goofy as fuck with his big tootpick legs, his body isn't actually what's hitting you at all
They should've replaced it with old Lavasioth's bellyflop into a slide ages ago.

>literal EZ modo button
Except you still have to hit the monster to use them.

I think Iceborne Barioth looks pretty nice
except for the muted orange, fuck that

Attached: 1562094899858.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

What the fuck kind of name is fatalis? Monhun was a mistake.

Not only is Hoarfrost master rank only, they already confirmed all the added monsters in iceborne are master rank only. So no, you won't be fighting low or high rank nargacuga in the ancient forest either.

Kind of looks like someone squashed his nose.

That lack of orange is fucking heresy.

fucking KEK

Why are his ears now all hard?

They always were. He's got the same weird goblin ears on the side of his head that Rathalos does

What's there to kek about?

>Arch Tempereds
>Having to grind 500 times harder than GU or even 4U just to finish a set due to decos.
Fucking no. The only reason I'll be playing it is on the grounds of my non-MH playing friends finally getting into it with World. It's comfy having a full squad that isn't -total- ass.

can you put it in a food analogy

Although I'd rather have craftable gems back, you don't need a perfect pile of gems to make a usable set any more than you needed a perfect charm.

The fated four are in.

Attached: 1561144767848.png (1695x1048, 3.87M)

Paintballs don't explicitly state how long they last, so a lot of newer players don't know if or when they should reapply them and can lose the monster if it wears off when leaving or after having left.

Psychoserums are like a lot of other never-mentioned consumables/craftables where newer players don't even know about them.

khezu (practically confirmed), beotodus, banbaro, and barioth. It's the monsters of hoarfrost.

That's them alright.

Attached: 1495660364439.jpg (1200x879, 426K)

Literally just mentally ill Sony fanboys reposting the same shit for months. They're also on /mhg/ console warring.

All they prove is that Sony fans are the worst and were a mistake, meanwhile no one gives a shit about MHGU (frankly, only few about MHW still either).

And I don't think the games ever told you that you can wave at the airship once per quest to get a ping on the monster's location either.

>mentally unstable people still spamming their retarded texts when one superior picture exists and an official flaw list with everyone contributing

Attached: 1559190711177.jpg (2880x2870, 3.11M)

>meanwhile no one gives a shit about MHGU
Well, there are people here who but we can't really talk about it without the usual console warring idiota

Honestly almost all of World's updated monster models are fantastic, the muted colours are the only thing holding most of them back.

Now I'm motivated!

Attached: 1470440097545.jpg (336x506, 26K)

Whats with the copious amounts of shitposting that always takes place in these threads. You all play or have played Gen and world. I'm sure Everyone will give iceborn a go at some point too

another one for the filter


>People keep responding to obvious bait that's been posted a shit-ton of times.

I have to think it's the person responding to themselves to stir it up.

the odo weapons all look so cool, I just wish the dual blades were better

>You all play or have played Gen and world
Most of the people doing the shitposting have played neither, or any other Monster Hunter game for that matter

The list is
>Harder to ignore
>Can derail World threads easily
>Makes Worldfags furious
>Is way more objective and doesn't use memes or childish language

So kill yourself

did anyone ever make like this over persona 5?

The GS used to have these glowing monolith looking weapons that where sick.

a man of taste i see

I hope the final version of the Lance looks good. The weapons with shields suffer the most from "monster bits pasted on" when the shape of the shield doesn't match the shape of the monster bits. The Kulve Odo Lance looks so much better than the regular one since the skin actually fits on the shield properly.

It is /in/ Iceborne.

Attached: 1499292901203[1].jpg (640x480, 404K)

>Whats with the copious amounts of shitposting that always takes place in these threads
Console warring.

No but we do need more Electric monsters and he'd be an easy fit for the new zone.

>Astalos made it

Attached: 1536164758794.gif (450x253, 1.42M)

He got soft confirmed by Game Informer

>list hasn't been updated after the trailer, since pretty much every news is an improvement

>could’ve brought back Gigginox, aka the better Khezu
>nah, just bring this limp dick penis monster again who has by far the worst fight in the series for being so boring
Some things are better left in the past.

Explain further

holy shit, also where's gammoth?

Attached: big mac.png (511x544, 253K)

It basically got soft leaked a couple of days ago user, is 100% /in/.

>Astalos with World's lightning effects
>Gammoth in a game where the camera can actually pull back like it does on Nerg and Xeno sometimes

Attached: konchu.gif (500x500, 350K)

>this thread

Attached: 1555704762231.jpg (500x366, 40K)

thanks for admitting your intent of derailing threads

It's only fair. Worldfags derail every MH thread they see with console warring, so you might as well post the list on their threads.


Aside from there seemingly being four carvings I'm not seeing any real resemblance to the fated four at all


khezu bros

There is no fucking way all these monsters are coming, World has the lowest monster count for a reason, expect half of these monsters you're all talking about to show up at BEST, and not a single one of the fated four to be in.

Left is clearly a leviathan, top is a Wyvern of some kind. Pose looks kinda similar to Astalos before his big fully charged divebomb but I wouldn't put too much stock in that with how abstract the carvings are
Right really doesn't resemble anything besides Gammoth or maaaaybe Khezu but it doesn't show any wings so it's probably not that.
Bottom is the most abstract but it could potentially be Glavenus slashing with his tail.

>not a single fated four
>glavenus confirmed
ok retard

fucking retard

4 to 4U added 23 large monsters (including recolors) so it's not completely out of the question. Usually there's like 2-4 all new monsters, a ton of returning ones, and powered up recolors of several of the gen's new monsters.

>inb4 it's Gigginox

Bottom is the clearest. It's Beotodus swimming through snow.

that's an Anteka, a Cortos, and the final carving could either be Velkhana, Dalamadur (if the thing breaking through the ice is supposed to be a tail instead of just a tree), or a new monster.

Nah, that would be too cool, Dalamadur is the only giant monster I like.

Dala is a monster that could happen, after-all the entire top half of Rotten Vale is a single dead Dalamadur they somehow find a way to get to the New World. Then again, this is like Shen Gaoren in Jurassic Frontier

>Screen no longer being 90% Gammoth butt during the hunts
>Zooming out during Glavenus's charged slash
>Astalos implementing the "knock into a wall" recovery in world
>Mizutsune's bubbles still being 2d

Attached: 1560705886851.gif (320x240, 164K)

>after-all the entire top half of Rotten Vale is a single dead Dalamadur


The rotten vale is made up of a few dalamadur corpses.

World's got a pretty robust use of particle effects, I think they could handle some bubbles

>still no iceborne pc date

Attached: sadcat.png (112x112, 20K)

>after-all the entire top half of Rotten Vale is a single dead Dalamadur
And there's a fuckton of dalamadur tails going down the caverns, along with two smaller skulls by the acid pools. There's a fuckton of dead dalas there, so finding a living one is very possible.

>Nintendocunt since Worlds announcement have been shitting up threads with their autism
>Suddenly it's not a "competition"
This is why noone can stand insufferable Nintendoscumbags. Constant goalpost moving from you fucks

Dude did you not notice the giant skulls the fangs you can drop are attached to? Plus the blue acid filling the bottom layer, and the glowing blue rock in the back corner of Odogaron's nest is from Dalamadur's meteor attack

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Changing the facts as usual. Nintendo fanboys shit up world threads constantly. You get what you deserve. Also
every fucking time

It's because many of those criticisms originally were paired with
>MH___ for the {Nintendo console} is way better
People connect the dots

Meh the wait is worth playing at a stable framerate


That is a spinoff game though, it doesnt even feel like monster hunter, just special move QTE simulator

Can a shitty AMD Ryzen 3 GPU run MHW?

Don't reply to obvious sonyfags.

>Astalos and Mizutsune making it into Iceborne
Yes please.

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>MH___ for the {Nintendo console} is way better
Which never happened. People associated it with Nintendo because they saw it was a good way to divert criticism.

Well, feel free to point them out, little console warring subhuman

>That is a spinoff game though
So, do you consider Resi 2r a spin off?

Mizu is a shitty monster and it should stay in Gen, never to return unless they fucking fix it's god awful claw bounciness, you don't even hit it's claws yet you fucking bounce, is bullshit.

>MH___ for the {Nintendo console} is way better
>People connect the dots
If they could connect the dots then you would see that Nintendo and the Nintendo MH games were only ever mentioned when people were trying to defend world.

Agnaktor when

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Newfag here, I gotta question. Why are all the monsters dragons/dinosaurs? How about some variety? That's one thing Dauntless got right.

>Why are all the monsters dragons/dinosaurs?
They aren't. World just has shit for variety.

Alright faggots.
While I'm waiting for iceborne to drop should i...
>replay MH Freedom Unite
>buy MH XX and play that
Money is not a concern but time is limited

MHW is lackluster in monster variety, there are also giant bugs, giant crabs, giant apes, giant squids.

They’re all perfect.

Mizu is top tier, you need to improve.
The way its fluid movements all coil and wrap around you leaving a small safezone is great. It always feels good to get the positioning right and be completely safe as Mizu misses and stops with its head directly in front ready for a smashing. If you know where to stand you can pre-charge hammers or GS way in advance like it's MHFU all over again. So satisfying.

Obviously buy XX

I'd say XX if you want something new.

The tailwhip was also bad

That's a world problem. Previous monster hunters had tons of other creatures like rabbits, boars, owls, fish, snakes, crabs, tons of varied stuff. World's roster sucked.

>do all that prediction shit
>bounce because of shitty massive claw hitzone
Is shit.

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Capcom's definition of a spin-off is fucked, they consider all G-Rank games to be spin-offs as well for whatever reason.


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The tail whip was worse than the hip check IMO. I just use lance or bow when fighting plesi in FU. Thankfully he's less frustrating in later entries (and surprise surprise is a complete joke of a fight when it can't rely on sketchy hitboxes).

Why does nobody remember the Third God?
First mentioned in P3rd, it's canon

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I've never had that problem with any weapon. Which are you trying to use?

We need the true chinboi to show shitty uragaan who's boss. Ukanlos was always cool pun intended

Lance, the chadest weapon of them all.

I could fuck him up big time with a LBG but that's just cheap.

Love how they always repond with question about the PC version with something that is pretty much "We sold our soul to Sony"

Good news everyone

that's fucking lame!

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Use an elemental lance if you want to break them, preferably thunder or dragon. They're pretty resistant to raw, and you'll always bounce easily, but they melt under elemental attacks. I play a lot of lance too and don't have any issues navigating past the claws to mash on its face solo (or further down the body in co-op if there's a hammerfren playing too). A couple of sidehops will get you where you need to be with enough time to get a triple poke in. You have your counter if it starts to try and interrupt you which it rarely will.

I know how to lance and kill him between 8~13 minutes solo, but is still bullshit, like Najarala but more annoying.

You autistically shitpost to no end because of one sperg in a place you don't even visit based on an image with dubious authenticity? How many levels of subhuman are you?

Hol up, I love card games.

Also worth mentioning, if you ever play alongside SNS or horn, they can use their mind's eye to strip the claws in no time to free up your openings. Obviously guns can too. Let the lobby know before jumping in the quest if it causes you that much of a problem. Lance probably isn't ideal for you if it takes up to 13 mins to take down a mizu solo.

how do y'all niggas play MH on 3ds?
I just don't get it the screen is so small and these games are really fucking long

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Which monster would you fugg?

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Subhuman enough to defend a franchise that hasn't changed in 15 years

It takes me 13 only when that faggot water fox put his gay ass claws on the way, I also use sub-par lances that look cool even if there are better options.

pretty cool digits

Probably nerg or nargacuga

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daily reminder you can immmediately tell if an iceborne thread is genuine by the amount of consolewarring in it

Rathalos's wife

Learn how to read, subhuman.

There's only like 2 giant bug monsters and 2 crabs sadly

Zinogre probably.

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MHGU bombed so fucking hard on Switch, despite Nintendies parading the the game to everyone for being an exclusive. It goes to show that most toddlers never play and give a fuck about the series itself, they just like having the games as exclusives to gloat to other playerbase.

As a girl, though.


Dont remember that one.

Any primates announced yet? How the fuck are they not prioritizing Rajang? He's a fan favourite, and is pretty much universally loved by fans casual, or hardcore, new, or old. No way he doesn't make the cut into World.


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They'll make him a post launch monster just like Jho

>Own PC + PS4 + Switch + 3DS XL
>PS4 only has Bloodborne and MHW
>Switch only has MHGU
>3DS XL only has MH3U, MH4U, MHGen, and RF4
>all three are in a state of neglect and covered in dust now
Being an idort is such a meme. If those games were on PC, I won't even think of getting a console.

He's a bit more of an end game monster than Jho though, they should give him more of Lunastra treatment, you know, without turning him into a Frontier fight that is.

They're only re-using skeletons that are already in World, it seems.


>Stable framerate
I don't know about you, but I get drops from 60 to 50 in Astera and half of the Ancient Forest (occasionally in other maps too). I don't think my specs are all that awful either and I'm running the game at a little above medium settings.
>GTX 1070 8GB

m-m-muh 10 million...

Honestly that's pretty good considering it's a port of a re-release, and in the case of the western version a ridiculously late localisation as well.


Why can I never find anyone doing AT quests? With an average low of 15k, you would think that it would be easy finding SOSes for them or easily get people to join an SOS, but for some reason I can never find an SOS or get more than 2 people to join mine. I never had this problem on PS4.

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So, does this confirm that Gigginox will be in Iceborne, and she uses Tigrex skeleton too.

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Buy a switch and nintendo online subscription, stupid gaijin.

Citra + English patch if you actually need it

Nah it'll just be the electric penis literally nobody but contrarians wants back.

It's Khezu

I refuse to pay for gay ass online mode, I rather keep playing MHXX.

bepnis :DDD

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I hope you didin't make this just to post it on this cesspool

It's shit and these horrible threads are the only thing it deserves

No, it won't
World forever ruined the series on Yea Forums, it tapped into sonyfag and Nintendofag autism

Why can't I skip cutscenes
Why can't people watch the cutscenes with me if they were able to do so in 4u
Why can't I do that Ryozo
Are you too busy making piscine wyverns to actually fix your fucking game?

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QoL like the worst hub in the series and a worse multiplayer experience than a 3DS title

I would buy shitborne just to see gigginox beat the everliving shit out of khezu


>When they butchered the crafting system so you have to fight some shitty low rank monster you never even fought to make another monster's weapon
>When you can't skip cutscenes in a fucking AAA game
I mean yeah picking berries while you run is nice and all I guess

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Gigginox literally lays eggs when you're fighting her, how the fuck can a male monster do that?

Hermaphrodites are a thing

You don’t know shit about nature, clearly.

It's amazing watching Nintendo revisionists first hand.

Learn English pajeet

Barioth not Kirin

>When they butchered the crafting system so you have to fight some shitty low rank monster you never even fought to make another monster's weapon
But this has been in the previous games. You toddlers are grasping so hard. Are you getting more desperate as we get closer to Iceborne launch?


I don't remember needing velocidrome weapons to craft Rathalos weapons
Does Ryozo pay you or something?

Didin't your skank of a mother teach you not to lie?

>tfw miss the old Arcade style of MH pre-MHXX/GU
Even everything Post-FU feels "different". Not sure how to put it, but the older titles influences were much more apparent.

Tried playing Freedom Unite. It sucked.
World is the only good game in the series.


It's literally just trolls and underage, edgy middle-schoolers insecure about their parent-bought piece of plastic that push consolewarring.

I WOULD a Tigrex

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good taste

- Chaotic Gore Magala
- Insect Glaive
- Yukumo
- MH4U

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